Every now and then, John would behave mysteriously. This was one of the things Charlotte found difficult to handle. He wasn’t always very open with her, and she continuously felt he was hiding something from her. She was uneasy and confused and desperately wanted her husband to be more transparent with her.

Occasionally, John would disappear and Charlotte had no idea where he was. He would be gone for hours and hours. Was he meeting someone? Did he lead a separate life? What was going on? As this was going on, Charlotte felt she couldn’t live her life this way for much longer.
An Artist of a Lifetime
John was a talented artist. He found tranquility in what he treasured most. Their wedding anniversary wasn't far away and John decided to show Charlotte his love and appreciation with a new painting. What could be more fabulous than that? He wanted the new picture to represent their long and deep relationship.

He wanted it to reflect their life journey and to mirror their profound connection that could never be torn apart. This was going to be a timeless piece of art, like no other. Well, at least this was his initial purpose. This painting was going to change the lives of everyone.
He Painted His Love
Their wedding anniversary arrived and John gave Charlotte the new painting he had been working on for such a long time. Her eyes were dazzled by the beauty of the piece. She was overwhelmed and surprised by what she was presented with. While scanning the masterpiece with her tearing eyes, she choked, so emotionally touched.

In her eyes it was perfect. It was the perfect gift, given to her by the perfect man, celebrating together their love and life journey. They had been together for several decades now and she was looking forward to spending the rest of their lives together.
They Lived a Normal Life
Charlotte and John had two children. They lived their lives joyfully, enjoying every moment and taking advantage of every day given to them to the fullest. And still, no matter how many good times they had in life, they admitted that just like any other normal family, they have had their share of life challenges.

They have been through things that have challenged their relationship, just like other couples, and have sworn to each other that no matter what, they would always be there for one another, and for their two children. What would happen next was going to be one life obstacle, not so easy to embrace.
What Was John Hiding?
Every now and then, John would behave mysteriously. This was one of the things Charlotte found difficult to handle. He wasn't always very open with her, and she continuously felt he was hiding something from her. She was uneasy and confused and desperately wanted her husband to be more transparent with her.

Occasionally, John would disappear and Charlotte had no idea where he was. He would be gone for hours and hours. Was he meeting someone? Did he lead a separate life? What was going on? As this was going on, Charlotte felt she couldn't live her life this way for much longer.
They Had Everything They Needed
When it came to the family's financial position, Charlotte and John lived comfortably. They enjoyed a comfortable life, however, this does not mean they didn't also "enjoy" any downfalls. There were health issues the family had to deal with and unexpected expenses that would unbalance them and they occasionally found themselves looking for new financial resources.

Days were suddenly uncertain, however, their love and devotion for one another always seemed to save the day and make them appreciate what they had. This wasn't always the case here, though. Their love grew and became stronger and stronger but with every emotional heartbeat, a new battle arose.
Time Was Moving Too Fast
The years and the couple's age showed their signs and John and Charlotte supported each other more than ever. They were no longer high school kids and their bodies began to betray them. John was doing poorly, however, the doctors couldn't diagnose him and say what he was suffering from. Things were uncertain both for John and for Charlotte.

Charlotte loved him more than ever. No disease or unstable health condition could draw her apart for him and he needed her now more than ever. Charlotte was John's pillar of strength. He relied on her for everything and she was there to provide him with it all. Was this the beginning of the end?
He Was Going Downhill
John's condition worsened. Charlotte nursed him day and night, however, things were not looking good. The doctors had the worst news possible to deliver and Charlotte was heartbroken. Not only was John's condition going downhill, but he didn't have much time left. They were talking about a few weeks at the most.

Charlotte did everything she could to make John's remaining days as easy as possible. She wanted the ease his pain and ensure he wasn't suffering. She provided him with comfort and ease and as the days went by, she became a solid rock for him to lean on. She was his whole world and he knew this was the time to reveal a secret he had been holding onto for years.
Those Were His Last Words
John pulled on a soft smile and his eyes sparkled. He told Charlotte that the painting he made for her on their last wedding anniversary had a secret. A gem was hidden beneath the shades and it was time for her to discover it. Charlotte didn't quite understand what was going on.

What secret message or meaning could possibly be hidden in the painting? She loved that piece deeply, but never considered it to be more than just skillfully placed paint on canvas. What was John trying to tell her? What could he have possibly been hiding for so many years?
It Was His End
John passed away. He left Charlotte alone, heartbroken and devastated, together with a beloved painting that had a great secret behind it. Now that John was gone, she knew she had to solve this painting mystery, however, there was a list of things she had to do beforehand.

She mourned the death of her life partner, she mourned the end of their life together, but she still had to balance her new reality with the curiosity that wouldn't let go, of the mysterious painting. His final words haunted her day and night. She could still hear his last words which disclosed that the painting had a secret for her to reveal.
She Didn't Understand What Was Going On
Charlotte stared at the familiar painting and observed each brush stroke on the canvas. She gazed at the entire piece and at first, couldn't see anything she had never seen before. She gently put her hand on the painting and very slowly traveled down the shades of blue and green yellow and red, trying to understand what lay beyond.

Was there a hidden note she couldn't see? Was there some kind of code or script or letters she had to work out? If only she had known that underneath each paint stroke and beneath every shape and color, a secret message was hiding all this time.
Her New Life Began
Life was getting back to normal and Charlotte was getting used to living without John. Some days were manageable, however, many were still very difficult for her to deal with. John was very talented and Charlotte wasn't the only one who admired his work.

Friends and neighbors came to her house to see the talk bout the painting, and just like her, no one noticed anything odd about it. It was a beautiful and captivating painting, with beautiful colors that John had left Charlotte to cherish and treasure after his passing. What else was he trying to tell her through his art?
A Friend in Need
Out of all the friends Charlotte had, there was one who worked in restoring art. Charlotte knew that if anyone could help her understand what was lying behind the painting, it would probably be him. Charlotte shared with her friends the last hours of John's life and explained that she had inspected the painting from top to bottom, however, no mystery has been found.

Charlotte's friend took a careful look. At first, he couldn't see anything abnormal and it looked like any other painting. He then said that he wanted to remove the top varnish layer that protects the painting. He had to ensure he wasn't damaging anything as this was irreplaceable.
One Layer Down, a New One Revealed
After removing the varnish layer, he saw some letters on one corner of the canvas. He immediately called Charlotte to come and see what he had found. He was excited and curious to see what was hiding there and was proud to be the one who discovered the lost words.

Charlotte recognized John's handwriting immediately. It took her a while to figure out what was written there, and she realized it was an address that wasn't familiar to her. It also showed some kind of code, which at first she had no idea how to crack. What was so important about this message, that John wanted Charlotte to find out only after his passing?
Secret Code
Then, the dime dropped. The address that was revealed beneath the strokes of paint was the address of the bank, where Charlotte and John held their accounts. What great secret could be hidden in their bank? And what on earth was that code?

Now, the only place which held the big mysterious secret was the bank and they were the only ones who could bring this unsolved secret to an end. Charlotte made her way to the bank with the code she found on the painting and still hadn't figured out what it meant. She hoped and prayed that the bank would know.
The Mystery Was Revealed
It took the banks' clerks a while before realizing that the code was, in fact, the code to open a safety deposit box. Not only did this not solve the main question of what was John hiding in the bank, but it also made Charlotte ask a bunch of new ones.

John had a comfortable financial life, however, he was far from being rich, and besides, they had broken into their life savings on more than one occasion during the years. Did John have some kind of secret account Charlotte never knew about? Did John have loads of worthy jewelry he wanted Charlotte to have only after he was gone?
She Couldn't Count It All
After signing a load of papers, proving she was who she said she was, the bank clerk put a pair of gloves on and opened the vault. She thought John might have painted another painting for her to cherish and wanted her to have it only at a later time.

What she discovered next left her shocked and at a loss for words. She opened the box and the content revealed itself to her. There it was, a huge amount of bank notes lying undisturbed in the gray metal box. It was much more than Charlotte could ever imagine and more than she ever thought she would have.
He Never Told a Soul
Nothing made sense anymore. She picked up one of the piles of money and then she found a note. It was from John. In the note, John explained where all this money came from. This was not their savings, and he didn't have a separate account that Charlotte wasn't aware of.

As it turns out, at one stage, John inherited a large amount of money and decided not to tell anyone. He didn't want people to love him (or act as if they loved him) because of his wealth so he decided to put it aside and pretend it never existed. He thought that if no one knew about it, no one would need it. And he was right.
She Didn't Know Where to Start
It was a lot for Charlotte to take in. This was, with no doubt, a life changer. She thought of all those times in life when this kind of money could have really helped, however, the more she thought about it, the more she understood what John wanted to do. He didn't want the money to be a factor in their relationship and life journey.

He didn't want money to have any impact or any influence on their life decisions or judgments. Charlotte was now not only a widow. She was a very, very, wealthy one. Life was not the same and she did not know what to do first.
There Was No Other Option
It took her a while, but soon enough Charlotte knew what she had to do with the money and what would be the best investment. She shared the big news with her two children and they decided to go on a lifetime adventure. They traveled around the world and enjoyed themselves like never before.

This was something the three of them would never have been able to do if it wasn't for the money John had left and he gave them the opportunity to do something they dreamed of. The whole trip was priceless and the memories they all created had no price tag on them.
She Wanted Him So Badly
Charlotte wished John could have been there with them. He would have loved every moment of freedom they shared. She felt him in every place they visited and knew that, in spirit, he was with them all of the time. Charlotte knew there was still a significant amount of money left.

It didn't take her a long time to decide what to do with it. She wanted to make a difference. Besides taking care of her children's future, she wanted to make an influence on some large organization, or some sort of institution that could have a great impact on the world.
It Was Time to Give Back
For Charlotte, there was no other choice than to donate some of the money towards the research of the same disease John suffered from. The same illness that tragically took him away from her and left her all alone. This was the least she could do and she knew John would have approved.

He would have been so proud of her. With another portion of the money, Charlotte decided to share the love of her life with the outside world. Why should she be the only one to enjoy what John was all about? Why should she be the only one to admire him?
His Dream Came True
One of John's dreams was to have his paintings exhibited in an art gallery. Charlotte was about to make this dream come true. She gathered some of his best pieces and presented them at the local art gallery for everyone to appreciate and learn about John and his work.

For years, Charlotte was uneasy and felt that John was hiding something from her. For years she asked herself if her partner for this life journey was being transparent and open with her just as she was with him. For years she felt in the dark, until now, the light had cracked through.
He Was Everything She Ever Needed
She now knew that John was the perfect man for her and that even if he hid things or wasn't 100% honest, there was a reason, and that reason was always to her benefit. Whatever step he took, he always had Charlotte's face in front of his eyes and did everything he could to make her happy.

Charlotte was heartbroken that John wasn't around to enjoy the money with her, however, she was happy that she could cherish his name and do so many things in his honor, make many other people happy, and keep an element of him alive, at least for as long as she is.
The secret John was hiding from Charlotte turned out to be sweet and thoughtful. Some family secrets aren't quite like that.
They say that happy families are all alike and that every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Now, let us add on to that — every family has its own dark, dirty little secret, and each secret is, well, revealed in its own unique way.

Reddit users from all over the world shared with us classified information about their relatives they were either told too late or had to find out on their own. Get ready to read stories that will make you appreciate how unexceptional your nutty family actually is.
Passing Judgment
We all have that one person in our family, the one who likes to judge and give advice no one asked for. You'd assume the person who feels so free to talk about other people's lives would at least be someone who makes sure they do everything right.

Well, there are expectations and then there's reality. Apparently, this person's aunt shouldn't be the one to talk about anybody's life... but she does.
Mysterious Money
Money, money, money, it makes the world go round, it must be funny in the rich's man world and so on and so forth. But, sometimes it can just be the only evidence left from an unsolved mystery. Such is the case in this story.

This family secret is so secretive, no living person knows the answer to it. When you don't know your mind can run wild and imagine the craziest things. Well, guess they can use all these coins to hire a private investigator, right?
Guess Our Secret Is Out?
Every family has a secret recipe, a meal so special that its formula has been passed down for generations, carefully kept and handed down. But what happens when you learn that the delicious dish you thought your grand-grandparents developed is as widely known as pizza, pasta, and croissants?

To his embarrassment, this guy had realized way too late, and in public, that he has been lied to his entire life. At least it was a funny family secret and not a bleak one.
Second Time's a Charm
Back in the day, people didn't use to discuss their past at length, especially if that past included a divorce. Before the new millennium, the word was considered dirty, illustrative of the divorcee's immorality.

Out of all the ways one could discover that their grama tied the knot with someone else before she met grandpa, an unfamiliar album in the attic has to be the best one. Imagine the grandkid's surprise!
Nanna, The Criminal
Two short sentences, yet we feel like a whole book could be written about this funny yet tragic family secret. Of course, a large portion of parenting is about protecting your children from knowing the harsh realities of adult life. Nanna going to jail is exactly the time to whip up your best fable.

But was fat camp really the greatest lie they could come up with? And why did grandma go to prison? Did she steal some hair dye or denture glue from the grocery store?
Out of Wedlock
Have we already mentioned people used to have different morals and rules about what is acceptable and what isn't? Some had to go to a great extent in order to hide what was perceived as a shameful occurrence in the past. Today this is just not that big of a deal.

Lying about your special day might prove problematic if those who attended the wedding remember the event. But hey, guess they wouldn't dare to suggest you got your own anniversary wrong!
All in the Family
We are not sure how to respond to this one, firstly, because of the weirdness of it all. Secondly, because of the sheer chance.

How has such a scheme lasted for so many different generations? Will it continue on forever and ever? Who be will the family's black sheep, that one person who'll choose to marry someone who isn't some type of relative?
Have You Heard of Confidentiality?
You'd expect a trained therapist to know how to keep a secret, right? Isn't confidentiality, like, the first thing they are taught at school? It should be!

Just like fight club, the first rule of therapy is that you don't talk about it, especially not to the patient's children! Luckily, this guy is just a marriage counselor and not an FBI agent.
Eloping Without Your Fiance
Looking back, we tend to think that life in past decades and centuries used to be a lot simpler. People were nicer, no one strayed, cheated, or caused unnecessary drama, right? Wait until you hear this juicy story about a great-great-grandma who didn't play by the rules!

The most awkward part, we think, is that the original fiance still had to attend family dinners with his brother and stolen bride. And you thought your get-togethers were awful!
Changing It Up
We are not sure what is the purpose of this practice. Is this some old family tradition we've never heard of? Are the girls in this family perpetually confused about who their actual parents are?

Honestly, while we can't fathom any benefits of giving your children away for a couple of years (or any reason why it would only be the girls), we do think this might make for a tight-knit family where everyone is as close as they could be.
Can't Take the Heat
Kids will believe almost anything you tell them and sometimes won't revisit the belief your lie created in their minds for years and years. Such was the case for this Reddit user, who was told at a young age it was smoking that had split his aunt and uncle up.

While we do have to admit that it can be very hard for a non-smoker to date someone who enjoys fuming, it is hardly a reason for divorce!
Stealing the Secret
This story isn't really about the actual secret, but about how to cunningly learn the family secret even though grandma tells it only to the married. (Preferential treatment, much?) Sure, we would have loved it if the person shared the actual recipe with us, but this story is priceless regardless.

We believe in equal rights, and everyone deserves the opportunity to try and make nanna's delicious cake.
The Secret Is a Secret
Just tell us! We're dying to know what the secret is, there's just one problem, it is still secret! Was this family member trying to tease and create a fight between this Reddit user and their mother? Or is there something more here?

This user must be the world's most incurious person, as they apparently just decided to pull an Elsa and let it go and never ask anyone anything. Well, they have been living with the uncertainty of not knowing what was hidden from them for over fifteen years, and it seems like they are fine with it.
Rockstar Dad
It's an age-old story, one we mostly encounter while watching outlandish TV shows with unbelievable plotlines. You find out your dad isn't actually your biological father. Instead, it is a glamorous rock star you've admired all your life!

Is this a dream come true, or a nightmare? Depends on the star, we guess. In this case, the actual child is still in the dark.
The Holy Grail of Secrets
Some users on Reddit just like joking around, which is what we assume this user is doing. Otherwise, he and his family are holding some valuable information. How have they maintained this knowledge?

Do they hold the Holy Grail at home, hidden in a safe behind a picture? Will we ever know the truth? No? The suspense is killing us, as this is one mystery everyone would love to solve.
'Tis I
While many chose to share information they have learned about their relatives way too late in life, this poster was herself the secret that was kept from everyone.

Both her conception and existence were kept so quietly that only nineteen years later when she contacted her mom, did everyone in her family finally find out about her, imagine that! How did the mom hide the pregnancy from all of her family members, though?
What Would Jesus Do?
Someone's baptism is a big day, not one they'd want to have overshadowed in any way. Well, this Reddit user had their thunder stolen by a fire! But, not only that, the fire was planned and executed by no other than the poster's family!

We are just speechless, though you do have to admit a baptism is one of the best alibis out there. But maybe, just maybe they should have asked themselves what would Jesus do? Well... not that.
The Old Lady Who Faked Her Own Death
This sentence could turn into a very successful book serious, "The Old Lady Who Faked Her Own Death," would fit right next to "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," don't you think?

We'd love to hear more details about this one. Why did she do it? How did she do it, and how did her relatives find out? All these questions will forever remain unanswered! One thing is for sure, it must have been a lot easier to fake your own death before cameras and traceable phones!
The Arson Uncle
It seems a lot of family secrets involve relatives engaging in criminal activities in one form or another. Do we really need to mention that arson is a felony?

It is always cool to learn that your family members are a part of history and were involved in events people study about in schools. We're assuming he was never caught, otherwise, it would have a different story entirely!
The Pianist
Many secrets are kept hidden because they are, or were shameful in some capacity, but keeping cool things that could have been inspiring as secrets? Not cool, grams!

Maybe the parents didn't want this kid to have what they'd call "unrealstic dreams" but, hey, if nanna did it, why couldn't this guy? All we're saying is, don't conceal cool facts about grandparents.
The Naked Truth
Being in public in your birthday suit could really get you into some unnecessary trouble. Still, many high school and college kids find showing off their hips, well, hip! (See what we did there?) What we didn't know is that the tradition of running around naked is as old as our great-great-grandmothers!

Could you imagine a good Christian girl doing something like that in church? No, huh? Well, they thought so too, which is why she was banished for life.
Puppy Love
We believe this is the type of family secret that could lead to some serious marital problems. Let's hope the mailman knows how to keep a secret. It is a long-known fact that some people just adore their pets, while their partners usually find themselves feeling like they were put on the back burner.

Imagine losing your wife to a dog named Chi-Chi for Christ's sake. It's a full-on tragicomedy at this point.
Dough for Days
Most of the things families chose to keep under cover tend to be on the morbid side, this story, on the other hand, makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Learning your ancestors had dough for days is cool enough, but learning they used it to promote a good cause, i.e. helping a public library? Perfection.

Seriously, could you imagine having enough extra cash to just be able to casually give away a couple of millions? Honestly, neither could we.
Butterscotch chips
Imagine this person's surprise when they learned they have been lied to for so long about such an important issue. It's very likely that their world crumbled into little butterscotch chips pieces.

If there's something we have learned in life it's that behind every renowned family recipe there's always a simple ingredient, one that can be found in every supermarket. The funniest part is that this person refused to eat anything made with butterscotch chips, thinking there's no way they'd enjoy it.
Oopsy, Your Secret's Out!
You know that saying about being careful with what you wish for? Well, apparently you should also be careful with what you joke about, cause it just might turn out to be true. What started as a fun, light joke turned out to be the one thing everyone in the family knew but the jester.

While an uncomfortable situation for those involved, it sounds like the type of thing they'd get to laugh about again someday. Or maybe just never mention it. It could go both ways.
The Adopted Dad
There's nothing like learning what drives people and makes them tick, what causes them to behave in one way and not another. We all know things that happened in our childhood have a huge impact on who we become later in life.

This is the case with this Reddit user's dad, who appreciates the kindness of his adoptive parents and wants to show the same love and care for animals and people alike.
Fourth Time's a Charm
They say marriage is for life, but this dad didn't get the memo, as it seems he has treated marriage like more of a sport. We get walking down the aisle and regretting it the first time, maybe we could even conceive of realizing it was a mistake the second time, but the third?

And then marrying again for the fourth time after all that disappointment? No wonder the groom's mother refused to show up, she probably ran out of "mother of the groom" dresses! What can we say? We're glad the last one lasted
Smoking Out the Secret
If there's one thing we are sure everyone hates equally it's gotta be being the last person to discover something. The more obvious the information was, the more oblivious and foolish the person who didn't know feels.

In regards to smoking, there are usually really clear tell-tale signs, the most apparent one being a certain smell that tends to linger. Well, this nanna must be an expert at keeping secrets and she'd make a great undercover agent.
Catfishing Your Kid
Boundaries. Sometimes it feels like large portions of the population have never heard anything about them. Our moms usually want what's best for us, but they tend to have some difficulties when it comes to learning the difference between being caring and being creepy.

This mom probably missed the day at school when they were learning about privacy, which resulted in her crossing the line and setting up the ground for a very awkward relationship with her kid.
Big Families, Small Towns
A small town or a big city? This is the type of question we all have to ask ourselves at one point or another. Some like busy urban environments while others prefer living in the countryside, where everything is green and quiet.

One reason as to why you might wanna go with living in a big city is that small places can prove to have a lot fewer options. Food and entertainment are something one could comprise on, marrying family members on the other hand...
Grandpa, Who Are You?
Confessions are dramatic by nature, but there isn't a more dramatic time to confess something than right before you're about to kick the bucket. If you're about to exit this world, at least make a show out of it!

A show with an open ending is always guaranteed to stay in our minds longer. What did that great great great grandfather do that justified creating a whole new identity? We hope the family figured it out.
We have all heard of the term "mother-naked" but we have never thought we'd have to think about that saying, well... literally.

This poor soul has had the misfortune of learning the thing that is passed down in his family isn't a tasty recipe or a useful skill, but rather the tendency to enjoy being in the nude around others. Listen, we don't judge, but also, we kinda do judge, you know?
Beyond the Grave
Funerals are never easy, but this Reddit user attended the world's most awkward, bizarre funeral, and it was his grandfather's! Imagine wanting to peacefully say goodbye to your beloved grandfather when all of a sudden, his second family shows up!

Discovering that someone is cheating and has another family never ends well, but what if you only find out about it after everything ended? It has to be the most inopportune time to find out.
The Coolest Nanna
We are sure your nanna, as well as ours, are angles that have no skeletons in the closet. Actually, we assume all grandmas are sweet old ladies who enjoy baking pies, sewing, and being with their grandchildren.

But this grandma has a different hobby altogether and it looks like her grandson approves of it. As long as her family is still proud of her, what else does she really need?
Brand Loyalty
Loyalty is a very important quality, one we all look for in partners and friends. But, we are not sure this girl's ancestor really got what it meant. Sure, he waited for each wife to pass before he moved on to one of her... family members... that's a sentence we never thought we'd find ourselves writing.

At least this Reddit user could find the humor in her family's weird history. And hey, it was back in the 1800s, so maybe this was cool back then? (It probably wasn't.)
The Mafia
Don't you just love it when someone manages to completely blow your mind in one single sentence? This is the type of hidden info that should not be taken lightly. We have all watched enough of "The Sopranos" to know we really, really don't want to mess with the mafia.

We hope, for this user's sake, that their relatives are on the mob's good side! We also hope they didn't find out about the mafia connection the hard way...
Family History
One of America's most important, proudest moments was when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Could you envision one of your very own founding fathers signing it? You know, that little document Mr. Thomas Jefferson wrote, no biggie.

Of course, everyone knows the best way we can all celebrate our independence today is by posting our opinions online. We are sure this person's ancestors would have been pleased with him.
As Bald as a Coot
While we would never judge anyone for figuring things a little bit too late, we thought it was common knowledge that at some point during their lives, most men lose their hair.

To the grandkid's defense, it seems like the grandfather was pretty good at hiding the truth, until one day he wasn't. But really think about it — the family's darkest secret? Grandpa is blad!
What Happens in Vegas
Vegas weddings are usually a bad idea. They are cheap, far from romantic, and mostly, probably done in secret, which isn't a good start for marriage if you ask us.

Honestly, up until now, we assumed Vegas wedding chapels only existed for teenagers who elope, but we guess there was one point in which everything spiritual idealistic grandparents wanted was for Elvis to wed them.
The Rodent Who Lived
During our childhood, we have all asked our parents for a dog. Most of them got us something lame instead, like a fish, or in this guy's case, a.. gerbil. When the pet passed away, we had a burial ceremony, in which we gave a nice eulogy and allowed everyone to say goodbye to Goldie the goldfish.

But this girl's mom and dad had a brilliant idea. Just replace the pet! Sadly, it seems they couldn't tell the difference between a hamster and a gerbil, a fact which definitely blew their cover.
The Silent Treatment
Communicating isn't the easiest thing to do, and sometimes, ironically, it becomes harder the longer you know a person. We all know at least one person or even were the person who just gave their significant other the silent treatment for a couple of hours to teach them a lesson.

Now, envision that method on a much, much, much larger scale and you get the above story. How did these two manage to go two decades in the same house without talking to each other?
If you don't know what 23&me is, where have you been? It's one of these genetic testing companies that allow you to learn where your ancestors are from.

Many have already complained that the rise of ancestral examinations has actually made it a lot harder to keep family secrets. We bet their mom had a lot to explain. We wouldn't want to put ourselves in her shoes!
A Special Friend
As kids, we sometimes don't really understand things that seem obvious to adults. This can lead to hysterical situations, like with this little girl, who never understood why her aunt always got to bring a friend to family dinners while she couldn't.

Luckily no one actually has to spell this secret out for her, as when she was a teenager she finally put two and two together!
From Rags to Riches, to Nothing.
What's worse, to never have something in the first place, or knowing you almost had it all, just to have it taken away because of a technicality? The second one, duh!

A lot of the actions people try to keep undercover are cheating-related. Sure, deception isn't the most ethical thing to do, but really, great-great-grandma? Couldn't you have kept your transgression to yourself? This affair cost all of your offspring a lot of money.
A Foxy Nurse
There is a lot to unpack here, don't you think? Whether the fact that uncles sometimes go to these sleazy bars is a secret or not, that depends on the family. But if it was, well, it's the most unfortunate place to have an unexpected health issue in.

But, in a twist of fate, Mr. Uncle actually was lucky to be in that despicable place, as the kind lady who danced with him was also a nurse. Maybe there's a moral to this story, somewhere? Honestly, if there is we couldn't find it.
A Forgotten Secret
Is there any chance you'd forget whether you ever shared very secretive, crucial information with someone or not? Yeah, we wouldn't lose our memory about such a topic either, but Reddit users are here to prove anything can happen!

Having everyone learn your secret is one thing, misremembering if it was ever told is another. There really isn't a way out of this situation at this point.
CIA Grandad
Out of all the things one could learn about their father's father after they have already passed this is one of the most thrilling ones. Who wouldn't enjoy learning they had their own version of James Bond in the family?

Sure, the signs were always there, but it's not every day that you get your little conspiracy theory confirmed by government documents! We think CIA grandad would make for a great TV show.
Mom's Little Helper
Being a perfect housewife is hard. No, scratch that, being any type of housewife, perfect or otherwise, is really, really, hard. We really do understand why sometimes (or always) moms would just prefer to serve a pre-made meal.

How ironic that the kids enjoyed the boxed meal a lot more than the mother actually expected? This just proves there really isn't any point in cooking, especially for children.
The Other Woman
When we're young we think our parents and grandparents are perfect, moral humans who couldn't hurt a fly. Then we grow up and we learn that grandparents are people too and they can engage in shady behavior as if they were silly little teenagers.

Up until now, we thought the safest thing was to keep affairs on the down-low, not to have them come to family functions. Somehow, they did manage to keep it a secret for over 20 years. So... good for them, we guess?
Bad Credit
Being married is not a picnic, but an obstacle course. One obstacle could be falling for someone who, god forbid, has really really bad credit. Such was the case with this user's dad.

His parents were not going to let that stop them from buying a house, so they got a divorce and stayed together until they did. At which point they were already divorced! Are you following? It was hard for us to grasp too.
Two Peas in a Pod
If there was ever an ingenious plan as to how to have an extra-marital affair, this must be it. Cheating with your partner's identical twin can prove to be handy in several different ways.

Firstly, one can always pretend to be so clueless that they didn't notice it was the twin they were hanging out with all along. Also, if the twins share the same DNA, would it even be possible to prove which one is the actual father?
A Sweet Secret
Most family secrets seem to be on the dark side. Someone did something behind someone's back and years later a family member finds out by mistake and everyone's life is ruined.

Not this one, here the secret was kept due to modesty and humility, and not because of shame and guilt. There's nothing sweeter than realizing your grandfather spent his entire life anonymously giving to others.
Hidden in Plain Sight
As far as reasons to be away from home go, a career in the military is one that usually makes family members proud. This means that the U.S Army can actually be used as a great excuse hiding the real reason as to why a family member hasn't come home in a year.

But there's another secret hidden in plain sight - what was he even arrested for?
A Gold Mine
A mystery within a mystery within a mystery! How did grandpa get all of the silver and gold in the first place? Was he involved in some shady business, or did he just want to keep some of his assets out of the bank?

Where exactly did he hide them? And most importantly, who were the family members who found the secret stash first and took all the inheritance for themselves? We wish we could be there to hear the rest of this story unfold.
A Win-Win Situation
Many parents say that the day their first kid was born was the happiest day of their lives. Now, picture this: the day you welcome your first kid into your life is also the same day you welcome your first grandkid. Sounds impossible? While it is insane, it is actually possible!

This grandpa didn't even know he had a daughter until she came by to introduce his grandkid. He gained them both on the same day.
The Point of No Return
Our parents usually want what's best for us. When they disapprove of something we do, it can be hard to follow through with it. This is especially true when it comes to choosing life partners. Marrying someone your parents openly dislike can be complicated.

Still, it doesn't get more complicated than having your own parents try to get you to be left at the altar. We really can't see how a parent-kid relationship can recover from that.
We Were On a Break!
There's nothing more unlucky than realizing that a one-night fling you never told your wife about (you were on a break!) ended up in a pregnancy.

Oh no, wait, there is something more unfortunate - having your wife and kids find out the whole thing. Will this Reddit poster ever get to meet his half-brother? If it's up to his father, probably not.
Sweet Vengeance
They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but it sounds like this act of revenge had to be pretty steamy. This one was a double whammy, a two-in-one if you like. Not only did he get back at his wife, he also got back at the man who facilitated his wife's infidelity.

This probably wasn't the way to rehabilitate the marriage, but it doesn't sound like this is what the grandfather was looking for.
There's No Law Against It
We have all heard stories about people getting married for very practical reasons, and it usually sounds like a bad choice.

Needing a legal way to stay in the country, this person's mom asked a man she had only known for one week to marry her. He agreed, and then ended up falling in love. Kinda sound like a plot for a Netflix Rom-Com. We'd definitely watch it.
Good Things Come at a Price
They say that having children is one of the most fulfilling things a person could do. They also say it is one of the most expensive things a person could do. Parents usually have to spend an insane amount of money just to make sure their offspring is fed, happy, and healthy.

But, when you promise your child a college fund, you better deliver. In this case, the parents delivered a total of $148.74, which isn't much of a fund, isn't it?
The Black Sheep of the Family
There's a lot to unpack here. We can't be exactly sure what the times were like when this person's great-great-grandfather was alive. Maybe resorting to sheep-stealing was the only way to survive back then.

But you gotta know how to do it. Getting caught and completely banned from Missouri? This ancestor sounds like an amateur. Luckily, it doesn't like getting banned from this specific state is much of a loss.
Thank the Troops
Troops do a lot for their country, they put their lives at risk in order to protect others. In this case, the troops took it a step further and helped an orphaned baby.

But, that didn't stop there, the guys kept in touch with the kid and helped him in any way possible. This is such a sweet heartwarming story to hear about your very own uncle. Probably made his family very proud.
OBG Why Not?
Affairs happen. Sometimes it is with the next-door neighbor or the milkman. We have also heard of having affairs with your partner's sibling or best first. But the OBGYN who's delivering your first child?

That must be an anomaly, right? But what if it isn't? We really don't want to go there. We at least hope that love letters were fun to read.
The Fried Chicken Family
When you think of fried chicken, you think of KFC. That's how strong this brand is. This Kentucky resident learned that his great-great-uncle was the person who founded this delicious fast-food restaurant.

Not only that, since it was discovered, it is no longer a buried, hidden, secret but a source of pride! Imagine the look on peoples' faces when they are told the person standing in front of them is related to Colonel Sanders.
Luck of the Draw
Having a mysterious person paying your college tuition is the type of thing they write novels about. Usually, there's only one conclusion to be drawn from such a situation, someone was doing the dirty with someone else, which resulted in a lovechild. But this story is far more interesting than that.

This Reddit poster's grandpa was a bookie who played his cards right and got Mr. Tony to pay for his grandson's education.
Driving The Drinks
It can sometimes be hard to remember that our grandparents were literally a part of history. This grandma was into alcohol before it was even cool, or well, legal! That got her in some trouble that resulted in a license suspension.

But would she admit to what she's done to get it back? Never! Who needs driving anyway? We bet this gal has already driven enough for a lifetime. After having her fair share of police chases, she probably just wants to rest, you know?
Not So Native
Like many secrets today, this one was released not because of a heartfelt confession, but because of a DNA test. In the past people got them to learn important medical information, today we take them for fun! Boy, how times have changed!

We have questions, so many questions. Like who was the person who told this Reddit poster that their great-grandma was Cherokee? Was it something she herself liked to tell people? How could she have lied like that?
Family History
There's nothing a kid finds more enticing than imagining some unknown relative of theirs is or was an excellent athlete who won fame and broke records.

When this boy had to do a genogram for school, an all-around boring task, he found out one of the coolest things one could find -- his first cousin was a star footballer who has had his fair share of accomplishments!
So Many Siblings
Families can come in all different shapes and forms. Some are as small as two humans and a dog, or a human and five cats (we don't judge!) while others could be as big as a tribe of 30.

When it comes to this bizarre family secret, we are not sure what's more upsetting: the number of siblings the grandfather has or the fact that 11 of them were a result of a father having an affair with his son's girlfriend. We bet family dinners get really awkward for them.
Dating Eminem's Dad
You didn't expect us to get through this list without mentioning at least some type of celebrity right? Usually, anonymous people who have dated celebrities love talking about it.

But here it is the grandmother who dated Eminem's father, back when the two were in school. Spells old news to us, you know? But some families really need a secret, even if it's kind of mundane.
A Salty Story
This Reddit user has been using Morton Salt their entire life, and have never once suspected of the secret history their family has with the brand.

Sure, there's no way of proving that this story is actually true, this means you might want to take this one with a grain of salt. This kind of contest seems to be a win for the brand, which probably secured the family's loyal without having to pay royalties.
Not Your Father
This started out simple: A rebellious teenager felt like they didn't belong. We've all been there, we've all heard it. But this story takes a turn towards the scandalous.

When the 12-year exclaimed that it feels like their father isn't actually their father, the grandma decided to put the cards on the table and admit that it's true! Who would have thought that such a mundane exchange would result in such a revelation?
The Raccoon that Could
This one isn't strictly a secret, but more of an ongoing misunderstanding that has to lead this poor person to believe that their childhood raccoon had died prematurely.

But, the dad was not using any fancy metaphors but was actually delivering the truth. How rare! This truth went over the kid's head, but years later, she got to learn what actually happened to her beloved raccoon.
Something to Write Home About
Family secrets are called so for a reason, most people wish to keep them hidden from both family members and the entire world. But this sneaky grandpa wanted to air all of his dirty laundry outside.

So he did, in the form of a novel that he published. Now anyone and everyone could read about the couple's messy divorce, including the poor children and grandchildren, who've probably realized that some secrets should be kept that way.
A New Identity
Imagine thinking you were of one origin and then learning you were of a different one entirely. This is what happened to this Reddit user, who took a DNA test and learned of his Jewish descent.

But that was just the beginning, he, later on, learned everything about his grandfather's past, and about all of the things he was willing to sacrifice in order to achieve the American dream.
A Family Feud
If you know anyone who has ever gotten a divorce or been through a breakup, you know these can get really messy. So messy that people who once loved each other and vowed to always stay together can end up having heated, petty arguments about who is going to get the sofa. But, maybe it is even worse for those who can't or won't get a divorce.

They might find themselves trying all sorts of creative ways to get their partners out of their lives.
Three's a Crowd
What would you say, is this uncle commitment-phobic, or maybe he's actually a commitment enthusiast? So committed to the institute of marriage that one just wasn't enough for him.

The revelation of this secret got the uncle in serious trouble, none of his children wanted to talk to him, or to each other. Sounds like he bit off a tad more than he could chew.
Water Can Be Thicker than Blood
There's a special place in heaven reserved for men and women who take in children who aren't they own as if they were. In this case, the grandfather did it in order to save the child.

Not only was he kind, but also humble, not telling anyone that the kid is not his child. This story shows that sometimes a choice to be there for someone can be stronger than a biological connection.
Breaking the Bank
We thought the bank robbers only existed in the movies, but this guy learned that his ancestors were real-life rebels who stormed banks in their free time.

There's a great chance he even has some money-taking skills in him that he is yet to discover. But alas, since all of the crooks of the family have already passed away, this guy will have to figure it out all on his own.