Now, we know that not all hotels are going to be five-star affairs. Not all of them will have an omelet buffet each morning and a private Jacuzzi in each room. However, if you go into your hotel’s bathroom and see this, you might want to consider finding a different hotel.

It’s a little hard to tell, but it seems the soap dish in the shower is being held onto the wall by the clamp. The clamp is held upright by a piece of string attached to the handrail. We bet the person who snapped this pic was able to find other problems with the room as well.
My Mailman's Name Is Seuss
If you want to create this kind of mailbox, better do it while it's cold. This mailbox comes to us from outside of Colorado Springs, Colorado, where a family was a big enough fan of the good doctor and skilled enough in shaping snow to create something this large and intricate.

This mailbox might not be around for a long time, but it's sure to be a sight for sore eyes for the person who puts the mail inside the mouth. We also hope that it doesn't actually yell when you open the little door. Then again...
An Alternative Pet Cone
Do you need to keep your sweet dog from scratching, biting, or licking the skin around its head and neck? Are you totally (like, totally!) not into the whole Elizabethan-collar-looking-like-a-megaphone type thing most dog owners go for? Here's a lovely solution for you: just make your own protective collar using pool noodle pieces!

Either that or you could, you know, NOT make your own medical props for your dog and leave that to the professionals. This poor dog doesn't have the ability to speak and say what's on its mind. However, if you look deeply into his eyes, it practically says it all.
Nice view
Imagine booking a room with a view and bouncing in excitedly to check out the vista, and then discovering this. I mean, technically it is a view… just not the kind you were expecting. We still suggest you talk to the hotel manager as soon as possible and demand a refund or relocation.

They may argue that the listing didn’t specify what kind of view you were in for, but hey, the customer is always right!
DIY Room Divider
Lofts or studio apartments could use a nice dividing wall for when you feel like having some privacy. And the good news is that you don't need to get a contractor and mortgage your kidneys to set up a divider.

The bad news is, that it looks, well how should we put it...bad. This could also work (or not) for other spaces that need some sort of division. We all need a break from other people's faces sometimes, but a curtain rod?
Shampoo Rack
Storing your shower items properly is what makes the difference between enjoying your shower and trying not to trip over your facial scrub. Decorating your bathroom with acceptable materials is what laments you as either a good interior designer or a ridiculous DIY dude.

And just because you have a curtain rod holding your shower curtain, doesn't mean you can use the rod for other purposes.
Tennis Rackets
Don't let your unused pool noodles turn into the tennis rackets you never knew you needed! Why? Just because it's so uncool and so, just not the thing to do! This should never have happened.

This consists of pool noodles, recycled plastic nets, and tape. With very little effort, these everyday things turn into another thing your kids will tire of in just under 15 seconds.
A Cutting Look
Fiddly little things aren't they? Glasses keep you safe on the road, let you read your favorite books, and so much more. If an arm falls off, however, that more or less makes your spectacles useless. You might be able to balance them on your nose, but the barest motion renders them fallen.

Someone decided they have enough scissors lying around, so he or she grabbed a pair and got to work. We can't say the result looks all that comfortable. Or healthy. Or safe.
Block the Government From Controlling Your Thoughts
If you're one of the increasingly frustrated citizens afraid of the government spying on us and taking control of our electrical devices, there's a good chance that you've also contemplated whether or not government agents can take control of your mind. This is usually done through wireless radio signals, and unfortunately, we can't see any good deed in this next DIY project. Yes, aluminum foil can help block out those pesky signals but what about the way this dude looks?

One particularly useful trait of aluminum foil is that it can effectively isolate you from radio signals due to its isolating nature. What this guy was forgetting is that it will also isolate him from other people. His brain will be free from outside radio influences but he'll also look like a total nutcase.
So How's the Installation Going?
There might be a little bit of a problem. Actually, numerous problems and darn it if fixing them isn't going to take time and be expensive. Apparently, the person who took the picture first tried to open the door seen in the picture. Since the hinges are on this side of the wall, that means the door opens toward it can't open with the pipe in the way.

Hopefully, the pipe isn't very important because it obviously can't stay there. It doesn't look like it carries liquid so why is it there? There are also cords all over the place, outlets...try it again fellas, because this one is a loss.
You've Got Mail
The mail system these days is not as efficient as it was years ago. The modern world has kicked in and we enjoy cross-continent communication much easier. These days not everyone is familiar with the old-fashioned mailman and uses their services rarely.

This image emphasizes just how the system is insufficient. The person here has been waiting for a long time. The bottom line is that next time you design your own mailbox, design it better.
Getting a Handle From Somewhere
Door handles get a ton of use, and eventually, they start to give out. Most of the time it just takes a quick trip to the hardware store and a little bit of work to put the door back in working order. Sometimes, however, you don't have the time to do that sort of work, or you need to scrimp and save wherever you can.

In those cases, do what this business or home did: nail a plastic bottle handle to the wood of the door. For sure you need a little bit of hardware like screws and things, but we guess this works just as well as any other handle. Maybe not the most attractive thing, but there are worse fixes.
Always Have a Roll of Duct Tape Handy
It doesn't matter if your shoes are coming apart, a book is starting to become unbound, or your van's window is busted, duct tape is here to save the day. For this fix, of course, the person in charge also needed a garbage bag but it was easy to whip up a makeshift window.

It's certainly cheaper than having to go to the shop and get a new window and you can continue to use the van right away. Keep a sharp eye out when you're on the road and you're bound to see this everywhere. Ok, now seriously, have people lost it?
Misaligned Gate
Is this the latest trend in gate design? The gate itself gives you all the appearance of privacy and security, while the fence ensures you don’t actually have any of either. What a system!

One thing’s for sure, this fence rig was not the work of an expert. We just hope the owners don’t have pets they want to keep safe in the yard!
Happy Birthday, Stan the Man!
When Stan's coworkers asked him how he wanted to celebrate his birthday and he said something along the lines of, "whatever, do whatever you want." And that is exactly what they did. This is what they wanted.

Since Stan is known around the office as the guy who won't budge from his seat, they brought the party to him! Looking at the way he's sitting, you can tell he's less than impressed — or maybe he's trying to hide the fact he's overjoyed that his coworkers didn't forget his birthday like they did last year, and the year before that.
Looks Like It's About to Walk Away
You'd be surprised how often you use lamps, even if you don't notice them. Maybe you turn them on at your work desk, use them to read in bed at night, or they turn on automatically with a timer, but they're working hard. If the lampstand breaks, you might have to throw the whole thing away, but not this guy.

He's a woodworker who had plenty of scraps laying around, and he found something that was balanced and solid enough to attach to the old lamp. We hate it. It looks like the kind of thing that will attach Isengard with Treebeard. No orcs shall escape its sight!
Is This Irony?
When a chair breaks in a home, the people that like to use it have a few options. They could get a new chair, take the old one to a repair shop, or they could get out those old repair books and do it themselves.

There's a pretty good chance that the family did the real work to bring this chair into shape right after the picture was taken, but we can all sit back (in our working chairs) and enjoy a fun little bit of irony. Yeah, we're going to say that's ironic. So let it be written.
Well, That's a Darn Shame
Ah well, sometimes there are just some things that can't be helped. At least that's what they're going to say to the state trooper who gives them a ticket. Yeah, letting other drivers know you don't have lights is a nice way to try and make up for it, but brake lights are super important to have for a reason.

The best part about this is the two different tape styles. If you've run out of the first roll you used, just go to a store and get some, and while you're at it, get some new lights.
Look, Technically It Works
The main function of a shower is to get water above you so that it pours down on top of you. Does it have to look good? No. Does it have to do it in a certain way? No, not really. And yeah, using a sink faucet as your showerhead might be a bit unorthodox, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work! It's just a bit odd to see.

Still, the water starts at the top and reaches the bottom. It might even help reduce the growth of mold since the water isn't being splashed all over the place. Still looks pretty weird to us.
Nobody Gets In
Groceries, sporting equipment, and luggage all have their place in the trunk of your car. You want to make sure that stuff is safe from people with sticky fingers. Locks on car trunks are usually pretty sturdy, but they can still take damage over time or through misuse. In that case, do what this person did: Attach a simple sliding latch to the trunk.

Unfortunately, this won't keep people who are really interested out of your trunk since you can just...slide the lock open. Maybe the latch and the actual lock work in tandem to provide extra security. There must be some good stuff in there.
King of the Cardboard
This guy has been talking about getting a promotion for as long as anyone can remember. In fact, he talks about it so much that when he actually got his promotion he had nothing left to talk about. Although his coworkers are happy for him and his newfound success, they couldn't help but poke a little fun at the "new king of the office."

On his first day as Assistant Regional Manager, they built him a castle. Now everyone knows that when they come to his desk, they are in the presence of royalty! We are still unsure if the joke is on him or on his colleagues.
Improvised Shower Head
Here’s another creative homeowner who wasn’t going to be beaten by a busted showerhead. His immediate solution (and we can only hope this is just temporary) came in the form of duct tape, a soda can, and a whole lotta holes.

In our opinion, his idea is so brilliant and seems to be working so well that we’d almost back him keeping it as his permanent shower rig. On second thought, though...
The Perfect Headboard
We're honestly not sure how people came up with this one. Even if you are sick of hurting your head when you accidentally bump it into the stiff headboard, there is a limit to the things one can do. There are some things you can't just DIY and a pool noodle headboard is one of them.

Other than the coolness of making your own headboard, there is nothing cool about this. And we're willing to bet it's not as comfortable as it looks.
Having Fun With Aluminum
There are many creative uses for aluminum foil and this is not one of them. Some may say this is a fun way to use the foil, however, we can't see how that can be considered fun.

Why would anyone wrap it in various shapes and use it for some improvised artistic modeling? Or why cut it up into various shapes or cover an entire room with it and create a light show? These things should be illegal.
Bended and Extended
Who would’ve thought an innocent plastic clock could create such a predicament? No chance of moving it, we’ll just have to bend the pipe around it. You can’t even call this laziness, because surely it would’ve taken more time and effort to bend the pipe than simply move the clock!

This has us wondering, why would anyone go so far just to maintain the precise position of their timepiece?
Mechanics Are Pretty Pricey Anyway
No one ever wants to have a smash-up when they're out on the road. Still, sometimes accidents happen and cars will take damage. You could go to an auto repair shop and shell out big bucks to get your car back into pristine condition, or you could use an aux cord to keep everything together as this person did.

We're sure that it works just as well as trained professionals who have been fixing and rebuilding cars for years or even decades. The only downside we can think of is if you want to play music then you'll have to get another aux cord. Those things are worth the money.
No No No for DIY Christmas Cards
When posing for a Christmas card you may wear an ugly sweater, you may dress up as Santa, you may even use bad special effects.

What you may not do is dress your wife and possibly underage daughters in t-shirts that say Ho.
It's Not Like You Need to Actually Look Inside
Most microwaves have handles that you use to crack them open so you can bring out your ramen or veggies. Sometimes that handle can snap off, and then what? This person decided the best solution would be to take a shower handle – the kind of thing you can attach to the tiles in the shower via suction cups, and attach it to the front window of the microwave.

It works exactly the same way, it's just in a slightly different place. We wouldn't be surprised if this is the kind of fix that sticks around for a while. This shouldn't have happened.
Kitchenware Protection
Getting ready to move? Your stuff might need some extra protection so they don't get ruined, scratched, or otherwise damaged along the way. Out of all of the creative ways of doing so, look what we found.

Here's a particularly original way of packing your pans for the big move. Pool noodles! Whatever happened to good old bubble wrap or paper?
Showing Off His Hard Work
The fun thing about this is that it doesn't even take any extra hardware. If you look closely, you can see that the wrought-iron handle that this faceless man has attached to his microwave doesn't have any screws or nails. The top and bottom of the handle have been jammed into the plastic edges.

One question. If this DIY micro-fixing way is so great, why is this guy in disguise? Why won't he reveal his face? We would be embarrassed too.
Baby/Pet Fence
Babies — as well as furbabies — take up way more space than you thought a tiny human should. They need boundaries, and not those pretend boundaries you lie about having when they are teenagers. So yeah, baby/pet-proofing your house is a real thing, but using a curtain rod?

This family has put up more than seven rods making their living room resemble a prison cell more than anything else. Couldn't they just educate the kids/dog to behave?
DIY Flip Flops
No, no, no. You did not see this one coming. We've never heard about anyone making their own flip-flops at home, and for sure not from pool noodles. We find it hard to believe these are anywhere near comfortable.

We have a huge passion for random DIY projects, but there's DIY for do it yourself and there's DIY for DON'T it yourself.
Found in a Hotel Room
Now, we know that not all hotels are going to be five-star affairs. Not all of them will have an omelet buffet each morning and a private Jacuzzi in each room. However, if you go into your hotel's bathroom and see this, you might want to consider finding a different hotel.

It's a little hard to tell, but it seems the soap dish in the shower is being held onto the wall by the clamp. The clamp is held upright by a piece of string attached to the handrail. We bet the person who snapped this pic was able to find other problems with the room as well.
Plant Support
Some plants require some extra support, so their stem won't fall sideways and break as they grow taller. There are different kinds of official instruments to help with that situation, and the most common one would be a simple long wooden stick. Some people think otherwise.

A garden is supposed to be green with touches of color from the variety of flowers. It's not supposed to look like a styrofoam toy store. This project was for sure not supposed to happen.
Yeah, That Should Work
Changing the bulbs in your car's bumper can be a hassle, or it can be easy, or it can be somewhere in between. Older cars especially can be a big job, and it looks like the owner of this older car didn't want to have to take out half of the engine and remove the bulb casing.

Instead, he busted out the front glass, swapped the attachment for an OLED attachment, and added a new bulb. We don't expect that bulb to last very long. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised if that sort of thing will get you stopped by a police officer. But hey, if the headlight works, we don't think it's worth a ticket.
Beware of the Mighty Cat
We are not sure if this was intended to happen or if this is an artistic mistake. Constructing a stone wall (intended for a mailbox or not) can turn out unexpected sometimes if it is designed by an amateur, and this is a great example.

The ruby eyes resemble more of a bionic cat waiting for its daily loot. The whiskers shooting out of the mailbox nose are still unclear as this statue will not only keep mice away but also the mailman himself.
Where Did the Screwdriver Go?
This is another fix that likely didn't last long, but it still seems to have done the job for the time being. Until the person putting the door together came up with the right piece of hardware for the hinge, they had to use something the right size to keep the door in place and allow it to open.

Well, the tools are already out, so why not try a screwdriver? It turns out it worked perfectly, but hopefully, they found something a little more proper. For one, the door can't open all the way with that kind of obstruction. Second, what if you need the screwdriver?
Shellfish Mania
So, you've gone down to the seashore with the kids and decided to collect some shells. You find big ones and small ones, long ones, and curved ones, and you find yourself at the end of the day with a bucket full of shells asking yourself what on earth are you supposed to do with them now.

That's easy. Just glue them all onto your mailbox, and voila. A piece of art has been created! Nobody said it had to be a good piece of art.
Does It Actually Open?
Cars take a lot of damage, even if they don't get involved in any big accidents. Things like rust will break down the car's chassis and reveal the more important bits inside, so how do you make sure that the outer layer of aluminum stays attached? You go to a garage.

This guy had one off-the-wall idea and he used a little hinge to keep the wearing-down metal in place. We really hope this was a temporary thing until he got the chance to fix his car where most people go to fix them.
Long Leg Mailing
If your mail could go anywhere, where would it go to? And if it would go anywhere, why would it want to go there? Confused? So are we!

It could be a great way to use unwanted clothes (at least the bottom part) and a great way to be in disguise while playing hide and seek. Hiding in plain sight, you could be seen and yet not found.
Make a Plastic Bag Dispenser
There are many things you can do with an empty bottle of coke. This is not one of them. Instead of messing around, why not turn some of those old bottles into something useful? And this dog poo bag holder is not useful.

All it requires is to open the neck and then remove the bottom edge of the bottle. Yes, it can be upgraded and customized with decorations but we believe such a bag holder should have a more appealing look to it. It's bad enough it's associated with dogs' droppings anyway.
Bike Safety Enhancement
Falling off your bike is never pleasant, and we wish we could promise it'll never happen to you or your kids. Anyhow, It's best to do whatever's possible to keep safe.

Sure, protective gear doesn't exactly look cool (or work with one's outfit), especially with teens. But other than sucking it up and wearing a helmet (duh!), there's really not much one can do. This design in our opinion is not an option. Remember the staying cool in a teen's perspective? This is definitely uncool.
The Foam Knights
Feel like using pool noodles to help your kid become a make-believe warrior extraordinaire? Or, better yet, become one yourselves? All you need are some pool noodles, PVC, and duct tape. You can make various types of swords and go wild with individual variations, shapes, and colors!

NOT!!! Name one kid that would appreciate a pool noodle sword. Although the principle is simple and all the ingredients can be easily found, this is bad. Really bad. Not to mention the risk of things breaking around the house once the kids start waving these around.
Good News and Bad News
The background for this image is that the trigger mechanism for a car's horn went out, and the person in charge of the car decided to do a little bit of handy work to get it functional again. He or she installed a unique switch by screwing it into the center of the wheel.

All you'd have to do to let other cars or pedestrians know you're coming is hit the button in the center. However, we have to imagine this does change the effect of the airbag that is contained within every steering wheel.
It's Raining Cats and Cats
There are three types of people in the workplace: the ones that won't stop talking about their kids, the ones that won't stop talking about their pets...and then there are the single people. Sick and tired of hearing all this baby talk (or furbaby talk), the singles united in coming up with the perfect revenge.

They covered this desk with pictures of random cats as if to say, "Hey listen, all cats are the same, yours aren't special, in fact, they are far from it." We can't help but wonder if they did the same to the parents...or is that taking it a little too far?
Under the Sea
It is known that water has calming effects. Going down to the sea, or sitting by a river can give you moments of tranquility and make you feel as if you are drifting on a cloud.

Using these water elements on the mailbox design might have slightly missed the signs of calmness, as one glimpse at this seashell ornament will make you many other things but calm.
Do Not Create a DIY Food Platter
Many of us love to host. Sometimes we really want to serve our guests some cute little finger food but find that we currently don't have any proper food platters to use for such a purpose. Maybe our favorite serving dish is dirty at the time or maybe we don’t actually have one for this kind of event. Whatever you do, don't turn your aluminum foil into plates.

It will create a clean but not-so-good-looking serving platter. We're sure they would be thrilled that you've thought of them enough to craft your own platter however the execution is kind of lame.
Why Would You Use a Shoe as a Cup Holder?
There are older cars that have ineffective cup holders (or none at all! Gasp!) that really don’t do their job. This still doesn't mean you can use a shoe. A shoe is meant for walking.

We aren't too picky about your car’s presentation but we still wouldn't use a used shoe to hold our drinks. It looks silly and we are not that sure it gets the job done!
The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge
This item on our list is one of the most dangerous makeup DIY hacks that were trending a few years ago. For those of you who are unaware of this terrible challenge, the concept is simple and stupid. Teenagers insert their lips into a glass cup and suck out the air, creating a suction, and hold it to their lips for a few seconds.

When they finally release the glass cup, their lips look much bigger, almost twice the size. Not only can this bruise your mouth area, but it's also risky and can cause serious damage if overdone. Do not attempt doing this!
What Is This?
Mallory Ignition. That's what it is. Whoever owns this mailbox must be really mature as the engine (or whatever this is) the box is constructed of goes back a few centuries.

At first, we thought it was a cow milking machine (don't ask us why), but then we had a closer look and came to terms with the fact that Mallory ignitions didn't make milking machines at the time.
Hangers to Dry Make-up Brushes
If you've got brushes to dry and you're keen to hang them up, you can always use a hanger and fasten them with your hair ties. Or not. We are sure there must be some other day-to-day use item that can be used for drying brushes. Like a cup. You know, the basics.

This trick is especially useful if you need to clear some space from your closet and need a makeshift drying rack, however, this must be a temporary solution. You cannot keep your brushes just hanging in there.
Behind the Bath Panel Storage
If you happen to have a fitted bath, the space underneath is there for a reason. This next usage is not that reason.

These sliding panels are definitely one of the more challenging DIY projects that prove to us why they shouldn't be done in the first place. Look for another place to store all your supplies.
Humans Will Be Humans
Being human sometimes means you're just going to have some lazy periods. But at least these little misadventures show just how creative humans can be.

Even if that creativity comes in the shape of a lengthy straw, just so they can drink their beverage while swimming at the pool. Too bad they didn't apply this kind of intelligence to building something that can actually help the world.
Stormy Weather? Grab a Poole Noodle!
The weather can damage the outside of our cars, especially if we're talking about sharp pieces of hail splattering against the windshield. We understand that, however, we still won't accept this next DIY project.

You'll need to tie, like, 40 pool noodles together, and not only that, it looks ridiculous. No matter what the weather forecast is, think of something else.
Water Play
Pool noodles are the perfect water play for an insanely hot day – in more ways than one. Yes, there's that traditional way they're actually supposed to be used – inside a pool – but that's not what we're all here for. Take a look at this.

If you want to keep your kid busy and having fun on a hot day, you can just put a funnel on the top end of a pool noodle and let them spill water into it until they see the water come out on the other end. Or, you can stop being so cheap with your kids and just take them to the actual pool.
No More Rolling Out of Bed at Night
If you have a kid who's having trouble keeping still in their sleep and tend to literally roll out of their bed and onto the floor – Just buy them a bed rail. Do not, and we repeat, do not, use a pool noodle instead.

For some reason, we find this unsafe. We can't trust the noodle won't roll onto the floor and between you and me, the kids might not understand it's there to protect their lives and use it as a toy. Big NO-NO for this one.