With experience, all doctors learn how to tell those who fake it apart from the rest. In this case, kids who are faking are usually simpler to spot as they laugh at the slightest stirring.

Any word or phrase that’s considered taboo or unacceptable to say in public will have them chuckling. In this case, the colloquial term for intergluteal cleft really made this kiddo snigger.
Deciding to Grow the Family
Lilly and Pradeep were a young couple that had been happily married for years, and the day finally came when they decided they wanted to expand their family. After trying for a few months, Lilly got pregnant, and they were elated to get the news.

Not only was she pregnant, but she would be having twins! The young couple was joyful and logically also terrified, as they knew their lives were about to be turned upside down. Having one baby was hard enough, but two at the same time?! They had no other choice but to prepare as best they could for nine months.
The Happiest Day of Their Lives
The day finally came, and Lilly had healthy, beautiful twins – she and Pradeep couldn’t have been happier. Lilly had a great pregnancy with almost zero morning sickness, and the babies came only one day after they were due. The hospital staff had been wonderful, helping the new parents in any way they could.

Lilly felt that she had weathered the toughest day of her life and had been rewarded with incomparable joy. As they left the hospital with their newborn twins, Mia and Elijah, the couple was floating on a cloud of happiness. They couldn’t wait to get home and start their new lives as a family.
Something Isn't Right
The days went by, and Lilly loved being a mother, despite the hectic beginning until she finally found her routine and got to know the needs of her babies. There were many sleepless nights, and it was obviously a big adjustment, but things were going wonderfully, until a few days later, Lilly started to feel something in her abdomen.

It began as mild discomfort, and Lilly brushed it off as normal pain that was expected after giving birth. She went about her motherly tasks and carried on, but in a matter of 48 hours, the pain got significantly worse.
Simple Tasks Became Impossible
What had started as a mild discomfort suddenly became crippling pain, preventing Lilly from doing even the most basic things. Carrying her babies became too painful to do, as lifting them required force from her abdominal muscles, which seemed to be the most affected. She also started to feel aches all over her body and couldn’t understand what was happening.

She asked Pradeep to help with some of these tasks and rested for a day or two, just to see if she could recover, but her hopes that her pain was just a case of exhaustion proved futile. Lilly could no longer pretend she was fine – she decided to tell Pradeep just how much pain she was in.
Why Did She Keep This From Him?
When Lilly finally sat down with Pradeep and told him exactly what she was feeling, his first reaction was of astonishment and deceit. He couldn’t believe she had waited nearly two weeks to tell him about her pain; why had she pretended she was fine? He thought they told each other everything, and this came as a real shock.

The mere fact that she felt she couldn’t tell him this from the very first moment meant there was something wrong with their communication. He was the twins’ father, he could’ve taken care of things if she was in pain, yet she preferred to suffer in silence.
They Have to Go to the Hospital
As disappointed as he was that Lilly didn’t tell him sooner, Pradeep saw the pain in his wife’s eyes and immediately decided they were going to the hospital. Lilly’s health was in terrible condition, and Pradeep almost felt guilty now for not having noticed it before.

Pradeep helped his wife get dressed, and they rushed to the hospital. While in the car drive there, Lilly wouldn’t stop sweating and grabbing her stomach, she was writhing with pain. Every time Pradeep hit a bump on the road, Lilly screamed in pain and pleaded with him to be careful. Upon hearing his wife’s screams, Pradeep realized her condition was far worse than he’d imagined.
An Endless Wait
As the couple finally arrived at the hospital, they realized the emergency room was filled with thousands of people who looked sicker than Lilly, so there was no other choice but to wait. Pradeep was getting desperate because he saw the excruciating pain in Lilly’s eyes, but no matter what he said to the nurses, he was just told to wait.

Pradeep felt helpless as he saw Lilly take a seat in the crowded waiting room and fall silent. He felt her pain and saw in her eyes that she was living a nightmare. He drove himself crazy thinking about what else he could do to help.
A Strong Woman
Despite the amount of pain she was in, Lilly patiently and quietly sat in the emergency room waiting area and said nothing. She suffered in silence, because she knew she had no other choice, and she didn’t want to alarm Pradeep further. About four hours went by, and Lilly’s pain threshold was reaching its limit, her body was about to shut down from pain.

She couldn’t take it anymore, so she grabbed her husband’s arm and cried out in hopelessness, “Pradeep, please do something!” In his desperation, Pradeep approached the check-in counter once again to ask how much longer they would have to wait. In an effort to help, the nurses said it could take a few more hours.
He Called His Parents
Before Pradeep rushed Lilly to the hospital, upon seeing the pain she was in, he quickly called his parents, who lived close by, and asked them to come and take care of the twins. Luckily, Lilly had pumped enough breastmilk to last the twins a few good hours.

Pradeep’s parents arrived immediately and said not to worry, to take as long as they needed in the hospital, and that they would happily take care of the twins in the meantime. However, after understanding the seriousness of the situation when Lilly got rushed to emergency surgery, Pradeep called his parents and explained they weren’t going to be home anytime soon. His parents reassured him and said to take the time they needed; the twins were fine.
Reaching the Limit
It only took half an hour more for Lilly to reach her pain threshold – she couldn’t take it anymore; her strength had gone. Pradeep suddenly realized that her wife had started to go in and out of consciousness and was on the verge of completely collapsing.

And just as well, a minute after Pradeep had this thought, Lilly fell to the ground, and Pradeep started screaming for help, which finally came. Nurses and doctors rushed towards them and helped pick Lilly off the cold hospital floor. Pradeep uttered a sigh of relief that his wife’s suffering had finally been addressed and she no longer had to wait in pain.
A State of Confusion
After slipping out of consciousness and fainting on the hospital floor, it took Lilly a few minutes to wake up. As she slowly began to regain consciousness, Lilly was completely confused about her whereabouts, asking loudly for her husband. Even though Pradeep was standing right beside her, Lilly kept asking, “where is my husband?”

When Pradeep held her and told her he was right there, she didn’t quite recognize him at first. It was only after a few awful moments that Lilly finally understood her husband never left her side. The pain she had experienced before fainting quickly returned, and so did her screams of agony. Luckily, this time she was surrounded by doctors who would take her seriously.
Endless Questions
As is customary with doctors, they started peppering Lilly with all sorts of questions. Pradeep, quite annoyed by this point, told them he had spent the last hour filling out forms with exactly the same questions, and his wife couldn’t afford to wait a minute longer.

Suddenly, after the series of routine questions, one of the doctors asked Lilly if she had children, to which she replied she had given birth to twins just 3 weeks ago. Both Pradeep and his wife noticed the sudden change in the doctors’ faces – something had set off their alarms. Almost immediately, they hospitalized Lilly and started a full panel of blood tests and analyses.
Still in the Dark
Lilly and Pradeep felt like an eternity had passed as they waited for the test results in the hospital room. Despite asking doctors what they thought was happening to Lilly or some kind of indication of how serious the situation was, nobody could give them a straight answer – “Wait for the tests,” they all said.

The stress wasn’t helpful to either of them and even though Lilly was able to manage her pain better after receiving some painkillers, she was still suffering. The anxiety of the wait just made everything worse, and she started getting crazy ideas of all the things that could possibly be wrong with her.
More Problems
As if the situation wasn’t bad enough, Pradeep suddenly received a message from his parents. They couldn’t watch the twins for much longer because they had an appointment in the next two hours. Pradeep felt like his world was falling apart – he had to go back to care for his kids, but how was he going to leave Lilly alone?

He didn’t even know what was going on or how serious it was, and now he had to rush back home and deal with an entirely new set of problems. His mind was spinning, and suddenly, when he managed to get a breath of air, a nurse came in the room and told him they were taking Lilly to get an ultrasound – her condition was critical.
Lilly Was Taken Away
As they wheeled Lilly away to the exam room, Pradeep caught a glimpse through the hospital hall; he just wanted to run after her and be by her side. But he couldn’t go with her, so he had no other choice but to go back to the room and wait. A nurse who saw the panic in his eyes approached him and said, “We are not doing anything without informing you first, sir, don’t worry, we will do everything we can.”

Even though Pradeep was grateful to the nurse for trying to reassure him, it did little to calm him down. He needed them to run their tests and tell him what on earth was happening to his wife as soon as humanly possible.
The Ultrasound
They prepped Lilly and conducted the ultrasound, which took only a few minutes, but that was enough for the doctor’s face to turn into sheer panic. Lilly was told she needed emergency surgery and there was no time to waste. Lilly tried to ask the doctor for more information, but they immediately said there was no time to explain; she needed to trust them.

She didn’t know what to think; she felt lost and helpless. What was going on with her twins? Why did she need emergency surgery? What if she didn’t get out of the surgery, and Pradeep was left to care for Mia and Elijah on his own? It took everything she had not to break down and cry.
Breaking the News to Pradeep
The doctor went back to the hospital’s waiting area to find Pradeep and tell him what was happening. The situation was dire, and Lilly’s ultrasound had shown something concerning; they needed to run further tests, but she needed to stay in the hospital for now. The doctor didn’t have time to say much else, leaving Pradeep unable to speak or think.

He could barely catch his breath. He had too many questions going around in his mind: Would his wife make it? Would his children grow up with their mother? Could he even make it without her? What had shown up in that ultrasound? Pradeep felt his head was about to explode.
Happiness Felt Like a Distant Memory
As he sat in that waiting room for what seemed to be an eternity, Pradeep couldn’t help but think about the day his twins were born. Just three weeks before, he had been in that same hospital, walking out its front door with his wife and newborn twins, feeling the happiest he had felt in his entire life.

The birth was exhausting and painful for Lilly, but the moment he saw little Mia and Elijah’s faces, everything was magic. Lilly had told him that it had all been worth it just for that second when she got to hold her children in her arms.
Trying to Stay Sane
After receiving news that Lilly’s ultrasound had shown something concerning, Pradeep struggled to keep his composure while waiting. He walked up and down the hospital halls, went to the cafeteria, and tried to have some tea, but nothing worked to calm him down.

He couldn’t believe that so much happiness could be taken away from him and his family so quickly. It felt like barely yesterday that their beautiful twins had come into his and Lilly’s lives. Was it really all fading away? He couldn’t help but feel that life had dealt them a bad blow. It just wasn’t fair.
Thinking of the Good Times
Pradeep searched his mind for good memories, trying to keep negative thoughts from invading him and taking over. He thought back to the first week after bringing the twins home from the hospital, how chaotic and exhausting it had been, and how Lilly had managed to endure them with a huge smile on her face.

Lilly was the best mother he’d ever seen – her attention and love unwavering towards Mia and Elijah. After two weeks it had felt like they were finally coming to a harmonious balance and rhythm that suited all their needs. Now, this felt like it had happened in another life, as he and Lilly awaited to hear more about her ultrasound test.
A Difficult Situation
Pradeep’s parents had always been close with their son and his family, and they were elated when their grandkids were born. Since they were thegrandparents who lived close by, they were always willing to help out and come visit if Pradeep and Lilly needed anything.

However, on this particular day, they had commitments that they couldn’t cancel or miss, and so had no other choice but to inform their son that they could no longer care for the twins in the next hours. Pradeep and Lilly never imagined they would be stuck at the hospital for hours on end, and the last thing they wanted was to leave their twins with a stranger. Pradeep had no choice but to rush home and leave Lilly.
Trying to Distract Herself
As Lilly was taken back to a hospital room while the doctors went over her ultrasound results, she tried to distract herself from the pain she felt, and from the fact that she missed her family like crazy. She was alone in a cold hospital room; all she could think of was her beautiful babies.

Lilly tried to distract herself with TV, apps on her phone, and anything that could keep her from going insane while she waited for the doctor to come back. She felt helpless and wanted to burst into tears – it wasn’t fair. She couldn’t stop wondering why the doctors were taking so long or why no one would tell her anything.
A Nurse Walked In
Right before Lilly thought she couldn’t wait a minute longer, a nurse finally came in. Lilly could tell from her face that it wasn’t going to be the news she was hoping for. The nurse told her she was sorry, but they needed to keep her in the hospital overnight for observation.

Lilly immediately thought of Pradeep and the kids — she had never spent a night away from the twins, and Pradeep had never taken care of them on his own. She picked up the phone and called Pradeep immediately, telling him that she wouldn’t be coming home that night.
A Calming Reassurance
As soon as Lilly heard Pradeep’s voice, she already felt so much better. She informed him that the nurse had only told her they were keeping her overnight for now, but she was still waiting for the doctor to tell her what was going on. She asked how they were doing and how he was managing alone with the twins, and his answer filled her with peace and happiness.

Pradeep reassured his wife that he and the twins were fine and managing well. Lilly still felt a deep sadness that her family couldn’t be there with her, but it definitely helped to know they were doing ok. She finally accepted that she would have to spend a night without them.
No Sleep
That night at the hospital was probably one of the worst nights of Lilly’s life – not only was she without her family, but she barely slept at all. Doctors kept coming in and out of the room, monitors kept beeping, nurses kept chattering at the doorway, and she just couldn’t shake the feeling that her test results were going to be awful.

As she woke up early the next morning, she still didn’t know what was wrong with her. She tried calling the nurse, who came quickly and told her the wait was almost over and the doctor would be in soon.
Her Family Was on the Way
Luckily, Pradeep had woken up early too and started to get the twins ready so they could all go visit Lilly at the hospital. He needed to see his wife and he couldn’t find a babysitter, so he decided to take Mia and Elijah with him. When Lilly saw her family walking through the doors of her room, she cried with joy; hugging her babies and husband was everything to her.

But the joy was short-lived, as four doctors came into the room shortly after with some very bad news. “Lilly, there’s a significant matter we need to talk about,” said one doctor. “Something came up in your ultrasound, and we’re still trying to determine the nature of it,” said another doctor. Pradeep and Lilly were speechless.
The Only Solution
Lilly asked the doctors what they could do about it, and what the next step was. Their answer made her feel even worse – “We regret to say that the only thing to do is perform an emergency surgery.” Pradeep yelled out in shock, “What do you mean surgery?!”

He didn’t understand why his wife needed emergency surgery, she had recently given birth, and her body had barely recovered. The doctors tried to explain that there wasn’t much time left to make a decision, they needed Lilly’s approval to do the surgery, and they believed there was truly no other choice but to keep Lilly alive.
Time for Surgery
Lilly understood that even without enough information, surgery was the only way out of her nightmare. She felt the gravity in the doctors’ voices when they said surgery was the only option, and living with pain or not being there to see her twins grow up was not an option. She agreed to the surgery, and the doctors quickly began prepping the operating room.

As Pradeep waited outside the room, they prepped Lilly and wheeled her out of the room. She kissed Pradeep and her babies and told them she loved them and she would see them soon; “See you soon, my love”, replied Pradeep.
An Awful Wait
Pradeep held the twins, and the three of them walked to the waiting room. He was constantly reminding himself that the surgery would take time, and he needed to be patient and hopeful. But this became increasingly difficult as the twins began to cry, and his mind began to spin in every direction – what if the surgery went bad?

What if he never saw his wife again? What if the doctors had misdiagnosed her? The twins could feel his fear and began to cry even harder; Pradeep tried to calm himself down, but his efforts were proving futile. He couldn’t imagine a life without Lilly.
An Excruciating Hour
Pradeep looked at his watch and realized a whole hour had gone by since they took Lilly into surgery, and the twins hadn’t calmed down one bit. He couldn’t comfort his kids, he couldn’t help his wife, and he felt completely powerless. He decided to call his mother and ask her to come and help, and fortunately, she said she was on her way.

The twins almost appeared as though they knew something was wrong; it was becoming obvious they missed their mother terribly. They wouldn’t eat or sleep, and every attempt Pradeep made to make them laugh or smile was completely futile.
His Mother Arrived
Finally, like a miracle walking down the hall, Pradeep saw his mother arrive at the waiting room. He was elated to see his mother and immediately handed her the twins as she got closer; he told her he needed to go get some water and fresh air for a minute.

As Pradeep walked around the hospital, he began to sweat from anxiety – why was nobody telling him anything? How was the surgery going? What if they’d found something even worse than what came up on the ultrasound? He was driving himself crazy and so decided to rush back to his twins and regain a sense of calm.
Finally Some News
The doctor finally came into the waiting room and updated Pradeep on his wife’s condition – the news wasn’t good. “Pradeep, the surgery is proving more complicated than we thought, and even though Lilly is stable, we’re still not out of the woods,” said the doctor. Pradeep couldn’t utter a word; it took all his energy just to take a breath.

The doctor went on to say that they all knew the surgery had its risks, but they were doing everything possible to finish the procedure successfully and get Lilly back to him. Pradeep wanted to burst out screaming, but his utter shock made him nod and sit down. All he could do was to keep waiting and hope for the best.
Better News
After hours that felt endless, the doctor finally came back into the waiting room and informed Pradeep that Lilly was finally out of surgery and everything had turned out fine. Pradeep was elated and immediately asked the doctor if he could go see his wife, to which the doctor gave him an infuriating response.

“You can’t see her now; in fact, it would be best if you came tomorrow or even the day after. Lilly needs to rest and recover”, said the doctor. A switch went off in Pradeep’s mind, and he simply told the doctor in a stern, serious voice, “No, I have to see her now”.
Out of Control
When the doctor told Pradeep he couldn’t see his wife for a second time, he simply lost it. Pradeep started raising his voice and yelling at the doctor, explaining that he knew his wife, and waking up alone and not seeing her family there would only make her feel worse.

The doctor demanded that he calm down and said “no” for a third time. This pushed Pradeep over the edge, making him scream even more and demanding to see his wife immediately. The doctor wasn’t taking any more of this; he called security and told them to remove Pradeep from the hospital.
Making Things Worse
As Pradeep saw the hospital security officers approaching him, he did something he had never done before – he made a run for it. Suddenly, to his mother's and the doctor’s shock, a crew of officers was chasing Pradeep down the hospital corridors.

Pradeep was determined to find his wife; he felt the doctors were keeping information from him, and he had to find out what it was. In his mind, there wasn’t an acceptable explanation for why he wasn’t allowed to see his wife. Why were they so adamant about keeping him from seeing her for almost two more days? There was something going on, and he needed to protect his wife.
He Found Lilly
Pradeep ran through the hospital halls screaming Lilly’s name in the hopes that she would hear him and reply back. After screaming for five minutes straight, he finally heard a weak, soft voice from one of the rooms – “Pradeep?”

He stopped in his tracks and followed the voice as best as he could until he finally came upon the doorway to a room and saw his beautiful wife there. Just as he was about to enter and hug Lilly, two security officers tackled Pradeep to the ground and escorted him out of the hospital, forbidding him from coming back in.
They Returned Home
That half a minute of seeing his wife’s face was enough to comfort Pradeep and convince him she was going to be fine. Pradeep obeyed the security officers’ orders, and he, his mother, and the twins made their way home. He would get a good night’s sleep, tend to the twins, and go back in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to visit Lilly.

Hopefully, she, too, would be able to have a restful night and wake up feeling brand new and ready to come home. Unfortunately, after getting the twins to sleep and convincing his mother to stay the night, Pradeep’s mind was still restless. He couldn’t forgive himself for leaving Lilly alone at the hospital.
A Terrible Idea
In a mix of exhaustion, worry, and missing his wife terribly, Pradeep came up with a terrible idea – he would sneak into the hospital at midnight and go into his wife’s room so he could be by her side when she woke up. The clock marked 12 AM, and he decided to go for it.

He went to the guest room where his mother was sleeping and woke her up to ask for one last favor. After startling her half to death, he managed to explain to her why it was imperative that he be there when Lilly woke up and if she could please watch the twins for the night. After much convincing, his mother accepted.
Sneaking Into the Hospital
With the hopes that the hospital staff and security officers were changing shifts and the replacements would recognize Pradeep, he walked into the emergency room as if nothing was wrong. He felt confident he was doing the right thing. As Pradeep walked further into the hospital, making sure he was calm and collected and avoiding eye contact with anybody, he began to search for Lilly’s room.

The room number was embedded in his memory, and he had only a few steps left until he could finally reach his wife. But as he entered the room, he realized there was a stark surprise waiting for him – the room was empty! How would he find Lilly now?!
Not Giving Up
Pradeep had come too far to give up now, so he resolved to keep on searching room by room until he found his wife. Finally, after discreetly peering into over a dozen rooms, he found Lilly. She was asleep and looked peaceful and happy in a way he hadn’t seen for days.

Pradeep felt a great sense of peace wash over him, and he entered the room, gave his beloved wife a kiss on the forehead, and sat by her side. Eventually, while holding Lilly’s hand as she slept, Pradeep couldn’t fight his exhaustion any longer and finally drifted off to sleep.
A Nurse’s Compassion
A few hours later, after Pradeep and Lilly had finally managed to get some much-needed rest, Pradeep was woken up by a nurse. It was the morning nurse coming in to check on Lilly, and she was shocked to see Pradeep there, knowing he had been banned from the premises.

As she asked him to please leave, Pradeep proceeded to tell her the whole story and how he had sneaked into the hospital just for his wife to be able to look at him when she opened her eyes in the morning. The nurse was so touched that she allowed him to stay, despite hospital policy. Pradeep didn’t know how to thank her; he was eternally grateful.
Lilly’s Much-Needed Rest
Pradeep rearranged himself in his chair as he watched Lilly sleep. She was peaceful and having a deep sleep, and it made him incredibly happy to see she was finally able to get some peace. He felt poor Lilly had been through hell, and the least she deserved was some rest.

He couldn’t wait for her to wake up pain-free and with new energy so she could finally come home to her family. Pradeep called his mother to check on the twins and learned that everything was fine; they had slept through the night and had breakfast without too much complaining in the morning.
A Long Wait
It would be another three hours before the doctors finally came into the room to brief Lilly on what was happening. The doctor was a bit startled to see Pradeep there, but he ultimately understood the need for a husband to be with his wife, so he let him stay.

Furthermore, the doctor saw Lilly’s reaction when she woke up to see Pradeep by her side. She gave him a big smile and squeezed his hand in joy. She was still groggy from the medicines and had some recovery ahead. Pradeep was happy to see his wife awake and smiling and immediately updated her about the twins.
Waking Up
As Lilly woke up further, the doctor presented her test results and explained the whole surgery she had undergone. “That was quite the journey, Lilly”, started the doctor, “the surgery was successful, but it wasn’t without complications”, he continued. The doctor explained that, during the surgery, her heart stopped beating twice, and they had to use a defibrillator that could cause some discomfort.

She shouldn’t be alarmed. Clearly, Lilly and Pradeep were taken aback with astonishment. Pradeep yelled, “What?! A Defibrillator?”; he couldn’t understand how he wasn’t told this information sooner. And that wasn’t even the worst part of the explanation.
Disturbing News
The doctor continued to say that they had found a large mass on Lilly’s ovaries, which was why they had to perform the surgery. “Your pain and exhaustion were products of this mass,” explained the doctor, “unfortunately, we had no other choice than to take out your ovaries to save your life”, he concluded.

A deep, unsettling silence came over the room – Pradeep and Lilly looked at each other with unwavering sadness in their hearts. Lilly started crying uncontrollably, and Pradeep could do nothing but hug her as tears rolled down his cheeks as well. It took a few minutes for them to be able to speak.
Coming to Terms With It
As devastating and shocking as the news was, Lilly and Pradeep understood it was the only way to keep Lilly alive. They were both incredibly grateful for their twins and loved them without measure, but they had always hoped they’d have more children, and now, that hope had gone forever.

They thanked the doctors for saving her life and after a few hours, Lilly was finally discharged from the hospital and went home with Pradeep. All she wanted was to hug and kiss her twins while she came to terms with the fact that she would never again be pregnant.
A Hard Road Ahead
Not only did Pradeep and Lilly have to recover from the physical toll of exhaustion and anxiety that the whole ordeal took on them, but they also had to psychologically come to terms with a new reality. Luckily, Lilly made a full recovery, but it was a hard road, full of ups and downs and big adjustments to her body.

The family moved forward and decided they would focus on being thankful for their twins and even getting the chance to be parents. They felt blessed and dedicated their days to raising Mia and Elijah and enjoying every day to the fullest.
Supporting Her Saviors
Lilly and Pradeep were eternally grateful to the hospital doctors and staff who saved her life that night. The couple decided to do something to thank the hospital, and so got on board to organize events and fundraisers that could help in acquiring more equipment and resources.

They dedicated a big portion of their weekdays to working with the hospital and making sure that everyone in their community could receive the care they needed. They wanted to ensure that, if anyone was ever in their position, their lives could also be saved by the best doctors.
We love binge-watching medical dramas like "The Good Doctor" and "ER" for a number of reasons. Yes, we love the complex characters and the crazy world of hospital dynamics, but we're also fascinated by bizarre medical stories. Yes, we see you Googling Web MD!

When it comes to this list, we have a bunch of people who so desperately needed their very own episode of "House" that they got super creative diagnosing themselves. If you're ready to bump up your medical expertise to the next level, check these fake illnesses and you'll soon be able to tell who's pretending.
Super Easy to Catch
With experience, all doctors learn how to tell those who fake it apart from the rest. In this case, kids who are faking are usually simpler to spot as they laugh at the slightest stirring.

Any word or phrase that's considered taboo or unacceptable to say in public will have them chuckling. In this case, the colloquial term for intergluteal cleft really made this kiddo snigger.
Naturally, lying will considerably evolve and accelerate in this article… but in this case, it still shows how silly some people can be. Over the last 50 years, patients have taken dishonesty to the extreme by thinking they can fool doctors.

Screaming in terrible pain is one thing, but showing no other signs of discomfort or hurt is what some doctors would define as an "outright lie."
Kids These Days...
While some of us may overdramatize our symptoms when we're feeling sick, others take it to a whole other level and pretend they cant' speak, the worst part about this story is he really thought he could outsmart health care professionals by refusing to speak.

We finally got the story behind it, and basically, the kid was mad because his dad took his phone away and this was his way of 'punishing' his dad.
Who knows why people go out of their way to lie about being sick with symptoms that just don't make sense, in this case, it sounds like he just wanted the attention, but that's just our guess.

Pretending to be sick while in the army is called malingering, and it's actually considered a crime. Not only are you wasting resources and the time of the medical personnel but you're lying on the job.
The Miracle
Another obvious reason why people would fake having an illness and waste healthcare professionals' time is to get a specific kind of medication that they seem desperate for.

Pretending to have a seizure may seem easy to do, but for it to look real and believable, you need to be pretty good at acting, like insanely good!
Catching a Ride
Honestly, we don't know about you but if we were the paramedics in this situation, we'd be so upset and kick her out of the ambulance.

This just goes to show how much respect healthcare workers deserve, after all their hard work trying to help and heal people and this is what they have to deal with!
Wait... What?!
Faking an ailment to get out of school is something almost everyone has done, whether it's because you hate gym class or want to skip sports practice, or maybe you just have an important test you didn't study for and know you will fail.

We're not sure how this guy felt after he knew he would have to get his kidney removed, was he relieved or petrified?
BBQ Sauce
Hospital food has a reputation for being unpalatable, to say the least, which is why condiments like ketchup and BBQ sauce are so important to those with a fussy appetite. In fact, they are so important, this kiddo was mid-seizure when made sure to tell them not to forget his BBQ sauce!

If anything this should be an indication of his priorities, having a seizure that's going to be convincing is clearly not as important as his BBQ sauce.
Sneaky Dog
Even our furry companions can feign a condition to garner some sympathy from their human friends. To be honest, it's not really their fault, as this doggo realized he could get more attention and treats whenever he limped a little.

Too bad this innocent trick cost his owner a few visits to the vet which also means he spent some serious coinage.
Taking it Too Far
Some people will try anything to get a bit more attention, even cause themselves serious harm. It's all seems like fun and games until he puts himself into shock from critically low blood sugar.

Using their condition to try to get what they want is by no means excusable, in this instance, it's just really tragic that it happens.
Such a Pain
By the same token, when people pretend to be sick or deliberately make up symptoms, it makes it difficult for those who actually need medicine to get. Their conditions are met with wariness and suspicion, even though they have a prescription.

And sometimes, the natural stuff just doesn't quite make the cut when you're writhing in pain or suffering from a terrible cough.
The Hand Trick
If you've ever wondered what it takes to fake a seizure, the skills involved are very similar to doing the worm or just shaking profusely, but this woman didn't take her role very seriously as every time the doctor placed her hand over her head, she moved her hand out of the way.

Apparently, this is another trick that doctors have learned to filter out the fakers from patients with actual seizures.
"He's Fine"
I think many of us would be unsure of how to handle this situation, but good thing they had a hard-headed doctor around that would not tolerate this kind of buffoonery, not while he's on shift!

Every so often, a wet noodle needs a splash of cold water or even an ice-cold water pitcher poured over their head to welcome them back to the real world.
Video Games
Despite, well, overwhelming evidence to the contrary, kids can be fun, and one thing they love to do is play video games. So this makes it easy to spot who's pretending because allegedly, it works every time.

We can't help but wonder why kids would want to fake being deaf? The medical jury is still out on this one but at least we know when they're faking it.
When the Cops Show Up
Evidently, the sight of cops can cause seizures for guilty suspects, while their bouts of shaking are voluntary, so are their abilities to follow orders. Sure, the sight of cops does make some people nervous, but we've never heard of it causing convulsions.

Maybe this is a new kind of seizure, as being caught by cops can suddenly trigger a fit of trembling.
Just the mention of needles near somebody's eye is enough to make our hairs stand on end and break out into a cold sweat, so imagine you had to endure that just to play pretend?

It's an uncanny way for anyone to stop bluff and reconsider their poor choices realize it's just not worth it!
Noisy Neighbor
Real-life is no sci-fi novel, but there are those that have main character syndrome and remain convinced that they shouldn't be held accountable for being an obnoxiously noisy neighbor.

Instead of turning his music down, this guy thought he was the victim! If there was a trophy for being the most insufferable neighbor, this guy should get it.
Just Relax
Being a doctor means you have a trove of stories ridiculous enough for those who don't work as a medical professional, and this one should be filed under 'you can't be serious?'

Not being capable of moving your own arms is one thing, but making your own arms so stiff that nobody else can move them is totally bonkers.
Fool Me Once
Presumption combined with ineptitude makes for a devastating combination, like when this girl claimed she had seizures and thought she could fool others with her terrible impression of one.

Maybe someone should have informed her on how seizures actually look before she embarrasses herself like this again.
Clearly, this woman needs to sort out her priorities. You know at one point we've all wondered just what in the world some people were thinking, and sometimes we wonder if they're thinking at all!

Asking the EMS to call Comcast is not an appropriate request, even if you can't move and since the woman obviously could move, there was nothing wrong with her but she still wanted to try her luck. Man, we wish we had that kind of audacity!
Temper Tantrums
When someone says "I feel your pain" they're usually just acting as if they're concerned about someone's problems. In the case of teenage jealousy, it's probably just to garner some sympathy. Like when this girl pretended to have a broken wrist so she could get a cast.

We were all at some point teenagers, so we know what it's like when your emotions feel out of control and you just want to fit in with all the other kids, but still, we never faked a broken wrist just to get noticed.
The Beast
People think of multiple personalities as a disorder, but these women think of it as an art form, and live in a fairy tale while everyone else lives in the real world.

It sounds like these two women couldn't face reality and just decided to cast themselves in their own Disney movie.
We know this is crazy, but we imagine somewhere out there, there is someone reading this and scribbling down notes for their new screenplay titled "C4 Yourself." Who knows, it could even turn into a hit TV show starring, Leonardo Di Caprio.

It would be full of suspense and we could imagine it being written as a comedy or a horror, both seems entirely plausible.
Totally Paralyzed
Some patients suffer from severe delusions of paralysis, examples of this include: exaggerating your own debilitation while dismissing any possible interpretations from trained professionals.

While this may sound like a fiercely bleak condition, it can often be cured by the patient themselves, they'll just need a little coaxing but sometimes simply asking them to get on the stretcher will yield excellent results!
Red Flags by the Dozen
There's certainly seems to be no shortage of people wanting to fit in and follow all the fads and trends, and kids are no exception. With the sudden rise of screen-time, it's no wonder that more and more people need glasses, so much so that it's become cool to wear a pair.

But if you don't need them, then don't get them! They soon become annoying and if you want to look be on fleek, why not just get frames with clear lenses in them?
Since the dawn of time, people have been lying to their doctors about their unhealthy diets and lack of activity, but not us, we've always been honest, we swear!

With years of experience when it comes to talking to patients about their health, we know this doctor must have been ticked off as this kid was listing all the fruits and vegetables he was definitely not eating.
Tonsil Surgery
Working in the medical field, you get pretty good at questioning your patients, especially with so many people pretending. After all these cases, we can now understand why doctors can be so skeptical.

Even parents lie because they think they know better than doctors, and worse yet, their lie actually hurt their daughter in ICU.
When Miracles Happen
Working in the medical field means you'll occasionally bear witness to supernatural phenomena, some may seem trivial while others will be miraculous. This is just conjecture, but we think this could be a straight-up miracle.

It's almost as if he woke him up after hearing the EMT crew mention the catheter and having a surplus of big IV needles.
Here's a tip, when pretending you're hearing voices in Spanish, make sure the nurse you're dealing doesn't know any Spanish. Otherwise, you'll just end up derailing any plans to get your grubby little hands on those super specific meds.

As it turns out, 'dónde está el Aeropuerto means 'where's the airport?' And undoubtedly sounds more like a question than awful ramblings about doing bad things.
Rate Your Pain
Think of a pain scale as one being barely any pain at all to ten, being the worst pain imaginable, in other words, if you were feeling pain at a nine, you would probably writhing on the floor about to faint from unbearable agony.

But of course, being a doctor means being subjected to manipulation tactics, though many aren't as as extreme and simply lie about their pain while calmly sitting and talking.
"No, I'm Not!"
In this post about yet another unconvincing seizure, the embarrassing shaking-like frenzy this woman was pretending to have was only made less believable once the woman yelled "No, I'm not!" before she carried on with her sudden seizure.

If you have to scream out mid-seizure, then you're obviously not making a very persuasive point.
Sister Act
Sometimes a lie starts out innocent, but if you let it get out of control, it might snowball into a landslide. In this sister act, we have two actors, one unaware but protective sister and her sickly sibling, that's duping her.

Who knows how these lies begin but as with any white lie, it soon unravels and once that trust is broken it's very difficult to get it back.
Lies and Other Crimes
This tale was told by a medic and his partner, who caught a woman shoplifting, and like many of these posts, the woman begins to violently shake as if having convulsing from a seizure.

But unlike a real seizure, her ability to communicate remains intact and she's well aware of her surroundings. She even knows when her seizure will stop!
Never mind What the Doctor Says!
Some people head straight to WebMD once they're feeling a little under the weather. It's crucial to find out exactly what could be ailing them, but this is never a good idea. Sure enough, that fever is far worse than they thought, and according to WebMD they probably have the bubonic plague.

Others don't even need WebMD to know they are really sick, even without symptoms they think they have the plague but they never do. They're just hypochondriacs who are anxious about their own health.
Are You Sure it Was a Carrot?
Lying is the first step in this slippery slope that leads to something much worse than a stern talking-to from the doctor. Of course, we'd all like to eat chocolate and pastries for every meal but does that mean we should? Obviously not!

If you ever feel the need to lie to your doctor, now's the time you look in the mirror and say, "What were you thinking and WHY?"
Wait, Here’s My YouTube Channel…
People who feel the need to fake their illness are fascinating, and their motives remain a puzzle. But not in this case, this guy was definitely in it for the money. Though he remained intent on convincing the nurse that he was in fact blind.

Of course, he was so excited to show her his burgeoning career as a rapper that he completely forgot he was supposed to be blind!
An Elbow Tic
This episodic tic might not define this patient, but his need to cover up his story even after being confronted with the facts may make it difficult to take any real symptoms seriously. Like when he experienced an actual spasm on his way out of the office, it sure makes it hard to believe him after he was so adamant about his cover-up story.

This really makes us think, why do people lie about these little things when it will only catch up to them later on?
Who in their right mind has time for a bullet wound? Certainly not this guy who clearly did not want to admit he was shot in the leg with an actual bullet! Even after they extracted the bullet, he maintained he fell on it...

If a wound is going to knock you out and cause some serious health complications later on, it better be something more serious than a bullet wound.
Even the Elderly...
Sure, "back surgery" sounds like something elderly patients will wear like a badge of honor, but if you're pretending to be in pain to get some more medication, you might as well kiss any credibility you still had goodbye.

While being old may make you seem like a trusting citizen, even the elderly can participate in a conspiracy if it means they will get more pain medication.
The Whole Pantry
As it turns out, there are people who actually profit from their lies! Who would have thought? If this is the first time you've heard about this, you might want to take everything you read online with a pinch of salt, especially if it involves buying some product that promises to "cure cancer."

Belle Gibson's story is just one example of a convicted scammer that promoted pseudoscience for personal profit while marketing her own blog and subsequent products.
Not a Symptom...
Sometimes there's just no discussion when it comes to patients and their faulty conclusions, even after informing them that their symptoms have nothing to do with their supposed diagnosis.

This lady may have some of the symptoms down, but in another way, she doesn't at all! Medical diagnosis certainly isn't always exact and predictable, right? At least not when you're dealing with some people...
A Headache in Your Leg?
Being a kid means you're bound to mess up sometimes, especially when it comes to getting out of gym class. Maybe you'll fake a tummy bug or tell the nurse at school you have a headache in your leg... It's not believable but hey, you're a kid so you don't know any better.

The real tragedy of this is that some people never grow out of their flawed reasoning abilities and still think their lies are believable.
A Real Goof
In this almost standard case of lying to get glasses, we can see that it can only succeed, at least partly, if kids remain consistent in their exaggerations about how bad they can see.

While this patient admits to goofing up the letters to get those glasses, he didn't even flinch. There was no amount of questioning that could deter him from getting in the way of him and a new pair of spectacles.
A Newsworthy Story
Humans are fascinating creatures, capable of so much if they could just find a way to channel their talents and determination. Like this guy who appeared in the news for pretending to be in a coma, just so he could get out of a little trouble with the law...

Imagine if he put that much effort and willpower into something more beneficial, like, his career for example, or not breaking the law in the first place?
Overdoing it
Think you've had a stressful day at work? Try being a doctor and dealing with sick patients every day. This is just a drop in the ocean of what it's like being a medical professional, whose job it is to stay calm, even when dealing with the most peculiar patients.

Spoiler alert: it gets difficult to believe what every patient claims to have, even in the most fatal of cases.
Feeling Faint
Being a General Practitioner means staying calm in the most bizarre situations while keeping a straight face. This story reminds us of what it's like when looking after fussy kids who have a flair for the dramatic.

In both cases, it's best not to indulge their fantasies and soon enough, they'll realize it doesn't help to pretend.
"Because I'm Dead"
One of the first tell-tale signs that you're not dead is being able to respond, but somehow, this woman didn't get the memo and thought her testimony was enough to convince doctors of her new condition.

While we are here to judge, we're not entirely without empathy. We've all gone through an existential crisis at some point in our lives, maybe all this lady needed was to walk it off to know that she was in fact, not dead.
Check, Please!
Being a nurse is not a job for the faint-hearted, nurses have a lot to deal with from life, death, and everything in between.

Even nurses have to put up with patients and their trumped-up stories, from having to deal with test results that prove nothing is wrong to checking the bin to make sure they didn't just throw their food away, pretending they were sick.
That’s A Wrap
Bad acting can ever so subtly hamper a proper diagnosis, as is the case of this lady who didn’t get what she wanted, so instead of sticking to her storyline, she decided to move onto something else entirely.

Her scheme only proved futile as she was soon found out, which meant she was leaving empty-handed and shame-faced, and with that, her acting career was over before it even began.