Once a valuable item is lost, the average person will spend a few hours looking for it before deciding to other people involved. Occasionally this works, and these signs help the lost become found, but in many cases, lost and found signs are just people giving out their home phone number to a bunch of random strangers.
Bird Problems
It can be really disappointing when you find someone you connect with, only to have them leave without an explanation. The 'if only' scenarios start to fill our minds as we wonder what could have been.

That's what happened here, it seems. It's not every day that you meet some special. All it took was five minutes for this bird to make a good impression, so that must’ve been one of the best pigeons ever.
This special doggo made a special friend, and that friend does not want to give him back! With an expression like that, who would want to? At least his past owner knows he's been found and is being taken care of.

As long as he doesn’t call and make things awkward, everything should be fine. This may be a harsh reminder to pay better attention to your pet. It's only once they're gone that we realize how much we miss them!
Don’t Make Your Chicken Sad
Chicken is one of America’s most beloved dishes. You can prepare chicken in so many ways, and the final results are always tasty. If you have a chicken for a pet, we’d advise against upsetting them. You never know what they’re capable of when they’re not in the best of moods.

Apparently, they’ll run away if you don’t take proper care of them. Their feelings are also visible based on how they act, which is how the person who found this chicken could tell it was unhappy.
You Have To Say Yes…
This sign takes trolling to a new level. Of course, whoever can see and read can see the flyer. We’re sure there were a couple of head scratches and chuckles from folks as they walked by this.

It’s surprising to see how many tabs were taken, but it's interesting that they didn't even spell flyer correctly.
Lionel Richie
'Cause Lionel wonders where you are, and he wonders what you do. This sign is incredibly clever and funny. Whoever made it deserves a gold star! We can't help but wonder how he came up with this idea.

This slightly surprised Lionel Richie's photo is rather fitting because we are also unsure why it exists. Remember that weird music video, though? It's almost as random as this sign!
A Missing Ninja Turtle?
This poor soul lost his pet turtle, as well as a Japanese martial arts weapon known as a pair of nunchucks. Those seem like two things that have nothing to do with each other unless you grew up in the late 80s or early 90s.

If you did, you know exactly what he was going for. This guy’s hero may appear slow, but he reassures us that he’s very dangerous. Until he returns, the person who put up the ad advises evildoers to beware.
That's a Funny “Cat”
It's difficult to say if this is a joke or if this poster is 100% serious. Maybe someone should inform them that the 'cat' in question is not actually a cat but a possum. However, we can kind of see the resemblance if we squint real hard.

This specific possum looks quite mean, and as the sign aptly describes, 'not very friendly.' Whoever found her must have had excellent intentions, despite this possums hissing and growling.
Just an Awesome Dog
Some people just want to show off their pets; whether the general public cares to see it or not, that won't stop them from posting signs like this just to show how awesome they are. Finally, that last asterisk pops up, and the locals feel less bad and angrier that they wasted their time.

At least they got to see an owner-pet relationship that’s loving. If you read through the entire poster, you will learn some interesting facts about Gilligan. He likes Kraft cheese, has a gorgeous flowing mane, and is, in fact, not lost.
Please Find Trip
Trip seems to be a bit down on his luck; we hope his owner finds him. He loves him a lot, even though he doesn’t respond to his calls. With a reward of $500, the owner will pay a portion of their rent to get their precious cat back.

Trip's owner may think that he’s can be a jerk sometimes, but he still wants him to come back. And you get half a thousand dollars if you find him and return him, which is quite a generous deal.
Another Unicorn
We have another unicorn sign for you, and this one is even better. If anyone comes across this enchanting horse, then the author of this poster has some special advice for them. Put down the illicit substances.

You shouldn’t ever come across a unicorn frolicking in the fields unless you're taking some hardcore substances. Maybe this poster is a sign to those who may need a reminder to take it down a notch.
Someone Hire This Babysitter
If you ever want to offer your services as a babysitter, this is probably not the way to go about it. We can't imagine any parent readily handing over their 'screaming' baby to Jareth G. King, let alone pay him!

He may be offering his babysitting services since 1986 and have a castle for an office. Still, if this poster is of any indication, we doubt any rational thinking person would deem him a good babysitter.
Schrödinger’s Cat
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment described as an inconsistency, conceived by Austrian-Irish physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935, during discussions with Albert Einstein.

It's funny because the famous experiment argues that the cat ends up both dead and alive at the same time. That's where this poster comes in and pokes fun at the theory.
Acts of Kindness
It's signs like this that remind us that, ultimately, people are good. This isn't a funny sign, but it does make us smile.

If only more people could be this way, instead of posting the signs we usually see. More smiles provided this way are the key to having a great day, so here’s to hoping this brighten’s your day.
Random Posters
This poster is quite an anomaly. Whoever posted this probably thought it was funny to collect hundreds of these 'Lost Dog' flyers he found hanging in the park. We bet the person who made the original flyers did not think it was so funny.

It would be a shame if this sign is real since that dog’s owners certainly want their beloved dog back. Hopefully, it's just a prank, but we have to say that it’s pretty amusing!
Limited Time To Find Aaron
According to this person, their pet mosquito is missing, and they only have three days to locate “Aaron,” a mosquito, because he has n incredibly short life span.

Just as a side note, Aaron is also carrying both the West Nile virus and malaria. Yikes! “Aaron was a good mosquito that always liked to fly.” Poor Aaron… we hope he gets home soon. Also, this flyer must have received some pretty funny calls.
Lost Cloud
Well, you definitely won't see something like this every day. It appears that someone must have lost their cloud, the cloud was last seen above their house and 'may or may not respond to Mr. Wisples.'

We're sorry to say that they might want to manage their expectations as clouds come and go, appear and evaporate. There's no point in getting attached.
Not the Best Photo
“Have you seen this dog?” read the caption of this poster; it follows with an “I have now.” It’s actually pretty funny, considering it's in the ‘missing pet’ poster form. The best thing about this flyer, obviously, is the look on the poor pup’s face. It may be unflattering, but it's also hilarious.

If we got such a funny pic of our dog, we’d probably want to share it with the world in an original way like this poster maker did.
A Cute Kitty
Kudos to the individual who made this sign advertising a found cat that’s apparently not missing, just trying to move in with her family. We hope the kitty finds his home if he has one, but if not, we’d like to keep him because he’s just so cute and adorable!

This particular one needs a follow-up story, did the cat find his home, or did he stay with the new person?
What Is The Reward?
Lancelot, the 18-month-old crab, is missing, and it looks like his owner really wants his pinchy pet back. It's a good thing he warned folks that Lancelot knows how to do Chinese burns.

With his distinguishing features and jaunty walking style, this poster's most intriguing part is actually the non-cash reward. What could it be?
Missing Big Cat
Mr. Tiddles is not exactly what we could call a pet cat; he is, in fact, a lion. As an 8,5 feet long, 800 lbs. cat, he would be pretty difficult to lose and tough to train.

His ‘lost pet’ with orange fur and a big fluffy head happens to be a lion. One that enjoys playing with its food. We’re not going out looking for this wild cat; we would like to live a little longer.
Who You Gonna Call?
His name is Vince, and his eyes are blood red. The poster also states that Vince can do tricks: he “rolls over, opens gateways to other dimensions.” Neat!

If you aren't familiar with this unusual monster, it's ‘Vinz’ as in Vinz Clortho, a key master and loyal minion to the Sumerian shape-shifting Gozer from Ghostbusters.
Parrot Trolling
This poster for a lost parrot seems fairly standard and normal as a poster, that is until we see the flyer directly underneath it, the one about the parrot BBQ.

We hope it's a joke and that it's only been posted for a few laughs! Nobody really wants to eat parrot, do they?
Anyone who enjoys Prince's music will get a kick out of the lost and found posters. One of his iconic hit songs, “Raspberry Beret,” contains the lyrics, “She wore a raspberry beret, the kind you find in a second-hand store.”

It’s not really clear whether the top poster is related to the song, but the bottom poster made it obvious that Prince found it, and it's his now... Finders keepers.
House Keys
Maybe next time you lose your set of house keys, don't post your address for all to see, as well as the times your away from home! Perhaps they are a little naive and have never watched the news.

If this poster is real, then whoever made it was clearly not thinking when they put their home address and the hours they’re out of the house printed on it.
I Don't Think That's a Dog.
Someone seems to have found a dog that does not really look like a dog or bark like a dog. This dog probably quacks and waddles and likes to swim in a pond.

Can someone please educate the person who put this poster up and let them know that this is, in fact, not a dog but a duck?

Their huge size means that they can shape the landscape they are in – if you lost an elephant, you'd notice right away and easily tell where they are heading but the tracks and chaos they leave behind.
Frodo Baggins seems to have lost his precious ring. Now some rings are more valuable than others, so if you lose one, you might as well put up a sign in the hopes that it's been found by a good person who wants to return it.

With a gold inscription written in the elvish language, and causes invisibility when worn and may cause malevolence. Now that's a rare ring!
Lost Wormhole
Quite recently, physicists submitted an explanation in the form of “wormholes,” which are also known as gravitational tunnels. This group of scientists proved that by formulating two entangled black holes, then tearing them apart, they made a wormhole — essentially a “shortcut” through the universe — joining the distant black holes.

This poster attempts to warn anyone of this 'lost wormhole' because if you do capture one, you'll mess with space/time continuum, and nobody wants that!

After looking everywhere, this guy decided to put up a poster in a desperate attempt to find the final piece to his puzzle. Good luck!
Evil Genius
This is neither a lost nor found poster, but a 'wanted' poster, searching for minions to sacrifice their lives and do the bidding of one evil genius. With that for a wanted poster, how could you not call?

You must be prepared to work 24-7 for a fascist psychopath, for close to no pay, but there are costumes and laser death rays. Where do we sign up?
Not Quite Another Poster
This is what Obi-Wan says to some Stormtroopers in 'Star Wars: A New Hope' when he, Luke, R2-D2, and C-3PO are trying to avoid detection by the Empire. Obi-Wan is using the "Jedi Mind Trick" to manipulate the Stormtrooper into merely believing that R2 and 3PO aren't the droids they're looking for when, in fact, they are the droids they're looking for.

It's basically another way to say "nothing happening here." It may not be another 'lost' poster, but it is funny!
Oh Dear
Would you really describe an animal in exact detail right after you ate it? Probably not, especially someone else’s missing pet.

Could that be what this person did? Why is it that so many animals seem to taste like chicken?
I'm Begging You
Appealing to the better nature of someone who has wronged you can be difficult. You're mad, of course, but by displaying your humanity, you may receive it in return.

This was the tactic of this sign, asking the thief to return the wallet so that, at the very least, the original owner doesn't have to think about going to the DMV again. We all know the horror that awaits him there – hopefully, he got his wallet back.
A Multimedia Poster
This is quite the simple posting, but with the rubber band attached, it grabs the attention of anybody walking past. The person who lost the stack of twenties might not get his or her cash back, but a person can always use a fresh rubber band.

This poster was found on a bulletin board that was covered with other fliers and posters, so no doubt it was just a gag.
They Just Want to Spread the Word
Walking past this poster, you might think it's trying to ask you to keep an eye out, but no. It's really just asking you if you've seen the cat, and if not, well, now you have – as the tear-off slips say.

There's no description, no other information, no way to get in contact with the person who put the flier up, and nothing else. Just the header, the picture, and the assurance that, yeah, you have seen the cat.
There Seems to Be No Solution
This is like a meta sign. It's asking people to return the small slips of paper that are usually dangling at the bottom of each sign, saying there's no other way for him to share his contact information.

But he's ready to come back the next day and find all those slips of paper re-attached, and he even included a roll of tape to make reattaching easier.
A Different Kind of Dawg
The best part of some of these lost and found signs is that they take the old, standard format that we're all used to and turn it on its head. For instance, the person who put this sign up is looking for his dawg, JaQuan, whom he hasn't seen for a few days.

If you happen to see this dawg, tell him to hit up his worried friend.
Missing Beard
A travesty. A true tragedy. Tell everyone! If any of us here had this beard, we would never rest until it had been returned. Spread the word! The perfect curl, the waxed locks, the fine, gold color.

We hope that every telephone and power pole in the city has a copy of this sign on it. If enough people get the word out, someone out there will be able to bring this missing beard home.
We Want to Meet This Guy
We aren't experts when it comes to these kinds of animals, so this could be an alpaca or a llama, or maybe even a goat, but we do know some things about this friendly pet. His name is Turtle – great name for an animal like that – and he was last seen on May 13th.

We'll be sure to call the listed number if we happen to catch sight of this little fellow. This one is weird – we can't tell if it's a gag or not.
Darn, We Don't Have the Rest of the Number
Kind of a shame that this is the world we live in now. Somebody is just trying to put up a poster, and it gets torn in half. Apparently, there is a large reward, so we'll keep our eyes peeled. We'll just have to call the number – oh.

Well, we're not sure what to do at this point. How can we collect our reward for finding the other half of the poster if there's no phone number? Guess we'll have to connect the two pieces like a puzzle.
He's Just Bragging
A little bit of judicious bolding, and this poster seems to be talking about how somebody lost a bunch of DVDs and is offering a reward for them.

A second glance reveals this isn't the case at all – the person who put the sign up is just excited to get to watch such a well-regarded show for the first time. If you want to watch along, you can call the number. We promise this is the last “Lost” joke.
Anything is Possible in Boston
Apparently, this person has lost his domesticated walrus. It goes by the name of Tuskie and is slim and trim at only 325 pounds. The original owner offers a cash reward for information that will lead to the recovery of Tuskie, so stay alert.

How fast must a walrus move to get away, especially if it was just running down Massachusetts Avenue? As the poster says, they have a max speed of thirty-four miles per hour, which is terrifying.
There are Plenty of Fish in the Sea
Well, we're sorry, Steve, but we think Lieutenant Shiny Sides might be gone for good. And that's not just because he got away into the water – goldfish are notoriously frail. The good news is, it's going to be pretty easy to find a replacement soldier.

These classic pets all kind of have the same look, so it might be hard to know which one is actually Larry.
You're Better Off Returning Him
The original owner of this pooch offers a hundred dollars for the return of Axel, a year-old Husky, who is apparently a bat out of hell when it comes to energy.

Despite being friendly, Axel is a “major douchebag, and your misery is his joy.” If you find him, not only do you get a hundred big ones, but you also get to get rid of him. As the poster says, this is a win-win for you.
Good News!
Losing one-half of a pair of socks is tragic. Not only have you lost something useful – something that you might wear for an entire day – but now the other sock is kind of pointless, too.

Someone decided to do the only reasonable thing and hang up a sign stating that they lost a sock. They even put a little bit of identifying info on there, too. It responds to “sock.” Well, we hope a big-hearted person decided to do the right thing and return the sock to its rightful owner.
What Does He Expect to Do With It?
Getting your musical instrument stolen is a big blow. Those things can be pricey. They also often have sentimental value, and if you're in school, you might need them to simply pass a class.

Apparently, somebody decided that he would wreak this havoc on a bassoon player. The thief, most likely, does not know how to play the bassoon, which makes this crime even crueler if you ask us.
Oh Boy, a Reward
This poor man has definitely seen better days. The love of his life, his best friend, the one that he spends the most time with, has been lost.

Also, his wife is missing, too. Keep your eyes out, and you might be able to earn a little bit if you happen to find the hound that has been lost.
Not Your Average Pigeon
Here’s something you don’t see every day. It’s hard to imagine a pigeon as someone’s pet. These birds are famously ghetto after all. Pigeons rule the cities they live in - part of unruly mobs that have a reputation for, well, being unhinged. You don’t mess with pigeons, let alone attempt to approach one and rescue it.

It’s probably why the owners felt the need to emphasize how this bird is different – “very tame.” Looks exactly like a pigeon but won’t behave like the average pigeon. This bird won’t fly into living rooms or bomb sidewalks with poo. Good Samaritans, please heed, take courage, and help these people find their pet pigeon.
Pet or Poultry on the Loose?
It’s not easy keeping unconventional pets, especially a chicken. Things are peachy when you’re making reels for the Gram and capturing cute moments with your pet chicken around the house. Then your worst nightmare comes true and this chicken flies the roost.

What does one do when the lines between furry feathered companion and food are blurry, especially in this town? You put up a heartfelt appeal, is all you can do. Maybe this chicken is so friendly that it wandered off looking for more people to hang with. That’s the hope at least. Meanwhile, all one can do is hope and pray for this pet’s safe return.
Don’t Be Suspicious, Don’t Be Suspicious
Dogs who bolt the moment you approach them. It’s all fun and games when you’re at home in your yard. But potential rescuers have their work cut out for them. This dog either thinks it’s a game and wants you to go seek while it hides - very successfully so far, we might add.

Or the mutt is just plain old suspicious. Look at that face. This dog doesn’t trust your intentions and it shows. Slow and steady is the best approach. Win the dog over with love. Maybe coax the little one with treats. One wrong move will send this one packing.
A Very Hangry "Dog"
This not-so-fluffy lost "dog" has temporarily found a home with a foster family and the poor thing is crabby. You would be too after wandering alone on the streets for eternity. If this "dog" could talk, it would probably gripe about how hours have passed since his last meal. We've all been there – hungry, irritable, and in desperate need of some comfort food.

Pet parents know all too well how dogs can epitomize “hangry.” But the poster got it wrong – this is actually a skunk, it's not a dog! But they got his personality down to a tee, which, along with the picture, is not going to be helpful at all as no family actually owns a skunk.
When Drones Go Solo
This guy’s drone decided to go rogue in the most poetic way. It would soar alright – soar solo. The freedom of the open sky was too much to resist for this drone. Why suffer at the clumsy, remote-controlled hands of a human when you can just fly away instead?

Up, up, and away it went while the man probably stood there helplessly, watching the drone and the hundreds of dollars he spent on it disappearing into the sky. Talk about the futility of human endeavor. Give this guy a call if you spot a digital Icarus somewhere, flying close to the sun.
Oh Where, Oh Where Could It Be?
We've seen our fair share of lost and found posters for keys, pets, and socks. What you didn’t know you needed was one about the more abstract and profound things in life. Say hello to the poster about "Lost Feelings” because who hasn’t, honestly? Everyone talks about catching feelings.

Nobody discusses losing them just as quickly. Feelings have gone missing. Do you know where they went? Were they ever real or did we just confuse movies for real life? Nothing left to do but sing the song by the Righteous Brothers aloud while we wait for those lost feelings to return.
Rebel Without a Clue
It seems we’ve got a feisty character on the loose somewhere out there. Steer clear because a rebellious teenager’s attitude is on the run! Don't be surprised if it's hiding in the corner, ready to jump out and sass anyone who comes near. We can assume Mom meant well when she asked her kid to "lose" the 'tude.

Seems they've taken her words a bit too literally. Where might this attitude be hiding? Is it locked in a room somewhere with the music playing loudly? Is it waging a cold war where entire neighborhoods can sense the chill? Has it snuck out of the window to go to the mall? The possibilities are endless!
A Flier Never to Be Found
It's not every day that a "Have You Seen This Flier?" poster comes with a side of dark humor! This poster takes “flier” to the next level with a photo of Amelia Earhart pinned to it. Have we seen this flier? Nobody has. Not since 1937 to be precise.

Whoever posted this has a macabre sense of humor and flights of fancy in equal measure. You can’t help but chuckle at the clever joke in spite of yourself. Let’s hope this person’s neighborhood has people who enjoy a harmless good laugh. As they say, the key to landing a good joke is in knowing your audience.
Dave’s Day Out
This sign introduces us to Dave, the feline free spirit who doesn’t play by the rules. His owners seem to be doing their best to provide information about Dave they think will help. But will it? All in all, the poster is an excellent read. We’re invested in who Dave is.

The character description can have anyone so hooked that entire towns will want to look for him. But it seems that Dave is just off exploring his inner kitten. We’re tempted to just let this feline be. Cats can’t be contained. Who can blame him for wanting to be a free spirit?
Is This Real Life Or Bird Brained Conspiracy?
Lost and found posters can sometimes take us on a wild ride. Is this an actual plea for help or just an elaborate prank? Maybe there are people genuinely concerned about the whereabouts of their pigeon with "black bits" and a "mangy" vibe. But it’s a bit of a stretch. This pet pigeon sounds intriguing if nothing else.

A pigeon that has no name is on brand for the bird. Pigeons do look like they might be surreptitiously taking over the world, one pavement at a time. Whatever the case may be, this sign is proof of how humor crops up in the most unexpected places. The world of Lost and Found can be just as hilariously absurd as it is emotional.
When Dogs Go Existential
This sign resonates across species, although animals definitely know what they're doing more than humans do. But this dog seems to be grappling with a profound life crisis. This is what happens when you're around humans too often. Is he a good boy?

What happens when he finally chases that car down? Why do cats have all the fun? This dog's on a journey back to his true essence. He doesn't know what he's doing. Who among us does? Meanwhile, it helps to look as cute as he does profound. He's cracked one of the keys to winning at life.
Llama on the Loose
Claudine the Llama isn’t your typical library geek. Her idea of devouring books is a little more literal alright. She's got an insatiable appetite for knowledge and it’s taken her on a journey all the way to the gardening books. Fair warning: Claudine will spit in your face if you try to get in her way.

The first clue is in the name – Claudine. You can’t call a llama “Claudine” and expect to pin her down. She’s every bit as willful as she is delightful. Keep an eye out for Claudine next time, exploring the world of literature one chomp of a book at a time.
The Curious Case of a Missing Hedgehog
Sherlock Holmes ought to clear the room because there’s a new investigator in town, or was until he disappeared. Martin Freeman, the hedgehog, has a penchant for classic literature and detective work. He was last seen at an iconic address. Was he solving a case of jam theft?

This poster leaves us with more questions than answers. It’s likely that Martin Freeman went on a mini rampage, attempting to quill anyone in his path. He’s sweet like jam and adorable like a kitten, with a quiet rage that erupts when you least expect it. We don’t know about you but he does sound like a Martin Freeman.
Confessions of a Catnapper
Clearly, this person loves melodrama as much as he does your cat. Their love for the cat shines through, scary-looking ski mask and everything! The picture might look threatening but the message is surprisingly good-natured, albeit thoroughly misplaced. They don’t want money.

They’re not making threats. They want you to know your cat’s doing fine, even if they have no plans of returning the cat to you. How generous of them? This feline is enjoying a new life in the arms of a benevolent stranger in a ski mask. It's not what the cat's original humans need but it's something.
Stan, the Underdog
Meet Stan, the dog who apparently "sucks." It's the kind of honesty you'd expect from a brutally candid friend or a parent. The verdict on Stan is clear. He’s not your average dog. He looks like he’s seen enough of the world, and that’s probably why he bolted.

On the other hand, we have the irresistibly charming Charlie. Safe to say that Stan might not win any popularity contests, but he's got a chaotic charm that’s already endearing him to people. We love a sign with honest personality reviews and comparisons thrown in for good measure, much like parents usually do.
When Your Balloon Dog Makes a Run for It
We love a good dash story. Some dogs dash through open doors while others dig relentlessly under fences. But imagine a dog doing a Houdini through a sunroof. That’s what you get when you have a balloon for a dog. Poppy doesn’t jump out of windows. She prefers floating through the sunroof instead.

Now, that's what you call a dramatic exit! Keep your eyes peeled, however. Poppy is so small that you might miss her if she floats by. Blink, and you might even mistake her for a cloud. This sign is entertaining and clever. It’s also a little say because the author probably wants to bring home a real dog but can’t.
Not Such a Good Boy But Loved Anyway
Lost and found posters usually tug at our heartstrings. Most of them have loving descriptions of pets who've gone missing. But this poster takes a different approach. Senior Woofers isn't the poster-dog for canine beauty. But looks aren't everything.

This dog’s tendency to keep running away is legendary, although what it says about his human’s capabilities is debatable. What we love about this sign is its refreshing honesty - as if it were describing a family member. We love family despite their annoying quirks. This sign is a testament to how we love our pets for all their quirky and unpredictable ways.
Lost But Doing It in Style
It's clear from the t-shirt and pearls that this Yorkie knows a thing or two about fashion. She might be lost, but she's doing it with style. She’s small but you won’t miss her in this get-up. She should be easy to spot in the crowd. Her humans made sure of that.

This dog lives a fancier life than most of us and is clearly not cut out for life on the streets. What’s hilarious is how her humans forget to mention her name or mention what the reward money is. Instead, they want you to know how important it is to feed this Yorkie non-GMO biscuits only.
Something Smells Fishy Here
We know everyone sees things differently but this sign takes things too literally. Pei Pei's humans think she's a cat. Who here thinks the sign is a lark? Or is she the first skunk to moonlight as a cat? Maybe she was too cute to argue with and they decided to raise her as a cat.

But Pei Pei seems to have finally made a run for it. Too long had she been living a lie. Holding her true scent in must have taken a serious toll. Losing Pei Pei might stink for a while but perhaps this is better for everyone in the long run.
A Sign That Gets to the Point
We appreciate a lost and found sign that’s specific. The poster doesn't provide any information about the dog's name, temperament, or breed. This dog’s sole defining characteristics are his weight and anomatical history. A dog that’s as light as a feather, not like other canines who’ve been hitting the kibble a little too hard.

The missing testicle probably helps keep the overall weight off. The poster is a conversation starter, alright. We can’t help but wonder if the owner has a dedicated search party. Imagine a search party going around asking if anyone’s seen a lightweight dog with one "pom pom."
Lost In Interpretation
"This is my cat." But is it really, Monet? There’s a time and place for artistic license but a Lost and Found sign is probably not it. It's clear this artist values artistry and interpretation over realism. Who needs a photograph when you have the next best thing – capturing the essence of a cat.

Surely, that’s better than an actual picture that does no justice to this feline’s personality and quirks. Judging by the artwork, this kitten is both adorable and a bit sketchy. It’s mostly black with a few white splotches, ideal for disappearing into the night. Good luck spotting it!
Missing Black Cat or Abstract Art
Is that a cat poster or an avant-garde art piece inspired by Cubism? Picasso would’ve been proud. A cat, not so much. It’s hard not to feel the chill of a cat’s judgment from somewhere far beyond. You had one job, Chad. If you’re putting up a poster, do it well.

Why do a half-baked job of it for the sake of feeling cool? Now’s the time to act, not the time to think outside the canvas. It’s possible that being constantly disappointed led this cat to take off on its own adventure. There’s only so much of “average” that one feline can handle.
When Everything Loses Its Meaning
We've reached a level of lost and found so profound that things have begun imploding. Hello to layer upon layer of lostness, each one more bewildering than the last. Sometimes the universe likes reminding us that life can be a bit absurd.

Perhaps this is one of those times. So, what happens if you decide to go looking for a lost lost sign? One must be prepared for a journey that might lead you to question life, the universe, and everything. What does it say about our world when the very thing that’s supposed to help us find something is itself nowhere to be found?
The Ultimate Pick-Up Line
This sign outside a Science Building takes a famous scientific concept and turns it into a pun for anyone who appreciates science and wordplay. Chemistry, cleverness, or cheekiness? You decide. The sign practically hands out Amedeo Avogadro's number as a phone number.

We all know the ladies can’t resist the allure of molecular relationships and a man with brains. What a quirky way to score a date. Didn’t they say love is all about chemistry? Who better than Avogadro to show how things should be done. Nerdy, flirty, and direct - now that's a triple threat. What do you say, ladies?
Window of Opportunity
They want to know if you’ve seen this cat. This cat is long gone. It seems like the cat’s been plotting an escape for a while now - on a mission to explore the unknown one window at a time. The picture says everything.

It reveals a cat with big dreams, yearning for fresh air, and a world with more birds to watch. Everything about this cat’s face is literally screaming “Help me escape!” It’s likely that someone passed by and decided to help this kitty out in good faith. How could you not? Look at that face, will you?
The Bear Necessities
This teddy bear is quite the celebrity in the plushies universe. How else could it warrant its very own sign? The sign doesn't just say the bear is safe; it goes the extra mile to assure us it's warm and dry. What more could an inanimate bear want?

The places this teddy bear must have been – from someone’s bedroom to an epic voyage in the woods. He’s experienced adventure most of us don’t get to all year. It makes you wonder if there's a hidden plushie paradise just around the corner, complete with fluffy robes and room service for lost toys.
Time on the Run
Time, the perennially cheeky trickster that slips through our fingers. Not knowing where the time went? The struggle is real and universal. While some look for lost items, this person's quest is for a lost hour. They have their priorities in order. How does one lose an entire hour?

It probably got caught up in binge-watching a show or doom-scrolling on social media. It is tough to keep track of the hours but it’s mostly our fault, let’s admit. Time flies (and flees) when you're not looking. Getting stuff done would be easier if we weren’t such a distracted lot.
The Language of Memes
Tell me you love memes without telling me. The choice of words on the sign is a testament to how you can capture complex emotions in just a few syllables. It's unclear whether this is a lost Shiba Inu or just a nod to the iconic Doge meme. Either way, it's bound to be a good boy (or girl).

What we do know is that this is bound to be a meme-worthy adventure. This sign bridges the gap between internet humor and the very real emotion of missing a pet. So scare and much trubble indeed! Wow. They also mentioned “much reward” which in meme speak is everything!
Peanut Butter Jelly Time? No
A sandwich has gone missing and it's the beloved PB&J, Alright, who did it? A coworker who loves pranks or a sneaky sibling? This sandwich is the key to someone’s survival. They seem to be going through a crisis. They have to be. Why else would someone put up a sign?

More than a meal, it's a symbol of comfort and security. Just to be clear, when we say security, we mean other people’s safety. Someone’s going to get hurt bad if the sandwich isn’t found soon. Follow the breadcrumb trail before this person goes on a rampage.
Killing With Kindness
Cinema fans would have instantly recognized these iconic lines uttered by Inigo Montaya in “The Princess Bride” (1987) when he confronts the Man in Black. Since then, his lines have become a veritable pop culture phenomenon. You’ll find references everywhere from "The Big Bang Theory" to "Hellboy" and even "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon."

And that’s just naming a few. It’s not surprising that someone went ahead and referenced Inigo Montaya for a lost and found sign. The words sound polite enough at first glance but quickly escalate from an introduction to a death sentence.
Is it Thor’s Hammer Perchance?
Signs are supposed to be helpful and informative. But everyone seems to love a cryptic puzzle these days. This sign gets straight to the point. They've found a hammer and want to share the good news. What does it look like? Where was it found? None of it matters.

The artist seems to believe that a visual representation is enough. If the hammer belongs to you, you’ll understand. The true owner will find their way back to it, like a beautiful love story. The sign is minimal and mysterious. Only the owner will understand, or that’s the hope at least.
When Signs Collide
We think the sign on the right answers the one on the left. The pictures of the cows on both signs are eerily similar. This one’s a bit of a tragi-comedy. What a twist of events, unless these are twin cows who were separated at birth - one going on an adventure while the other was destined for a burger.

The poor cow. First, it's lost and then found, only to become beef. A rollercoaster of emotions for the poor bovine. This pairing of signs raises existential questions on what the fate of a cow is. It really is a human's world and other beings have no say in it.
A Curse Upon You, Bike Thief
If vengeance and pure spite were a sign, this would be it. The sign starts off innocently enough with a description of a stolen bike and ends with a fiery wish for the bike thief. This isn’t about finding the bike. The sign is a platform for bike thief shaming at its finest.

He’s willing his stolen bike to ride the new owner straight to the depths of hell. It’s mythological revenge he’s after. It’s both amusing and we’re cathartic for the owner to vent their frustration in the most theatrical way possible. Sometimes what helps is turning loss into a grand spectacle.