Trying to break the ice can be challenging, but someone’s gotta do it. Taking the initiative is usually a good thing, but the higher the risk, the stronger the embarrassment, and college kids have always been one of the toughest crowds.

This poor soul just wanted to make everyone like them but they ended up being the person who said something nobody laughed at. And we all know that the first impression lasts.
Passing Out
The first rule of mortifications is that they are a lot more mortifying with a crowd around to watch and remember forever and ever. When we care about something, we can sometimes let our nerves get the best of us.

That's exactly what happened to this kid, who managed to score the solo in his school choir's concert, only to pass out and miss his part.
Not a Single Laugh
Many people dream of being a stand-up comedian, but most are just not funny enough to cut it. Even if you are good at telling jokes, it can take a number of awkward shows before you get your comedic timing right.

For this second grader, it seems that his career was nipped in the bud. How can a kid recover from standing in front of a thousand people and not hearing one single laugh?
A Child-Like Teacher
In many fields and industries, looking younger than you actually are is an advantage. But not in all of them. People who look younger than they actually are can be mistaken for children and thus less trusted than those who look mature.

But when you're a teacher, not looking like a student is a crucial part of the job. Nothing is more awkward than showing up to your first day of school, trying to exude authority but ending up looking like any other middle school kid.
Licking Wings
Nothing warms our hearts more than a mortification that keeps on giving. This six-year-old really just wanted to get his fair share of the chicken wings. What's fair, you ask? He should get everything, that's what's fair.

In order to secure the wings, he licked them all. While for a six-year-old, the story might not be that shameful, having your parents repeat it to everyone you meet, well, is.
Fangirling or fanboying has always been and always will be embarrassing. The screams, shrieks, and cries, all at the sight of a mere human.

When interacting with someone we admire, most of us tend to lose any coolness we had left in us. And some of us don't even have a lot of coolness to begin with... This person managed to get one sentence out next to their superstar before completely freezing and losing it.
Singing With Jeff Goldblum
In karaoke, everyone excepts to hear regular people using their terrible singing voices to pretend that they're rock stars. But when you come to a Jeff Goldblum concert, all you really want to hear is him.

The star tried to be nice and let audience members sing their national anthems, but this Reddit user emitted sounds so inhuman that Jeff decided to stop the whole operation.
Crashing and Burning
Why do they make clear walls? It is one of life's greatest mysteries. Is it in order to confuse all different kinds of humans and animals? If so, it's a cruel joke, and for those who fall victim to it, it's not funny.

Nobody enjoys being teased and laughed at, but when a crush catches you doing something silly, it is beyond humiliating. We blame clear walls for this one.
An Inappropriate Answer
Hairdresser appointments can get pretty intimate, usually because the client can't wait to unload all of their problems on the hairstylist. Since clients are used to salon talk being pretty close, they might not get that they are simply being asked a casual question.

This resulted in a truly hilarious situation that made everyone at the salon burst out in laughter. We are glad this old lady found joy and laughter in her embarrassing and public moment.
Hair Gone Wrong
Being absent-minded or silly is never fun, but at least in our personal lives, it usually doesn't have too many repercussions. In our professional lives, on the other hand, a minor mistake can result in a majorly awkward situation.

Luckily for the person behind this story, the lady took it all in good humor, he fixed her hair, and instead of being a horror story, it's just an embarrassing one.
The Wedding Wig
We all want to look our best, but when it comes to your own wedding day, you don't want to look like anything short of an ethereal goddess. It is usually recommended not to make any big changes too close to the day itself.

But alas, this poor bride-to-be didn't follow that rule and she got a mullet right before her wedding day. What's worse? A mullet or a wig? On a wedding day, they are both equally awkward.
Guilty and Embarrassed
He’s on the verge of passing out, though the medical term makes it seem like it’s more than just nausea. But the point is, he is monopolizing the attention of the nursing staff. While his wife is in labor, no less.

You have to admit this is pretty embarrassing. Maybe this is why they used to keep new dads in the waiting room. How can the staff focus on the delivery if dads are always in need of care?
Who's Eddie?
They say one should never assume anything, but above all, we expect doctors to be able to read the room as well as the tattoos on the patient's body. Maybe this doctor never heard of this common tattoo tragedy — someone gets a tattoo of the name of the one they love, but then, life happens and they find themselves having a baby with someone else entirely.

We are not sure what kept the father silent for so long, but the doctor had one of the most horrifying awkward moments of his career.
Embarrassing Your Wife
Every family has a secret recipe, a meal so special that its formula has been passed down for generations carefully kept and handed down. But what happens when you learn that the delicious dish you thought your great-grandparents developed is as widely known as pizza, pasta, and croissants?

To his embarrassment, this guy had realized way too late, and in public, that he had been lied to his entire life. At least his wife got a great laugh out of it.
Thrown Out of a Wedding
Being thrown out of a wedding sounds like it would require a lot, especially if you are the bride's sister. But, stepsisters don't always get along, as it is a complicated relationship to navigate — one that can come with a lot of jealousy.

This poor Reddit poster had to find the hard way what the green-eyed monster can do. Getting thrown out of a wedding is indeed quite humiliating.
Awkwardly Uncovering Secrets
Do you know that saying about being careful with what you wish for? Well, apparently you should also be careful with what you joke about because it just might turn out to be true. What started as a fun, light-hearted joke turned out to be the one thing everyone in the family knew but the jester.

While an uncomfortable situation for those involved, it sounds like the type of thing they'd get to laugh about again someday. Or maybe just never mention it. It could go both ways.
Banned From the Building
Individuals who get themselves banned from places don't usually get our sympathy. But, if it ever happened to you for some reason, you know it doesn't get more shameful than that.

The thing is, in this case, we are not sure this person did anything to deserve his most embarrassing moment. We need more deets, now! If there was an actual threat, then the threatener deserves this disgraceful moment.
Catfished by Mom
Our moms usually want what's best for us, but they tend to have some difficulties when it comes to learning the difference between being caring and being creepy.

This poor kid will forever have to live with the knowledge that he told his mom his secrets thinking she's his best friend. Yikes, this is truly awkward.
OBGYN Affair
We thought it couldn't get more embarrassing than reading your grandma's old love letters. But it can. This Reddit user found herself reading steamy letters that her grandmother wrote to her own OBGYN.

Sure, affairs happen, and they can always bring about different types of scandalous moments. But we think nothing will ever beat this one. Luckily for this kid, Grandma wasn't there to experience this uncomfortable revelation with the rest of the family.
Pictures No One Should Ever See
Most of us, except for some celebrities, don't really want any private pictures of us taken, or circling around. Especially not in photo albums dedicated to our newborn baby. This embarrassing story comes from a woman who just delivered her daughter.

We really hope the husband did the responsible thing and destroyed all of these pictures. It is awkward enough that they have even existed. Now imagine having someone else see them.
The Black Sheep of the Family
When an embarrassing story gets old and told so many times that it becomes some type of a folktale in the family, is it still a shameful story? Or maybe it becomes a source of pride?

We are sure that for this said ancestor, the moment was extremely mortifying. Getting caught stealing is never fun, and being banned from an entire state? Well, the only thing more shameful than that is... we actually can't think of anything.
We have all heard of the term "mother-naked" but we have never thought we'd have to think about that saying, well... literally.

This poor soul has had the misfortune of learning the thing that is passed down in his family isn't a tasty recipe or a useful skill, but rather the tendency to enjoy being in the nude. This is the type of embarrassment that never goes away.
An Awkward Funeral
Funerals are never easy, but this Reddit user attended the world's strangest, most uncomfortable funeral, and it was his grandfather's! Imagine wanting to peacefully say goodbye to your beloved grandfather when all of a sudden, his second family shows up.

A funeral has to be the most inopportune time to find out about a hidden family. We bet the whole ceremony was a string of embarrassing moments for everyone involved.
No More Notes
There’s nothing more passive-aggressive than leaving a note about something that bothers you. Oh, wait, yes, there is! Writing it in a red marker. This guy had to deal with the longstanding humiliation of having his roommate leave passive-aggressive notes with both their name signed on them!

Not only that, this poor guy had to walk around his building like a creep and remove all of the embarrassing notes, which makes this even more shameful.
A Cringy Book
Nothing gets worse than reading a book your grandfather wrote about your grandma. A long horrifying text detailing all of your family's dirty laundry. Pages upon pages of personal, cringy, family stories, that anyone can now go to the bookstore and read.

This book has probably managed to mortify many members of the family across different generations. We would like to hope the grandpa himself is ashamed of publishing the book but for some reason, we have a gut feeling he isn't.
Not My Father???
While there's nothing wrong with being adopted, or, well... not the biological child of your father, it can be a hard truth to learn. This is why this information should be handled with care, otherwise, awkward moments such as this one will ensue.

Who would have thought that such a mundane exchange would result in such a revelation? We really hope this was a private conversation and not something that was said during a family dinner...
Oh, the Shame
The tables at public parks are made from tough plastic that you can't damage unless you have tools. They also have the perfect size holes for kids to stick their fingers in, which means kids could find new ways to embarrass themselves and their parents.

We assume it hurt, but, then again, the shame was probably far more potent, as well as the teasing this child rightfully received from his friends and probably the firefighters as well.
Do Horses Get Embarrassed?
Sometimes the simplest stories are the best. This one, for instance, allows us to create our own scenarios for how on Earth this happened. We all know horses don't fly. They also don't really climb anything that well. Horses are very talented on the ground, but once things get hilly they lose steam.

Since this story just includes the bare bones, we have no idea how a horse got stuck in a tree. Do horses get embarrassed? Either way, his owner sure was.
Tripping Twice
If you look at this long list of mortifications, you will find that falling in front of others is right there at the top. But, this story gets even better, and yes, it's possible. Not only did this person trip and fall on their own shoelaces, but there was also a person behind them to witness the whole thing.

The Reddit user added insult to injury and managed to say something silly afterward. That's what we'd call a sundae with a cherry on top.
A Romantic Tragedy
Romance has always been a fertile ground for many mortifications. Just liking someone can be extremely embarrassing, and usually, when we are next to someone we like, we tend to be less careful with our words, or bodies.

This can result in hilarious accidents, such as this one, which we are sure was indeed the most awkward moment in this guy's life.
Randomly Waving
If you are the type of person who walks the street, tries to be nice, and is aware of your environment, this must have happened to you several times. You see someone enthusiastically waving.

They must be waving to you, right? It would be rude and inconsiderate not to wave back. But then you wave, only to find out the hand gesture was meant for somebody else, and you end up looking like a fool.
A Hard Tooth to Swallow
Romance is one of life's greatest joys, or at least, so they say. We suspect that those who do, have watched way too many romantic comedies. In real life, relationships can get messy, and some things that happen in them can be very hard to swallow.

We meant it metaphorically, of course, but this embarrassed lover had to experience it literally. We hope the person who ingested the tooth is ok now.
Stark Naked
Newton's first law is the law of inertia. His second is the law that says that everything gets a lot more mortifying when it is done in front of a big crowd.

We are not sure where group chats fall in Newton's law, but we assume that if he were still around to hear this story, he would be just as disturbed as the Reddit poster who shared this terrifying story.
The Unkindness of Strangers
Sometimes we are actually more likely to do something shameful and inappropriate when we are in an extremely good mood. It's just like being intoxicated and not from drinking, but from your own mind thinking everything is going great.

Then, of course, once we realized what he had actually done, our good mood gets ruined and so does our day. This lady learned the hard way that being nice to strangers can be misinterpreted and cause major embarrassment.
This is the type of story that doesn't really require any more details. We have all been there. You were just broken up with, and you have lost the person you thought was the love of your life.

This is only comparable to someone with substance abuse problems trying to quit cold turkey. The result is always some of the most embarrassing moments in one's life, usually in front of the person who dumped you.
The Office Dance
There's a certain way we know we must behave, especially in public. But when we know no one is watching, we usually let our hair down and get groovy.

This is what this person enjoys doing every morning, fully knowing no one will be there to see. But one day, everyone at work was there and saw the whole dance routine. We bet the colleagues did not shut up about it for one second.
The Show Must Go On
Most of us might think that actors have a pretty easy job. But the truth is that having a part in a show, be it big or small, comes with a lot of stress, even if it's just a school play.

This little kid had their worst nightmare happen to them on stage, the lines were just gone. But, to make matters worse they had a complete meltdown in front of everyone, mid-show. At least at some point, he pulled himself together, but still, this probably made the audience cringe.
Broken Ego
Trying to break the ice can be challenging, but someone's gotta do it. Taking the initiative is usually a good thing, but the higher the risk, the stronger the embarrassment, and college kids have always been one of the toughest crowds.

This poor soul just wanted to make everyone like them but they ended up being the person who said something nobody laughed at. And we all know that the first impression lasts.
The Smoothie That Slapped
Imagine this: You wake up to a lovely morning, the sky is blue, the birds are chirping and you have great plans for the day: a date and a McDonald's smoothie.

You get all dressed up, only to find out your date ditched you. Well, at least smoothies will always be there for you, right? Wrong! Smoothies will spill, they will make you trip over and fall, and leave you crying on the ground. Smoothies are evil.
A Tragic Relief
What was this guy doing at a comedy show not intended for him? Guess we will never know. But honestly, that alone was shady enough.

The last thing you'd wanna do while infiltrating a space you don't really belong to is draw attention to yourself. Spilling drinks isn't exactly the best way to go undetected. We did get a great story out of it, though.
Everyone Knew
When we are kids, we don't really understand what others can and can't see. At this point in our young lives, we have also not yet developed and mastered our own methods of how to hide shameful secrets and actions.

This poor second-grader publically did something no human should ever see another human doing. Looking back at it now, he cringes, but at least the past is in the past.
Make No Mistake, We All Make Mistakes
We have heard it being said that everything you do up until the age of 30 is a big huge mistake. We are not sure whether this gives us pleasure or instills terror in us.

This Reddit user has confessed that the first 20-something years of his life have all been a sequence of shameful, mortifying moments. No details are given, but luckily we have our own shameful memories to help us try and get a clearer picture.
No Holiday
If you are an awkward person who finds it hard to make conversation or respond properly when you are being talked to by a stranger, you definitely know this one.

Many of us have found ourselves saying "You too" when wished "Happy Birthday!" But wishing a nice holiday to an airport worker, whose job is to see people going on vacation every day... that's a lot cruder. We hope they both laughed it off.
Every. Single. Time
Since the dawn of time, some people have been just smoother than others. These people were always able to charm others, no matter how important the person in front of them was.

But, some of us have not been so lucky. Those who were not born with the charisma or the ability to sweet-talk others will forever find themselves saying weird things when they talk to their crush. It never stops being embarrassing.
Unlucky 13
We are not sure how old the Reddit poster in question was, but we do know that the older they were, the more embarrassing this story is. How does one get stuck in a tree? And why on Friday the 13th?

Having to call the fire brigade and waste their time just because of your silly shenanigans is shameful enough. But, the whole school found out and we bet they didn't let this kid forget about it...
Off With His Pants
Each season usually brings with it its own chances and opportunities for mortifications. In summer, it is bathing suit malfunctions that find new ways to embarrass us, but at least during the wintertime, we are covered from head to toe.

Until we try to take our snow pants off and take, well, everything off by mistake. At least nobody noticed.
Can't Buy Me Love
Many schools across America have bachelor auctions where people volunteer a dinner date or something of the sort for anyone willing to raise some funds for charity. Listen, we are all for charity, but couldn't they just sell fruit baskets instead?

It would save so many high schoolers' awkward auction experiences. This generous, kind high school kid just wanted to do some good in the world. Instead, he ended up knowing that no girl at school wanted to buy a date with him. Ouch.
Lost in Translation
Envision this: you are sitting on a public bench, reading a book in your native language. You do not want to be disturbed by anyone. Definitely not by someone who likes to read Tolkien.

Then, you are asked by a random stranger if you are gazing at a book written in Elvish. What? This guy needs to get his eyes checked, Elvish and Hebrew do not look the same!
Too Much Liquid Courage
We hope this was a moment the two later recalled and laughed at and not the end of a budding relationship. Most of us enjoy drinking because it can help us open up and release our inhibitions.

The problem is that sometimes inhibitions are necessary, especially when you are dating someone new. They say saying "I love you" too soon can ruin a relationship, as well as one's ego if it is not reciprocated.
The Wrong Leg
This has happened to every child, at least once. When you are four or five years old, you can't really see far up enough to recognize people's faces.

So you go for leg identification, remembering what pants and shoes people were wearing. This method isn't bulletproof, and the kiddo ended up just grabbing a stranger's leg, which must have been uncomfortable for all parties involved.
Apologize to Yourself
Mirrors are a tool we use in order to know what we look like, but in this story, the picture the mirror painted wasn't pretty.

Firstly, because walking into a mirror in a clothing store is just never a good look, no matter what you're actually wearing. Secondly, while apologizing to yourself in the mirror is kind, we don't think it is necessary.
The Weird Kid
Repeat after us kids: It is never advisable to get someone's number without their contest. It is always creepy. No matter what your reasoning is, it is simply wrong.

Yes, even if you think the two of you are 100% soulmates. Most likely, you aren't and you're just going to scare them away and be known as the weird kid.
Barney the Dinosaur
This is a free country and people should be able to wear whatever they want, in whichever color they choose. Yes, even if each and every kid in the supermarket will think they are cosplaying Barney the Dinosaur. Sadly, the moms and dads of these children will have to be the ones facing the consequences.

They will have to put on an awkward smile while wanting to bury themselves and never take their kid out in public again.
The Prom Proposal
High school proms are a playground for those of us who enjoy the embarrassment of others. The glitter, the drama, and the... marriage proposals? Some find public proposals romantic, while others cringe at the sight, even if it all goes according to plan.

Could you imagine the mortification of both the Reddit poster and the person they proposed to, as everyone was watching them, waiting for the answer?
Singing Off Key
Mowing the lawn is just another routine task one must complete when living a suburban life. Life and chores can get kind of boring, so why not make the most of your time and sing while you mow?

The lawnmower should be loud enough so that no one could hear you singing off-key, right? Wrong. Everyone heard you, what a shameful moment...
Unrequited Love
Truth or dare was a game some of us dreaded while others enjoyed. But, in one way or another, we were excited about it. The most exciting prospect? Getting to kiss our crush. The least exciting one? Seeing our crush resorting to truth-telling if it means they won't have to lock lips with us.

This person did get a kiss, but naively, this kid thought their kissing partner would fall in love with them. They didn't. It was awkward.
Why Am I Like This?
This is a question we all ask ourselves sometimes, most likely after we have done something humiliating. In this case, the girl thought the other girl was extending her hand towards her in order to give her a friendly high-five.

But all this girl wanted was to get her pencil back, so she left this Reddit poster awkwardly hanging with her hand in the air.
An Email Embarrassment
At least this person would never have to meet the person they trashed-talked, or should we say... trash-emailed? They will just have to forever live with the horror of imagining the poor candidate opening their email just to find this too-candid of a response.

This story comes with a lesson, though: Always check who you are responding to before you send your email. It can prevent a crisis!
A Stone's Throw From Love
When it comes to dating someone you like, nobody wants to miss their shot. But this guy literally did. He thought it'd be easy. He throws his bottle of water at the girl, lets her catch it, and she instantly falls in love with him.

But, alas, his aim wasn't as great as he imagined, and he hit her instead. We bet he sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night from a nightmare about this.
Rocking the Boat
In many ways, our colleagues know us better than our friends, parents, or partners. They spend more hours with us than anyone else.

The problem with this is that if you find yourself offending a colleague you still have to see them tomorrow and the next day and the next day. This is why you should always double-check before you open your mouth. You might be trash-talking someone who is sitting right next to you!
Driven Crazy
Is there anything more frustrating and humiliating than missing your bus? We bet we could write a whole article just on the sheer exasperation that comes with knowing you'll have to wait another hour before you start making your way home after a long day.

Still, tripping in front of everyone while trying to catch a bus is almost worse than missing it, don't you think?
An Open Secret
Having the name of your crush revealed to everyone is one of the worst things that can happen to a kid in middle school. And that's saying a lot, as middle school is basically a breeding ground for embarrassing moments.

Yet, this kid should have known better than to trust a random cute girl in French class with his biggest secret. We bet he learned his lesson.
A Real-Life Tinder Nightmare
What are the chances? Actually, pretty high, as Tinder usually shows you people who are in your proximity. Still, hearing a guy showing your dating profile to his mates isn't the way most girls would choose to spend lunch.

We are not sure what he said about her, but since she never wanted to talk to him again, we bet it wasn't all good things. Now he has to live with the embarrassment of never being sure if she's right there next to him.
Born in a Barn
We personally thought that this is pretty obvious that bellies take time to get back to their previous state, but maybe this person was not born in a hospital. A barn perhaps?

Either way, sometimes it's just better to shut your mouth than to make an awkward, mildly offensive attempt at conversation. Also, maybe next time they should teach the people who volunteer in the hospital some basic life facts? Just a thought.
Ink Has Been Spilled
Chewing a pen is not a recommended activity. Still, like many of the things we are not supposed to do, it is just so much fun! But, at some point, most learn to control their urges, and well... stop chewing on pens.

Not this high schooler, who didn't get the memo saying those who play stupid games win stupid prizes. In this case, the prize is ink in your mouth and everyone's joy at your stained face.
Touching the Wrong Person
Next time we recommend making sure you are touching the right person before you go all the way up to their thigh. We bet this guy really learned his lesson after being so embarrassed and having the entire row laughing at him.

We can only assume how the rest of the flight went by: He replayed this mortifying moment in his mind over and over again. We hope it was a short flight.
Spilling the Coffee Beans
Wouldn't it be nice if clumsiness had an age limit? If all of our public embarrassment suddenly stopped happening once we hit 18?
Sadly, that's not the case, and many of us continue to spill and drop drinks till we finally kick the bucket.

Spilling coffee on a professor's notes sounds like something that might not only hurt your self-esteem but also your grade. 1/10, would not recommend.
Putting on a Show
We all hate missing an important scene in a movie, but sometimes you just gotta go. This little brother just wanted to miss as little as possible, but it seems like he ended up achieving the opposite.

Haste makes waste and he found himself falling and having everyone laugh at him, twice! We also bet he couldn't concentrate for the rest of the movie.
Accidentally Stealing
There's nothing that gets on people's nerves more than thinking you were trying to take what was theirs. Even if you weren't it can be hard to convince somebody that it was just an honest mistake.

Still, we would think this lady would forgive a 12-year-old. But she didn't. She thought he was trying to steal her stuff and she accordingly gave him a dirty look he can't forget to this day.
Picking Up Pennies
There are many embarrassing stories about tripping in public. But tripping in the middle of a circle of people during a music performance? No, wait, it gets worse.

Spilling all of the coins the band worked hard to earn and then having to stick around to pick them back up — this is the pinnacle of publically humiliating yourself. We'd like to think the band members were understanding, but when it comes to money, people usually aren't.
A Bad Liar
The moral of this story? Never be early for class, it can only lead to bad things. This student could really use a crash course in effective lying, cause it sounds like he really missed the mark here.

He tried to avoid an awkward situation but was such a bad actor that he ended up making the situation a lot worse. Trying to pretend you know people you don't know is never a good idea.
Crying Over Spilled Milk
They usually say you shouldn't cry over spilled milk, but what if that milk ruined two different Apple products? What if these devices weren't even yours, but belonged to your actual boss? In this case, you'd cry for days.

Who knew milk could cause such terrible disasters? There's really no way to compensate someone for this type of embarrassing mistake.
Sounds Nuts
We have heard many different embarrassing stories in our lifetime, we truly have. But this is the first time we've come across someone completely forgetting how to eat peanuts. Should be a piece of cake, no?

We can't blame the trainer for looking at this person funny. They just shoved a whole peanut into their mouth! Seriously this person should not be allowed around food when they are nervous.
What Goes Around Comes Around
What is up with all of these doors hitting people in the face? It sounds like none of the students were instructed about hallway safety. Maybe the school thought things like walking and opening doors carefully would be obvious

Also, this embarrassing moment is a great reminder that what goes around comes around, and that karma is 100% real, and that you shouldn't laugh at other people's misfortune.
Cry Uncle!
Today, when we text the wrong person we sometimes have the ability to delete or to unsend our message before the other person gets to read it.

But back in the olden days, people weren't so lucky, and lustful teenagers had to live with the consequences of their foolish actions. How does one go on living after sending their uncle such a vile text? We are happy to say we wouldn't know.
Rescued by Mom
Many terrible, awkward things can happen to a person in the restroom. But since we're classy, we decided not to include these in the article. Instead, we opted for a unique bathroom experience.

Sure, we have all accidentally walked into the wrong bathroom. But having your own mother come to your rescue kinda makes the whole thing much much more embarrassing.
Meant for Mom Only
Notifications have made privacy a more challenging endeavor than ever. We could just be chilling with our phone in our hands, and then all of a sudden an embarrassing message pops up for everyone to see.

This is why many of us won't lend our phones to anyone, not even for a second. But, moms don't always have the privilege of not keeping their phones hidden away, which is how this poor son stumbled upon the most embarrassing moment of his life.
This Isn't a Garage Sale...
This Reddit user said he has been so embarrassed in his entire life. We don't know how old he was when this happened, but he had a wife, so we bet he has lived long enough to embarrass himself many times. If he says this was his worst moment, we believe it.

Implying that the things this old lady was taking with her to her new home seemed like garage-sale junk? It doesn't get more awkward than that.
Skipping Class
They say that college is all about learning things about yourself and about the world. It's about being away from your parents for the first time, finding your purpose, and partying a lot. Yet, real life is rarely like these college movies with happy endings.

Real college life is about being too embarrassed to go to the bathroom mid-class. So embarrassed you end up doing your business while in class. Yeah, it just isn't as fun as it looks in the movies.
Big Fish
Little kids who don't really know a lot about the laws of the natural world can sometimes mistake toys for real animals or believe in the existence of monsters. By the time most of us reach elementary school though, we should all be able to tell what is real and what isn't.

But this high-schooler found himself terrified of what he thought was an actual singing fish, even though he obviously should have known better. This is indeed a shameful moment for someone his age.