Having dirty laundry piled up in the basket can sometimes leave an unpleasant smell in the room. If you’re not on top of all the housework at all times (don’t worry, totally normal) the smell of these clothes often just lingers.

To avoid that, you can stuff a few bunched-up dryer sheets in the basket and in between the clothes so that the smell is eliminated. The lightweight small sheets take up no space and will totally do the trick! Just don’t go mistaking nice-smelling dirty clothes for clean ones!
Make Potpourri Bags
Before you head to the home and décor store to buy expensive potpourri, think twice. And no, we're not saying compromise on a nice smelling home just because it costs a few bucks — we're just saying, make your own!

On an open dryer sheet, place a selection of your favorite fragrant herbs and spices such as lavender, lemon, verbena, and mint. Add some essential oils, tie the sheet into the bag, and voila! You have your very own custom-made potpourri that you can scatter around different rooms.
Preserve Your Books
We love our books, especially those old slightly weathered hardcovers. A stack of those in a warmly lit room that screams, "I'm smart!" Unfortunately, that kind of aesthetic often comes with an unpleasant smell and that's less cool.

This is where dryer sheets come in. A scented single sheet placed in the book will rid you of that old mothy smell, because, let's face it, bad smells should be stuck in the past!
Keep Pots and Pans Spick and Span
Had a bit of a culinary mishap? Not to worry, we're not all professional chefs and sometimes we leave that oil sizzling into a burning hot rage, leaving our pans all crusty and black.

You can scrub it tirelessly with a clump of gross steel wool. Alternatively, you can soak the pan with some warm water and soap and then push the dryer sheet into the soapy mix.
For a Perfect Polish
The problem with stainless steel appliances is that it doesn't take much to turn them into a smudgy mess. Sure, anything shiny and silver instantly looks like next-level gear but getting those paws on the handle after a few times doesn't look pretty.

You don't need fancy sponges or detergent to get that stainless steel back to new. Simply wipe with the dryer sheet and polish away the shmutz. It's going to be as shiny as it was in the store.
Goodbye Windshield Bugs!
Getting around from A to B can be stressful, and sometimes when you're zooming around those roads, innocent bugs get splattered across your windshield.

It's not exactly your fault, they just happened to be living their lives in the way of a speeding car. Unfortunately, the mess becomes your responsibility. No matter. A damp dryer sheet can take care of that in no time. Simply wipe away the mess and your window will be as good as new.
Dust Busters
Forget dusters that push dust back into the air only to land elsewhere. Vacuums? Those clunky things make so much noise. Dryer sheets are perfect for all your dusting needs and as they also absorb static they are perfect for dusting.

Clean all those hard-to-reach corners, the slats of blinds, shelves. You name it. It's dusty? Dryer sheets have got you covered.
Clean Your Phone!
Phones are pretty gross. They're pretty cool too but think about all that bacteria and dirt that gets all over it. And we're not even talking about those folks who play sudoku in the bathroom. We'll leave it to your imagination.

Dab a dryer sheet in just a drop of disinfectant for a thorough clean that will leave your best electronic device totally clean of all ickiness. And polish your screen while you're at it. It will be so shiny, you'll see your own reflection.
Bye-Bye Wall "Art"
Waking up to find homemade murals can be moving as a parent but also very troubling. As much as we want our little ones to express themselves artistically, we don't want our walls covered in crayons.

Dryer sheets will see to it that your "home canvas" will be returned to its rightful color and not the multi-colored mess your kid turned it into when he thought he was a little Jackson Pollack.
The Greatest Nail Polish Remover
Forget about cotton pads or tissue paper to remove your nail polish. Getting rid of that stuff is hard enough, why make it harder without the right tools?

Dryer sheets are the perfect material to wipe your nails clean.
Mirror, Mirror On the Wall
The cleaning industry is obsessed with detergents. The sprays, the soaps, it doesn't stop. Then, of course, there's the equipment, like those special squeegees or overpriced microfiber rags. Well, there's another solution.

You guessed it, dryer sheets! These things don't require even a drop of window spray. Simply wipe down all your mirrors and/or glass windows for an impeccable shine!
No More Soapy Mess
Oh, the irony of soap scum! The very substance that we use to clean things sometimes ends up being a stubborn mess that congeals in your shower drain. If you're somewhat resistant to clean it, because it's soap, well, don't be. It shouldn't be there.

Enter dryer sheets. The thin, light, and absorbent fabric is perfect for wiping away soapy messes in the tub. Just grab a piece and get to rubbing. The soap scum will completely disappear, leaving your sink, tub, and all bathroom surfaces spick and span.
Brush Those Hairs
A hairbrush full of, well...hair is a little icky. There is nothing worse than seeing a hairbrush full of hair. It gets messy, the bristles get stiff and you find that old hair keeps creeping back in your new locks, just because you've let your brush get a little too hairy.

Simply place a dryer sheet on top of the brush. The static will help remove the hair as you gently push out all those old follicles. Do this a few times until your brush is hair-free!
Freshen Up That Hat
Most hats are made up of fabric that you can wash, but not all hats are lucky like that. Yes, you could probably spend some time carefully cleaning your fedora or a straw hat, but there is an easier solution, especially when talking about the inside of the hat.

All those oils and sweat from your poor head can build up, making the inside of your hat kind of unhygienic. Place a few dryer sheets inside where your head would go to make sure there is a disposable layer of absorbent material. Your hats will remain in great shape.
Goodbye Grease
This hack is a real shocker. Greasy oven racks are a killer — they stay in your oven and can very quickly become worse over time, so this is something you've got to deal with as often as possible. Of course, if you're like the rest of us your oven racks are pretty hard to clean, and scrubbing it takes a lot of elbow grease.

Well, you've obviously never tried dryer sheets. All you have to do is soak them in with the soapy water mix, leave for a few hours, and all that muck will be completely gone.
Secret Scented Toilet Roll
Seeing as dyer sheets keep your clothes smelling yummy, there's no reason they can't do that anywhere else. You don't need fancy air fresheners, sprays, and perfumes in the bathroom — okay so maybe it won't hurt, but for extra fragrance, you can use the dryer sheet trick.

Stuff a sheet inside the toilet paper roll and every time that roll is in use, the pleasant smell will be dispersed. You can thank us later.
A Pleasant Drive
Dangly little air fresheners in your car are nice, but for a more powerful effect, you might want to insert some dryer sheets into your air vents for stronger bursts of sweet smells.

The dryer sheets also actually last much longer than your average car fresheners. Granted, it may resemble fresh-smelling clothes, but who doesn't love that?
Friends for Your Feet
We've all been in that very uncomfortable position where we've stepped into someone's home, taken off our shoes, and noticed nostrils twitching. Yep, we're talking about the horrible moment when you realize how smelly your shoes are!

Don't worry, it doesn't say anything bad about you, it's very common. Dryer sheets help you avoid those situations by absorbing all that sweat while simultaneously making your shoes smell nice! And you don't have to do anything, just simply wear those shoes.
You Shall Not Pass
We love pleasant smells, but it seems like mice do not! And luckily they don't because you can use scented dryer sheets to rid your home of those nasty (albeit cute) little rodents. Simply lay these sheets into those little mice homes and watch them head for the hills.

This method is totally harmless and only acts as a deterrent for those pesky mice who sneakily visit your home. They'll pick up the chemicals and simply refuse to stick around.
Venting Time
Air vents need a moment to breathe if you catch our drift. These forgotten spots are often left to collect endless amounts of dust. It would be good to clean them up once in a while. And dryer sheets can do just that. Just put them in the vents!

You'll have lovely fresh and scented air coming out of your vents, all completely void of dust! What a dream.
Start Sewing
Sewing is one of the greatest hobbies you could probably take up. It's both creative and practical as you can add fun new pieces to your wardrobe with little skill. Want to start learning? Get yourself some dryer sheets and start going at it.

Dryer sheets are probably the best fabric to learn on because it's both thin and not at all slippery. You can practice your stitches and move the needle about easily. Who knew these things had so many uses?
Table Tops And All the Rest
TV cabinet collecting all that dust? Tops of shelves and coffee tables too? These things collect dust and often need to be wiped down. What we usually do is we resort to the polish sprays, but with dryer sheets, you don't need those chemicals.

Doubling as dust magnets, these things totally absorb all the dust and debris all over your furniture and leave everything looking completely spotless, shiny, and as good as new. Of course, you can always give things a little shpritz for some extra pizzazz.
For Those Annoying Smudges
Sunglasses are crucial for those sunny days. Stepping out into the scorching hot sun and getting that nasty glare in your eyes is never fun.

But what's worse? Putting on sunnies only to find that they're all smudged up with fingerprints. The answer? Dryer sheets that double as lens cleaners!
Save Your Spectacles
Dryer sheets work for regular prescription glasses. If you're like many people who have long lost their little fabric cleaner that comes in the box, then you can always rely on your trusty dryer sheets.

They're perfect for wiping down glasses, and what's better? They're disposable, so chances are you will have a clean one on hand.
Goodbye Christmas
While there are a few Christmas trends here and there that pop up every year, for the most part, the decorations are pretty standard and you can be sure to see the typical lights, ornaments, and tinsel wrap draped over your annual Christmas tree.

Why throw those all out when you can use them next time? Keep them! Just wrap everything up in those trusty dryer sheets. They'll stay protected, clean, and even they'll even smell nice, which isn't crucial, but doesn't hurt right?
Eternally Fresh Sheets
There is nothing more delicious than jumping into a bed with newly changed crisp and yummy smelling sheets. It's the best way to fall asleep, often making you feel like you're drifting to sleep on a cloud.

To make that feeling last longer and to keep your sheets smelling even fresher, use dryer sheets when in the dryer (duh), but also stick a few in between the folds (now that's a novelty).
"Deo" Stains? No Thanks
Slapping on a little deodorant before you head out, if not done carefully, can result in some embarrassing blunders. Ever had those white marks appear on your shirt close to where you apply your deodorant? It's a pretty common occurrence.

If it does happen, simply wipe away the marks with a few sheets and watch those pesky white stains disappear immediately. You won't have to change your clothes at all. Once again, saved by the dryer sheets.
Dirty Laundry Issues
Having dirty laundry piled up in the basket can sometimes leave an unpleasant smell in the room. If you're not on top of all the housework at all times (don't worry, totally normal) the smell of these clothes often just lingers.

To avoid that, you can stuff a few bunched-up dryer sheets in the basket and in between the clothes so that the smell is eliminated. The lightweight small sheets take up no space and will totally do the trick! Just don't go mistaking nice-smelling dirty clothes for clean ones!
Freshen Up That Garbage
After throwing a good too many items into the garbage, things can get messy. Before you know it, the bag rips and icky garbage juice spills out, causing a sticky mess between the bag and the garbage can itself.

You then have a bag that's stuck to the bin and the danger of even more trash spillage. Disaster. Prevent all of that by laying down some sweet-smelling dryer sheets at the bottom of the bin. No more sticking and no more smells!
Is This Glamping?
It can be fun to rough it in the wild a little when going camping. Getting back to basics and being surrounded by nature is a fun activity for many folks. Even if you do fancy yourself as a little bit of a Bear Grylls, sometimes the stench of your hiking boots or even an unwashed sleeping bag can get to you.

To go easy on your nostrils you can place a few dryer sheets in and around your things. Don't worry, you don't have to tell a soul as they are completely unnoticeable.
Dirty scissors
Grubby scissors are a big no-no. Cutting paper, or anything really, with a pair of dirty scissors can mess up whatever you're cutting. Cleaning them generally requires washing them with soap and water which is kind of annoying.

Dryer sheets have a special chemical lubricant that allows for a smooth wiping of the blades as it softens the dirt, making it easy to remove. Keep a few sheets in the drawer where you keep your scissor.
Ironing Will Never Be the Same
Wearing a crisp and ironed shirt to work really takes the look to a whole new level. To get that perfect ironed look, some careful ironing is required. Unfortunately, if you're familiar with irons, those things can get some nasty build-up, often resulting in dirty iron marks.

To eradicate iron gunk, simply rub the bottom of the iron with your favorite dryer sheet and watch how all that stuff simply wipes away. You'll never have stained shirts again.
Couch Rescue
We love our furry friends. But boy can they leave a mess around the house. Scratch marks, doing their business inside, and of course, as every pet owners know, hair!

These magical little sheets are perfect for wiping down that fur-filled upholstery, and, (we're sure you can guess) it will you leave your sofa suite smelling simply delicious.
"Tray" Bien
Being active in the kitchen is great. Who doesn't love a food wiz who's always whipping up goodies? The problem with that stuff is, even if you're a clean freak, greasy trays are an inevitability.

The secret to a clean oven tray is a good old wipe with these magic sheets that absorb grime and grease like nothing on this earth. Simply soak the trays in water and soap, together with the actual sheets, and voila.
Sugary Floors!
We've learned to never cry over spilled milk, but what about spilled sugar? These sweet little crystals are a nightmare to clean, and they stick to the surface (and your feet) when they've touched the floor.

You don't need a deep clean though. Just get down and wipe up that sweetness with a dryer sheet or stick one to a floor squeegee and clean it up all up.
Shine Bright
For all your chrome and stainless steel polishing needs, put away the fancy tubs of polish and chemicals. Go rummaging through your laundry room and see if you have a dryer sheet.

A quick polish with these things will turn your silverware into a shiny treasure, as shiny as it was when you first bought it.
Paint Away
For the Picassos out there, it's a number one priority to keep your brushes in tip-top shape. How else are you going to paint all those great works of art? Whether it be with the temperature of the water or the right chemicals, brush maintenance is a tricky business.

Luckily, dryer sheets are soft and can easily rid those brushes of all the paint. Just make sure to soak the sheets with the water.
Flush It Away
Getting down and cleaning the toilet bowl is a tricky business and requires a solid brush and good detergent, not to mention a decent amount of maintenance.

Next time you're on toilet duty, drop some dryer sheets into the bowl in order to fully get rid of all that bacteria. Careful not to flush them though — you don't want a clogged drain.
Sewing Hacks
If you're an avid sewer, you'll know that your sewing box is sometimes a mess with all that tangled thread. No one wants to waste their precious time untangling those minuscule little threads.

A great tip? Keep some dryer sheets in your sewing box so that you have something to is thread it onto. The sheets will help you keep going from where you last left off.
Dust That Floor
The great thing about dryer sheets is that not only do they have their own specific use, geared for the actual dryer, but they also can replace just about everything around the household.

Run out of floor rags to clean the floor? No matter, just attach the sheets to your squeegee and wipe those floors.
The Gym Buddy
If you love heading to the gym and working out a sweat then you're probably suffering from one thing. And no, we're talking about sore muscles, we're talking about a smelly gym bag.

These scented soft fabric sheets not only absorb all the sweat that's in your bag after a hard workout, but they also get rid of that not-so-pleasant smell.
Not So Hair Raising
Static is a weird thing. Sometimes that bizarre electrical surge just lingers in the air causing sparks, snaps, and most of all, hairs flying up.

It can be a bit annoying, so, in order to avoid it, just gently rub your hair or clothes down with a dryer sheet. The static will disappear in no time.
The Beach Buddy
You've had your fun in the sun, a few dunks in the ocean, and after getting just enough rays to golden your skin, you decide it's time to go back home, take a long shower, and chill in front of the TV. The only problem, you've brought the beach with you.

To avoid getting all that beach sand on your precious couch and all over your floors, wipe yourself down with some dryer sheets. The absorbent and smooth material is the perfect solution.
Save Your Plants
Oftentimes, when we're watering our plants, we tend to love them a little too hard and water ends up spilling out. That's something you shouldn't do, but if you do there's a trick.

If water does spill out of the bottom of the pot, make sure you have a little dryer sheet at the bottom so it absorbs all unnecessary water.
Make That Stovetop Perfect
To remove the burn marks around your stovetop after a solid cooking session, simply pull out a dryer sheet and wipe it all away. One must make sure to turn off the electricity and all the elements must be cooled!

You don't want to burn yourself. Evenly spread the wet sheet. Let it sit for a few moments over the burn marks.
Pack It Up
If you're lucky, you'll go on a trip once or twice a year, maybe more for some of you out there. All those months in between your luggage just sits there unused in the closet or the basement.

Keep some dryer sheets in there so it stays smelling pleasant for the next time you pack.
A Traveler's Hack
Frequent flyers? This hack is for you. Next time you start packing, just pack dryer sheets along with the rest of your items. This way you have them in your case for a nice perfumed smell for all those dirty clothes.

You won't have to deal with dirty laundry smells at all with a few sheets in the old clothing compartment in your suitcase.
For the Electronics
The TV cabinet or shelf is the holy grail for the home. Upon it sits the television set, along with speakers, cable, music player, sometimes even a record player (or DVD — yikes.) Whatever you've got there, it needs to be looked after.

To avoid dust build-up, simply place a sheet under each device. You won't have patches of dust gathering around the electronics. The fabric is light and thin enough to neatly slip under and around.
Those Rubber Soles
You've come back from a hike and found some muddy sludge in your shoes? No worries! Use a damp dryer sheet to get into the soles of your shoes.

The fabric allows you to get deep into the crevasses of those hiking boots or shoes, getting rid of all that mess.
Your Best Friend
If we've taught you anything, it's that dryer sheets are the handiest thing you can ever have around the house. With its countless uses, it's something you should keep on you at all times.

Along with your tissues, wet wipes, and other essentials, always pack a few dryer sheets, or place them strategically around the house. You never know when you'll need them.