Don’t burst a blood vessel or throw your back out keeled over trying to get that IMPOSSIBLY tight lid off ever again. We all have that one “lid nemesis” that defies our vice grip. Using an earbud, run a very thin layer of VapoRub over the threads of the jar and the lid.

The petroleum jelly will act as a lubricant, preventing the lid from locking against the threads from overtightening while keeping the jar or bottle well sealed; however, the ingredients in VapoRub can be toxic if swallowed. We don’t know how good of a hack this is. Besides, we can think of many other ways to get jars open.
Unless you want petroleum jelly for dinner, this is not worth it.
Headache Balm
Interestingly, this isn't even the only headache hack we have here! Vicks company itself actually suggests this hack. The menthol in the VapoRub adds heat that helps loosen blood vessels. The mere smell of the VapoRub is also known to provide a calming sensation, thus reducing stress and instantly aiding in the dissolution of the headache.

The VapoRub may be applied to any part of the head that the pain is emanating from, except for around the eyes and nostrils. We might throw out our headache pills for this good, cheap, effective, and mini spa treatment! It is not always necessary to take conventional medicine; sometimes, using industrial gifts from nature can be everything you need.
Say goodbye to those headaches in the most unconventional way. This is worth it.
Remove Smudges
This next hack might seem a bit awkward, as we recommend removing an oily smudge with an oily ointment; however, we've tried this ourselves, and you can't argue with chemistry. It works. Oily fingerprints make their mark on glass surfaces. Mirrors, spectacles, and windows, to name a few. Stubborn smudges can easily be swabbed off these surfaces with VapoRub.

Using a non-abrasive cloth, vigorously work a dot of VapoRub into the smudges. Use the dry end of the cloth to wipe the VapoRub away. There may be a bit of streakiness, but continue using the dry cloth to wipe it away. Mirror, mirror on the wall, what’s the best VapoRub hack of them all?
Thanks to us, you'll be able to see through your glasses again. Worth it.
Camphor Camping
Insects know no boundaries. It is great to be one with nature and all when camping, but do we have to endure the buzzing bombardment of Mother Nature’s minute kamikaze pilots? The short answer is “no” if you have a few jars of VapoRub on hand! The scent of the menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus ingredients is overpowering for insects, and they will generally avoid it at all costs.

A good hack is to melt some VapoRub over the fire and leave it in small open containers around the table, as the aroma will deter any insects from getting too close. So, with this hack, you can solve the insect issue, and you can also refresh the ambiance around. Two for the price of one.
This is a win-win VapoRub situation. And it's worth it.
Lights, Camera... Cry!
This hack has nothing to do with health but rather – should we say – persuasion! A tiny (and we need to stress here: TINY) wipe of VapoRub just underneath the eyes will cause the eyes to water, mimicking the appearance of crying.

The use of this hack is seriously open to creative license: auditioning or getting out of work early? You decide! The eyes are incredibly sensitive to VapoRub, so this should only ever be used with extreme caution. Think before you rub — how badly do you want to cry, and how badly are you willing to risk this and let your eyes burn?
Stick to the onions; this is worthless.
Salty Scrub
Add a VapoRub shower bomb for an at-home spa day truly worth remembering. Mix less than a teaspoon of salt into a blob of VapoRub, grab your favorite exfoliator brush, and give your body a good scrub. The VapoRub and salt work well as exfoliating agents.

The menthol and camphor will relax and soothe muscles, the petroleum jelly prevents healthy skin from drying out, and the salt removes stubborn, dead skin. Make sure to rinse off very well. Who said you can't have a full-body exfoliation treatment for under $10? This sometimes feels better than the real thing.
Fancy a full body spa treatment for under ten dollars? This is worth it.
Too Much Vitamin D
Peelers unite! At one point or another, the sun lover in all of us has led us down the dreaded sunburn path. While most of us simply reach for the aloe vera gel, another far more unsuspecting aid is at hand in the form of VapoRub.

Some VapoRub hackers suggest daubing a cloth in VapoRub, wrapping the cloth around an ice pack, and leaving on a sunburn. The VapoRub can be used, too, to assist with peeling! This will help prevent uneven shades of skin irritation that occur after exposure to the sun and increase the pace at which your skin peels.
Shed your skin with this great VapoRub hack. Worth it.
Psoriasis and Eczema Relief
Psoriasis and eczema are two challenging skin conditions with very different causes. It's unpleasant, and it doesn't look good. Psoriasis is thought to be triggered as an autoimmune response, whereas eczema is a chronic skin condition. Both lead to flaky, itchy, and burning skin as hard skin cells accumulate and are difficult to shed.

Eczema and psoriasis sufferers may experience some decrease in the symptoms by using VapoRub on the problematic spots. While both conditions require thorough medical assessment, last-minute relief may be provided thanks to all the antimicrobial and analgesic properties of VapoRub. This is another great example of the people's pharmacy.
Thumbs up for instant relief. Worth it.
Fungal Toenail Foes
A medical study using VapoRub found that the ointment had a very “positive clinical effect” on combating the growth and spread of toenail fungus. Be liberal with this one; the more VapoRub over the offending critters, the better. The antiseptic properties of camphor may kill the fungal colony altogether.

It is suggested to continue clipping the toenail as usual, as this will remove the infection underneath it and allow the VapoRub to penetrate the nailbed further. If the toenail becomes discolored, do not fret; it is due to the infection, not the VapoRub. As always, seek medical advice!
Get reacquainted with your flip-flops. This is worth it.
Click Those Cracked Heels
If your heels look like they have just crossed the Sahara desert or as if you've been walking barefooted forever, do not fret, and keep those sandals out for summer! Cracked heels usually develop as a result of extra pressure on the feet. Heels will then tend to harden, causing cracking and dryness. VapoRub is a well-known solution to restore heels.

The effects of the petroleum jelly in VapoRub are so positive on cracked heels that even the American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends its usage. A generous spread of VapoRub a few times a day should have you clicking your heels together again in no time!
Get those feet ready for summer. Definitely worth it.
Bruises Begone!
A jar of VapoRub is an essential item to have in the cosmetic kit for the accident-prone among us. Yes, you read that right; tuck in a jar of VapoRub next to your mascara and lip gloss! A well-known remedy to bring a bruise down is to apply a good slathering of VapoRub onto it. The (not-so-secret) ingredient that makes this possible is menthol.

The menthol helps to reduce and ease the swelling of a bruise, which in turn brings down the inflammation and allows the fluid to drain quickly. Less fluid means less discoloration, too! So, for small bruises, this is a great hack, but what happens when VapoRub meets big and ugly bruises? Well, you might want to see a doctor for those.
VapoRub is your bruise's best friend. Worth it.
Make Kevin Bacon Proud
Several good hacks have emerged since the dawn of the internet to help keep feet pretty, smooth, and in footloose shape. Not one to be left out, VapoRub has its own solution to beautify and soften the soles. Dissolve a spoonful of VapoRub in a tub of lukewarm-to-warm water.

Ensure not to overdo it, as one spoon will be enough to work effectively and not overwhelm the room with fumes. The petroleum jelly and key ingredients might help keep feet hydrated and slough off dead skin; however, we have a feeling the water on its own would have done the same job. Make sure to pat dry rather than rub dry afterward to lock in the moisture.
Don't let them fool you here. This is worthless.
The WD40 Alternative
Have you ever had a peek inside a handyman’s toolbox and seen a jar of VapoRub? If so, and it left you dubious, cast your suspicions aside! Petroleum jelly and turpentine oil have a reputation for being excellent lubricants for tools and keeping things moving smoothly.

In the instance of an annoyingly squeaky door hinge, apply a generous helping of VapoRub onto the hinge and work it between the gaps. The jelly and oil will reduce friction between the different metal pieces and might prevent that maddening squeak. If you’re in the mood for a prank, smear some on the door handle!
After this, you won't have to call a handyman anymore. Worth it.
A Blessing for Athletes and Their Foot
An unsightly, uncomfortable, and downright nasty affliction that almost everyone will have the misfortune of experiencing once in their lives is Athlete's Foot. Athlete's Foot is a simple fungal infection that is not very resistant to the power of menthol and eucalyptus oil, two of the key ingredients in VapoRub. We know how this looks, but this hack really works.

Ensure that the feet are well-scrubbed and toweled dry before applying the VapoRub to any affected areas. The menthol and eucalyptus oil work on the fungal infection by killing it off before it can spread. This remedy is even highly recommended by podiatrists!
Let's go back to smooth-looking feet. This is definitely worth it.
Long Haul Flights
Our skin has not evolved to be at high altitudes in cold air for half a day. The circulated air in airplane cabins can be extremely dehydrating and suck the vitality out of the skin. Do not board that plane without a supply of VapoRub.

The petroleum jelly and turpentine oil of VapoRub lock in moisture on the skin and will ward off the dry air from getting to your skin. Overpowering other passengers with too much menthol is not the only issue we see here. Why not stick to regular old-fashioned moisturizing cream? We are sure you can get a richer version than what you usually use.
VapoRub is not going to help on this flight. Worthless.
Hey Baby
We have high appreciation when big brands take things the extra mile like they did here. Vicks itself highly advises NOT to apply any VapoRub to infants, especially children under the age of two. Vicks took the extra step and created a VapoRub product, especially for those little humans.

VapoRub for babies, called BabyRub, is a non-medicated version of VapoRub that contains the goodness of petroleum jelly without the harsher additives of eucalyptus oil, menthol, and camphor, all of which can be damaging to a baby’s sensitive airways. BabyRub is available at most pharmacies and is intended to provide a restful, soothing sleep for the young ones.
No more tears, no more crying baby. This is worth it.
Menthol Muscles
Make-up artists, tradespeople, and actors use VapoRub for their professions, so why not bodybuilders? Ot anyone else with tired muscles for that matter? VapoRub has a reputation for soothing aching and overworked muscles. Menthol brings a cooling sensation to muscles.

While the menthol content is somewhat low in VapoRub, it is apparently effective enough to aid with muscular pain. To be most effective, it is advised to give the muscle a deep-tissue rub with the VapoRub and not just a casual smear so it can get through to the muscle fibers. Try not to get it all over the gym equipment, ok?
Why didn't anyone think of this sooner? This is worth it.
Pre-Workout Potion
VapoRub has been shown to help significantly in soothing strained and aching muscles after strenuous activity, but there is a chance that it could help prevent strain and everything related to it. This ointment has magical ways, apparently. The cooling effect of the menthol helps keep the muscle relaxed and, as a result, eases the resistance of the workout movement.

The muscle still works to maximum effect but has a bit of help in doing so. The camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus will definitely not count towards any performance-enhancing substances, so all the bodybuilders are safe and secure!
Do you want to take your workout to the max? This is worth it.
Snail Deterrent
Don’t let the snail assail your plants! VapoRub can form an impenetrable barrier for snails. Only use this hack on potted plants. Rub a good dollop of VapoRub on the edges of plant holders and ONLY the holders. Snails will stay far, far away from the menthol scent.

Do not rub VapoRub on any plant itself, including the leaves, stalks, or branches, as this will most certainly cause damage to the plant. A light greasing around the plant holder rim is more than enough to repel any voracious bugs. With this hack, we promise you not even one snail will be trespassing.
Want to get the snails away from your plants? This is worth it.
Horse Hormones
It's time for another genuinely unexpected VapoRub hack. Some may see this as a great gospel of the century; however, many (like us) might raise a brow. Control those horse hormones! Any equestrian will mention the struggles of keeping a horse focused when it’s that time of the season and they are looking for some horseplay.

Horses are triggered by the release of pheromones from other horses and can become easily distracted by their impulse to try and start a family. Some equestrians use a light dab of VapoRub on their horses’ noses to confuse the scent of other horses around. Giddyup!
Let nature take its course. This is worthless.
Dark Spots
Dark spots on your skin can pose a real cosmetic challenge. These spots, sometimes splotchy and sometimes looking like a flat mole, pose no immediate health risks, but many would rather they disappear. There are a number of self-aided treatments that try to deal with eliminating them once and for all, and VapoRub is usually featured on the home remedy list.

It is not advised to apply VapoRub over large areas of the skin, as this can cause acne. However, if this is not a risk, then a gentle massaging of the VapoRub into the dark spot may help lighten it. What do you think? Are you planning on giving this a try? Well, don't.
Don't give up on your monthly facial. This is worthless.
Follicle Food
The causes of hair loss are diverse, and a number of factors can contribute to thinning hair. According to some sources, if your hair loss is not genetic, there might be some salvation. The camphor is reported to assist with blood circulation. Simple logic dictates better blood flow, which means far happier follicles.

The eucalyptus oil, acting as an antibacterial, can clear the hair pores and encourage new hair growth. Doctors are less convinced, though, and so are we. If this hack were to be so revolutionary, we feel like hair clinics would be going out of business.
Don't throw your wig away. This hack is worthless.
Lingering Lipstick
VapoRub saves the day for all the make-up artists out there. Lipsticks with especially dark or bright hues can be challenging to remove quickly. Water does not quite cut it, and tissue usually only ends up clinging to your lips! No need to panic as there is a way to get rid of the red marks easily.

A VapoRub hack to help with this is to apply a thin – let's reiterate, a very thin – layer of VapoRub over the lips. Too much, and the odor may be overwhelming. Leave to stand for a few minutes, and then use a wet wipe to wipe away everything. You might find clean, clear lips instantly.
Don't be afraid to use red lipstick ever again. Worth it.
Pierced Ears
Has it been a while since poking a piece of metal through your body's soft, fleshy parts? Yes, we know that sounds odd, but we just described wearing earrings! If your piercings are proving resistant, apply a smidge of VapoRub to the piercing holes. You won't believe the wonders it will do.

The slight greasiness will allow the earrings to go through the holes more easily. The antiseptic properties of the eucalyptus oil might also prove beneficial in keeping bacteria out. So, there's no need to get upset if you're struggling, and there is no need to stop wearing earrings.
And you thought you had to part from your earnings. This is worth it.
Sinus Savior
VapoRub is here to rescue all the innocent victims of pollen. The menacing microspores can trigger a range of irritations in the sinus cavities that lead to blocked noses, watery eyes, inflamed membranes, and a host of unnecessary ailments. VapoRub is a welcome relief to help clear the blockages and reduce the burning, swollen sinus tissues.

A teaspoon of VapoRub in a bowl of hot water will release a cloud of vapor that can be inhaled. To truly exploit this hack, throw a towel over your head and the bowl to capture as much of the vapor as possible. Or, you can save your money by putting a few drops of essential oil in the hot water, and you'll get the same effect.
Hot water doesn't need much to help your blocked nose. Worthless.
Stuck Zipper
Has a zipper on one of your clothing items decided that it prefers to enjoy the view at the halfway mark? Tugging at the stubborn zipper will just make things worse. There is no need to throw your favorite jeans away, and although you really want to, there is no need to go and get a new pair.

A nifty hack to get the zipper to release its death grip is by smudging a pinch of VapoRub on the zipper teeth. The petroleum jelly is the magician in this instance, as it provides a greasiness that will lessen the resistance of the zipper and allow it to glide over the metal without a struggle, so they say. But what do we do with the greasy fingertips that won't allow us to pull up the zipper?
Not much thought was invested in this one. This is worthless.
VapoRub the Tennis Elbow
No need to stay off the tennis court if your elbow is giving you stress; the ever-wondrous combination of menthol and camphor can save the elbows of any Wimbledon champion! Tennis elbow is caused by the elbow joint being strained due to overuse or possibly overextension.

A dollop of VapoRub massaged onto and around the elbow may possibly provide instant relief. The menthol can bring down any inflammation, so the tendons and muscles find relief. The camphor might numb the area and possibly lift any pain. There is no need to stop doing what you love; if you love tennis, you are about to love VapoRub, too.
With this hack, you can play tennis for the rest of your life. This is worth it.
Heal Headaches
Headaches are nobody’s friend. Several different factors could bring on and lead to a headache, but headaches and migraines are mostly due to vascular constriction. A handy hack is to gently massage a fingertip’s worth of VapoRub into the temples. The actual massage obviously helps, but the VapoRub does wonders too.

Use small, circular motions to allow the VapoRub to penetrate the skin, which will possibly lead to the menthol providing its classic cooling magic. The scent of the VapoRub itself is thought to lend to alleviating headache symptoms as it opens up airways and allows for better oxygenation. Better oxygenation means better blood flow. It's just science!
Do you want to say goodbye to annoying headaches? This is worth it.
Ward Off the Warts
These are 100 words of science. Warts occur when a simple virus finds a comfy spot and causes an excess of keratin to grow, trapping fluid and causing a painless yet uncomfortable and unsightly growth to form on the skin.

Numerous VapoRub hackers attest to slathering the wart in VapoRub and wrapping it. Some people even tend to use duct tape for this purpose! Warts are persistent critters, so the wrapping will have to be changed once to twice daily over a period of about a week to be effective. Decades ago, people relied on what nature had to offer, so we are completely for this!
Let nature do its magic. This is worth it.
Dying hair
Keep the dye where it belongs: on your hair. Hair dying is a messy event. A lot of unwanted crossovers happen when the dye itself creeps onto the ears, forehead, and neck. Some people with more sensitive skin will find that the dye can be a bit stubborn and hard to clear from the skin.

Create a border between the hairline and the rest of the head with a thin strip of VapoRub. The petroleum jelly will absorb the runoff dye and create a natural barrier to keep it away from the skin. A quick wipe is all it takes afterward.
And here's to clean neat, and professional hair dyeing. This is worth it.
Sore Throat Sock
We read this hack over and over again, checked what others thought of it, and came to the conclusion that... there is no conclusion. This hack might not be for those with smelly feet. A simple and effective way to deal with a sore throat is to massage some VapoRub around it.

The unfortunate and unintended consequence of this is that the VapoRub is so close to the face that it might become annoying with fumes. To bypass this, the age-old trick is to wrap a sock around the throat once the VapoRub has been applied, and, in particular, a man’s sock! That might be an old suspicion, but in any event, make sure not to wrap the sock too tightly!
Could socks be replacing scarves and sour thoughts? This is worthless.
Bug Bite Balm
If you go outside in the summer, even if it's just a 5-second excursion to throw out the trash, chances are you might have a bug bite or two. Or, possibly, even more than that if you were out for a full-blown camping trip. If an itchy, throbbing bug bite occurs, a blob of VapoRub over the offending area could minimize the symptoms and prevent the bite area from being scratched.

As this should only be used with insignificant bites such as mosquitoes or gnats, and due to the fact that none of us are experts when it comes to identifying bugs, we will have to pass. Apparently, if it is a spider bite or worse, you should seek medical attention immediately!
Get out your insect identifier, or call it a waste of time. This is worthless.
Buff It Out
Use VapoRub to create a clear, quick shine on non-fabric handbags and shoes. Dull items can experience a quick revival with a spot of VapoRub and elbow grease. Make sure to test a dab of VapoRub on the handbag or shoe before slathering it all over and potentially ruining it.

If handbags or shoes are looking a bit scuffed and dusty, dip a cloth in a small amount of VapoRub and rub it over the item in fast, circular motions. The eucalyptus oil may help break down greasy patches, and the turpentine oil will give it a glossy coat.
Bring your shoes back to life. This is worth it.
Full Marks for Stretch Marks
This one might have a touch of the "old wives' tale"; however, there are accounts of VapoRub being skin-saving sorcery and reducing the appearance of stretch marks. While medical professionals maintain that retinol is definitely the better option, a cost-effective hack is slathering VapoRub over the stretch marks and wrapping the area in cling wrap!

The idea is that the eucalyptus is a highly effective wound and scar healer and helps diminish the appearance of stretch marks. Additionally, the petroleum works as a hydrating agent, so the skin looks smoother. The clingfilm part might seem a bit awkward, but hey, it works.
Say goodbye to your stretch marks. This is worth it.
Manicure Magic
In a rush and short on time to touch up your expert manicure? Perhaps the nail polish is looking a bit dull. Instantly revive it with a glossy glow by rubbing a minuscule amount of VapoRub over the nail polish.

The petroleum jelly and turpentine oil will create a shimmering effect and bring out the nail polish color. Now, there is one thing we can't get over. The jelly will make fingers a bit sticky and slippery — trying to carefully wipe the fingertips and fingers clean and not wipe any of the VapoRub off the nails themselves is not a useful tip, in our opinion.
Keep your fingertips clean and keep your manicure complete. Worthless.
The Classic Chest Rub
This one is a classic. Are there any VapoRub newbies around? This is the granddaddy of all VapoRub uses, but we felt we might need to include it on this list in case there are some first-timers! The classic VapoRub hack: a chest covered in VapoRub to ease congestion.

Every kid that has had flu has likely fallen asleep with their chest smeared in VapoRub. Menthol, eucalyptus oil, and camphor all act to break up congestion and open up airways. What also could be beneficial is the FEELING of the VapoRub on the chest – a warm, tingling sensation that can improve mood.
People's pharmacy at its best. This is definitely worth it.
Wedding Band Wonder Wax
We only advocate this hack for legitimate reasons to remove your wedding band! Rings stuck on fingers can be a nightmare and also painful. Panic sets in as the tugging seems to make the ring more immovable. Take a deep breath, relax, and reach for the jar of VapoRub.

A generous squeeze of VapoRub squishes around the finger, and the metal will lessen the fight between skin and ring. Watch the rings slide right off like ice skaters as the petroleum jelly creates an oily exit for them off the fingers. Don’t use this hack to get stubborn rings on, though!
Take off your ring without losing a finger. This is worth it.
Remove Paint
Feeling like Michaelangelo, you lay your paintbrush down and admire your handiwork. But being such a prodigious artist does not come without its occupational hazards. If you have been painting only to later find a large splotch of paint on your skin, look for the nearest VapoRub bottle.

The petroleum jelly and turpentine oil will absorb the paint, and the menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus oil may even aid in breaking the obstinate paint down. Splodge the spot with VapoRub and use gentle motions with an old cloth to softly and slowly work the paint off the skin. There is no need to stop painting; you just have to learn how to handle the mess afterward.
Never say goodbye to your inner artist. This is worth it.
Toss the Labello
Make sure you don't lock lips with an unsuspecting suitor while using this hack. Many people report that VapoRub works wonders in soothing and repairing dry, cracked, and chapped lips. General dryness and chapping are removed by a combination of the moisturizing properties of the petroleum and the healing benefits of the eucalyptus oil.

It is strongly advised not to apply VapoRub to any open sores on the mouth, but it works well for general dryness caused by weather or dehydration. But seriously, warn your partner before they get a mouthful of menthol! With so many downfalls, how could this be worth it?
Don't throw away your chapstick just yet. This is worthless.
Lower Back Pain
There is a certain stage in life that once you meet it, there is no going back. And when we say back, we mean everything related to it. VapoRub can hopefully come to the rescue for one of the single most common ailments: lower back pain. The ointment is generally good for muscle pain, and lower back muscles are no exception.

Menthol and camphor are ideal painkillers and, when used topically, can bring immense relief to aching and strained backs. Physiotherapists have reportedly used VapoRub extensively as a safe alternative for their patients for conditions including spondylosis and scoliosis.
Once you touch, there is no going back. This is worth it.
Shower Bombs
Mind getting some VapoRub on your baking utensils? If not, this hack is ideal, and we can assure you there will be no regrets. Step aside bath bombs; VapoRub is taking over the bath time! Head to your kitchen cabinet and grab cornstarch, baking soda, and a molding tray.

Mix these ingredients with a healthy scoop of VapoRub, freeze the concoction for a few hours, and voila, VapoRub shower bombs are ready! While showering, toss a bomb (or two) near the drain and let the shower fill with sweet, decongesting, and relaxing VapoRub steam. There are several recipes online!
Welcome your homemade spa. This is worth it.
Have a Scented Shower
Bath-lovers? This bomb blessing is kind of lame, so you can try it or skip it. This VapoRub bath bomb is technically not really a bath bomb, and works slightly differently than what you have tried before. Instead of placing the thing in the bath itself, place it in a separate container of hot water.

Placing the VapoRub 'bomb' in the bath itself will cause the water to become slimy with petroleum jelly, so just fill the sink with hot water and let the blob dissolve there, releasing the vapors into the washroom as you bathe.
Not an actual bath bomb, not really an essential oil diffuser, not really anything. This is worthless.
Pet Potty Training
We bet this is one that nobody could have imagined would feature as a hack, but yes, animal-loving VapoRub aficionados swear by this trick! If the offending canine pooch or llama refuses to relieve themselves outside, place a jar of VapoRub in the spots that they like to mark. Is this hack going to make magic?

The science is not particularly groundbreaking on this one: animals do not enjoy the odor of VapoRub, and it deters them from going near it. An open jar should suffice but if not, look for our humidifier hack!
Why don't you try to train your dog instead? Worthless.
Harmonious Hemorrhoids
This ailment is usually the butt of all jokes. Now that we got our one free hemorrhoid joke out of the way, let’s move on and see how Vick can help you! VapoRub is, without doubt, a very unorthodox ointment for hemorrhoids, but sufferers have stated that a light application of the jelly provides instant relief. It has to be a very thin layer, or else there will be another issue to worry about.

Vicks asserts that VapoRub must only be used externally. Therefore, it is not advisable to apply the VapoRub to the hemorrhoid directly. Instead, try a light application of VapoRub around the edges where itchiness, irritation, and discomfort occur. To us, there are discomforts and health issues that the people's pharmacy may interfere with; however, there are some cases where they should not. And this is one of them.
Some things shouldn't be messed with. This is worthless.
Prevent Stretch Marks
Preventing stretch marks from forming altogether? Yes, please! The petroleum jelly and the turpentine oil in VapoRub help the skin stay hydrated, elastic, and supple if used on a regular basis. With skin in this condition, it can better withstand the stresses placed on it by rapid expansion, for example, during pregnancy or rapid weight gain.

This hack needs no unique process, such as wrapping oneself up like a mummy in cling wrap, but instead just a single application daily, preferably after bathing. The texture and oils are far better than any other lotion and will result in no time.
What younger-looking skin in no time? This is worth it.
Post-Shaving Balm
Pro-tip for this hack: use this only on the legs, and remember, this will become an all-time favorite. After a thorough shave, especially those overdue ones, the hair follicles become irritated. We are frequently left with the dreaded shaving bumps: the highway of sandpaper-like lumps where our skin is voicing its clear disapproval. Lightly apply a layer of VapoRub over the legs.

Do not apply pressure. The menthol will spring into action to suppress any swelling of the pores. The petroleum jelly will help keep the legs smooth and moistened. Do not apply VapoRub to the face or under the arms after a shave.
Do you want your legs' skin to have a long-lasting, silky-smooth effect? This is worth it.
Pet Hot Spots
Are you noticing your pooches rubbing their hindquarters against trees or furniture a bit much? No, they have not been watching Miley Cyrus' music videos. They possibly have what veterinarians call a hot spot. A hot spot occurs when a lesion becomes inflamed and causes the unsuspecting animal significant irritation.

VapoRub can act as a soothing balm against the flare-up. Ensure to trim the hair around the hot spot so the VapoRub is not absorbed by the hair itself. And with all of these warnings, we can sum it up by saying the VapoRub is extremely toxic, so extra caution must be taken.
It's too toxic to take the chance. This is worthless.
Freshen the Air
Have you missed trash collection day? Is there a new puppy in the house that has not yet learned the difference between your Persian rug and the grass outside? Here’s a VapoRub hack for you that we guarantee will make our house smell good again.

Use VapoRub as a quick-fix air freshener. Some hacks suggest a dab of VapoRub just under the nose, but this is not recommended as it can irritate the upper lip. A better method is to place a spoonful of VapoRub into a microwave-proof bowl, heat it until it becomes liquid, and place it in the desired location.
Instant money-saving saver air freshener without needing to leave the house. Worth it.
Scalp Salve
For any VapoRub hackers who may try this quick fix out, we suggest that you time it accordingly so as not to smell like a walking jar of Vicks! VapoRub is excellent for moisturizing the skin, and the skin on the scalp is no different. If your scalp is dry and itchy, a generous slathering of VapoRub could reduce some of the symptoms.

The moisturizing effect of the petroleum jelly could get to work right away and prevent further dandruff and dead skin from snowing down. This is best done on a day without leaving the house or before bedtime. Complete this with anti-dandruff shampoo, and your scalp will be as good as new.
Do you want a clean and healthy scalp? You might find this hack worth it.
Kitchen Scalds
This next one has happened to most of us before. VapoRub comes in handy if there’s a minor burn from spending time in the kitchen. Say you grabbed a pot handle before it had cooled down, and there’s some minor redness and swelling, for example. After placing the scalded area under cool, running water for a few minutes, immediately apply VapoRub to the affected spots.

The menthol might soothe the pain and bring down the swelling, the eucalyptus oil might prevent any bacterial infection, and the camphor will act as a painkiller. And, of course, do not neglect and seek immediate medical attention!
Treat those ugly burns immediately. This is so worth it.
Infection Inhibitor
Reading through this article will teach you that VapoRub can help soothe minor burns, but in addition to this, it goes a step further and may even prevent infection from setting in. It is suggested to apply VapoRub after a superficial injury occurs, say, for example, a scrape or a small cut from a knife.

The petroleum jelly will help seal the wound and prevent any bacteria from entering, while the menthol and eucalyptus oil might even kill any bacteria at the wound site itself. This is not a recommended sterilizing method or medication, though, and the wound itself must be cleaned with a disinfectant.
If you are a chef or simply work hard in the kitchen, this is worth it.
Conquer Cold Sores
There is nothing cool about a cold sore as they usually feel like a volcanic fire pit on the lips. Cold sores are a very simple and common virus, and studies have shown that it affects up to eighty percent of the population. Try to prevent a cold sore from breaking out or, at the very least, from getting worse by applying a small dab of VapoRub on it.

The petroleum jelly will keep the skin around the cold sore hydrated, thereby preventing cracking and splitting. The menthol could act as a preventative against swelling. Haven't you tried this yet? Well, it's about time.
Are you looking for instant cold sore therapy? This is worth it.
Relieve Rosacea
Rosacea is a benign condition that causes a gradual reddening of certain spots of the face that can last from a few days to a few weeks. Symptoms include general discomfort and slight itchiness, but it can sometimes lead to small boils forming. It is a very unpleasant situation; however, there are some clever hacks to help you ease the discomfort.

The biggest complaint from rosacea sufferers is cosmetic by a wide margin. Some say that a small amount of relief may come from smearing a thin layer of VapoRub over the rosacea patches and leaving it to absorb. Too much VapoRub may cause irritation of facial skin. So, as there are differences of opinion, we have to give this a thumbs down.
Don't go too far when it comes to treating your face. This is unanimously worthless.
Smooth Out Wrinkles
As the adage goes: wrinkles show where smiles have been. But for some, there's a possibility that those smiles stretched a bit too far across the face. Wrinkles are unavoidable, and not everyone quite has the budget for high-end treatment, so for those on a tight budget, VapoRub might have a solution.

Eucalyptus oil is documented to tighten the skin. Combine this with petroleum jelly, and VapoRub makes a convincing argument to help make the skin taut around wrinkles while keeping it moisturized. The results may not be drastic, but a little goes a long way. By the way. A few celebs have been known to use this hack, so if it's good for them, it is surely good enough for us.
Want to look like a celeb? This is definitely the hack for you. Worth it.
Cat Scratch Fever
It’s a shame that the ancient Egyptians did not have VapoRub at hand! As devoted as we are to our feline family, their not-so-endearing habit of scratching up and clawing at furniture can certainly be a challenge. VapoRub possibly is the answer to prevent this from happening. Or is it?

It is recommended first to perform a test on an inconspicuous piece of furniture to ensure that it does not damage the furniture itself. A light and inoffensive (to the human nose, at least) streak of VapoRub on the items could repel the cat from going near it. But what about the greasy marks it leaves behind?
Are we sure there isn't a better way than greasy stains to stop the cat? This is worthless.
VapoRub Massage
Need to give a quick massage, and there is no massage oil on hand? We concede that an emergency massage is probably not common, but you never know when the need may arise! VapoRub makes for a particularly effective massage aid as its ingredients will create instant, complementary relief.

Avoid massaging the face, neck, and inner thighs. The VapoRub can be worked into the muscles as with any other massage cream or oil. Minimal VapoRub should be used as the camphor and menthol are particularly strong; however, it will do its magic. So bear in mind that excessive use may cause adverse effects.
If you urgently need a massage and you find yourself unprepared, this is worth it. Otherwise, not so much.
Cut Down the Cuts
It's dinner time, salad is on the menu, and you may have cut more than just a few tomatoes and sliced through some skin. Let VapoRub slice through the healing time. VapoRub connoisseurs maintain that VapoRub aids in the healing process of minor cuts. And by minor cuts, we are talking about paper cuts here, everyone!

As grateful as we are for the self-healing properties of the skin, the prolonged waiting period can be a challenge. Speed up the healing process by allowing the menthol to bring down the swelling while the camphor numbs those annoying stings. The eucalyptus might even inhibit nasty bugs from getting in and causing infection.
Paper, scissors, VapoRub. This is worth it.
Cellulite Stripper
This simple VapoRub hack is here to help all humans battle a common enemy — cellulite. Note that some diehard VapoRub fans insist on a few extra ingredients to ensure the process is even more effective; however, many use this hack, so it must be doing something right.

Generously apply Vicks VapoRub to any area with noticeable cellulite and add a sprinkle of baking soda and just a drop of alcohol. And no, that does not mean a dash of wine! As the instructions go, the ingredients need time to work, so this is best done just before going to bed or, if the cling wrap is tight enough, as you go about your day.
Do you want to say goodbye to your backside cellulite? This hack is worth it.
Bug Barricade
Is there anything that menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus cannot assist with? Look, we're not saying that VapoRub will prevent malaria, but research suggests it will at least turn your skin into a no-go zone for any ravenous creepy crawlies. Now, it can be great for small specific areas, but does it protect your entire surroundings?

The potent ingredients form a strong enough odor to deter any insect from finding a good snacking spot, while the petroleum jelly acts as a very nifty shield. The VapoRub should only be applied minimally to exposed areas of the skin and nowhere near the face.
Bugs will forever hover over the face area. This is worthless.
Itching Balm
Spare yourself the embarrassment of scratching away at a persistent itchy spot. Instead of looking like a cat with fleas, why not apply a thin layer of VapoRub over the offending itch? You'd be surprised by the magic this can do. A number of reasons could be causing an unexplained prickling: dry skin, allergy, and light sunburn, among others.

The petroleum jelly will soothe it while the camphor numbs the nerve endings, allowing you to forget that there is even an irritation temporarily. Now, if VapoRub shouldn't be used as a long-term solution but rather just to get through your Monday meeting, then maybe it should be emphasized somewhere.
Seeking for temporary relief? This hack is for you. Worth it.
Fat Burning
Rumor has it that VapoRub can, very possibly, act as a fat-burning cream. Now, we have to stress the “rumor” part because this hack is purely anecdotal, and no studies have been done to prove it. There are a number of ways that VapoRub hackers purport this worked.

The simplest way is to simply lather a freshly cleaned part of the body where you wish to lessen fat and let it simply break down the fat. Another method is to create a paste of VapoRub and sodium bicarbonate, and after applying the paste, wrap the area in cling wrap. Come on. Do you think we were born yesterday?
There is no such thing as a cream that burns fat. This is worthless.
Zit Zapper
As the seniors might rejoice at the miraculous painkilling properties of VapoRub for their joints, the teens can rejoice at the marvelous zit-zapping capabilities of VapoRub! Camphor and menthol join forces and recruit a third magic ingredient: eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil is known to have antibacterial properties, including killing the bacteria that cause acne.

The menthol acts as an anti-inflammatory, and the camphor acts as an analgesic. Note that it is NOT advisable to lather any part of the face with VapoRub but, instead, just dab on the specific pimple. The VapoRub is soon to become a must-have in every teen's bag.
A must-have in any teen's bag. This is worth it.
Jar Genius
Don’t burst a blood vessel or throw your back out keeled over trying to get that IMPOSSIBLY tight lid off ever again. We all have that one “lid nemesis” that defies our vice grip. Using an earbud, run a very thin layer of VapoRub over the threads of the jar and the lid.

The petroleum jelly will act as a lubricant, preventing the lid from locking against the threads from overtightening while keeping the jar or bottle well sealed; however, the ingredients in VapoRub can be toxic if swallowed. We don't know how good of a hack this is. Besides, we can think of many other ways to get jars open.
Unless you want petroleum jelly for dinner, this is not worth it.
Chafe Resistant
New shoes can be an ankle’s worst enemy. You have picked out that perfect pair of Jimmy Choos, and you are getting ready to show them off in front of your friends, but your ankles are not pleased with your purchase. This VapoRub hack might help your ankles and shoes be better neighbors and save you from keeping them locked inside your shoe closet.

Prevent chafing around ankles by applying a teensy-weensy strip of VapoRub around them where the shoe meets. The VapoRub will prevent excessive chafing from occurring. This can be applied around the Achilles Heel, as well. As always with materials, test on an inconspicuous spot beforehand!
Do you want to wear your brand-new shoes straight away? This is worth it.
Cute Cuticles
There’s so much VapoRub can do for your hands! This article features all of the benefits plus this one: caring for your cuticles and making them look as if you have just walked out of a professional manicure. And between you and us, there is nothing more satisfying than a beautiful manicure.

Cuticles to the hand are like what shoes are to the legs; everything else might be fine, but if those are off, everything else is off — a touch of VapoRub around and on the cuticles will soften them so you can easily shape them. The menthol will leave your fingertips feeling extra refreshed.
Nothing beats a clean manicure. This is worth it.
Winter Is Coming
Arctic blasts are not known to be of particular benefit to the epidermis. The cold air of winter and lack of humidity will suck all the summer moisturization efforts right out of your skin. Combine this with indoor heating, which further dries out the skin, and you have a recipe for dermatological disaster.

To prevent this, apply a thin layer of VapoRub to body parts that will be exposed to the cold air. The petroleum jelly will lock in moisture and prevent the cold air from extracting it out of your skin. Remember not to use excessively on the face.
Looking into keeping your skin smooth all winter? This is worth it.
The Sock Hack
According to different sources, the jury is somewhat out on this one. The diehard VapoRub supporters, though, insist this hack works. If your partner or someone you sleep near is sensitive to the aroma of VapoRub, then slathering it all over your chest to cure congestion or cough at bedtime is probably not a good idea.

Instead, VapoRub hackers insist that rubbing the soles of the feet with VapoRub and immediately dressing the feet in socks works just as well as if the VapoRub was on your chest! Hey, your shoes will smell great, too! Make breathing easier, feet softer, and your sleep better. You can't lose.
For smooth feet and a good night's sleep, this hack is for you. It is worth it.
A disclaimer about this one before any ears get blocked with VapoRub: do not put VapoRub directly into the ear! Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, here’s the hack: a very light swabbing of cotton wool in some VapoRub gently tucked into the ear opening is known to alleviate some mild earache.

The camphor fumes might act as a painkiller and greatly diminish the earache. We all know the ear canal is incredibly sensitive, so ensuring that no cotton wool remains stuck to any VapoRub within it is vital. We wouldn't want to take a risk on this and to be honest, not too many have come back to us and said that it worked.
We can't hear this one performing well. This is worthless.
Joy for Joints
It's a tough competition, but if we had to pick only one body part that reminds us of the inevitability of aging, we'd pick our joints. And if we had to pick a couple more then probably our back and eyesight, but we digress. If it's only one, then joints. The wear and tear of decades of use affect the best of us.

The camphor in VapoRub has the potential to act as an incredibly effective pain reliever. While not able to directly assist with the underlying issue, the camphor certainly has the ability to numb the nerve endings around the joint and bring at least a temporary form of relief.
For temporary relief, this hack really does work. Worth it.
Is that Eau de Eucalyptus Oil we smell? This is an interesting hack and one that might need a few trial-and-error tests. Smear a tiny bead of VapoRub onto the wrist and then spritz with your chosen perfume.

Use as little VapoRub as possible, as the menthol will mess with the original perfume smell. The petroleum jelly will cause the perfume to stay moist and not evaporate as quickly as it would on bare skin. Test this out extensively so as not to arrive at your date smelling like VapoRub. But hey, it will make your perfume last a few weeks more.
Do you want your perfume to last forever? This is worth it.
Run Rings Around the Ringworm
Ringworms are pure nightmare fuel. Contrary to its somewhat deceiving name, ringworm is not actually a worm but rather a fungal infection formed by parasites living just under the surface layer of the skin.VapoRub reportedly works wonders in eliminating Athlete’s Foot — also a fungal infection. It stands to reason that the accounts of VapoRub eliminating ringworm should be just as impressive.

A (very) generous application of VapoRub over the ringworm over a few days, about five to seven, should completely kill the fungal infection for good. A light gauze bandage will help. The people's pharmacy has proven itself once again.
Thumbs up for the people's pharmacy. This is worth it.
Prevent Razor Rust
By now, we are mostly (hopefully) eco-conscious, and disposable razors may become a thing of the past in our bathrooms. We used them for centuries, and it is time to progress with time and embrace more sustainable devices. So, how does VapoRub come into the picture?

Razors are exposed to moisture constantly, so precaution has to be taken to prevent rust. Shaving can be tough, and with a rusty blade, it is even tougher. Run the razor blades through VapoRub to create a moisture barrier. The petroleum jelly will also help keep the razors from blunting. Always make sure to wipe the razors clean of VapoRub before using them.
Want a clean shave? This is worth it.
Let Pets Eat in Peace
Save the ants! And the hassle of dealing with wasted pet food. Pets that are fed outside always have to contend with opportunistic ants seeking food. Pet bowls can swarm with the critters in a matter of minutes if leftovers are in the bowl. Let's put an end to this.

Make sure your pooch has leftovers by rubbing VapoRub on the outer edges of the bottom of the bowl. The smell will repel curious ants and prevent them from walking up the bowl. Do not rub the VapoRub on the top edges of the bowl. The smell will be too strong for your canine companions.
Want to let your pet eat in peace? This hack is for you, and it is worth it.
A Salty Solution for Bruises
As another entry on this list shows, VapoRub is a great hack to help get rid of bruises. Now, we just have to ensure that the VapoRub-loving, accident-prone population also carries a bag of salt with them wherever they go! Sounds odd, but using VapoRub on everything is odd, too.

Salt, in particular Epsom salt, has a long history of helping muscles relax after strenuous activity. It is no secret. So, it would make sense to simply combine the two, right? A tiny sprinkle of salt in a scoop of VapoRub rubbed over a bruise reportedly helps the bruise fade even quicker. Now you know too — VapoRub and bruises go together.
VapoRub is your bruise's best friend. Worth it.
Vaporize Those Veins
Smudge some VapoRub into the web of spider veins and watch them vanish. Or so the theory hopes. Spider veins are caused by minuscule blood vessels rupturing due to inefficient circulation. The VapoRub hack states that with enough application over a long time, the camphor and eucalyptus oil will encourage much better blood flow, free the veins, and lessen their appearance.

This is another hack that the medical fraternity does not hold much faith in. They state that the massage action and eucalyptus might temporarily diminish the appearance but will not remove the veins themselves. This is one of those hacks you must try out for yourself, and be very patient to see if it works.
The spider veins are not going anywhere. This is worthless.
Remove Splinters
After reading this, the rub might become an all-time essential. Guess which tradesman (or woman) might keep jars of VapoRub in their toolbox? We are going to put our bets on carpenters! Splinters are a certainty for those of us who become too excited around wood. A serving of VapoRub has the potential to help draw out a splinter quicker.

If the splinter is very deep, the hack is to smear the VapoRub around the puncture point and then apply a light wrap. Leave for a few hours, preferably overnight, and the splinter should be near the surface for easy extraction.
Add this to your outdoor toolbox. This is worth it.
Unglue That Gum
All Kids, no matter who they belong to, usually possess two things: chewing gum and a lack of self-awareness. And the combination of the two means finding chewing gum glued to the worst spots of the best household items. We have a VapoRub hack that will slice through that gum and save your furniture and fabrics!

Maybe grab a pair of gloves for this one. Work a lump of VapoRub into the gum itself and at the point where it is sticking to the furniture. The VapoRub will lubricate the drying stickiness and make it easier to pull the gum off.
For all mothers out there. This is worth it.
Eye Make-Up Eraser
Seriously, steady hands are needed for this VapoRub trick. The active ingredients in VapoRub are very useful in breaking down and removing make-up. Eye make-up works particularly well as it is not oily, and the VapoRub usually removes it in one smooth wipe.

It is suggested to use a tiny dab of VapoRub on a piece of cotton wool and only wipe under the eye and on the eyelids. It is vital that no VapoRub comes into contact with the eyelashes, tear ducts, or the eye itself, as the ingredients can cause immense irritation. There are too many do-not and causation signs on this one for our taste. And besides, who wants a greasy eye?
Isn't this what eye makeup remover was invented for? This is worthless.
Lube Up Sticky Cabinet Doors
The sound of a worn-out cabinet door is one of the most annoying sounds created; however, cabinet door hinges can find new life with some TLC and some grease. A cost-effective and far less messy solution than regular grease is VapoRub. Press the VapoRub into the cabinet door hinges or, for roller doors, smear the VapoRub along the runners.

The excellent lubricating properties of petroleum jelly and turpentine oil will make every movement of the door seem brand new. Prepare the surfaces before applying the VapoRub, as dirt and dust will become trapped in the jelly and possibly make things worse.
Say goodbye to horror film sound effects around the house. This is worth it.
Vicks has developed a range of humidifiers that release VapoRub fumes via nifty “VapoPads”: mentholated fabric pads with all the key essences of VapoRub, minus the petroleum jelly and turpentine oil. The pads are, obviously, not to be used topically. Instead, the Vicks humidifier gently heats the pads, and the scents circulate gently throughout the room.

There are a number of home hacks to replicate this without the expense of a vaporizer or humidifier that include soaking a strip of fabric in menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus oil, and the fumes should be noticeable. Is it worth the while? Not sure.