This grandma is rockin’ this t-shirt! A beer in her hand, a look that says “don’t mess with me”, and a pink shirt that lets everybody know she’s aware of her age but she’s still funny as hell.

And hey, nobody ever bothers to read the fine print anyways, so she’s bound to turn a few heads from surprised passersby.
A Super Embarrassing Mistake
We understand what they were trying to go for with this red shirt. It was supposed to motivate young baseball players. There is just one problem, they made the s too big.

So big, in fact, that combined with the word "hitters" it spells out something else completely. We can't imagine any parent wanting to see their child in this shirt.
Poor Bart Simpson
Ah, Baet Simpson – one of the most beloved characters on TV. Do you know Baet? Everyone knows Baet. He’s the son of Hober and Marle Simpson.

Poor BART Simpson didn’t get the treatment he deserves on this t-shirt. Not only is his name spelled wrong, but his text bubble also doesn’t even make any sense. Bart deserved better.
Kiss Led Zeplin
When it comes to band T-shirts, some people use them to express their love for a band, while many just wear them because they're cool. The second group usually doesn't really know anything about the band that's on their shirt.

Now, when a designer really, really doesn't know the band, he might make a mistake such as this one. Unsuspecting costumers but the shirt and they are the ones who end up looking like fools.
Switch and Bait
There are only two types of people in the world, those who LOVE Starbucks and those who wouldn't be caught dead drinking a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino.

We couldn't make up such drink names even if we tried. The second type of people won't even agree to step foot into a Starbucks. But where will they go instead? If only the logo and colors of another famous franchise were in plain sight...
We Die Together
This was supposed to be a delightful little shirt design reminding children that writing is fun. But wait, it's not only spelling that's fun, but it's also the bus that is taking us to school! But what started as innocent fun ended in a terrible accident (pun intended.)

Or maybe, this was more of a fortunate accident. Wearing this shirt will remind us all of something that we usually try and forgot, the fact that cars are death machines!
An Iron Punch
This T-shirt fail cracks up each and every time we look at it. Some shirts are meant to be tucked into the pants, this one just isn't.

Iron Man's fist, with all of its force, is making its way straight into this guy's, emm.. pine cones, if you what we mean. If this guy survives Iron Man's painful punch, he should be crowned some type of hero. Maybe he could go by Gonad Man?
Lost in Transition
Everyone loves graphic Ts. T-shirts with some type of an encouraging message on them? Even better. This is a trend that has crossed lands, continents, and oceans. It even got big in Japan, but it was both big and Wrong in Japan.

The statement was somehow, well, lost in transition. But hi, who says one can't "be happiness"? You just have to wear this shirt and try a little harder.
Permanently Unreadable
Life is hard and this was hard to read so maybe that's the deep message behind this silly little shirt? Well, the smart ones have already figured out that inside of the word "Life" we can find the sentence "A series of provisional solutions."

What the hell does that mean? Is this an ad for something? Or is this just about the fact that life is all about finding temporary solutions? Either way we find this shirt permanently unreadable.
Three Simple Words
We don't know what the person who designed this tiny T thought to himself. We have to believe he was trying to go for something else entirely. But alas, he ended up with these three words.

Now, they are plastered all over the back of this unsuspecting child. Luckily, we are assuming both he and most people around him can't read what it says.
All in the Family
Family members are usually not that great at picking out Christmas presents and that's just a fact of life. Still, no one would say no to a proper pair of basic socks, right?

We bet after this family saw what they got from their son/sibling, they missed the plain days of plain socks. Sure, it's a nice gag, but it scores 0% when it comes to practicality.
The Misspell from Hell
We really want to believe no one intended for such a horrendous thing to happen. Yet we are, looking at a kid wearing what should have been a harmless dupe of a coca-cola shirt. But, alas, this is anything but innocuous, this is actually, indeed quite harmful.

The worst part is no the word in white, but the little "enjoy" that is written above it. Yikes.
Are You Sure?
As a shirt, this one is actually pretty successful, don't you just love it when a shirt spells out exactly what you feel?

But in this case, we doubt the kid or her mother had any idea what this shirt says. It looked like a harmless shirt, with a sun in the middle and rays sticking out, the text in the middle must be child-appropriate right? Wrong! We bet English speakers who saw this found it hilarious.
According to the person who was actually wearing this shirt, what it actually says is "Canda." Honestly, that makes sense, why would anyone want a shirt that says *THAT*?

The way this girl is standing and her friends beside her, everything worked together in order to change the word from the name of a country to a word describing a private act.
You Gotta Try Everything Once
This pub had a nice little idea as to how to market itself. Just have the servers wear a shirt that says "Keep calm and have an ale." It almost worked out, but for wicked reasons, unknown to us, they decided to make the girl's shirt say something else entirely, and we are only left to stare and laugh.

What did she do to deserve such a prank? Or maybe she was in on it and they are all having a laugh together.
Another Saturday
A husband took a picture of his wife. Her shirt had the word "Saturday" written on it in a bold, red, font. But, her jacked covered some of the letters, and she and him ended up with a picture of hers with the word "turd" plastered all over her.

Did they hide the picture in shame? No, they shared it to social media, of course, for all of us to enjoy.
Bad Moms
The movie "Bad Moms" follows mothers who don't really follow the rules, and we think that this mother would fit right in. Not sure if the text was cut or if that's just what the shirt says, but we can all read it as clear as day, it says "Prick!" Well, at least it's the mother who's wearing this word, and not the baby, who seems quite pleased with the situation.

I Heart Justin
Let us first clarify that there's nothing wrong with liking Justin Biber if that's your thing. Also, liking Justin doesn't make you gay. Lastly, there is nothing wrong with being gay, we hope you know that. Still, the combination of these two shirts right next to each other is funny, maybe they were even put there on purpose to promote T-shirt sales.

We bet it really worked. We would have preferred to see shirts that say "I think he's Justin Bieber" and "I Love Gays."
We are not sure who the target audience of this shirt is. If you know anyone who you think we want to wear this shirt please let us know. Also, if you are praying for someone, you shouldn't swing on them.

If you are swinging on someone, why would you pray for them? The logic behind this shirt is just out of whack.
Dog Mom Life
This shirt is actually very relatable. We would have worn this one too if we had the chance. The only problem is that this guy just can't be a dog mom as we see no dog in the picture.

Without a dog, this person is just a stay-at-home guy, which doesn't sound like a very impressive title to hold on to. Maybe that's why the guy in the picture is so sad.
Patios Are Indeed... Outside
When someone tells you they are an outdoorsy kinda person, what do envision? Maybe them lighting a campfire and roasting marshmallows as they tell scary stories and count the stars. But alas, this outdoorsy person is nothing like that, this guy just loves patios.

When you think about it, they are the best of both worlds, especially if you add some tequila on top.
The Biggest Loser
If this guy lost two days in a row, then why is he so happy? Could this be the result of not limiting your happy hour to well, one specific hour of the day? If it's five o'clock somewhere, we drink, if it isn't five o'clock anywhere, we drink. This is a bulletproof diet.

But seriously, don't try this at home, you are not going to look as happy and coherent as this guy.
The Gay Gap
Did we say gay? We meant to say gap. Oh, no, wait, we actually meant to say gay. This is a clever design, as most of us would not notice that this isn't actually the gap logo and that it spells out something else completely.

If we were The Gap, we would take notice, this one is actually nicer than the original. Otherwise, we think this guy is pretty proud (pun intended) of sporting this shirt, as he should be.
Still Gay
There is a good story behind this shirt. The story goes that this is the shirt this guy pulled out of the closet (see what we did there?) the day after Pride Prade. Surprise, surprise, even after pride parade was over, he still woke up gay!

Who would have thunk it? You go to sleep being the person that you are and alas, the next morning, you wake up as... the same person.
Speaking Our Truth
You gotta appreciate this guy for speaking the truth. Well, actually, it's not him, it's his shirt, but we think that's close enough, don't you?

This shirt captures what we all feel but feel uncomfortable saying - sometimes we just don't want to go outside and function. Most of the time, we just want to stay in bed and watch Netflix. Next time we're late, know that it's because we didn't want to come.
On The Nose
If you don't know what MILF stands for, then where have you been in the last 20 years? Were you in a coma?

That's the only reasonable excuse. Well, if you know, you know that there's nothing wrong with showing MILFs some love, which is why this guy decide to come by this place, which is filled with moms, and just stand in this shirt. It's a bit on the nose don't you think?
You Can't Have It All
The with this design is that it's spreading lies. If you are a cartoon ninja turtle, there's no way you can do Karate and eat Pizza for every meal.Soon enough the two will just cancel each other out.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles have been setting unrealistic expectations for children for way too long. It's time to admit that usually, it's pizza OR Karate, not Pizza and Karate.
This Is Just Baseless
Close your eyes and think of Nashville. What do you see? Most likely, you're thinking of some famous country singers, like, Nashville is literally known as the city of music.

If you're a sports fan, you might think of the Nashville Predators, a Hockey team, or the Tennessee Titans, a football team. When it comes to baseball though, no one will think of Nashville. Nest time do your research, Mr. designer, this is just baseless.
When you see a taco, what does that make you think of? For us, it's a lovely Mexican feast in which we fill our mouths with tacos.

Nowhere in this scenario, are there dogs inside of the tacos, because, well, why would there be? Still, a designer can dream, and they want to put taco dogs in the sky with clouds, they sure as hell can, and they will.
Washing Machine? I Don't Know Her
We've all done this at least once, most likely a lot more than once. Maybe you just like an outfit so much, you wanna sport it for a second day in a row, but, most likely, you're not in the laundry-doing mood, and the shirt still smells (relatively) fresh.

As long as no one comes near your armpits, everything will be fine and no one will know. Unless, of course, you wear a shirt that lets everybody know.
We Still Don't Want To See That
We know this guy thinks he found some kind of a life hack that would all of a sudden make us not care that his crack is showing, but the truth is that we still care.

We still don't want to see it, let alone, look at it, even if you're shirt makes it appear as if it's attached to a beautiful girl. We know it isn't. We can call this a nice try, but that's about it.
We Highly Doubt It
If you ask us, these types of shirts were never funny. Maybe some people chuckled at them in the 90s or something, but we weren't these people. We get it, everyone else's girlfriend is boring, while yours is cool because she likes being tied up.

This shirt just makes the wear-er look stupid, and we really doubt that anyone wearing this shirt actually has a girl by his side. The 90s called and they want this shirt back.
A Cautionary Tale
This shirt tells it just like it is, it won't sugarcoat reality. This is a cautionary tale. Glue should only be used for, well... gluing things together. When you start using it for other things, it will actually have the opposite effect and everything about your life will start falling a part.

If you don't trust us, trust the men in this picture, he knows what his shirt is taking about.
Cow, Meet Cow
This is actually a lovely, touching moment. This little kid probably loves cows which is why he wore his cow shirt when his parents took him to see one in real life. The cow was excited to meet her new companion, not the kid, but the shirt itself, which had a familiar face on it, the face of a sister cow.

The two chatted for a bit, before the kid and his cow-shirt moved on to greet more cows.
That's Specific
This woman wants you to know that she's not just hotter than you, she's exactly 20 percent hotter!

And honestly, we're not about to start disagreeing with her, because by the looks of it, she's not having a very good day.
Become a Door
Maybe this is just the new inspirational phrase among millennials - hey girl, don't worry, just become a door!

And if that doesn't work out, we're sure you can always become a chair, or a table, or just wear that shirt and become as ignored as you would be if you were an actual piece of furniture.
Sexy Face
Apart from the fact that this boy couldn't look cuter with that shirt and those glasses, he's actually promoting a very important message (apart from "sexy face"), which is that you should never stop studying, kids!

This was obviously a cheap knockoff of 'The North Face', but it actually works!
Secret's Out
We think it's safe to say the cat's out of the bag by now. But we have to say that is a great way to make it public.

That shirt combined with a woman's lovely face and smile is sure to get her some dates with some beautiful women by the end of the day!
At Least He's Honest
Chances are you know at least one person like this in our life, and if you don't, it's just a matter of time before you. So, instead of just being annoying about it, this guy just decided to own up to his "falsely inflated ego".

We don't know if the smug look on his face was intentional, but it perfectly matches that shirt.
Keeping it Real
We can't all be good at the same thing - some of us are geniuses, and some of us are physically strong...and this guy has no shame in it and decided to just be honest. Good for you, buddy.

And by the looks of where he is, that physical strength is going to come in handy at any moment.
Don't You Mean Kool Aid?
It's always a hard fact of life when you have to realize that your kids have lost that naivety and innocence of childhood. But finding out that your kid has a thing for beer at such an early age is just troubling.

Besides, with that cute little face who's going to deny this toddler this girl her beer?!
Telling it Like it Is
Maybe this man had that shirt custom-made when his daughter was born, but regardless, that is one father you do not want to mess with. We know he posed for the photo, but that grin on his face actually makes him look kind of scary.

Guys, if you don't intend to marry that girl and sleep with a shotgun under your pillow for the rest of your marriage, stay away!
Enjoy! Portable Leg Rests
This man probably found that shirt lying around somewhere or picked it up for a dollar at a Target because he doesn't really look like the kind of person who would enjoy carrying a kid around on his shoulders all day.

Then again, maybe this sweet grandpa has just given up and accepted the fact that his shoulders are now his grandkids' official leg rests.
A Very, Very Old Shirt
This grandma is rockin' this t-shirt! A beer in her hand, a look that says "don't mess with me", and a pink shirt that lets everybody know she's aware of her age but she's still funny as hell.

And hey, nobody ever bothers to read the fine print anyways, so she's bound to turn a few heads from surprised passersby.
Pun Intended
Well, we think it's safe to say that we can all agree with this man's t-shirt and what it says. There are few things more enjoyable than a good dump...truck.

And yes, the pun is a little cheesy and could almost be considered a "dad joke", but we still love it.
Nobody's Ruining This Guy's Party
This man is having his night out and he is serious about partying. In fact, no hater is going to ruin this man's wonderful night. His message is clear: haters stay away!

To be fair, that is a very cute top. We don't know who could possibly hate this man.
Mr. Insensitive
We know that this guy probably didn't even remember what was written on his shirt as he approached that little pig, but come on man! That's just mean!

To be fair, the man is either looking at that cute little piggy with eyes of endearment, or he's trying to figure out how he'll manage to make it his bacon for the next morning.
Geography 101
With 50 states and an infinite number of cities, it's easy to slip up with U.S. geography sometimes. However, whoever designed this t-shirt has no excuse. Unless "Carifornia" is a whole new U.S. state we never knew about.

We wonder what the nice people of NY, Carifornia are like.
Oh No Oh no.
Oh no, oh no, oh no. We just don’t think this sweet lady knows what this shirt really means. Ma’am, it’s not about going to more restaurants!

If she knows what she’s wearing, she’s earned the title of the most savage grandma on earth. Unfortunately, her sweet face leads us to believe that she’s totally oblivious. Poor, poor woman.
Your Girlfriend’s Shirt
Real men wear pink, and this guy knows it. But he can’t wear a highlighter pink shirt without making some kind of joke.

Honestly, on someone else, this shirt might be irritating, but this older gentleman pulls it off perfectly. Although his body is aging, his sense of humor is still sharp as a tack. Plus, we do think pink is his color. It combines so well with his white hair and mustache.
Be Stupid
We love a t-shirt that offers some sage advice. While this tee doesn’t depict your typical inspirational quote, it offers something even more valuable – the permission to just be stupid.

Wouldn’t we all like permission to simply turn our brains off? While it might lead to a few problems in the world, it would also be so much more relaxing. Forget about those adult obligations, logical conclusions, and important responsibilities. Take the time to be stupid!
One Letter Makes All the Difference
Some graphic tees are embarrassing because they’re a little too complimentary. This t-shirt, however, is a memorable fail because it’s such an innocent mistake. Instead of reading “Clap Your Hands,” one inaccurate letter changes the text to “Crap Your Hands.”

Apparently, the person wearing the tee failed to notice before they put it on. While it’s embarrassing for them, we’re glad they’re not-so-observant because we get to enjoy their funny fail!
Drink Responsibly
What a perfect moment to capture on candid camera. While the “drink until you want me” message is a little creepy and dangerous, this girl seems more than happy to comply.

We just have one question – how much alcohol is it going to take? She should remember to drink responsibly, which is a little hard to do when you have a man over your shoulder watching your alcohol consumption. The shirt would be much funnier if the guy didn’t look like he was taking it so seriously.
Oh, The Irony
This t-shirt is a total facepalm. Whatever his fun and games were, they actually did cause the cops to show up. You’d think he’d be a little more careful when wearing that tee, but maybe this guy just has an elite sense of humor.

Whatever the case may be, this mugshot is definitely one worth keeping. If it were us, we’d have it framed on our fireplace.
Get Us Out of Here
Yet another shirt that simply makes no sense. Yet someone decided to put it on a mannequin? What is this shirt even saying? Something about a hat and a tooth and getting out of here?

After reading this tee, that’s exactly what we want to do – get out of here. Out of this store and into a society with sensible wardrobe options.
Ignore the Haters
Ignore the haters – that’s definitely the motto of this older gentleman. While he’s taking the approach of using the kids’ lingo, we can’t fully label this t-shirt as a fail. It’s just too great of an attitude to allow us to tear this guy down.

Plus, if we say anything bad, we’ve joined the ranks of his many haters. This grandpa knows what he’s doing, even if he just looks like a sweet old man.
A Serious Mix-up
With a mistake this bad, we have to assume this major t-shirt fail was a purposeful choice. The band pictured on the front of this graphic tee is Hanson, a ‘90s boy band with a clean reputation. Nirvana, on the other hand, is a darker rock band with an unmistakable grunge look.

Nirvana is a legendary group in the rock world, but apparently some people don’t know that. While we think the designer is purposefully messing with people, we feel sorry for the customer who buys this tee without full knowledge of the ‘90s rock scene.
Found of Walks
This person is just so fond of walks. If you think they’re fond of walks, you’re wrong. Their shirt specifically states that they’re found of walks.

Not only are they found of walks, however, their heart is also filled with the lovetoxic. We’re not exactly sure what they’re trying to say, but it’s encouraging us to stay far, far away from this mess.
Not a Duck
This shirt makes grammatical sense, but we’re still missing a bit of the backstory. Who is the little friend? Why did he call him a duck? Why does he have to apologize?

This shirt is an especially interesting fail because it doesn’t seem like a case of mistranslation. This guy knows exactly what he’s saying, even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else. That being said, we are not a duck, so we accept your apology.
Feel Lin Dancing
What is happening here? We almost had a stroke trying to read this shirt. None of the words really go together and the random different colors don’t help. No matter how we tried to read this tee, we just could figure it out.

If you want to confuse the heck out of people, this is the perfect shirt for you. Unfortunately, people might also think you’re a little crazy if you wear it.
Definitely Not Asia
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. For this t-shirt designer, geography simply isn’t his strength. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to know that.

In case anyone is confused, the continent depicted here is not Asia. Maybe the designer didn’t have anyone there to fact-check his work, but couldn’t he have turned to Google if he was a little unsure? More importantly, how did this tee make it all the way to the rack without anyone realizing that it was wrong?
Real Men
The Beliebers are still alive and thriving in our midst. While they’re not as loud and proud as they once were, they’re still there, supporting Justin Bieber in all his new endeavors.

These guys either know exactly what women are looking for, or they themselves recognize the true genius in his music. Taking the Bieber-like haircuts into consideration, we think it’s the latter. There’s no shame in liking Justin Bieber. Like the t-shirts say: Real men respect Beiber.
Don’t Get Too Close
This is quite a graphic T-shirt. While it gets a little too personal for our taste, it’s also a good way to warn people to give this woman a nice circle of space everywhere she goes. that why she wore it? If so, she’s a genius. There’s no better way to keep strangers from talking to you than threatening them with a fart.
A Gassy Situation
This man is a little more subtle than his “fart loading” companion, but he still wants everyone to know about his flatulence. Using the Chevron gas symbol, this guy is ready to announce the state of his tummy to the entire world.

At least he’s giving us a heads up so we can clear the room. This man should definitely exist in a bubble of space all his own, at least while he’s wearing this t-shirt.
Clear Expectations
There’s something to be said for someone who’s so clear about their expectations. Unfortunately, if your expectations are completely laughable, you probably shouldn’t have them printed on a t-shirt.

Average people don’t really date models, so it’s hard to believe that this grease-stained cook would have much luck in that department. But good for him for going after his dreams!
A Fitting Outfit
Talk about dressing for the occasion. Did this man know he was going to have a bad day? Maybe he’s always subtly preparing for an unpleasant time. Whatever the case may be, his shirt adds some undeniable irony to his situation.

Unfortunately, we’re not sure that the cops saw the humor in the situation. Thankfully, whoever snapped this pic knew exactly what they were doing. We hope your day gets better, sir!
A Mess From Start to Finish
This shirt is all kinds of confusing. First of all, hamburger isn’t even spelled correctly. That important mistake is punctuated by the grammar and capitalization errors at the bottom. “I feel happiness When I eat a him”? What is this shirt even trying to say?

But most egregious of all, there isn’t even a hamburger in the picture. It’s french fries in a crumpled packet. From start to finish, this shirt is simply a mess. Let’s hope no one spent their hard-earned money on this failed tee.
Micky Mouth
Sometimes spelling a word like it sounds works. Other times, however, it creates some serious mistakes. For example, this colossal misspelling of Mickey Mouse.

Maybe the person who created this shirt had a lisp. Even so, it’s a bit of an embarrassment to get the greatest animated character of all time wrong. Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave.
Mom Fail
Now, we know this t-shirt has to be a purposeful fail, and it’s actually quite funny. The messed-up words made us giggle, especially as we worked to put them back into their proper order.

While it’s all fun and games for us adults, the shirt feels like an odd choice when you have a child standing right next to you. Is that what she’s teaching her kid at home? Would if the little boy doesn’t know that it’s a joke? There are way too many ways for this situation to backfire.
That's Motivating
This shirt is so savage, which is precisely why we love it so much. This older gentleman is obviously running a race, and he wants everyone to know just how hard it was for him to get here. Not only is he 50, fat, and diabetic, he’s also ahead of you.

Honestly, good on this guy. He worked hard for this achievement, and he’s not about to let it go unnoticed. It might hurt to read this in the middle of the race, but you can’t help but give him a pat on the back.
Safety First
Everyone used to ride in the back of pickup trucks! Maybe this guy was part of the generation that thought it was the norm. Unfortunately, we’ve since learned that riding in the back of pickup trucks isn’t all that safe.

Doing something very unsafe while wearing a “think safety” t-shirt is too ironic to ignore. This guy was just trying to get to work, and he inadvertently turned himself into a major fail.
Favorite Hat
If you have your favorite hat, you’ll always be smiling. At least, according to this shirt you will.

While it’s a nice message, we do sense a few problems. What if you don’t have a favorite hat? What if you lose your favorite hat? Can you only smile if you’re wearing your favorite hat? These and more questions may remain forever unanswered.
Way Too Honest
Yuck! While most of us have probably peed in a pool at some point in our lives, we should all be old to know that it’s not socially acceptable. But instead of shying away from the truth, this guy chose to advertise it on his t-shirt.

We don’t think many people will be inviting this dude over for a swim. He does get some points for honesty, but it’s also possible to take honesty too far.
Vist Massachubatts
This fail is so simplistic, which is why we had to include it. It’s nothing more than a simple spelling mistake on a street vendor’s t-shirt. If you look quickly enough, you might just miss it.

You know, we’ve always wanted to visit Massachubatts. We hear it’s beautiful this time of year. This shirt might just be the encouragement we need to make the trip.
A Not-So-Great Idea
Lots of things can seem like a good idea at the time. But driving your boat off the water and into the surrounding bush? Did that ever seem like a good idea?

We have to assume that a guy who owns this shirt likely gets himself into all kinds of sticky situations. While he might not be able to fix his boat, at least he got a great picture out of the entire ordeal.
The Perfect Tee
Buying a funny t-shirt that claims you do dumb things is definitely amusing. But doing something dumb while wearing that shirt turns you into a major fail.

We’re not sure what this kid got into that messed up his hand, but it was probably something dumb. At least he had a t-shirt that was perfect for the occasion!
A Dead Minnie Mouse
Before we attack our friend in the dead mouse shirt, Deadmau5 is actually a Canadian DJ. Unfortunately, this guy didn’t really think through his outfit choice when he donned his band shirt and waltzed right into Disneyland.

As you can see, the t-shirt is especially upsetting to Minnie Mouse, and anyone who upsets Minnie Mouse deserves our disdain. Thankfully, the t-shirt wearer looks appropriately sorry for his misguided actions, so we’ll give him a break.
A Cutesy Fail
Once you start getting a little older, you can’t always count on your mind to lead you to the right destination. Thankfully, there are t-shirts for that. This cute couples’ tee ensures that grandpa will always find his way back home.

We can hardly label it fail because it’s just so cute. Rita knows her fella is a little forgetful, so she found a solution. Plus, it also ensures that he can never try to run out on her. Smart woman.
Hipster Triangles
Okay, we have to start at the beginning with this one. First of all, Texas state is definitely not in the shape of a triangle. Second of all, when did triangles become hipster?

Are we missing some big joke here? What store decided to sell this shirt? It’s all one big fail that somehow intertwines Texas and hipsters, and we just don’t get it.
Wearer of the Dumb Shirts
We can at least take some solace in these shirts being simple, fun pieces of an outfit for celebrations. Whether you're a grandma or can grab something for your next birthday party.

Now, the shirt on the left is at least a reference to the show “Cocomelon,” but the layout and phrasing still don't make a lot of sense. The shirt on the right is a little more egregious, with Spider-Man having nothing to do with the words on the shirt, and the three (the child's age, likely) hovering there like a malevolent being in the sky.
Beguiling the Youth
We feel like this kind of shirt was made for a very specific kind of person, and he's pictured in the image. Just look at that face. Don't let this man near your children, people, because he's going to tell them about more than just sweater puppies.

Why would there be a skull on the shirt? To draw the eye? That's the only thing that we can come up with, and we imagine that it would work. Keep an eye on the police reports to see this guy again, probably for something like indecent exposure. Or worse.
Going for a Look
Ah yes, that famous, classic band that wrote such hits as “Urinate All Night,” “Toilet Rock City,” and “Forever (Going to the Bathroom).” We're gonna go with the idea that this guy is fully aware he isn't wearing a shirt that has a real band name on it.

His posture lets us know that he's prepared to defend his outfit no matter which part you want to talk about. The fanny pack – which is always an odd choice, to begin with – really brings the vibe together. The fists akimbo put the finishing touches on a one-of-a-kind style.
An Important Distinction
Don't you dare call this cool cat a player because 'player' can, sometimes, be construed as a positive term. He's a gamer, and don't you forget it – someone that will apparently never succeed in any way other than spending his free time playing video games.

At least the shirt has one of the most famous video game characters of all time, Dash the Porcupine, on it so that people know he isn't one of those FAKE gamers – you know, the kind that just does it for the fame, and not for the love of the game.
Somebody Tell Us What This Means
We're going to have to take this slowly. First off, from the art style, we can tell that the face in the center of the shirt is a character from the manga/anime series “JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.” Maybe you've heard of it, and maybe you haven't, but that's okay.

Past that, the “X in the streets, Y in the sheets” format has X be something sweet and calm, usually, while Y is far more energetic and rowdy. From that point on, we're in unexplored territory. No doubt fans of the series will understand, but the rest of us are lost.
Sorry, We Thought This Was an Article About BAD Shirts
Because this one clearly rules. The meaning of the shirt is pretty clear to anyone that wanders within range, but just think about it. If “hardcore devil stomping ninja” was actually an official job title, just think of how popular it would be.

There would be colleges dedicated to it. It would be harder to get in than law school and more important than medical school. These people would get free haircuts and roll into town to find a parade waiting for them because they're about to fill devils with razor-sharp holy-throwing stars.
Got Us Good
Shirts don't generally take a lot of hard work, but this one is like a school test. If you've already had a few drinks, seeing this shirt will probably stop you cold. You have to say something, and then spell something, and then say a second thing?

Why don't you just ask us to do some quadratic calculations while you're at it, or deliver a speech on the importance of eastern philosophies like Taoism on modern systems of thought? And then, of course, there's the shirt's revelation – it takes hard work, but eventually, you learn something important about yourself.
Spelling Is Super Important
Having sex daily? A good thing, most people would agree. Maybe if you've had a tiring evening, your marital duties can feel like a chore, but sex is, on the whole, a positive. History bears that fact out.

Having dyslexia, on the other hand, is a bad time for the sufferer, since they have a really bad time spelling words. That's where we get this shirt from. If you actually have dyslexia, this is the shirt for you. Also, what is this, a picture of a PICTURE of a shirt? Fine, whatever floats your boat.
They're Always a Good Time
Sure, the things that rednecks do are rarely, if ever, described as smart, but you have to admit that they're fun. Even if you only spend one weekend out of your life with them, that's going to be a weekend that you remember for the rest of your life.

Hopefully, it's for the correct reasons and not because of medical bills or anything like that. There are lots of good drinks, some great music, and people that know sometimes you just have to make your own fun.
We Don't Know, and We Don't Want to Know
Someone else is going to have to explain this one to us – all of us – because we see no connection between those words and that picture. Some possible ideas: people that wear this shirt are advertising that they're lactose intolerant, and if they eat cheese...well, you can imagine.

Our only other guess is that a band is behind this entire mess, and fans of the band will get it. Well, we don't get it. The guy in the picture does if that face is telling us anything. In fact, maybe he gets it a little too much.
One Leads to the Other
Exercise is really important to a lot of people, and even those that try to deny its power over them often give up and admit that it's a good thing. Bacon is also a very good thing; the best part about these two things is that they work together well.

Exercise lets you enjoy bacon without guilt or too many inches on the waistline, and a little bit of bacon might just be what your muscles need to reach that next level. Protein is good for you, after all. Prove you're into both with this kind of t-shirt.
What Isn't?
Oh, the lollipop, obviously. Well, no, that seems pretty silly to think. Making a lollipop that licks itself is the kind of thing that Professor Farnsworth from “Futurama” would make – something that is, when you think about it, pretty clever and new.

The more you think about it, you realize it's pretty useless. Anyway, why would you wear a shirt with this kind of thing on it, unless you WANTED to be considered a gross person? There aren't really any other outcomes. You're allowed to wear this shirt once, and then you have to get rid of it.
Do You Really Want That?
As a toy, the Ken doll fits the bill. He's got everything you need: plastic. A head that turns on the neck. Arms and stuff. But we have to admit that if all men were like him, things would be a lot different around here.

For one know he's pretty smooth down there, right? Like, way too smooth. He ain't got nothing in the entire downstairs department. It's empty. Nada. Nothing. Second, if your husband was locked into a plastic rictus grin for the rest of his life, you'd find it pretty unnerving.
Pick a Different Hobby
Having the drive and tenacity to pick yourself up and do things after you've failed them is an important skill and a hard lesson to learn, but failing at skydiving is a bit more final. If that parachute doesn't deploy, then you don't get a second chance. Thankfully, people who are in charge of that sort of thing take it very seriously.

Of course, there's also the whole jumping out of an airplane thing, which also puts a lot of people off. Think about giving it a try, but if you're a bit skittish, maybe give it a pass.
I Feel Tired
If you want, you can go through every word on this long shirt, but it doesn't really bring much satisfaction. Other than a job well done, we guess, there are still better things you could spend your time on.

Just like how people in the west like how Chinese or Japanese characters look without knowing the meanings, people in the east will wear things with English on them that make no sense. This does make sense, other than “I feel Coke,” but it's still the kind of thing that was chosen less for the meaning and more for aesthetics.
Time to Mosh
Yes, a lot of things associated with death metal tend to be darker in nature, both in the topics they mention and the colors they use, but that doesn't necessarily have to be so. This shirt, for instance, would be perfectly welcome at any kind of heavy concert, unless the other people at the concert are big losers.

It would get laughs! It would get smiles! And all shirts look the same while you're in a mosh pit. Besides, the lights are all going to be pointed at the performers, so it's not like people will see much anyway.
A Little Bit of Christmas Fun
The holidays are the perfect time to find a fun look. There are parties to go to, shopping to do, and all sorts of other events. Why not pick up a little something that helps you look good and will get a chuckle out of everyone else?

Of course, if you're in a home that's full of women who might not appreciate the idea of being called hos, make sure to pass it with them first. You could always just say that you're talking about the jolly laughter of old Saint Nick, but who knows if they'll buy that.
Time for New Game Plus
While many can look at this shirt and see something that is quite negative, there are lots of ways to turn it around. Yes, your single life might be over, but video games are always more fun playing co-op. One person can hold off the aliens while the other one accomplishes the objective.

The two of you can take on enemies or a big boss that, if you were playing single-player, neither would have a chance. There might even be some more players being added to the party – and bigger groups are even more fun.
He Was a Very Smart Man
Abraham Lincoln said a lot of really clever stuff. Even better, a lot of the stuff he said was quite wise – “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” He also guided the nation through one of the most tumultuous times in our history.

However, and we cannot be more clear about this, he was not alive during the time of the internet. We don't even think he was around to see the advent of electricity. While he didn't say this quote, it's still an important thing to remember. Thanks, Abe.
I Have Very Good Eyesight
There are quite a number of people out there that hate the idea of anybody getting inside their personal bubble. For some people, they stick to body language and facial expressions to let people know they're getting too close. For others, they have to be a little more direct, using things like this shirt.

But what if somebody has just had Lasik surgery, and now they have 20/20 vision? How far away do they have to stand? And...what about Superman? The guy can see basically anywhere, thanks to all his superpowers. Does he have to go to space?
The Luck of the Athletic
Adidas is recognizable around the world, which means you can live the three-stripe life internationally if you want. But what if you also want to rep your home country with something that takes the normal athleisure style that Adidas is famous for and gives it a twist? This is something for you.

As long as the country that you want to rep is Ireland, at least. The brand name might be a bit mangled by adding paddy to the front of it, but it kind of seems like that was the best option.
Making Fun of Yourself
Being able to poke a little bit of fun at yourself is the mark of a mature person. This guy looks like he's getting ready to hit the road for a marathon. He knows what he's about to get into, and if he has a shirt that is warning the people behind him, we get the feeling that he's done this a number of times.

And he's still moving, even though he knows he's slow. That's the kind of sticktoitiveness that we like to see. And all he wants to have at the end of the race is a friend.
The saying goes that whatever happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas. Of course, it's never really been that way, with plenty of things coming home to roost – from drunk escapades to shotgun marriages.

Lake Tahoe doesn't even pretend to say that all the wild stuff you do will be forgotten after your big weekend – that stuff is going right on Facebook for the entire world to see and marvel at. If you're a big enough fan of Lake Tahoe, we guess that you really want to let others know that nothing will ever remain hidden.
A Specific Shirt
Lots of famous people out there means there are lots of people that look like famous people but aren't. This young man has a bright idea – wear a shirt that gets out in front of the questions that he probably gets no matter where he goes.

This picture was taken back in the eighties, and we admit the guy wearing the shirt looks a lot like Prince Edward. Well, the joke's on us – that IS Prince Edward! He's at a polo match and wanted to give himself some peace and privacy during his day of horse hockey.
The Shirt Says it All
We all like something, even if it's something that only we could like. Ducks are, all things considered, a fairly standard thing to enjoy. They swim around, eat bugs, and fly a bit. Good stuff. This guy really likes him some ducks, and he's got a shirt that comes right out and says it.

The best part about this shirt is it works for all sorts of people – those that have pet ducks, those that like rubber ducks in the bath, those that are fans of “The Mighty Ducks,” and so on and so forth.