Some people like to send texts or leave sticky notes around the house to let their loved ones know they’ve gone out to attend to an errand or something like that. While others prefer novelty and create a page to save as the desktop screen as they know that’s where their loved ones will find it.

It’s certainly one of the most unusual ways to notify your loved one about your whereabouts, but at least it’s original and gets the message across. Soon he’ll return shortly with delicious deep-fried breakfast circles! Now that’s a message we can support and we might even save this idea for later.
No Show Fee
This photo is absolute proof that online dating is a dystopic nightmare. A woman’s roommate had arranged to meet some guy she met on Hinge but got cold feet last minute. So instead of letting him know she wanted to cancel, she stood him up. Not the best decision, but it happens.

This woman was shocked when she saw a Venmo charge for eight dollars a few days later. This guy, who she had never met in real life, was trying to charge her a “Hinge no-show fee.” No one likes to be ghosted, but treating a date like a broken contract is a weird move.
The Other Woman
When you're first getting to know someone, all it takes is one misstep to ruin a potential relationship. Unfortunately, this guy might have been that giant misstep for his roommate. One evening, his roommate asked him to clean the apartment because he was bringing a girl home later. It was then that he hatched the perfect maniacal plan.

Like any good roommate, he cleaned the apartment and did his best to set the mood for his buddy. What better way to create a romantic vibe than an impromptu shrine to the late Princess Diana? The lovelorn lines about Thom and Diana written in Comic Sans are a nice touch.
Modern Dating: IKEA Edition
Choosing an awesome picture of yourself is one of the most important decisions you will ever make when building the perfect dating profile. It’s tricky business. You want to strike the right balance of humor, wit, and approachability. Your profile picture is the first thing potential matches will judge you on.

That’s why this idea is either totally genius or absolutely misguided. Some guys have resorted to photoshoots at IKEA to get the perfect shot. These guys will read books upside down, pretend to put away dishes in fake kitchens and work hard in fake offices just to look accomplished and cultured. Would you swipe right?
Get Your Milkshake Ready
This photo may look like a simple Dairy Queen milkshake sitting in a front yard. However, it’s actually a testament to how hard dating can be. The girl who took this photo is looking for some new boys to date. So, she took inspiration from the Y2K classic hit “Milkshake” by Kelis.

Unfortunately, her efforts don’t seem to be paying off very well. She’s staying optimistic, but we still have our doubts. That cute little milkshake is hanging out in the front yard all by itself. Alas, her milkshake did not bring all the boys to her yard. Better luck next time.
Single Forever?
It’s easy to compare your love life (or lack thereof) with everyone else’s, especially on social media. It seems like everyone in the world is finding love and hooking up except for you. What’s up with that? We’re here to remind you that it’s not the destination but the journey. Take your time, and love will follow.

Hearing messages like “You already met your soulmate before age 21” can be disheartening if you’re 22 and single. However, don’t worry too much if you find yourself alone and without a soulmate. It might not seem like it, but there is plenty of time to date around and find “the one.”
A New Vacation Wardrobe
A good partner is hard to find. That’s why you do everything you can to keep them, right? However, this girlfriend took things to the next level. Her boyfriend was going on a cruise without her. She wanted all the single ladies on the ship to know he was taken.

She made him a collection of new shirts that all proclaimed his relationship status. What better way to remind your man while he’s relaxing on vacation? Of course, some people might find this stunt overbearing and a bit much. But can we blame her for wanting to keep a good thing going?
A Cozy Night In
If you’ve tried dating and have found little-to-no success, you’re not alone. Some people give up and try other ways of meeting “the one.” Considering the lackluster options on many dating apps, this doesn’t seem like a bad idea. One guy planned a cozy night in with the perfect date, and we’re kind of jealous.

He brought a brand new date home and decided to plan the perfect low-key evening. Netflix and chill, red wine, and a bubble bath sound pretty romantic. If he’s lucky, he’ll score at the end of the evening. He has a pretty good chance since his date is the “Fallout 4” video game.
The Lurking Blues
We all experience some degree of jealousy in a relationship. It’s a natural human emotion often counterbalanced by trusting our partner. However, sometimes feeling jealous and upset can be totally warranted. By “sometimes,” we mean when you see your man liking and commenting on posts he shouldn't be lurking on.

Why did he like that girl’s picture? He’s following who? What does that cryptic late-night comment even mean? Dating is definitely harder in our modern age of social media. You can’t trust anyone. Oh, and don’t even think about secretly checking his DMs. You might not like what you find.
A Hallmark Remix
Many of us love the predictable romance of a Hallmark Christmas movie. Every plot is basically the same: a big-time career woman moves back to her small hometown and falls in love with a down-to-earth heartthrob right before the holidays. But we must think about how the big city ex-boyfriend must feel about the whole situation.

This tweet shows the point of view of the forgotten big-city boyfriend, and he’s not all bad. He’s the one who supports her ambitions and career goals, after all. In classic post-break-up fashion, he’s planning a super fun trip to ignore how upset he is about being dumped. The evil ex has feelings, too.
Sorry, Bro
Being cheated on is never fun. But, being the unknowing person who hooks up with the cheater can sometimes feel even worse. This tiny note was left behind in a woman's apartment in the last place she would look. Why? Because it was clearly meant for someone else to find.

The guy who slept over taped the note to the bottom of the toilet seat, knowing that her boyfriend would find it. The note-writer had hooked up with this girl and didn’t know she was in a relationship until the morning after. By way of an apology, he left behind this secret note of solidarity. This is definitely a situation where the “bro first” rule makes sense.
Sunshine and Natty Light
Sometimes modern dating can bring moments of pure sunshine and rainbows. This hilarious exchange between a boyfriend and girlfriend about their new apartment is a classic situation of miscommunication but in the best way. She thought they were talking about natural sunlight, and he thought they were talking about a brand of beer.

You can tell by reading the texts that these two have a great relationship. They both had a good laugh about the misunderstanding later on after this tweet went viral. Hopefully, she brought home a pack of Natty Light to celebrate. Love isn’t dead in our modern world, after all.
The Perfect Match
Sometimes a gal just wants to be wooed and taken on a romantic date. Is that too much to ask? We hate to break it to you all, but yes, it is. One look at this girl’s face tells you all you need to know about her boyfriend’s romantic date idea.

He thought it would be a clever idea to take her to the place they first met. This sounds like a cute idea until you realize the pair is standing in front of Tinder headquarters. They matched on the app, and she’s ready to reinstall it and start swiping right again.
Another Prank
Sometimes a little humor can go a long way; in this case, this prank literally went on an excursion as post-it notes stuck to a car. By the time his girlfriend found out, she didn't have time to remove them, so she had to drive through town with them on.

Well, that's one way to get to prank your girlfriend! We expect she has a good sense of humor and enjoys getting pranked. Otherwise, he could be in some serious trouble when she gets home. Let's hope she knows how to get him back cause driving around like that sure is embarrassing!
An Indecent Proposal
Some people can't help but snoop around in their beloved's belongings, and this is exactly why they shouldn't. While it may be tempting, you still don't want to ruin a surprise that took months of preparation. Seriously, just wait it out and enjoy his well-thought-out plans. Otherwise, you'll have to feign surprise.

In this case, the soon-to-be-engaged boyfriend knew he couldn't prevent her from investigating, so he gave her another ring holder with a funny stick note and completely dashed any expectations she may have had. We can't really judge, though, cause if it were us, we'd also be tempted to snoop around.
Cookie Monster
It's pretty easy to get complacent in a relationship, which is why it's important to spice things up every once in a while. Some men take their significant others out for a spontaneous romantic dinner or plan a trip for the two of them for a weekend away, for example.

Others leave notes on cupboards to remind their girlfriends where the baking mixes are so they know it's time to bake some of their favorite cookies and cakes. This tactic might work in some households, but we're not sure everyone would appreciate a patronizing note regarding where to find cookie mixes.
Formal Notice
A little messiness is acceptable when a couple first moves in together, but once a couple settles into a routine, tensions can build, and this living together situation can start to feel a little less romantic. In that case, a sweet note may not be enough to catch your partner's attention.

Or if you're feeling really upset, you could try typing out a strongly worded notice on a blank sheet of paper that will not only catch their attention but make them aware of just how upset you are. Plus, it will make you look a lot more professional than sending a passive-aggressive text.
Wife Hack?
This guy thought he was some sort of genius when he sent out this idea he came up with to show he's contributing to household chores... seriously?! Why doesn't he just help out with actual chores instead of inventing shortcuts and coming up with tricks that take just as long and require just as much effort?

We get it that doing the dishes and helping around the house you also occupy is hard, but come on! He might have saved 5 minutes of his own time, but he's at risk of losing his wife's respect and showing he couldn't even contribute to their household. Now if that isn't a red flag, we don't know what is!
A Shopping List
First of all, that's a huge refrigerator! And second, this may be an efficient way to send a shopping list, but whoever is doing the shopping is probably going to be boiling with rage. I mean, how is anyone supposed to see what's in the fridge with just one photo?

Maybe he thought this was a good idea and that he might be a genius for bypassing the arduous task of making a list. But we bet his girlfriend doesn't agree and will make him aware of her feelings in no time. Efficient shopping list sender one moment, deceased boyfriend the next.
Oh, Snap!
Now that is a neat trick, but not something we'd recommend if your significant other could get upset. You can try this if you want, but you've been warned, it's risky! You could land in some serious trouble if you casually mention your ex dropped by your work, almost as if she does it all the time.

A telltale sign that you shouldn't send this text is if your partner is known to be insanely jealous, like green in the face with red eyes kind of jealous, then it's a definite no-no. But if you feel like your partner isn't getting back to you in time, then you can try it and see how it works.
Dad Joke
Many jokes might be funny, but they're not laugh-out-loud funny like this joke. It's quite clever, but we have a feeling that this is the type of joke that she would appreciate more if he only kept the joke between them and never around any new people, friends, or even family.

Trust us on this one; your girlfriend will appreciate a "just-between-you-two" joke way more than one that you share with everyone. It's not going to get funnier the more you repeat it! If he can keep it under wraps for another ten years, then at least he can use it when she turns 42.
Looking Good
Now we're not going to lie; her boyfriend looks surprisingly good in her outfits. Is it just us, or do you also think Gigi should appreciate her boyfriend more and his willingness to show off her new outfits... Honestly, is there anything more fascinating than a man comfortable in his masculinity?

With some upbeat music and a little dancing, he could be TikTok's newest star. He could even start a new trend where a more diverse population and models with even more varying body types outfit our clothes. We'll just be here crossing our fingers for a little more representation in the world of fashion...
A Round of Applause
What every couple needs is a common thread that binds you and your partner together, and humor can certainly be a vital part of laying the foundation of your relationship. So if you're in a relationship, you'll know that having a playful, optimistic outlook on life can certainly help keep things fresh and lively!

It certainly helps when times get tough and you need some comic relief. Maybe you're mad at your boyfriend or vice versa, and it could take you hours to reach a resolution. Or it could just take one joke to break through the tension. It also helps if you have an audience that always claps when you wake up...
Now That's Just...
While this move is pretty hysterical, we're sure she was just livid that her boyfriend left her there on her own after saying that. Jokes, pranks, and laughter can help create a solid foundation for any relationship. But some jokes and pranks are so savage you don't want to remember them.

Especially if you had to deal with shady side-eyes and glances from everyone around. And we haven't even mentioned that this all happened in a Mcdonald's. Being embarrassed like this by your boyfriend while waiting in line at a McDonald's is a low point we hope we never have to endure.
A Truthful Dedication
Well, at least he's being honest! If you ask us, some book dedications seem so insincere and rather cliché. Unlike most writers that are all about professing their undying love for their muse, this guy wants to make sure his dedication is authentic, and he did that by being as candid as possible.

If it were up to us, we'd advocate for more realistic representations of love. After all, why do people feel the need to prove how in love they are? Although, we're pretty sure his wife and kids didn't appreciate his candor as much as we do... But at least he mentioned them.
Sweet Bot
Sometimes dating a robot will make you realize that having a partner who is human is not all it's cracked up to be. Or it might make you realize that certain aspects are essential, like, say, a sense of humor and a creative mind that can fire back messages like this.

As with all dating experiences, you sometimes find yourself a person who can have both. If you're lucky enough to find someone like this, you might want to hold onto them. Who knows how often you're going to find a potential suitor who can flip a typo into this creative scenario?
Don't Be Mad
Here's a tip, if you have to start any message or conversation with "promise you won't get mad," then you might want to rethink your decisions and consider if you're on the right course. While designing a patio with a Super Mario Pattern might seem impressive, it's highly likely that your wife might disagree.

While it's not decorative at all, it could be worse cause this design does look like you're about to enter a real-life videogame. Maybe his wife won't enjoy it, but at least their children will have a ball. Now they just need to cover it up whenever they have visitors.
Where's Wally?
Humor is the lifeblood of any relationship. If you can get your partner to laugh, then it's certain that they will soon be smitten. Keep them laughing, and they’re yours. Now and forever. The only trick is to make sure your potential suitor will actually get your brand of humor.

This woman's hubby decided it would be fun to dress up and sit in the background of her Zoom calls; fortunately, she found it hilarious! And the best part he didn't have to put in too much effort; just put on whatever outfit or costume he could, and his wife would love it.
Busting Stereotypes
There is a pervasive stereotype that claims women know where everything in the house is, but why stick to outdated beliefs and notions about gender when you can break free from the stereotype? This guy did just that; he knew where everything in the house was, even the smallest little paperclip.

It's almost as if he was leaving there on the floor for safekeeping. After all, why put it on your desk in full view for everyone when you can store it in a secret place where nobody will ever think to look? It's almost as if he's trying to hide it in plain sight.
One More Day
Getting through the week can be a real bummer sometimes, especially when you have to eat your leftovers because that's what responsible adults do. Unfortunately, being an adult is not all about doing what you want, when you want. You sometimes have to make sacrifices and compromises, especially when it comes to food.

We'd love to eat burgers, fries, and pizza all day, but we know that eating homemade meals is much healthier for us. But it does help when you have someone to share it with. No matter how inedible your casserole is, at least you know you're not eating it alone.
Spoiled Bacon
Nothing says I care about you like a handwritten note with an original message that you know was perfectly curated just for you. But what we want to know is why bacon would ever become spoiled. In what world will someone leave bacon uneaten for so long that it goes bad?

All jokes aside, this note must have been made by a microbiologist; how else could we explain a person knowing so much about what grows on spoiled bacon? Especially since the name of this particular strain of bacteria is as long and complex as "Yersinia enterocolitica"... Now that's a mouthful!
Dating can be tough, especially on first dates when two people are getting to know each other right at the beginning of their relationship. Sometimes your nerves can get the better of you and make you do something silly that you'll think about for the next thirty or forty years...

Well, hopefully not as long as that, but if you've done something embarrassing, you'll understand how enduring a memory can be. But we've all been there and done something we later regret. So rest assured if you're still haunted by an embarrassing memory and know that at least you're not alone.
Fridge Note
Some people say the best kind of love is unconditional love, but in some relationships, it helps to keep some conditions in place... In that case, it's best to communicate your needs as best as possible, like spelling it out on the fridge in a subtle but also easy-to-read message.

So why not take a page from this book and gently leave hints around your partner about what you want? Better yet, you could just tell them what you want so nothing gets misunderstood or forgotten. And think of how happy you'll be once they do what you want before the resentment kicks in.
Thanks for the Info
If we're totally honest, this note about a nasty-looking spider is rather sweet, if entirely typical of a boyfriend to leave for his beloved to find. At least he warned her that he could find it so she wouldn't get shocked by it when looking through her closet for some clothes.

We do appreciate the effort, though; what else are boyfriends for if not to warn their partners of spiders? Well, he could have caught it and made sure it was taken outside, but we can't all be successful all the time. Sometimes leaving a note is the next best thing.
Donut, Be Alarmed!
Some people like to send texts or leave sticky notes around the house to let their loved ones know they've gone out to attend to an errand or something like that. While others prefer novelty and create a page to save as the desktop screen as they know that's where their loved ones will find it.

It's certainly one of the most unusual ways to notify your loved one about your whereabouts, but at least it's original and gets the message across. Soon he'll return shortly with delicious deep-fried breakfast circles! Now that's a message we can support and we might even save this idea for later.
Boyfriend Logic
Sometimes in life, difficult choices need to be made, no matter how tough they may be. Take this example; we can see this guy was trying to teach his girlfriend how the thermostat works. It costs more to keep your house warm, which inevitably means there's less money left for presents.

We think we'd prefer not freezing over presents. Is there anything worse than sitting at home with cold feet and a freezing nose and wondering why winter is so long and frigid? If you don't freeze to death, you might have plenty of money left over for presents. The energy savers' dilemma...
Some heroes wear capes; others save heart-shaped cornflakes for their Girlfriends. This specific little note, along with the heart-shaped cornflake, is incredibly sweet and corny! But while it seems like a simple cornflake and a note, it somehow melts our hearts. Sometimes, it's the thought that counts, and this proves just how thoughtful Joel can be.

While the candle-lit dinner along with a three-course meal is the expected go-to, most girlfriends just want to know that their boyfriends care about them. In fact, the greatest gift seems to be showing your loved one that you think of them throughout the day and cared enough to hold onto one little heart-shaped cornflake.
Banana for Scale
It's not shocking that women actually want to know you care. Like, you could get them some chocolates or flowers, and it could actually make their day. You could even get a card, but sometimes, boyfriends like to make homemade cards for Valentine's Day, which results in adorable cards like this one.

It's more than just a sweet hand-made card, though. It also has a banana for scale to give it just the right undertone of funny. Not only is this a great idea when you've forgotten to get a gift on Valentine's Day, but it's easy and cheap to make and it's guaranteed to make her happy.
Thoughtful Gift
Not all men are as romantic as we'd hope, but at least their logic seems sound. This guy wanted to profess his undying love for his girlfriend as best as his reasoning would allow. Obviously, he couldn't get roses. They would only wilt in a week, so he thought of something more durable.

The best thing he could think of was a Nokia phone. Not only do they last really long, but they don't break. So while his gift wasn't as romantic, it was logical, and we can't fault him for being as candid as possible. At least he got a nice card!
Neighborly Love
We can't help but wonder what the reactions to the note were. If it was us, we might be heartbroken to find out that the sweet note left on our car was actually meant for somebody else. But maybe another person might be relieved that the creepy love letter was accidentally placed on the wrong car.

At least this guy was trying to be honest and make amends for any possible confusion. It's the honorable thing to do, after all, otherwise, someone might be wondering who their secret admirer is and even consider tracking them down. That could lead to some disastrous consequences.
An Urgent Burrito Question
Let’s be honest. This question about a burrito is actually quite urgent. Is it so urgent that this girl needs to look at her phone while driving? No. Is it so urgent that she might want to pull over and tell her boyfriend how she likes her burrito? Yeah, probably.

A well-fed girlfriend is a happy girlfriend. We know from experience….as well-fed girlfriends. So if this is the case, you should stop somewhere safe, like the side of the road, if it's a quiet street, and answer this important question. Otherwise, you might end up upset if your burrito is not to your liking.
Vaguely Threatening but Okay
Like, yeah, this one is kind of an unsettling text to wake up to from anyone, let alone a significant other. Without context, it does send a vaguely threatening vibe. That being said, this girl’s boyfriend seems to know her well enough to realize it's just her being her crazy self.

But honestly, when you're in a relationship and you've been together for quite some time, you can start letting you crazy self show and soon enough you'll be waving your crazy flag around without hesitation. Hopefully, your partner will join and you'll both be crazy together.
When Two Become One
It’s pretty natural that after spending lots of time with someone, you start using their slang, and you have all kinds of silly inside jokes. This is true with close friends you spend a lot of time with, family, and significant others. You just kind of start kinda...morphing into the same person.

Soon enough, you'll end up eating the same foods, watching the same TV shows and even adopting the same mindset. Your life will even just blend together and you'll find yourself in a comfortable, albeit different setting. Before you know it, you'll be so similar, you'll forget about the life you had before this person.
A Good Reason to Get Married
Finding the person you want to marry is altogether wonderful and life-changing. We're so happy for you. Seriously, good for you. You are at a very interesting crossroads, my friend. You're about to get hitched to the love of your life and commit to someone for, hopefully, the rest of your life.

Sounds like a pretty solid reason to get married, no? Well, soon enough you'll find out just how annoying someone can be. So you tie the knot, and voila! Everday you'll learn a little more and until their most annoying self comes out. Good luck, cause it's going to be a bumpy ride!
This Boy Gets It
We all know that in a relationship, one has to compromise quite a bit on all kinds of different things. With that being said, sometimes the compromise is….shall we say...less of a compromise and more of just giving in to your partner’s will. This guy here knows the deal.

Whether it's about debating what movie to watch, or what to eat for dinner. There will always be that one person who cares way more and argues way more passioantely. So why fight it when you can just watch what she wants to watch and make it easier for all parties involved.
Them Fightin’ Words
When you spend so much time with someone, it’s almost impossible not to get frustrated with them or have a few small spats here and there. It makes sense after all, you're in each other's space and now you have to share everything with this person. From the couch, bed, TV remote, bag of chips, you'll never get to enjoy it alone again.

Well, maybe not ever again, but you get the picture. So when it gets too much and you're bickering all the time, it might actually be kinda healthy for you to get out all your aggression at a fun, organized paintball event. Now that we think about it, more couples should do this.
A Real-Time Saver
This could potentially be a real-time saver! Considering the amount of time we waste rehashing the same argument that you know you'll inevitably lose but you can't help but try. Maybe this time will be different and your memory about the last argument you had will be better than his.

As with any argument, there’s probably like a solid 10 arguments that repeat themselves, so why not assign each one a number or a letter, and boom, you know how angry they are and how they feel which will save you both time from having to bring up every detail every time you argue.
Cheese is not a Joke
If you can relate to this fight then I think it's safe to assume you might be a cheese lover. And we totally get it because a quesadilla is literally nothing without enough cheese. Without cheese, a quesadilla would be a little bland and dry and nobody wants to eat that!

So in a case like this where there's not enough cheese for both of you, what can you do? If you have to take down your significant other to make yourself the perfect cheesy meal, then it must be done. We don’t have any qualms with this one; carry on.
She Made the Right Choice
We’d like to give a round of applause to this girl for her stellar sense of humor. It's not every girl that would be this frank about her priorities. Secondly, we literally don’t judge her even a little bit for choosing her cat over a potential boyfriend. Cats are adorable!

So it's shouldn't be a difficult decision. Most people might assume she'd pick a boyfriend over her cat, but cats always come first. You can always find a new boyfriend, as they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea... But once a cat has made its way into your heart, it's there to stay.
Know Your Partner
Here’s the thing. If a girl says, she doesn’t want a present. She does. If she says she isn’t hungry, she is and order her something, otherwise she's going to take a bite from your food and you don't really want that, do you? Sometimes you just have to take the initiative and get her anything.

After all, something is better than nothing. So in case of her requesting a small order of fries, you can always assume she wants a large. This is, in fact, social science, and it can’t be argued with. So next time, do the right thing and you'll both be grateful.
It’s the Thought that Counts
It's no secret that guys can sometimes be a little less observant than their female counterparts. You know how it is, you've cut your hair or you're wearing a brand new dress and he doesn't seem to notice even when you ask him. So this example is no exception. At least he tried.

He really tried to do something thoughtful after his trip to Florida. But it's kinda gross that someone else’s pistachio shells are mixed in with that jar of seashells. We can't all be perfect and notice every little detail, all the time, so we're going to let this one slide.
Classic Noodle Head
Dear girl, with the spaghetti in your hair, we’d like to ask you to step down off your high horse. Not every person who glances in your direction is hitting on you. So instead of assuming that everyone wants to date you, maybe you should have a look in the mirror.

Sometimes, you have to accept the fact that you just have a rogue piece of pasta stuck to your head. But let's be honest, this could happen to anyone. If this has happened to you, then you'll know how embarrassing it can be once you see yourself in a mirror.
Punny, Very Punny
No, this person is not the first to make this joke. In fact, judging by the picture, this isn’t the first time he’s made this joke in front of her. She looks fairly nonplussed about it. But at least she knows her boyfriend thinks she’s a keeper! That's gotta count for something, right?

But let's face it, dating a jokester can get tiring. Sure, it might have been funny in the beginning but after a few months, those jokes begin to wear off and you're left wondering, when you'll get an actual gift or a romantic evening instead of some joke disguised as one.
That Escalated Quickly
When it comes to dating boys, please lower your expectations; we repeat, please lower your expectations. If you think you’re about to have a cute little back and forth conversation, think again. It will inevitably escalate, they’re bound to say something dumb, and ruin the mood which will only leave you you disappointed.

If you think you're going to have a romantic or adorable conversation over text, then you've got another thing coming. So why wait to have your dreams dashed if you could instead embrace the absurdity that this other person brings into your life. It might not be what you thought, but at least it could be funny.
We’ve Got a Cheese Situation
Even if you're a self-proclaimed cheese lover, odds are your stock at home is probably running a little low. So while you're out doing your grocery shopping you need to check and make sure just how much cheese you have so you can buy enough for you and your significant other.

So if you had to break down long-term relationships into specific text messages, this is pretty accurate. It’s literally proven that the body’s reaction to cheese is to release endorphins, so it’s no wonder that making sure there’s cheese in the house is very important. If you’re out, the situation must be remedied, stat!
Great Thought, Bad Timing
For many women, paying for tampons is a given. After all, why should feminine hygiene products be priced any differently than other hygiene products? But when you start to think about the gender disparity involved, things get a little more complicated. A growing number of people, and this includes men are arguing that feminine supplies should be cheaper.

But when you need a tampon, it’s usually a pretty urgent situation and there’s no time to be debating the nature of the entire industry. With all that being said, it does it warm our hearts that this girl’s boyfriend feels her pain? But this was probably not the time to be discussing it.
True Story
Everyone thinks the way they load the dishwasher is the right way. Indeed this seems to be a long-running trope since...well...probably the invention of the dishwasher. They say that in every couple, there's one person who loads the dishwasher like a Scandinavian architect and the other like a caffeinated artist.

Dishwashers are full of nooks and crannies that are perfectly designed to hold your cutlery and dishes. The only problem is, one person will always take it way more seriously than the other, and that's when the problems start. If you've ever had a dishwasher, you're bound to know what we're talking about.
We Must Be Unsure
There’s no way around it. When your guy asks you what you want to eat, it’s written in girl code that you must say, “I don’t know,” even if you do know. We didn’t write the rules; it’s just the way it is. Maybe it's because girls have been told they shouldn't be bossy.

Or it could be because girls have always been made to feel like they're indecisive and should rather let someone else decide. Whatever it is, it still permeates every decision around food. So, boys, if you want things to be different, you might want to instill some confidence in your girlfriend!
This girl’s boyfriend literally pulled out the PEMDAS card during a fight. We have mad respect for him, and we like to think it probably diffused the situation pretty well. If you struggled through maths in high school, you'd know this phrase all too well. Two negatives do, in fact, equal a positive, so that means neither is mad anymore.

Right? That’s according to this guy’s logic, and it seems sound. We're not saying using a maths formula or equation could get you out of every sticky situation, but it might help, so why not try it sometime? What's the worst that could happen? You'll have to go back to school and retake maths?
Well, That’s...Infuriating
Who else here can relate to putting your entire soul into a message, so your significant other knows exactly how you’re feeling/what you’re thinking? And who else here has received a text message something similar to what this girl got? Boys commonly respond with either the one-word answer or the non-sequitur.

Let's face it; texting can be annoying. Truly, truly annoying. In fact, so is dating. Both somehow manage to become amazingly complicated for such obvious reasons. Because of this, there will never be a perfect response when texting your significant other. It's always either way too much or not enough.
One Shirt, Two Shirt, Red Shirt, Blue Shirt
T-shirts are generally pretty simple, unless you're going on a first date, then you can only wear the best ones, right? But can we really expect more from men, though? If they only have, like, two shirts, anyone, at least their nice shirts, right? You gotta look at the upside.

At least he didn't wear two crusty shirts with holes in them. Plus, it can be fun to dress up, so if the first four dates went well, then just take him to buy some new shirts and put him in the kind of stuff you’d like to see. Easy peasy.
When You Have Natty Light on the Brain
We are going to ignore the fact that Natty Light is the beer of people who don’t know what beer should taste like and focus on this absolutely ridiculous misunderstanding. Either this guy was legit messing with his girlfriend, or he seriously thought she was asking about Natural Light, the beer, and not actual natural light.

Sometimes, we only see what we want to see. Or in this case, read what we want to read. From this text exchange we can tell all this person could about was what they'll be drinking, while the other was more concerned with the natural light coming into the apartment.
Clearly Written by a Boy
Okay, we’re not saying this isn’t true—it kind of is. Sometimes you make an inappropriate joke thinking it’s gonna be hilarious, and then you end up offending your partner. But….how often out of all the times this happens does a girl do this? but let’s be honest it can happen to anyone.

When you're trying to make a joke, be sure to read the room. Better yet, get to know the person you'll be joking around with before you say something that might be at their expense. Yes, it may be hilarious, but it could hurt someone's feelings and you'll be the only one laughing.
This is a Case for a Detective
Girls absolutely love finding reasons why their boyfriend, who is very affectionate and tells them how much they love them all the time, might not be totally into it. Honestly, I think it comes from years of dating idiots, who make you feel unlovable that when we actually find someone who loves us for who we are, we can't help but feel insecure.

To be honest, after months, if not years of never being sure if someone actually likes you, it might take time till you believe the one who actually does when they profess their love. But once it clicks you'll have had enough time to decide if you really love this person too.
The Accuracy Though…
Nobody and we literally mean nobody, looks “beautiful” the second they wake up: Bedhead, puffy eyes, stinky breath. But no matter what you look like, your guy usually thinks you look pretty anyway. And that makes up a happy morning mess. This picture is the absolute most accurate depiction of this phenomenon.

When we wake up, we know we don't look well and we certainly feel it too! Which is why it's so special when someone can not only tolerate you but actually love you after you've told them not to talk to you in the morning. If you find someone like that, hold onto them.
Look of Love
Sometimes you can’t just go right out and tell your guy you want him to do something romantic for you. You have to just strongly insinuate...with your eyes. Then you can get mad at him when he doesn’t get the hint because he’s a boy and leave him totally confused about what happened.

It shouldn’t take a special occasion to prompt a romantic gesture, but in some cases, giving your guy a look during a romantic movie will definitely do the trick. Plus, it saves you from having a potentially awkward conversation about being more romantic and taking initiative and planning a night out.
A Well Organized Tea Spiller
Gossip is a girl’s best friend….that’s the saying, right? So when this girl’s boyfriend showed up to dinner with gossip notes he’d written so as not to forget any of the juicy details, we’d imagine she was pretty into it. We’d like to nominate him as "boyfriend of the week," please.

We don't who it was that said men weren't into gossip, but they were sorely mistaken. Men like to gossip jsut as much as women do and there's even research to prove it. A recent study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science has busted the common assumption that only women engage in gossip and says men equally love to do it as well.
Um, That’s Cute...Kinda
Okay, so ultimately, this guy got his girl flowers and said he loves her. The comparison was….a little strange, but we have to assume their dog really loves eating poop, so that must mean he really really loves her. If you have a dog, you might understand this strange reference...

It's a strange behavior that we'll never really understand. They usually have enough food but they just can't help themselves when it comes to eating poop. Fortunately, it does make for a sweet reference, one that Christina will undoubtedly get. Plus, to write this on a card is so surprising, it might even make her laugh!
An Unrelatable Statement
For those that do not have a boyfriend, there are plenty of upsides. A significant other can annoy you and being around them all the time only makes it worse. But some people don’t have to deal with that, and you should rest easy knowing this. Can’t relate to tales of sorrow? Nice.

If that happens to be you, enjoy being single! You get to go out whenever you want, stay up as late as you want and basically do whatever you want. There's nobody to stop and tell you how you should be spending your time. Cause once you're in a relationship, everything changes!
For some reason. Boys can never seem to learn the ins and outs of periods. It’s really not that complicated; why do they still seem to think that a girl will use 100 tampons in a three to seven-day period? And furthermore, why do they think we don’t know what we need? We gotta educate them….for their own good!

Sadly, there's not much information out there for men and the only way most of them find out about how women's bodies work is through their girlfriends. So if you're ever in this position, just know you have some responsibility when it comes to informing and educating your boyfriend about menses.
We’re still on the fence about whether this metaphor is endearing or borderline offensive. We have no doubt that this girl’s boyfriend meant this in an endearing manner, but also likening a girl on her period to a ketchup packet is just….we don’t even know. Should we start using this?

This is just was one of the many ways periods became a cliché. In addition to feeling shame for menstruating, women are also meant to not get upset when someone makes a joke at their expense. While it's much better that it's coming from her boyfriend and not a stranger...
Ew Though…
Okay, first of all, no judgment. But second of all, why is he holding onto her foot? This is a case for a private detective. Does he know he’s grabbing her toe? Does he care? Does she care? This is a case for some sort of private eye; we need answers!

Sometimes you get to this stage in a relationship where you want to spend every waking hour with your person. This also means you want to be as close to as possible, so when one of you has a time-consuming hobby, then you have to get creative when it comes to being cuddly.
Bleak, But maybe True?
Okay, this is a pretty bleak look on dating...but also kinda true? One can only hope that the more you get to know someone, the closer you’ll get and the more you’ll like them. And sometimes that really does happen! But also sometimes this happens where you discover all their eccentricities, and it’s not to your liking.

The truth is, as humans, we're primed to want adventure and novelty. When you with someone long enough you lose all the mystery you had before so it get's harder. But then again, you know this person so well now that you're comfortable enough with that person to settle down.
We’re Fighting but also Give Me Attention
Sometimes when you’re in a relationship, you just need some personal space after a fight. But also, after a fight, you need some physical affection. It’s a fine, fine line between “get out of my face” and please cuddle me. The inner conflict runs deep. Sometimes you just have to settle for something in between…

In every relationship, there's always going to be one person who gets easily upset. They're usually the one who stresses about the little things. While the other person is as easy going as a Sunday morning and somehow manages to put up with all the quirks and quibbles of the not-so-easy going partner.
Step One, Identify the Stage
This is actually pretty genius. This girl’s boyfriend first needs to identify his girlfriend's needs at this moment so as to give her the correct kind of support. If she’s in the feelings stage, most likely logical reasoning won’t be the answer. It’s a pretty smart move. Actually...boys, take note!

Not everyone wants a be given advice on which solution would be best or how we should be approaching our problems. Sometimes we just want a shoulder to cry on, for someone to hear us out and listen as we vent about our problems. Like when our shwarma's falling apart.
This is Not a Joke!
This girl literally isn’t playing. Onion rings are basically the underdog of the fast food side orders, so unlike fries, they don't come in a huge pile. So a good onion ring relies on much more than just size and quantity, which is why it's so important to protect your stash.

There are a limited number of them, and you best believe that you’re gonna eat and enjoy every single one. So yeah, she has a good mind to count them so she knows how many she can expect when she returns. If you gotta use the restroom, check those onion rings and check ‘em good.
Deeply Accurate
Let’s be real for a moment. We all know what voice this girl is referring to. It’s the baby voice; she’s talking about the baby voice. And we’d like to set the record straight for everyone, nobody, and we mean nobody is attracted to that baby voice.

As a rule, you should just stop doing it, it’s not cute, and honestly, it’s kind of a turn-off. Your special someone didn’t show up to listen to your talk like that. They want to spend time with you so they can hopefully get to know you through having adult conversations.
A Very Legit Apology
Yes, it's true that you can never get too old to play Mario Kart. It’s also true that video games do have a tendency to bring out the competitive side in all of us. Especially Mario Kart. So if you and your significant other like to compete against each other, just know it can get messy.

So if you’re gonna have to apologize after a harrowing race, it’s honestly not a bad idea to do it with a cake. That way, you can write a sweet message with icing, and after having a few bites of this sweet dessert, everyone will have forgotten about your snide comments during Mario Kart.
Too Many Options
Honestly, we can’t even really blame this guy. Sometimes even for girls, the amount of legging options is overwhelming, so how can we expect a man who’s never worn a pair of leggings to have a handle on the situation? Along with Crocs and hoodies, we'd say leggings are all at once incredibly comfortable but also terrible trends.

So what is the deal with this ubiquitous and ever-present item? Ever since they came onto the scene, they've become so popular that every girl has at least three pairs, and why wouldn't they? They're comfortable and suitable for all kinds of events. Just don't wear them to work and expect to look professional.
Food Solves Everything
There’s a reason the word “hangry” was invented. There is no scarier state than when a person is hangry and ready to start a fight. But is hangry something food advertisers just made up for their campaigns? Or is it an actual affliction? If you've ever been around someone so hungry then begin to get irritable, you'll know it's very real and very serious.

That being said, there’s a nice easy fix for this one. FOOD! Just get that girl some tacos, and all will be well. But the bottom line will always be - if you're in a relationship with someone who's hangry a lot, don't expect an apology anytime soon after you get into a fight.