We’re happy to see you’re back for another dose of dressed-up people and Halloween spirit. Whether you’re looking for holiday inspiration for yourself or just looking for rad pictures online, you’ve come to the right place!
Ol' Married Couple
When Halloween coincides with another major milestone, you might as well make the most of your lucky timing and celebrate it with some humor; everyone will laugh with you!

Embracing stereotypes can fuel interesting discussions on what society thinks and pave the way to a future without typecasting. Funny Halloween Costume Rating: 5 honeymoons out of 1o.
To achieve this look, all you'll need is a purple sweater and purple ribbons; you will also want to secure some makeshift braces. To top off the outfit, you need to put an artificial clownfish in a plastic bag.

To really execute this look, you'll also want to keep your facial expression in an over-excited gaze. Animated Halloween Costume Rating: 7 Nemos out of 1o.
Post Malone
6ix9ine and Post Malone are rappers in hip-hop and they had one of the most extraordinary and lucrative rises to prominence over the past decade of anybody in entertainment.

So naturally, it has become a hot Halloween costume. Sure looks like he's having fun! Musical Halloween Costume Rating: 6 rappers out of 1o.
Instagram Post
These Instagram users had a clever take on their Halloween costumes, with their whole bodies in black and white. It probably took some time to get all the shades right.

As impressive as this looks, we can't help but cringe at how depressing it must have been walking around like an Instagram B&W filter. Instagram Halloween Costume Rating: 7 influencers out of 1o.
This costume is great, and besides the hilarious reference, it’s always touching to see a parent and child collaborating to pull off a costume. Imagine seeing these two walk up to your door!

As little Napoleon seems ready to burst out in dance with his hands still in his pockets, just like in the movie. The Deb costume also comes complete with the makeup box; is there anything this mom didn’t think of? Movie Halloween Costume Rating: 6 nostalgic movies out of 1o.
When Life gives you...
This is a charming take on the phrase, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." This guy is wearing a simple shirt that says "life" and carrying a sack of lemons.

Basically, when life gave him lemons, he made a funny Halloween costume out of it and featured it on our list. Punny Halloween Costume Rating: 7 lemons out of 1o.
Deviled Eggs
Another good food pun, and we're all for these food-related puns! She is dressed like a devil, except with an egg dress. It might not be obvious at first. Once you do a double-take, you'll get it.

It is no surprise that the egg is fried and sunny side up. It does get rather hot in hell. Punny Halloween Costume Rating: 6 eggs out of 1o.
James Bond
So, you have an adorable dog and a tuxedo costume that fits him perfectly. You better make the most of it and dress him up as James Bond, but don't forget the martini at hand!

Not only will he be the center of attention, but he'll definitely be all the rage at your Halloween party. Adorable Halloween costume rating: 9 martinis out of 10 cause he's just so darn cute!
With all the rage around the "Transformers" movie, is it any wonder that kids would want to dress up as their favorite characters on screen? Well, in this case, her parents must have taken it a little too literally and made an electrical energy transfer component.

It's guaranteed that no other kids will dress up like this, making for a very memorable Halloween costume. Punny Halloween costume rating: 7 out of 10 transformers.
Moth to the Flame
All couples know that getting a decent costume together for Halloween can be difficult. This couple, however, was up for the challenge and came up with this creative and original costume that we're all familiar with.

Not only is it perfect for a couple, but it's a refreshingly inventive change of pace when you compare it to most couples' costumes. Creative Halloween costume rating: 7 months out of 10.
One thing we love about dressing dogs up for Halloween is that it can never be boring. If you were to wear a sheet with a few holes cut out for your eyes, it would be pretty uninspired, but if you dress your dog up in it, it's so adorable we could cry!

What's more, this costume is super easy and quick to make for those who may have forgotten about it until it was too late to go to the store. Adorable Halloween costume rating: 8 spooks out of 10.
If you remember the whimsical movie called "Labyrinth" from the 80s, then you'll probably agree that the incredible characters from this fantasy film sure make for an epic Halloween costume idea for a family.

Featuring David Bowie and a host of goblins, it sure made an impression on your childhood, just like these costumes will make in your neighborhood. Whimsical Halloween costume rating: 7 goblins out of 10.
Rick Astley
From his hit song "Never gonna give you up," this kid looks like the spitting image of Rick Astley in that music video. We may be getting older, but this song will never get old, which makes this such a great Halloween costume.

Don't overthink it, if you have red hair and smooth Rick Roll moves, then this should be your next Halloween costume. Viral Halloween costume rating: 7 Rick Astleys out of 10.
Before it inspired Halloween costumes, "E.T." was Steven Spielberg's touching movie that played as both an exciting sci-fi adventure and a remarkable portrait of childhood. What's not to love about this Halloween costume?

If you're a die-hard 80s kid, then this might be a great costume to remember the good old days. Sci-fi Halloween costume rating: 7 aliens out of 10.
Allez Opi Omi!
If you haven't seen the footage of the sign-holding fan who caused a massive crash at the 2021 Tour de France, then you better do so right away. It's terrible and cringe-worthy, but it's also important to understand this costume idea.

The French woman who accidentally took down half the Tour de France cyclists and caused such a stir! Despite the anger over her recklessness, it seems she’s been quite the hit at Halloween costume parties all over the world. Cringe Halloween costume rating: 7 reckless fans out of 10.
Ms. Frizzle
This school bus driver dressed up as Ms. Frizzle for Halloween. She was the main protagonist from the animated "The Magic School Bus" series, who played an eccentric teacher who also drove the bus.

If you happen to drive a bus, then this might be the best costume idea yet! Magical Halloween costume rating: 9 animated adventures out of 10.
Austin Powers
Somehow, somebody invented a time machine that allows you to go back to the 1960s and steal Austin Powers's costume, at your side, you have Foxxy Cleopatra and mini-me which inadvertently makes you the best-dressed family for Halloween.

If James Bond is a little too serious for your taste, then this parody will likely suit you better. Movie Halloween costume rating: 9 secret agents out of 10.
Just because you're too old to trick-or-treat doesn't mean you're too old for Halloween. Take this costume idea as an example from the "Hangover" movie where Zach Galifianakis' character looks after a baby.

All you need to make this costume work is a beard, aviator sunglasses, and a baby to carry in your carrier sling. Movie Halloween costume rating: 5 bachelor parties out of 10.
Addams Family
What a wonderful way for the whole family to embrace their dark side. This is quite possibly one of the most iconic Halloween costumes of all time. It's classic, it's spooky, and it includes the whole family.

If you really want to go for the gold here, be sure to get Gomez that pin-striped suit and have Pugsley's hair perfectly combed and greased. Creepy Halloween costume rating: 9 Wednesdays out of 10.
The Best Stranger Things Cosplay of All Time
One of the most popular shows in recent years is Netflix’s science-fiction horror series Stranger Things. The series follows a group of boys in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana, during the '80s as they investigate and uncover details regarding the disappearance of one of their best friends, as well as the sudden appearance of a girl with special telepathic abilities who helps them during the search.

In case you haven’t guessed it yet, this burly and very large dude just dressed up as Eleven. Yup. This might just be one of the greatest ironic costumes of all time. The costume is accomplished by using Eleven’s iconic clothing, consisting mainly of ‘80s pajamas and a blue raincoat. Sometimes, simple and ironic is the best kind of humor. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 10 out of 10 for the most brilliant costume of the year.
This Snapchat Filter Is the Perfect Horror Movie Makeup
Snapchat became one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with its unique feature of disappearing stories which forces you to constantly create unique content. As of 2019, the app is still one of the most popular apps in the world with about 200 million daily active users. Near the end of 2015, the app introduced one of its most popular features — filters.

This Snapchatter decided to test out how cool the filter would look if it was a real-life thing, and we have to say that the results are as creepy as you’d expect. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 8 rainbow spitting monsters out of 10.
Baby Carrot Is the Cutest Thing in the World
Everyone loves babies, and watching a newborn can make even the most cynical and negative people feel the joy and happiness of a new life. This picture is downright adorable and shows a cute newborn posing as a carrot.

What makes this costume even cooler is that it lets the baby sleep in a very comfortable way while also making him even more adorable than usual. This picture would just make anyone melt in place. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 10 cute newborn carrots out of 10.
A Return to Tradition Is Sometimes the Best Cure
What this guy did was create a fake bowl of cereal around him. He then added massive rainbow-colored cereals into his human-sized bowl and proceeded to even add a massive spoon to the mix. All of this is packed in a comfortable, wearable costume that you can carry around. This is really one of the better costumes we’ve seen in recent years.

We hope this entry helps you find inspiration for your next Halloween holiday, and we believe in you enough to say, “Go out there and create a costume that would make us put you on next year’s list!”. Delicious Halloween Costume Rating: 8 yummy bites out of 10.
Don't Grab That Boat Georgie
Stephen King’s iconic epic horror novel "It" was released in 1986 and caused fans to forever hate clowns and red balloons. Once the novel was turned into a short miniseries in 1990, it began gaining popularity among young millennial audiences. When the film was finally given a proper theatrical run in 2017 by director Andy Muschietti, it turned into a mainstream phenomenon.

The opening scene of the film portrays young Georgie, who loses his paper boat during a stormy day, only to get his hand eaten by Pennywise, the scary clown, when he attempts to retrieve it from a sewer ditch. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 5 points out of 10 for the scare factor, 9 out of 10 for humor.
Starbucks Employees Fight the Unicorn Frappuccino
Starbucks has become one of the most popular coffeehouse chains in the entire world and currently serves over 30,000 locations all around the world. The company released a new frappuccino in 2017 that was completely different than any of its previous frappuccinos. It was called the unicorn frappuccino and had a weird pink color due to its content of pink powder, mango syrup, sour blue drizzle, vanilla whipped cream, and a bit of sweet pink and sour blue powder topping.

This drink was so popular that at one point, you were bound to see hundreds of people walking down the street with a pink coffee cup in hand and wondering what the heck was going on. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 9 points for originality, acting, and hilariousness out of 10.
Our Favorite Hannibal and His Tricks
Who can forget 1991’s brilliant portrayal of a murderous cannibal psychopath who has an appetite for young detectives? When Anthony Hopkins first took the role many decades ago, moviegoers were absolutely horrified and subsequently avoided fava beans for many years to come.

This guy, however, likely isn't cunning or brutal, though he might be witty and creative. With what seems to be one of the creepiest costumes of the year, we have Mr. Lecter here carrying himself in his own straight jacket and iconic mask. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 7 points out of 10 for a potentially terrifying costume that'll give someone a nightmare (if they don't see the costume from the side).
KISS + Baguettes = ???
We're really celebrating word puns today, aren't we? This group decided to combine the popular glam rock band KISS with French attire and baguettes. Combining one of the most popular rock bands from the eighties with French bread doesn't really make sense when you first look at it. What do these stripe-patterned shirts and baguettes have to do with creepy face paint and protruding tongues?

After a short investigation and using some sense of logical deduction, you might arrive at the fact that this mix makes perfect sense. What is the genius combination behind this costume? Simple, it's a French KISS! Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 6 points of originality and humor out of 10.
This Guy Became a Stock Photo “Business People Shaking Hands Smiling.”
Stock photos have been around for as long as businesses have existed/ From pictures of smiling businessmen up to happy kids and professional-looking doctors. These pictures are meant to create a sense of professionalism and put your mind at ease by showing you pictures of people representing different careers, emotions, and activities.

Our real-life businessman decided to insert himself into a random stock photo just for fun, making an unforgettable impression that will surely last in our minds for the next few days to come. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 7 stock business people out of 10.
Return of New York City's Pizza Rat
Known by many as "the pizza rat from hell," this rat became a viral sensation when he was spotted carrying a full slice of Pizza in the New York subway. This girl attempted to recreate the iconic rat by carrying a pizza slice in her mouth along with the New York City subway station.

We can’t help but notice one big plot hole in this creative costume, which is that the pizza rat was carrying his pizza into the sewer hole before eating it since rats are notorious for avoiding people and only eating in dark and secure places. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 6 incredibly tasty pizza toppings out of 10.
This Guy Turned Himself Into Part of a Van Gogh Painting
One of the most popular Vincent van Gogh paintings of all time is the iconic “The Starry Night”. This masterful piece of art is a rendering of the east-facing view of the artist's asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence just before dawn. It's widely regarded as one of Van Gogh's best works and is one of the most recognized paintings in the world.

Somehow, the guy makes himself fit perfectly inside the painting by masterfully combining colors, lighting, and a very handsome suit. Art lovers will go crazy for this costume, as it takes a truly artistic person to manage to insert yourself into such a magnificent artwork without ruining the feel and color palette of the image. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 9 missing ears out of 10.
Russell All Grown Up!
Many of you must be familiar with the movie "Up," maybe this guy decided to dress up as him because he related to his character. Or maybe he just wanted to take advantage of the uncanny resemblance they share.

Either way, this is an excellent effort! You're never too old to dream! Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 6 points of originality out of 10.
Halloween Banksy
Nowadays, the top prize for a Halloween costume competition doesn't necessarily go to the scariest creation. It often goes to the most inventive. Or, in this case, the most inventively topical.

With Banksy being incredibly influential and inspiring, recreating his artworks in costume form is very creative. We wonder if he gets tired from making the same pose every time someone asks him what he's dressed as. Topical Halloween Costume Rating: 6 points of viral interest out of 10.
This Realistic Wooden Doll
Although this doll costume isn't the scariest on the block, wooden dolls are definitely creepy! The detailed wood grain paint makes her wooden frame highly believable. I wonder how long it took to achieve this look!

She even made sure to do her nails, now that's dedication! Dedicated Halloween Costume Rating: 7 points of brilliance out of 10.
Weeping Angel
We've had nightmares about the weeping angels. Thanks, "Doctor Who." For those who aren't familiar with the long-running science fiction series, the Weeping Angels are a race of predatory creatures that resemble stone statues.

This costume may only be recognized by "Doctor Who" fans, but it's still an amazing idea! Science Fiction Halloween Costume Rating: 7 Weeping Angels out of 10.
This is probably the scariest costume we have on our list, not only would we give her all our candy, but also our car, and maybe even our house! With those yellow eyes and those realistic-looking scales, it's hand down a good effort.

As terrifying as this costume is, it's definitely creative and a good idea for next Halloween! Reptilian Halloween Costume Rating: 6 scales out of 10.
When you have three dogs that you want to be involved in your Halloween festivities, it may feel like quite a challenge. Or it may feel like the perfect opportunity to recreate your favorite Ghost-Bustin ensemble!

The power of this costume just quadrupled, and it's all thanks to these adorable pooches! Ghostbusting Halloween Costume Rating: 8 ghosts out of 10.
This is how one guy chose to respond to the comparisons with Disney Pixar's biggest bully next door and go as Sid from Toy Story!

For years he probably hated their shared resemblance but with Halloween, well, now that's a different 'story.' Animated Halloween Costume Rating: 5 bullies out of 10.
Inspector Gadget
Through some terrible accident, Inspector Gadget saw things differently and became the character we know today. The show follows his adventures as a powerful but dimwitted cyborg police inspector.

He investigates the criminal and illegal dealings of Dr. Claw and his evil organization, M.A.D., as they fruitlessly try to stop him. Animated Halloween Costume Rating: 7 gadgets out of 10.
Weatherman Skeleton
Dressed to his bare skeletal frame, we must ask, is he really dressing up? Isn't this what we all look like underneath our skin and flesh? Maybe he's ushering in a new future where mankind will dress exclusively like this.

From the most well-to-do Westerner to the sternest dictator, and the best thing about it will be the spirit of camaraderie that will guide us to a new world peace era. Green-Screen Halloween Costume Rating: 7 skeletons out of 10.
The Black Plague
This biology teacher dressed as a doctor during the Black Plague. This would definitely be a memorable Halloween lesson for his students. Or is he the 'black death?' Either way, the head-to-toe black outfit with the sharp beak sure is intimidating.

We bet his students were on their best behavior! Scary Halloween Costume Rating: 7 plagues out of 10.
Peter Pan and His Shadow
His shadow almost looks like a cardboard cutout, but it's actually his friend! This costume needs a bit more than two outfits, it also requires some dedicated choreography and coordination.

The only problem with this costume is that the shadow also has a shadow... Fairytale Halloween Costume Rating: 6 pirates out of 10.
Feeling Sloth-like?
Do you like to spend your days loafing about the house? Do you move slower than any other animal? Do you withdraw from your family and friends? Then maybe you should dress up as your twin, the endearingly lazy sloth?

Why not take advantage of your sloth-like nature and use this costume to look like you feel? Mammalian Halloween Costume Rating: 8 sloths out of 10.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The story of the "Nightmare before Christmas" follows Jack Skellington and his misadventures as Halloweentown's beloved pumpkin king, who has become jaded with the identical annual routine of scaring people in the "real world."

When Jack accidentally topples into Christmastown, with all bright colors and warm spirits, he gets a new lease on life -- he schemes to take control of Christmas by kidnapping Santa Claus and impersonating him. Perfect for Halloween! Animated Halloween Costume Rating: 8 nightmares out of 10.
Home Alone
For many of us, Home Alone is the most nostalgia-inducing Christmas film. As so, this duo dressed up as Harry and Marv, the Wet Bandits from the 1990 theatrical Christmas action comedy film "Home Alone." They are the main antagonists and we found ourselves rooting for their demise in the movie.

The discrepancy between their height differences made it easy for these two to pull their costumes off. Nostalgic Halloween Costume Rating: 6 Christmas movies out of 10.
She's the queen of the Bee-hive with this costume! Music fans will surely get a kick out of this one, she costumed as a bumblebee, but her shirt says "Yonce."

Pun costumes are funny and clever and make us go, "Ohhhh!" People have thought of so many different clever ideas, and we definitely got a kick out of this one! Punny Halloween Costume Rating: 6 puns out of 10.
Fast Food Pooches
If you’re anything like us, you love Halloween, and the only thing that can make Halloween more exciting is dogs dressing up as our favorite fast food.

They all deserve a treat for their amazing posing skills for the camera. Dog Halloween Costume Rating: 8 burgers out of 10.
Have you ever seen a more dynamic duo in the realm of video games? The characters from Super Mario Bros have been a perfect go-to Halloween costume for best buds worldwide and apparently also for female dog owners and their dogs.

This dog owner was content to take a step back and dress up as the long-lost princess while she let her dog take center stage as Mario. Double Halloween Costume Rating: 7 dynamic duos out of 10.
My "I" Pug
In life, we sometimes get extremely distracted, taking our attention away from our real priorities, with technology being the biggest distraction that gets in our way.

As smartphones gain more and more popularity, we struggle to give our attention to our loved ones. This owner decided to solve the problem by dressing his beloved pet as an “iPug.” Techy Halloween Costume Rating: 5 smartphones out of 10.
Hairy Potter
When you decide to dress up as Harry Potter, there are four main features that you need to pull off the 'magic' trick. First, you need some rounded glasses, the Gryffindor scarf, and a robe.

With all three boxes, this adorable dog is ready to cast a spell on you; you might as well give him his treats now! Dog Halloween Costume Rating: 5 fluffy scarves out of 10.
Oh Snap!
Ah, when visual trickery meets Halloween! This makes for yet another epic costume to feature on our list! It initially looks like a beautiful dog being eaten by a crocodile.

To be honest, we have never seen a living thing look so calm after being half-eaten by a crocodile. Cat Halloween Costume Rating: 6 whiskers out of 10.
The Cat in the Hat
The beloved classic. by Dr. Seuss, the story called “The Cat in the Hat" is said to be a tale for our time. The story opens up discussions about trust, responsibility, social expectations, and honesty.

With such cherished childhood memories, it's a real joy to see this costume and be reminded of simpler times. Cat Halloween Costume Rating: 6 cats out of 10 hats.
Gotta Dress ‘Em All
If you've never heard of Pokemon, then you were probably living under a rock for the last twenty years. Anyone who has played the classic Nintendo game on their Gameboy will remember Ash, the curious boy embarking on adventures while collecting monsters, with magical powers.

And his pug also joined in on the Halloween fun! Just look how cute he looks in that costume, adorable. Video Game Halloween Costume Rating: 4 monsters out of 10.
If you ever happen to cross paths with Guinea Pig on Hallow's Eve, make sure to tread lightly. You never know what crime this creature did to be put behind bars.

When this pet owner decided to go back to this classic character's roots, he probably didn't expect him to look this charming. Criminal Halloween Costume Rating: 7 wands out of 10.
Thor, Prince of As-garden
Anyone familiar with Norse mythology will know about Thor, who is the God of Thunder. He is the Prince of Asgard, who wields the mighty hammer Mjolnir.

So, with that out of the way, let’s get down to the point: we can’t get over Hedgehog Thor’s tiny hammer. Seriously, he’s holding the darn thing!!! Mythology Halloween Costume Rating: 4 hammers out of 1o.
Revenge of the Nerds
Ever watched The Empire Strikes Back? If not, then what the heck are you doing reading this article?! Click off right now and watch the darn movie. Come back and thank us later.

This costume is a reference to the classic Star Wars sequel. At the beginning of the movie, the Empire dispatches giant AT-ATs in an effort to destroy the rebels. This guy is dressed up as one of them. Science Fiction Halloween Costume Rating: 6 galaxies out of 1o.
We're not sure about you, but when we were younger, Jurassic Park did a good job of scaring the living daylights out of us! So it makes perfect sense that someone would choose to dress up as a dinosaur for Halloween.

Dinosaurs look cool, so why not dress like one? Sometimes, you don't even need a reason. Ancient Halloween Costume Rating: 5 dinosaurs out of 1o.
Good Old Curlers
We all know an old lady who looks similar to this cute baby. She’s lived a long life, seen the world, and probably looked after a ton of cats. Now, all she wants to do is live a nice, quiet life.

You know that her door is always open and that at a moment’s notice, she won’t hesitate to heat up some soup for you on a rainy day. Neighborly Halloween Costume Rating: 4 curlers out of 1o.
We’re not too sure what makes people think this way, but many would claim that if you put a beret and a fancy collar with a tie on anything, it automatically seems French.

One thing’s for certain, the combination of accessories does raise one’s level of finesse, astronomically. Cat Halloween Costume Rating: 6 whiskers out of 1o.
Scooby Doo
This weekend morning cartoon show featured teenagers Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, and their talking brown Great Dane named Scooby-Doo, who solve mysteries involving supposedly supernatural creatures and ghouls through a series of antics and missteps.

There is no denying that the appeal of this outfitted group is in simplicity, especially as far as this dog is concerned. Animated Halloween Costume Rating: 4 ghouls out of 1o.
Spaghetti and Meat Balls
While this girl is obviously dressed as a scarecrow, the whole ensemble is making us think of something totally different, and it's making us hungry. It's about time someone made a costume involving Italian food! Italian cuisine is usually defined by its simplicity, with many dishes having only a few ingredients.

In this case, it's only spaghetti, pasta noodles, and cheeky meatballs. For pasta lovers, this might be a perfect way to show people just how much you appreciate Italian cuisine. Edible Halloween Costume Rating: 6 dishes out of 1o.
Creepy Ratatouille
This guy decided to celebrate his love for food and Pixar films by creating this "Ratatouille," ensemble. What's neat about this costume is that we're not sure whether he just put a silhouette of a rat in his hat or if it's an actual plastic model. We could argue that the rat appears to be connected directly to his brain, controlling the chef's every movement.

Displaying the rat inside his chef hat will endear not only foodies who enjoyed the movie but also anyone who has a sense of humor! Awesome Costume Rating: 7 rats out of 10.
The Most Beautiful Glowing Jellyfish in the World
This costume may just be one of our favorites for its extraordinary features - the fairy lights that make it glow in the dark! The transformation is truly a beautiful sight and takes us away to some underwater world.

This costume will be the center of attention at any Halloween party, with its glow-in-the-dark LED lighting and battery pack; walking into a room wearing this would make everyone's head turn! Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 6 aquatic creatures out of 10.
Baby Boss Has Been Promoted to the United States Presidency
We all may need to think twice before casting our vote in the next election, as this is one adorable candidate! Dressing up her baby as the president while being his bodyguard is a great way to pay homage to the blockbuster film while disguising your baby carrier.

Babies look adorable in everything they wear, of course, but Halloween is the one night a year when we can dress them up as a debate podium for your pint-size presidential candidate. Halloween Costume Rating: 5 incredibly cute United States presidents out of 10.
Stormy Night
Moving on to someone who put some thought into his costume, we’ve got this guy here who’s going through a nasty storm! Have you ever gotten caught in the middle of a rainy storm with an umbrella and just had it flip inside out on you while pulling you back?

Everyone can relate to this photo and recognize how excruciating this moment can be when you're soaked and need to take care of your umbrella! Halloween Costume Rating: 8 broken umbrellas out of 10.
Monster Mom
Some might think that being pregnant during Halloween is quite literally a "bump" in the road, but it's actually the opposite. Who would have thought your belly bump could be the ultimate Halloween outfit?

With Mike ( from Sully and Mike) being the actual pregnant belly. It looks like Mike is ready to party. A clever way for Mike to make sure he stands (or rolls) out. Halloween Costume Rating: 7 monsters out of 10.
Walt Disney?
Before Walt Disney died, he believed that technology would improve enough to eventually re-animate him and allow him to experience a longer and healthier life in the future. He then arranged to have himself frozen in a cryonic chamber full of liquid nitrogen to preserve his body after death.

While this account may be based on a rumor, this guy brought the story to life with a well-executed Halloween costume. Animated Halloween Costume Rating: 4 Mickey Mouses out of 10.
Toy Soldiers
Every boy remembers playing with the little green plastic toy soldiers, each in their unique pose, rank, and equipment. What a great collective effort to bring these little toy green soldiers to life! To recreate these costumes, all you need are green jumpsuits and a few friends on board.

These action figures were the main characters in the wars, where the deciding factor of your imagination determines who wins. Good job, soldiers! Fantastic Halloween Costume Rating: 9 green toy soldiers out of 10.
Home Improvement
Everyone who watched "Home Improvement| will remember Wilson with his classic flannel shirt and face hiding behind a wooden fence. Why did he always hide his face? We will never know...

But fans of the show must have enjoyed seeing this homage to Wilson when they saw this costume! Nostalgic Halloween Costume Rating: 3 wooden fences out of 10.
Those Pesky Sims?
Halloween costumes of the 'Sims' have been done before, but 'Sims' getting-out-of-the-shower pixellated Halloween costumes? This idea is not only creative, but anyone who ever played the games would instantly recognize the reference.

It was one of the most exciting video games in the past few years, and these women also put the diamond icons above their heads; now that's dedication! Creative Halloween Costume Rating: 10 sims points out of 10 for execution.
A Wonderful Tribute to Bob Ross
Bob Ross was a popular TV personality who hosted an instructional painting TV show called "The Joy of Painting" for eleven years, from 1983 to 1994. Ross would paint beautiful backgrounds and provide words of encouragement while doing it.

These two Halloweeners decided to recreate the wonderful painter's look and style, down to even the buttoned shirt and jeans combo he would wear during his shows (and, of course, the incredible afro.) Picturesque Halloween Costume Rating: 4 canvases out of 10.
You're a Wizard
It looks like Hagrid has been working out! This dedicated Dad decided to take the iconic characters and turn his three children into famous Harry Potter characters.

How adorable are these kids, though? We couldn't help but notice their modern touch to the outfits, with the bright blond wig and fancy shades. Just look at the dogs. Even they took part. Magical Halloween Costume Rating: 7 Magical Wands out of 10.
Two Awesome Rock Bands
This imaginative couple decided to take both of their favorite rock bands and create two great costumes. On the left, wearing a watermelon costume with sunglasses and a walking stick, you have the famous rock band Blind Melon.

On the right, the lady is dressed as Alice, but she is also wearing chains, making her costume a cool play-on-words of the famous Seattle-based heavy metal band, 'Alice in Chains.' Musical Halloween Costume Rating: 6 rock bands out of 10.
Breaking Laws!
The trick to this costume is just a few props, including a toy baby and a smiling cardboard head of a royal prince. We want to point out that we’re not in favor of babies drinking irresponsibly in any way, but it’s hard to argue that this is not a hilarious costume.

Yes, it might be disrespectful and bordering on offensive, but we're sure his friends will appreciate his twisted sense of humor. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 4 royal babies out of 10.
Best Bat
What happens when you take an idea for a Batman costume and combine it with the most frugal person in the world? Arguably the most fabulous and least scary bat costume ever. This woman took a black hoodie and stitched some dark umbrella parts to create this bat costume.

To achieve this look, all you need to do is cut up an umbrella and glue it along with your hands as bat wings and on your head as bat ears, and voila! Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 7 bat wings out of 10.
Holy Guacamole!
Who doesn't love avocado? Here's another costume that plays on words, for those who didn't get it - it's Holy Guacamole! The versatile and blessed avocado is a popular choice and definitely a crowd-pleaser!

So what's so special about avocados, and why are they so trendy? Besides being packed with nutrients, they're totally delish! Funny Halloween Costume Rating: 7 avocados out of 10.
Steve Jobs Haunting Apple Stores
Spending Halloween in the Apple Store might be an unusual way to celebrate the holiday, but in this context, it's quite genius! Dressing up as Steve Jobs and hanging out at his company's Apple store makes for one dedicated Halloweener!

This may not be the spookiest of costumes, but it definitely is clever! We wonder how many people had to do a double-take when they caught a glimpse of this guy. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 9 terrified Apple employees out of 10.
The Youngest Cat Lady in the World
Everyone can instantly recognize an old cat lady when they see one. From talking incessantly to their cats to lifting them up, like in the scene in The Lion King. This trope has been used quite often in films and books, which is why everyone knows exactly what you’re talking about when you say “an old cat lady”.

This kid’s Mom helped her create the iconic cat lady look, from the pink robe, the ‘70s grandma glasses, and, of course, the many cats hanging on her as she opens her arms in awe of the world. Congrats, Mommy, you’ve just made your kid into one of the world’s most recognizable and funniest tropes of all time. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 7 cute cats hanging on this girl out of 10.
A Formal Apology
We have in our hearts enough room for about one play-on-words joke per day, and this guy is the first one we’ve seen so far, so things are OK for now. Apparently, he took the phrase “formal apology” to its logical conclusion by wearing formal attire, including a suit and tie.

He has a sign around his neck that says “SORRY,” making the joke quite obvious after about 5 seconds of attempting to figure out the meaning behind the outfit. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 1 play on word jokes out of 10.
Mr. and Ms. Pacman Make Out in Loving Union
It’s always heartwarming when a couple decides to dedicate their Halloween costume to a retro video game character that we all love and admire. Mr. and Ms. Pacman were some of the first video games of all time and dominated the arcade games arena for many, many years.

These are clearly homemade costumes, likely done using cardboard and really funny tights. We’d like to congratulate this beautiful couple for dressing as our favorite retro characters. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 7.5 ghosts and Pacman out of 10.
The Headless Horseman Strikes Back
Finally, we’re back to some good old creepy Halloween costumes. This one is based on a mythical folklore figure that appeared in the Middle Ages called The Headless Horseman.

This costume wasn't too hard to make but definitely looks very cool — just take a kid and put him on a horse in a 19th-century costume with a headless stump at the end. (ok, we forgot to mention that, first and foremost, you must find a dog to take the horse's role). This one definitely deserves a high ranking as a creepy Halloween costume. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 7 weeks without a head out of 10.
Walter White’s Evolution - an Amazing Montage
One of the most creative costumes on our list, which undoubtedly took a long time to think of and even a longer time to execute, is this brilliant portrayal of Walter White’s evolution through the iconic Breaking Bad series, often cited as one of the best shows of all time.

Fans of the show will undoubtedly appreciate this costume more than any other during Halloween. Whoever made this should be proud of himself. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 10 points out of 10 if you're a Breaking Bad fan.
Samsung’s Infamous Exploding Phones Costume
Near the end of 2016, a few cases of Samsung Galaxy Note exploding were recorded and were attributed to design flaws that would enable the battery to bend, causing a short circuit and a subsequent explosion of the phone's parts. It got so bad that, at one point, there were actual signs urging people not to use Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in buses or buildings.

This lady decided to jokingly reference this incident by posing herself as an exploded Samsung device. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 7 exploding Samsung Notes out of 10.
Real Life Error 404 - Costume Not Found
Just take a random white shirt, write “Error 404 | Costume Not Found.” and you’ve just saved yourself the money, time, and energy to actually create a real costume. Something about the guy screams “I’m not the kind of guy that participates in social events”. Anyway, this guy should probably go see Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, we’re sure he’ll get a real kick out of it.

Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 2 cares, efforts, and creativities given out of 10. Our next entry shows what happens when you combine an umbrella and some very strong winds.
Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” Makes a Return
Fans of horror movies will instantly recognize this costume as a reference to the classic Alfred Hitchcock film The Birds. Most people have missed this film since it was released back in 1963 as a black and white movie, but it definitely became somewhat of a cult classic as the internet often references various horror scenes from the films that were scary back then but looked like comedy in today’s perspective.

The lady in this picture dressed up as Tippi Hedren, a young socialite and main protagonist of the film. It’s not too hard to create her look; you just need a ‘60s blonde wig and some fake crows. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 4 aggressive birds out of 10.
The Cutest Oogie Boogie We’ve Ever Seen
If you haven’t watched Tim Burton’s classic film A Nightmare Before Christmas, you might not recognize the iconic Oogie Boogie. This creature is the main antagonist of the film. It's basically a burlap sack filled with insects. In this particular case, Oogie Boogie is made out of the cutest little kid in the world.

This is definitely one case of a truly creepy villain overthrown by the adorableness of a young child. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 1 cute child out of 10.
This Guy Cut Himself in Half for Halloween
This trick is actually fairly easy to pull off if you have a few spare clothes, some scissors, and an aptitude for illusions. Still, it’s a very creepy sight and undoubtedly turned his poor parents’ faces blue when they first saw him in his costume.

We believe that trick or treating went smoothly for this young lad; with a look on his face like this and his sense of style, it’s hard to imagine he had any problem with the neighbors. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 8 boys without lower body parts out of 10.
A New Hero Has Emerged, Amazon-Bots Unite!
What happens when you take Optimus Prime, an alien robot hero who became a defender of Earth, and couple him with Amazon Prime, the world’s leading product delivery service? You get the incredible Amazon Optimus Prime, an all-powerful robot with the ability to deliver packages while saving cats from trees, providing millions of high-paying jobs, and improving the world’s economy.

Would it be too extreme to guess that the person posing behind the costume is none other than Amazon Founder and the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos? He and his wife were recently divorced, which might explain this typical male behavior on the part of Bezos. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 2 crime-fighting Bezos’s out of 10.
These Anglerfish Will Give Your Kid Nightmares
This is one of the creepiest costumes we’ve seen; these anglerfish impersonators took a blue lamp and arched it over their heads, with a black mask to hide their mouths and long, protruding teeth that make you wish Christmas had come sooner. This is truly an awesome costume because it works great in regular lighting but works even better in the dark.

We can only imagine how scared we would be if someone came up to us from behind, and this was the first thing we saw. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 8.5 glowing anglerfish teeth out of 10.
This Grumpy Cat Has Some Competition
If anyone has been using the internet for any period of time, it’s highly likely that you’ve stumbled upon the Grumpy Cat meme at one point or another. This woman decided to embrace the Grumpy Cat meme and become the meme herself.

We’ve got to hand it to her because this is one of the most accurate impersonations of Grumpy Cat we’ve ever seen, and it is instantly recognizable by anyone with even a basic love for memes and the internet. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 4 grumpy cat stares out of 10.
This Family Is Not Safe for People With Diabetes
If there’s one picture that could properly show you how to 1. Be an awesome family, 2. Create an incredible collection of matching Halloween costumes while staying frugal, and 3. Look damn awesome while doing it; we would definitely point you to this wonderful family. Everything about this is extraordinary and awesome, from the parents using cardboard boxes for their tasty costumes to the incorporation of their two little kids as snacks.

It looks like they’re the ones who are going to get mangled in this year’s trick-or-treat. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 2 beautiful snacky children out of 10. Our next entry has a very innocent intention but comes across as very weird and scary.
The Most Annoying Assistant of All Time Is Back
Anyone who has used Microsoft Word back in the late ‘90s and early 2000s will recognize the infamous animated Clippit who would pop into your document and ask you the famous line “It looks like you’re writing a letter. Would you like help?” inside a white dialogue box like in comic books. When people saw this message the first thing they usually did was rush to find the “Don’t show me this tip again.”

What’s haunting about Clippit is that despite asking the weird metallic object to not appear ever again, it would still somehow find an excuse to magically show up at a later date while you’re working on a new document. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 10 annoying Clippit messages out of 10.
Guy Uses 3D Printing to Replace His Own Face
This guy decided it was time to take power from Hollywood and bring it to the people using the magic of affordable 3D printing, so he scanned his own face and had it printed, only to paint his face in a manner that made it look like he had it cut off.

Luckily for our faceless dude, the psycho let him keep his own face, which is why you see him in the picture walking around with it and hoping to find a surgeon crazy enough to try and piece this abomination back together. Scalpel anyone? Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 9 lost faces out of 10.
Stranger Things Cosplay With a Catch
This cute couple also decided to dress up as characters from the popular Stranger Things series. In the show, Winona Ryder plays Joyce Byers, the mother of one of the missing boys who does everything in her power to find him. She begins to experience strange visions and starts to communicate with her son through lights and various psychic premonitions.

The guy in the picture, however, is not cosplaying as one of the characters, he's actually pretending to be the wall. These are some of the most original Stranger Things costume combinations we’ve seen in a while, nice! Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 6 missing Will Byers out of 10.
Cosplaying as Toy Story's Most Beloved Long Dog
There are plenty of people dressing up in Toy Story costumes due to its massive mainstream appeal and the fond childhood memories it still gives us. The film was released in 1995 by Pixar and was actually the first entirely computer-animated feature film in history. It was also Pixar's first film and would make the CGI studio one of the most popular film studios in the world.

One character that doesn't seem to get as much attention from fans, though, is Slinky Dog, who participates as one of the cutest and most remembered characters in the film. These two ladies decided to create a low-budget version of the character and use both their bodies to do so. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 8 cute slinky dog references out of 10.
A Very Unique Peter Pan Costume
One of the most popular scenes from the classic cartoon Peter Pan film is when Peter is visiting the Darlings' house and gets his shadow captured in a drawer. In the film, his shadow is an independent "person" with a completely unique personality that has nothing to do with Peter Pan's actual body. The shadow usually follows him and mirrors his behavior but occasionally decides to take up its own life and even communicate with the boy who never grows.

The guy in the picture decided to dress up as Peter Pan’s shadow by wearing a Peter Pan costume and painting it black. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 7 scary black costumes out of 10.
Bacon, Kevin Bacon
While there’s nothing inherently unique or hilarious about a bacon costume, it’s still a great solution for anyone who’s lacking in ideas or time to create their own costumes. This cute and smart girl, however, wanted to make sure that nobody would forget her bacon costume. How did she do it? Simple — by adding a name tag with the words “Hello, my name is Kevin.”

In case you’ve missed it, the actor that this girl was referencing using her costume is none other than Kevin Bacon! Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 8 Kevin Bacons out of 10.
Han Solo + Solo Cup = Han Solo Cup
Every Halloween, you'll find numerous amounts of Star Wars cosplayers who love the chance to pretend to be their favorite characters from the iconic franchise. Most people don’t know that Star Wars actually made more money through their merchandise than by the viewings of their super popular films.

This wonderful Han Solo impersonation took one of the coolest costumes in the world and made it even better by creating a smart play-on-words reference — Ever heard of Solo Cups? They’re a very successful company that sells cups to almost every theater and stadium in the United States. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 1 awesome Han Solo Cup out of 10.
Halloween Cerberus Is Extremely Frightening
One of the scariest creatures from the Harry Potter franchise is Fluffy, Hagrid's loyal monstrous three-headed dog. The creature is based on the Greek mythological dog called "Cerberus", often nicknamed as the "hound of Hades". The job of Cerberus was to guard the gates of the Underworld and prevent the dead from leaving.

This cute kid dressed as Harry Potter and put two scary dog heads up against the head of their own loyal companion. The result is a very frightening costume for a very cute kid. We would definitely not want to have this thing running towards us at night, so it’s good that the photo was taken during the middle of the day. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 9 monstrous Cerberus heads out of 10.
Jon Snow Having Some Issues With His Gender Identity
The third and final character we’ll show in this list from the popular Game of Thrones HBO TV series is none other than the series' main protagonist, Jon Snow. This is quite an awesome costume and is also fairly easy to make, as you only need a long black wig, a black fur coat, a costume, and an unshaven beard.

We applaud you, Jon Snow White. Awesome Halloween Costume Rating: 8 horrible last seasons out of 10.
Before and After
Classic party problem: How to dress up as something that's equally relevant and scary? This guy had the perfect solution. Isn't it amazing how much of a difference one year can make? This guy chose to honor that by commemorating it in a Halloween costume.

On the one hand, you have a clean, neatly dressed man, but on the other hand, you have a frazzled survivor looking like he barely escaped a catastrophe. Scary Halloween costume rating: 7 apocalyptic years out of 10.
The X-Files
Just like watching the X-files, Halloween is a time when anticipation and expectations are high, so what better time to dress up as your favorite detectives, Fox Mulder and Dana Skully? This has to be one of the punniest costumes we've seen in a while.

These costumes will not only make you seem clever and creative, but interesting and knowledgeable, too. With all that in mind, let's get down to the facts — Punny Halloween Costume rating: 9 detectives out of 10.
Alien Abduction
Were you one of those people who were 100% obsessed with aliens and desperately wanted to know more about extraterrestrial life? Well, then, this might be your next Halloween costume idea: A homemade UFO Alien abduction.

Lean into the otherwordly with any combination of the following: an overhead UFO, some loosely hanging tassels, and a face that screams, "What's happening?!" Alien Halloween costume rating: 8 abductions out of 1o.
Problem: you just found out the Halloween store is totally out of "Sassy" firefighter costumes. Solution: you did manage to find the Sloth costume from the "Zootopia" movie that perfectly fits in with your job.

If you hate elaborate costumes, then this costume will keep it simple while still bringing endearing vibes, taking you from the party pooper to the conversation starter. Lazy Halloween costume rating: 7 sloths out of 10.
Curious George
If you grew up watching the animated series "Curious George," you would know about this sweet monkey who can't help but run into trouble. It sure looks like it could be an easy DIY costume — all you need are a few pairs of stockings and scissors.

This is definitely one for those parents who were a little forgetful about Halloween this year. Don't forget the ears and bushy tail! Kids' Halloween costume rating: 6 monkeys out of 10.
A Topical Costume
"This is a tremendous costume. The best costume. Believe me, nobody knows costumes like I do. Everyone always tells me I'm the best at judging costumes."

Sure, this one might be a little controversial, but if you want a costume that'll start a conversation or two, this will definitely do the work. Topical Halloween Costume rating: 6 bleach bottles out of 10.
Yin and Yang
Using ancient wisdom to impress your friends on Halloween is always a good flex. This photo is proof that Yin-yang symbols aren't just for poorly-inked tattoos; they're also a great costume idea for couples.

All you need is black and white paper and contrasting black and white outfits. Nifty and easy! Clever Halloween costume rating: 9 ancient symbols out of 10.
Lego Couple
Lego fans, this couples costume is for you. It will require some DIY work but it will be worth it if you can pull it off. You'll want to find a decent tutorial and some props to make your Lego costume as exact as possible.

Plus, this might be a great way to announce your engagement by dressing as a Lego bride and groom. Crafty Halloween costume rating: 9 lifelike Legos out of 10.
Beetlejuice Costumes
The 1988 classic is indisputably the ultimate Halloween film, and these freaky latex monster masks pair well to create a spooky costume look that will bring about some heebie-jeebies.

While aspiring "Bridgerton" and "Stranger Things" fans should be plenty visible among the costumes this Halloween, it never hurts to stare deeply into the past and find a costume from a bygone era. Classic Halloween costume rating: 9 ghosts out of 10.
Shameless Picasso
This next entry has so many interesting things about it. First, the creativity. Taking a world-famous artist and bringing him back to life through a Halloween costume is WOW as far as we are concerned. The execution is pretty good, considering she had to walk with her head tilted to one side for the entire party.

The second interesting thing about this creation is the person behind the mask. If you haven't recognized this person, it's about time we reveal her. This is Emma Kenney, best known for her role as Debbie in "Shameless" and for her role in "Roseanne." Cultural Halloween costume rating: 7 paintings out of 10.
Prada Is the Devil
It took us a few seconds to acknowledge the genius behind this Halloween costume. At first, it looked like this lady wasn't investing too much into her costume this year, but then, when we realized what was behind it, we had to give it a big thumbs up.

With so little effort, hardly any accessories, and definitely not too much time spent in front of the mirror, all this costume needed was a top that said Prada on it (who doesn't know someone who has one? And with a simple devil's headpiece and red or black makeup, you are ready to go. This is going to be one we are going to adopt. Hollywood Halloween costume rating: 8 movies out of 10.
Put Another Shrimp on the Barbie
Meet Nicole. Nicole was born in Australia. However, these days, she lives happily in the USA. There are many beautiful things about being Australian, and one of them is the outdoor life, the hot weather almost all year round, and, of course, their love for outdoor cooking and barbeque especially.

There is nothing better than a hot skewer with shrimp on it alongside cold beer on a hot summer's day. Or, on a Halloween day. "Put Another Shrimp on the Barbie" is a phrase similar to many Australian immigrants, and this Halloween, Nicole decided that she was going to live up to everyone's expectations. Overseas Halloween costume rating: 6 Barbies out of 10.
Chip on My Shoulder
This Halloween creative costume was specially designed for those who do not necessarily want to go to a Halloween fancy dress party; their best friend has persuaded them into going, and other than a packet of chips they do not intend to put any accessories or makeup on them. Sounds perfect for us. So, although this is simple yet creative, there are two issues here we must take into account.

The first is, how long will Kylie Mcdonald be able to hold the chips on her shoulders without pulling a muscle? The second issue we have is what happens if she bumps into a foreigner who calls them 'crisps', and they ask themselves, for the entire party, what was she thinking? Yummy Halloween costume rating: 7 bags of chips out of 10.
Smart Cookie
There is nothing smarter than being smart and emphasizing it wherever you go. We just love this one. Brandi Wolfe was for sure one smart cookie when she realized she had nothing to wear for the Halloween party except a pair of old cookie pajamas. All this required was a box of cookies, a graduation cap, and a great big smile on her face.

Halloween is fun; it's time to let your creativity go wild. However, it doesn't necessarily mean you have to spend a lot of money and go to the extreme. Stick to things you love and shed light on what you have. Clever Halloween costume rating: 8 cookies out of 10.
An Old Fart With a Young Heart
By the look of this Halloween costume, the person is not an old fart at all. This is, without a doubt, the lighter side of what getting old is all about. Could you imagine her knocking on your door, trick or treating? The whoopie cushion can be easily made by buying an oversized sweater and printing an image of a cushion.

A simple gray wig, a pair of glasses, and a mature women's handbag will complete the look. We all know that Halloween is all about having fun, but who knew that growing old can be so much fun, too? Pensioners Halloween costume rating: 6 walking sticks out of 10.
Bud Lightyear
This charming young lady named Rhiannon Noelle had the coolest idea to combine a Disney classic for kids with an alcoholic beverage for adults. Whipping up a pair of space gloves and a pair of wings (which looks like quite an achievement), all she needed to complete her look was a shirt with the logo of her favorite beer.

The look was tied together with this winning pose. We don't know if there was a costume contest at the party she went to but she is definitely a winner in our books. Don't you just love the gloves? Vintage toys Halloween costume rating: 7 lightenings out of 10.
Creating Memes
We are going to be honest here. When we first saw this costume, we had no idea what it was about. And to tell you the truth, we still don't know. For sure, it is creative and makes you look at all the little details, but what is it supposed to be? It's a dog; we see that holding a white mug, fire flames circling all around, and a sign saying that they are fine.

After deep research, we learned that this was taken during the pandemic days, and it's supposed to be a takeoff, a supposedly known meme with the dog sitting at a coffee table when the room is on fire and calmly saying...this is fine. Will everyone get this one at the party? Not sure... Domesticated companion Halloween costume rating: 5 barks out of 10.
When Life Gives You Lemons
When you look wonderful and are also able to deliver a message, then for us, you are the winner of the costume competition. When this beautiful woman stood on the corner of Church St., no one understood what she was on about. Was she a lion escaping Africa? Was she just a woman wearing a top that says LIFE? And what do the lemons have to do with all this?

Everyone we know has been through difficult days, and we can all relate to this at some stage or the other. When life gives you lemons, go out there and make lemonade. Be sure to add as much sugar as you want, as there is no such thing as too sweet. Intelligent Hallloween costume rating: 9 lemons out of 10.
Captain Canada
This is Jason. He figured that Captain America might be overrated and that our neighbors to the north need a superhero too. so he decided to go for a red maple leaf and a ridiculous look on his face. What is Jason's calling? And what is he trying to say here? That Canadians are sweeter? That we are all alike? Or that there is no need to continue staring at the bottom part of his body, as the top part is equally awkward?

We must say that we love the fact that he saw a need to salute the photographer. It was probably a very challenging task to take a photo of this and still remain calm and serious. We don't think we could have done such a good job. Nationality Halloween costume rating: 8 flags out of 10.
Into the Future
Way back in the 1980s, when Ken and Barbie were at their prime, no one thought they would still be going strong in 2023. Adding on to that, no one could imagine that Ken would look anything like this no matter how popular he would become.

To appreciate this costume, one would have to watch the movie. If this were just a guy dressed up for a fancy dress party, then we would have given him a TEN, but with his commitment to every detail in the character's look, down to the KEN fanny pack, we give him eleven. Future Halloween costume rating: 7 Goslings out of 10.