Children sometimes take our suggestions a bit too literally — leading to some rather funny situations. This little boy’s father suggested that he watch videos online in order to train his dog. So what did the child do?

He found some online dog training videos but flipped the screen to the dog in the hopes that he would watch the video and understand what to do. Judging by how intently the pup is watching this video, we wouldn’t be surprised if he picks up a thing or two from this tutorial!
Push and Pull
When it comes to finding the best toys to play with in their living room, great minds often think alike. These two cuties both set their eyes on the same toy — a rope with toy Christmas tree ornaments.

What ensued was an adorable game of tug-of-war. Though the baby seems to have gotten a good grip on one end of the rope, our money is on the dog. He definitely doesn’t look like he’s letting go that easily!
Sticky Situation
When a child’s curiosity or creativity is combined with the patience of a dog, the possibilities for hilarious situations are endless. This little girl must have confused her parent’s feminine hygiene products with stickers because she decided to share what she found with her canine companions.

The two dogs patiently relaxed as their owner unwrapped and covered them in liners. While we’re sure they didn’t mind being stuck with the sticky products, we have a feeling that they’ll be less-than-pleased when it's time to rip them off!
Artistic Freedom
These parents learned the hard way that a box of markers can be just as dangerous as anything when in the hands of a bored and naughty toddler!

This little boy decided to use the wall as his own personal canvas! When the pint-sized Picasso got caught he looked like he tried to place the blame on his dog (who also looks like he got scribbled on). We can just imagine the dog saying “really? I thought we were cool…”
Precious Playtime
Many children and animals have a magical bond that can be hard to explain. For example, this little girl and equally tiny pup decided to become friends. Naturally, the little girl decided to include her four-legged friend when it came to playing with her dolls.

With its brown color and perfect size, this little dog makes quite the horse for her princess doll! We love how the little girl is so happy as she admires her new friends and how calm the dog is.
And Stretchhhh…
That end-of-the-day stretch is one of the most euphoric feelings in the world! It seems though, that when it comes to getting your stretch on, there's no age limit or species limit!

This little boy wanted to copy his favorite furry friend as his cat rolled over on his back. Though we can’t say his whiskered friend is the best example to follow. Looking at how pudgy the cat is, we don’t think he'll be attempting to reach for his paws anytime soon!
Paws-itively Adorable!
Dogs are pretty great on their own, but add some accessories and they become hilariously adorable. This person’s daughter decided that her dog needed a style upgrade so she decided to wrap a bandana around its head.

While bandanas are usually associated with tough street style, this puppy manages to make them look sweet and innocent. We must say that with a face like that, anything would look cute on this pooch!
Quick, Hide!
There are many reasons why some people are fearful of dogs, and we completely understand. Had we seen just the left side of this photo, we would be wondering what kind of monster this child was shielding himself from with that pillow.

Thankfully, this horror story quickly turned hilarious when we saw the scary beast he was hiding from — a bored-looking and slightly pudgy chihuahua! We love the dog’s “don’t mess with me” face in contrast to the very dramatic child’s expression. Too funny!
So Much for Storytime…
Most children have a nighttime routine. For many, it includes reading a book or being read to. This child decided that there was no reason why his pet dog shouldn't be included in the nighttime ritual and so he tucked his dog in and decided to read to him.

While we think this is simply adorable, the dog seems less-than-pleased. Perhaps, like so many kids, he wanted to stay up past his bedtime. Perhaps he would like a story about dogs instead of Disney princesses!
Pitbull Prima Ballerina
Pitbulls often get a bad rap for being aggressive or non-family-friendly dogs, but the truth is that this breed often is one of the most loving breeds of dogs and can display a surprising amount of patience!

This adorable pup allowed its owners to dress it up in a frilly ballerina skirt. While we think this dog is cute enough without any additional accessories, we have to admit that the dog looks simply precious in this skirt!
Juuust Right…
In the story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”, the little girl tries out three beds before she finds the perfect one. When you’re a tiny kitten, the struggle to find a perfectly suitable bed can be just as hard.

Thankfully, this little girl managed to find the perfect place for her kitten to take a cat nap — a toy bed for dolls! She gently tucked her little furry friend into this bed, even covering him with a tiny blanket for dolls. What a cutie!
Safety First
When it comes to riding in cars, safety is a top priority. This little girl knows that when she rides in the car, she sits in a special seat.

Being the intelligent and caring child she is, she thought her cat should be safe too so she placed him in a car seat too! This cat probably thought that he would get some rest in the chair, unfortunately, that was not the case!
My Fair (and Furry) Lady
In the story “My Fair Lady,” Eliza Doolittle went through an entire makeover in order to be considered a proper and refined lady. Perhaps she should have taken some cues from this precious pitbull!

This posh pooch looks absolutely at home with her parasol, frilly hat, and tea set. We love how patiently she is sitting as she waits for her other party guests to arrive.
The Tiniest Cowboy in the West
For many people, having a pet means constantly thinking about them — even when you’re not with them. This little girl was at a thrift store when she came across this teeny-tiny cowboy hat that she knew would be a perfect fit for a certain fashionable feline.

She quickly purchased the tiny hat and put it on her cat. Looking at his face, we don’t think this kitty is into the Western look at all. We’re sure he’s ready to lasso this hat right into the garbage!
Colorful Canines
If you’re of a certain age then you probably remember the many colorful characters created by Lisa Frank. From backpacks to school supplies, chances are you owned or begged your parents for one of her brightly colored creations.

A couple of characters, multi-colored Dalmatian dogs named Spotty and Dotty, were a favorite. Little did we know that there is a real-life version of them walking the planet. Though he looks like he lost a fight with a pack of markers, this dog is almost an exact replica of the cartoon!
Pretentious Pets
Many people think that cats are less warm than dogs and have a naturally-snobby attitude towards humans and even other animals. Looking at this picture of this dressed-up cat, we can see where he gets his reputation for having an attitude.

This cat looks like a pretentious hipster, the kind that only drinks black coffee and listens to vinyls. We’re willing to bet that he definitely liked that band before they went mainstream and is saving up for an apartment in Brooklyn.
A Day at the Cat Spa
When it comes to learning certain regimes regarding hygiene, children can get a bit confused. This kid must have thought that because she had bath time every night, maybe the cat needed to spend some quality time in the bubbles too!

Thankfully, the child put the cat in a toy bathtub with plastic toy bubbles. That said, the cat looks pretty content with a plastic pampering session.
Tiring Tea Parties
For many children, having a pet is like having a best friend that lives with you. The desire to be around their favorite animal friend can mean that children often include their pets in activities or games that they enjoy, like this little tea party.

Not content with just having her stuffed animals present, this little girl requested that her dog join them for a spot of tea too! Unfortunately, the dog seems more interested in taking a nap than enjoying a cup of tea.
What a Life!
We all need a break once in a while. But what do you do if you desperately need a beach vacation but can’t get to the beach? These little girls decided to bring the tropical oasis to their living room and pamper their pooch with a beach-themed vacay.

With a soft fuzzy bed, sunglasses, and bowl full of treats, this dog looks like he’s ready to post “#VacayMode” to his social media page at any moment! We’re officially jealous of this dog’s fabulous life!
Snuggle Sessions
While some pictures of pets and kids interacting usually feature a pet looking for the nearest escape route, this dog is thanking his lucky stars that he lives with such kind and considerate humans. His tiny owners saw that he was feeling cold, and so they decided to bundle him up in their blanket.

Though the dog may not look that happy, we’re sure he appreciates their kindness! Between the comfy couch and the thick winter blankets, we have a feeling this dog isn’t going anywhere!
Ready for My Close-Up
This photogenic cat hardly needs any help when it comes to looking regal. That said, his owners decided that a couple of accessories will add a bit more style.

The result? A feline that’s really ready to hit the catwalk in style. The funniest part is how calm the feline looks as it is draped in a colorful scarf and wearing a tiny plastic lid as a hat. It's safe to say that this cat knows it looks good!
Make-Believe Snacktime
One of the most admirable traits of children is their powerful imagination. Unfortunately, their imagination can sometimes be so powerful that they forget that there are real things right in front of them, like this real dog.

This little boy was so consumed with giving his toy dog goldfish crackers that he forgot his real dog was probably craving a snack too! We’re sure that the dog wasn’t happy to see his imposter canine get all the attention during snack time!
Playground Pets
This feline deserves several awards. Not only was he patient enough to be walked to the park on a leash (!), but he calmly sat in the swing looking like he was waiting to be pushed!

While most cats would be freaked out by the park or even being on a leash, this cat looks perfectly in his element. We wonder if the cat goes to the park on a daily basis... Perhaps that's why he's so calm? Whatever the reason, this cat is displaying much better behavior than most kids do on the playground!
The Real Catwoman
If you have a cat, chances are there are times when you suspect it may have superpowers. From leaping from place to place in a single bound to silently prowling in the night, felines often seem like they have supernatural abilities.

This little girl knew that her cat was special and so she decided to knit a little superhero cape for her pet. We wonder what this cat’s superhero name would be and what their special power would be, besides looking great in a cape!
The Cat in the Hat
Though cats have survived thousands of years without humans placing clothing and accessories on them, we continue to put hats, scarves, coats, and other man-made creations on our whiskered friends.

And do you blame us? While this cat is beautiful to begin with, its cute factor just went up exponentially with this baby pink Kirby character hat. Though the owner says that their pet loves the hat, we don’t think the cat is too fond of its new headwear.
Sleeve Me Alone!
When it comes to spending some quality time with their owners, some dogs don’t know when or where to stop.

This little dog thought that hiding inside her owner’s hoodie would be a good idea. While getting inside may have been easy, getting out was an entirely different story. This owner captured the canine's hilariously confused face when she tried to make an escape through their daughter’s sleeve. We’re also pretty impressed by just how long the dog is!
He’s a Brick… Cat!
The LEGO sets of today are pretty impressive, so impressive in fact, that with this kit you can construct your very own cat!

This person walked in to find their cat hidden under a mountain of LEGO brick pieces put together by their five-year-old son. We don’t know whether to marvel at the son’s creativity or this cat’s seriously impressive amount of patience! We wonder how long the cat is planning on staying like that!
Call the Doctor!
It's not uncommon for children to want to play doctor, especially when games like “Operation” are so popular. But while children usually practice on themselves, these three veterinarians-in-training thought that they would get the family dog involved.

Judging by his less-than-enthusiastic face, we’re willing to bet that this dog is not happy with the children’s choice in games. Let's just hope the kids don't try to take his temperature the way most vets usually do!
A Zen Moment
While cats can exhibit notable amounts of patience, it often pales in comparison to the amount of patience that dogs show, even when they’re being used to balance dozens of small toys.

This dog looks like it decided to just give in and allow the child to delicately stack tons of small toys on top of him. While many dogs would grab a toy for themselves, this dog displayed the utmost willpower and left the toys alone. Though, we’re not sure exactly what happened after this photo was snapped!
Pretty in Pink
While some big dogs may look tough on the outside, many are just the sweetest and most patient softies in reality. This particularly patient pooch allowed this person’s young niece to give her a makeover fit for the prettiest princess.

Though we’re sure that this headband and ribbon aren’t the most comfortable thing, the dog was surprisingly calm when it came to the niece. Despite the less-than-enthusiastic face, we have to say she does look very pretty in pink!
Puppy Princess
For many children (and even adults), playing dress-up is one of the most exciting and imaginative activities. Whether they dress up like a princess or a pirate or even a mix, nothing brings a smile to a child’s face like the chance to be an astronaut or a pirate.

This child thought that they would share their favorite pastime with their dog. The result? Princess puppy! This little dog looks so happy and proud to strut its stuff in this purple princess costume. Good luck taking it off later!
Cabinet Chaos
It can be said that dogs are one of the most loyal animals. But sometimes that loyalty means that they’ll follow their owners into some very messy situations.

Somehow, this pooch ended up getting just as dirty as his small human companion when they decided to raid the cabinets. Their oat-filled adventure left them covered in the stuff! We’re sure that if the dog could speak, he would say “Ignore the kid's shirt, I had nothing to do with it!”
Colorful Cats
Playing with chalk is a great way for children to express their creativity and develop their artistic skills. It's also a great way for a cat to change its color!

This furry friend learned the lesson about curiosity the hard way when it decided to roll around on its owner's chalk art. Judging by his messy look, we think that this cat had zero regrets when it came to getting in touch with its more artistic side. We’re sure the owners are happy that it was washable chalk and not paint!
Snuggle Time!
When it comes to taking a nap or going to sleep, some children have special blankets or stuffed animals that they simply need to have in order to fall asleep.

This big-hearted little girl thought that her feline friend also needed some special soft stuffed animals and a blanket in order to catch some zzzs. This Reddit user snapped this hilarious picture of her cat somehow managing to sleep under a blanket and a bunch of toys. Somehow he looks like he’s actually enjoying the company! Go figure!
Perfect Spot for a Cat Nap
While we’re sure these two cats have plenty of great places to sleep in their house, their owner decided to make a customized living space for them. Introducing: cat bunk beds!

We love the little sign that says “cat only” with the letters decorated to look like a feline complete with ears and tails. While we don’t think these furry friends can read, we’re sure they’re very appreciative of their new and exclusive living area.
Uncomfortable Undies
While most pets simply put up with our craziness, this fluffy dog is just as amused by her new accessory as we are. This person’s daughter decided to put a pair of children’s underwear on their dog and even cut a little hole out for the dog’s tail.

Surprisingly, the poodle looks like she finds it just as hilarious as she rolls around in her new outfit. We’re sure this child’s parents aren’t too happy about having to buy a replacement pair of underwear!
Cuteness Around the Corner
Dogs have definitely earned the title “man’s best friend.” These four-legged friends often make the best companions.

For many children, pets become their first real friends and are often by their side no matter how ridiculous their shenanigans are. This little dog decided to join its owner in a game of hide-and-seek as he sat patiently next to him in a box behind a column. Little do they know that they’re simply too cute to be missed!
That’s Mine!
It's a common phenomenon that you always want what you don’t have. Not content with his own human-sized bed, this little boy decided to take over his dog’s bed for a nap. While this bed seems perfectly sized for his pup, it looks a bit too small for the boy.

While the tight fit doesn’t seem to bother this kid, the same cannot be said about his dog. The dog looks like he’s patiently waiting for his bed to become unoccupied. We think he will eventually just take over the boy’s now-empty bed.
Swaying in the Breeze
One of the most adorable traits of most pets is that when they like a family member, they will usually follow that person around just to spend quality time with them — even if it means cuddling in some unusual places.

This person was surprised when they stepped outside and found their daughter and cat taking a nap in a hammock together. We love how comfortable the two look as they gently rock back and forth.
The Rarest Unicorn of Them All
Not enough to already look like an extraterrestrial or other strange creature, this sphinx cat reached a new level of weirdness when it was photographed wearing a homemade unicorn horn that its owner made for him.

Judging by his expression, it’s safe to assume that this cat is not content with the new accessory. Between his lamp-like green eyes and the unicorn hat, this feline is starting to really resemble some sort of mythical beast!
Prickly Princess
It's no secret that cats love sleeping in baskets and boxes. Unfortunately, this kitty taking a basket snooze had some consequences.

It doesn't seem like wearing a tiara was a good trade-off for a basket bed. Who said wearing a crown was easy?
One Pig Too Many
While many animals put up with their owner’s silly antics, this cat looks like it has had enough! This person walked in to find that their child had delicately placed all of their toys on and around their kitty.

Turns out this cat is not a fan of "Peppa Pig" or her many family members. He looks like he’s just about had it with toys, and we don’t blame him!
Not Thankful for This!
Like many holidays, Thanksgiving is a great opportunity for families and friends to exchange holiday cards. While every family has its own customs, this one decided to get their photogenic pet in on the action with this cat card.

While the cat doesn't look too amused to be included, we do have to say, he makes quite the cute turkey. It also could have been worse — they could have dressed him in a turkey costume. We guess he has one more reason to be thankful this year!
Puppy-Doo, Where Are You?
When many families introduce a new pet to their home there is always the fear that the pet will have trouble forming a connection with their children.

Thankfully, this family has nothing to worry about. This person walked into their living room to find their daughter and new puppy bonding over an episode of Scooby-Doo. While they both look captivated by the story, we’re sure that puppy is wondering when he’ll get his own Scooby Snacks.
Room for One More!
Cats often get a bad reputation as not being the best pets for children. Looking at this photo, however, one might want to reconsider that idea.

Displaying an amazing amount of patience and self-control, this cat allowed his owner to pile one toy after another on top of him. From Christmas stocking toys to stuffed candy corn, this kitty got to experience every holiday-themed toy as his owner continued stacking them. The cat surprisingly looks purr-fectly at home under all of these toys!
Watch and Learn
Children sometimes take our suggestions a bit too literally — leading to some rather funny situations. This little boy’s father suggested that he watch videos online in order to train his dog. So what did the child do?

He found some online dog training videos but flipped the screen to the dog in the hopes that he would watch the video and understand what to do. Judging by how intently the pup is watching this video, we wouldn't be surprised if he picks up a thing or two from this tutorial!
Nothing to See Here…
Animals and children don’t have many things in common, but one thing they definitely do share is the ability to look simply adorable, even if they're up to no good!

This cat and his owner look like they’ve gotten themselves into a bit of trouble while playing in the ball pit. Perhaps that’s why the two are hiding behind the tent? At least they've learned the meaning of comradery. Whatever hijinks these two got up to, that secret looks like it’s staying between them!
This Is My Life Meow
Being friendly can be a good thing, but it can also land you in some rather embarrassing situations. This feline would lose all of its street cred if the other cats in the neighborhood would see it rolling around in this polka-dotted stroller.

Apparently, this person’s daughter loves to take the cat on outings in this little stroller, even strapping in her best friend. Looking at this cat’s embarrassed facial expression, it seems that he hopes they don’t run into any other cats!
Nap on Wheels
When it comes to their feline friends, many cat owners often joke, “If I fit, I Sit.” This means that cats will try to squeeze themselves into very strange spots, and it’s not uncommon for owners to find their cat catching some zzzs in some of the most seemingly uncomfortable places.

After many attempts of this child trying to get their cat into the stroller, the cat decided to do it on his own time. He looks like he's in such a deep sleep, we don’t think he would mind his young owner taking him on a little trip!
Stressed-Out Strolling
Though it may seem silly, there are many reasons why many pet owners choose to invest in pet strollers for their animals. Between issues regarding a pet’s mobility, to wanting to take their pets with them to more places, strollers can be very helpful.

This owner's futile attempt to toddler train his pooch has clearly had the opposite desired effect. If looks could kill!
Really Bored Write Now
When it comes to learning important skills such as learning how to write, children often need a bit of encouragement.

This kid thought that her cat would help give her the support she needed while she practiced. Unfortunately, he not only seems completely uninterested in his owner’s newfound skills, but he also looks hilariously bored. We do have to say — it’s pretty adorable that the little girl wants to try to involve her cat in such an important moment!
He Loves to Knit!
When your children develop an interest in the arts or other creative hobbies, it's always important to support them. Even if they don’t always successfully complete a project correctly.

This Reddit user’s daughter had an interest in knitting. Unfortunately, while she had the technique down, she didn’t really understand the measurements or pattern. The result is this awkwardly tiny knitted hat. Thankfully, one family member got to enjoy the fruits of her labor and we have to say, he looks simply fabulous!
This Rat Is Ready to Party!
Though most pictures of animals wearing funny hats are mostly dogs and cats, who says that they should get all of the fun? This little girl decided to give her pet rat a bit more pizazz and so she made this festive little hat for him!

Not only are rats surprisingly good pets, but it turns out that they enjoy being fashionable too! This little rat looks like he is ready to party in this little red hat.
Calling Dibs on the Bibs
When you have a child you may find your home is filled with baby necessities. But where humans see basic products, this cat sees a trove of fun and interesting toys.

This feline seemed to have developed such an interest in some baby bibs that his owner decided to let him try one on! Surprisingly, the cat seems pretty content to be wearing his own bib. As for the nasal aspirators, let's hope that he doesn’t try that out for himself or that the owners clean them before using them on their child!
Too Cute!
What's cuter than a baby and a puppy? How about a puppy wearing baby clothing? This parent thought “why should my baby daughter have all the fashion fun?” and so they dressed up their dachshund in their daughter’s most fashionable outfit.

We won’t ask who wore it best, but we have to say — the dog looks simply adorable in its pink polka dot top. Even the baby can’t hide her enthusiasm for her stylish friend’s new outfit.
No Time for Pawlitics
Children can get a bit creative when it comes to spoiling their pets. This person’s children decided to create a newspaper for their cat.

They placed the newspaper right above the cat’s litter box so the cat could catch up with the latest while he uses the bathroom! While we’re sure the writing won't win any “purr”litzer prizes, we’re sure this cat is very thankful for his journalist-in-training owners. This person should be proud that not only do their children have hearts of gold, but they’re great writers too!
Ready to Hit the Catwalk
Boredom and patient pets can often result in our pets becoming models for our funniest outfit combinations.

This adorable orange cat found itself in a fashion shoot when its owner decided to give it a full-fledged feline makeover. Sporting the season’s hottest designs including a black shirt and puffy pink skirt, this pet looks ready to own the “cat” walk! This kitty might be enjoying this outfit a bit too much!
Just a Little DIY
There are times when we just happen to find ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. This dog learned just how bad things can get when he hangs out with a toddler, especially when that toddler has access to a bucket of drywall mixture.

We don’t know exactly what happened but if the dog looks like that, we don’t even want to imagine what the toddler looked like! We just admire how calm this pooch is even with his new coat of paint. Meanwhile, his friend just looks confused.
A Heart-Warming Twist
Though this picture is adorable enough, the truth behind it is even more heart-warming. This Reddit user uploaded a picture of their dog cuddling in a crib with a stuffed animal.

It turns out that the family's pet cat had recently passed away and their young son thought that their dog would be sad. He found a stuffed animal that looked like their cat and tucked them into bed together. It doesn’t get more adorable than that!
Model Behavior
When you leave a dog alone with some very creative kids, you might just come home to find that your dog is looking more couture than canine! These fashionable youngsters decided to enhance their dog’s natural beauty by dressing her up in this stylish getup.

We really admire the dog's patience when it comes to wearing those tights as many humans have trouble wearing tights without ripping them. Let’s not even mention how calm she looks in those high heels! She’s ready for a night out on the town!
Movie Night
Though there are many people who do not think big dogs and children should interact together, looking at this photo, we would like to disagree. This heartwarming picture was taken by this little girl’s parents as she and her best friend watched Disney’s "Ratatouille" together.

We love how sweetly the little girl leans against the English bulldog, and how gently he places his head over hers. This absolutely precious photo shows just how loving dogs can be. We wonder who his favorite character is!
House Hunting With Cats
Even the biggest cats can sometimes find themselves in some pretty tight places. This owner was surprised to see their cat squeezed into their daughter’s small dollhouse.

It seems Diego the cat thinks it’s his new home. While we understand that the real estate market is pretty crazy right now, there's no excuse for taking over someone else’s home. We’re sure the dolls weren't too happy about their new roommate!
When in Rome…
There are some moments that are so sweet that you're not even concerned about other things when you see them (like the state of this floor when these four finished their milky treat!). These four friends didn’t cry over spilled milk, instead, they chose to drink it!

This little girl must spend a lot of time with her feline friends because she seems to think that she’s one of them! While some parents might be shocked looking at this photo, we’re sure the little girl left enough for the cats!
Get Your Groove on
Not only do dogs put up with us, but they patiently allow us to dress them up in some rather silly things.

This youngster thought that her dog needed a stylish upgrade so she dressed him up in some of her accessories. With its stylish shades and pink and purple headphones, this dog is ready to get some groove on! Considering many pets (rightfully) wouldn’t allow their owner to put the sunglasses on them, we’re surprised this dog stood still for not only the glasses but also the headphones.
Who’s a Pretty Princess?
One of the most amazing things about children is the pure joy that they get from the simplest things. This little girl’s day was made when she managed to successfully put a princess crown on her pet cat.

The look of surprise and happiness on her face is simply contagious. We dare you to look at this wholesome moment and not crack a smile. While she looks surprised and in awe, her little furry friend just seems confused!
Don’t Blame Me!
When most children are caught doing something they're not supposed to be doing, the first instinct for many kids is to blame someone else. Apparently, there was no one else to blame, so the closest thing they could find was the family dog.

The only problem was that thanks to the human-foot shape outline of these footprints, Fido is off the hook! Even without the evidence, look at that little face. Do you think he could do something so naughty?
Fido’s Friendship Bracelets
For many of us growing up, friendship bracelets were a popular way to express our friendship and care for another person. We would learn different techniques to create these handmade accessories and enjoy exchanging them with the special people in our lives.

But who says that the recipient of a friendship bracelet has to be another human? This little girl gave man’s best friend a friendship bracelet of his own to show just how deep their bond is! While she seems pretty proud of her creation, her best friend just looks confused!
Ready to Rock
There’s a reason why we often refer to a short sleep session as a cat nap. Cats are the masters at taking some time out of their day to catch up on some well-deserved rest.

This cat wasn’t going to let its owner’s rock collection get in the way of its beauty sleep. It simply closed its eyes and tried to ignore the mosaic project currently being placed on its body. We can't imagine how the cat slept through it!
Pet Parking
Cats may often get an unfair rap as being impatient or unfriendly towards children. This cat, however, proves that not all cats are like that.

He patiently allowed his tiny owner to place a bunch of toy cars on him. Perhaps he thought that the toy cars gently moving over him were some sort of massage? Whatever the reason, we don’t think that this cat minds being involved in playtime if it means he gets a bit of attention!
Boatloads of Fun
Origami is a classic Japanese paper folding technique involving intricately folded pieces of paper to create designs or shapes. While many consider Origami to be an art form, this cat is not one of them.

Looks like he’s ready to set sail to Grumpy Island with his little origami sailboat hat! We’re sure he hopes that his owner would pick a new hobby, one that doesn’t involve small paper hats!
Canines in Costumes
When you’re a kid, picking the perfect costume during dress-up time can be tough. Apparently, this dog has the same issue. This person left their dog with their young nieces and came home to find their pooch wearing a bunch of different costumes.

From pretty little princess to insect to a knight in shining armor, these kids just couldn’t decide on what the dog should dress up as. While she looked cute in her costumes, we think dogs are pretty amazing as they are.
Welcome to Tinseltown
When it comes to getting into the holiday spirit, many of us choose to decorate our homes with all sorts of festive decorations and sparkly things. This little boy must have thought, “why should our Christmas tree get all the fun?” when he wrapped the sparkly tinsel on the pet dog.

The dog, however, does not look content with his holiday-themed metallic makeover. In fact, that face is just begging for someone to rescue him from this tinsel takeover! We hope they took the decorations off as soon as this photograph was taken!
Silly Sombreros
There are some animals that are just so naturally funny looking, that you can’t imagine them needing more accessories or props to make them look sillier.

With its round eyes and funny white mustache and whiskers, this cat is pretty ridiculous looking as it is. Add on a tiny cat-sized sombrero and poncho, and we can’t stop laughing at this adorably grumpy cat. We’re sure he was plotting his revenge on his owners when this photo was taken!
Good Night, Sleep Tight
Just like us, pets age too. When it comes to dealing with an aging pet, it might mean that our interactions with them change. Playtime can get shorter or less intense, and they might need to take frequent naps.

This little girl understands that her older dog sibling needs to rest a bit in between playtime, and so she sweetly tucked her dog into her play fort bed. This Reddit user captured the heartfelt moment, and we think they should be proud to have such a kind-hearted and considerate child!
A Party to Remember
When it comes to teaching your children the importance of saving or spending money on the right thing you can never start too early. This person’s daughter decided to save up all of her allowance and money in order to throw her pooch the most amazing birthday party.

She used her money to buy her dog a prime cut of meat, which she carefully cut into small dog-sized pieces. We’re sure her parents are proud of their fiscally-responsible and kind-hearted daughter!
Who Wore It Better?
When you go shopping, there are times when you’ll try something on and it just doesn’t look as good on you as it does on other people. Looking at this dramatic photo, we think something similar happened between this toddler and this very stylish pooch.

Maybe the toddler is upset that her four-legged friend looks better in these sunglasses than she does? Judging by this dog’s smug expression we don’t think he’s handing over those sunglasses anytime soon. Talk about shady!
Fowl Fashion
When it comes to owning a pet, most people imagine a dog or cat, or maybe even a fish. It turns out, however, that chickens are becoming an increasingly popular pet to have. Not only are they intelligent (no bird brains over here), but you can have an endless supply of fresh eggs delivered straight to your home.

Another benefit of owning a chicken? Hilarious photos like this one. This Reddit user’s children decided to dress up their pet chicken in a tutu. We wonder if she’s going to audition for the ballet “Chicken Lake.”
Working Like a Dog
Most parents struggle with coming up with ways to encourage their children to read more. Little did these parents know that the solution was right in their home!

This calm dog and resourceful child got together to help improve reading time. The child gets an adorable e-reader holder while the dog gets to be next to his favorite human. We’re also willing to bet that this little pup demanded a belly scratch every few pages — not a bad price to pay for getting your child to read!
Nailed It!
Who says only humans can rock nail polish? This Reddit user’s daughter decided to give their pooch a pedicure and painted the dog’s nails using the most glittery nail polish she could find.

The owner only realized this when he went to take his dog on a hike and noticed the new nail art. Let's hope that the owner keeps a better eye on his dog and his daughter! That said, what a patient pooch to let her paint all four paws!
A Very Special Storytime
While leaving children alone with a pet can often result in some less-than-pleasant situations, it can also result in parents seeing a new side to their child.

This Reddit user shared a picture of a little girl reading to a dog recovering from surgery. Unable to move much and play, she wanted to make sure that her canine companion was still entertained so she did the thing that came most natural to her — she picked up a book and began reading. Absolutely heartwarming!
This Means War
Though we may not always think so, animals and humans have a lot more in common than we realize. Just like young children, young animals have seemingly endless supplies of energy and love to play.

One of their favorite games happens to be one of our favorite childhood games — tug of war. This puppy decided to engage his owner in a friendly game of tug of war over a rope toy. We just hope that the baby’s parents quickly put an end to their game after this photograph was taken.