Being a passenger on a plane can really bring out the ugliest sides of us. And by that, we mean it both from a figurative and literal point of view. After being on a flight for 10+ hours, the end results (in terms of appearance) are always going to be far from pretty. Other than the fact that this woman is completely blocking this passenger’s screen, it also seems like she needs to see a hairdresser.

We’re not sure if it’s the fluorescent lights or the fact that she just came back from a ten-day-long vacation at the beach, but this woman’s hair looks like it’s in a disastrous state. Is there a hairdresser on the flight? This is an emergency!
The Lurker
The sad thing about getting assigned seats on a plane is that you don't get to choose who you sit next to, unfortunately. There are a bunch of different characters that you may get placed next to or close to, and some may be more pleasant than others. A lot of times, you get seated next to the quiet traveler who simply sticks to themselves in their own unobtrusive way.

There's also the chatty traveler who generally loves to make conversation and, whether you like it or not, they are going to share their life story with you within the first ten minutes of meeting them. Then, there's also the sleeping traveler who will literally sleep from start to finish. This passenger was unlucky enough to get seated near the "Lurking Traveler," who is probably the worst kind of traveler to be seated next to or nearby.
Sleep Masks for Shut-Eyes
Using an eye mask to get some shut-eye on a plane may very well be the best hack ever if someone wants to get some sleep on an airplane. Firstly, if you're on a day flight, they can be really effective at blocking out the light, and even at night too, since there's always that one person who likes to leave their lights on through the ungodly hours of the night.

Secondly, the darkness that they provide renders relaxation and also prevents you from getting distracted by the things that may be going on around you. It's a really great idea to pack one of these bad boys for your next flight. Just make sure you pack a themed one like this lady so that there can also be a meme about you and your mask online one day.
Can't Sleep With an Elephant in the Room
There are a number of reasons that make sleeping on an airplane really challenging. Besides the fact that you are in a strangely awkward sleeping position, there may also be noise from other passengers and the activities that they get up to. Furthermore, the temperatures inside an airplane are generally also quite low, so besides the lack of reclining, you're probably also going to be too cold to sleep.

Turbulence could be another factor that prevents one from getting some rest on a plane. These are probably the most common reasons people struggle to sleep on an airplane, but this Redditor has found yet another reason to add to the list.
How to Read a Book
There are no harsh judgments here, and everybody is free to fill their time on a plane how they wish. Some folks may choose to read novels. Others may decide to use the time to get some work or studying done.

We have even seen some whacky cases of people choosing to cut their nails or pull some crazy yoga moves in their free time on a plane. Maybe you just like to keep it simple by watching movies or listening to music. Someone on this Redditor's flight chose to bring his book along that's going to teach him "How To Read a Book."
Cello Seat
If you are a music rock star or dream of becoming one, then perhaps you will understand what this person had to go through to transport her beloved instrument on this flight. Firstly, instruments are generally quite fragile and expensive, so of course, any instrument owner is going to want to take care to give them the utmost protection when traveling with them.

They are also most commonly weirdly shaped and, therefore, don't fit into the cabin luggage compartments that are typically made for bags and suitcases. At least, it seems like this person booked a whole seat just for her instrument, so no one is getting inconvenienced by it! You go, girl!
Airplane Activities
As we all know, some flights can be long and burdensome, and it can, as such, get rather boring to sit in the same spot doing nothing after you've watched all the movies you wanted. There are a whole lot of alternatives to just sitting around waiting for the flight to end.

These include reading a book, working or studying, journaling about the trip that you've just had or are about to take, sketching, and the list goes on. This lady chose to do cross-stitching as her airplane activity. We are actually not so sure how she managed to get her needles past security, but good for her!
Ramsay Ruling The Plane
We had no idea that Gordon Ramsey has a side hustle attending passengers on a plane, along with his multimillionaire culinary gig. To be fair, it's no surprise, really, since both of these industries are related in that they both essentially serve customers and strive to make them happy.

We just hope that Ramsey won't bring out his fiery side when serving passengers on a plane. Otherwise, the airline he is working for may receive a lot of complaints. Passengers may not be too thrilled when they hear something like "For what we are about to eat, may the Lord make us truly not vomit" or "Don't just stand there like a big f—ing muffin!"
Knitting to Kill Time
It's smart to bring some activities on a plane to keep you busy for the duration of the flight. When you are on a long-haul flight, there are only so many movies you can watch before your eyes start burning from staring at the screen for so long. There are many alternatives to watching movies on a flight, provided you plan ahead and bring them along.

That could include crossword puzzles, music, and, for some, even knitting. As surprising as it may come across to some, R. Lee Ermey chose to bring his knitting with him on long flights. R. Lee Ermey was a talented actor mostly known for his roles in military movies, but it seems he had other interests, too.
Doggy Tour
Naw! It's possible that a picture like this will melt anyone's heart at first glance. Allegedly, this pic was taken in 2017 on board a flight in Chiba, Japan. On this three-day voyage, owners were allowed to travel with their beloved pets on this chartered flight that flew to Kagoshima Prefecture in the southwestern part of Japan.

As included in the tour deal, the owners and their pets also got to stay together in a hotel. The pets also had the privilege of accompanying the owners over the duration of the tour as they went sightseeing at different tourist hotspots each day. Where do we sign up?
She's on Cloud Nine
You always hear about people who get on their flights and have the whole row to themselves. Imagine getting on your flight first, waiting for the other passengers to get on. You wait fifteen minutes, forty minutes, and then the pilot announces that the plane is ready for takeoff...You're in absolute heaven right now!

You look around you, are you on the right flight? There is not one passenger on this plane other than you. It's like you're on a private jet when in reality, you paid less than 100 dollars for a ticket! What a win! In reality though, this never happens.
Polly Wants a Cracker
We have heard of emotional support dogs. They often board planes with their owners, turning heads just because they are the cutest passengers on the flight. But we have never heard of an emotional support bird. And then this person turned everyone's heads when she brought her buddy on board.

This emotional support parrot turned heads for other reasons. When's the last time you saw a bird on a plane? We've never, and we've flown quite a bit in our day (no pun intended). We're guessing Polly was thrilled when the flight attendants handed out complimentary crackers. Why yes, Polly wants a cracker!
Crossword Puzzle
Who doesn't love to play good old crossword puzzle every once in a while? Hey, it gets the trivia juices flowing, it unlocks corners of your brain you didn't know worked and you might learn a few new things along the way. Looking at this photo, one thing comes to mind - why didn't this poor soul move over to the empty seat across the aisle?

The person sitting in front of him reclined their seat so far back, this poor guy had no room. He looks like he's struggling to fill in his crossword! Unless we're completely misreading the situation and he's enjoying the headrest! Come to think of it, that seems to make more sense! Good for him, turning lemons into lemonade!
Someone Needs to Tell the Airlines
Whether you are just an ordinary person or a famous celebrity who rules countries, it seems like everyone struggles to get comfortable on a plane, regardless of who you are. And this picture must have been taken in the 50s, so airplane-taking folk have been struggling with legroom for quite some time now, it seems.

Even as this picture depicts, Richard Nixon also battled back in the day with the dilemma of lack of legroom on a flight towards Iceland. Perhaps they have been making planes wrong this whole time. How has no one conveyed this information to the airlines yet?
The Perfect Pet for Planes
This is quite a sweet sight compared to the other animals we have seen here. An ordinary dachshund is taking a flight with its owner. At least this little pooch is small enough to be kept in its carrier and on its owner's lap. It's not like the other strange animals we have seen, like the roaming turkey and the pig that just don't seem to fit in too well on an airplane.

If there was an animal or pet that was perfect for traveling, then this picture would sum it up! We can't speak for the amount of yapping that went on in the flight as this breed of dog loves to yap, but everything else seems a lot more manageable than some of the other strange creatures one gets on planes these days.
Care to Lie Down?
People have been caught using the airplane cabin floor for a number of reasons. We know how limited the space can be in an airplane, so it's not uncommon to see little kids and even adults alike using the floor to take a nap or simply just lie down.

It's actually quite the airplane hack when you really need to recline since you are definitely never going to achieve such a position in your assigned seat. Just remember that if you are going to use this hack, then you may get in the way of the cabin staff or other passengers trying to get past. There may also be safety issues in case of an emergency.
Something's Gotta Give
Generally, when you visit someone's home, you are going to be on your best behavior and hopefully be seated like the well-mannered person that you are. We would like to think that people would do this in airplanes and other public spaces too, but apparently, the #passengershaming has not stopped yet. Some people think it's okay to really let your hair down and quite literally sprawl their limbs all over the place when taking a flight.

Well, news flash! It's not okay to do this, and clearly, it's upsetting co-passengers like this Tweeter. The airline crew may also not be firm enough with the passengers these days, so they are taking advantage of the situation and really making themselves too cozy for some people's liking. Something's gotta give!
Hair We Are
Being a passenger on a plane can really bring out the ugliest sides of us. And by that, we mean it both from a figurative and literal point of view. After being on a flight for 10+ hours, the end results (in terms of appearance) are always going to be far from pretty. Other than the fact that this woman is completely blocking this passenger's screen, it also seems like she needs to see a hairdresser.

We're not sure if it's the fluorescent lights or the fact that she just came back from a ten-day-long vacation at the beach, but this woman's hair looks like it's in a disastrous state. Is there a hairdresser on the flight? This is an emergency!
Not Your Mother's House
Yes, flights can be uncomfortable since they tend to be a time that you're confined to a small space for hours on end. And yes, you may feel like you want to use the tray table as your own personal ottoman, but sweety, this is not your mother's house.

We are not even sure how sitting like that can be comfortable in any way, but this sort of behavior on a plane should be stopped because clearly, it's upsetting other passengers, and it's also just adding to the #passengershaming movement. Also, how does that little tray even hold the weight of someone's legs like that? Perhaps to avoid them breaking, the airlines need to revise their rules regarding these trays!
Toilet Nap
Sometimes, times get tough on an airplane and trying to get some sleep gets really difficult. For starters, there is minimal space, thanks to plane makers cramming the maximum number of passengers on a flight. This means that you're going to have a relatively narrow seat and limited legroom. That's especially true when you're flying economy, which, let's face it, most of us do.

There are many ways to solve this dilemma, but most of the time, that includes infringing on someone else's space. This guy, however, seems to have cracked the code! Need to take a nap on a plane but feel the space around your seat is too limited? Just go to the bathroom and lock yourself in there for a little snooze. You're definitely going to have tons more legroom than what you'll get at your assigned seat.
Can We Just Opt for Normal Snacks on the Plane?
As you can see, stashing your seed shells or any other rubbish bits in an airplane seat pouch is bound to infuriate some people. Perhaps the best solution to this is to just avoid snacks that leave a trail of mess behind, like these seed shells when you're flying. There are literally a million other things to choose from when it comes to snacking. Why not go for a modest muffin or a protein bar?

Certain nuts and seeds can really just wait until you get somewhere like your private home or just anywhere that's not in an airplane. Not only is the mess they make annoying, but it's even worse when you watch people eating these types of snacks. With every little seed, of which there are hundreds, there comes a little crackling sound every time they try to remove the shell. Very annoying!
Airplane Nail Care
As we've seen before, airports and flights are breeding grounds for all sorts of strange creatures. Since it's a place where all sorts of people from all over the world meet, you are bound to run into some funny situations or behaviors that may not seem normal to you, but you better believe that it's someone else's norm.

This man thinks it's completely normal to be cutting nails out in public with a nail-cutting device. Whether you use a nail clipper or a nail-cutting device, cutting your nails on an airplane or anywhere in public, for that matter, is definitely not everybody's norm. And this is clear with the #passengershaming that this Tweep used to point out this strange behavior.
Airplane Yoga
There's nothing quite like trying to get comfy on a plane. The spaces around the seats are generally quite small when you're flying in economy, so it may be quite challenging to be expected to stay confined within your seat for the full flight. We have already seen the creeping toes and the hanging arms.

But who thought that trying to get comfortable in an airplane required a nimble little yoga stretch? Perhaps this move is only for those who are capable of pulling such a stunt without breaking any bones. The reason that we don't see this move too often is probably because it takes a lot of dexterity to pull something like this off!
Gloves Will Have to Do
We all know how it goes on an airplane. You want to get comfy since, well, you may be stuck in the same seat for anything from 2 to 16 hours or more. What's the first thing that people do to get comfortable? Remove their shoes. That's all good, but it may become an issue if you've just removed shoes, which are tough to remove and tough to put back on, and then you've just realized that you need to go to the toilet.

Of course, you're not going to put your shoes back on to go to the bathroom. Too much of a mission! That's when you make a plan and reach for something that'll quickly cover your feet while you head to the restroom. This person reached for hand gloves, and at least she gave a lot of people a good laugh!
Common Juncture for Weirdos
The airplane is full of all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures. If there ever is a time that you'll get to see the sort of people that make you stop and wonder, it may just be on an airplane. Think about it: you're embarking on a journey with people who could be coming from the other side of the world.

There are going to be cultural differences on any given flight, which is just a meeting point for strangers from all over, and that's okay. Perhaps in this person's world, it's okay to throw your pistachio nutshells on the floor with no remorse, but clearly, this is offensive to whoever took this picture and, of course, to whoever is going to have to clean it up! At least we can say that the world would be a very dull place if everyone had the same cultures and behaviors.
Fancy The Feet?
There are a number of ways to solve the problem of having someone's toes creep onto your armrests during your flight. Of course, nobody invited someone else's toes over for a party. That is unless you have a foot fetish. So, how could one possibly solve this conundrum? It's simple: one way you could go about it is to lean over slowly to face them.

Make sure you have a big eerie smile on and start asking them questions about their feet as though you have a foot fetish. Questions like "What do your feet taste like?" or "Can I smell your feet?" Most people don't want their feet to be fussed over on a flight, so this trick is bound to keep those unasked little friends to themselves.
Foot Fetish
Imagine being halfway through a ten-hour plane ride when all of a sudden, you get a whiff of someone's feet. It really is the stuff of nightmares, if we are going to be completely honest. We do not mean minor foot odor, no, we are talking full-on about someone who ran 50 miles in week-old socks and then hopped on a plane, odor.

You look around you, it seems like the passengers sitting on your sides are both wearing their shoes, so where could the smell be coming from? That's when you look up to see one of the biggest horrors of your entire lifetime!
Case In Point
Logic redefined. It may sound silly but this hilarious tweet did a brilliant job of calling out faulty critical thinking skills at their finest. Did they really say tweezers can be used to hijack a plane? Think about it. That’s definitely something we’d be interested to see… and we wouldn’t feel too concerned about our safety!

Want more hilarious photos inside an aircraft? Well we’ve covered so many we’ll need to take a break to hunt up some more for you! Thank you for taking your time to read. We hope you enjoyed flicking through these crazy pictures as much as we enjoyed finding them for you. Haha psyche...we're not done by a long shot...there's more!
Basic Airplane Etiquette
Ah, another instance of unwelcome toes creeping over to your seat. Perhaps they are making airplanes too small these days. No wonder we keep seeing uninvited body parts sprawling across other passengers' personal space. It's that, or people really just don't know what basic plane etiquette is.

It's actually really simple to adhere to basic airplane behavior. Just to name a few of the 'supposed' rules: Don't recline your seat suddenly or during meal times. Don't fart. Talk at a normal volume and simply keep your body and all its accompanying bits to yourself. Clearly, somebody on this six-hour flight never got the memo.
A Small Cry for Help
It's pretty clear that being a passenger on a plane can be a challenging thing to go through. Firstly, you don't have a lot of space as it is, and secondly, you are at least at some point in time going to have to fly next to someone who may not be very considerate of the little space around them, like this guy.

Perhaps you're not going to want to reprimand a person who has a knife in their hand, but if someone is doing this to you on a plane, then perhaps there are ways to get around this situation. Perhaps you can have a word with the cabin crew, and perhaps they can work something out for you by moving you to another seat or simply having a talk with the inconsiderate passenger. Rather that, than sitting like this person did for the entire flight!
Under The Sea
While it’s obvious that the “t” in seat was removed (intentionally or not), life vests are located under the seats of the plane. Unless, you take the message literally, you have to swim under the sea first to locate your life vest in case of an emergency. Strange. Clearly some clever little vandal decided to make a joke out of the sign.

If you encounter a funny message like this, it’s best to consult with one of the flight attendants on board your flight. Just to make sure that your safety is not jeopardized. But really, it’s all about common sense.
I Know You
This is the face(s) you make when you suddenly see your friends whom you haven’t seen for ages. Or it could be that the man two rows behind was acting as a photobomber for the twins. Nevertheless, they look so happy in this photograph.

One of the best things about flying is the chance of reuniting with old friends. It happened to us many times, and we're sure it might have happened to some of you who are reading this. As such, we’re thrilled at the thought of seeing more long lost friends by chance in our future flights. Do you feel the same way? It feels good to relive happy memories with friends, right?
Wings for the Ride
We've all been on a flight where either we or some of our co-passengers feel it's necessary to bring on a whole load of food from the land that we've just disembarked from. That's all well and good because maybe the food that gets served on a plane does not suffice, and maybe there's something more specific that is needed to make the journey doable.

Allegedly, this person's neighbors brought a whole plate of chicken wings, which is fine. But if your wings land on the floor, then at least have some decency and pick it up! You wouldn't want someone to trip and fall on the mess that you've made. Let's learn from this passenger's co-passengers and be better people by keeping our food on our plates!
Fancy a Little Stretch
No one is a stranger to how little space we have on a plane when we're not flying business class. The seats are pretty cramped next to each other, and you're bound to touch your neighbors at least a few times for the duration of any flight. It's not unusual to need a little stretch or to put some of your body parts outside of the small area that confines you.

Be it your feet or your arms. Sometimes, you just need to break out of the little space and stretch it out. Just make sure you don't do it too often or for too long. Otherwise, your co-passengers may have a thing or two to say about it.
Spiders on a Plane
If you thought that the movie "Snakes on a Plane" was terrible, then be glad that you weren't on the flight that had a massive spider on board. It's also pretty clear that this is no tiny, innocent little daddy with long legs, no. This spider is huge and looks like it could really scar some of the passengers that were on this flight.

Yes, some pets are allowed into the plane provided they have the correct accompanying documents and that they are secured for the flight's duration, but a free-roaming tarantula like this one is certainly not welcome on any flight!
Music Fever
Apparently, this man can’t let go of his mini keyboard – he even practiced his piano skills while in the plane. With the sweet melody that tucked him to sleep, we’re worried that he might not perform his important task, considering he’s seated in the emergency exit row.

Obviously, he’s drunk with music and we just hope that the flight was smooth and everyone was okay. We also realized that there are some things that we cannot let go of, not even on short trips. Need we tell more? This photo is proof. Passion and commitment rolled into one with this man who has a deep connection with his music.
Nice View
Sometimes the best view comes in big sizes and with another adorable view. Look at how pretty this photo is – a massive dog keeping his focus on the in-flight movie. If it was a dramatic film, we wouldn’t be surprised if he was moved to puppy tears. Now we have learned that movies make a good strategy to keep dogs well-behaved!

The owner of this amazing dog also deserves a pat on the back for training his pet so well, especially in critical situations – like on a flight full of humans – that necessitate good behavior. Who would have thought traveling through the air with a giant dog could be this easy?
Turkey Support Animal
If you thought that crying babies on an airplane was a lot, how about a gobbling turkey? We have already seen how some strange animals can be support animals, like the pig and the kangaroo from earlier, but apparently, turkeys also make good support animals on planes.

Yup, you heard that correctly- turkeys can actually offer a lot of support to their owners, who may find it stressful to fly on a plane. If this is your animal of choice to support you on a flight, then just make sure you keep them with you so they won't wander around the plane like this turkey who is possibly on his way to disrupt the pilots or take over the captain's cockpit.
Stowaway Smartly
This guy tried to pull a fast one on a flight, but he obviously didn't get very far, did he? He got it all wrong, and clearly, he didn't research how to stow away on a flight without getting caught. Suppose you want to be sneaky and pull a stowaway stunt successfully. In that case, there are certain things you have to do, and getting into the cabin's hand luggage compartments is obviously not the way to go since someone is going to eventually open up and spot you.

You have to be a lot more discrete about things and rather hide in a suitcase or somehow get into the carry-on baggage area. That way, no one will catch you, and just maybe you'll get away with it. Jokes aside, stowing away is actually really dangerous and illegal, so we do not recommend trying this. At all. Ever.
Support Animals Needing Support
By the looks of this picture, this dog does not really seem at ease on board this flight. Allegedly, he was sitting like this, staring out the window for a full five hours. Perhaps the owners brought him along as a support animal, but it seems like this dog is actually the one that needs to be supported.

At least he gets to sit on his owner's lap for the whole ride, and at least that means that he was being held closely by his owners for most of the flight. We also now know that sometimes, support animals may end up being the ones that need support.
When Pigs Fly
This picture is so funny because of the idiom "When pigs fly." A lot of times, this expression gets used to signify how something will never happen, just like how pigs will never fly, but here we have proven everyone who has ever used this saying wrong because, as we can see here, pigs apparently DO fly.

We just hope that this piggy behaved himself on board this flight, as a disruptive piggy on a flight can be a real bummer. We also hope that it was a clean piggy that didn't smell like a barn because barns are smelly, and nobody signs up for sitting next to a smelly piggy when they book their flight tickets.
Doggy Takeover
Usually, when you board a flight, it's normal when you see no animals, and sometimes, on occasion, maybe one or two dogs or other animals may be present. On this flight, however, it turned out to be a pretty wild occasion, with not only one or two pets but a whopping four dogs all in the same row.

As the person who posted this picture said, these pets are taking over the cabin of the plane. We just hope that these dogs all know each other and that it's not their first time meeting. Otherwise, that flight may have been one hell of a zoo ride.
No Touchy
When you are on a long flight, then a friendly face can really make a big difference. Be it your co-passengers or simply a dog sitting near you. Imagine being on a plane for a long time, and all you need is a little pick-me-up refreshing interaction.

Ahead of you or behind you, there's a friendly dog that gives 'pet me' vibes, but when you read his collar, you see that it says "DO NOT PET." What a disappointment when you read the message. All you want to do is pet the pup, but for whatever unknown reasons you can't. Sometimes life sucks on an airplane!
Monster Lover
We admire Jake’s candidness for calling out his seatmate during the flight. If you’re afraid of horror movies and the person seated next to you went full screen on his iPad for some goosebumps and screams and it’s been like that for over an hour, you might do more than just take a photo and call him out on social media.

Here’s the thing: when we’re traveling, we should consider everyone in the plane – from babies to flight attendants and particularly our seatmates – and we should act properly at all times. Remember the golden rule that says we shouldn’t do unto others what we don’t want them to do unto us? Wait, is that right?
Doggie Captain
Who said a dog can’t be a pilot? This photo is a proof that dogs are indeed smart and fearless and capable of way more than we could ever have imagined. Looking fab and cool with his co-pilot/owner/trainer, this guy must be having the time of his life.

We hope he didn’t freak out when he realized he’s a thousand miles up in the sky. Tip: before flying with your dog, make sure that he doesn’t have a fear or heights. Otherwise, the both of you will end up panicking rather than kicking back and enjoying your adventure and bonding time.
So Many Stories
Can you decide which part of this photo is most hilarious – the cute baby who seems to be crawling his way up the seat, the number of bottles this guy consumed, or he and the lady next to him sleeping with mouths open?

Actually, all parts are amusing. See, a picture can paint a thousand words. Even if they are strangers to each other, they are now forever connected with this cute snap. We’re sure that when they see this photo, they’ll laugh their hearts out, especially at that cutie toddler on the side. Credits to the passenger who was a happy witness to this colorful scene.
Pretty Face
Rumors were rife that this particular plane housed some of the stunning models of Victoria’s Secret. This pretty woman who took a group picture is every inch a model. On many occasions, celebrities – from athletes to actors and models – fly via economy class, giving everyday passengers the chance to see them and have photographs with them.

Did we mention that we dream of riding a plane with the Kardashian sisters? We know for a fact that they have their private jets, but we’re still keeping our fingers crossed that they try a public plane. Just once. You know, for the experience. Please?
Meet Bentley
Some people choose to have kangaroos as their support animals, while others keep it more regular and have dogs as their support animals on flights. We all know how stressful it can be to fly, so if you have an animal by your side for the ride, then count yourself lucky!

These animals are supposed to relieve stressful situations (like a flight) for their owners and can help by reducing conditions like PTSD, depression or anxiety. This cute support animal, Bentley, was lucky enough to meet the captain of the flight, or should we say the captain was lucky enough to meet Bentley, the cute bulldog.
Only in Oz
It's a given that this pic was taken somewhere on a plane that's flying over Australian turf, or if not that, then definitely an Australian airline, or otherwise, an Aussie passenger accompanied by their beloved kangaroo. Kangaroos and other marsupials are only found naturally on the big island down under.

Australia is already regarded as a wildly outlandish country with its reputation for hosting a whole bunch of extraordinary animals, some of which may be very deadly. At least this cute little one doesn't seem too deadly but more like a support animal. We are not sure if kangaroos make good support animals, but apparently, anything goes when you're Australian.
Epic Reaction
Giant dog: “Can we go to dreamland now? Please.” Passengers at the back: (speechless). Probably, this is what the dog wanted to say to the noisy passengers at his back. If we were in his position and we just wanted to sleep, we’d also talk with the same politeness. Without this bubble thought, the dog’s reaction alone is epic.

There is so much emotion in this photo that we can also assume he had spotted a cute baby in the back. He was certainly amazed with something in his back view. Well, only the dog (and the person who took this photo) know the real deal here.
First Ever Selfie?
According to online sources, selfies only really became mainstream in the early 2010s. The word "selfie" only became popularized and widely used by the public thanks to a life coach, Jennifer Lee, who was the first person to use it in a hashtag on Instagram.

Only by the end of 2012 did "Time" magazine consider it one of the "top 10 buzzwords" of the year. We guess that those guys got it all wrong this whole time because, according to this picture, selfies were actually invented in 1999, on a plane, by none other than the mechanical engineer turned TV presenter Bill Sanford Nye.
Stinky Feet
This little girl knows no lies and her reaction is just epic! With a stinky foot extending on her seat, covering her nose may not be enough to conceal the foul odor. If the adult passenger did not remove his/her foot right away, we’re sure the parents of the child reprimanded him/her already.

Let’s not be too comfortable when flying because a plane is a transportation method which means serious business and sleeping in this position is not good. It becomes worse when your feet stink a lot. Eew. Tip: put on some foot deodorant or powder before flying and never flash them, especially to innocent young children.
Time To Sleep
Let's face it - sleeping might be one of the most popular activities to do while on a flight - especially when it might take 10 hours to get to your destination. This bunch must be very exhausted and perhaps deprived of sleep before their flight to be able to fall into this deep of a slumber. Evidence: open mouths while sleeping and we’re sure some of them were snoring.

Another possibility is that they took heed of the pilot’s announcement to take a nap while waiting for 4 hours past their scheduled departure due to technical reasons. So instead of getting drunk (with many of the other passengers), they just had to follow their body’s calling and sleep well.
Turkey, Seriously?
We’re not sure whether this photo was edited or not. Looking at it, it seems legit but really, a turkey on the plane? We thought the owner of this photo was just up for some fun but we couldn’t agree more with their actions. If ever we see a turkey on a plane, which is a rare scene by the way, we’d definitely snap a hilarious photo.

Just like the well-loved burger and pig, this turkey got pampered too with his master paying for his seat. Are turkeys now the new “man’s best friend?” Its owner looks protective, carefully holding him just to make sure he doesn’t roam around the plane confusing fellow passengers.
Oh no, this guy was punished for drinking a forbidden bottle during take off! Since he was not forced out of the plane and no emergency landing happened for his behaviour, he was taped to his seat. But this act, if not a prank, is totally unforgivable.

Unless, he acted wild and became a threat to other passengers, or actually caused someone harm. Nevertheless, this is a good example of an insanely hilarious picture captured in the plane. We just hope this guy learned his lesson already and is doing well on his other flights. No one would want to be in his position, especially now that this photo is making the rounds of the web. Sorry.
Breaking the Wind
Farting on a plane is not a nice thing to do for your co-passengers. Firstly, on a plane, everyone is within very close proximity to each other, so for sure, the smell is going to stay in the vicinity and pong up the area. The spaces are also confined, so you know that everyone around you is definitely going to get a waft of your bodily fumes.

Sadly though, sometimes you just gotta go when you gotta go, you know? Sometimes, it comes out before you have the chance to get through the other passengers to the bathroom. At least this guy was nice enough to only pass wind one time throughout the entire flight. How thoughtful!
This angry man was clearly annoyed by the curly hair of the woman in front of him who, to be fair, is taking up a whole lot more room with her hair than is really fair. We can kind of understand why this guy was not fond of having such an obstruction to deal with every time he tried to grab a magazine or check out the in-flight menu.

While there is no specific rule about where to put your hair during air travel, women with long hair should at least keep it tidy by wearing a ponytail so as not to distract and bother other people. You don’t want to get this withering look from your fellow passengers now, do you?
A Little Help Would Be Nice
We've all been there, the flight is jam-packed, and it's about to take off, but there are still some peeps who have not yet had the chance to stow their hand luggage away in the compartments above the seats. It's times like these that you see those poor souls who have to fly with their hand luggage on their lap for the take-off and maybe even the duration of the flight.

That is unless the flight attendant does something about it. That's why we suggest that you get to your flight early on so that you can be sure there will be enough time and space in the baggage cabin for your things to be stowed away before taking off.
Just Chillin’
Toddlers in the terrible twos can be just that: terrible. But they can also be adorably playful and smart. Look at this cute little mister who found his way to a new seat. Such a gentle kid giving up his seat for his grandma who almost lost hers due to the overbooking of the aircraft.

Nevertheless, this kiddo looks so cool. He has been holding on to balance his body. Kid, we hope you did not fall. Keep that proud look on your face as we just want to let you know that we can not get enough of your cuteness.
Penguins On Board
A lot of airlines have been supporting more and more animal varieties as they are now used as emotional support animals for the people who need them. Can you believe penguins are already on the list of allowed support animals? Despite their surprising tendency towards violence (there have been reported cases of injured passengers due to fighting penguins on-board a flight), still this photo is adorable.

Just like this lucky passenger, we’d love to take photos of these cute birds. It’s not everyday that we get a chance to be with them, so when given an opportunity, grab your phone and take a selfie. Makes sense, right? Seriously, just give us one shot at this dream and we’d be golden.
Pretty Special
We are so deeply touched with this photo of a woman carrying a service dog while looking for their assigned seats. A classic example of how animals should be treated: with love and respect. It goes to show that we can make this world a better place if we continue to give away our compassionate hearts and share them with animals.

We know we just flooded you with amazing stories courtesy of adorable dogs, and other animals. Remember the cuddling kangaroo and the fashionable turkey? Too much cuteness and love. Are you excited to learn more? Check this one out.
Snoop Doggy Dog on a Plane
We're not sure if this is really Snoop Dogg taking selfies with pilots on a plane or if it's behind the scenes of the 2004 movie "Soul Plane." In case you have not seen this comedy movie, Snoopy is actually a pilot for a plane of an airline that he created himself, following a terrible flight experience and a lawsuit.

Either way, he does seem like he is flying high with his bling-bling and his grills on his teeth. We just hope that he keeps his puffing habits for when the plane has landed. Otherwise, he may have faced a nasty penalty.
Meet The Giant
Oh hello there giant doggie! We definitely would not mind having him as a seatmate as he looks calm and friendly. Also, we cannot help but admire his cool owner who seems to be excited to travel with his massive dog. So much respect for these two!

It’s good to know that there are a lot of nice people in the world who invest their time and attention in caring for animals and even treating them as part of the family. Ready for more sweet and hilarious plane photos? You don’t want to miss a load of candid pictures and interesting stories. Keep reading!
Selfie, First
There have been tons of examples online of people taking selfies in dangerous contexts. Not to get gloomy or anything, but every year, hundreds of people die, all in the name of getting a good selfie for the gram. Be it a high cliff with a superb viewpoint but a deadly fall or a car accident because someone was taking selfies instead of paying attention to the road.

Yes, you heard that correctly. It's actually happened! This guy thought it would be a good idea to sneak in a selfie onboard while there was a fire. Yikes! Perhaps airlines need to revise the rules that passengers need to follow onboard. It could go something like this: No selfies on board while there is a fire or another dangerous situation taking place.
Hide And Seek
Where did the parents of these kids go? We’re sure they are already panicking, looking for their toddlers who can’t help but play hide and seek. Cheeky little monkeys! Just please tell us this photo didn’t happen during takeoff.

These kids are so naughty and capricious that they can even find ways to trick the flight attendants on the plane. Flight attendants who’ve surely had to deal with many a troublesome toddler in their time. The kidsters even had the guts to ask them to take their photos. Good job, kids. We hope you had a good time in the cabin (it sure looked like you did).
Missing Pants
Did this sleeping guy forget the proper attire when traveling via an airplane? It’s totally fine to sleep during a flight but to flash your underwear and completely forget that you’re not in your house (and so can’t just take your pants off) is the strangest form of ignorance.

Seriously, how did this guy manage to ride the jet without his pants? He looked so comfortable in his sleepwear that he forgot he’s not in his bedroom. We hope that in his future flights, he learns how to dress appropriately. Or perhaps this needs to become part of the pre-flight announcement: “we kindly request that all passengers please keep their pants on for the duration of the flight.”
Rocky's First Flight
Traveling on a plane can be a fun experience if you have pleasant co-passengers. Not to say that a dog is an unpleasant co-passenger, but let's be honest, a big dog like this is bound to break the wind every now and then, and if you're going to be sitting close to him, you'll definitely be getting those whiffs passing by you.

Especially since we don't know if he is stressed or not, but nervous poops can happen to anyone, and that includes dogs. For this reason, it's probably better to have a designated area for dogs and other pets that may be on board a flight.
Hello Creepy Toes
Yes, we all know how uncomfortable it can be on an airplane if you're not flying business class. Besides the limited space, there's also the lack of reclining in a plane. Not being able to lie down properly just makes it so very hard to get any sort of comfortable sleep.

You can try like this guy and really get as reclined as possible, but be aware that your creepy toes sticking out may make the other passengers wish for the plane to crash till your death. Perhaps it is best to just stick it out to yourself for the plane ride so as not to drive your neighbors insane. Just maybe then, the world could be a better place.
The rule was to have a wacky pose in this photo. Sadly, the photobomber flight attendant realized that these guys were a tad serious and couldn’t make funny faces out of them so she decided to be their ultimate photobomber.

Have you ever been photobombed? Or are you in love with invading people’s photos yourself? If so, was it fun or did you cause irritation to the main cast of the photo? Even if they are irritated, a good photobombing stunt is always worth it. Just make sure you don’t ruin a very lovely snap if you don’t want to be reprimanded.
Follow The Rule
Is there anyone here who is not familiar with Chewbacca? We did not think so. He is the loyal friend of Han Solo in the phenomenal Star Wars franchise. And just like this smart Wookiee, we have to follow the aircraft’s rule: “all carry-on items must be stowed away in one of the overhead compartments or under your seat.”

Are you like Chewbacca or do you love to break the rules? If you’re the latter, then don’t be shocked if Chewbacca gives you a lecture about safety rules. And oh, don’t forget to take a selfie with this fictional character.
A BIG NO. The four-letter word alone is enough to make a decision not to watch the in-flight movie. We hope that the cabin crew reviewed all their videos prior to approving them as nobody wants to be worried throughout the entire flight.

Tip: Parental guidance is highly recommended here. Hmmm...Should NBI do an extensive investigation or are we over analyzing this part of the movie? We thought that it could be a prank to make people choose sleep rather than watching it. Lol. Some words just end up becoming triggering and have no right to be displayed on a plane.
Target Dog
Bullseye, the official mascot of Target has a lot of travel to do. With his increasing popularity, we can not blame him for his marketing gigs. We bet his owner/trainer must be very proud of him. This hardworking dog is so nice.

Look at how he behaves on the plane. We just hope our pets are as cool as Bullseye when flying. We can’t imagine being kicked out off the plane when our pets misbehave and cause chaos to other passengers. More peaceful flights, please. Also, we hope to see Bullseye someday, if not on a plane, in Target maybe...
Art Of Makeup
Flight attendants have to adhere to a lot of tough rules and applying makeup like a pro is one of them. However, the whole makeup thing clearly went bad for billionaire Richard Branson when he lost a bet and had to wear makeup and dress like a flight attendant. Not bad, huh?

See, there are a lot of incredible moments inside an airplane and we’re glad that so many of you clever passengers were able to shoot them (with or without permission). We have to tell you though, you might want to prepare yourselves as there is some crazy action on the last few slides.
This photo was taken when the movie was paused due to a pilot’s important announcement. Can we just describe our impression in one word only? Epic. After all, this does not exactly look like a mainstream movie that was filmed in Hollywood.

A lot can be said actually but we chose not to have a lengthy description to avoid misinterpretations and to not detract from the hilarity of this insane moment. If you know what we mean, then you’d understand where we’re coming from. No more questions, okay? End of story. Check the rest of the extremely crazy photos to brighten up your day. You won’t be disappointed, that’s for sure.
Chat Room Onboard
We have never heard of an airline that gives passengers access to the chat room on a plane trip, but if executed well, it could probably be a real game changer. Need a drink or a snack at seat 23A? No problem, just message on the app, and hopefully, a flight attendant will see it right away and bring you your requests right up.

There will, of course, always be pranksters around who may take advantage of the situation and joke around with the passengers. At least the app labels the chatting passengers with their seat number. Otherwise, the pranksters may indeed run wild with their jokes.
Happy on Vacay
Regardless of the class of the flight, this dog seems to be excited and happy to travel with his owner and the rest of their family. And that's all that matters, right? Maybe summer in Mexico or a stroll through the streets of Paris?

Wherever their destination may be, this dog feels like he is the happiest pet for being nurtured this way. Lesson learned: dogs deserve all the love and care you can share as they always perform their duties as well as they can; safeguarding us and our loved ones. After all, they’re tagged as man’s best friend. Sweet.
Dead Tired
Okay, we get it. This woman must be so dog tired that she simply did not realize that she almost fell on her seat (we hope she did not). We assume the flight attendants on board did not care less as it does not seem that they have taken the initiative to offer her a more comfortable position.

Lesson learned: have a sound sleep before any flight as you don’t want to be photographed in this kind of an awkward moment. Of course, you don’t have to sleep during the flight, but if you do, just make sure you sleep comfortably.
Lost iPad
You know there will be severe consequences when you accidentally leave your iPad on a plane. If you are unlucky, then it may get snatched up by a passerby. Or perhaps gets lost for good among all the passengers and things that come and go on a flight.

In the best-case scenario, someone like the flight attendant or other airline staff may pick it up and take it to the lost and found. On their way to the lost and found, they will probably take a couple of selfies if they are feeling groovy. At least when you get your iPad back, you'll have some uplifting selfies to go through. One can only hope that they will be as heart-warming as this selfie.
We can feel the anxiety of the man in the white polo shirt. If you haven’t watched the famous mystery series "Lost," you’ll be lost right now with trying to figure out why he’s scared. To make a long story short, the guy in the orange shirt resembles actor, Jorge Garcia, who portrayed the role of Hurley in the show. His character is mentally ill thanks to a devastating plane crash that killed people and left the survivors stranded on a strange and dangerous island.

Without much explanation, we’re sure you now understand why the man who took this photo is upset. Clearly, he was just joking but we’re willing to bet he was also a tad nervous. Relax man, we wish you a safe flight. Life never imitates are, right? Or does it…?
Another One?
As much as we want everyone on board a flight to show some respect and concern for other passengers, there are few who would rather steal the show. We cannot fathom why this particular passenger displayed such odd behavior.

Where in the world can you sleep in such a strange position? Well, obviously in this plane. One thing is for sure, the people seated next to this weirdo are irritated to the max. Why? No words are needed. The photo itself explains a lot. That is why we cannot blame airline management for being so strict with their rules and regulations.
Onboard for the Hunger Games
We're not sure where this plane is coming or going from, but if you've seen "The Hunger Games," then you'll know what this person is talking about. Sure, it's common to see flamboyant male flight attendants, but this guy took things to a whole new level. He almost looks like he is about to be hosting a grueling "Hunger Games" challenge.

There are no judgments here, either. He actually looks really cool and spunky. It almost seems like in the case of an emergency, he would announce something like "Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds forever be in your favor," or "Here's some advice. Stay Alive." Yikes!
Wake Up
Yikes! It seems like somebody's kid got the better of their airplane ride. We get that you may want to take a nap on a plane if you are tired, but time on a plane is by no means a time to let your kids run wild.

If anything, it's time that people should really pay extra attention to their every move so as to make it a pleasant experience for everyone, including co-passengers and the cabin crew. This could have very easily been avoided if there had been no access to markers for whoever decorated the inside of this plane. We just feel sorry for whoever has to clean up this mess.
Creepin' Locks
Jeepers creepers! This Redditor seems to have had the worst flight of his life, thanks to his co-passenger ahead, with their dreadlocks hanging out of the seat. On the other hand, though, they could have also politely asked the person with the dreads to kindly move their dreads out of their legroom's space.

Most people with dreads are super down-to-earth and probably way more approachable than most people. Nevertheless, dreadlocks may be cool for some people, but for others, they may seem like a breeding ground for all sorts of tiny little critters. Regardless, no one is going to judge anyone with dreads, but perhaps keep them to yourself when you are taking a flight or using any other form of public transport, for that matter.
Where's the Balance?
It's strange to think that we can't carry more than three and a half ounces of liquid on a plane, yet some people may bring their falcons onto a plane. We get that Falconry is an old practice that bounds falcons and their owners to be very close, but can't we have some sort of a balance between three and a half ounces of liquid and birds of prey on a plane?

Not only are those sharp talons able to take out people's eyes, but they can also do some serious damage to people's skin should the bird freak out with a bout of turbulence. You better just hope that you won't be seated next to a falcon on your next plane ride.
Going to Be a Good Reason
As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures. We aren't sure where this guy is coming from or where he is going, but for someone to pull a stunt like this in a plane full of people, there must be a very interesting story to accompany it.

Perhaps he got caught in a heavy rainstorm before the flight, and at the time that this picture was taken, he was on his way to the most important meeting or interview of his life. Either way, there's got to be a very good reason why anyone would think that it's okay to hang your socks up in a plane the way this person did.
It Could Have Waited
There's a time and a place for everything. Perhaps breaking up with a partner is best done at home or somewhere more private as opposed to in front of a plane full of people. At least this guy had the common decency to break up with his girlfriend to her face, which seems to be happening over texts more often these days.

Yes, they may have had the worst vacation together before this flight, where both parties revealed their true colors to one another for the first time, but still! He could have just waited for the trip to be over and then done it once everyone had disembarked. Not only for the sake of his co-passengers but also for his own sake because now he has to sit next to a sobbing ex-girlfriend for the remainder of the flight. We guess he didn't think that one through properly now, did he?
Do You Have Mysophobia?
We have already seen the different sorts of seatmates that one may be unwillingly placed next to in a plane, but we have not yet met a "Cheese Puff Boy" seatmate. To be fair, he can't be that bad. He seems to be minding his own business, killing time by watching movies and eating his cheese puffs.

It seems like most people would be able to tolerate sitting next to this chap, but that, of course, is not going to be the case if you suffer from mysophobia. As it turns out, mysophobia is a condition that drives people mad when they hear people making noises with their mouths, and that mainly includes eating sounds. If this condition affects you, then we really hope that you'll never get an assigned seat next to a "Cheese Puff Boy" otherwise, the sounds of them eating may indeed drive you insane!
A Little Common Decency
Once again, we have another passenger to add to the #passengershaming movement. This person may think that he is in his mother's house, but actually, he is on a plane, where it is common decency to use your seat the way it's been intended to be used. Usually, that means no shoes or feet on airplane furniture.

Clearly, this guy never got the memo, or he simply has never been on a plane before. Either way, we think it's best that airlines revise the rules for passengers on board. It's times like these that we get reminded that common decency goes a long way.
Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair
We can totally reason with this person and their long hair, which was probably not comfortable enough to be tied up for the duration of the flight. Already, the airplane cabin is a crammed-up zone, where there is barely enough space to stretch one's legs or arms out.

Furthermore, flights can also be a time when passengers are confined to a tiny little space for however long the flight is, which can last up to several hours. We think that this little lady (or man) can let their locks down on a plane if they wish. It's not like the passenger behind them signed up to watch Rapunzel or anything, but we have seen worse.
Wet Wipes Are a Must
This picture just serves as a reminder of how important it is to carry antibacterial wipes with you when you're taking a plane trip. We have seen the weird sorts of positions that people can come up with on a plane, and some of them include resting their feet on the passenger tray as if it's their own personal ottoman in their own personal home.

So the next time you take a flight anywhere, be sure to wipe the table tray in front of you down properly with your wet wipes. Who knows what has come into contact with those tray surfaces and where those stinky feet or other bodily bits were before they made contact with the surface that passengers are expected to eat on?
Feet Off
There is nothing quite like seeing passengers get down and dirty during a plane ride. Yes, we know how uncomfortable a plane ride can get, especially since the space is limited, and we are expected to stay confined to the same little tiny space for a long time.

Furthermore, we can't exactly recline the seat much and are basically expected to sit up straight for however long our flight may be. But for goodness sake, can we not just leave our stinky feet off of the surfaces of the airplane, which are not the floor? It's not too much to ask for, is it?
Lassie On Board
Naw! This picture is bound to evoke some nostalgia in people who may see it and who know who Lassie is. Pictured here is a very special American animal actor called Howard. Howard is best known for the role that he played in the adventure movie "Lassie," which aired in 2005.

The doggie actor is posing on a chartered flight with Bob Barker, who was a TV personality and game show host. Interesting fact: Howard is the ninth descendant of the original series called "Lassie," which aired for 19 seasons from 1954 to 1974. If you have not seen the movie, then you have definitely heard about or seen the series because everyone knows who Lassie is!
The Struggles
If you are a tall person, then you will know the dilemma that this person has to face every time they catch a flight. It's a known fact that airplanes are made for the average-sized person, and that does not include people who are as tall as this bloke.

It's so challenging for tall people to take flights because not only are the bathroom stalls too small for them, as you can see in this picture, but they already have to endure sitting in a constricted area where they can barely stretch their long legs out. The struggle is real!
There's a Lesson to Be Learnt
Part of booking one's flight in an economy class is that we don't get to choose the seats that are unwillingly assigned to us. That's why it's probably best not to get one's hopes up for an aisle or a window seat because who knows where you will end up being placed. Don't expect to be sitting to nice co-passengers either, because that could also be far from your expectations!

Hopefully, this slight streak of disappointment will teach this young passenger a valuable life lesson that they can carry with them till the end of time. The moral of the story here is to always enter a flight with low expectations. That way, you will never be disappointed.
You Never Know
And here we have another classic reminder of how crucial it is to always carry wet wipes with you when embarking on a plane. As we have seen before, all sorts of strange beings come from all over the place to take flights.

And along with them, they bring all their strange mannerisms that may be normal where they came from, but certainly not everyone on the plane's norm. Whether it's the feet on the trays or the feet on the seat, you are never going to have a full history of who flew in a plane before you did. So it's best that you keep those wet wipes handy!
#Passengershaming Continued...
If only airlines would tax or fine passengers for all the weird poses, they strike on airplanes. Do you think that these passengers who like to put their feet where they eat realize that people on the following flights are probably going to want to use these trays to eat their next airplane meal?

Perhaps fines could be a way to solve the problem of passengers thinking that it's okay to sprawl their bodily parts all over the airplane furniture. Since we have yet another instance to add to the #passengershaming movement, we hope that you will learn from these passengers and that you will never pull these sorts of moves the next time you take a flight.
A Shoe Will Have to Do
This picture is hilarious since it perfectly illustrates just how far we have come as humans. Technology has definitely made us so lazy in that a lot of things today are so automated, and require very little effort from us humans. Remote controls have made it so easy for us to avoid standing up every time we need to switch something on or off or simply change certain settings of the devices around us.

Sadly, airplanes don't have remote controls to change the settings near our seats, but this person thought that using a shoe to change a setting instead of getting up would be a lot better. Thanks, technology - for making us so lazy that we resort to using stinky shoes to change settings instead of simply just getting up like ordinary people to change settings.
Common Decency
It's common to see people placing their food trays in the aisle like this passenger did. We get it. You don't want to sit with the tray after you're done eating, but sometimes, a little patience goes a long way. These peeps don't realize that this will give everyone around them a massive pain in the backside, especially the cabin crew. The aisles of an airplane's cabin are designed to perfectly fit the food trolleys in with a couple of inches to spare.

This person obviously does not realize what a mission it's going to be for the cabin crew when they do come past to collect everyone's trays and trash with their trolleys. Whoever is reading this, be less like this person and keep your food tray with you until the attendants come around to collect it. Then, maybe the world could be a much better place.
Disco In the Plane?
No, this is not a disco in the plane, but actually, different lights are used in an airplane to indicate different signals to the cabin crew. Managing many passengers on a plane can certainly not be easy for air hostesses. These diligent little workers have to know everything there is to know about safety aboard a plane.

To make things easier for them, they have their own secret language and signals that are sometimes communicated through the lights inside an aircraft. Apparently, there are different meanings behind the blue and orange lights, which sometimes indicate where passengers are or if passengers have pressed the assistance button. Seems nifty!
The Reason Behind It All
This poor Redditor is having a tough time in an airplane bathroom since the loo paper is padlocked the wrong way. Perhaps there is a meaning behind the backward toilet paper, though. It would make sense to put one toilet roll the normal way and the second roll the opposite way so as not to have both rolls come undone when the toilet paper user wants to dispense a little bit of one of the roll's sheets.

That is if you really want to get technical about things. Perhaps they could have tried the other roll, and then, just maybe, they would have seen that the other roll was on the normal way. Better luck next time!
Ice, Anybody?
Complaining about receiving ice instead of water on an airplane is such a first-world problem, to complain about! Be glad that you have access to water at all and that you are privileged enough to be able to take a flight, sweety! Laughs aside, when planes reach extremely high heights and, therefore, pressures, then things start to freeze that would not normally freeze.

Of course, there are measures to ensure that not every compartment in the plane experiences too much pressure, but perhaps the water compartment in this plane was forgotten. Also, airlines often freeze their water reserves to keep other beverages cool, knowing that the ice will eventually defrost and turn to water. If this happens to you, and you can't drink ice, because let's be honest, who can? Then you'll have to just wait it out until it turns to water.
Ginger Notes On the Plane
We can think of a lot of weird things to gnaw on during a flight other than ginger. This person has obviously never tried durian or been around someone who's been eating durian. This Southeast Asian fruit is actually banned on several airlines and other forms of public transport due to its distinct pong, which has been described as a combination of sulfur, sewage, and rotting onions.

At least ginger has energizing, warm, and spicy notes to it, so really, it's not the worst smell to stink up a plane if one compares it to some of the other rancid-smelling foods out there.
Let's Hold Hands
Ah, another passenger who thinks that stretching their limbs out is more important than giving people the right to their personal space and screen time. Perhaps there is a solution to people who infringe on your space in an airplane. You could always start to hold their hand when they reach out to your side like this.

If they ask you what you are doing, then you can simply say that you thought they reached out to your side because they wanted someone to hold their hand. That should teach them a lesson. The same goes for the creeping toes. When the creeping toes make their way to your seat, then you can start to play footie with them. No one wants to play footie or hold hands with their co-passengers that they don't know. You're welcome!
Small Things Amuse Small Minds
Have you ever wondered why not all the window shades move up and down in the same direction on an airplane? On most aircraft, the window shade in the exit row pulls up to close, whereas all the others pull down to close.

According to sources, the reason for the different designs of the window shades is due to a big handle that is present at the exit rows. It's a pretty simple explanation, but it all makes sense now, and at least you now never have to ponder about the window shades alternating directions at various seats in an airplane.