If you’ve worked hard on something, you want to show it off. That’s the only thing we can come up with for this stock photo. It’s a pretty good cabinet, that’s for sure. Lots of space for items big and small. Why someone thought it would work out as a stock image is beyond us, but there’s so much we don’t know about the market.

Artists, businesses, and regular Joes like us use them for all sorts of things, so it’s best to have a variety of images to choose from. Still, it’s a bit…normal compared to some of the other pictures here.
Feeling Like Garbage
Poor guy. We're not sure if he's ready to get out, and he just got stuck, but it's safe to say he got in there voluntarily in the first place. Maybe he and his friends were filming a comedy bit, or maybe he was sending a sad video to his ex-girlfriend, asking her to take him back.

Even though we have to say he actually looks quite comfortable sleeping there, with the sun on his face. We'd say this results from a crazy night and a funny prank from friends. Either way, you have to agree, this is not a sight you come across every day.
Working in the Great Outdoors
Getting more sunshine and fresh air is proven to be better for us than sitting inside all day, but inside is where the work so often is. Is there any way to get around this sticking point? Well, sure. Just do what this person did and set up the desk in the forest. Top it off with an old-style computer, a big clock on a nearby tree, a phone attached to another tree, and get a chair to work in.

We doubt that this will make you more productive, but it might just make you a little happier and healthier. However, that chair doesn’t really look all that comfortable, now that we think about it. It also looks like the phone line is actually hooked up, so maybe this was more than just a fun image.
Working Hard, Effortlessly
This is the type of picture that can be misleading. On the one hand, looking at these two, they seem to be having a chill time. How could they not? They literally have their own sofa bed at the beach. But, if one thinks about it, one must ask themselves how much time and effort these two took to get this piece of furniture out there.

And for those youngsters who think of adopting this idea and taking their old sofa down to the beach, we suggest you check with local authorities first. The last thing you want is to find yourself dragging the thing all the way back.
Some Fun in the Dirt
What's this little man doing in the dirt? Beats us, but there are plenty of options we can come up with. Maybe he had lost his ball and was taking a big breath and jumping into the hole where it had fallen. Little people have big ideas, you never know.

Maybe he had just tunneled his way out from under a maximum-security prison for evil toddlers, and this was his break to freedom. Maybe that's where he and his friends hang out during the hot day, to plan pranks, solve mysteries, or eat lots of candy. All options are equally likely.
Love and Death
Someone helps this poor man out; we think he is drowning. These two wanted to share a romantic kiss, and maybe enjoy their vacation, but their horse wrangler is having a hard time staying above water. He seemed to be the one suffering through this image more than the horses; as you can see, his head is almost just right above the water.

It’s funny, maybe when they look back on this photo a few years from now and see how they looked, they would probably cringe at the fact that they look like this in the photo. Who can blame them, it's pretty embarrassing yet oddly too funny to look at.
The Results of an Improper Diet
Eat too many bananas and this is what will happen. You can bet not a single part of the whole process is an enjoyable one, other than perhaps eating the bananas, which is pretty much always enjoyable. You can add them to something like cottage cheese for a super healthy snack that not only has a lot of vitamins and is relatively low in calories, but keeps you full for a long time, too.

Eat too much of it, however, and you’ll have to run to the bathroom. It’s also possible that someone decided to peel a bunch of bananas and dump them into the toilet, which we think is illegal. At the very least it SHOULD be illegal.
Not Where You Normally Grab
Some guys feel awkward holding onto a girl. We get it – you do not want to get anybody angry. However, We wonder what the thought process was behind this particular handhold. Maybe the guy was just trying to be funny because he knew there was a camera taking a picture, maybe this was something for an ad shoot, or maybe she just likes having her hair held.

Whatever the case may be, it sure did produce a funny-looking photo. There are all kinds of people out there. This picture comes from USSR-ruled East Germany during some time in the eighties, and maybe things were just different there.
Getting Their Groove On
You got your boogie on if you were a married couple during the seventies. That was just what you did. In fact, you got your boogie even if you weren't a married couple. That's just the kind of decade it was. These two are long past their courting days, but it looks like they're having plenty of fun getting down on the dance floor despite that.

It isn't the most attractive photo out there, but these two don't seem to mind that much. It looks like they're perfectly in sync, ready to touch hands in the center or whatever the next step in this dance move is.
You'll Need More Than a Flyswatter
Everything is bigger in Texas, they say, but that is not always a good thing. Sure, it might include steaks, freedom, fun, and beaches, but apparently, it also means blood-sucking insects. This seems like the kind of sign that is truly necessary if you have been in the area for more than an hour or two.

Apparently, this sign keeps getting stolen, and the person in charge has no idea why. It is quite a unique little warning (or big, depending on who you ask), so we can imagine that a lot of people might want to have it in their room.
We Get the Feeling he Has Some Things to Say
You know what, the artistry on display here is actually pretty good. Very nice flame effects and the image is almost lifelike. Of course, this guy is also painting a picture of a public building on fire. If you take a quick look at his shirt, you might get the feeling that this guy has spent some time thinking about these institutions and what they do. We don’t really think he’s come to the proper conclusion, though.

Nobody is perfect, including people who work at banks, but are they all crooks? Do the buildings deserve to be burned down? We’re going to go on record and say no. Still, the guy is a good artist. Have anything that isn’t sort of like terrorism?
Horsin' Around
If an awkward family photo existed, it is this one. You see, there's a reason why modeling is an actual profession. It might look easy and effortless, but that's just because the models make it seem so. When you try a creative pose yourself, you learn it's much harder than it looks.

Everything about this photo is awkward, from the way this couple lays down on the grass next to the horse right down to the horse trainer, who seems both bored and exhausted at the same time. Note: no harm was done to the animal during the taking of this photo.
Drinking Made Difficult
If you just want to quench your thirst or relax after a long day, then this bottle of Mexican beer isn’t the kind of thing you’re looking for. However, if you’re looking for some fun beer bottle art, then you’ve come to the right place. What some people do is remove the beer from a normal bottle of beer, then heat the glass until it becomes pliable.

They shape it into something interesting and then refill it with a liquid that may or may not be beer. They’re available in a lot of different places all over the world and are a great item to put on the shelf if you need a conversation starter. They aren’t something to offer to guests if they need a drink, but they’re still nice.
We Hope You Have Long Arms
Having the toilet paper within reach is critical for a relaxing time on the toilet. If it isn’t within reach, then you have a couple of options, though none of them are all that comfortable or clean. The best option is you have to reach somewhere like under the sink to grab a new roll.

Maybe you can jump in the shower to make it a moot point, but there’s always a time when you realize you might just have to go without. Then we get to this picture, which has a roll bolted to the wall far away from where it should properly be. Maybe this is the emergency toilet paper that people can use after the actual roll has run out, which it has.
Taking Cover
Somewhere in the Czech Republic, during some time in the seventies, this picture was taken of a couple of lovebirds who were just looking for a little privacy while they locked lips. We assume that's what they're doing, anyway. That is a huge guitar. How are you even supposed to play something like that? With two people? That makes sense.

The guitar is so big that it looks like they could have their heads inside the body. We are pretty sure that they do not since that would mess up the instrument's acoustics, but they would certainly fit. This is taking rock and roll to a whole new level.
Ah, the Olden Days
Can any among us claim he or she never went to Grandpa and Grandma's place during the summer, got dressed up in his or her best swimsuit, and went about holding gourds for a while? Well, no, none of us, and definitely not me between the ages of eight and thirteen.

What could you use such a photo for? Well, if you want people to get excited about a farmer's market, maybe. However, it might excite the wrong kind of people. And good news – there are lots of other similar images featuring the same guy in a collection for all of your gourd-holding needs.
They Come in Bottles, Apparently
There’s a strain of thought telling us that cats are liquids, seeing as how they can contort themselves to take up almost any shape of space. Of course, a lot of that is the fur filling the space to look like a liquid, but if this picture is any indication, there might be more to it than that.

The name of the bottle of wine translates to black cat (actually “cat black” if you want to be picky about it), but it still looks like the bottle might be a little too small to have contained such a cute little kitty. There certainly isn’t any liquid left if the cat was in there.
Day Eight: They Have Accepted Me as One of Their Own
It is always fun when you go onto your favorite stock photo site and find a really weird one. And it is hard to come up with any kind of description for this image other than weird, but “surreal” is a pretty good choice. You could also use the word "hilarious."

One person is hiding among the beach umbrellas with a pretty good disguise. The other umbrellas probably don't even notice he or she isn't one of their kind. But what happens once the sun comes out and beachgoers start arriving for their time in the sand and surf? Only time will tell.
Did these people miss trick or treat? Or are they just a bunch of homeless people that thought they'd have better chances of getting some food dressed as pigeons? It seems they're just standing there, trying to make a point. Maybe it's Pigeon Conservation Month, and we just missed it? Or maybe they just wanted to blend in naturally with the scenery?

Whatever this is, it certainly is worth catching on camera. It could also be just a few dudes wanting to bond with the local wildlife. You never know how things might develop, and this could be the beginning of a new future.
Really Excited About This Cabinet
If you've worked hard on something, you want to show it off. That's the only thing we can come up with for this stock photo. It's a pretty good cabinet, that's for sure. Lots of space for items big and small. Why someone thought it would work out as a stock image is beyond us, but there's so much we don't know about the market.

Artists, businesses, and regular Joes like us use them for all sorts of things, so it's best to have a variety of images to choose from. Still, it's a bit...normal compared to some of the other pictures here.
I Prefer the Night Shift
Your guess is as good as ours as to what the intention was for this picture. We think that it's supposed to be a vampire businessman ready for his next big meeting. Except he's clearly out in the sun, which means he should be bursting into flames.

Instead, his face is just getting really dirty – it's the opposite of the “Twilight” effect. Not exactly something a lot of teenage girls will find themselves being attracted to. But hey, maybe the guy really knows how to close a deal. Just because he's an undead blood-sucker doesn't mean he can't be a good businessman.
Those Signs Never Lie
Look, bud, you were warned. Just because you ignore the signs doesn’t mean they don’t have something that can help you during your daily walk. In fact, they might even have warnings that you can and should take to heart, even if it doesn’t look like it. Be ye ware of the warnings that your forefathers have thought to place in your path – they were some smart guys.

Maybe the sign is warning us of a head that will be appearing soon, too. No, there’s no way that it could be warning us of such a thing. The tilted picture is weird, but it’s not like that will mean anything about ten feet from where that pole is, lying on the snowy ground.
Road Rage Must Be Crazy
Texas has big cars. Big cars call for big roads. Those big roads create some traffic and road engineering, which you can't find anywhere else. The mega-intersection in this picture is called the High Five Interchange, and it would take a seasoned Texan to navigate through it properly.

Those who venture into this mind-boggling maze must be extra careful with the lanes they choose and the exits they take. The wrong ones could take them places where no man has gone before. So, if you want to get back at someone and cause some chaos, just set a meeting point somewhere along these lanes. They will never forgive you for doing so.
Koalas Are Everywhere
Being home to so many unique species of animals, Australia is where koalas originate from. These cuddly and sweet marsupials are found mainly on the continent's east coast, making them close to human-populated areas. As humanity has invaded their habitat, there is no reason to be surprised when coming across a koala sitting on top of a car.

This is part of living close to nature. Love koalas? Love them all the way. So, the Aussies live peacefully with their domestic companions, but we have to ask, would these cute creatures, or any other creature, manage to live in tranquility in downtown Chicago?
He Has to be Careful With That Knife
Everybody loves hitting the bounce house for a bit of fun, but some people might not be the kind that you want bouncing around when your kid is there. That appears to be Michael Myers, the legendary villain making Halloween a much scarier time since the first movie in the series came out in 1978. Sure, this picture is a little confusing, but it’s nowhere near as confusing as the timeline of the Halloween movies.

There are three movies called just “Halloween,” and each one of them has come out in a different decade. Then there's "Halloween III: Season of the Witch,” which doesn’t seem to be connected to the other movies at all. Well, just as long as nobody gets hurt, Michael.
Still Able to Snap His Fingers
All jokes aside, that’s a really cool cast. He’s got all six of the infinity stones on there, which means if he can just manage to snap his fingers, he’ll be able to get rid of his injury. He might inadvertently get rid of all the left hands in the entire world, but at least that means nobody will have any broken fingers.

This kind of injury looks like it’s a boxer’s fracture, the kind of thing you get for punching something too hard for your weak little finger bones, but it still leaves his middle finger and thumb just barely mobile. How did he manage to get the stones away from Thanos? That’s a good question. Maybe that’s who he punched.
The First One to Fall Asleep
The story goes that this cat is a particularly heavy sleeper and tends to sleep with its stomach open and available for snuggles, so the people in charge of it obviously covered the entire cat in stale Cheez-its. No doubt this was met with confusion and betrayal once the cat finally woke up, but what else is it supposed to do? Well, eat the Cheez-its, obviously. Do cats even like those? Probably.

Those little monsters will eat almost anything. There was so much surface area on this cat that it seemed like they almost got the entire box on there. Next time you feel like falling asleep, cat, remember that this can happen to you. But hey, at least then there will be a snack available once nap time is over.
Do You Hear Something?
These two guys are captured shaking hands after reaching a historic agreement to; we’re going to guess, share their “Diablo 2” loot. But where is their youngest brother? You always have to look out for the youngest brother. Whether these two are aware that a young Gollum is looking down on their handshake or they’re fully unaware, we assume it isn’t going to end up very well.

He’s going to jump down on them or start throwing something, or maybe just dangling strings of saliva until it gets in their hair. And all that after such a fine handshake that definitely doesn’t look planned or staged in any way. It’s so nice that Harry Potter got to make more friends once he went to the “Short Brown Hair and Glasses” club.
Australia comes off as remote and intimidating; as a country, it dwarfs the entire European continent, yet it has fewer residents than the entire population of Texas. It’s home to the most deadly and dangerous species known to man, and believe it or not, this isn't even one of them. The land under has a list of living creatures that live there and nowhere else.

We can't believe this photo is genuine, and we are positive it was staged. There is no way in a million years, and it doesn't matter where you live, that one would allow this grotesque creature to climb all over. No way.
Everything a Growing Boy Needs
We almost don’t want to know what’s going on in this picture because we assume then a couple of nice men in police cars will show up and ask us some very pointed questions. Eggs, a bit of bubbly, some canned goods, and a whole lot of stuff that we can’t see all that well. Add in a guy who is rubbing his hands together in a way that doesn’t seem all that kosher.

And you have something that is likely going to end up being called something like “Evidence D.” We also noticed that this mini-fridge is perched on top of ANOTHER mini-fridge, and the fact that we don’t know what is in that other mini-fridge is now going to become a source of constant, never-ending anxiety.
Give Spring a Break
The type of holiday photos you have from spring break are ones you'll always remember, but maybe not ones you'd want to show your parents. This picture is a classic case of photobombing; it's just not 100% clear who is photobombing who.

Was someone trying to take a picture of a young man being taken into custody and was interrupted by the girls, or maybe the girls were interrupted by the police? We'll never know, but we bet there's an amazing story behind this pic. Like this being a scene out of "Baywatch, the Next Generation," where the bathing suits are no longer red.
Look, if You Know, Please Tell Us
No, we have no idea what is happening here other than a couple of guys on a bike, and one of them is carrying a box of something. And he has a big towel or dress or something on his head. Maybe they’re headed to the beach or the local pool and only have so many hands to haul stuff with.

Maybe it’s a hot day out, and the guy in front is trying to protect his sunburn from the day before. Other than that, we’re all out of ideas. Maybe they’re just headed to the Checkers to pick up some buy one get one...big Buford? What does that say? We’re just going to assume they mean a burrito. That’s better than any alternative.
A Personal Finishing Line
So these two are kissing – so what? And what's that in her hand? Is that a pan with a pancake in it? What's with all the other people, some of whom are carrying their own pans? A mystery that might never be solved unless we've already solved it.

This picture was taken during the 1966 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Race in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England. Obviously. It's the most famous pancake race in the world, and the goal is to run to the finish line with a pancake in your pan, flipping the whole way. This guy has his own kind of race in mind, as we can see.
We Didn’t Know They Needed That
We know for a fact that horses don’t need gasoline to run. In fact, ask people that have spent a lot of time around those animals, and you’ll learn that they seem to produce far more gas than they should, even if you can’t use it to power a vehicle.

Why would a horse and buggy stop at a gas station? Maybe the guy driving it was headed in to get a package of gummy worms, maybe they just needed to stop to give the horse a break, or maybe they needed to wash the windshield. Whatever the reason, they probably don’t need to be taking up space right in front of a gas pump. Then again, it doesn’t look very busy.
Oh, Good, You’re Here
Cats usually like to act like they know exactly what is going on. They’re in control. Nothing is going to upset them. Until the smallest, tiniest thing happens, of course, and then they get very upset. Maybe you took five minutes too long getting their food to them, or you covered them in Cheez-its, or whatever is going on here happened.

We think that the cat’s left paw, which is on our left, is stuck to the scratching post, while the right paw is stuck to the bed for some reason. A cat should usually just be able to retract its claws when this sort of thing happens, but that tactic wasn’t in this kitty’s bag of tricks. That’s why the humans are there – otherwise, cats would get stuck and they’d just stay there forever.
After hiking on a hot day, this guy stumbled on this oasis, or is it just a mirage? Well, it is not exactly an oasis that offers fresh water. It is a vending machine for Aquafina bottled water that requires an exact amount of change. Oh, and some electricity.

Finding this in the middle of the woods doesn't make a lot of sense, but then again, neither do a lot of these discoveries people find in the middle of nowhere. Could you imagine walking in the woods and coming across something like this? Even better, could you imagine this working?
Pumping up the Numbers
Why does it look like this dog is on house arrest? Well, it turns out that that little device is actually a Fitbit, and the person taking the picture is being coerced into taking an office step challenge by coworkers or management. We don’t see why this person could be forced into a step challenge, but it wasn’t long before a workaround was discovered.

Just attach that annoying little device to a dog that is going to spend most of its time speeding around the house, and you’ve got the numbers to prove that you shouldn’t be coerced into taking a Fitbit challenge. Hey Bowser, you want to go to the park again? I bet you do! Look, I have some fresh tennis balls – let’s wear them out.
The Texas Ride Through
Anyone that owns a fast-food restaurant in the Lone Star State has to realize that they’re going to have a bit more than just the average car in their drive-through. In fact, Sonic’s are built a little differently and can actually accommodate a horse better than just any drive-through window.

The people who ride these horses were on their way to a nearby trail when they decided to stop in for some chili cheese tots and a blueberry slushy with candy. It’s all fun and games until the horses leave something behind for the next people to pull into those spots.
How Did That Get There?!
You know what they say, "One man's pesky bumper car, is another man's treasure!" While many of these can be found in funfairs and amusement parks, only one has been spotted alone like this in the woods. How did it get there, you may ask? We actually don't know, but we do know that the world is a mystical and expansive place, and crazy sightings like this happen all the time.

This could be a parent wanting to get rid of all the junk in the backyard, this could be remains of an old amusement park and this could be the sense of humor of a father, forgetting where he hid his son's Christmas present. Who knows.
Big Fish, Small Fish, Red Fish, Doll Fish
It seems to be against the law to not show off your best catch to the camera after a day of fishing, and at first glance, it looks like this guy has caught a huge sea-dwelling creature. However, take another look, and you’ll see that the fish is much smaller than advertised, and this guy was just being a little goofy when the opportunity struck.

How he happened to have those little finger puppet hands available is a mystery, but maybe it was in case he wanted to do something just like this. Sure, the catch might not be as monster as it originally appears to be, but it’s still not a bad catch at all.
Just a Normal Day in Who-Ville
Our go-to when it comes to a picture like this one is to talk about what the Grinch might be up to as he’s dressed in black leather, a black Santa cap, and getting a blue ice big gulp from the convenience store, but honestly,, we’d really like to know what decisions this person made to end up like this.

Like ignoring the very funny idea of the Grinch heading to the club, why is this real-life person dressed like this, at this time of year, in this place? Is that a comfortable outfit? Is it easy to walk in? Can that person even see? Does that person WANT to see? Is the blue flavor the preferred flavor of BDSM Christmas Grinches? The public needs to know.
He Doesn’t Look All That Unhappy
Pets get into everything and everywhere, and you know that if you’ve ever had a pet. Cats get into the cat food, dogs get into the garbage, and...ferrets get into a collection of tiny foam stuffing pellets? Well, we have picture evidence of it happening at least once.

The little foam stuffing might be a great way to make a pillow or stuffed animal plush for your head, but if you ever have one of them spring a leak, then you’re going to be spending the next hour vacuuming and re-vacuuming until you’ve picked up every single little white speck. You’d best hope that a creature that loves to get places it shouldn’t be – like a ferret – doesn’t find a way inside, because it’s nothing but work for a while after that.
Are You From the Future?
If you are young, it might be a little strange to think about, but even older people can have fun. Yes, even your stodgy old grandparents like to get together and tell some jokes once all the youngins are in bed. That is how we get pictures of these two elderly jokesters wearing some space-age sunglasses.

They might be prepared for the next eclipse, or they might be here to tell you that there's a future disaster they need your help with. The best part is it looks like they barely want to be in the picture with each other.
A Very Comfortable Car
No, we can’t fathom a guess as to why a person has a trunk full of young deer, but it looks like an incredibly comfortable place to be if these seven animals have anything to say about it. They’re all snuggled up and enjoying their naps in the back, even mostly ignoring the person taking the picture.

Maybe it’s some sort of rescue operation or a vet who is taking this family back to the wild or something like that. But it doesn’t look like these wild animals want to have anything to do with the great outdoors, and would rather just sit in bed. Well, they’re just like human kids in that regard. Give any kid a choice between bed or the woods, and we know which one they’ll pick.
A Mirror in the Middle
No, you aren't seeing double – you're seeing identical twins Mike and Jamie Major, who are in a picture with their respective girlfriends at the time, Julie and Clare Wyatt, who are also identical twins. The picture is from 1989, and while we've done some research, we can't say for certain if either of these relationships went the distance.

You'd like to think that if one pair got married, the other pair did as well, but who's to say? It makes sense that one twin would find the other twin attractive, though we don't want to think too hard about it.
Even Enemies can Become Friends
Being across the aisle from someone means that you can very potentially see them as an enemy, even if you're both sort of on the same side while working in the government. You should want the government to function well, and you want it to be something good for your country.

The ways this can be accomplished are a lot more nuanced than that, of course, but those are the facts. With enough strife, the people of a nation can get sick of politicians arguing and not getting any work done, which means they might go to some lengths to get them to make up, as we can see in this picture. Stop yelling at each other and be friends, guys, or we’re going to vote you out.
A Point of Maximum Comfort
If you've never felt as good as this dog clearly feels at the moment of this picture, then we feel bad for you. A barely-seen hand is using a head-scratcher to give their dog a much needed-massage, and it seems to be working a charm. Dogs love having their domes scratched, so a device that will provide maximum scratch is going to be their new favorite toy.

A nice thing about dogs is that they don’t really try that hard to hide how they’re feeling – for instance, if something is making them feel this good, then they’re going to demonstrate it. Eyes rolled back, mouth hanging open, tongue lolling out – it all works together to show us that this dog is getting the good stuff.
Truck Pool
Everyone knows what it’s like to roll up to the community pool expecting to be able to jump into some nice, chilly water and relax, only to find every single one of their neighbors filling it to the brim. So, these guys decided to get creative and come up with a solution to beat the summer heat: they made their own pool.

What are the ingredients for a DIY truck pool? Well, first you need a truck, then, of course, a tarp, and some cool water and/or ice to fill it up. The bad news is, you won’t be diving or playing Marco Polo, but the good news is no one that you don’t want to invite can come into your pool!
Not Where They Belong
Sure, it seems a little odd to see a human sitting against the bed and using his phone while the dog is snuggled up tight, but there might be a good reason for this. Maybe the dog has insomnia, and the guy is reading it a bedtime story to get it to fall asleep. Maybe the GUY has insomnia, and he’s using time that would just be spent tossing and turning getting some work done while the dog sleeps peacefully.

It also doesn’t really seem like the kind of décor that a guy of that age would have. Maybe it’s his child’s bedroom, and the child is off-camera, sleeping well, as this guy sits on the tile floor (?) and reads something on his phone. Lots of questions here.
Where Did He Go?
This guy definitely can't catch a break. In what looks like a prison uniform, this guy appears to be running (most likely away from something or somewhere), and Google Streets isn't doing him any favors. Just when you thought you could quietly escape prison. Jeez... At least his face is covered.

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't know what hit him when they stop him further down the road and ask where he was going. Which, most likely, is what happened anyways. One more question; what's with the gloves? Is this to avoid leaving fingerprints along the escape route, so they don't know it was him who helped himself escape?
We are Frightened and Confused
Go on, take a seat. It looks very comfortable. Ah, no, wait, it looks like the kind of thing that we see in our nightmares. Sorry, we always get those two confused. You’d think that it would be easier to not get those two feelings confused, but you’d also think it would be easy not to create something like this. And here we are! Though, a thought occurs to us.

What if this chair...was not created? What if it simply IS? It was there before the world, and it will last after everything else has been destroyed. This is where bad people get to sit since we assume that nobody could possibly place themselves on the seat intentionally while they are of the right mind.
Food Safety Warning
So you’re carrying a pan of raw chicken breast from one room to the next in your workplace – common enough for most of us – and you have a pressing urge to do business in the workplace’s smallest room. What are you to do? We’ll give you a hint: don’t do this. We are aghast at the safety on display here, and we’d like to know who is responsible for this travesty.

The picture quality makes it a little hard to tell, but it seems that the chicken at least has a covering of plastic wrap over it, even if it is just a nominal covering. At the VERY least, please close the lid to the throne. There aren’t any kings in this room until that chicken gets put in the proper place – which, at this point, is probably the garbage.
The Cat’s in the Cradle
We are happy to report that this cat has never even been near a big blade like a guillotine, which means that there must have been some other reason for the head and the body being separate. Or, stick with us now, it’s actually a picture of TWO cats. One of them, the one whose body we see, has its head hidden behind its body, as it most likely grooms itself.

The head is from a SECOND cat, who is lying in the straw basket, poking its head out and giving the camera a friendly meow. Yes, it’s all too possible that these body parts are from two different cats – as unlikely as that seems. Can a house even have two cats in it? We’re not sure.
Able to Hear the Little Things
Having a tiny little ear seems like it wouldn’t actually be a whole lot of help, now that we think about it. You don’t use a really tiny ear to hear small sounds – generally, it’s accepted that bigger ears are better at hearing most things. On the other hand, if you have to wear a facemask all day, you know that those little ropes that go around your ears can get mighty uncomfortable.

A couple of companies have come up with ways to keep your ears free from too much irritation while you wear these medical masks, including, apparently, someone that has made tiny little ears to loop the loops around. Sure, they might not let you hear ants conversing, but they still have a purpose.
Carrots Galore
While these aren't exactly dangling carrots, they sure are strangely discarded in a large pile like this. Maybe it's Bugs Bunny's secret stash or it could be a lure to attract animals like deer. We're not sure, but all we know is we love carrots as a snack-tastic vegetable. Even the Beagle likes them!

After digging deep into this, we were told that this actually belonged to a vegetable supply chain that was supposed to deliver this to one of the supermarkets; however, we couldn't find the exact place so we decided to dump the goods here. Who can blame the guy?
Trained Him Early
This picture is a classic, all the way from 1965. A young couple had been spending some time on the beach, and once they were finished, the guy took the time to clean off his gal's shoes. The look she's giving the camera tells us that she's fully aware she's picked the right man – not everybody will be so caring.

Is it just us, or does it look like the guy is wearing a tux? He's for sure wearing a suit coat, and he could also be wearing a tie. Why get so dressed up for a trip to the beach? Why have someone else with a camera there? We bet there's a deeper story to this one.
Catching a Ride
If you want to know why this woman from what appears to be a Slavic country is hanging on to the back of a public bus for dear life, well, you’re out of luck. Maybe it’s a scene from a movie that will be coming out on Netflix in a few months that has a Babushka chase down her grandchildren’s kidnapper and convince him to tell her their location.

Maybe she used to be in the Spetsnaz, Russian special forces, and it’s kind of a Russian version of “Taken.” Dang, you know what, that actually sounds like it would be really fun. What’s more likely is she’s just trying to avoid paying the fare. Inflation has hit all of us, even the babushkas.
Taking a Sip on the Side of the Road
There are plenty of armadillos in Texas – so many that you are bound to see some flattened on the road if you spend a week or so there. It does not matter how much armor you have, a truck is going to squash you.

This 'dillo looks like he's just having a little kip and a sip from his favorite brew, but it is more likely that someone saw this piece of roadkill and set it up with an empty can to give drivers something to double-take at. Hard to tell what he's drinking, but it's knocked him right out.
Not Much Under There
It’s easy to picture a cat, but this image might just change the way you think about these cuddly creatures. Yes, it turns out that cats don’t really have a whole lot going on underneath all that fur, but this could be exacerbated by the fact that the cat in this picture is stretched as long as it can go to look out the window.

This cat in particular seems to be about fifty percent fur before a procedure at the vet, but now it looks like two halves of a cat on either side of a tree trunk. Or like if you had a child draw what they thought a cat looked like and turned it into a real creature.
A Strange and Rare Occurrence
Sometimes it may seem like nature is having an identity crisis. Typical forests are brimming with wild and awe-inspiring things, but this forest is also home to what seems like a flock of wild toilets. We can only imagine the people who came across this strange sight must have been scratching their heads and wondering how on earth the toilets got there, and WHY?!

This could be a design in honor of the Victorian days when bathrooms were built outside, or this could also be a new landscape designer's way of expressing themselves; you know, anything goes in the 21st century. But on second thought.......NO.
Everybody’s Favorite Furry Drink
Good luck trying to find this bottle of soda-pop at the store because we don’t think it’s the kind of thing that Coca-Cola actually sells. We don’t think that most cats will be cool with putting a label for a two-liter around them, but this one looks like it’s been asked to hold still in order to earn a treat.

Your mileage will vary if you try to do this with your cat – as in the amount of miles you’ll have to run away will vary based on how nice your cat is. Most people will have to log a couple of them, though some might get away with only half a mile. Cats, as a rule, don’t like stuff that is going to keep them stuck like this.
Just Trying to Stay Warm
Sure, it might take this kid a couple of years to grow into this piece of outerwear, but he or she is going to be nice and warm the whole time. Will the coat actually last the whole time it takes for the kid to get the right fit? The North Face is known for making some pretty good pieces of gear, but it looks like it might be ten years or more for it to be the right size.

Meanwhile, he has a couple of hats to wear to make sure his head stays nice and toasty. Maybe a couple of other kids are going to run up as a pair of big adult pants so they can get into an R-rated movie.
In most cases, people working at drive-thru windows at a fast food joint won’t let you walk-thru to pick up your burger – no matter how much they should appreciate the fact you didn’t drink and drive. But something’s different when you’re on a horse. We wonder if they had any apple slices for the handsome transportation.

Now the more we look at this photo, the more we are amazed because, as it turns out, it's not just one dude riding a horse on his way to lunch. There are more in line waiting for their turn. It's even more bizarre than we initially thought.
Regarding Imitation and Flattery
It looks like the sculpture we see here is a version of “The Deposition” by Michelangelo, which portrays Jesus being taken down after his death on the cross. It’s not the exact same statue (there even seems to be an extra person), but it looks really similar.

The guys goofing off next to it are actually doing a really good job of recreating the amazing piece of marble. Are they just having fun, or were they doing a little bit of performance art in a place that would probably accept it? The guy in the back is wearing a hood, the poses look quite accurate, and they even updated it a little bit by adding sunglasses to maintain the mysterious look of the man in the back.
The Longest Walk to the Bathroom
We guess there was always a good chance of there being a single bathroom at the end of a very long, very narrow hallway somewhere in this big wide world we find ourselves in, but it’s still strange to see. If you need a bathroom in your shop, and the only place you could possibly put one is at the end of a really long and narrow hallway, then that’s where the bathroom is going to go.

It seems like something that the about-to-be-killed characters in a horror movie have to deal with. Or, maybe it’s the kind of thing you’ll see in a game from the “F.E.A.R.” series right before getting a psychic image of a horrible sight. It doesn’t look fun is what we’re saying.
Beware of the Zombies
If you’re undeterred by creepy signs like this, then you’re in luck! Here's one that would make most people run for the hills, but not everyone is going to let a sign like this stop them from exploring the woods, right? Bear in mind that there are many dangers you need to watch out for.

These include both natural-occurring obstacles and those unearthly characters that look like zombies...We wonder who's responsible for sign design in every country (because there are not the same everywhere we go. We suggest learning a lesson from this, as after seeing this sign, we doubt anyone would go into the woods.
We Aren't Sure Where to Start
Now, this is a picture. This businessman can't wait to get a mouthful of chicken despite the crooked chompers peeking out between his lips. The elderly woman is hanging on to his arm in order to keep him from going mad with chicken desire. All that plus the glasses, the suit, and the napkin in his hand is just fantastic.

How did it all come together? Where does this night lead for these two? Why is she looking at him with such pride as he enjoys his meal? Why does he look like he's getting away with something as he leans into the lady on his arm?
When You Need a Lot of Potassium
Potassium is an incredibly important vitamin in your life. Okay, it’s actually a mineral, but same diff in our reasoning. It’s also sometimes referred to as an electrolyte because of the small electrical charge it carries. It’s important for a number of different cell and nerve functions, helping to keep your muscles and body moving properly and at the speed you want.

It’s also handy for moving nutrients into cells and moving waste out of cells. Bananas are a famous source of potassium, but did you know that carrots have more potassium than bananas? This banana, of course, has the most potassium we’ve ever seen in one place and could probably kill a man if he ate the whole thing.
The Officer's Girl
As it happens, all officers you see in his photo have little girls. And all little girls happen to have a birthday around the same time (or Christmas is coming, and the officers want to buy their girl a gift). How else would you explain four police officers in uniform standing at the doll section in Walmart?

They're looking as if choosing a doll was the hardest decision they had to make all year. It's either that or a new trend in town for displaying pink dolls in police stations. We have no other explanation for this ridiculous phenomenal scene.
When Every Hair Has to Be Perfect
We’ve all had those days when we’re just sick of the way our hair is. It seems like this lady is having a pretty bad hair day all around, but at least she’s out here doing something about it. It might require something like sixty-seven hair clips to make it look good, but she’s still ready to take on her day.

Is she trying out a brand new ‘do, and needs more time to make it use fewer clips? Is she trying to cover a bald spot, and happened to get a pack of a hundred at just the right time? It’s all hard to say, but it’s not like it’s even close to the weirdest thing we’ve ever seen while riding public transportation.
Quick! Look Away!
You think you've seen it all — well, you haven't. When we were kids, we thought we were clever by fooling our parents around; now, we are amazed at what they can come up with when we have kids. This little boy has decided that he has had enough of his parents.

He wanted to exchange his siblings and decided to hang out here until they eventually stopped looking for him. Now this could have worked; however, the little boy didn't think this all the way through. What will happen when a random shopper will ask for the same top he is modeling?
The Christmas Tree
After seeing this picture, you lose the right to complain about the size of your Christmas tree, the quality of your presents, and the whole event of Christmas in your household. Being in the south half of Planet Earth, the seasons are reversed, turning the summer months of June, July, and August into winter and December to February into summer.

In Australia, Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December like in the rest of the world; however, this falls in the summertime, when it can get scorchingly hot. Leave behind the Christmas trees folks, and bring out the fans.
For When You Get a Good Idea
Wow, a light bulb baby head for only a hundred and twenty-five dollars! Just think of what you can buy with all the money you’ll save, like an arm that has a stock ticker implanted in the wrist. We’re not sure why somebody would need something like this, but if you have a certain kind of decorating flair and style.

Maybe keep this one in that room at the back of the house that has all the fun stuff you show nephews, like VHS tapes of “America’s Funniest Home Videos” or blacklight posters of unicorns sailing through space. There are some other pictures in this set that show us OTHER baby head doll light bulb contraptions. Somebody really decided to use his or her time to the fullest for that project.
This Didn’t Hang Itself Either
You aren’t really supposed to have stuff hanging from your rear-view mirror since it can obstruct your vision of what is in front of you as well as become dangerous in the event of a collision. That doesn’t stop a lot of people from hanging a whole lot of stuff from their rear-view mirrors. There’s this guy, for instance, who has hung a picture of...Jeffery Epstein. You know...that one guy.

Who did the bad stuff? And maybe helped a bunch of other people do bad stuff, too. And then he died under mysterious circumstances. We don’t know why this guy has a picture of Epstein hanging from his mirror, but it probably isn’t because he likes the guy’s style of hair.
We’ve All Fallen on Tough Times Before
How much money do you think a plumber-turned-hero makes in a given pay period? How much do you think it costs to live in the Mushroom Kingdom? Not even that magical place is free from the steely grip of inflation, especially since there appear to just be gold coins lying around all over the place.

With that sort of change available to any person that takes a walk, you have to imagine prices are sky-high. Thus, even someone that has saved the kingdom and the princess dozens of times has to get a little extra work where he can. Still, from the amounts that those two hands are offering, it looks like he makes a pretty good amount of cash for his hard work.
She Bought an Entire Wardrobe
What could this lady have bought that would require such an immense bag? It seems like she’s a perfectly normal size, so there isn’t any trickery going on. Well, we did a little bit of research, and it turns out that Rimowa sells luggage. Suitcases, bags, and other travel gear, using really high-quality materials.

They’re also owned by the Louis Vuitton group, which means the store has a certain panache that they’re trying to get across, whether or not they’re successful. Maybe a huge bag not only gives someone space to carry the piece of luggage they just bought but also gets people’s attention. Of course, if you realize that person probably just bought a piece of luggage, giving them a big bag seems a little wasteful.
Matching Socks for Man and Beast
Getting socks for yourself is a great idea, but getting the very same socks for your pet might be a step too far. For one, most pets already kind of have socks on – the fur, the pads, and the nails on their feet help protect them, just like socks do for us. In addition, there are a lot of pets, especially cats, that hate having stuff like this on their feet.

Yeah, how cute, you and your kitty have matching socks. And we are told by a reliable source that the cat’s name is also pizza, so that also fits, but we bet the cat is not too happy about it. How did you get it to sit right next to you as you took this picture?
An Emu at the Airport
While seeing any wild animal at an airport might sound unheard of, it apparently does happen in many places all over the world, where Emu are notorious for being dangerous and aggressive creatures. Just look how everyone had evacuated out of there and allowed the large bird to roam free!

That is how it is apparently in other places. They hold respect for animals, they give them space, and if the price is missing your flight so, let it be. The things one will not do for the sake of a bird and looking after our planet and its gifts.
The Wiper’s Elbow
Car wipers serve an incredibly important function – if you’re trying to get home or to work or wherever then they make sure that you can see the road ahead and behind you. But why not have a little bit of fun with them while we’re at it? It looks like these two masked luchadors are in a long match that will never end with the green-masked battler getting the upper hand as the red slams into the mat over and over.

What other options do we have for sprucing up the back windshield wipers? Make one of the wipers look like a lightsaber and have another lightsaber off to the side. Not a bad option. What about a spatula flipping a burger?
How to Really Hail a Cab
If you want to get the attention of a passing car, you need to do a little more than stick out your thumb. You thankfully don’t have to be Claudette Colbert from “It Happened One Night” to get a driver’s attention, but you still need to have a little bit of pizzazz. You could also bend your thumbs like this guy can, putting them at perfect right angles before sticking them into the street to get to your next destination.

For some reason, a coworker thought that this guy had some altogether too-goofy thumbs, and wanted to take a picture. Sure, they might be a little out of the ordinary, but they aren’t that strange. They’re just a little more flexible than the average thumb.