Anna let out a little laugh. For years she had stopped the behavior of looking for her parents, but now, here she was doing it again – and days before her wedding. Anna knew that she had to pull herself together. This behavior was not good. Back then she was always trying to find her real parents, but now, if she continued in this way, she could destroy any possibility of having her own family with Jake.

She was about to marry Jake Thompson and become their daughter-in-law, yet somehow, she was looking at old photos thinking that she was the daughter of her husband’s father. It was simply insanity. So, Anna collected herself – and decided to focus on more important things, like making sure the wedding went ahead as planned.
The Orphanage
Though Anna tried to not let it get her down, for most of her young life, she was haunted by the fact she was an orphan. “Haunted” – that’s the right word. No matter how much she tried to forget this, it seemed to follow her everywhere she went. In fact, her very name was a reminder that she was abandoned by her biological parents.

Her biological parents didn’t name her, nor did even her adoptive parents. At the orphanage where she remained until she was three, it was the orphanage proprietor who named her. Of course, she couldn’t just not have a name, but every time she heard “Anna”, it was simply a reminder that she was an orphan – that she didn’t belong.
Her Biological Parents
Anna had very little to go by. Among the few possessions she had acquired during her time in the orphanage, all she had was a handful of photos. There was no name, no last name, no telephone number, and no address. How was she ever supposed to find her parents simply from the photos they left her?

The orphanage could offer no help as Anna had been abandoned on its doorstep. The photos were among the belongings – which was an odd sort of thing to include. So, what the proprietor knew of Anna’s biological parents was even less than what she had learned from the photos.
The day came when Anna was given a new home. Of course, she was too young to remember much of her stay at the orphanage and before her adoptive parents had taken her in. She was adopted when she was three years old by a wonderful family. They were honest with her from a young age that she was not their biological daughter.

Though they had meant well, Anna always felt a bit bittersweet about knowing this. Sometimes, she wished it weren’t true because then she would be their little girl, but it was true, and she had to accept this fact. Her adoptive parents probably knew deep down she would want to find her birth parents later because they helped her as much as they could.
In all honesty, Anna could not count all the time she spent looking for her biological parents. What started as a fun investigation turned into an obsession. She remembers from a young age; she’d try to see what the photos could tell her and pretend she was some great sleuth. As she got older, she read dozens of articles about adopted children being reunited with their biological parents.

Since so many children had found their real parents, she was just waiting for her turn. Her obsession made her try to find a pattern. All the children typically were reunited with their parents in their early 20s, so any day she should rightfully meet hers. Any day now.
The Day That Wouldn’t Come
No matter how much she held out for a day when she’d get a call and hear from one of the investigation agencies saying they’d had found something, it didn’t come. Days turned into years. She dreamt about the embrace she’d finally have with her parents. But that day never came. Of course, the investigators hadn’t much to go on.

All they had were old pictures, which were getting fainter with each passing year. Eventually, Anna had to accept what deep down in her heart she knew to be true, she’d probably never find them. She’d be one of those stories where the adopted children were never reunited with their parents.
Letting Go
As she was nearing 30, it soon became clear that she was wasting her life. Her friends, colleagues, and acquaintances were all making progress in their lives. They were getting married, buying their first homes, and having children, while she was pouring her money into investigations that kept leading to dead ends.

She told herself by the time she’d turned 30, she would have to stop looking for her biological parents and start building her own life: making friends, finding hobbies and interests, and maybe even having a family of her own. Of course, that’s much easier said than done. But then, she met Jake Thompson.
A Breath of Fresh Air
Anna wasn’t sure what to make of Jake Thompson when she first met him. She felt quite a deep pull towards him. There was something inside of her that encouraged her to speak to him. It was different from her weird harassment of strangers hoping that they were her parents. Here she wanted to know about Jake – who was this Jake Thompson? Why did he intrigue her so much?

She forgot about her fragmented past and was simply curious as to who he was. She wanted to find out what kind of food he preferred and what things brightened his eyes and set his heart beating. Meeting Jake was like a breath of fresh air.
Jake Thompson
It was like the world was signaling to her that it was the right decision to move on with her life and give up her search for her parents. Just some months after she stopped, she met Jake. Whenever she spoke to other people, it seemed so forced. However, with Jake, everything came so easily.

Even though he came from a family of ranchers and had his own background, somehow, they could always understand each other. And the best part was that Jake expressed he felt the same. Everything with Anna just seemed easy – like it was a breeze.
Even Romance
Some of her female friends and colleagues always complained that finding love and a good partner was difficult. But romance and love between Jake and Anna came so easily. They just liked each other and that was that. No games, no second-guessing, no torture, no broken hearts! Anna didn’t even get into that whole overthinking thing that troubled her friends when they were dating.

For some reason, she didn’t need to trouble herself about Jake – she knew, just knew, they worked. Time would simply vanish when they were together. She’d blink and their afternoon date at the park would be over. But she never worried when she’d see him again, for that night he’d call her.
Opening Up
For the first time in her life, she confided in another person about her unbearable loneliness and emptiness that nagged her whole life. Interestingly, though she was talking about how alone she’d felt her whole life and how she struggled to make friends, her loneliness seemed to dissipate. Telling Jake about her struggles to feel accepted, somehow, made her feel accepted.

And all he did was listen. For the first time, she felt like she really had a friend and knew what true friendship was. It took 30 years for her to actually confide in someone about her problems. Perhaps, she needed to do this all along – tell someone how lonely she was.
A Rare Feeling
With Jake, she felt something that she’d never felt before – like she belonged. Even if they’d spend the day together, he’d text that night to make sure she was okay. She’d never have to wait long before he would ask her out again. No matter what it was, whether it was just a small social gathering with friends or a spontaneous get-together, he’d always invite her.

His parents lived on a ranch in another state. Even on family calls, she’d always say a brief “hi” to both. The invitation was always extended to her. Perhaps, Jake knew how lonely she really was and wanted to include her. However, Anna knew it was something deeper than that – they both felt like they belonged. They just hadn’t made it official – not yet, anyway.
It was all rather subtle. At first, Anna didn’t notice that she was changing. The more Jake included her, the more she felt accepted. Suddenly, she didn’t struggle to force conversations as she used to. She didn’t worry if others didn’t like her, because she just felt different. Even if she was going through problems or feeling deflated, she could always turn to Jake.

One day it dawned on her. Jake was the universe’s way of making it up to her. She may have never had her own family, but Jake was always there – even when she was not having a good day. Though she had never been accepted, now finally, she was being accepted – in a different way. She didn’t have a family, but she had an amazing boyfriend.
A New Person
Anna could never thank Jake enough. For all her life, she had been a lone wolf, but somehow, with her newfound confidence, thanks to Jake’s continuous support and love, she started making friends. She started building her own friendship circle. Now, she was even joining weekly activities like dancing and neighborhood events.

She was also just striking up conversations with strangers. Even she couldn’t believe it. Of course, she thanked Jake for his support, but her modest man never took any credit. He kept saying it was all her. But she knew in her heart that she had been given a new life with Jake.
And Then It Became Real
After two years, the feeling of security and belonging she had with Jake became much more real. They had been an item for two years and still, she couldn’t believe that she had found this amazing guy and that he loved her. And then he did something that confirmed everything that she had always known.

He got down on one knee and proposed to her. All she wanted to do was say “yes” but she let him finish the proposal first. And then, she said it. “Yes – yes, always”. She had no doubt that this was the man she wanted to grow old with and start a family with.
Wedding Preparations
There was no time to waste. Since they’d both have time off this coming fall, why not set the date for their wedding then? They’d already spent the last two years getting to know each other, there was no need to delay the actual day of their marriage. Plus, getting married in the fall meant they’d have the most beautiful wedding photos, especially, since they’d be getting married on Jake’s parents’ ranch.

No wedding venue would look better. She could just imagine the brown, yellow, and red hues of the leaves in their wedding photos. She and Jake both agreed that fall was the right time to exchange their vows – even if it was right around the corner.
Better Roll Up Their Sleeves
They weren’t kidding when they said that fall was right around the corner. The date of their wedding would be in two months. Though Anna and Jake were both excited to get married, there just seemed so much to organize. And since they lived quite a distance from Jake’s parents' ranch, they had to try to find decorators and caterers in that area.

And of course, it was a bit heavy on their pockets. A wedding cake would cost up to eight times the amount of a regular cake – even if it was the same cake. But they rolled up their sleeves, bit a couple of bullets, and slowly got into planning their dream wedding.
Not Simply a Walk in the Park
Anna would have done everything to give Jake the dream wedding. Jake was a big romantic and Anna hoped that she could give him a wedding filled with amazing memories. But that was much easier said than done. While Anna was supposed to be his blushing bride, she was anything but. With two months to plan a wedding, she had bitten off more than she could chew.

When her plate seemed like it couldn’t get any fuller, even more problems appeared out of the woodwork. In a few weeks, she’d have to meet Jake’s parents in person. The last thing she wanted to do was make a bad impression, but in her state, the stress was too much. Besides, she’d never been all that good at meeting new people.
Meet the Parents
And before she knew it, the time had come – Anna had to meet the parents. Though Jake and she were also going to the family ranch for their wedding, Anna, for a moment, forgot all about her stress arranging the wedding. Now, she was confronted by the fact that she had to meet Jake’s mother and father.

Of course, Jake consoled her and promised her that they’d be sure to love their new daughter-in-law. However, Anna couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow meeting the parents would be her downfall. She had no idea why. Maybe, she was just overthinking everything. Maybe, a few days at the ranch would help her to clear her mind. Honestly, what was the worst that could happen?
Flight to the Ranch
On the day of their flight, no matter what Anna said to herself, she just couldn’t calm down. She told herself she was going crazy but every second she was flooded by thoughts that Jake’s mother would take one look at her and know that Jake was making a big mistake marrying her. Even Jake noticed that she was definitely more on edge.

Anna told herself it would be fine, but she was still worried that somehow she’d just mess the whole thing up. With shaky legs, she boarded the plane ready to meet Jake’s parents. Of course, Anna was dreading meeting the parents which made it only arrive much more quickly. What should have been a long flight was over in an instant. And now the dreaded moment had arrived.
The Big House
Standing on even shakier legs, Anna, accompanied by her fiancé Jake, walked up to the big house. The trip from the airport to the house in the rented vehicle had just passed by in a blur. Only when they arrived outside the family’s big ranch house did time seem to stand still. Anna was conscious of every moment.

Even as she and Jake walked up to the front door where she could make out her future in-laws’ silhouettes – or potentially, her ex-future in-laws – she could hear the crunch of the gravel and sand underfoot. It sounded too loud. She shouldn’t even be here. She already was making noise and she hadn’t even opened her mouth. Jake didn’t seem to notice. He couldn’t wait to show off his bride.
Something Strange
And then it happened. Jake with a beaming smile introduced her to a middle-aged couple. Swallowing the knot in her throat, Anna greeted her future in-laws. Though she was nervous, she felt a strange déjà vu. Somehow, she recognized Jake’s father from somewhere. For a moment she forgot about her nerves and wondered if she had really met Jake’s father before.

Now was not the time to worry about that. Now, it was the time to make a good impression. So, she decided to be in the moment. Noticing Jake’s father’s wedding ring, she genuinely complimented her future father-in-law on the elegant and modern design of his wedding ring. But somehow, her compliment had just robbed the moment of all good feelings.
Something’s Up
Apparently, it was the first time Jake’s mother had taken her own good look at her husband’s wedding ring. “Where did you get that? That was not the wedding ring I gave you on our wedding day. Where did you get that?” And just like a high wind had picked up, all good feeling was instantly blown away.

Jake’s father was at a loss. Earlier, Anna thought she had been a bag of nerves, but now, she wasn’t the only one. The fact that his father could offer his wife no explanation just set his wife off more. Even Jake was perplexed about how this first meeting could have taken such a wrong turn.
Something Else
After the issue with her husband’s wedding ring came up, Jake’s mother hardly noticed Anna. Of course, this hadn’t been her intention, but the lady was truly upset about the “new” wedding ring. Though Anna couldn’t have possibly known it was a different wedding ring, she felt bad for already creating tension between her future in-laws.

Then Anna became preoccupied with something else – Jake’s father. His face seemed so familiar. Where had she seen him before? Perhaps, he was a client of a project she worked on. Perhaps, he had come to visit Jake in town before the two of them became an item. Anna was certain she’d seen him before.
Time With Jake
When Jake and Anna had some alone time, she had a moment to ask about his father. Anna explained to him that she knew Jake’s father from somewhere. But Jake explained that was impossible. His father hadn’t ever left the ranch – at least, not in the last ten years. No, he didn’t leave to visit him in the city ever.

There was a lot to be done at the ranch and his father just couldn’t afford to get away. That’s why the family had regular family calls. Somehow – and Anna didn’t know why – she felt relieved hearing this from Jake. Why on earth would it matter if she had seen his father or not?
Getting to Know the Thompsons
Clearly, the rift between Jake’s mother and father over the wedding ring wasn’t going to go away any time soon. On the one hand, it was a good thing because it took a lot of pressure off of Anna – Jake’s mother's attention always just seemed elsewhere even when she was trying to get to know her daughter-in-law. On the other hand, it made Anna feel terrible.

Though she had simply been asking an innocent question about the wedding ring, she felt responsible for causing the rift between her future in-laws – and so soon before her and Jake’s wedding. And though Jake had assured her that her father never left the ranch or nearby town, somehow, she still was haunted by the feeling that she knew that man from somewhere.
Old Photos
As the date of the wedding drew near, Anna felt a mixture of emotions. She was so excited and nervous about the wedding day that she couldn’t wait. The time was going so quickly but it was also dragging. It was a strange sensation. At the same time, her heart sank, and never had she felt so lonely knowing that her real father and mother would not be there.

Of course, her adoptive parents were coming but they just felt like elderly friends who were seeing her off. She did something she hadn’t done in a long time – she took out her old photos, her only connection to her birth parents. Though the photos had aged, she focused on one man’s face. It looked quite a bit like Jake’s father.
It Couldn’t Be
Of course, she knew she was going crazy. There was no way that the man in these old photos was Jake’s father. There was some likeness between the two men, but after all, a lot of years would have passed, and the man in the photo would have to look very different now. Besides, she could hardly make out the man’s face.

The photos had aged so much that the details were very blurred. There was no doubt she was going crazy. She was just doing what she had spent her youth doing – scanning everyone’s face, looking for the face of her parents. Even now she was still doing this – looking for her real parents.
Stop Looking for Trouble
Anna let out a little laugh. For years she had stopped the behavior of looking for her parents, but now, here she was doing it again – and days before her wedding. Anna knew that she had to pull herself together. This behavior was not good. Back then she was always trying to find her real parents, but now, if she continued in this way, she could destroy any possibility of having her own family with Jake.

She was about to marry Jake Thompson and become their daughter-in-law, yet somehow, she was looking at old photos thinking that she was the daughter of her husband’s father. It was simply insanity. So, Anna collected herself – and decided to focus on more important things, like making sure the wedding went ahead as planned.
Stressed & Swamped
As the wedding day drew closer, Anna felt the familiar feeling of being overwhelmed. In fact, this time it was a good thing because she could spend less time worrying about her biological parents and the man in the photo. Anna spent her time organizing the decorations, flowers, and cake. She had to make sure her own wedding dress and veil were ready.

Then, she also needed to find someone in the nearby town who could do her hair and makeup on the big day. There weren’t plenty of options but Anna wanted to make sure she looked her best – after all, Jake deserved the most beautiful bride.
The Arrival of Relatives and Friends
Anna began feeling better the more she focused on the wedding preparations. But not everyone was in good spirits. There was still a lot of tension between Jake’s mother and father. He started spending more time away from the family house, which concerned Jake and Anna. However, his mother told them not to worry as everything would be fine.

Over the course of the next few days, wedding guests started arriving. Everyone was in a cheery mood. One or two of Jake’s family friends gave Anna an odd look, but for the most part, the atmosphere was wonderful. Anna had never felt this elated – or nervous.
A Drunken Comment
On the night of the engagement party, everyone was in good spirits – except Jake’s mother. It was clear Jake’s mother was trying to keep a smile on her face, but it would vanish every time her husband drew near, especially when he took his place beside her at the dining room table. The guests had all had a little bit too much to drink.

Then, one of Jake’s father’s friends made a joke about how Anna looked oddly a little bit like one of his friend’s old flames. While the friend had a good laugh about it, clearly none of the Thompsons were amused. The least amused was Jake’s mother who immediately went off at her husband and his friend.
Past Affairs
“We just can’t escape your past affairs can we Robert?” And with that, Jake’s mother left the table. Silence ensued, but it was not a comfortable silence. It seemed like the night had taken a weird turn. Though there had been tension earlier, everyone had been in good spirits earlier. After Robert’s friend’s comment, it seemed better to turn in.

Still, as they were preparing to call it a night, Anna couldn’t help but feel Jake’s relatives looking at her a bit too closely. But the true blow came when Jake looked at her. Even he seemed to recognize one of his father’s ex-girlfriends in Anna. How could that be?
A Gnawing Question
Could it be? Could it be that she and Jake, her husband-to-be were related? There was no way that could be true – just no way. Yet, still, there was something inside Anna told her that it could very well be. Something had been awakened inside of her – and it had taken hold of her. It kept saying it could be despite none of it making any sense.

Why would it be Jake’s father? Then, when she remembered the photos, the man’s face, and Jake’s father’s initial familiarity, it felt like someone had knocked the wind out of her. She was on the verge of marrying Jake, but now she kept thinking she could be related to him.
The Doubt Had Set In
Even though Anna knew that it made no sense, she just knew that she and Jake had to know for sure. Once the engagement party was over, she immediately went up to Jake to ask if they could have their DNA taken – just to be sure. To say Jake was surprised by Anna’s request was putting it mildly. But he agreed to it.

The next day, they traveled some distance to the nearest DNA lab. Once finished, they were told it would take a few days for the DNA results to arrive – they should get the results before the day of their wedding.
Looming Wedding
And just like that, the day of the wedding arrived – but not the DNA results. Jake had seemingly forgotten all about them, but not Anna. She was almost going crazy with worry. The more she stressed about receiving them on time, the more delayed they seemed to be – and the more the date of their wedding drew nearer.

Then, she woke up on the fateful morning that was the day of her wedding. She knew she had to eat, but she couldn’t swallow a morsel. Why were they taking so long? As she was starting to head to her room to start getting dressed and have her makeup done, a beep came through. It couldn’t be the results now, could it?
The DNA Results
And just like that – the results arrived. She got dressed and had her makeup done according to schedule. Before she was due to walk up the aisle, she took a moment to read the email. And then her world had seemingly shattered. It was impossible! How could it be? There must be something wrong. But no!

The DNA results just confirmed something Anna had sensed all along – something she thought the moment she saw Jake’s father’s face; the face of the man in those old photos and the only connection she ever had to her biological parents. What on earth was she to do now? They had spent a near fortune on the wedding and everyone was waiting for her to walk down the aisle.
She Couldn’t Do It
She made the walk up the aisle, but only to tell Jake she couldn’t do it. Everyone was stunned in the church. She met countless shocked eyes, but there was only one pair of eyes that she couldn’t bear to face – Jake’s. All she managed to whisper to the man dressed in his neat suit was she couldn’t do it. Jake was simply confused.

He knew Anna wasn’t the type to make a scene. She wasn’t the type to commit to something only to back out halfway. She just wasn’t a fickle sort of person. Perhaps, he hadn’t even heard her because she had whispered so softly. Then, she came out the way she came in and walked a distance to be alone.
Alone Again
Anna stood on the verge of having her own family and happiness, but only if she walked down the aisle and married Jake. But that would forever be a lie. And this time she wouldn’t only be robbing herself of true happiness, but Jake too. If she kept the lie to herself, it would destroy her and eventually Jake too.

She had no idea what to do. She was a mountain of gushing tears. Then, Jake appeared – as she knew he would. No matter what he said, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him. She didn’t say a word. She faced the view from the family ranch seemingly on the precipice of disaster.
A Prayer for Strength
Unfortunately, Anna couldn’t do what she had to do. She just didn’t have the strength to tell her groom, decked out in his suit, that she was his father’s daughter. Jake had once confided in her that his father had had a number of affairs back in the day, but she never expected that that of all things would come back to bite her on their wedding day.

She knew what she had to do. She told Jake she wanted to speak with the priest officiating their wedding. She and the priest prayed. Anna, without going into much detail, requested that he avoid saying certain things and not make the typical nuptial prayers. He agreed. And with much determination, Anna did what she had to.
Until Death Do Us Part
Anna’s walk down the aisle was not steady. Nor was her voice, when she said the words ‘I do’, but she said them. She and Jake were married. What was supposed to be the best day of her life had become the worst. The man she was standing next to was not her husband, but her brother. But as planned, she and Jake celebrated the reception.

It was a joyous occasion but Anna kept telling herself that joy was a lie. All the happiness would turn to ash once Jake found out who she really was. She couldn’t believe that Jake’s father’s womanizing ways would have such a long shadow. How could one bad egg destroy the happiness of two people?
Love Gone Cold
While Anna was gathering her courage to tell Jake the truth, it broke her heart that she could not do it and yet she had to. Jake grew concerned that his once-best friend and his favorite person in the world now could not bear to be near him. What had he done?

And every time he tried to reach out to her, she could not explain what was going on. They were meant to be starting out their new lives – their new happy lives together, but now Anna was cold and distant. Every time he tried to ask what was going on, the only thing Anna had the strength to do was shut down.
The Bride Opens Up
Eventually, Anna couldn’t bear the burden of the secret she was keeping. The truth had become too heavy. One night after Jake had long given up approaching her, she came to him. She told him what the DNA results had told her on the day of their marriage. That night was the first time Anna really saw Jake angry. He was angry that she hadn’t told him.

He accused her of being selfish and going ahead with the wedding when she knew they were brother and sister. Anna explained why she had done so. She explained that they had spent so much money. That there would be questions – questions she wouldn’t have been able to answer. For the first time, she was truly alone again. Jake had left.
Fraught Forgiveness
He came back but she knew that it would only be for a short time. His heart had clearly hardened towards her. He was still so angry that she hadn’t told him the truth. He couldn’t understand how she could have possibly kept this to herself. Anna pleaded with him to forgive her.

She told him she didn’t know what to do at the time. She honestly thought she was making the best decision. She continued pleading for forgiveness and explained that she had thought of a possible solution to the whole thing. For a moment, Jake had softened to her and he heard her out.
A Deal Was Made
While Jake was gone, it gave Anna time to think things over. What she had decided on would destroy her, would shatter her heart, and do something she’d never heal from, but the two of them would have to do it. She explained to Jake that they would have to live apart. After a few months, they could have their marriage annulled or divorced.

If anyone asked questions, they’d keep the DNA results to themselves, but explain that things hadn’t worked out. Jake agreed and, as Anna expected, it broke her heart. She had just agreed to separate from the only man she ever loved, the only person she felt like she belonged with.
Time Passed
And that’s what Anna and Jake did. They had resolved to settle things quietly and without drawing much attention. And they did just that. They moved on, but there was still a lot of pain whenever they found themselves thinking of each other. However, over time, the pain wasn’t as harsh as it was.

It was still there like a two-day-old bruise, but it wasn’t a fresh stabbing pain. They moved on with their lives. They found love again in their own ways and slowly rebuilt their lives. They made friends, had a family, and found that with each passing year, the pain of the past was not as severe as it had once been.
A Call from Anna
Decades later, the last person Jake expected to hear from was Anna. She had asked him to meet her. Jake knew she wouldn’t call out of the blue if it weren’t serious so he agreed to meet her. Anna explained that she was suffering from kidney disease.

Jake knew what she was asking of him. It was a big ask. But that’s not the only reason Anna called. Her condition was terminal. She hoped she could for once apologize to Jake and that she could see him again before she passed on – that he would find it in his heart to forgive her.
Jake was devastated to learn about Anna’s terminal condition. All the anger he once had toward her seemed incomparable with the pain he would feel if he lost her. He decided to give her the one thing she needed. They may have come so close to being family, but they had been family all along. And what Anna needed now more than anything was family.

He agreed to donate one of his kidneys. And though their ill-fated marriage haunted both of them, they had found a way to make peace with it. The skeletons that seemed to bang forever in their closets were finally buried and the two of them could let go of their painful pasts.
To protect the identity of the people involved, the names of the characters have been changed.
Mark and Holly were the perfect match — they were ready to tie the knot and start their life together, but something happened on the day of their wedding that turned everything around. As it turns out, Mark’s mother, Martha, had never met Holly, and when she arrived at the wedding and finally saw her future daughter-in-law, she realized something she couldn't stay oblivious to.

Holly was more than just her son's partner, and the question now on everyone’s mind was — how will Mark and Holly go through this? Read on to discover what became of this insane real-life story and how this unbelievable situation even came to be.
Martha’s Story
Mark’s mother, Martha, was a 64-year-old woman who lived a simple life. She had been living in the small town of Fargo, in North Carolina, with her husband Peter and her son Mark for years. They had always been a close family, so it was a huge blow for Martha and Mark when her husband, Peter, passed away.

Martha decided to stay in their family house in Fargo; she wanted to stay in the only place she’d ever called home and where they became a family. She found herself a job in the town to keep her days busy, which made being alone much easier.
Her Life in North Carolina
North Carolina is one of the most beautiful states in the United States – it has great weather and stunning nature. And, of course, its small towns are full of charm and full of kind people. So, it’s no surprise that Martha chose to stay here and build a new life for herself.

Martha started taking classes to become a florist and eventually opened her own shop in town. She quickly became known to the entire town as the go-to place for any floral arrangements. She had a small but close group of friends and led a peaceful and fulfilling life.
Always a Nature Girl
Since she was little, Martha had grown up surrounded by nature, running through the fields of North Carolina and learning the names of plants and flowers. Unsurprisingly, she decided to open a flower shop since she was familiar with the native plants; besides, being surrounded by colorful flowers all day made her joyful.

She used her knowledge to create unique bouquets for every occasion, earning her the reputation of the best florist. And her gardening didn’t stop when she closed the shop, as she also had a beautiful garden of her own in her home. Martha definitely had a green thumb!
Mark Leaves Home
Naturally, the day came when Martha’s only son Mark left his hometown in search of better opportunities. Mark had studied software development in college, and one day, he got the amazing news that he’d been hired by a prestigious corporation in New York City.

Obviously, his mother was over the moon and incredibly proud of her son. A few months later, he made the move to the city and started his new job. Even though she was sad to see him go, Martha knew Mark had a bright future ahead, and all she could do was support him. Like any mother, she wanted the best for him.
Adapting to the Big City
Even a native New Yorker will tell you that the city can be a hard place to live in. Now imagine growing up in rural North Carolina and adapting to what probably seems like another planet. This is exactly how Mark felt during his first months in New York City.

It took him a while to get used to the noise, the constant people, the pollution, the smells, and the fast-paced life. Things at the company seemed to move at lightning speed, and so did life outside of it. After a few good months of hard adaptation, he finally started to feel more at home. However, Mark often missed Fargo.
A Year Went By
Due to Mark’s time-consuming job in New York, he couldn’t take time off and return to Fargo to visit his mother. Mark had a very demanding schedule; his job was essential to the company, and he barely took a single day off for over a year. Martha understood that her son was building his future and held no grudge.

As she repeatedly told him during their phone conversations, which were quite frequent, all she cared about was his health and happiness. Mark was thriving – he had a stable job with great potential to advance in his professional career, a good apartment, and a healthy social life. Everything was on the right track, and Martha couldn’t have been happier. Little did she know, things were about to change.
Staying in Touch
Even though Mark couldn’t physically be with his mother or afford time and money to visit her, they still spoke regularly on the phone. They would chat at least once a week and told each other everything – Martha spoke about her flower shop, Mark about his work, and any interesting new movie or play he’d seen in the city.

Whenever she heard Mark too stressed about work, she would remind him to go for a walk or take a break. In fact, Martha would constantly tell him to enjoy his weekends and find the best party in the city.
Mark Tells Martha About His New Girl
It was a day like any other, and Mark decided to pick up the phone and call his mother. The only difference was, this time, he had some important news. Mark started telling Martha about a girl named Holly, whom he’d met six months back and had slowly fallen in love with. He spoke highly of her and told Martha all about Holly’s life and history.

Martha immediately noticed her son’s voice was happy and excited, and as Mark had described her, Holly seemed like a great girl. Martha couldn’t wait to meet the woman that was making her son so happy.
They Had Met Through Mutual Friends
With such a hectic lifestyle, Mark barely had time for a social life, so meeting Holly was a lucky coincidence. When telling his mother about how they had met, Mark explained that he went to go to a friend’s party one weekend. He usually stayed home because he was exhausted from the workweek, but he decided to go out this Saturday.

That night, a mutual friend introduced him to Holly, and they hit it off almost instantly. Mark went on to tell his mother about how they immediately discovered how many things they had in common. “It felt like fate,” Mark told Martha.
The Beginning of Mark and Holly
Everything kept happening as usual, with Mark’s frequent calls to his mother. And as time went on, Mark would tell Martha more details about his relationship with Holly – how things were evolving, their initial struggles, and how their love only grew stronger. When Martha asked her son what the biggest obstacle in their relationship was, he immediately answered, “our careers.”

Both Mark and Holly had a way to go before establishing themselves as professionals in their field, and if they decided to get married and have a family right away, their careers would take a hit. Martha advised her son to take things slowly and let everything unfold naturally. She was in for a surprise.
A Growing Relationship
As often happens, a mother’s advice is usually right, and this was definitely the case with Martha. Her advice to Mark that he take it slow with Holly and that they both focus on their careers was the best thing they could’ve done. They stopped thinking about the future and enjoyed each other’s company at the moment, advancing their careers while sharing a life together.

Things were evolving fast, and their love and connection were growing more and more each day. So, they took the next logical step and decided to move in together. After all, who can afford two apartments in New York City?
Moving in Together
It was Mark and Holly's first time living with a partner, so it was a big step for both. The relationship had officially moved to the next level, and they were both a little nervous to see if they could make things work when sharing a home. Martha predicted things would go smoothly, and their relationship would only grow deeper and more stable.

She was happy to know that things were going great and living together turned out to be the best decision they could have made. As a mother does, Martha knew where the relationship was headed, and she was anxiously waiting for the day she got that phone call from Mark.
Mark and Holly Get Engaged
Two years went by, and Mark and Holly’s bond grew stronger, and they fell more in love. They had both devoted significant time to their careers and had ascended to better positions within their companies, they had moved in together and loved it. So, one day, Mark decided it was time to ask the big question. Holly immediately said yes, and the two young lovebirds got engaged.

They were ecstatic with joy and excited to start their new life together. The next immediate step was to plan the wedding – the venue, the guests, the flowers, the catering, the dress, and every last detail to make the day perfect. If only Mark would have known that not everything was about to go according to plan.
Mark Gives Martha the Big News
Little did Martha know, her weekly call with her son was going to be anything but regular. As soon as his mother picked up the phone, Mark said hello and sounded very excited. Martha couldn’t wait to hear what was going on. Finally, Mark gave his mother the amazing news that he had asked Holly to marry him, and she’d said yes.

Martha’s heart filled with joy, and she congratulated her son with tears of happiness over the phone. Martha was incredibly happy to hear that her son was settling down with a woman he loved, which seemed perfect for him.
Martha Meets Holly Over the Phone
Since they hadn’t had a chance to meet in person, it seemed only logical that they at least spoke on the phone. So, Martha finally spoke to Holly and met her telephonically. Martha’s impression of the young girl was very good – she sounded sweet, respectful, and caring — everything a mother would want for her son.

Even though Martha knew a lot about Holly from Mark’s stories, she felt much better after talking to the actual person. Holly admitted to Martha that she was initially nervous to speak to her, and Martha told her that Mark was incredibly happy about the two of them talking for the first time. The call had been a success all around.
Meeting Holly’s Parents
Since they all lived hundreds of miles away from each other, it was important for Mark and Holly that Martha meet Holly’s parents. But flying across the country wasn’t easy to arrange, so they settled for a meeting over the phone. Martha and Holly’s parents got along instantly, and they started to help the young couple with the wedding plans.

It was the general consensus that the wedding should be scheduled for October. The reason was that it was a considerably less busy month for Holly and Mark to be able to take vacation leave from work. The wedding date was decided, and the preparations began.
Martha was Very Involved in Planning
Due to their closeness and good relationship with Martha, Mark, and Holly started to rely on her for wedding plans and decisions. The couple started to call Martha almost every day so she could help them with wedding planning, and of course, Martha was ecstatic about it. After all, who was a better person to ask than a professional florist?

This brought Martha and Holly much closer, as they spoke almost every day. They started to comment on the ironic fact that they had never even met in person, and their relationship already felt so familiar. Both women couldn’t wait to meet and finally become a family.
Martha Loved that Mark was Marrying Holly
The more she got to know her, the more Martha felt that Holly was the perfect fit for her son. She learned Holly’s personality and traits and knew they matched perfectly with Mark’s. Martha couldn’t believe that two people who were so perfect for each other had met and fallen in love in such a huge and populated place as New York City.

Mark and Holly had common hobbies and interests and liked many of the same things. Which Martha knew was an essential key to a successful marriage. She knew her son had made the right choice and couldn't be happier for him.
Getting Ready for the Wedding
Martha was more than happy to help with the wedding preparations for her only son. She was sad that her husband Peter wasn’t there to enjoy this moment with her, and thought about how proud he would be and how happy that his son had found a woman like Holly.

Martha helped with everything – the guest list, the catering, the flowers (obviously) – and the only thing left was for the young couple to choose a wedding venue. Martha gave them a list of options she found in New York City, but the couple had a surprise for her.
They Wanted a Fargo Wedding
Soon, Martha would realize why Holly and Mark had taken so long to choose a wedding venue in New York. It turns out that they had decided to have the wedding in Mark’s hometown of Fargo, North Carolina. Martha was speechless when she heard the news, she could barely contain her excitement.

Not only did this mean that Martha wouldn’t have to make the trip all the way to New York, but it also meant the wedding would have a special meaning. She knew Fargo and could organize everything perfectly, not to mention pick the most beautiful venue in town. Martha also felt that, in this way, her husband Peter could be close on a special day. Having the wedding in Fargo was not the only surprise awaiting her.
Guests Arrive in North Carolina
Martha had managed to organize every detail for the wedding – she had found a spectacular venue that Holly and Mark approved of, she had done all the flower arrangements, hired the best restaurant in Fargo to cater, and everything was perfect and ready for the big day.

Guests started to arrive in the little town of Fargo, and Martha was there to greet them all. Everyone was happy and smiling and couldn’t wait to see the beautiful wedding that they had planned. Friends and family were all present and ready to bless the couple with good wishes and gifts.
Mark and Holly Finally Arrive
Finally, Mark and Holly’s plane landed in Fargo, and Martha was the first to greet them. She had bought a beautiful dress that had taken her months to find, and she wore it for her first meeting with the husband-and-wife to be. She hadn’t seen her son in over two years, and she’d never even met Holly, so this moment was very special.

Martha couldn’t believe that the day had come to finally hug and congratulate her son in person and meet the woman who had been making him so happy for the last few years. Martha was about to be amazed and confront something she never thought she had to deal with in her life.
A Powerful Encounter Between Martha and Her Son
After not seeing her only son for over two years, the meeting between Martha and Mark was bound to be emotional. It was heart-warming when they finally saw each other and hugged after such a long time apart. Not seeing his mother in so long had been hard on Mark, not to mention on Martha.

She was stunned to see her son had become a handsome and wonderful young man. But especially, she was surprised to see how much Mark looked like his father Peter. Obviously, Mark was also very nostalgic to be back home and in his childhood house.
Martha Meets Holly for the First Time
After the emotional meeting with her son, Martha was finally ready to meet Holly in person. Even though they had both been speaking over the phone for a year and felt like they knew each other, it was the first time they would meet in person, so it was crucial.

Both women were as gracious and charming as possible, and the meeting was absolutely perfect. They hugged for two minutes and were overjoyed to meet each other finally. Martha welcomed Holly to their family, and Holly told her how much she loved that she was going to be her mother-in-law.
Something Was Strange
The first few minutes after meeting Holly and talking to her were exactly what Martha expected. Everything was perfect until Martha started to get an awkward feeling deep down. She didn’t know what was happening and couldn’t recognize this uncomfortable sensation in her stomach, so she decided to pay no attention to it.

But as the conversation went on, Martha couldn’t shake the thought that there was something strange about Holly. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but it made Martha feel very uneasy. Holly seemed extremely familiar as if they had met before. Her smile and eyes, even the way she laughed, all felt like things Martha had seen before.
The Birthmark on Holly’s Hand
After what became a very uncomfortable 20 minutes for Martha, the two women finally stood up to say goodbye. When Holly grabbed Martha’s hand in a sweet gesture, Martha’s stomach dropped to the floor. She realized that Holly had a very specific birthmark on her right hand.

Martha’s face became as pale as a white sheet of paper, and she could barely utter a word. She knew exactly what that birthmark was and recognized it instantly. Initially, she tried to ignore all the crazy thoughts that rushed through her mind and keep calm, but it was useless. Martha had no choice but to acknowledge what was happening.
Martha Can’t Keep Pretending
As Martha tried to keep calm and hold on to her feelings, Holly kept talking away about how happy she was and all of her future plans with Mark. Martha couldn’t pretend anymore, and it became obvious something was going on, her face said it all. She could no longer control her thoughts.

Holly kept on going about Fargo being the perfect place for their wedding and how happy she was that Martha had planned it all. On the other hand, Martha wasn’t listening to a word Holly said. She just held a fixed stare at Holly’s birthmark. Martha didn’t know what to do or how to react.
Her Feelings Became Obvious
As Martha’s color entirely left her face, Holly, and Mark, who had no idea what was happening inside Martha's head, began to get worried. They were getting concerned about Martha’s health, and Mark immediately asked her what was wrong. Mark reached for a chair and asked Martha to sit and try breathing.

Holly left the room to get some water for her future mother-in-law. As she walked towards the kitchen, Holly began to feel nervous and started asking herself if she had perhaps said something wrong or something that could have hurt Martha’s feelings. When she returned to the room, Martha seemed to be getting worse.
A Family Tragedy from the Past
As it turns out, Martha and Peter had a daughter many years back. Her name was Merry, and when she was two years old, she got lost and was never found. They looked for her for years, with help from the local police department and the entire Fargo community, but the girl was never found.

It was a terrible family tragedy, and Martha and Peter had to come to terms with the awful reality that they would probably never see their daughter again. The thing was that Merry had the exact same birthmark on her right hand that Holly did.
Holly and Merry Were Almost Identical
Apart from the revealing birthmark, Holly and Merry had unnerving similarities. Now that she took the time to detail Holly’s face, Martha realized that it bore an uncanny resemblance to her long-lost daughter. On top of their birthmarks being virtually identical – the size, color, shape, and the exact spot on the right hand – they also had the same eyes and smile.

Also, Holly’s particular laughter made Martha think of Merry. For every second that passed, Martha just found more and more similarities that ultimately left her gasping for air. Holly and Mark weren’t sure what to make of the whole situation, as Martha hadn’t uttered a word in a while.
Martha Tried to Make Sense of It All
Martha tried to make sense of the situation before causing a scene and irreversible damage to her son. Initially, she tried to calm herself down by repeating to herself that what she was thinking was impossible. There was no way that Holly could be her lost daughter from decades past. Martha told herself that it was just her mind playing games at the worst possible time.

She kept convincing herself that her longing to see Merry again was coming up in this crazy moment. And that, maybe, even the slightest similarity made her brain think they were the same person. Unfortunately, Martha couldn’t stop her train of thought.
She Had to Know the Truth
Martha had to discover the truth, so she decided to do it in the most discreet way possible. Knowing if Holly was really her lost daughter would have a major impact on not only her life but also Mark and Holly’s.

Martha knew she had already caused panic among her son and his future bride, so she simply composed herself and asked Holly to introduce her to her parents personally. Until now, they had only met over the phone. Martha hoped that talking to the parents could uncover some information about Holly’s past and hopefully put her doubts to rest.
Meeting Holly’s Parents
In an attempt to not cause further alarm, Martha greeted Holly’s parents with grace and respect. Calmly, she suggested they all go into a separate room at the wedding venue so they could get to know one another. Martha hated they were in this situation, but she knew her mind wouldn’t rest until she was honest about everything that was happening.

Martha did her best to remain calm and not scare Holly’s parents into shutting down and not talking. She knew she had to ask them something very important and that most parents wouldn't appreciate being blindsided with an investigation so she had to be as tactful as possible.
The Million-Dollar Question
With a very calm and sweet voice, Martha proceeded to ask the question that baffled Jack and Ann — Holly’s parents. “Was Holly adopted?” asked Martha, and the parents’ faces turned pale. They didn’t know what to make of Martha’s question and were shocked.

They had never told anyone that Holly had been adopted, and their complete astonishment as to why and how Martha was asking that question left everybody very tense. The sudden uncomfortable silence in the room made things even worse. Martha didn’t know how to react next, but she knew she had to say something and explain.
The Parents Don’t Know How to React
Martha was already anxious, but now Jack and Ann were unnerved and completely dumbfounded by the situation. Finally, Jack asked Martha where her question had come from and why she was asking such a thing. Martha seemed not to have heard the question and just repeated hers – “So Holly was definitely adopted?” she kept asking.

Ann wanted to avoid telling the whole story, and she went on to try and calm Martha, telling her that Holly was a great girl and she’d always take care of Mark. Martha wasn’t convinced, so she demanded that they please tell her the truth nicely.
Dealing With the Truth
Finally, Jack and Ann said it to Martha’s face – Holly was adopted. As it turns out, they had found her decades ago, wandering the streets as a lost girl. They had relentlessly tried to find her family, but it was impossible. So, after some time of futile attempts, they decided to raise Holly as their own.

They never told anybody, and after Jack got a new job in a different city, they moved and never looked back. They continued to be a family, and Holly grew up with parents who loved her. Ann and Jack were still in the dark as to why and how Martha knew this.
The Bigger Question
Holly’s parents kept asking Martha how she knew about the adoption and why she had asked them that question in the first place. Again, it was as if Martha couldn’t hear them asking and just blurted out the next question: "Why didn’t they take her to the local police or inform the authorities?”.

And then she asked why didn’t they try and find somebody that knew Holly’s birth parents. All politeness had gone out the window, and Martha was becoming more agitated by the minute, probing for her answers. Jack and Ann still had no clue about what was happening.
The Honest Truth
Jack and Ann proceeded to tell Martha that they did inform the local police; they visited every authority’s office they could think of and told people they had found a lost child. Nobody seemed to offer any insight or knew what to make of the situation. They further said that they put up signs and waited for the birth parents to come forward, but no one ever did.

Martha realized that Jack and Ann sounded like they were being honest, and she couldn’t understand how any of this had happened. After waiting for months for someone to come forward, they decided not to traumatize the child further and officially adopted her.
Martha’s Heartbreaking Story
It was finally time for Martha to come clean about her incessant questioning. Jack and Ann could no longer remain calm about the whole situation and needed an explanation from her. Martha started to tell them the story of her daughter Merry, of how she had gotten lost when she was barely two years old and she and her late husband Peter had spent years looking for her.

Martha kept on explaining that they reported her as a missing child the second she got lost and spoke to all the local authorities. Merry had never been found and they had come to think that the worst had happened. Finally, she told them about Merry’s birthmark and how it was identical to Holly’s. Ann and Jack could barely breathe.
The Tragic Trip to Alabama
When Holly’s parents finally managed to utter a word, the first thing they said was, “But it can’t be, we found Holly in Alabama, not Fargo”. But this only proved Martha’s theory further, as she continued to explain that Merry had gone missing on a family trip to Alabama.

At this point, it became clear that the fault of Merry never being found by Martha wasn’t on Ann and Jack. Somewhere down the line, some mistake had been made by the authorities, and the missing/found girl's cases were never matched. For twenty years, Martha had to make peace with the fact that she would never see her daughter again.
The Authorities’ Fault
Martha’s only logical conclusion was that there had been some kind of misunderstanding and negligence on the part of the local authorities. She knew that Peter and she had searched for their daughter relentlessly for years after she got lost. And she believed that Ann and Jack, who seemed like very decent people, had tried to return her to her real parents.

A miscommunication between the local authorities hadn’t matched Martha and Peter’s description of their daughter with the lost child that Jack and Ann brought in. This caused Martha never to find her missing child again and think the worst had happened.
An Error That Changed Their Lives
Martha couldn’t understand how local authorities could fail to do their jobs so terribly. Because of an error of miscommunication or someone not doing their job properly, she was never able to find her daughter. Martha and Peter’s lives were destroyed for a very long time, and the worst part was thinking something awful had happened to their two-year-old.

All the while, hundreds of miles away, another couple was trying desperately to find a frightened little girl’s family. They all couldn’t help but think about what would’ve happened if things had been done properly all those years ago. Martha couldn’t stop her tears as she relived that awful day in her mind.
Holly Heard Everything
While Martha and Holly’s parents were having this revealing conversation, they didn’t notice that Holly had come closer to the window to try and hear what it was all about. Logically, the whole situation had Holly feeling anxious, and she needed to know what was happening.

She took her phone with her, pretending to make a call, and followed the three parents. Once they walked inside the room and closed the door, Holly got close to a window so she could hear. Nothing could have prepared this young woman for what she was about to discover. Holly’s life was turned upside down.
Making Out the Conversation
Due to the sensitive topic of conversation, Martha and Holly’s parents were trying to keep their voices down, even reducing them to a whisper. However, Holly stuck her ear to the window and managed to make out exactly what they were saying. First, she was astonished when she heard she had been adopted. And as if that huge revelation weren’t enough, she then heard Martha’s story.

The tragic story is about how a two-year-old girl got lost on a family trip to Alabama 20 years ago and had the same birthmark as her. Holly saw the total panic in her mom’s eyes through the window. Her parents couldn’t believe what they were hearing.
Facing Her Parents
Holly couldn’t pretend to be calm anymore, and she decided to walk into the room where Martha and her parents were talking. As she entered the room, Martha and her parents were caught off-guard; they didn’t know what to say or how to react. Holly glanced at Martha with a confused stare, and then she walked towards Ann and Jack.

She asked her parents if everything she’d heard was true, and with tears in their eyes, they nodded. They were heartbroken – this was the worst day they could have possibly imagined for her to find out. This was supposed to be the happiest day of her life.
Making Peace with the Truth
Jack and Ann started to tell Holly the whole truth about the day they found her. They were visiting a small town in Alabama, and they saw her, tiny and helpless, wandering the streets with a lost look in her eyes. They tried asking her what had happened and where her family was, but she didn’t reply.

They then took her to the local police building to see if the authorities could help them find her parents. But, after hours in the station and no one coming forward, they took her home that day. For months, they walked into all the authorities’ offices in the state and even put up missing children posters, but nothing happened.
An Unwavering Love
As Ann was explaining everything with tears in her eyes, Jack suddenly interrupted and hugged Holly. He told her that it didn’t matter that they weren’t her biological parents or that they had found her when she was two years old. She was still their daughter, and they loved her more than anything in the world.

They were lucky enough to be able to raise her and see her become an incredible young woman, and they couldn’t be prouder. Jack begged her not to look at them differently because of this newly discovered truth and asked her to try and understand how they dealt with the situation.
The Most Incredible Moment
After taking a minute to deal with her utter shock and bewilderment, Holly finally reacted and started crying. She opened her arms and started walking towards Martha, to which Martha immediately stood up and rushed to hug her. It was a moment Martha had been waiting for for over two decades, and it was every bit as amazing as she could have ever imagined.

Holly embraced her birth mother and looked at her for what felt like the first time in her life. They both just stood for a few minutes, analyzing each other’s faces and feeling grateful for the universe having reunited them after all those years. This was not the end of the story, and more unexpected surprises were on the way.
Holly Thanked Her Parents
After having her much-needed moment with her newly-found birthmother Martha, Holly looked at Jack and Ann and rushed to hug them and tell them she loved them. The three of them hugged like the family they were, and Holly had nothing but kind words to say to them.

She thanked them for finding her and taking her in, raising her as their own, and always making her feel like she had a place in the world. Holly told her parents that they saved her life because otherwise, who knows what would’ve become of her had she stayed on the streets.
What Happens Now?
Once they had reunited and been honest about everything, a more pressing question came up: what was going to happen with Mark and the wedding? They had to tell Mark the whole story and break the bad news that they couldn’t get married.

This would be devastating for Mark and Holly, but it seemed like the only logical choice. Imagine the trauma of having to cancel your wedding because you discover your bride-to-be is actually your long-lost sister. That’s enough to destroy anyone’s life. No one was happy to tell Mark the news, and they were trying to decide the best way to do this.
Martha Didn’t Look Worried
While Holly and her parents were riddled with anxiety over who was going to tell Mark, Martha seemed strangely calm. Holly finally asked her how she could be so peaceful at a time like this; who was going to break the news to Mark?

Martha just cheekily said that they didn’t have to worry, she would tell Mark the whole story, and it would be fine. The wedding could happen as planned, and they would all live happily ever after. In fact, Mark would be ecstatic to know his long-lost sister had been found. Holly and her parents didn’t know what to say; Martha was beginning to sound insane.
The Wedding was Back On
Finally, after Holly and her parents asked Martha why she was acting as if nothing had happened, she revealed the truth. As fate would have it, Martha disclosed that Holly and Mark weren’t biological siblings. Mark had been adopted!

After the excruciating pain of losing Holly when she was two years old, she and her late husband, Peter, decided to adopt a child. They ended up adopting Mark when he was a little boy. So, the young couple could still get married and have their own family since they didn’t share any biological genes. Everyone sighed in disbelief and immense relief that a nightmare had been averted.
Holly and Marked Were Raised Differently
Mark and Holly were raised thousands of miles apart and in completely different families, but they were both very loved and cared for. There was one important difference in their upbringing, though. Because of the way they came to be her parents, Jack and Ann never told Holly she was adopted.

Mark, however, was told the truth from day one. Martha and Peter were always honest about his adoption and how they had lost a daughter when she was young. Martha and Peter loved Mark more than anything regardless of any biological connection, and they always let him know that.
Breaking the News to Mark
Since they had always been truthful to Mark about what had happened to their long-lost daughter, Martha had no doubt that breaking the news to Mark would only cause him joy, not sadness. After all, it’s not like they had to break up and cancel the wedding.

They were lucky enough not to be biologically related, which was a miracle if you really think about it. Despite knowing this, Holly and her parents were still very nervous about Mark’s reaction when he was told the truth. But Martha never feared, she knew her son better than anyone. She raised him, after all.
A Blessing in Disguise
Martha left the room and went to find Mark. She then told him she needed to talk to him about something important, and they both went into a separate room. She told him everything – the birthmark, Holly, her parents, the fact that they weren’t related. When Mark and Martha came out of the room, Holly and her parents were waiting anxiously outside the door.

They both came out with huge smiles and for the first time in his life, Mark was happy that he was adopted. He immediately hugged Holly, happy that he could still marry the love of his life and that his mother had the chance to see her long-lost daughter again.
A Very Special Wedding
A wedding is one of the most important events in anyone’s life, but Mark and Holly’s wedding was an extra special day. They were celebrating their love for each other and the relief that, in the event of such a huge reveal, they could still get married and have a family.

It was also one of the happiest days in Martha’s life – she got to see her son marry the love of his life, and she got back the daughter she had lost two decades ago. The sheer joy and happiness she must have felt that day is incredible.
Double Celebration
As Mark and Holly went on with the ceremony, they decided to tell all of their guests about their amazing story. After all, they were their nearest and dearest, and the story had a happy ending. Their family and friends were amazed and filled with happiness for them as soon as they heard the story.

Everyone celebrated the young couple as they walked down the aisle and also celebrated the reunited family that had found each other after two decades. It was an unforgettable day and an even more unforgettable story. Mark and Holly tied the knot and went on to live a happy life together.
Getting a DNA Test
As happy as Holly was to reunite with her long-lost mother, she had no memories of Martha or when she was little. Both Martha and Holly decided it would be wise to get a DNA test to confirm they were indeed mother and daughter. The results came back as they expected – Holly was Martha and Peter’s biological daughter.

Holly was happy to have found her mother and be able to get to know her after all these years. At the same time, she was endlessly grateful to Ann and Jack, who had raised and loved her and given her such a good life.
An Amazing Story for Their Kids
Apart from an epic wedding, Mark and Holly have one of the best stories in the world to tell their kids. Never in a million years could they imagine having such a memorable day. Imagine being able to tell your little ones about the day you got married and add the fact that you found your long-lost mother on the same day.

Whenever they decide to start a family, they’ll be able to entertain their kids with the journey of their lives for hours. On top of it all, they’ll also have Martha to tell them the story from the beginning and how their big family came to be. Like always, life has its ways and surprises us tremendously when we least expect it.
They say that happy families are all alike and that every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Now, let us add on to that — every family has its own dark, dirty little secret, and each secret is, well, revealed in its own unique way.

Reddit users from all over the world shared with us classified information about their relatives they were either told too late or had to find out on their own. Get ready to read stories that will make you appreciate how unexceptional your nutty family actually is.
Passing Judgment
We all have that one person in our family, the one who likes to judge and give advice no one asked for. You'd assume the person who feels so free to talk about other people's lives would at least be someone who makes sure they do everything right.

Well, there are expectations and then there's reality. Apparently, this person's aunt shouldn't be the one to talk about anybody's life... but she does.
Mysterious Money
Money, money, money, it makes the world go round, it must be funny in the rich's man world and so on and so forth. But, sometimes it can just be the only evidence left from an unsolved mystery. Such is the case in this story.

This family secret is so secretive, no living person knows the answer to it. When you don't know your mind can run wild and imagine the craziest things. Well, guess they can use all these coins to hire a private investigator, right?
Guess Our Secret Is Out?
Every family has a secret recipe, a meal so special that its formula has been passed down for generations, carefully kept and handed down. But what happens when you learn that the delicious dish you thought your grand-grandparents developed is as widely known as pizza, pasta, and croissants?

To his embarrassment, this guy had realized way too late, and in public, that he has been lied to his entire life. At least it was a funny family secret and not a bleak one.
Second Time's a Charm
Back in the day, people didn't use to discuss their past at length, especially if that past included a divorce. Before the new millennium, the word was considered dirty, illustrative of the divorcee's immorality.

Out of all the ways one could discover that their grama tied the knot with someone else before she met grandpa, an unfamiliar album in the attic has to be the best one. Imagine the grandkid's surprise!
Nanna, The Criminal
Two short sentences, yet we feel like a whole book could be written about this funny yet tragic family secret. Of course, a large portion of parenting is about protecting your children from knowing the harsh realities of adult life. Nanna going to jail is exactly the time to whip up your best fable.

But was fat camp really the greatest lie they could come up with? And why did grandma go to prison? Did she steal some hair dye or denture glue from the grocery store?
Out of Wedlock
Have we already mentioned people used to have different morals and rules about what is acceptable and what isn't? Some had to go to a great extent in order to hide what was perceived as a shameful occurrence in the past. Today this is just not that big of a deal.

Lying about your special day might prove problematic if those who attended the wedding remember the event. But hey, guess they wouldn't dare to suggest you got your own anniversary wrong!
All in the Family
We are not sure how to respond to this one, firstly, because of the weirdness of it all. Secondly, because of the sheer chance.

How has such a scheme lasted for so many different generations? Will it continue on forever and ever? Who be will the family's black sheep, that one person who'll choose to marry someone who isn't some type of relative?
Have You Heard of Confidentiality?
You'd expect a trained therapist to know how to keep a secret, right? Isn't confidentiality, like, the first thing they are taught at school? It should be!

Just like fight club, the first rule of therapy is that you don't talk about it, especially not to the patient's children! Luckily, this guy is just a marriage counselor and not an FBI agent.
Eloping Without Your Fiance
Looking back, we tend to think that life in past decades and centuries used to be a lot simpler. People were nicer, no one strayed, cheated, or caused unnecessary drama, right? Wait until you hear this juicy story about a great-great-grandma who didn't play by the rules!

The most awkward part, we think, is that the original fiance still had to attend family dinners with his brother and stolen bride. And you thought your get-togethers were awful!
Changing It Up
We are not sure what is the purpose of this practice. Is this some old family tradition we've never heard of? Are the girls in this family perpetually confused about who their actual parents are?

Honestly, while we can't fathom any benefits of giving your children away for a couple of years (or any reason why it would only be the girls), we do think this might make for a tight-knit family where everyone is as close as they could be.
Can't Take the Heat
Kids will believe almost anything you tell them and sometimes won't revisit the belief your lie created in their minds for years and years. Such was the case for this Reddit user, who was told at a young age it was smoking that had split his aunt and uncle up.

While we do have to admit that it can be very hard for a non-smoker to date someone who enjoys fuming, it is hardly a reason for divorce!
Stealing the Secret
This story isn't really about the actual secret, but about how to cunningly learn the family secret even though grandma tells it only to the married. (Preferential treatment, much?) Sure, we would have loved it if the person shared the actual recipe with us, but this story is priceless regardless.

We believe in equal rights, and everyone deserves the opportunity to try and make nanna's delicious cake.
The Secret Is a Secret
Just tell us! We're dying to know what the secret is, there's just one problem, it is still secret! Was this family member trying to tease and create a fight between this Reddit user and their mother? Or is there something more here?

This user must be the world's most incurious person, as they apparently just decided to pull an Elsa and let it go and never ask anyone anything. Well, they have been living with the uncertainty of not knowing what was hidden from them for over fifteen years, and it seems like they are fine with it.
Rockstar Dad
It's an age-old story, one we mostly encounter while watching outlandish TV shows with unbelievable plotlines. You find out your dad isn't actually your biological father. Instead, it is a glamorous rock star you've admired all your life!

Is this a dream come true, or a nightmare? Depends on the star, we guess. In this case, the actual child is still in the dark.
The Holy Grail of Secrets
Some users on Reddit just like joking around, which is what we assume this user is doing. Otherwise, he and his family are holding some valuable information. How have they maintained this knowledge?

Do they hold the Holy Grail at home, hidden in a safe behind a picture? Will we ever know the truth? No? The suspense is killing us, as this is one mystery everyone would love to solve.
'Tis I
While many chose to share information they have learned about their relatives way too late in life, this poster was herself the secret that was kept from everyone.

Both her conception and existence were kept so quietly that only nineteen years later when she contacted her mom, did everyone in her family finally find out about her, imagine that! How did the mom hide the pregnancy from all of her family members, though?
What Would Jesus Do?
Someone's baptism is a big day, not one they'd want to have overshadowed in any way. Well, this Reddit user had their thunder stolen by a fire! But, not only that, the fire was planned and executed by no other than the poster's family!

We are just speechless, though you do have to admit a baptism is one of the best alibis out there. But maybe, just maybe they should have asked themselves what would Jesus do? Well... not that.
The Old Lady Who Faked Her Own Death
This sentence could turn into a very successful book serious, "The Old Lady Who Faked Her Own Death," would fit right next to "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," don't you think?

We'd love to hear more details about this one. Why did she do it? How did she do it, and how did her relatives find out? All these questions will forever remain unanswered! One thing is for sure, it must have been a lot easier to fake your own death before cameras and traceable phones!
The Arson Uncle
It seems a lot of family secrets involve relatives engaging in criminal activities in one form or another. Do we really need to mention that arson is a felony?

It is always cool to learn that your family members are a part of history and were involved in events people study about in schools. We're assuming he was never caught, otherwise, it would have a different story entirely!
The Pianist
Many secrets are kept hidden because they are, or were shameful in some capacity, but keeping cool things that could have been inspiring as secrets? Not cool, grams!

Maybe the parents didn't want this kid to have what they'd call "unrealstic dreams" but, hey, if nanna did it, why couldn't this guy? All we're saying is, don't conceal cool facts about grandparents.
The Naked Truth
Being in public in your birthday suit could really get you into some unnecessary trouble. Still, many high school and college kids find showing off their hips, well, hip! (See what we did there?) What we didn't know is that the tradition of running around naked is as old as our great-great-grandmothers!

Could you imagine a good Christian girl doing something like that in church? No, huh? Well, they thought so too, which is why she was banished for life.
Puppy Love
We believe this is the type of family secret that could lead to some serious marital problems. Let's hope the mailman knows how to keep a secret. It is a long-known fact that some people just adore their pets, while their partners usually find themselves feeling like they were put on the back burner.

Imagine losing your wife to a dog named Chi-Chi for Christ's sake. It's a full-on tragicomedy at this point.
Dough for Days
Most of the things families chose to keep under cover tend to be on the morbid side, this story, on the other hand, makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Learning your ancestors had dough for days is cool enough, but learning they used it to promote a good cause, i.e. helping a public library? Perfection.

Seriously, could you imagine having enough extra cash to just be able to casually give away a couple of millions? Honestly, neither could we.
Butterscotch chips
Imagine this person's surprise when they learned they have been lied to for so long about such an important issue. It's very likely that their world crumbled into little butterscotch chips pieces.

If there's something we have learned in life it's that behind every renowned family recipe there's always a simple ingredient, one that can be found in every supermarket. The funniest part is that this person refused to eat anything made with butterscotch chips, thinking there's no way they'd enjoy it.
Oopsy, Your Secret's Out!
You know that saying about being careful with what you wish for? Well, apparently you should also be careful with what you joke about, cause it just might turn out to be true. What started as a fun, light joke turned out to be the one thing everyone in the family knew but the jester.

While an uncomfortable situation for those involved, it sounds like the type of thing they'd get to laugh about again someday. Or maybe just never mention it. It could go both ways.
The Adopted Dad
There's nothing like learning what drives people and makes them tick, what causes them to behave in one way and not another. We all know things that happened in our childhood have a huge impact on who we become later in life.

This is the case with this Reddit user's dad, who appreciates the kindness of his adoptive parents and wants to show the same love and care for animals and people alike.
Fourth Time's a Charm
They say marriage is for life, but this dad didn't get the memo, as it seems he has treated marriage like more of a sport. We get walking down the aisle and regretting it the first time, maybe we could even conceive of realizing it was a mistake the second time, but the third?

And then marrying again for the fourth time after all that disappointment? No wonder the groom's mother refused to show up, she probably ran out of "mother of the groom" dresses! What can we say? We're glad the last one lasted
Smoking Out the Secret
If there's one thing we are sure everyone hates equally it's gotta be being the last person to discover something. The more obvious the information was, the more oblivious and foolish the person who didn't know feels.

In regards to smoking, there are usually really clear tell-tale signs, the most apparent one being a certain smell that tends to linger. Well, this nanna must be an expert at keeping secrets and she'd make a great undercover agent.
Catfishing Your Kid
Boundaries. Sometimes it feels like large portions of the population have never heard anything about them. Our moms usually want what's best for us, but they tend to have some difficulties when it comes to learning the difference between being caring and being creepy.

This mom probably missed the day at school when they were learning about privacy, which resulted in her crossing the line and setting up the ground for a very awkward relationship with her kid.
Big Families, Small Towns
A small town or a big city? This is the type of question we all have to ask ourselves at one point or another. Some like busy urban environments while others prefer living in the countryside, where everything is green and quiet.

One reason as to why you might wanna go with living in a big city is that small places can prove to have a lot fewer options. Food and entertainment are something one could comprise on, marrying family members on the other hand...
Grandpa, Who Are You?
Confessions are dramatic by nature, but there isn't a more dramatic time to confess something than right before you're about to kick the bucket. If you're about to exit this world, at least make a show out of it!

A show with an open ending is always guaranteed to stay in our minds longer. What did that great great great grandfather do that justified creating a whole new identity? We hope the family figured it out.
We have all heard of the term "mother-naked" but we have never thought we'd have to think about that saying, well... literally.

This poor soul has had the misfortune of learning the thing that is passed down in his family isn't a tasty recipe or a useful skill, but rather the tendency to enjoy being in the nude around others. Listen, we don't judge, but also, we kinda do judge, you know?
Beyond the Grave
Funerals are never easy, but this Reddit user attended the world's most awkward, bizarre funeral, and it was his grandfather's! Imagine wanting to peacefully say goodbye to your beloved grandfather when all of a sudden, his second family shows up!

Discovering that someone is cheating and has another family never ends well, but what if you only find out about it after everything ended? It has to be the most inopportune time to find out.
The Coolest Nanna
We are sure your nanna, as well as ours, are angles that have no skeletons in the closet. Actually, we assume all grandmas are sweet old ladies who enjoy baking pies, sewing, and being with their grandchildren.

But this grandma has a different hobby altogether and it looks like her grandson approves of it. As long as her family is still proud of her, what else does she really need?
Brand Loyalty
Loyalty is a very important quality, one we all look for in partners and friends. But, we are not sure this girl's ancestor really got what it meant. Sure, he waited for each wife to pass before he moved on to one of her... family members... that's a sentence we never thought we'd find ourselves writing.

At least this Reddit user could find the humor in her family's weird history. And hey, it was back in the 1800s, so maybe this was cool back then? (It probably wasn't.)
The Mafia
Don't you just love it when someone manages to completely blow your mind in one single sentence? This is the type of hidden info that should not be taken lightly. We have all watched enough of "The Sopranos" to know we really, really don't want to mess with the mafia.

We hope, for this user's sake, that their relatives are on the mob's good side! We also hope they didn't find out about the mafia connection the hard way...
Family History
One of America's most important, proudest moments was when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Could you envision one of your very own founding fathers signing it? You know, that little document Mr. Thomas Jefferson wrote, no biggie.

Of course, everyone knows the best way we can all celebrate our independence today is by posting our opinions online. We are sure this person's ancestors would have been pleased with him.
As Bald as a Coot
While we would never judge anyone for figuring things a little bit too late, we thought it was common knowledge that at some point during their lives, most men lose their hair.

To the grandkid's defense, it seems like the grandfather was pretty good at hiding the truth, until one day he wasn't. But really think about it — the family's darkest secret? Grandpa is blad!
What Happens in Vegas
Vegas weddings are usually a bad idea. They are cheap, far from romantic, and mostly, probably done in secret, which isn't a good start for marriage if you ask us.

Honestly, up until now, we assumed Vegas wedding chapels only existed for teenagers who elope, but we guess there was one point in which everything spiritual idealistic grandparents wanted was for Elvis to wed them.
The Rodent Who Lived
During our childhood, we have all asked our parents for a dog. Most of them got us something lame instead, like a fish, or in this guy's case, a.. gerbil. When the pet passed away, we had a burial ceremony, in which we gave a nice eulogy and allowed everyone to say goodbye to Goldie the goldfish.

But this girl's mom and dad had a brilliant idea. Just replace the pet! Sadly, it seems they couldn't tell the difference between a hamster and a gerbil, a fact which definitely blew their cover.
The Silent Treatment
Communicating isn't the easiest thing to do, and sometimes, ironically, it becomes harder the longer you know a person. We all know at least one person or even were the person who just gave their significant other the silent treatment for a couple of hours to teach them a lesson.

Now, envision that method on a much, much, much larger scale and you get the above story. How did these two manage to go two decades in the same house without talking to each other?
If you don't know what 23&me is, where have you been? It's one of these genetic testing companies that allow you to learn where your ancestors are from.

Many have already complained that the rise of ancestral examinations has actually made it a lot harder to keep family secrets. We bet their mom had a lot to explain. We wouldn't want to put ourselves in her shoes!
A Special Friend
As kids, we sometimes don't really understand things that seem obvious to adults. This can lead to hysterical situations, like with this little girl, who never understood why her aunt always got to bring a friend to family dinners while she couldn't.

Luckily no one actually has to spell this secret out for her, as when she was a teenager she finally put two and two together!
From Rags to Riches, to Nothing.
What's worse, to never have something in the first place, or knowing you almost had it all, just to have it taken away because of a technicality? The second one, duh!

A lot of the actions people try to keep undercover are cheating-related. Sure, deception isn't the most ethical thing to do, but really, great-great-grandma? Couldn't you have kept your transgression to yourself? This affair cost all of your offspring a lot of money.
A Foxy Nurse
There is a lot to unpack here, don't you think? Whether the fact that uncles sometimes go to these sleazy bars is a secret or not, that depends on the family. But if it was, well, it's the most unfortunate place to have an unexpected health issue in.

But, in a twist of fate, Mr. Uncle actually was lucky to be in that despicable place, as the kind lady who danced with him was also a nurse. Maybe there's a moral to this story, somewhere? Honestly, if there is we couldn't find it.
A Forgotten Secret
Is there any chance you'd forget whether you ever shared very secretive, crucial information with someone or not? Yeah, we wouldn't lose our memory about such a topic either, but Reddit users are here to prove anything can happen!

Having everyone learn your secret is one thing, misremembering if it was ever told is another. There really isn't a way out of this situation at this point.
CIA Grandad
Out of all the things one could learn about their father's father after they have already passed this is one of the most thrilling ones. Who wouldn't enjoy learning they had their own version of James Bond in the family?

Sure, the signs were always there, but it's not every day that you get your little conspiracy theory confirmed by government documents! We think CIA grandad would make for a great TV show.
Mom's Little Helper
Being a perfect housewife is hard. No, scratch that, being any type of housewife, perfect or otherwise, is really, really, hard. We really do understand why sometimes (or always) moms would just prefer to serve a pre-made meal.

How ironic that the kids enjoyed the boxed meal a lot more than the mother actually expected? This just proves there really isn't any point in cooking, especially for children.
The Other Woman
When we're young we think our parents and grandparents are perfect, moral humans who couldn't hurt a fly. Then we grow up and we learn that grandparents are people too and they can engage in shady behavior as if they were silly little teenagers.

Up until now, we thought the safest thing was to keep affairs on the down-low, not to have them come to family functions. Somehow, they did manage to keep it a secret for over 20 years. So... good for them, we guess?
Bad Credit
Being married is not a picnic, but an obstacle course. One obstacle could be falling for someone who, god forbid, has really really bad credit. Such was the case with this user's dad.

His parents were not going to let that stop them from buying a house, so they got a divorce and stayed together until they did. At which point they were already divorced! Are you following? It was hard for us to grasp too.
Two Peas in a Pod
If there was ever an ingenious plan as to how to have an extra-marital affair, this must be it. Cheating with your partner's identical twin can prove to be handy in several different ways.

Firstly, one can always pretend to be so clueless that they didn't notice it was the twin they were hanging out with all along. Also, if the twins share the same DNA, would it even be possible to prove which one is the actual father?
A Sweet Secret
Most family secrets seem to be on the dark side. Someone did something behind someone's back and years later a family member finds out by mistake and everyone's life is ruined.

Not this one, here the secret was kept due to modesty and humility, and not because of shame and guilt. There's nothing sweeter than realizing your grandfather spent his entire life anonymously giving to others.
Hidden in Plain Sight
As far as reasons to be away from home go, a career in the military is one that usually makes family members proud. This means that the U.S Army can actually be used as a great excuse hiding the real reason as to why a family member hasn't come home in a year.

But there's another secret hidden in plain sight - what was he even arrested for?
A Gold Mine
A mystery within a mystery within a mystery! How did grandpa get all of the silver and gold in the first place? Was he involved in some shady business, or did he just want to keep some of his assets out of the bank?

Where exactly did he hide them? And most importantly, who were the family members who found the secret stash first and took all the inheritance for themselves? We wish we could be there to hear the rest of this story unfold.
A Win-Win Situation
Many parents say that the day their first kid was born was the happiest day of their lives. Now, picture this: the day you welcome your first kid into your life is also the same day you welcome your first grandkid. Sounds impossible? While it is insane, it is actually possible!

This grandpa didn't even know he had a daughter until she came by to introduce his grandkid. He gained them both on the same day.
The Point of No Return
Our parents usually want what's best for us. When they disapprove of something we do, it can be hard to follow through with it. This is especially true when it comes to choosing life partners. Marrying someone your parents openly dislike can be complicated.

Still, it doesn't get more complicated than having your own parents try to get you to be left at the altar. We really can't see how a parent-kid relationship can recover from that.
We Were On a Break!
There's nothing more unlucky than realizing that a one-night fling you never told your wife about (you were on a break!) ended up in a pregnancy.

Oh no, wait, there is something more unfortunate - having your wife and kids find out the whole thing. Will this Reddit poster ever get to meet his half-brother? If it's up to his father, probably not.
Sweet Vengeance
They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but it sounds like this act of revenge had to be pretty steamy. This one was a double whammy, a two-in-one if you like. Not only did he get back at his wife, he also got back at the man who facilitated his wife's infidelity.

This probably wasn't the way to rehabilitate the marriage, but it doesn't sound like this is what the grandfather was looking for.
There's No Law Against It
We have all heard stories about people getting married for very practical reasons, and it usually sounds like a bad choice.

Needing a legal way to stay in the country, this person's mom asked a man she had only known for one week to marry her. He agreed, and then ended up falling in love. Kinda sound like a plot for a Netflix Rom-Com. We'd definitely watch it.
Good Things Come at a Price
They say that having children is one of the most fulfilling things a person could do. They also say it is one of the most expensive things a person could do. Parents usually have to spend an insane amount of money just to make sure their offspring is fed, happy, and healthy.

But, when you promise your child a college fund, you better deliver. In this case, the parents delivered a total of $148.74, which isn't much of a fund, isn't it?
The Black Sheep of the Family
There's a lot to unpack here. We can't be exactly sure what the times were like when this person's great-great-grandfather was alive. Maybe resorting to sheep-stealing was the only way to survive back then.

But you gotta know how to do it. Getting caught and completely banned from Missouri? This ancestor sounds like an amateur. Luckily, it doesn't like getting banned from this specific state is much of a loss.
Thank the Troops
Troops do a lot for their country, they put their lives at risk in order to protect others. In this case, the troops took it a step further and helped an orphaned baby.

But, that didn't stop there, the guys kept in touch with the kid and helped him in any way possible. This is such a sweet heartwarming story to hear about your very own uncle. Probably made his family very proud.
OBG Why Not?
Affairs happen. Sometimes it is with the next-door neighbor or the milkman. We have also heard of having affairs with your partner's sibling or best first. But the OBGYN who's delivering your first child?

That must be an anomaly, right? But what if it isn't? We really don't want to go there. We at least hope that love letters were fun to read.
The Fried Chicken Family
When you think of fried chicken, you think of KFC. That's how strong this brand is. This Kentucky resident learned that his great-great-uncle was the person who founded this delicious fast-food restaurant.

Not only that, since it was discovered, it is no longer a buried, hidden, secret but a source of pride! Imagine the look on peoples' faces when they are told the person standing in front of them is related to Colonel Sanders.
Luck of the Draw
Having a mysterious person paying your college tuition is the type of thing they write novels about. Usually, there's only one conclusion to be drawn from such a situation, someone was doing the dirty with someone else, which resulted in a lovechild. But this story is far more interesting than that.

This Reddit poster's grandpa was a bookie who played his cards right and got Mr. Tony to pay for his grandson's education.
Driving The Drinks
It can sometimes be hard to remember that our grandparents were literally a part of history. This grandma was into alcohol before it was even cool, or well, legal! That got her in some trouble that resulted in a license suspension.

But would she admit to what she's done to get it back? Never! Who needs driving anyway? We bet this gal has already driven enough for a lifetime. After having her fair share of police chases, she probably just wants to rest, you know?
Not So Native
Like many secrets today, this one was released not because of a heartfelt confession, but because of a DNA test. In the past people got them to learn important medical information, today we take them for fun! Boy, how times have changed!

We have questions, so many questions. Like who was the person who told this Reddit poster that their great-grandma was Cherokee? Was it something she herself liked to tell people? How could she have lied like that?
Family History
There's nothing a kid finds more enticing than imagining some unknown relative of theirs is or was an excellent athlete who won fame and broke records.

When this boy had to do a genogram for school, an all-around boring task, he found out one of the coolest things one could find -- his first cousin was a star footballer who has had his fair share of accomplishments!
So Many Siblings
Families can come in all different shapes and forms. Some are as small as two humans and a dog, or a human and five cats (we don't judge!) while others could be as big as a tribe of 30.

When it comes to this bizarre family secret, we are not sure what's more upsetting: the number of siblings the grandfather has or the fact that 11 of them were a result of a father having an affair with his son's girlfriend. We bet family dinners get really awkward for them.
Dating Eminem's Dad
You didn't expect us to get through this list without mentioning at least some type of celebrity right? Usually, anonymous people who have dated celebrities love talking about it.

But here it is the grandmother who dated Eminem's father, back when the two were in school. Spells old news to us, you know? But some families really need a secret, even if it's kind of mundane.
A Salty Story
This Reddit user has been using Morton Salt their entire life, and have never once suspected of the secret history their family has with the brand.

Sure, there's no way of proving that this story is actually true, this means you might want to take this one with a grain of salt. This kind of contest seems to be a win for the brand, which probably secured the family's loyal without having to pay royalties.
Not Your Father
This started out simple: A rebellious teenager felt like they didn't belong. We've all been there, we've all heard it. But this story takes a turn towards the scandalous.

When the 12-year exclaimed that it feels like their father isn't actually their father, the grandma decided to put the cards on the table and admit that it's true! Who would have thought that such a mundane exchange would result in such a revelation?
The Raccoon that Could
This one isn't strictly a secret, but more of an ongoing misunderstanding that has to lead this poor person to believe that their childhood raccoon had died prematurely.

But, the dad was not using any fancy metaphors but was actually delivering the truth. How rare! This truth went over the kid's head, but years later, she got to learn what actually happened to her beloved raccoon.
Something to Write Home About
Family secrets are called so for a reason, most people wish to keep them hidden from both family members and the entire world. But this sneaky grandpa wanted to air all of his dirty laundry outside.

So he did, in the form of a novel that he published. Now anyone and everyone could read about the couple's messy divorce, including the poor children and grandchildren, who've probably realized that some secrets should be kept that way.
A New Identity
Imagine thinking you were of one origin and then learning you were of a different one entirely. This is what happened to this Reddit user, who took a DNA test and learned of his Jewish descent.

But that was just the beginning, he, later on, learned everything about his grandfather's past, and about all of the things he was willing to sacrifice in order to achieve the American dream.
A Family Feud
If you know anyone who has ever gotten a divorce or been through a breakup, you know these can get really messy. So messy that people who once loved each other and vowed to always stay together can end up having heated, petty arguments about who is going to get the sofa. But, maybe it is even worse for those who can't or won't get a divorce.

They might find themselves trying all sorts of creative ways to get their partners out of their lives.
Three's a Crowd
What would you say, is this uncle commitment-phobic, or maybe he's actually a commitment enthusiast? So committed to the institute of marriage that one just wasn't enough for him.

The revelation of this secret got the uncle in serious trouble, none of his children wanted to talk to him, or to each other. Sounds like he bit off a tad more than he could chew.
Water Can Be Thicker than Blood
There's a special place in heaven reserved for men and women who take in children who aren't they own as if they were. In this case, the grandfather did it in order to save the child.

Not only was he kind, but also humble, not telling anyone that the kid is not his child. This story shows that sometimes a choice to be there for someone can be stronger than a biological connection.
Breaking the Bank
We thought the bank robbers only existed in the movies, but this guy learned that his ancestors were real-life rebels who stormed banks in their free time.

There's a great chance he even has some money-taking skills in him that he is yet to discover. But alas, since all of the crooks of the family have already passed away, this guy will have to figure it out all on his own.