Klynn Scales was a little girl waiting daily to spot the police car drive by, however, she wasn’t standing on her front lawn. She was waving to the policeman from inside her house, hiding a secret that would eventually devastate the police officer, and at the same time, turn him into a hero.
A Mysterious Window Girl
Klynn used to wave at the police officer on a daily basis. She would wait patiently at the window, waiting for the flashing blue lights to arrive and as she spotted them in the distance, she became overwhelmed and excited.

Every day, at almost the same time, little Klynn Scales and the police officer would exchange hand waves and say hello. Not everything was pleasant in this neighborhood and there was a reason why the police had to patrol on a daily basis.
A Difficult Start
Klynn didn't have an easy childhood and Kansas City, Missouri in the 1990s wasn't the best place for kids to grow up in. To their neighbors and friends, Klynn seemed like any other nine-year-old girl, however, what went on on the other side of the walls, wasn't like any other.

She helped her mother raise her siblings, and she was more than just an older sister. Their father wasn't in the picture and the family was struggling.
A Daily Routine
Why were the police patrolling the streets every day? Well, the neighborhood was full of crime and dangerous for anyone, let alone young children, to stroll down the streets. The police car passing daily, was her comforter.

Growing up in such an environment only strengthened Klynn and helped her later on in life to confront and address bigger issues that came her way. The police officer visiting her would soon be such an influence on her life, that it would have an impact for eternity.
Crime Was Everywhere
Klynn had to embrace reality, and acknowledge the fact that this was her home. She couldn't change the fact that crime was occurring, illegal incidents were ruling the streets and there was no way she could flee it.

Klynn was just nine years old, however, she had an understanding of life suited for someone twice her size. She was brave, she was courageous and she knew deep inside, that she had the power to change her fate.
Alone With Her Brothers
With her mother being at work for most hours of the day, Klynn was practically bringing up her two brothers. If there was no food in the house, she would courageously walk down the street to the nearest convenience store and get her brothers, something to eat.

The reality was cruel, and it became even crueler when little Klynn had no money to pay for the food and she had no choice but to steal. It was a matter of survival.
A Living Nightmare
Klynn's story is heartbreaking as no child in the world should live under these conditions, no matter what. Their childhood was deprived of them, years that could never be brought back. Those were precious years, that turned into a living nightmare.

She was willing to do whatever it took to provide for her siblings even if it meant stealing. Her two brothers meant the world to her, and she was all they had. One day, a police officer spotted her from a distance.
They Watched Her From a Distance
Instead of approaching her straight forward there and then, the officer began studying her behavior, watching her going in and out of her house, and followed her when she popped into the convenience store.

He was concerned. He was alerted by this dysfunctioning family, and by Klynn in particular. Something was going on behind those house walls and he was about to find out what.
He Who Had No Name
The police officer, who at this stage will remain nameless, began patroling Klynn's house on a daily basis. Little did he know, that he would eventually become a light tower in that little girl's world and a hero in our eyes. He had no idea what a great impact he had and what a significant mark he left in her life.

His instincts led him to Klynn and her brothers' home every single day. As the neighborhood was so dangerous, he had to make sure they were safe and secured.
An officer in Need
At the store, the police officer was very transparent with Klynn and told her that he was there for her and her siblings. That his duty was to protect her and assure she is not harmed. They could trust and depend on him.

The officer's words eased Klynn and especially at night time when she would feel cold and alone, she could hear his comforting voice, assuring her that everything, eventually, was going to be ok.
There Was Light
It wouldn't take too long before the officer's words would become true, and in the end, things did turn out to be ok. This proved to Klynn that there was still good in this world and not everything was gloomy and dark.

Within no time, Klynn grew close to her new officer friend and would wait for him by the window every single day. One morning, as the police officer was approaching her house, ready to say his hellos, he realized she wasn't there. He knew something was wrong.
If Only Things Were Different
If Klynn would have lived in a quiet neighborhood, no one would have been so concerned, however, the situation was more complicated. Anything could have happened to her. It was unsafe for her to walk the streets and not having her parents around made it worse.

Why wasn't Klynn waiting for the police officer like every morning? What could have happened to her? He couldn't just drive by so he stopped his car and approached the house. What he discovered, left him devastated.
She Was Passed Out
The police officer opened the door and saw little Klynn lying on the floor, barely able to breathe. He didn't think twice, he barged into the house, lifted her up, and rushed to the emergency room.

Could you imagine what would have happened if the office didn't stop? If he wouldn't have thought much of Klynn not being there at the window and carrying on with the day as if nothing happened?
Not Alone
The officer found himself waiting outside the emergency room as if he was a first-degree relative. If only the hospital staff would have known that besides her home address, he didn't know much about her.

Klynn was suffering from malnutrition due to the conditions she was living under. He was heartbroken and concerned, and he knew that if it wasn't for him she most likely wouldn't be alive today.
Out of the Danger Zone
Klynn eventually came through and her mother and two brothers moved to live in Texas, in a much safer area. Klynn's mother understood she couldn't live the way she was living and things had to change.

Klynn never got a chance to thank the police officer. He didn't want to intrude on the family, and he disappeared straight after Klynn was stabilized. She didn't know what his name was or to which police unit he belonged.
Fast Forward 20 Years
20 years later, Klynn had to find her hero and she didn't care if it took another twenty years to do so. She wasn't planning on giving up. She owed her life to him and had to thank him in person.

The first thing Klynn did was post her story online. With modern technology and the world being much smaller than what it was when she was a kid, this was a promising start.
Social Media to the Rescue
Jennifer Jones was the one who made Klynn realize that posting on social media was worth her while. Klynn didn't know what her post would yield and she didn't know if there was any future to this, but Jennifer's response gave her hope.

Sergeant Jennifer worked at the Kansas police station and one day came across Klynn's story. She had a feeling she knew exactly who Klynn was referring to and commented on her post. Was this the end of Klynn's searches? Was she about to find her childhood savior?
One day Jeff Colvin received an email from Jennifer Jones. Jennifer described how a woman by the name of Klynn Scales who lived not far from the station Colvin used to work at, was searching for her lifesaver.

Jeff knew exactly who Jennifer was writing about. There was no doubt in his mind or heart. Within moments, all of his worries and concerns were flushed away, as if they never existed. The little girl who he saved, survived.
He Knew Who She Was
Joy and happiness overtook him and he was relieved. Ever since that day, when he admitted little Klynn to the hospital, not a day had gone by without him thinking about her.

Now, twenty years later, he had finally reached salvation. He knew she was alive and safe, and the cherry on top of all this was that she was looking for him. Now Jeff didn't have to worry anymore.
Happily Ever Reunited
The big day of reuniting had finally arrived. It was impossible to stop the raging tears and no one could have stayed oblivious to the emotions that were poured. Klynn had finally been reunited with her childhood hero.

Klynn said that deep inside, she never truly believed this day would happen. What were the odds of tracking down a police officer from Kansas, not knowing even what his first name was?
He Touched Many Others
Klynn's life wasn't the only one that was moved on that day. As Klynn found the missing piece in her life puzzle, Jeff's life too changed after that reunion. Over the years, he had gained more points on failed assignments in life than on success and he began to lose interest in his job.

Meeting Klynn twenty years after the incident relit the fire in his heart, and he became passionate once again about his profession. This was a chapter closure for him and he embraced the new beginning.
Life's Very Few Surprises
When Jeff and Klynn finally met after twenty years, something quite unordinary happened. Jeff was reported saying, “most times we go through our career not realizing we truly helped anybody out. I wondered if I was even on the right career path.”

It was only then that officer Jeff realized that he definitely chose the right career and the right profession in life. Not only that, but he also discovered something astonishing about the life route that Klynn chose for herself.
The Future Generation
Klynn applied for an officer's position in Houston, Texas, knowing she had to do something meaningful in life. Without knowing, Jeff led little Klynn onto a path of security, growth, and prosperity.

Just like a police officer made such a significant impact on her life, she had to do the same to someone else's life, and becoming a police officer was the best way. This was not all as more surprises were on their way.
Surrogate Dad
Officer Jeff was not only the policeman who looked out for Klynn's well-being and eventually saved her life, but he also played a role of a surrogate father. As Klynn's biological father wasn't present, Jeff unknowingly, filled that spot.

Jeff was everything Klynn needed as a child, however, they were a world apart. Klynn was about to reveal all this to Jeff (and more) and he was in for the surprise of his life. This was something he wasn't prepared for.
Engraved for Life
As soon as Klynn found out the name of the officer who saved her, she wanted to engrave it for life. She had a bracelet made with his name and added to it, "A True Hero”.

This bracelet would be carried by Klynn from that moment until finally, the long waited day arrived and they were reunited. The hero could finally wear his bracelet like a cape.
A Police Officer Forever
Klynn and Jeff's story proved once again what an influence and significant role police officers can have on some people's lives. That even though life can sometimes seem hard and unfair, there are people out there who are willing to make a change.

Police officers can influence communities. They can turn the world upside down. Klynn found out that it wasn't only her story that was touched and changed by a police officer, but there were many people out there with similar stories.
He Had Touched Many Others
It turned out, that Officer Jeff was a true hero. There were many lives in Kansas that he had influenced, and it only came out after Klynn posted her personal story. She wasn't alone.

Apparently, Officer Jeff saved a few people throughout his career, and he never gave it the importance it deserved. Klynn was just one name out of a list of many.
Her Purpose in Life
Klynn was now a mother of two and she longed to become a hero, not only in the eyes of her children but she wished to become a hero for some other little child, just like Jeff was to her. She had found her purpose in life.

Her mission was to shed light on some lost souls who were left in the dark. No one deserved a childhood as she had, and if she had the tools, the knowledge, and the heart to change that, so it shall be.
Officially a Hero
In June 2018, Klynn graduated from the police academy and became officially a police officer. Many people attended the graduation ceremony and there were a few guests of honor in the crowd too.

Jeff Colvin together with his wife sat right up front, showing Klynn their respect and enthusiasm. Jennifer Jones was there too, so proud and so honored to be present. They all congratulated Klynn on her achievements.
The Good Samaritans
Klynn and Officer Jeff's story is one of a kind. It is a true Cinderella fairy tale. What started off as a sad and hopeless story, turned into a legend of happiness and joy. Good Samaritans that come our way.

There are people out there who are willing to go the extra mile for others and in their nature, those people are good. Those living angles are proof that there is good in this world and if you open your eyes wide enough, you might be able to spot one coming your way too.
Officer Jeff is just one example of a cop making a difference in someone's life, but there are so many more stories about officers going the extra mile for common people. Read on for another such inspiring story.

Chy-Niece Thacker was an average Virginia girl, who did absolutely nothing wrong that morning. Having said that, she still couldn't control her racing heartbeat. All she wanted was to get to her job interview, however, the obstacles that came her way that morning, were about to change her life forever.
New Beginnings
The morning of September 2017 was a fate changer. Chy-Niece thought the job interview she was going to would indicate a new start in life. Little did she know that the policeman who came her way that day would be the one responsible for changing it

She woke up fresh and bright, she boosted up her confidence and appearance, and headed on her way. New beginnings were on her doorstep and life couldn't seem any better. Or could they?
The Job Interview
That morning, she left her home with plenty of time ahead. The last thing she needed was to arrive late for the interview. What would they think of her if she didn't arrive on time?

She wanted to make a good impression on her potential employer, but more importantly, she wanted to have plenty of time to calm herself down, relax, have a glass of water, and be the best she could be. This interview meant a lot. Nothing was going to stop her. She got in her car and she was on her way.
Flashing Lights Ahead
The weather was perfect, the roads were smooth until she turned onto Bolling Road. Now things were about to change. She glanced in her mirror and what she saw was a life changer.

There was no way she could have been oblivious to those flashing blue and red lights. She wasn't sure if they were intended for her, however, she hit the panic button.
Pulled Over
She checked if she was speeding, and she wasn't. Her car didn't have a flat tire and she was buckled up. What did she do wrong? Why was the police officer pulling her over?

Her palms began to sweat, her heart was beating fast and the feeling of anxiety took over. She didn't know what to be more concerned bout. Being pulled over or being late to her job interview.
Get It Over and Done With
Chy-Niece stopped her car. All she could do was hope that whatever the problem was, it would be over in no time. There was a job interview she couldn't miss.

Funnily enough, even when you know you have done nothing wrong, as soon as a police officer approaches you, you feel like a criminal and you hope not to get caught for whatever it was you didn't do.
Social Media Whenever in Need
Social media had become a loved companion to fall on whenever in need, and Chy-Niece spared no time. Later that day, she posted a post on Facebook, sharing with the entire world that she had been pulled over by a police officer.

"Talk about stressful", she wrote. What could be the worst beginning to a day than that, especially when you have an important meeting you can't miss?
Time Was Ticking
Deep inside she knew that the calmer she was, the faster this episode would be over. That if she cooperated with the police officer and just answered the question, everything would be ok.

Saying that, she couldn't control her heartbeat and slow it down, she was hot and sweaty and just wanted this all to end. This was not how she planned her day.
The Real Chy-Niece
Chy-Niece was a very positive person in nature. She always looked at the bright sides of life, tried to stay positive as much as she could, and expressed her satisfaction with life through dancing, writing, and singing.

With all the bright and light enthusiasm she brought with her, something that morning took over. Negative emotions became uncontrollable and little miss optimism became worried and anxious.
Movie Time
The police officer began walking towards Chy-Niece's car. "Ok, what do I do now," she thought to herself. She remembered (as she was a huge movie fan), that the officer will most likely ask her to place her hands on the wheel. So she placed them on the wheel beforehand.

She knew the officer would be expecting short and straight-to-the-point answers, so she began memorizing her full name, address, telephone number, and the fact that she was on her way to a very important interview. AND SHE WAS LATE!
Documentation in Hand
Next, Chy-Niece wanted to prepare her driving documents, however, the police officer beat her to it. Before she managed to open the glove compartment, the officer said; "Don't worry about pulling anything out".

If he didn't want to see her driver's license, then what did he want? Didn't he have to verify her name? Didn't he have to check if she had any previous driving offenses? Why did he pull her over?
Broken Lights
Every speculation possible went through her head. She was late for her job interview, she was pulled over by a police officer for no reason and on top of that, he didn't bother to check her documents. The police officer then added, “I just want you to know that your brake lights are out".

What?? Chy-Niece thought to herself. All that because of a brake light that might not be working properly? Apparently, the officer had no intention of making any trouble or giving her a ticket, however, Chy-Niece's reaction was anything but calm or peaceful.
Light History
All the police officer intended on doing was to ensure Chy-Niece knew she had an issue with her lights, but what he didn't know, was that for Chy-Niece, broken lights had a lot more to them than just being broken.

The officer was trying to look out for her safety and for the safety of other drivers on the road, but he ended up turning Chy-Niece's day upside down.
She's Already Been There
Chy-Niece was upset, however, more than anything else, she was resentful about the fact that it was only the previous month she got the brake lights changed and fixed.

She shared her frustration in her post, however, there was more to come, and this wasn't the final call. Chy-Niece's day was about to get worse.
At Least There Were No Tickets
So, on one hand, she was at ease that there was no ticket awaiting her, however, being unemployed, buying (again) a new brake light was the last thing she needed. Chy-Niece was not exaggerating with her reaction.

Apparently, she had a bad history with Firestone, the auto store that was supposed to fix the brake light at the time. She shared on her post how the auto store was being unfair with the charges.
A Good Samaritan
Police officers sometimes tend to have a bad reputation, for being rough and insensitive to situations, but, this police officer was the exact opposite. Not only was he sensitive to the whole scenario, but he was also about to give Chy-Niece advice she was least expecting.

Her brake light wasn't working, the auto store was being unfair to her, and now she found herself late for a job interview, but with a superman of the day by her side.
The Reason Why
Everything happens for a reason. We all know that saying, and most times we don't fully understand what the reason is. Chy-Niece didn't understand either, but she was about to find out.

The police officer, Officer Jenkins, took the whole situation seriously. Although it wasn't him personally that was mistreated by the auto store, he found their behavior appalling and disappointing.
A Mechanic in Blue
Within minutes, the police officer transformed from being officer Jenkins in blue to superhero Jenkins as a mechanic in disguise. He asked Chy-Nieceto to open the trunk so he could have a look for himself.

Jenkins was happy he could help out. He didn't want unemployed Chy-Niece to pay for something she had already paid for. He even said to her; “I care more about your safety than giving you a ticket.”
Changing Paths
Chy-Niece was relieved. There she had in front of her a police officer that turned into her savior. What would she have done if she wasn't pulled over in the first place? It was comforting to know that there were still good samaritans out there.

Did officer Jenkins really have the ability to fix the brake light? At first, there was no luck. He tried to solve the problem directly from the light socket, however, the light was not found. He then turned to the main light source of the car.
Sharing With the World
Chy-Niece detailed in her post how the nice officer instructed her to open the hood and check this and to check that and all she could think of was, is Jenkins going to make it?

Half an hour had gone by and still, there was no light, no solution, and the job interview Chy-Niece almost forgot about, was blurring out in the distance.
Serve & Protect
The kind-hearted officer was not intending to leave Chy-Niece alone and with no brake light. It was time for plan B. The police officers' method to Serve & Protect applied not only to crime but also to broken down vehicles.

In an NBC interview, Chy-Niece shared how the police officer insisted on escorting her to the nearest auto store. He asked her to put on her hazard lights and they were on their way.
Calling for Disaster
Could you imagine driving behind someone with no brake lights? The car in front could be slowing down or unexpectedly stop, and by the time you would realize it, it could be too late.

Chy-Niece had the officer behind her and she felt safe. Car maintenance can be an expensive headache sometimes but she knew she couldn't neglect her car and this had to be done.
Leaving His Mark
When officer Jenkins first pulled Chy-Niece over, his initial intention was to assure she was safe and the other drivers on the road were safe too. Little did he know what a great impact he would have on her life.

He didn't realize how such a small action could turn into such a great deed and that if he wasn't in the right time at the right place, who knows how this would end?
The Thing to Do
Chy-Niece felt the police officer was doing much more than what was expected of him. That accompanying someone to fix a brake light was not on his obligation list.

It is rare these days to come across someone who makes you feel important. That you matter as an individual and not as just another number or part of the statistics.
All for the Community
People like officer Jenkins are people that allow us to hold on to hope. They show us that there are still good people out there who are willing to go out of their way for others.

That no matter what happens and no matter what we do, at the end of the day we are all human and we are all alike. This day could have ended completely differently.
Changing Roles
She shared on her Facebook post how she felt officer Jenkins could have acted like a programmed robot, but instead, he stepped out of his 'officer role' and made sure she was alright.

Jenkins's actions made such an influence on Chy-Niece's life and it was going to become even greater. Soon enough they were going to have an impact on the entire community.
Going Public
The story about officer Jenkins was all over her community's Facebook page. Deep inside, Chy-Niece was praying that her story would affect others, however, she never imagined the extent it would eventually get to.

What started as an innocent local community Facebook post, within no time turned viral and erupted beyond the community's borders.
It Barged in Like a Storm
Within days, Chy-Niece's story was all over the internet. At first, only her close friends and family took notice, however, as the days went by, her entire community was touched. Tens became hundreds, and hundreds became thousands and the story and the excitement were impossible to ignore.

Chy-Nieces was an influence on other people's life. Was this the reason behind this? Was Chy-Niece's purpose in life initially to become an influencer?
Her Inner Light
Chy-Nieces told NBC that her personal story occurred just in time. With all the alarming news we are fed with constantly, and with all the bitter taste people are left with following bad incidents, her experience managed to shed some light.

One officer can make such a difference, and one story can be such an influence on the entire world. Chy-Nieces learned a lesson in life too. It was not only her community that gained a lesson or two.
He Cracked the Reputation
Police officers have a bad reputation, however, in this incident, Chy-Nieces realized that not all men in blue are the same. That some officers, and probably most of them, are really out there to look out for our well-being.

Yes, Jenkins was presumably only doing his job, however, he could have chosen to take a completely different path and finish the entire episode much sooner by giving Chy-Nieces a ticket.
The Ongoing Effect
Chy-Nieces's story led to numerous reactions among the community. Many people shared good experiences they had with local police officers and how lucky they were for living where they did.

Chy-Nieces wanted her appreciation to go public, and apparently, she wasn't the only one that was grateful that day. There was someone else who wanted to say his thank you.
The Country Police Reaction
If she managed to track down Jenkins later on and thank him in person, remains a mystery. However, she did get a thank you in return, in a very unordinary way.

The County Police of Virginia came across Chy-Niece's post and couldn't remain oblivious. This had to be shared with the world and everyone should know what amazing officers Virginia has. When he shared the post, he thanked Chy-Niece too.
A Never Ending Story
The County Police of Virginia wrote on his post, how thankful he was for citizens like Chy-Niece who take the time and share their stories. How proud they were of their officers and how honored officer Jerkins made them feel.

So here are the lessons learned: your car must be looked after and maintained constantly; if we look hard enough, good samaritans are waiting for us just around the corner; and lessons and opportunities are scattered around always, so one missed job interview doesn't have to be the end of the world.
This unusual and heartfelt case of a police officer helping out a stranger is incredibly sweet. But, having a run-in with the law can also be funny. Keep scrolling for the funniest cop stories on the internet.

Whether they make you laugh or restore your hope in humanity, you're going to find something you like. You might even find a great story to be able to tell your friends. From fleeing animals to strange fights to kids, the fuzz has plenty to deal with, even if it does mean getting some fun stories.
Sounds Pretty Funny to Us
This is one of those delicious stories that just begs us to keep asking questions. Why was this clown arrested? Was he working when it happened? Maybe it was part of the show! If so, we have to give props, because it's quite the gag.

It sounds like the kind of birthday party that you really wish you had gone to. The kind of thing that is spoken of in whispers when you are in the halls of one's school. All of the kids who were there have a different reason for why the clown might have been arrested, but none of them will approach the truth.
Wipe Before Getting Cuffed
Police get called out to defuse situations that might explode into violence every once in a while, but not often does it happen when one person is in the home's smallest room. Was he just trying to relieve some pressure or was he arming for an inevitable full-on argument?

We have no other information about this story, so we don't know how it ended or how it started, but it's hard to stand up to the police when you're sitting on the porcelain throne. Dollars to donuts (police joke!) the argument was cooled down and everybody got back to their day, no matter what it entailed.
Doesn't Seem All That Uncomfortable, Honestly
When we aren't in the right mind we tend to do odd things. If you've been taking a little something that tends to affect how you think, you'll end up doing something like falling asleep on a hot dog in your car.

We do wonder why a police officer got involved with this, but if you saw someone with their head on a hot dog as they slept inside their car, you might wonder if that person is in the right kind of health. Well, no, but she isn't doing anything to hurt anybody and shouldn't be driving in that kind of state.
He Could Get Sick
It takes a little bit of time to figure out why this guy needed a police officer to speak to him, but you have to remember that even if it's raining, being totally nude out in public is still kinda illegal.

Well, yes, illegal. Some people might not mind getting to see it depending on the person riding the bike, but it's still illegal. Plus, if you find yourself riding around on a bike while fully naked in the rain, maybe you should go back inside and think about your life. There might be some things that you need to change.
Honestly, We Have No Idea
Really, we don't know. We can understand doing either of these things – making a fire out of newspapers to keep warm, or pulling down your trousers to answer the call of nature. But doing both at once, and in this sort of manner? We don't know why, and we don't want to know why. Ever.

This story also gives us a fun dose of physical comedy. Is there anything funnier than watching a man with his pants around his ankles fall down? We're going to say no.
A Very Confused Bingo Caller Watched
Not every story has to do with public intoxication or public flashers. Thankfully. Some of them have to do with nursery rhymes that have come to life. We'd like to know exactly how a police officer managed to tie up a cow since they can't exactly be cuffed.

Maybe cuffs would help, but it's not like they can put them into the back seat of a police cruiser. Maybe a police truck? Since this happened out in the country, they probably have some special equipment to help wrangle livestock. Or, they used extra handcuffs. That's probably it.
I Can Hear Your Lies
Nothing beats a story that has a punchline. A cop pulling over a speeding lady is nothing special – though going seventy in a forty-five zone is going to raise plenty of eyebrows. But then they have the chance to run into each other again, and the cop gets the last laugh.

Plus, Ma'am, even if you were going fifteen over, that's still over the speed limit, and if you were in a forty-five zone, that's a full thirty-three percent higher than the posted limit. Remember this story whenever you hear about some mean cop from somebody who got a ticket. Of course, this is also a story without any evidence, so who knows.
Hands at Two and Ten
The life of a police officer in a dense, busy city is never easy. You have to deal with lots of drunk college students, for instance, but at least this story doesn't have anything illegal. Save for, we guess, driving dangerously.

There's a good chance that you've never been to Minneapolis, but let us tell you – the roads there are disastrous. One wrong move and you'll smash into a concrete barrier, another car, or some pedestrians. So taking your hands off the wheel to argue with your friends using sign language is a recipe for disaster, but at least it's unique.
I Get That a Lot
Maybe he was training for a role, maybe he was just giving back to his community. Whatever the reason, this Pitt lookalike probably enjoyed being tied to one of the most famous and conventionally-attractive actors in the biz, but after a while it likely got old.

We also really like the criminal's response. It wasn't to get wide-eyed at the idea of being arrested by Pitt, it was to angrily say the man would never profit from his box office tickets again. We wonder if the real Pitt has ever heard this story, and what he thinks of it.
Well, I Don't Remember How to Take Those Cuffs Off
If you're a parent, you know how easily problems can be solved by asking the right questions. Criminals tend to not be the most intelligent of sorts, so a clever query will trip them up enough to make the truth obvious.

In this case, it took just a single question to give the police officers a good enough reason to call the case closed and bring in their man. Thing is, it's really hard to come up with a response for finding out the car you're driving is stolen. Literally, nothing makes sense.
She Actually Did the Right Thing
Being drunk out in public is a common way for people to get in trouble with the law, but at least this woman wasn't trying to drive home.

She just wanted a ride home from a cab, but just so happened to find a campus officer. What else was he supposed to do? Not drive the drunk woman home? Well, that's exactly what he did. It's one of those fun, simple stories that can be told and retold for laughter as the years pass by.
Let's Just Both Forget About This
There are few things more nerve-wracking than having to sit in your car and wait for the highway patrol to saunter up to your driver-side window. But the cop and woman involved in this story got something way worse than a speeding ticket or another day on the job.

The woman avoided having to pay out, and both of them got a story that we're sure has been told over and over, with embellishments that get added on as time goes on. At least when the driver tells it, anyway. We're sure the cop doesn't want it to go on any longer than it has to.
A Good Enough Lesson on Its Own
The best part about this is he had no other option than to call the police himself. “Super drunk” isn't a medical term, so it's hard to tell if he was still sauced by the time the police arrived or not, but after several hours of hanging by the fence, we bet he was feeling the hangover.

Nice of the cops to just let him go. We have a pretty good bet that he learned his lesson. Plus, if he wasn't drunk anymore, what were they going to do? Charge him for getting stuck on a fence? That isn't a law even in the strictest counties.
Well, Sort Of
Look, we don't know. We don't know why anybody would want to do this. Skateboarding, as a rule, is something that is pretty dangerous, so if you're going about without any protective gear, you're risking your life and a limb. And quite a bit more, if you're this kid.

The story is a perfect bit of miscommunication, but we wonder why the cop asked that specific question. It's perhaps that it was supposed to be a joke from the very beginning, or it might have been a real question that the cop needed to know. We don't know, maybe there are rules about learning all the information before going looking for a naked skateboarder.
Just a Little Mix up Here
If you're wondering, the original story doesn't actually say “butt.” It says something very similar, but not exactly the same. After a long car chase and the potential for plenty of violence, you'd probably get your words mixed up, too.

On the other hand, we're sure that the criminal in question got the gist of the message, and stuck the appropriate body part high. Maybe after a few seconds of confusion, but it's hard to not acquiesce when a police officer is cornering you, after having chased you for who knows how long.
At Least She Wasn't Armed
Well, no wonder she went out drinking. Losing an arm is never easy. The police officer here had to display some quick thinking to make sure she was properly shackled, and from our research, it appears that this is how you are actually supposed to cuff amputees, at least in the military police.

Well, think about it – how else are you supposed to do it? It wouldn't be safe to attach the suspect to the inside of a cruiser. In the case of an accident, it would be a mess.
Target Acquired
If you're the kind of person who is more than willing to show off your fandom each and every day, there are some extra rules that you need to follow, including not wearing a mask while driving. You have to be able to see and hear everything around you.

The next time you're headed to a convention, remember this and you might not only save yourself the trouble of a ticket, but you might also not get into an accident. This cop was willing to let this Star Wars fan go without a ticket, but you might not always be that lucky.
Not the Kids' Show You Remember
Adulthood hits all of us pretty hard. Even the perpetually happy sponge that lives next to Patrick and Squidward might have some trouble adjusting. He's not ready anymore.

Singing has a calming effect on lots of people, including drunk people who would do better where they can't hurt themselves or anyone else, so why not come up with your own song to the tune of the Spongebob theme song? At the very least, the cop working with you will find it funny, and then he'll get to tell the story again and again. Back to the Krusty Krab with you, sponge.
Well, Everything Checks Out
One of the things that you have to remember about police officers is they can be pretty smart and insightful. So, if you try to pull this kind of trick, the kind of trick that wouldn't even fool a child, it probably isn't going to fly.

Here's a tip for people – if you're honest with the police officers, nine out of ten times they won't treat you too badly. On the other hand, if you try and delude them with something this stupid, all you're going to get is a ticket. The police officer is going to get a funny story, but you won't.
There Can Only be One
Just so you know, a domestic is people who live in a home getting into a fight. Usually, they happen between man and wife, but this one was two brothers. If you're a brother and you have a brother, you know that fights between brothers can become knock-down, drag-out affairs that simply don't end.

Did the cops actually get involved when they saw this battle? Gardening tools, vegetation, frozen chicken – how exactly did frozen chickens get involved? Did they go to the freezer and get them out for the purpose of this fight? Were they already out? Who won?
It's Like the Greased-Up Deaf Guy from “Family Guy”
Police officers have a tough job sometimes. They have to deal with violent people, angry people, drunk people, and all three of those could be together as one. This story has one of those three, but at least it wasn't the other two.

Somehow this guy had covered himself with Crisco, a brand of shortening, and that makes getting a grip on him impossible. How many cops did it take to get this man secured? We hope it was three, at least.
Another Case Closed
Well, if that isn't just diabolical. This poor lady in her sixties thought that she was being haunted for weeks, but it was just the goober who lived next door. What convinces a person that he should do such a thing as a recurring trick?

We also wonder if there's anything the police can do other than give the guy a very stern talking-to. Maybe unlawful entering? We aren't lawyers, we don't know. On the other hand, now that the gig is up, we hope that the person responsible for this donated the devil costume to charity and went on with his law-abiding life.
Scare of His Life
One of the most rewarding parts of being a police officer is knowing that you get to catch criminals red-handed, even if it doesn't happen that often. So when this police sergeant got word of the perfect opportunity, he wasn't about to let it slip past him.

All it took was a few words (we removed one to keep things friendly) and the criminal was caught...well, not red-handed, but brown-panted. The police officer might have had to clean out the inside of his cruiser that night, but it's the kind of story that he was able to tell his grandkids, and that's worth plenty of lingering smells.
The Duality of Man
Life really takes you places. Sometimes you become an astronaut, sometimes you become the manager of a grocery store. Sometimes you become a mattress tester, sometimes you become a pirate queen. Sometimes you become a police officer, sometimes you become a guy running from the police.

Even friends who grew up together will diverge along some of those paths. We have to imagine that this kind of tale has happened more than once, especially in small towns where people tend to stay close. What's the lesson to take away here? We guess it could be that even small changes will make big differences in people's lives. Cop or criminal – you decide.
The Life and Times of a Cop
We'd like to know if the duck was dead or not. If not, was it just letting him sit there and pluck out all its feathers? If it was, why was he at the riverbank? One way or the other, we aren't sure what this guy was planning to do, and we aren't entirely sure if we want to find out.

There is nothing in the story about illicit substances or a bit too much to drink, so we really don't know what the next step of the plan was going to be. Good thing the boys in blue got there and made sure, whatever it was, it didn't happen.
Sometimes You Just Have to Watch
If you ever want to imagine someone being at a loss for words, imagine this police officer watching this happen. A man who very well could be a tractor monk riding on the front (we're imagining the hood) of the tractor while it rolls down the street.

Was he under the influence? Had he discovered inner peace? We may never know. We do know that fixing and righting a tractor is going to cost him a pretty penny, and not being in control of your vehicle is a pretty good way to get arrested for reckless endangerment or something similar.
Hola, Policía
Nothing like college to get all the bad decisions out of the way. And there's nothing like sorta-sponsored college events to make sure all of these bad decisions get done when there are at least people around who will be able to help when they inevitably go wrong.

At least this guy wasn't harming anybody. Still, being free in this way isn't really allowed in polite company, especially with so many other people around. Was he really riding a bike without any pants on? The story doesn't mention a bike for this guy, but it was at the bike race. Don't think about it too hard.
Just a Little Unbalanced
Despite how well-built they often are, cars aren't perfect. If five hundred pounds of aunt is stuck on one side, they're going to waver back and forth. Even just putting a couple of bags of groceries in the back is going to change your driving style a little bit. We know you've noticed, don't try to play coy.

If you're constantly trying to keep yourself on the road, the police will notice, but this guy at least had a pretty easy explanation.
Oh Yeah, That's the Good Stuff
This is from the annals of “I saw it in the newspaper,” but we thought it was good enough. Cops have to deal with a lot of people that are using things they shouldn't be, including things that go in their bodies. But, still, shouldn't be. Some of those substances use syringes.

Now look, we all love Dr. Pepper, but putting it straight into your body with a needle? We're going to assume that isn't healthy. Just drink it with your mouth like everyone else. There are also Dr. Pepper Twizzlers! They're not great.
You Came to the Right Place
Talk about good luck that turns bad. This guy would have certainly rather have gone to his dorm and slept off the fun night, but now he has a story about spending a night in jail without having done anything too wrong, and without being charged with anything.

We wonder if he told this story to his friends as soon as possible, or if he waited a little bit of time. Like a year. Or four years. Or, if he's hoping to become a politician, he didn't tell anybody until he was retired.
Every Single Grain
We've all had bad days, so we like to at least hope that this police officer was having a good day before this call came in. What do you say to a person who thinks that her neighbor is stealing all her sand off a beach? We have news for you lady, there's always going to be more sand.

As an aside, did you know there are more trees in the world than grains of sand on beaches? It's one of those things you wouldn't imagine is true, but it is. We think.
He Ate Too Much. He's Stuffed
Hard to argue with that kind of logic. Plenty of speeding tickets get let off with a warning, and you have a better chance if everybody inside is properly wearing your seatbelts.

The funny thing is, in the event of a crash, having the big teddy bear bounce around might have actually been safer than buckling it in, at least for the humans. Still, demonstrating that you do know how to drive safely and just happened to be speeding at that time is a good step toward not having to pay a fine.
You Have to Learn From the Best
A SWAT team is training in aggressive takedowns and attacks. It's almost like they're professional airsoft players. If you're good at something, never do it for free, but we bet that these PD members had a good time showing off their skills against some relative amateurs.

It's important from all these stories to remember, that police officers, even the most highly-trained ones, are people under all that armor and training, and even they have things they like to do in their free time.
Sir, the Handcuffs Won't Stay On
Well, that's good community policing, for you. We didn't know that police officers had jurisdiction over the afterlife, but if this story is any indication, it's just as easy as going in, saying some stern stuff to the spirit, and clamping it with a pair of handcuffs.

Was this one of the bedsheets with holes cut in it kind of ghosts? Jangling chains from “A Christmas Story?” Tell us what we're working with here. Every story has ghosts that work a little differently. No wonder police have to go through so much training.
I Don't Care!
Sometimes, you just have to go. Sometimes it doesn't matter what kind of cars with flashing lights are following you, even if they're telling you to pull over.

The nice part about this is we figure that while the cop probably did write him a ticket – he was not driving safely, after all – it was really just because of the letter of the law, and wouldn't have if it had been safer. This is like the climax of a stupid comedy from the eighties. Having to race home to go to the bathroom, and a police officer starts tailing you.
He's Getting Away Very Slowly
A situation can go from bad to worse in an instant, as this police officer learned. On the other hand, this could have been the fastest turtle ever, and we bet the police still could have caught up with it. But rules are rules, and now that the suspect is armed, we're sure they brought in the big guns.

Maybe they got some veggies at the store or something to distract it. We're sure the turtle would like a carrot more than it would like a disgusting nightstick. We hear those don't taste all that good.
Well, Serve and Protect
That's really all we have of this story, so we don't know any other details. Was the woman acting disorderly due to her drunkenness? Was she just minding her own business? If so, why did the police officer in question feel the need to speak with her?

We'll never really know, but since the drunk girl is described like that – drunk – it's pretty easy to assume that she just wasn't holding her liquor. Then, of course, there's the demand that the police officer helps her with her jacket just because she has asthma. We don't know, maybe it did make sense.
He's Definitely a Dad
What's one of the best weapons adults have against kids? Embarrassment. Once you hit a certain age – around thirty, by most scientific estimates – you lose your ability to feel much embarrassment, and it dwindles further and further as time goes on.

Kids and teenagers, though, think about everything in terms of embarrassment. Thus, the best way to make sure they always remember not to break the rules is to get them to do something embarrassing. This police officer knows all the truth, and even if no one saw it happen, that student is always going to stop for stop signs.
A Toyota Doesn't Have Great Lift
Just like any other person at a job, cops will slip into formulas. The same jokes, the same routes, the same actions they've always done. It takes something like this story to break them out of the formula.

Sure, not everyone has a pilot's license, but eventually, there was going to be somebody who would be able to pull it out, as smug as you can imagine. Of course, this is probably only going to work once or twice even if you do have the opportunity to show off that you're a pilot. Stick to the safer speeds and you'll be fine.
Is This That Purple Rain We've Heard So Much About?
Poor, departed Prince had a lot of stages in his life, but thankfully “public flasher” wasn't one of them. He did put out that one movie, though, and people who saw it might have just preferred he flash them instead of whatever was going on for the ninety-minute run time. It feels more like three hours if you've ever watched it, which I have.

Thankfully, this vagabond didn't have any chance to get away, and he wasn't able to convince the fisherman that he was one of them. From the description, it didn't sound like he had much of a chance anyway.
It's Just Not Something You See Every Day
Rubbernecking is a dangerous practice if you don't know what's going on around you. It usually happens when you see an accident, but there are other reasons, as well. Like seeing a couple of turkey buzzards getting it on.

There aren't even any crimes involved in this story, but it's bound to be memorable. Even better, the cop took the high road and was a hundred percent truthful about why he had rear-ended another car. In most areas, the person rear-ending is the one at fault, even if the other car did stop unexpectedly. Even the CO remembered it.
No, Ma'am, That's Just a Stereotype
We're happy that at least one of these stories is just a cute story between two people that just ends in a warning to be safer. The gal wanted to eat some donuts – and who among us can claim we are any better – and apparently she might have offered him one.

We do not know whether or not he took one, but we bet he didn't. Donuts are great, but it doesn't seem proper to take one off someone that you just pulled over for running a red light.
That's a Good Point
If someone came up to you and asked you to recite the alphabet backward, do you think you could do it? Unless you've trained yourself, we're going to bet no. That's sort of the point of these sobriety tests, even if it does seem kind of counter-intuitive.

If you're trying to do something difficult, being drunk makes them all the more difficult, or even nigh-impossible. Of course, if this guy can't walk heel-to-toe even when he is sober, then he has a little bit more to deal with. Also, he did basically say he's drunk.
Makes Sense, Have a Nice Night!
We can't really be certain, but this guy might not be telling the truth. Then again, plenty of people like to go out for some of the great outdoors during the night, even for a run.

Then again, they tend to have reflective clothing, running shoes, and other gear that makes it look like they're actually out for a run instead of looking like they've just escaped from a mental hospital. Even the thickest police officer is going to be able to put two and two together and decide this guy should probably come along for a ride.
Ah, a Philosophical Criminal
This will really make you pause. Are we real? Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am.” It's summed up as “Cogito, ergo sum.” Maybe not the perfect grammar in Latin, but it still gets the point across. If you can consider yourself a thinking being, are you not? It's philosophical proof of existence.

Do computers think for themselves, or did we just trick them into thinking for us? The increase of AI and computer intelligence have given us plenty to ponder as the guy we were arresting runs off with his hands cuffed behind his back.
Someone Translate for Us
We've left the wording here exactly as we found it, because otherwise how would we know this story came from Australia? Let us help out a little bit: A “breakkie mcmuffin” is a breakfast sandwich from McDonald's, a speedo is his speedometer, and one-eighty km is about a hundred and eleven miles per hour on a highway that has a speed limit of about fifty miles per hour.

How many cars can actually work well when they're going that fast? We've seen a car that rattled so bad it seemed like it was about to fall to pieces if it even got near eighty.
Time to Hit the Gym
No, not technically a police officer, but close enough for our purposes. Did you know how heavy coins are? You don't think about it where there are a few quarters in your wallet or a little bit of change in your purse, but any real amount of money is going to weigh a lot.

It's made of metal, for Pete's sake, the stuff is going to be heavy. How the mom in this story got this guy to agree to this when he had the advantage over her seems like a more interesting story, but we don't know the details.
Digging Herself Deeper With Every Word
If you ever want to embarrass yourself, try to get away with something like this. If someone brings you in for shoplifting, they almost always have pretty good evidence.

It's really hard to cite someone for shoplifting unless they have really obvious things they can point at. Not only because of the whole “innocent until proven guilty” thing, but also if you're tagged for shoplifting and you're innocent, you can turn around and sue. So, if you are picked up, they pretty much already have you dead to rights. Like this lady, who is seriously guilty.
Where We're Going, We Don't Need Safety!
Seeing as how the guy owns a DeLorean, we're going to guess that he gets this question a good ten times a day, which is how the owner was able to answer without hesitation.

It's good to know that he isn't being improper with the use of his time machine/classic eighties car. Or, at least, he was when he was right next to a police car at a red light. Maybe the moment he was out of view he gunned it because he needed to change some detail about the James Buchanan presidency or something like that.