Shame, that used to be a thing once, right? It wasn’t only in our minds, it was a feeling people felt and kept them from acting like inconsiderate idiots.

But alas, those times are gone. Instead, today, roommates can be so self-entitled that they take their housemates’ comforters, get them dirty, and never wash them, not even when they leave. This is what the world has come to, guys…
Hotel Sublet
Our entire human existence is based on false, unrealistic expectations and misunderstandings. Such is the case with this diabolical sublet, who thought that paying someone to live in their apartment is the same as getting a five-star hotel room.

We all know the type of people who hear, or imagine, the word "free" and lose their minds over it. 50 showers a day, with the AC and the washing machine on? It's a no-brainer for these kinds of characters. Luckily for them, she was only a sublet.
When Your Legs Don't Work as They Used to Before
Self-righteousness has no age limit. Rather when people of such traits grow old, they grow more outrageous. They become more and more entitled to say or do whatever they please. This is yet another incident that will leave you spellbound.

An old lady on a train was asking a person in a wheelchair to get up and give the seat to the elderly citizen. We really are lost here. Where do we start to comprehend this behavior? Maybe she just forgot her meds or something.
Social Media Conundrum
The slightest validation can make a self-righteous person feel like the king of the world. This is why social media is such a weird platform for self-righteous people. They somehow manage to make sense out of their completely nonsensical existence.

This girl shared that she went to a restaurant to eat where she loved the food and wanted to post a good review on her socials about it. However, the restaurant manager did not give her any discount, and suddenly, she hated the place.
The Tantrum
Let’s face it — if a bed is not near a power outlet, it is not even worth sleeping in. How could one charge their phone away from them? How can one want to sleep so far away from that magical beautiful device? We totally get why this person moved their bed a couple of inches.

But who knew such a simple thing could cause such a commotion? Complaining about it for three weeks? That sounds like a person who really needs some intense therapy sessions.
I Want It All, and I Want It Now
Yes, the title suggests the prime ideology of these people. They have zero patience and zero tolerance limit. They would need everything precisely the moment they need it. Anything that says or does otherwise is branded disgraceful by them.

This guy gave the local in-home service facility one-star as they did come to provide services during a category 5 storm in the neighborhood. We are not even sure how to respond to this story anymore.
Call the Fire Brigade
The rude and righteous have a pure hatred for other people's children. They just cannot stand the idea of something innocent. It's like holy water on the skin of the devil. Burns. This guy sent a printed notice to his neighbors that the children next door bother his pets by laughing and playing on their own in the backyard.

He even thinks the kids should get a time out for this. Otherwise, he will inform the police. Well, we think the kids should throw water balloons at him.
It’ll Never Fly
Can you imagine being told something like this in your own home? People who think their needs are more important than the needs of others are always the worst, but there's nothing worse than living with them in the same house.

It can really be enough to drive a sane person crazy, maybe even drive a sane person into the rude self-entitled territory themselves!
More Is More
How self-entitled must you be to think it's ok to ask other people to change their entire bodies just for you?

Where did she come up with this idea? What compelled her to think it made sense to ask other people to change their diet and body just so that she could look better than them on her special day?
The Real Migrant
Even in this day and age, you will come across extremely biased people. This makes us wonder, even though our economy is growing, are we growing as human beings? Most probably not! Most of these self-righteous people are so firm regarding their absurd beliefs that they litter everywhere their existence.

This person tweeted that he does not want any migrants in her country. Fortunately, it will be his lawyer to point out how dumb he is since he decided to call him after Twitter suspended his account.
We all know that one person who corrects everybody's grammar and pronunciation, and whilst (see what we did there?) that person might be an ok person most of the time, at that moment they are the world's most annoying, entitled, and rude person ever.

Imagine trying to sound smart while cutting someone's hair only to have them tell you you're wrong. We hope the hairdresser didn't mess up the guy's hair. Remember that insulting your stylist might result in a bad haircut!
This entitled girl resorted to some cunning tactics when she claimed her roommate threatened her. Why? She just didn't want to live with them!

Her plan worked and he got banned. Who knew some terrible people had such elaborate evil tricks in their books? We sure didn't! Now that we know, we're actually more scared than we ever were. Could it be those self-entitled people might actually be harmful?
Like Rain on Your Wedding Day
Now this one is just priceless. Sure, sometimes it rains, and we can’t control it. Pictures are mandatory for weddings, but why oh why would you have them taken outside in the pouring rain?

Nobody gets an umbrella? Except for the bride and groom? Honestly, they probably just look like jerks in their own wedding photos for not giving any of their relatives an umbrella.
Unwashed, Unapologetic
Shame, that used to be a thing once, right? It wasn't only in our minds, it was a feeling people felt and kept them from acting like inconsiderate idiots.

But alas, those times are gone. Instead, today, roommates can be so self-entitled that they take their housemates' comforters, get them dirty, and never wash them, not even when they leave. This is what the world has come to, guys...
Karma Serving Cold Justice
Oh, please! What is this excessive need of a person to demean people and feel superior to others? Well, only a self-righteous person could probably answer that. We bet they would not be able to do that without boasting about themselves. This cashier lady shared she came across an Instagram influencer, and the influencer was irrationally irritated by a long queue.

Not just that, she even decided to take it out on the cashier woman. Funnily enough, her card was declined when her turn finally arrived because of inadequate balance.
No Rules Applied
It is established that those who feel entitled think that no rules should be applied to them. They would do anything and everything and simply pass the blame on to others. So, if you have self-righteous people around you, better to have your blame game strong. This lady was so offended by her local grocery shop that she would never return there. Why? Because the store wouldn't serve her after closing time.

How unbelievable! Dear God, who knew some people could get so upset over such huge inconveniences.
The Cat With the Bell
Entitled people can sometimes do the most random thing in the world that no one else would think of just to get their way. We have seen a few instances like that so far. However, this is something you probably have never seen before.

This woman carried her own bell to a restaurant so she could call the server to her table. Haha, this is a lot to digest; this is a rare sight probably even at a royal dining table!
A Bone to Pick
Exam time is one of the most stressful times in a student's life. Many can only hold on by thinking about what they will do, or eat after their final exam.

This guy had a perfect plan, after he is finally done with his tests he will eat some chicken wings. But, someone seemed to think they had the right to get to them first, rude!
My Precious
Some fully grown humans have still learned no boundaries. They are so unpredictable. This is a true event where, at a baseball game, an adult was caught on camera snatching the home run ball from a little kid. The kid caught the ball first, and the sheer dishonesty of snatching it left the internet in shock and a bad aftertaste.

Afterward, the team invited the kid to collect a bunch of merchandise, and the adult was banned from further events.
Take the High Road
Humans are social beings; we need each other's love and support to be happy. Being straightforward is a good thing but being utterly ruthless is not acceptable. We should not demean people just because we do not get along with them. This fair lady seems to believe otherwise.

She managed to ask for an appointment by stating how much she disliked the person. She was so explicit about it that it was absolutely disrespectful. Unsurprisingly, the parlor lady rejected the appointment within a minute.
No Christmas Spirit
They say that Christmas is all about generosity and giving but for many children, and apparently some adults, Christmas is about one thing and one thing only: getting gifts and cash.

This housemate does not believe that participation is its own reward. She's here to win, and get ALL the money, even if her roommates all put in an equal amount of effort. We can speculate which list Santa puts her on...
Unforgivable Curse
One thing about self-righteous people is that they never see their own fault. This girl shares that she dumped her boyfriend because he was seriously ill with a disease, something most of us would understand you really should not share with a bunch of people online.

However, now that he has completely recovered, she wants him back. We really are astonished by the audacity of this person... How can she even possibly consider the guy would take her back? People can be so blind sometimes!
Wish Is the Command
Some self-righteous people go around as if they were the king of the world. They barely have any courtesies or manners. It does not matter where they are or who they are talking to; they are always rude, bordering on what we'd call inhumane.

This guy shared that a random woman on a flight walked up to him and demanded that he leaves the window seat for her son. She could not be any more impolite. This is such a ridiculous way to act in public.
Friend or Foe?
Mistake number one: living with a friend. Not many friendships survive cohabitation. Second mistake: letting a friend stay with you for free. Kindness is beautiful, but it can also backfire.

Not only did this "friend" not pay rent, but he also stole anything he could lay his eyes on. Including a wedding ring! We are not sure why the dad's ring was there, to begin with, but we are sure the roommate somehow thought it was totally his right to take it.
No Way I'll Pay
This story does bring out one question — where? Sounds like she can't even afford half the rent! Hypocrisy is a very usual trait for any self-entitled person. They would do as they please while preaching about something completely different.

It is hard to deal with this kind of people since you don't actually want to get your hands dirty. This woman says if her man asks her to pay half of the rent for the apartment they share, she will leave him the same day. That does not even make any sense.
I Know a Guy
We all pull off the "I know a guy" at some point. It sorta adds the godfather image to our day, and honestly, we won't let that edge slide. However, some entitled people go around everywhere claiming their connections. It is not a bad idea if you can get away with it. But if you embarrass yourself by claiming you know someone around, that's just too sad.

This lady here walked up to a store and claimed she was friends with the owner. Unfortunately, she was speaking to the owner at the moment. We just hope she managed to think of a quick recovery soon enough.
Animalistic Behavior
Have we finally found the worst person in existence yet? We think we might have. Bringing in another living creature into the house without even consulting your roommate?

We don't think we even have a word to describe a person who would commit such an atrocious act. Is there a chance the pets the roommate took in were more human than their owner? Sounds like there is.
Big Brain Situation
The world is going through so many changes, and the baby boomers are having a hard time with it. We understand the frustration. It is not easy to keep up with all these newly emerging generations, the technology, and new regulations, right?

This is why we often see them acting out in public. This woman here is a hardcore Blizzard expert who claims that she knows exactly the number of chocolate pieces that should be on her ice cream. Being observant is one thing but yelling at the waitress for half an hour is a little extreme.
Chop Chop!
It is no surprise that people across the whole world would be rude to completely random strangers. We really do not get the point or even the audacity.

This guy shares that some random lady walked up to him in the middle of breakfast and ordered him to finish up quickly. Apparently, she wanted to take a seat for some of her friends, who would reach shortly. Oh, poor Karen, she had to wait in line.
Don't Live With Your Family
Most of us move out of our parents' house and in with roommates in order to gain more independence and well... avoid our family. This is why you should never move in with a sibling.

It might sound like a good idea at first, especially if you get along, but trust us when we say this, it never, ever ends well. There is no one more self-entitled and rude than a sister who just dumps her household duties on a different family member!
The Aesthetic Tantrum
Pets really make a person feel complete. Having a pet as a child is a good practice for character development. However, choosing your own from an abundance of cuteness can be somewhat overwhelming. The key here is to trust your guts.

You will fall in love with your soul pet at first glance. Unless you are like this person here, who is unwilling to adopt a mixed-breed cat because it won't fit with her specific aesthetic of being ugly on the inside.
Poor Teachers
More than anything else, this must have been incredibly awkward for the teacher, who probably makes a quarter of that sum a year, while her student can't even understand how one would go about being alive with less than $200,000.

If the kid has gotten all the way to high school and doesn't know that some people are not as well off as him (and that some things should just not be said), then we've got a major problem here.
Feeling the Pain
They say servers have it the worst, and they know what they're speaking about. Not only do they have to handle rude clients complaining about things they have no control over, sometimes they find themselves getting hit in the chest.

Fortunately, this time it was just a loaf of bread. We couldn't make these things up even if we tried.
Hair VS MacBook
We all know that when it comes to laptops there’s nothing pricier than that desirable MacBook. We expect someone who owns a MacBook to know how to use it.

This girl probably grew up with so much privilege that she didn’t even think that the MacBook is worth more than her hair ever could be! Or maybe not? At this point we are willing to believe anything, maybe her hair actually costs more than that laptop!
Two Babies
There’s nothing that says “I'm not ready to get married and be a father” more than having your mother tell you that you have to. No, wait there is!

Having to be bribed with gifts in order to do so. Childish gifts, like an Xbox, and a sports car. Boy, we do hope this child is going to turn out fine. And also the baby.
A Sephora Story
They say what happens at a Sephora, should stay in Sephora. Well, they don't actually say that, but with the stories we've heard about the place, maybe they should. Rumor has it the employees are usually the ones responsible for the atrocities, but not this time.

This time it’s a woman who thinks she deserves everything because she’s spending more coins. We hope everyone present at the store gave her a weird look. Maybe she learned something that day.
Silence, Peasants!
Since the dawn of time, bars have always been places where peculiar, shady behavior takes place. From dates to mob meetings, there really isn't anything a bartender hasn't seen.

But "Silence, peasants!"? Are we in the middle ages? Has no one told us that this guy is the new king of the bar and of the entire world? Is the finest liquor that this bar holds even good enough for a royal?
A Pretty Penny
This guy is taking the phrase "one man’s trash is another man’s treasure" to a whole new level, by actually throwing good money away into the garbage bin.

Not only is this guy entitled, but we are also guessing he didn't really listen during math class. He should have learned that a small amount of change, like pennies, for example, can, with time, accumulate to be worth a pretty penny!
Handmade? Not in This House!
These sisters-in-law don’t really care about hands and hearts, all they want is a present that has monetary value. We would be the first ones to admit that handmade gifts are hit or miss.

But, no matter how great, or badly the gift turned out, some appreciation must be shown. After all, someone, in this case, the Reddit poster's mom, bothered to make something with her own hands!
The Show Won't Go on
There is nothing that hurts a young actor’s ego more than learning he didn’t get the role he wanted. But, a true serious actor knows that the show must go on.

This little kid didn't know that, or maybe he didn't care. This centaur decided that if he can’t have the school play be the way he wanted it, no one can, which is why he stayed in the bathroom to finish level 7.
This is a whole new level of lack of awareness. It’s almost endearing, in an infuriating way. This kid probably had an instance where he had couldn't move to a temporary home because his house was being refurbished, while his other home was cleaned.

That must’ve been a really traumatic experience for him. Imagine what happens when he learns that some people actually do not have houses.
Keep It on
As a party guest, you should always follow the house rules, as the hosts are letting you into their most private and sacred space. But this guy had something bigger on his mind, or well, on his feet. We get it, sometimes style is everything.

Especially if your personality isn’t that great, which we assume is the case with this guy.
Toyota? No Thank You!
There’s nothing more foolish than thinking something is nice until you find out how much it costs. Oh, it's cheap? Ugly. Pricey? Oh, that’s the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen!

In the coworker's world, if it’s not a Mercedes, it's not even a car, just a waste of steel and aluminum. Something that could be used as an ornament, you know.
Throwing People Under the Bus
Raise your hand if you have ever refused to wear an item of clothing that would actually benefit you just because you felt too embarrassed to be seen in it. Don't be shy, we know you all did it at least once. But is a denim jacket really that bad?

The funny thing is that her husband totally gave her away and now we're thinking this story could work for a whole new list about spouses who spill secrets they weren’t supposed to tell.
We thought we had already heard of it all. We have heard of robbers, thieves, and even pickpockets. Shoplifting is also a concept we have come across.

But just taking someone's jacket off of them? In plain sight? With so many witnesses around? And this is next to her own son who’s probably going to grow to think everything around him belongs to him.
Principled People
Principled people sometimes find that they have to do things the hard way, just to make sure they never steer away from what they believe is the right thing to do. We are totally on board when it comes to listening to your own internal compass.

But refusing to be served by a machine? Which will most likely be a lot more efficient? We just don't get the principle behind this.
The Audi Experience
And the prize of the world's most annoying, petty person, goes to... this guy. Out of all of the stories we’ve read in order to find the most entitled person — this is the most peculiar. It's demonstrative of what we’re trying to show you guys here.

This guy somehow feels like he’s entitled to an Audi experience. But what does that even mean? what is the Audi experience? Please explain to us, we’re dying to know.
Not Guilty
There’s no one quite like that person that almost runs over you and then gets mad at you for being in their way. We have heard there's a special place in hell reserved just for these people.

Some people just don’t care about crosswalks. Or traffic lights. Or rules. They are aware of them, they just don’t think they apply to them. Nothing they do is ever actually their fault.
Good Call
This story seems to be written out of the storybook. You are about to break up with a guy. How do you know you are making the right decision? What if he's your soulmate? The one that got away? Nope.

There's no chance he's the one. He proved he was worth dropping when he thought other people should be cleaning after him. Nothing lost here.
The Audacity to Assume
We have already been around enough time to know that assuming never ends well for the assumer. This list might as well be one of unending parenting fails, as behind every entitled kid, there's an overly supportive parent.

The mother was trying to teach her son a valuable lesson but forgot the most important one: you can’t judge a book by its cover, or in this case, a Toys “R” Us worker by his job.
Fake It Till You Make It
Humans come in different sizes, shapes, races, and genders, and yet we all have one common dream. No, not world peace, this isn't a modeling competition, it's real life. We are all desperate to have our own little private pool.

Some people, like the family in this post, know how to take action. Is the pool theirs? No. Can they make others think it's theirs? Maybe. Fake it till you make it, baby.
Is Steve Jobs to Blame?
At this point, some fingers must be pointed. It seems iPhones are the main reason kids cry these days. So, is the late Steve Jobs to blame?

While it's easy to pin everything on someone who isn't here to defend themselves, we actually bet the parents are responsible for this one. Maybe they should try and celebrate thanksgiving more than once a year? Help the kid count her blessings?
Push or Get Pushed
We have been on the receiving end of this behavior many times. While it is extremely annoying, we have to admit we have also been that person, more than once.

True privilege is not having to ride the bus, but taking your car to work. Entitlement is when you don't even need to have a job, but you still push people around.
Family Matters
See this little story hurts us twice, and for all the wrong reasons. We are not mourning the friends' family members who might die, but we are still very upset. Firstly, for the Reddit poster who will never get to watch that movie.

Secondly, we are outraged they skipped the film just to talk about how much money they’ll have once certain family members pass on!
Just Teach
Today we live in a society where we try to accept everyone and understand everybody's perspectives and insecurities.

We guess this teacher didn’t really get the memo. Which isn’t really going to make her popular with the students. What we really don’t understand here is why even say this to your students in the first place? Can't you just teach math or something?
Who's Brendan?
Out of all the stories that require further explanations this one is the most curious. So many details were left out and we feel like there's something we are missing here. Like who is Brendan? A friend or a foe?

Where is the lake they’re talking about? And why oh why did he throw this person‘s soda in the lake? That’s so rude! We hope he got him a new one.
A Family Feud
This Reddit poster has a problem. We usually tend to side with our family but hate our employers. In this case, his father is someone else's employer which puts the poster in a moral dilemma.

But he isn’t afraid to call his father out when needed. Like in this case, where he told his father it’s silly to expect his workers to work extra for free. But his father had a great response: it would be better for him if they did. There’s really no way to solve this one.
A Problem in Pink
Christmas is that magical time where Santa makes all of our dreams come true. Unless he doesn’t. We mean, you do have to be a good kid, remember? Whether this little fellow was good or bad in Santa's book is hard to tell. On the one hand, he got himself an iPhone! On the other, it was pink.

Entitled? Yes. But we do understand this kid not wanting his schoolmates to laugh at him.
A Dirty Secret
This one requires further explaining. Like how does the person know who stole their car and why they stole it? Does this mean it was returned to its rightful owner? We sure hope so.

You have to acknowledge that going through the lengths of stealing a car, just to not get yours dirty is either sheer genius or plain insanity. We haven’t decided yet.
Bad Driving
The term 'earning' can be used quite loosely. Like in this guy's case, where he thinks crashing a car means earning a new one.

His parents must have done a great job teaching him about how the world works. Still, maybe he should get some additional driving lessons? At this point we don’t even care about all the cars, we’re just worried about his driving.
Weird Flex
This is a weird flex, don't you think? Sure, knowledge is power. Or so they say. But if someone is so powerful and knowledgeable why would they need all of their diplomas hanging on the wall of their GUEST BATHROOM?

Also, having 12 diplomas seems a bit excessive, no? Like didn’t they learn anything in the first two? They had to get 12. Also why the bathroom? Wouldn't the guest bedroom be more appropriate? Guess we’ll never know.
High Expectations
We all expect our friends to be there for us when we need them most. Someone who isn’t there with you in the trenches, at your lowest, isn’t actually a true friend.

But having a spa day and a brunch isn't really something one does during a crisis. Though, entitlement aside, we would really not object to having a spa day and a brunch.
A Porsche Driver
What do nine-year-olds know about Porsches? Well, apparently a lot more than we do. This child probably goes to a pricy private school where they teach you all about expensive cars and what the people who drive them look like.

This is the only explanation for shouting this. Guess they don’t teach manners at this extravagant school, ha?
A Foolish Friend
Google is a powerful tool. Could you imagine a world where you had to remember things? Or just, like, not know them? But, some people use this mighty engine for evil, like this "friend" who used the platform to mortify a friend for not having expensive clothes.

Like, we get it, your gloves are expensive, is that supposed to be a flex? It just makes you look foolish for paying so much money for a thing that covers your hands.
No Bathroom for You!
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. Sometimes you get a reasonable employer who would let you use the bathroom and then some other days you get a monster who wants you to work without going to the toilet for a full day.

Well, this guy at least could afford to not ever come back, which is the silver lining in this story.
Christmas Decorations
Come to think of it, cars could make excellent ornaments. Put a creepy skeleton in there for Halloween, put a nice little wreath on the hood for Christmas. You could even hide easter eggs in there! The possibilities are endless.

It's just so basic and normal to use a car to drive around. That’s so old-fashioned. Obviously, we're joking. Having a car parked in the garage because you didn’t like its color is insane.
They say ignorance is bliss and we got agree with them. Envision a world in which you could honestly say “We don’t want our puppy to get attached to the help” and not even realize what that sounds like.

Could you imagine the beautiful world this guy lives in? Should we tell him something? Or just let him continue living in his fantasyland? It's a tough call.
Instant Noodles
We have some news we'd like to break to you: sometimes people who come off as entitled, unlikable, or annoying are just incompetent! And it isn’t always their fault, could you imagine growing up with a nanny that does everything for you? Probably not.

But let us tell you that this would result in some pretty funny stuff, like not knowing that you need hot water in order to get your noodles soft. Honestly, we’re surprised this person has made it to college.
How the Tables Have Turned
They say what goes around comes around. They say nothing ever stays the same. Well, well, well, they are right! Not only has this guy become a big shot project manager but the girl who thought she was too good for him is now a teacher, which is a respectable, important job, but it sure doesn’t pay that much.

Kind of reminds us of that Avril Lavigne song "Skater Boy." Guess she should’ve listened to that one.
What Are Trash Cans For?
Are trash cans for leaning up against now and we just didn’t get the memo or something? Because we could’ve sworn that trash cans were where you put your trash.

But according to this proud father of two, it seems the best place to throw things you don't need anymore is on the side of the road. Makes sense.
My Poor Friends
They say there are three ways of making money in the world. You can either earn it, be born into it, or marry it. Well, honestly, we have never actually heard anyone say that, but you have to agree it sounds like a saying.

But the real kicker here is how she called her friends "poor" to their faces! Also how many poor friends does she have? Shouldn’t she only be around people of her own superior kind?
We’ve always appreciated a story that’s short and to the point. You look at that sentence and you get everything you need to know, no context is needed. Could you imagine having the audacity to complain about any type of inheritance?

If you could, you're in a good place, pal. Was she sad about her family member that died? Somehow, we doubt that.
A Bright Future Ahead
We have to admit, we actually find this kid is pretty impressive, and maybe not even that unlikeable at all. Imagine what he will be able to do with all of his resourcefulness when he grows up! Also, who goes to Greece on a school tour in Greece?

This sounds like something they should make a movie out of. We believe the final scene where the teacher chases the student all the way to Monaco would make an instant classic.
No Mercedes? Yes Mercedes
We thought tantrums are for three-year-olds and them only. But, hey, life keeps surprising us! Listen, we totally get it. Like, who hasn’t had at least one tantrum over not getting a premium car?

That's like, a Monday to us, isn’t it to you? And in all seriousness, we’re really speechless here. Well, she got her way so she probably never learned anything from this.
If we’re trying to put on our rose-colored glasses, we could give this customer the benefit of the doubt. We could say this man might just be blind and too ashamed to tell the salesperson.

But, let’s be real. The only thing this person can't see is how entitled they look. Also, it would obviously take a longer time for the person to read the signs out loud.
Dr. Stupid
Have you ever asked yourself why do people go to college and pursue higher education? Some of you might think it’s to improve their position in society and get a better job. Or, maybe it’s because of genuine a fascination with their field of study.

But the truth is that some jerks just want to get degrees just so that they could tell you to call them Dr. This just makes them look stupid, so the joke is actually on them!
What Am I Paying For?
What can we say about this one? It is clear that both the kid and the parent had some very unrealistic expectations as to what college might actually be. It has been glorified in our culture for so long, so it must come with some basic amenities, right?

The funny thing is, with tuition so high, maybe the college could have afforded a cleaner? Nothing fancy, once a month will do.
Kids These Days
If you’re above the age of 30, you have probably already found yourself saying something along the lines of “Kids these days have no respect!” You immediately loathed yourself a little bit, as you realized you are no longer one of them.

Well, this story just proves that you were right all along! These younger kids always find new boundaries and buttons to push. We hope this kid was listening to some good music, otherwise, that plane ride must’ve been a nightmare!
Study Buddy
Friendship is a beautiful thing, and many of us have made some of our best pals during our wild college years. But college can also be the place we meet some obnoxious people. This study group had a nice thing going for them, cramming for tests together and occasionally getting food.

Well, it seems the Dunkin' Donuts girl wasn't about to participate in this collegiate heaven, as getting food for other people is apparently something only servants do. Has she heard of friendship? Kindness? No? We thought so.
The Guinea Pig
Guinea pigs care deeply about their personal hygiene, just like the rest of us humans! They would not want to be caught dead with untrimmed, unmanicured nails.

Some nail emergencies really just can’t wait, not even for a puppy whose life is in danger. But hey, let’s not make the guinea pig a scapegoat, it is the human taking care of him that was being uncivilized here!