Oh, come on, not again! This dog has a habit of running away the second his parents open up the door. He never seems to learn his lesson. His humans decided that they would lock all the doors and pretend that no one was home in hopes that he would get scared and never run away from home again.

Judging by this picture, it looks like it may have worked. Maybe next time he won’t run away from his humans who love him so very much.
Rough Life
By the looks of this picture, you may think that living the day in the life of a puppy would be pretty hard. I mean, come on, who the heck would want to sleep, eat, and play all day? That must be exhausting. This little guy’s mom works really long days and is very stressed, but she still manages to take him out to the park when she comes home after a long day at work.

But, walking can take a toll on this little guy. After an hour or so at the park, Mom brought him home and he’s been like this for at least two hours. She says that she got him a comfy dog bed, but he insists on sleeping on the window sill instead. What a weird little guy!
Caught In The Act
One thing puppy owners must watch out for when they bring their bundle of joy home is well, everything. In this picture, you can tell that this puppy got ahold of a pillow and tore it to shreds. He of course had to sit in puppy time-out after he got yelled at. It was his mom’s favorite pillow too! It always seems like puppies get a hold of our favorite items in our home.

Hopefully, this little guy learned his lesson the first time and won’t destroy the house any further. We suggest getting a bone or some other chew toy as a distraction from his mom’s belongings.
No Dish-washing Today
Mom and Dad don’t let me sit at the dinner table with the rest of the family because they say I beg too much. But I can’t help it, people food is so much better than puppy food — it’s always different and very delicious! I heard a saying once that went, if you fit, you sit, and that’s exactly what I did.

Yes, I may have been doing it for attention, but wouldn’t you? I mean, Mom was the one who taught me to sit after all. I probably shouldn’t be sitting on the dishwasher, I’m getting too big for this.
Training Gone Wrong
Training a puppy can be a really tough task. But you have to be committed to the ones that you love and keep trying even if your efforts seem to not be working. They say hard work pays off. Puppies are exactly like babies in the sense that you have to keep your eyes on them at all times because you never know what they could get into and ruin.

This puppy’s owner turned their back for two minutes and before they knew it, everything that was on the bathroom counter made its way into the toilet or onto the floor. This owner needs to keep a better eye on their pup from now on because next time they could get into something pretty dangerous.
You Did That On Your Own
We’ve all probably come home to this at least once. Whether your dog is crated or not, they somehow manage to get a hold of something and tear it to shreds like a chew toy. The look on this dog’s face screams “Help! Get me out of here, I’m sorry!” We hate to break it to you little guy, but Mom and Dad say you have to learn your lesson.

From a distance, it may look like he’s quite literally on cloud nine, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The owners couldn’t help but capture this photo to share with family and friends who laughed at their dogs’ expense. It’s all in good fun.
Howdy, Neighbor!
Huskies are a very adventurous breed. They are known to destroy anything and everything in their path if they do not get enough exercise. They are also very curious. These two are known for escaping their property and making their way over to the neighbor’s yard. The neighbor is deathly afraid of dogs and made a comment to their owners.

They of course understood, as Huskies can be an intimidating breed. In return, they decided to put a fence up. However, because of their curious nature, they put two holes in the fence so the dogs could put their heads through. How genius is that?
Muddy Pup
Taking your puppy out in the rainy weather, or the day after rain, is not something you do for fun. In fact, you may dread it. Everything is wet, muddy, and gross. You’re just asking for your puppy to find his or her way into a muddy puddle. This little guy or girl looks like they had their fair share of fun before their owner could scoop them up before they got dirty.

We’ve seen an episode or two of The Dog Whisperer, and we can’t help but wonder if Cesar would have a field day training this pup. Although the owners of this cutie may have been upset that they had to give him or her a bath, we’re sure the story behind how he or she got muddy will be one for the books. Let’s be honest, how could you be mad at a face like this one?!
A Hard Day's Work
It was bring your puppy to work day the day this picture was taken. As you can see, he couldn’t handle all the emails and phone calls coming in. He was so tired he just passed right out on his dad’s desk. He didn’t want to wake him up because he looked so adorable. Even his boss was a fan of this little white ball of fluff.

We think bringing him to the office scored some points with the big boss. Next time his dad brings him to the office he should wait until he’s older so he can socialize with all his co-workers.
"Shush! The Game Started!"
In this house, they love their football. The dogs too. Whenever the football game is on, no one in the house speaks unless they are cheering for their favorite team. You may be wondering which team these pups are cheering for. The Philadelphia Eagles of course! We aren’t sure if they are winning this game, but they sure are happy they finally won a Super Bowl.

The women in the house were out shopping and wanted to see what was going on at home so they checked the live cam. They screenshot this picture to show everyone how into sports these dogs really are.
"I Can Almost Do It!"
This little fluff ball looks like he is trying to do a somersault. But it seems like his legs are a little too small to be doing that. Of course, his owners will continue trying to teach him this new, fun trick.

They are so proud of how far he has come already. They say he is very smart for being so young. Even though this was a big puppy fail they praised him over and over and gave him a tasty treat for trying his hardest!
Star Doggie
There is a race in Philadelphia called the Color Run. The Color Run is a race that will spray paint on the racers as they are running. How cool?! This pup’s owner does it every year, and this year she made sure her boyfriend brought her dog along to greet her at the finish line.

She was so happy to see her at the end of the race, she ran over and gave her a big hug. Unfortunately, some of the color that was on her, got on to her dog. Don’t worry, it won’t irritate the dog’s skin, and it comes right off after a good washing!
Everything's Going To Be OK, Boy
We have absolutely no idea how a dog ended up on the roof of his house, but here we are. The owner claims the dog is quite the adventurous type, but we don’t know why he would put his life in danger like that. Naturally, once he got up to the top, he probably realized how unsafe it was and wanted to get down.

The poor owners had to call the fire police and everything to get him down. Hopefully, this is a lesson learned for this pup!
An Educated Pup
Puppy classes are important. They teach our pups obedience and fun tricks. We know puppies can get out of hand sometimes when they don’t have the proper training, so his parents signed him up for obedience training classes. We heard that this picture was taken on the first day of classes.

He looks very intimidated, and his humans said he is very overwhelmed and scared of the other puppies. However, he is close to graduation soon and we heard that he’s doing great. We can’t wait to see how much he has grown since this picture!
Doritos Pug
Who needs a leash when you have people snacks and dog treats? It looks like this owner is trying to bride or get the dog to do a cool trick with a bag of Doritos as a reward. We aren’t a big fan of giving dogs people food, but this seems to work for this pet owner.

People have really taken things to new heights as pet parents. This owner couldn’t find the dog treats, so he had to improvise by using the Doritos. We’ll let it slide this time!
The Doggy Bag
Sometimes owners love their puppies so much that if they’re small enough they carry them around in tote-sized bags. On this day this puppy’s human took him out while she was running her daily errands. We don’t understand the trend of carrying your dog around in a bag.

We get that some people get separation anxiety from their dogs, but don’t they want them to be leash-trained when they decide to take them for a walk? However, this little guy doesn’t seem to mind at all. It looks like he’s ready, waiting to roll on today’s adventure.
"We Really Didn't Do It!"
It looks like these puppies were caught messing around in their human’s garden. They look like they’re saying, “We know we messed up but please don’t yell at us!” Puppies are really curious at this age, so their owners try to be understanding. However, they did get in trouble.

We know how hard it is to be mad at such cute faces, but they need to learn, otherwise, they grow up and misbehave all the time. Next time the owners will put up a higher fence so the puppies can’t get into the garden.
Class Is Nonsense Anyways
This pup's parents enrolled him in puppy school early because he was tearing up the house and talking back to his mom and dad. They were at their wit's end, and then they found the perfect school to send their pup. However, this little guy is not about it.

He falls asleep during class all the time. The teacher is sitting behind him looking very confused and frustrated. This is the second time this week that this has happened! Doesn’t he know there is a test coming up that he needs to pass in order to get to his new class? If he does, he doesn’t seem to care very much.
Please Get Off
The look on the cat’s face says it all. She is obviously just not feeling it at all. In a lot of homes that have cats, they think they run the show. This cat wasn’t particularly happy when her parents brought home this little guy. All he wants to do is be her friend and he thinks he can become friends with her by chasing her all around the house until he gets tired.

This cat was also not amused that her owner was taking this picture instead of removing the puppy from her. We hope one day these two can become friends, but it doesn’t look like that will be happening any time soon.
Photo Time!
This pup is literally living the dream. It looks like she was just finishing up at the groomer and the hair stylist snapped this shot. The groomer likes to take hilarious, yet cute photos of her clients when they come in so she can post them to her Instagram account.

This Poodle doesn’t seem to mind at all. She is definitely not camera-shy. The blow dryer in her face reminds her of warm, sunny days with her head out the window.
"I Just Want To Help"
This puppy’s mom is a freelance writer, and she works really hard at what she does. She spends most of her day looking for jobs and sending out cold emails. It’s a tough world out there trying to find a job when you are a beginner writer. His mom looked super tired and stressed out because she was having trouble finding a job.

He kept jumping up until she picked him up to pet him. He was so excited that he started squirming until he slipped out of her hands and onto the desk. This puppy thought maybe he could send out emails to help her out.
"No, It Really Doesn't Hurt That Much"
It looks like he’s saying, “what dad, I wanted the bee to be my friend.” His dad says he took him to the dog park to burn off some energy and when he threw the ball, his pup didn’t seem too interested because he was sniffing away at something in the grass. Next thing you know he heard a little yelp and went running over to see what happened.

It didn’t take long for his snout to swell up like a balloon. The good news is that this little cutie isn’t allergic to bees and the swelling went down after a couple hours. But oh man does it look like it hurts!
"That's Really For Me?!"
We would all love it if we could have our cake and eat it too. It looks like a birthday party is going on for this cute little guy. We would imagine that he would get to eat his cake. We don’t really know what started this trend of having birthday parties for dogs, but we are here for it. Pets need to be celebrated too!

People often say that their pets are like children, so why wouldn’t you throw a birthday party? This pup looks over the moon excited to eat his cake. We are wondering how old he is turning.
Roomba Monster
We always get a good laugh out of what scares our dogs. It could be as something as simple as a laundry basket or in this case, a vacuum robot. These vacuums are popular all over the place, but they’re known to scare your pets. We aren’t sure if his humans are just doing their cleaning for the week or if they are trying to terrorize their dog for entertainment purposes.

Either way, they definitely captured this hilarious moment and shared it with the world. Poor little guy is hiding in the laundry room just praying that it stops moving so that he can come out of hiding and play with his favorite toys.
Selfie Pro
We love a good selfie here, and this one is on point. It looks like this beagle took it himself! How funny is that? This pup belongs to Tom Brady. If you aren’t sure who that is, he is one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play in the NFL.

In addition, he has a supermodel wife who is known for her appearances in Victoria’s Secret magazines. But enough about his owners. We think their dog takes better selfies than they do!
Time Out, Pal
This puppy got himself into some trouble and found himself in timeout as a result of his poor behavior. It looks like he got in trouble for destroying his human’s brand-new pillows for their bed. Or maybe, he’s in timeout for having an accident on the freshly vacuumed floor. Whatever the case may be, it definitely looks like he’s in the dog house.

He must have been in the corner for quite some time because it looks like he is totally over it! We imagine he is probably rolling his cute little puppy eyes when his mom and dad aren’t looking. He was so tired from sitting that it looks like he just fell asleep mid-eyeroll.
Just Chillin' In The Pool
While the parents are away, the children will play! Even the dog too. Before leaving, the parents told the kids to not let the dog in the pool because they feared the dog’s nails would tear a hole in the liner. That can be a very costly fix!

However, kids don’t always listen. Of course, after their parents left, they let the dog take a dip in the pool. It looks like it’s a hot day out and he’s just trying to cool off. This German Shepard is such a cool dog-literally.
He's On A Timeout, He Knows What He Did
Pugs may be small, but they can really get themselves into trouble sometimes. This particular pug always seems to get himself caught. The owners brought in their more well-behaved dog to keep a good eye on him while he sat in timeout.

The pug has a habit of getting up too early. Dang dogs! We aren’t sure how long he sat in the corner, but we hope it was long enough that he learned his lesson.
Google Earth Dog
We as humans can’t really get from point A to point B anymore without Google Earth. We use it almost always when we are traveling. Gone are the days when people would use traditional maps that you could buy from the gas station when you would fill up your tank. Society and technology have advanced so much over the years.

Google has quite literally changed the game. Google Earth was able to show this dog’s owner the perfect place to take him for a walk. Let the adventures begin!
How In The World?
We’re not really sure what’s going on here or how this dog got himself stuck behind the fence. Apparently, he thought that digging a hole beneath the fence to get to the other side was a good idea. The fencing had green privacy lining blocking the view to what seems like a construction site.

It could be dangerous so we’re not sure what this little pup is doing. Where are his owners? Maybe he was trying to get away from them, we will never know.
Get Out Of The Way, Conehead
Oh no, it is the cone of shame. This poor puppy just got neutered and she is in a lot of pain right now. The meds seem to only be helping her a little bit. At least they are working enough that she is able to get some sleep. The cat in this picture seems to be taking full advantage of the opportunity to show this pup who’s boss.

These two hate each other more than anything so we imagine this cat is having a field day. It won’t be long until this dog heals up and is back to harassing the cat on the daily.
"I'm Stuck!"
Not only are French Bulldog puppies expensive, but they are also insanely adorable. They have the cutest little legs and have the chubbiest bellies. They always look like they had a whole Thanksgiving dinner to themselves. This one was playing with his human and landed on his back after jumping to catch a toy.

Don’t worry though, he didn’t get hurt. When you have a belly that big and little paws, it’s hard to get back up. He might as well just roll back onto his feet. Don’t you just wish all puppies could stay this size forever? Too cute!
Now It's Your Turn To Sit
Who is the alpha male in this picture? It looks like the cute yellow lab is. Sibling rivalry is a thing between humans and dogs. This picture proves that. It’s actually quite funny that every time his brother lays on the ground, the puppy wants to sit on top of his head to show him that he is in fact the boss.

Mom and Dad don’t really like this type of horseplay, but it is very funny. Their parents had to snap this picture to put in their family group chat.
"Guys, Where Are You?!"
Oh, come on, not again! This dog has a habit of running away the second his parents open up the door. He never seems to learn his lesson. His humans decided that they would lock all the doors and pretend that no one was home in hopes that he would get scared and never run away from home again.

Judging by this picture, it looks like it may have worked. Maybe next time he won’t run away from his humans who love him so very much.
"Is That Me?!"
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most curious puppy of them all? This little beagle of course! This was the first time he saw his reflection in the mirror, and he thought there was another puppy just like him on the other side. Puppies are so naïve and innocent, we can’t help but laugh at this picture.

We wonder how long it took for him to figure out that it was just his reflection. We are sure when he gets older, he will look back on this picture and have a puppy laugh about it.
An Eager Pup
When kids are little their parents usually ask them at some point what they want to be when they grow up. Same goes for this little guy. His dad is a police officer, and it is very obvious he wants to grow up to be just like his dad. He is obviously a little ahead of himself, but we love an eager pup!

Right now the only thing he is chasing after is butterflies and sniffing for clues all over the backyard. He’s got quite a few more years before he can enter the police dog academy, but he’s already proving that he’s going to excel in his future career.
What Did You Do?
This little guy is the cutest thing we have ever seen! He loves the outdoors so much and is constantly begging his owners to go outside. They told us that there is one particular spot where he loves to dig and bury his toys. He has so many that they never know which one it will be! Sometimes they worry that maybe he has caught a bird and buried that instead.

It’s just like having a little kid who wants to show you their artwork, you have to act like it’s the best thing in the world. We always act so excited to go on his little treasure hunt!
Here’s another dog who got caught in the cushions. What are these dogs thinking? We can’t tell if he has fallen in between the cracks or if he’s hiding out waiting for the cat to come out.

If he is waiting for the cat, we are proud of him for concealing himself so well. She won’t even see him coming since he is covered by all of those heavy pillows. We are wondering how the surprise attack went.
He Just Couldn't Resist
Could you imagine coming home to this after you spent a long eight hours at work? Some dogs experience separation anxiety when their owners leave the house, but this one certainly takes the cake. It seems like he tried to chew his way out of the house to follow his owner wherever they went.

Does this prove that dogs really are a man’s best friend? When they will literally chew through a door just to be with you? We aren’t sure, but we know replacing that door probably wasn’t a cheap fix.
Taking His Pal Out For A Walk
Does the dog walk you or does the dog walk the dog? This is definitely not something you see every day. The one handling the leash is trying to be just like its owner. These two look like they’re about to go on a nice long walk. However, the walker doesn’t look like he’s in any position to clean up dog poop.

He made sure to tell his brother he had to clean up after himself otherwise the walk would not be happening. We wonder what happened after this picture was taken.
Prank Time!
Puppies are just like little kids. They are always getting into trouble and picking on their siblings. It’s just what they do. In this picture, it appears that these two Golden Retrievers are giving their brother a swirly. It’s not very nice of them, but it’s what kids sometimes do for entertainment.

When it comes time to give an explanation to their mom, they may argue that they were just trying to help him get a drink of water since there was none in his bowl. I wonder what she will believe based on this picture.
No Comments
We don’t really have too many words to describe what is going on in this picture. It looks like this dog was chewing the wall when his owners weren’t looking. Then it looks like he tired himself out and fell asleep mid-chew.

If you came into the room and saw this, you may be intimidated because his teeth are showing. But don’t be afraid, he is a really nice pup. His humans didn’t have the heart to move him before they took this picture.
That's Not How You Use It, Buddy
This little guy got himself into quite a predicament. This looks like it would make anyone claustrophobic. His humans took him to the park with his little human sister. She was playing with her toys and she wanted to play too. He thought it was a ball and started playing catch with himself.

Eventually, as all puppies do, he started chewing on it and somehow managed to get his head stuck in it. In this picture, it looks like he’s looking up to his owners asking them to please get this little contraption off his head so he can go back to playing with his little sister.
Sleepy Puppy
Puppies sleep a lot. It doesn’t take much for them to burn through the little bit of energy that they have. This puppy was out and about with his owner all day. He got to put his little head and feel the nice summer breeze on his face. His little ears were flapping in the wind. His parents tell us he is a very jealous puppy, especially when it comes to his food.

When he got home his parents fed him, and when his brother came over to eat some too, he laid directly in his bowl. He lay there for so long that he fell asleep. The poor little guy was so burnt out!
They Need A Bigger Door
Little doggy door, big dog. Most big dogs think they are lap dogs. We have always wondered why that is. In this picture, it appears that maybe a Great Dane is trying to fit through a doggy door fit for a Yorkshire Terrier. You can’t blame a dog for wanting to get some fresh air, but she should have barked or something to let her owner know she wanted to go outside.

The owner told us later that the air conditioning was broken and felt horrible when she came into the kitchen and saw this.
Stuck Pup
We have to wonder how this dog got himself into this situation in the first place. We imagine that he was probably climbing all over the furniture while he was chasing the cat. He continues to do that even though his owners are constantly yelling at him for it.

We have to wonder if this dog finds pure joy in breaking the rules his parents set in place. The cat jumped off the couch and was found hiding underneath the table where the dog couldn’t reach. The dog was a bit clumsier and fell in between the back of the couch and the cushion.
"Look At Me, Mom!"
We already know that puppies like to bite and chew on everything, including their mom. In this picture, it looks like this puppy is trying to tell his mom who’s boss! He’s the only one in the litter that has this color so maybe he thinks he is superior and can get away with this behavior.

But moms see through everything, and she isn’t intimidated in the slightest. You can just see in this picture how much love she has for this little guy. It’s hard to be mad at your baby.
Caught In The Fence
Would you just look at this little guy?! Mom and Dad put up some fencing around the flower bed to make everything look nice, but I just couldn’t help myself, I had to run through it and ruin it! That’s what we imagine this puppy would say if he could talk. But with a face like that, we can’t imagine his owners stayed mad at him for long.

We heard that he had to sit in puppy time out for a while, but the good news is that he learned his lesson. Mom and Dad say that he thinks he’s bigger than he is, and when he tried to jump the fence, he got stuck. Poor little guy.
Quit Playing, They’re Watching!
Sometimes cats and dogs like each other but they don’t want their humans to know. Why? The world may never know. It appears that their owner was able to sneak up on them while they were cuddling, was about to take a picture, and then they realized that they were being photographed.

They didn’t want any evidence of this, so they quickly started to fight with one another. Here is a before and after. This one will give you a good laugh!
Such A Good Hiding Place
Peek-a-boo, I don’t see you! These guys took dinner time to a whole new level of cuteness. At first, he just wanted to make sure he got every last bite of his food, but then his brother suggested that they play hide and seek. To which his brother was happy to play as you can tell. Nothing is ever serious with a puppy.

They even want to play at dinnertime. But you already know it won’t be long before they need a nap! One day they will grow into their paws!
I Told You I'm Staying in This Aisle
This puppy seems to have had enough and decided to show it. As is obvious from the photo, this puppy clearly doesn't want to move past the pet aisle in the supermarket. His owners are waiting patiently, it seems, but that doesn't seem to matter for this little guy.

He decided enough was enough, resisting the leash wasn't going to do it this time, so he flat out plopped on the floor. Stay strong pup! Don't budge until they get you that new chew toy!
What Did You Just Say?!
A trip to the vet? The cat ate the new toy? What could have possibly been the alarming news that caused this pup's shock? Perhaps his owner just told him the nature walk was over. Or maybe he just swallowed a bug.

Whatever is happening here, this puppy's expression of absolute disbelief is hilarious! And definitely way too cute to not get what he wants.
Sailing Like a Boss
Have you ever seen a happier dog? This puppy is living the dream, and he clearly knows how to live the good life! Not only is he enjoying the amazing wind on his fur but just imagine how many smells this puppy is getting to experience.

And he even has company, his other dog pal seems to be sitting very comfortably on the cushy seat behind him. What a perfect day.
That Last Shot of Tequila Was a Mistake
Looks like this pup had a rough night and, as we all learn eventually, the only real cure for a hangover is to sleep it off, so brave through it little guy! The owners definitely caught a perfect shot - this could even work as a funny "drink responsibly" ad campaign.

Either this pup exhausted himself from playing and passed out straight after drinking water, or he was just playing around on the carpet, stumbled upon the glass, and of course, decided to get his muzzle all in to sniff out what was in it. Regardless, this pic is definitely one for the books - it doesn't get any cuter than this.
We don't know about you, but this is the cutest yoga teacher we've ever seen. Lately, there seems to be an ongoing trend of people practicing yoga posting adorable photos and videos of their animals imitating their every move. And some of these photos, like the one below, are actually quite amazing. Just look at this pup's balance!

We don't know how many months of training (or intense staring at his owner) it took for this French bulldog to achieve his yogi master level, but it was all worth it just to snap this heart-melting photo.
Look at Me!
One thing's for sure, whatever this puppy is asking for, he's going to get. And if that little face isn't enough to get the job done, those tiny puppy paws thrown into the air will certainly do the trick.

Whether this pup is begging for the last piece of meat on his owner's plate, or just doing a balancing act, it's impossible to look away.
'I Thought I Smelled Bacon'
This pup's curiosity got the best of him, and that poor sweet look in his eyes makes it clear that he just realized the predicament he's in. Like many dogs before him, this pup probably got a whiff of something interesting coming from the bowl, so obviously, he just had to get as close as possible to properly sniff out the mysterious smell.

Judging by the photo, the pup and his parents seem to already be in some kind of waiting room, which we really hope is the vet, because getting his head out of that fishbowl is not going to be easy!
Special Delivery
Imagine opening your mailbox and finding that! We don't know how this puppy got in here, but he looks as baffled as the person who opened the mailbox probably did.

This little guy is definitely too small to have jumped in there by himself, so our guess is a member of the family decided to play a cute prank on someone - and they nailed it. Best delivery ever!
I Told You...I'm Driving
Imagine you pop into the store to buy a few things and leave your dog in the car for five minutes, and you come back to this. After the first few seconds of overwhelming cuteness, you start to wonder, how on earth could this puppy actually be comfortable sleeping like this?!

Maybe he just figured it was as good a day as any to finally go for a drive. Regardless, this pup napping on the steering wheel with his chubby little paws dangling in the air is one of the most adorable things we've seen.
Office Hours
This is what you get when you take your pup to work - a ball of fur sleeping over your coffee, and you trying to do acrobatics to keep your precious coffee from becoming a pool of hair.

It seems this pup had enough of the emails and Excel sheets, and decided this was a perfectly good spot to crash. Not to mention how cozy he must be with the warmth of that big screen touching half his face.
Where Did I Leave That Bone?!
This huge puppy seems to have lost something down the toilet, and clearly, he is very intent on finding it. Either that or this bear-like pup hasn't yet been trained to not drink from the toilet.

Or maybe it's just an actual person in a Halloween costume getting over the worst hangover of their life!
Napping Done Right
How did the owner of these gorgeous creatures manage to not cuddle them long enough to snap that photo?! Just look at how blissfully peaceful this pup and kitten look. They both seem to have found the perfect snuggling position for having a sound sleep, and the fact that their bed seems to be as fluffy as a cloud doesn't hurt either.

Even their colors match so beautifully that this could easily be on the front cover of any animal magazine. We imagine a caption that reads: "Napping is always better with friends".
Back Off Pal!
The pup below is too excited for words and that cat isn't taking any of it. Kitty isn't happy, and judging by his puffed-up tail, that pup is two seconds away from getting seriously scratched.

It is a well-known fact that cats and dogs are worlds apart, and when it comes to puppies, cats tend to lose their patience very quickly. And hey, we don't blame them, puppies can be a handful. We just hope this situation didn't get violent.
Bad Hair Day
Next time you feel like you're having a bad hair day, remember this pup. We definitely have to congratulate this dog's owners for the soapy hairstyle and for capturing a perfect moment. A bubble bath has never looked cuter.

And even though the pup doesn't seem terribly bothered by bath time, he does seem to be getting slightly fed up with his owners' shenanigans.
Soul Mates
True friendship is not reserved for us humans. Just take a look at this next image of a beautiful golden retriever puppy and his much older and larger companion. Makes you want to join them and cuddle up.

Dogs and puppies in particular show affection with ease, and the older dog doesn't seem to mind at all. In fact, it looks as if he is enjoying these moments of intimacy just as much.
When You've Got to Go, You've Got to Go
The family pet is much more than a companion to our children or someone to go hiking with on the weekends. They are more than a member of the family and they become very handy as we can see here.

When the master of the house had to fix the leaking tap, the pipes had to remain at a certain angle. What could be more convenient than sending your dog on the mission, knowing that whatever happens, he will obey and STAY?
Ready For Winter
House deco is with no doubt a matter of personal taste. There is no right or wrong, any color will do and the fabrics and materials one can use are endless. Even the family pup thinks so.

Using the staircase as a new space for chilling out was something this designer never thought of, however, when comes to innovation and creativity, who are we to argue?
21st Century Lips
This puppy has surely adapted himself to the new selfie trends of the 21st century. Especially when it comes to the human lips. The bigger the better, the fuller the more promising you will blend in and be the part.

All it takes is a good camera, a set of voluptuous lips, and the self-esteem of a pack of dogs. What next will this adorable puppy bring?
Three's Company
We really don't care that this photo has been staged. We find it remarkably sweet and adorable. Did you notice that the puppies were laid one by the other according to size? The one on the left is the fat one while the one on the right-hand side is the thinnest (relevant too).

Makes us want to snuggle up in between and remain in that position until the winter ends. Or until the photographer calls it quits for the day.
How Are Things Down Under?
It took us a few minutes to realize that this isn't a kangaroo, but in fact, it's a German Shepherd puppy. We never knew dogs could relax in such a way and find this position comfortable.

So, next time you are eager for some peace and quiet, and the dog is hovering and barking nonstop, even though it's not considered the best educational solution, the TV will come to your rescue.
Like Any Child
Whoever said dogs are the perfect substitute for children? And do you know what, in some way, they are even better? They sleep for more hours, they eat what they are given and they usually don't answer you back.

Take a look at this puppy. He is keeping himself occupied with the building blocks, letting you enjoy your afternoon cup of coffee in peace and tranquility. What more can you ask for?
Hike and Seek
By the look on this puppy's face, the day started perfectly with a fun game of hide and seek with the family children. Everyone was having a blast until the pore little puppy had enough.

It even took us a few seconds to spot the pup. Now he can have a rest, while the children carry on looking for him. Between you and me, they have no chance.
Has Halloween Arrived Early?
The sooner you come to terms that your family pet wants to be a member of your clan with no exceptions, the easier life will be for you all. Just go with the flow. Take a look at this cutie.

It's that time of year when the kids are deciding what costume they will wear for the next fancy dress party, and it looks as if your dog has already made up its mind. He will for sure be the hairiest Pinocchio around.
Miss Used
We are all for using items not exactly for what they were intended for, but this is taking the whole scenario a step too far. We still can't figure out what exactly is going on here and why this dog is hanging in the cage.

Maybe it's a skydiving course the family felt was necessary to put this poor puppy through, or maybe this was actually the dog's request. We will never know.
Who Are You Messing With?
So, the cliche of cats chasing mice and dogs chasing cats has just exploded in our faces. This next image emphasizes that size does matter and the last thing you want to do is mess with the neighborhood cat.

Don't try telling us this is a gesture of love between the two. We won't buy it. This is just another lesson in life the little puppy will have to go through. Learning the hard way was his choice.
Now You See Me Now You Don't
We just love images of cats and puppies together and will forever be amazed that nature's rules don't apply to all and there are plenty of cats and dogs out there that do get along.

This cat found the puppy's head comfortable enough for parking its backside, while the puppy, being so innocent, was in the highlight of his 'now you see me now you don't' daily game.
Three is A Crowd
Where are the parents of these pets and why are they all scattered on the bed as if they own it? If there is one thing we can't stand that is animals on our beds. Well, we can do with one, but for sure two is as far as we are willing to stretch it.

Looks as if we are not the only ones who feel this way, and Mr. Cat here is not going to give up any of his comfortable pieces of heavy to anyone one who comes along.
He Does It His Way
Here is a dog that is a bit confused about the initial purpose of the cage. The blankets were laid, and it was all made up cozy and comfy but still, he preferred to take the top floor.

We can't really blame him. We also prefer the penthouse, we always book first class and if we had our choice when sleeping on a bunk bed, the top floor would be it.
Are We There Yet?
Sometimes there is no choice but to travel with your dog. It could be going to the vet, it could be a family outing that includes your family pet — whatever it is, sometimes the dog has to come.

What we find fascinating about this image is that the owners were taking no chances and they even managed to improvise a dog-friendly seatbelt. Take a look at the dog's leash, connected to something in the car.
Frying Friendly Puppy
Just like us, dogs, and especially puppies can get sick and tired of having the same dish every single day. I mean, how many times a week can we be served barley and bacon, or chicken and beef puppy food?

This little one was not having it anymore, and he shouted his say. "If you're going to cook dinner tonight, you are going to cook for me too, and if I'm not having any, there no one in this house will either". Let's see you deal with this one.
A Ruff Life
Being a puppy is hard work. They have to practice their tricks, beg for treats, and take naps, all while being absolutely adorable. We don’t blame this puppy one bit for wanting to take a break and watch a re-run of “Modern Family.” It’s a great show! Our only problem is that she didn’t leave enough room on her bed for us to scooch up next to her.

The pose is killing us. Just look at that paw placement! She almost looks like a human lounging on the couch without a worry in the world. She must be really into this show because not even the promise of a walk seems to be motivation enough to get out of bed.
The Ever-Elusive Tail
What is it with dogs trying to catch their own tail? Every human knows it’s a feat that’s next to impossible to achieve. Oh, wait. Did this puppy actually catch his own tail? And it’s a nub tail at that. Okay, okay. We’re impressed. You can tell by the look in his eyes that he’s also impressed.

We can practically read his mind from here. “Do you see this? I’m never moving!” We’re glad this puppy’s owner was able to document this amazing achievement. Who knows if he’ll be able to catch his own tail again? Some dogs can’t even do it once, much less twice in a lifetime.
A Pooped Puppy
Puppies are like little kids in several ways. One of them is their ever-present need to sleep. It seems like puppies can fall asleep anytime, anywhere. Why is that? Well, puppies grow incredibly fast, so they need plenty of sleep for their bodies to keep up and recuperate.

This puppy is already pretty big, but it seems that he’s still growing. He got so pooped that he fell asleep like this on the living room ottoman. The way his back legs are splayed out can’t be comfortable, but there’s no way his owners will move him. He looks way too comfortable. Waking him up would be a crime.
Mind the Gap
Puppies are notorious for being full of non-stop energy. That is until they get totally pooped and fall asleep on the spot. If you’ve ever raised a puppy, you know how it is. These little cuties will fall asleep whenever and wherever their bodies give out. This sleepy cutie fell asleep in the most confusing spot of the living room.

How does one even fall asleep in that position? Logically, falling asleep in a crack between sofas shouldn’t be comfortable. But this puppy looks so cozy that we’re tempted to try this nap position ourselves. We have a feeling we wouldn’t get the same results if we tried, but we're not too mad about it.
“Go on Without Me!”
This puppy is the ultimate drama queen. She went out for a walk with her person but got completely pooped before it was over. Obviously, she can’t go on. Since her owner was trying to make her walk against her will, she had no choice but to collapse in protest.

There’s no way this cutie can go on. Just look how exhausted she is. It would be inhumane to make her take one more step. The only obvious choice is to pick her up and carry her home. Otherwise, her owners would have to go on without her. We all know that’s impossible.
Just Hanging Out
Okay, this has to be one of the cutest sleeping puppy photos we’ve ever seen. Wouldn’t you agree? This fluff ball fell asleep hanging halfway off the couch, his front legs dangling close to the floor. It looks like he’s about to take a nosedive, which makes the whole situation even more comical.

No dog in their right mind would fall asleep like this. Unless they were a puppy. Puppies don’t care where or how they fall asleep as long as they’re comfortable. This puppy better appreciate his ability to fall asleep like this before he gets too big to hang off the couch. They grow up so fast.
A Puppy Stare-Off
Introducing a new puppy to a household with a well-established dog can be challenging. You have to make sure that the dogs are compatible and get along. Otherwise, it can be a chaotic catastrophe. This person got a new puppy who is extremely sassy and confident. Maybe she’s a little too confident.

She’s having a stare-off with the senior dog of the household. Who does this kid think she is? You can tell the older dog is thinking something along those lines just by the look on his face. If this youngin thinks she runs her new household, she’s in for a surprise. We’re sure the senior dog will teach her all the best tips and tricks soon enough.
I See You
If you ever hear someone wistfully say that they want a partner who is “obsessed” with them, tell them to get a puppy. They will soon learn that they don’t want anyone or anything to be “obsessed” with them. It’s just too much for most people. This dog owner was minding their own business, sitting on the couch, when they looked over and saw this.

Their new puppy decided to sit in a clear plastic bin and stare at them. How…cute? This puppy is obviously obsessed with their new home and owner. We just hope they learn how to show their love in a way less creepy way. All jokes aside, dogs will love their people unconditionally, no matter what. We don’t deserve them.
Planning Something Maniacal
This puppy has got something up her sleeve, er, paw. Just look at that mischievous look in her eyes. Being a puppy, we can guess that she’s planning one of three things. She’s plotting how to get more treats, more space on the couch, or more one-on-one time with her human.

Whatever she’s planning, we’re all for it. How can someone say no to that face? There’s no way this puppy’s intentions are evil. So what if she kind of looks like a James Bond supervillain? Looks can be deceiving. She’s a good dog and we will not be convinced otherwise.
What’s That Smell?
People often say that toddlers are like tipsy adults. Well, the same can be said about puppies. A puppy is usually clumsy, impulsive, and able to fall asleep just about anywhere. This poor little puppy got so pooped out that they fell asleep in their human’s shoe. They stuck their whole face in there, which is concerning for their nose.

Maybe the shoe smells like flowers? We’re not sure how this happened, but it’s pretty hilarious. Imagine looking everywhere for your tiny new puppy, only to find them completely passed out in your old gym sneakers. At least it looks comfortable.
What’s Mine Is Yours
Dogs are notorious for wanting what they can’t have. Why do they always want someone else’s bed, blanket, or toy? It’s like they can never be happy with what they have. This puppy is already bigger than his full-grown dog sibling, but that doesn’t mean a thing when it comes to in-home real estate.

Here he is, curled up in the other dog’s bed. No matter that the bed is two sizes too small. It doesn’t belong to him, so he wants it. It’s way better than his actual, appropriately-sized bed, after all. We have no doubt that the smaller dog in the house prefers this puppy’s extra-large bed. It’s an even trade.
Caught Red-Pawed
Some puppies are too smart for their own good. You can try to puppy-proof your house and train them with all your might, but they will find ways to test your patience. This cutie was confined to a specific room in the house, to which he said, “No, thank you.”

As you can see, he found a way to escape. Unfortunately, his human discovered his escape attempt at the worst possible time. Just look at that face. That’s a face of guilt peppered with some “Who, me?” attitude. What’s the big deal? He’s not doing anything wrong. He’s just hanging out.
So Photogenic
Puppies are cute, but they’re also hilarious. Leave it to them to pose in the most unhinged ways possible. This cute little puppy was spotted at a mall pet shop. The photographer tried to snap a photo to capture how adorable they were, but the puppy had other ideas. They posed in the wildest way possible.

This puppy’s tongue and teeth are on full display. It’s almost like they posed like this on purpose. What could be more normal and adorable than licking glass? Nothing. We hope this little guy got adopted so he didn’t have to keep on living in that tiny glass cage. He was obviously over it.
Not in My House
Just like with a new baby, a new pet can make other pets jealous, especially if the new one is young, cute, and getting all of the attention. Some pets love having more siblings around because it means more friends to play with. However, some pets, like this cat, need a bit of time to adjust to not being the center of attention anymore.

This cat, who looks like he’s probably been a beloved pet for a long time, is a bit standoffish to the newest member of the household: an adorable dachshund. Perhaps he’s a bit annoyed with a new, curiously invasive puppy around the house. Hopefully, these two will create a bond and be fast friends.
The Staredown
This picture of jealousy is so subtle you’d be sure to miss it at first. Upon your initial glance, you can see an adorable new and fluffy puppy that the owners are taking a snapshot of, but if you look closer, you’ll spot something else.

Back in the corner edge of the hallway, you can see a jealous kitty. He even looks like he could be plotting something. This cat looks like he's had many new siblings in the past, who have all mysteriously disappeared. He’s probably getting used to the new puppy in the home, but the owners should keep an eye on him!
Never Mind the Photo, It’s Play Time
We know there are plenty of owners who enjoy taking countless photos of their furry children but there is photo time and then there is play time. It is clear that it is playtime, especially for the pooch in the center. He doesn’t want to be in the center of a photo frame, he’s just game for a game.

His canine companion on his left is in a bit of a pickle. He is facing some pressure to please his owner and look perfect for the pet photo but he also has to manage his younger brother who’s pining to play. The third pooch in the photo is the true rebel – he is neither keen to play nor to join in the photo. He's just there to photobomb.
Cuddle Attack
One kitten is bad enough, but four! Oh, this puppy is sure to be the victim of the most ferocious cuddle attack. Truthfully, this is a cat lover’s dream. Any cat lover would be perfectly happy to trade places with this doomed pup, but knowing felines, they would lose all interest if suddenly by magic the pooch was replaced with an enthusiastic cat lover.

One glimpse of those outstretched arms, anticipating a cuddle, and this gang of kittens would simply scatter. Then, it would be their turn to flee for their lives. Of course, that would not be the end of this saga. As per the nature of kitten gangs, they lay in wait and stalk their next, unsuspecting victim.
And What Do We Have Here?
This family has adopted this fluffy puppy, but it needs the king’s (the cat) approval first. In this photo, we see the subject brought by the king and being given a thorough examination of whether he joined their kingdom (the family home). Right at this moment, the cat perched on his throne (the staircase) is having a stare-off with the puppy.

Let’s just hope the puppy will be accepted by the cat or he will have to be banished or sent into exile. Or perhaps, there will be a mutiny and the king will be dethroned and a new king like the puppy will be put in his place. The cat should be careful because even if he is king, he could be replaced with a new and maybe cuter king.
It Follows
It is generally known that cats stalk their prey. So, this new puppy should not take it as a compliment if he sees his cat companion stalking or following him around. Rather, this new puppy should watch his back. In fact, maybe this puppy should watch the horror film “It Follows” and then it will see the cat in a different light.

Or maybe the cat is simply trying to figure out what the puppy is. That is why the cat follows the new puppy around everywhere and stares at her from a distance. The cat wants to know why this strange new species barks, why she bites things all the time, does not scratch, and, most of all, why she wags her tail when she is happy.
Don’t You Love Him?
All of us know how the dog on the left feels. We have all been in those situations where we know the best thing to put on is our best face and look positive about something, but somehow, none of the muscles in our face work. No matter what we do we just can’t pull off the happy or excited look. The black dog is clearly not too impressed with the new addition to the family.

He really hopes his owner’s girlfriend doesn’t expect him to hang around and play with the new member because they’re the same species. What the black dog hasn’t even noticed yet is that the new member also is wearing a harness, which means the puppy is going to tag along for walks too.