Let’s face it, Kate is a really, really beautiful woman. Her perfect figure, beautiful face, and flowing hair all fit the Royal Family’s wishes and standards perfectly. Prince William sure made a great choice with her.

In this unplanned photo, she can be seen attending the launch of the King’s Cup Regatta, at the Cutty Sark in Greenwich, England. Everything lined up perfectly in this picture, giving it an almost staged appearance. Just look at that waistline… wow! And where is that fan hiding?
Yummy Time
When the Princess of Wales takes her time to taste a piece of fruit, everyone stops to pay attention. Prince William and the other bystanders were eagerly waiting to see her reaction.

You can practically see the excitement on William’s face as he anticipates his loving wife’s reaction to the tasting. Kate looks beautiful as usual, and the UK flags in the back certainly help with the ambiance. But let's face it, there was never a flattering photo of someone putting food in their mouth. Remember that next time you’re considering a food selfie.
Gone With the Wind
Wearing a dress always has the potential for disaster when a strong gust of wind blows by. The Princess of Wales had to use her quick reflexes to prevent a seriously embarrassing picture from existing.

Luckily, Kate managed to turn this picture from a front-page TMZ cover to just another funny photo. The late Queen Elizabeth II was also quick on her reflex, and immediately hid her face just in case this did turn out as a flop. We know shorts under dresses are not very fashionable, but next time you're up against a windy day, just stick with a pantsuit to avoid any risky business.
Wrong Pose
When Kate visited the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019 in London, she never thought this photo would be on the news. She must have trod on something and wanted to check it out. Unfortunately, this is the result.

The Princess of Wales was wearing a great outfit that made her fit perfectly with the scenery. Too bad the most popular photo from the event ended up looking all kinds of wrong. Next time you’re checking out the bottoms of your shoes, be aware of your hand positioning and avoid pulling a “Kate”.
We can only imagine how happy Kate must have been when this picture was taken. She either heard the best joke ever, experienced a win for her favorite sports team, or is just a really, really good actress.

William must be proud to have a wife with such a beautiful smile. It’s clear that when the Princess laughs, everyone’s faces light up as well. Speaking of smiles, can anyone point us to her dentist? This photo would make him a heck of an ad campaign.
We Swear This Photo Wasn’t Planned
Let’s face it, Kate is a really, really beautiful woman. Her perfect figure, beautiful face, and flowing hair all fit the Royal Family’s wishes and standards perfectly. Prince William sure made a great choice with her.

In this unplanned photo, she can be seen attending the launch of the King’s Cup Regatta, at the Cutty Sark in Greenwich, England. Everything lined up perfectly in this picture, giving it an almost staged appearance. Just look at that waistline… wow! And where is that fan hiding?
Rowing Her Way
Kate is quite happy to sit in this German rowboat, or at least that’s what it looks like. This is actually an RG Heidelberg row boat. They are a German rugby union club from Heidelberg, Germany.

The Princess of Wales is certainly not one to find herself swimming in a lake, so we hope there weren’t strong winds at the time. Either way, there’s nothing like a casual afternoon swim in the pond on a nice summer day. As for Kate, even in this secretly taken photo, her posture is appealing. Good for you Kate!
Walking Away in Style
If you’ve ever seen an action film, you might recall the popular trope of the action hero walking away from an explosion in style. This picture makes it seem like that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

We can only assume this photo is what inspired every street strutting scene from many, many chick-flicks. We can clearly see Carrie Bradshaw working her stuff much to the same tune in an iconic scene from "Sex and the City". Either way, kudos to Kate's stylist because she looks absolutely stunning here, all the way from head to toe.
A Game of Pantomime
Sometimes we find ourselves having a tough time expressing what we want with words. This is when exaggerated expressions and hand movements really go a long way.

In this picture, the princess was visiting the coast guard base in Caernarfon, Wales. No, Kate wasn’t pantomiming the words for “buy me two large melons”. She was actually trying to look really excited and confident and it translated into her body movements in this slightly awkward photo.
Not Her Best Day
We all have bad days occasionally. Sometimes they follow a night of too much heavy drinking, and other times we just lack a bit of sleep. Kate here looks like she had a bit of both.

The Princess of Wales appears to be really trying to focus and listen to whoever is speaking. Unfortunately for her, she also looks like an ad for the world's worst hangover. As we all know only too well, tiredness and a possible migraine are quite hard to ignore. At least her fashion choice is spot on, as usual, and she still looks quite pretty.
Keeping Her Daughter Happy
When Kate is not suffering from pulling all-nighters, she likes to spend quality time with her royal daughter. Kids sometimes get in bad moods, and there’s no one better at calming this one down than her loving mother.

Princess Charlotte was a bit fussy after the two had a long helicopter ride. The two-year-old wasn’t feeling so good, as these things can get quite loud and bumpy. Unfortunately, a photographer scooped up a couple of shots before the mother could fully console her tired child, and this picture will forever remain as evidence of that.
Too Much Publicity
Being part of the royal family isn’t just glamour and fun. There are many responsibilities involved with the job, and you’re basically working 24/7. A huge part of the job is publicity, which can get extremely tiring sometimes.

Kate is seen here being slightly uncomfortable, which isn’t surprising, considering how many people are probably yelling and screaming behind her. Despite being uncomfortable, she carries herself quite gracefully, as she does her best to shut out the background noise.
Quick William, Hide Me From Merkel
The former Chancellor of Germany and ex-leader of the Democratic Union, Angela Merkel, can be quite an intimidating figure. She’s a very stoic and loud woman, which might explain why Kate was hiding behind William here.

The royal couple and the German leader were meeting on some official political business. But while Prince William and Merkel handled the meeting, Kate preferred to stay in her husband's shadow. Hopefully, Kate got her act together eventually and gave the retired German leader a proper greeting. She really doesn’t look like she wanted to be there at all.
So Many Possibilities
When we see Kate Middleton in this picture, so many different things come to mind. She might be practicing her karate moves in a subtle way, or perhaps the Princess of Wales is doing a bit of mental math.

Either way, Kate is effortlessly beautiful even when she’s in deep thought. The royal lady is wearing a gorgeous autumn dress and purse to match her shoes, so all in all, how bad of a photo can it be? As we see from her hands yet again, Kate is obviously quite an expressive woman, which just makes her even more lovable to the nation.
Finally Some Pink!
Both Kate and her daughter, Princess Charlotte, look absolutely stoked in this photo. The two must have gotten their first chance in a long time to wear pink, and the expression on their face shows just how excited they were.

Her hat is absolutely fabulous, and her daughter is dressed extremely well too. Most people stop being able to pull off an entirely pink ensemble once they're out of diapers, but not Kate. We only wish that being in full pink wasn’t just a royal thing, since walking around in bubblegum colors looks like a lot of fun!
The expression on Kate’s face is completely priceless in this one. She clearly saw something that made her go “wait… what?” in her mind, and this was the outcome.

Whoever took this picture was either really lucky or asked her something that created this expression. It was probably something more along the lines of “what did you think about Brexit”? But who knows...
Look What You’ve Done
Poor Prince George has that guilty face we all shared when we did something wrong as kids. It appears that Kate is busy giving a moral lesson here, while her daughter, Princess Charlotte, is having all the fun.

We love how Kate makes sure to go down to George’s height in order to talk with the boy. Children need adults to talk to them eye to eye, and we’re sure little Prince George appreciated whatever it was his mother had to say. Can anyone say “best mom ever”? We also love how absolutely mesmerized Princess Charlotte seems to be with those balloons!
Mona - Kate - Lisa
The problem with faking a smile is that under certain circumstances, it might end up looking like a condescending smirk. The Princess is revealing her teeth a bit too, as she probably saw something she really didn’t like.

We call this pose the ‘Mona - Kate - Lisa’, because just like the famous painting, no one can tell what Kate is really feeling here. Is that a smile? If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that Kate’s body language is also very closed. She’s guarding her bag close to her body, and her shoulders are rounded and slumped in. We wonder what she saw…
Cowboy Time
You might ask yourself what Prince Williams and Kate Middleton have to do with what looks like a bull riding event. Unfortunately, we have no idea either. The two look fantastic in their cowboy hats, at least that’s for sure.

The two look like they were pulled straight out of a Western movie. Perhaps they should consider starring in one together. Now that’s a movie we would all go to the theater to see! Unfortunately, we doubt the king would allow it, as staring in westerns is not high up on the family's obligation list.
'You Did What?!'
This is the exact face we make when our partner comes home from work to tell us they have just purchased a timeshare on some far-off, god-forsaken island. And no, it’s not flattering on any of us.

"You did what?!" is our chosen phrase of disbelief and shock, but truthfully, we don’t know what Kate was saying, so we can only speculate. Perhaps she was asked a really uncomfortable question and she was busy thinking of a way to answer without forgetting her manners. Clearly, whoever said a picture is worth a thousand words was speaking of this one.
A Peek Inside the Mind of Kate
This is a truly unflattering photo of Kate, but clearly, even on her worst day, she still looks great. The Princess of Wales must have had a pretty terrible day, and this is the last smile she had to put on that day.

Being part of the Royal Family also means that you have to exude a sense of optimism and decor at all times. Kate appears to be doing quite well, given the circumstances. She’s smiling all right, albeit this smile makes her look like she may just be on the verge of a mental breakdown. No doubt Kate managed to pull it together moments later, as Kate always does.
It’s a Bit Hard to Explain
Just like we’ve seen, the lovable Princess uses a lot of body language in order to properly express herself. All signs show that she is most probably speaking to her friend about the best burger she’s ever tasted.

Sometimes it’s a bit hard to find the right words, and Kate certainly seems to be struggling. We’re sure she eventually managed to get her point across though, leaving just this photo behind to be figured out. In this picture, Kate’s neck is twisting and stretching at all the wrong angles. We’re sure she wasn’t too pleased with the photographer.
Three Royal Ladies
Sometimes you’re just not ready to have your photo taken, no matter how well you're dressed and how good you've put on your makeup. The three royal ladies were definitely not ready for this photo snap, perhaps even arguing about something between them.

Still, all three of them look really relatively gorgeous. We can't help but notice just how different each one is, both in style and demeanor. For example, while Meghan seems to be fine with looking a little dazzled, Kate is still doing her best to remain calm and poised, just like a princess always should.
The First of Many
William sure loves to make Kate laugh. If there’s one thing you should make sure you have as a semi-bald guy, it’s a great sense of humor. Of course, it also helps if you’re the son of the King of England.

This is just one of many pictures of Kate laughing hysterically at one of William’s jokes. The guy’s a serious comedian, and can always be seen making his loving wife laugh. Although this is certainly not her best photo, there is still something regal and beautiful about Kate with her neck arched back like that.
William is Not the Only One Who Makes Her Laugh
What Kate Middleton undoubtedly knows, being a mother herself, is that kids can also be quite funny sometimes. Perhaps Kate found it funny that the kid on the right was trying to eat her cup rather than drink from it.

The Princess of Wales does much humanitarian work and volunteers with many children's organizations. We can see her here surrounded by some of the sweet children she works with. It’s easy to see that she is genuinely laughing in this one. Her face is glowing, and every single muscle is being used to hold herself from bursting into tears.
Luxury Driving
This is hardly the face you’d expect from someone wearing a diamond-studded tiara, riding around in a beautiful Bentley, and sitting next to, sorry, no, married to a prince! This is what made this photograph such a great one.

Kate doesn’t look happy here at all. In fact, she has that classic “you know what you did” face on, and seeing how uncomfortable William seems to be here, he probably does know. The two are riding around in one of the world’s most expensive luxury vehicles and almost look as if they were on their way to the prom to be crowned as prom king and queen.
Keep Taking Pictures
It seems that there are more phones than actual faces in this one. The three girls on the right and the guy behind them are all busy snapping those sweet Instagram stories to later be tagged as #Katewalking.

Kate looks like she’s giving one of her half-smiles again, probably in an attempt to maintain a certain level of coolness, decor, and class. We can’t imagine being filmed and shouted at by so many people at once though, so thumbs up to her on keeping it together and strutting her stuff in those gorgeous shoes.
"I Can’t Even..."
In this unfortunate photo, Kate was either having a bit of trouble hearing someone, or she wished she was because she does not look pleased with what she is apparently hearing.

As bad as her face looks in that reaction, it’s unbelievable how amazing Kate can still look in any outfit. It’s as if her head and body weren’t connected, and her body knew exactly what it should be doing. The Princess of Wales could easily be confused with a star walking on the red carpet. That is if she wasn’t so preoccupied with the news she had just gotten.
'That One'
Putting aside how beautiful the princess of Wales looks in this picture, we can’t help but notice she’s pointing directly at something. Kate also has an expression that means business.

She must be explaining to her friend how these pony show events go and which one is her favorite show horse. Her friend then finally understood whose horse was playing versus whom and she was finally relieved to be cheering for the right horse. We are so glad to have Kate around to explain things that need so much explaining.
"William, What Did You Do?"
This photo looks like every one of those times we find ourselves bickering with our spouse in public. The Princess of Wales appears to be very unhappy with something William did, and the Prince is wearing his “Dear, this is not the place” look.

Prince William clearly knows he did something wrong, but the question is — will he admit it and make up for it? Based on how much he loves to make Kate laugh, we bet she forgot what the fuss was about before the day had ended.
Extreme Laughter
We’d also laugh our heads off all the time if we had teeth like Kate! The beautiful Royal lady can be seen here wearing a beautiful dress and her naturally wavy hair. At least that’s what she wants us to believe.

Kate actually bears a remarkable resemblance to Meghan Markle in this photo, which probably has something to do with the easy-going attitude her laughter brings with it, much like Meghan's. In the photo, Kate was attending a charity 'Action for Children' event in Kingston, southwest London, and we bet that Prince William had something to do with her hysterical burst of laughter!
'What Are You Looking At?'
Princess Kate couldn’t look more royal and beautiful in this photo. It’s almost like she posed for it, as everything about her appearance and expression looks absolutely flawless.

The same, however, cannot be said for little Prince Louis here, who was caught in a slightly less inspirational angle. The little guy is, as always, incredibly cute, but that doesn't take away the fact that he looks like he has a vendetta for someone in this photo. We bet he’s trying to be the man of the house and is actively protecting his mother from the paparazzi.
Another Burst of Laughter
Kate sure loves to laugh! With that kind of smile, who wouldn’t? We bet that whenever the beautiful princess starts laughing, everyone around her can’t help but begin to laugh with her.

This picture was taken at the opening of the Anna Freud Center of Excellence in London, in May 2019. Kate is the “Patron” of the Anna Freud National Center for Children and Families. By the looks of it, she could not be more excited about the opening of the new center. And she should be, it is quite an achievement.
Prince William Makes Another Homerun
The Prince and Princess of Wales were hanging out in Greenwich, London on May 7, 2019, to launch the King’s Cup Regatta at Cutty Sark. Once again, Kate seems to be utterly enjoying herself.

Prince William clearly said something that made her burst out laughing. He’s such a great comedian that he can pull off his jokes with only a slightly visible smile. While not everyone photographs well during the midst of a hysterical laugh, Kate is actually more beautiful in this picture than in many of the posed ones.
This picture was taken when men’s tennis player Novak Djokovic was defending his 2019 Wimbledon championship against Roger Federer. Kate looks absolutely stunned by what she saw, which makes sense.

In case you missed the game, let’s just say that there was one moment that seriously demanded the expression on Kate’s face right here. The woman behind her also has her jaw open, proving everyone was just as surprised. However, this facial expression is not working in Kate's favor, as it made her neck muscles all tense up just in time for the shot.
Job Well Done
And speaking of unflattering facial expressions, this photographer at the 2019 Wimbledon didn’t rest until he got them all. Sometimes you just have to give credit where credit is due. If there was ever a perfect expression for a job well done, it would be Kate’s face right here.

The Princess of Wales can be seen clapping in appreciation as Novak Djokovic won the 2019 Men’s Wimbledon Championship. The game went to an epic five sets and lasted almost five hours. It ended up being one of the longest Grand Slam finals in history.
Kate Poppins
If Kate ever wanted to go into the movie business and portray Mary Poppins, this would be the perfect outfit for her. With that ribboned blouse and tilted hat on, she’s got the look down to a T. And let’s not forget that special magic umbrella...

Perhaps the Princess of Wales is smirking because she knows just how good she looks. The only difference between the actress who portrayed Mary Poppins and the Princess here is that Mary Poppins would undoubtedly be holding her own umbrella.
'Say What?'
The Princess of Wales can be seen here as she was leaving the Foundling Museum in 2019. She must have had another one of those sleepless nights, as she looks absolutely exhausted here.

Based on Kate’s appearance, it seems that she was met by a lot of people on her way out of the museum that she really didn’t want to see. The princess has that face that says “not this again” all over it. But as Kate knows, such things as smiles and hand shaking ultimately come with the position she signed up for when she married into the royal family.
Trying to Look Interested
Kate Middleton always makes sure to respond gracefully whenever she talks to people. It doesn’t matter which angle or timing the paparazzi catch her in, she will always be seen remembering her manners.

They will however catch her looking frazzled and overly interested at times. She was seen here having a conversation with Prince Edward, and appears to have a bit of a hard time enjoying it. Judging by her outfit, they were probably just leaving the 2019 Wimbledon games and Kate was doing her very best to keep up with some of the polite chit-chat expected of her.
Commercial Beauty
The Princess of Wales must really love playing polo if it makes her look this happy. The photographer who took this photo genuinely caught her looking like a model from a shampoo commercial, and just as stunning as ever.

Kate was attending the King Power Royal Charity Polo Match, and both she and Prince Harry were competing in the event. The winner was slated to receive the Khun Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha Memorial Polo Trophy. Yeah, we can’t really pronounce that either.
Anywhere but Here
Kate looks really unhappy in this picture. She appears to be very reserved, and going by her body language, she clearly does not want to be there. Nevertheless, Kate is doing her best to keep up appearances and is trying hard to appear civil and gracious, even though it’s not working at all.

The photo was taken back in mid-2019. The Princess of Wales was sitting at the first annual gala dinner in recognition of Addiction Awareness Week at the Phillips Gallery, but there was clearly something else on her mind. Any guesses as to what it could have been?
A Little More Than Usual
This next one of Kate looks a million miles away from any royal photo taken. It's from the days before she became the future queen of England, and during the days when she allowed herself to drink a little more than usual.

The photo featured Middleton dancing with Guy Pelly at a pre-Wimbledon party in 2006. She must have had the time of her life, knowing that these kinds of parties were soon about to end.
Boring Boring Boring
At the end of the day, Kate Middleton is just like anyone else. Her blood is red, she had children the same way all women do and when she can't be bothered, she pulls out her phone and pretends to be busy.

This photo from 2007 was taken at the Cheltenham Gold Cup Festival, showing Kate in a common middle-class appearance, not caring less about anything but her social media accounts.
She Forgot Her Smile in the Palace
In 2008, Kate Middleton attended The Cheltenham Festival Race Meeting. She put on her navy blue coat, and matching hat and prepared the program booklet to keep her occupied. There was one thing however she forgot to bring with her.

Her smile and enthusiasm were left behind that day back in the palace. She is not always 'happy happy joy joy' and can sometimes find these must-go events boring and a waste of time.
Suprise Suprise
We wish we would have known what Kate was saying at this moment, or alternatively, what did she see that made her put this unexplained expression on her face.

If she would have know paparazzi photographers were out and about, she might have made an extra effort into looking her best, even when she was surprised.
Are You Talking to Me?
In 2010 Kate Middleton, Prince William, and a few other important people attended Harry Meade & Rosie Bradford's wedding at the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Northleach. Edward van Cutsem, one of those important people was there too.

Whatever he was going on about, it was clear Kate wasn't in the mood for small talk and pulled an "are you talking to me" expression on her face which left no room for interpretation. Her message was clear.
Waking up on the Wrong Side of the Bed
This photo proves that also royal marriages have their bad days, and not everything is a Cinderella fairytale. It is clear that she woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning.

Mrs. Grumppy provided us with another entry to our list, revealing what princesses really look like (well, sometimes at least).
Iconic Movie Moment
Kate Middleton found herself seeing through the eyes of Marilyn Monroe when her Emilia Wickstead dress blew up in a gust of wind in front of a crowd of people. The moment happened at the National War Memorial in India.

She fought with the wind throughout the majority of the royal tour and can be seen trying to hold her dress down – unsuccessfully, of course! Fortunately, she kept her composure and simply pat it back down each time it tried escaping gravity.
Hello, Legs
Kate doesn’t usually show off so much of her long legs, and she wasn’t planning on it this day, either, but the weather had other plans in mind. A supporter was handing her this bouquet just as it happened, or she likely would have been able to catch her dress before the wind carried it upwards, exposing her thighs to the cameras.

This mishap all went down in 2013, so she’s had plenty more experience saving herself from these embarrassing moments.
Tying the Knot
Kate has become the unspoken master of fixing her wardrobe before anyone notices when it malfunctions. The cameras caught her in the midst of tying her dress back together after the knot on the front began to slip undone.

Luckily, it was only decorative, not functional, so she was never at risk of exposure. Better safe than sorry though, princess.
10 Little Piggies
Any woman who’s ever worn heels for more than a few hours of her life knows the discomfort they can cause after being on your feet all day. That’s why during a wedding, or an occasion where people end up dancing, ladies will usually wind up with their shoes off by the end of the night. Well, Kate may not have been hitting the dance floor, but her poor feet just couldn’t handle being stuffed in those pointy-toed heels anymore.

So, she did what any other woman on the planet would do – she took them off! Then again, every other woman on the planet isn’t royalty being chased around by the paparazzi all day, so it’s a toss-up as to whether we would have taken them off or not.
Blown Away
Kate’s blowout in these pics is evidence of her recent trip to the salon – possibly to get her bangs trimmed. Then again, she may just get a blowout every day just because she can. But she had no idea that the weather was going to be working so hard against her.

She just couldn’t win; it was blowing her newly-styled hairdo in all different directions. The princess tried her best to keep it under control with her hand but to no avail. Finally, she threw in the towel and just let it do its own thing.
About Face
At first glance, it may seem as though Kate is rocking this bright purple button-down, and indeed she is, just not the way the designer intended for it to be worn. She later discovered, right along with the rest of us, that the buttons were actually supposed to go in the back and the bow in front.

And if that mistake could happen to the fashion-forward princess, it could happen to anyone. No matter the mix-up, she still pulled off the look until she found out and turned it around. Honestly, it looks just as good on her with the bow in front.
Stairway to Heaven
Poor Kate was caught in a windy situation more than a few times, like here, when she and the rest of the family were getting off of a plane in New Zealand in 2014.

She was able to hold it down so that she didn’t show the cameras too much, but you would also think at this point that she would have hired a stylist to figure out how to style her in things that don’t leave her flashing the entire world in a gust of wind.
Having Fun on the Rink
Before she became a member of the royal family, Kate Middleton liked to have fun. Maybe a little too much fun! We see her here careless skating on the floor at a rollerskating rink.

We don't get to see her like this nowadays. Maybe she's just taking resting a bit from all the exercise.
Slippy Littler Suckers
Would you believe it if we told you that members of the royal family are forbidden from eating certain foods in public? This includes pasta, foie gras, and all seafood. That's right, no pasta for dinner. It's only relevant when HRM dines with everyone as she is not a lover of carbs, but still! Coping with all hassle of being a public figure without being able to treat yourself to a bowl of plain, unnutritious carbs?

Kate Middleton breaks the rules every now and then enjoying moments of oyster sucking in public. After seeing what sucking in public looks like, we start to understand why the limitations were set in the first place.
Commonwealth Cricket
Royals have this thing with participating in sports activities when traveling on duty. It's become like part of the agenda that can't be changed or altered. On one of Kate Middleton's trips to New Zealand, she joined a cricket game.

So, we can see that Middleton practiced the right position for standing, assuring she doesn't reveal any surprises. However, it's a shame she missed out on the how-to-keep-your-face-in-place lessons, as that could have avoided this photo.
Royals Don't Shop in M&S
We are unsure when exactly this photo was taken but we know it was way before Kate Middleton became a princess. How do we know? Well, firstly, royals don't shop at Marks & Spencers.

Besides that, she is completely aware of the camera (at this point she was already familiar with the paparazzi), she is not in her best look, and frankly, it seems that she's not really bothered about it (about not looking her best that is).
A Black Mark in History
Everyone has their own black mark in their personal history, and this one is without a doubt, Kate's historic scar. She will always be remembered for her appearance in the charity fashion show, however, not from the side of the audience.

If Kate wasn't married to the future king of England, we wouldn't have cared less, however, wearing this with the title she holds just doesn't go together.
Better Stay in Bed
Did Kate look in the mirror before leaving the palace that morning? We love her to bits but she looks really rough in this next one. How old would you say she looks in this photo?

Middleton looks like a 15-years-older version of herself in this photo. Darling, when you have mornings like this, it is best to stay at home.
Cold Winter Grays
Another photo of "I have enough of royal duties, had enough of being a princess, and definitely have had enough of these photos being taken showing the worst side of me".

Poor Kate Middleton. All she wanted on that cold winter morning was to snuggle up in bed and read a book. Instead, she had to put on a thick winter coat and deal with more critics of the way she looks.
Heartwarming Moments
This was taken in 2007, showing Kate enjoying sports way before attending horse races became a duty. Her enthusiasm and joy spread all over her face are heartwarming.

If only she would have known the camera was after her that day, she might have been more restrained, therefore we can only thank the hidden lens that gives us these moments to enjoy.
Before the Transformation Age
There are very few photos of Kate Middleton in a black cab scattered around the web. This is one of them. She has gone through a bit of a transformation since these days, thank God for that.

She was a beauty back then too, but we prefer the more sophisticated, honorable, and don't do black knee-high boots anymore look.
Preserving Tradition
'Here we go again, another one of those events that oblige me to wear one of those ridiculous hats, still believing it's all down to preserving tradition. Well, you know where you can shove tradition'.

At least she could have chosen one that doesn't resemble a dead pigeon or one that has completely lost it.
When She Was Young and Free
The photos of Middleton taken before she started going steady with William submit the most entries to our list. She was really unaware of what was going on in those days and she was only classed as "a potential".

It is rare to find photos like this taken in recent days. She is obviously after a long night out asking herself what on earth this flash guy wants from her.
Giving Birth Rules
Rule number one after giving birth: refuse to have your photo taken no matter what they offer you. Unless you're the future queen of England, and then there's no choice really.

It's not the hair on her face that is bothering us here, it's the fact that this woman has just given birth and the last thing she needs is to hear us complaining about the way she looks. Kate, you look absolutely stunning, get back into bed.
Lunch Break
The traditional Trooping the Color parade was held on the late Queen Elizabeth's birthday in June of that year. The royal family presents themselves on Buckingham Palace's balcony and enjoys the ceremony and the crowds.

One tip for next time, have lunch after the parade and not before. Kate couldn't help the bits of chicken stuck in her teeth either.
A Casual Moment
We just love Middleton in her casual look, even if her facial expressions almost take all of the attention. We tried to ignore it. We really did.

Although it is barely noticed, Kate was pregnant while this photo was taken at the Aston Villa (Hubby Williams's favorite team) match.
Weather Change
This can happen to anyone, not only royalty. We all know those Autumn days when the ocean gales hit the land and if you leave your home (or palace) unprepared, you end up looking like this.

It doesn't take much. A simple headband or ribbon to tie the hair up would have prevented this. Kate, haven't you learned by now?
Hats Down to Kate
If you want to know what a woman with morning sickness who is trying to keep her breakfast down looks like, no need to search further.

In this photo taken in 2014, Kate was in the early days of her second pregnancy, carrying Princess Charlotte. Hat off to her, she managed to put on a brave face and confront her duties.
Room on a Broom
And another one bites the dust. She looks as if she stuck a broom on her head. Seriously, we can't think of another way to describe this. If we were part of the royal family, we would have prevented the photo from leaking out.

This is one of the most hilarious ones out there, and even working-class people like us would never approve of this happening.
The Comforts of Beauty
There are many photos of Kate Middleton out there revealing her beautiful smile and natural class. She is warm and inviting and even in this photo, you can see how comfortable she lets people feel around her.

We don't know what made her laugh so hard at this event, however, we wish her many more moments like this of pure pleasure.
The Commonwealth Calls
One of the duties royalty have is paying frequent visits to the commonwealth countries, Canada amongst them. This is what it looks like when you've had enough of the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

Prince William doesn't seem too interested too, making us wonder why after so many years the commonwealth still exists. It is clear that both sides are not that interested.
Her True and First Duty in Life
No matter where she goes, whose weddings she attends, or whose events she must participate in, Kate Middleton never forgets that before anything, she is a mother.

Prince George was obviously having a difficult time listening or taking part in yet another royal role, so his mother leveled down to him and gave him what he needed — her attention.
When Kate Went Wowww
Another brilliant photo of Middleton with a natural facial expression after seeing God knows what. This was taken during a match of some sort that made Kate go wowwww.

The 2022 version of the royal family is pleasing the British people and their followers from all over the world. They do not neglect the most authentic moments in life we all should cherish making no difference if you are a market trader or the future queen of England.
Small Talk
She: how do I look? He: do you want the truth? She: only the truth. He: ok, I'll tell you but pretend we're not discussing your looks, ok? She: Ok, I'll just carry on smiling and act as if we're talking about the weather. He: it's your hair.

She: I knew it, I told William I have to tie my hair back as it's going to be windy but he insisted I keep it down. He: I told you, Kate, always consult with me first. Always consult with me.
Tooth Grinding
This is one of those photos we wish we knew what had happened before (or while) it was taken. All Kate is doing is grinding her teeth or just pulling an 'eeek' which is something we all do occasionally, however, when it comes to royal celebs, it looks better.

For some reason, the title they carry brightens up the crooked smile and it doesn't seem to appear as bad as it really is. So, next time you pull a face and there is a camera around, at least make sure you have a tiara to wear too.
No Matter How Crooked You Go
If Kate would have known there was a camera following her around, would she have smiled less? Or would she get her act together and at least try to put on a straight smile instead of this crooked one?

No matter what Middleton does and no matter how twisted her smile is, she will always be beautiful in our eyes and as far as we are concerned, she can get away with practically anything.
Middleton Mare
One thing we can say about royal photographers (or photographers in general) is that they have the ability to take the most unflattering photos. No matter how beautiful the woman is, having the top row of teeth sticking out will do no good.

Everyone is familiar with Kate Middleton and can't confuse her with other royals, however at first glimpse, one might mistake her for Mrs. Parker Bowles.
Aristocrat Manners
Other than the fact that Kate just doesn't look her best in the next photo, she is also holding her hand in a very unroyal gesture. We can only imagine what the outcome would have been if it would have been shot just one second later.

The pearly earrings and the facial expression leave no room for questioning as this is without no doubt a blue-blooded princess, however, either the standards have changed or Kate has just had enough.
Back to the Future
No, we haven't transferred you into the future. This is Kate Middleton in 2018, paying tribute to the helicopter crash at Leicester City Football Club. It is not the grief that has aged her tremendously. It's just really bad photography.

Most photographers of Middleton reveal her inner beauty and glam however every now and then a phenomenon like this appears, displaying her other natural sides.
William Tell
By this photo, we can assume that no one informed Kate that part of her royal duties would be attending bow and arrow competitions. It's either that or Kate has a very bizarre way of expressing joy.

William, on the other hand, seems to be having a ball. This takes him right back to the roots of William Tell and the heroes of Switzerland.
Tennis Workshop
This image was taken at a tennis workshop with Judy, Andy Murray's mother in one of the schools in Edinburgh. As far as we see it, it doesn't matter who you are related to, or what title you hold, there is always something new to learn in life.

Kate Middleton is sitting comfortably on the floor looking as if she knows it all, asking herself what the hell is she doing there. Not Andy Murray nor his mother has anything new to teach her.
St. Patrick
A עirl's got to do what a girl's got to do. Even if it tastes horrible. This photo was taken in 2012 at Aldershot Barracks on St. Patrick's Day. She is holding a glass of Harvey's Bristol Creme, whatever that means.

When you are a princess, there are things that you've just got to do. Even if it's pretending to enjoy a drink you seriously doubt you even like.
25th Birthday
This is Kate on her 25th birthday, walking down the street she used to live before she moved into the palace. If she would have known she was about to become a Princess she would have probably put in a bit more effort.

The boots are a bit cheap, she seems as if she's pulled an all-nighter the day before, and overall she doesn't look like a very happy person. Don't worry Katy, your life is about to change.
Shocked Katy
What did Kate see that made her pull such a face? This wasn't her first time traveling down The Mall in London in an open horse-drawn carriage, so what made her so surprised?

Kate, next time, make life easier for everyone and take the closed version of the carriage. This way we can stick to the beautiful image of you we have in our minds and waive the one we can see here.
You Can't Go Wrong With Floral, or Can You?
This is a photo of Waity Katy before the days of glamour, grace, and jewels. We love what she has on. It's modest, feminine, and floral. You can never go wrong with floral, but what's with the side fringe?

This photo was taken in 2006, five years after she met William. By that time she should have known that the camera is watching and the paparazzi is following.
This photo is to show that the members of the British royal family are no fools. No, ma'am! They know that life has surprises and that one must prepare themselves for a rainy day.

In this photo taken in 2015, Kate is showing her magician abilities, assuring herself a stable source of income shall that rainy day come too soon.
The Palace Keeper
Yes, we know we are concentrating on images of Kate, however, this one of William couldn't be ignored. It was taken in 2012 during the London Olympics.

It took us a while to comprehend this was the Prince of Wales. At first, we thought this was a bodyguard or some Buckingham Place keeper that was dragged along to watch over Kate at the sporting event.
God Save the King
This photo must have been staged. There is no way the Princess of Wales is ironing alongside King Charles III. Not only that, but it looks as if Kate has got it all going and is explaining to Charles what has to be done.

This was taken in 2012, more than a decade before Queen Elizabeth died and Charles became king. This must have vanished from people's memory. The Crown might have skipped a generation after seeing this.
Virgin Airlines
In 200,6 Kate had already met Prince William, however, they weren't going steady yet. This picture was taken in The Roof Gardens in London. Kate and famous billionaire Sir Richard Branson were having a great time.

We wonder what William offered Kate that Richard didn't, which made her eventually go for the Prince. Oh well, we are sure Branson managed.
Excuse Me
Picture this. Summer 2007, London, England. You walk towards the nightclub expecting to see a long queue of people waiting to get in. Someone comes in front, knocking the rope barrier. It's no other than Kate Middleton.

We have a feeling that if this would have happened a few years later, after receiving the Princess title, she would have stopped to lift what she had knocked down. How rude!
Sing a Song
We love seeing photos of Kate in such a natural way. By the looks of it, she is in the back of a black cab either singing along to her favorite tune on the radio, or maybe shouting out to the driver to take the next left.

Either way, beautiful Kate has for sure had her share of happy days and joyful hours before settling down inside the palace walls.
Blown Away
What a great photo of Kate in one of her special moments. This was taken in 2021 on the beach at St. Andrew's. She was photographed land-yachting and by the looks of it, she was very good.

We have no idea how this day ended and if there are more embarrassing photos Kate asked not to publish, however, we always thought highly of her and this photo makes us think of her even more.
You Can't Have It All
There is no way one can have it all. You can't be beautiful, smart, with a great figure, AND know your way around sports. No one has the entire package.

This is why in 2014 Kate had to pretend she knew what was going on at the match between New Jersey Nets and Cleveland Cavaliers. As we said, no one can have it all.
Woman's Sports
Volleyball can be great fun if you understand the game. In this photo, we can see that Prince William wasn't really understanding what was going in. And we don't blame him.

This was taken during a demonstration of women's volleyball while the royal couple was visiting the University of British Columbia in Canada. Apparently, William is not into women's sports. He is more into his eyebrows.
Cheltenham or Gentleman?
Not quite sure what's going on here. It could be Kate extremely enjoying herself at the Cheltenham Festival horse racing in Gloucestershire, or it could be her feeling awkward being fought on camera with a man who is not William.

Until writing these lines, we have still not figured out who the gentleman is beside her. Whoever you are, speak now or forever keep silent.
Roll Up
The least you could have done was take off your engagement ring. You blind us enough as it is. This tennis workshop Kate attended brought out the best of her, that's for sure.

Kate Middleton is a true princess. No matter what she wears and no matter how low she goes or what rock weighs her hand down, in our eyes, she is stunning.
Big Mistake
This is a photo of Kate Middleton after a night out with Prince William and Prince Harry. This was before the wedding, before Meghan came into the picture and before Kate learned that hats of this sort are a big No No.

We appreciate the fact that she wanted to hide from the paparazzi and the flashes that followed her constantly. However, we can suggest a much better disguise she could have used.
Royal Dance
Here we can see the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton showing off her dancing abilities to a local community in Bhutan. This was taken while the royal couple was touring the area back in 2016.

We are still unsure if the Princess was displaying the regional new dance she had learned or if she was teaching the locals how the royal family do it.