What’s a more rich-kid trait than sporting luxury brands from head to toe? It seems that heiress Feiping Chang has turned logo-mania up a notch. Not only has she decked herself out in matching designer accessories, including a bag and visor, but she’s also made sure the exercise ball she’s sitting on is designed to match.

We wonder what object fashion houses will brand next. Furniture? Food? The possibilities are endless! What we do know is that if you slap a designer logo onto something, a rich kid will buy it!
What’s Daddy’s Is Mine
What probably makes the average person have disdain for “rich kids” is that, sometimes, it seems like everything gets handed to them, especially if it's their parents who are doing the handing. From vacation homes to trust funds, it seems like the children of the super-wealthy have the easiest access to a luxurious lifestyle.

This rich kid had no qualms about showing off his dad’s private plane and his fancy car. Needless to say, he probably has no trouble getting to where he wants to go and in style too.
Shine Bright Like a Diamond
For most of us, an evening on the town means we pull the fanciest (and cleanest) shirt and pair of pants out of our closest and brush our hair. Done! Well for the mega-rich, no outfit is complete without a diamond-encrusted necklace.

Scratch that, no outfit is complete without an Instagram post showing off said diamond-encrusted jewelry.
Just Window Shopping, Right?
Can you imagine what it would be like to head out for a day of shopping without so much as bothering to look at a price tag? To bring as many bags home without worrying about making a serious dent in your bank account? That’s the reality for a lot of rich kids. This lucky lady shared a photo of her “casual” day of shopping inside a Fendi store.

And how did she get to and from her retail destinations? In her sparkling Lamborghini of course.
Cars N' Kicks
Sporting a pair of designer kicks on Instagram is a sure-fire way of proving your rich-kid status. However, when you're Benjamin Kicks, and you've made your fortune from showing off your sneakers on social media, you need to up the ante.

That's where a decked-out Mercedez comes in handy! It's easy, just get a very expensive custom car job done to match your already expensive sneakers, and bam! Your rich-kid status is secured.
On Top of the World
Helicopter rides are not for the faint of heart and they are certainly reserved for the more elite (or those who have the money). Real estate mogul Emir Bahadir certainly fits the bill and...ahem...paid the bill for this very impressive post.

This is a pretty nonchalant shot of his rather pricey ride for the day. We have a sneaky suspicion that his head-to-toe designer outfit cost a pretty penny too! It’s got to feel pretty good to be “on top of the world” both in a helicopter and financially.
Yacht Me, Baby
A timeless status symbol of the insanely wealthy is, of course, the yacht. The large, glorified boat usually has room for you and 30 of your closest friends, caterers, a DJ, and who knows what else.

This self-made rich kid and influencer took a snapshot of herself and her friends on her yacht and shared it on Instagram. What could be better than this? Sea, sunshine, and fabulous swimwear!
An Upgraded Gold Game
We're guessing that if Midas ever got his hands on a deck of cards, this is probably what they'd look like! A normal deck of cards just won't do if you're a rich kid. They just have to be solid gold. Why play with mere mortals when you can play with mythological Greeks?

While this well-to-do girl shows off her 24-carat card game, we'll never be able to play Blackjack the same way again.
Time on Your Hands
This rich kid and his friend certainly have time on their hands (and wrists). But exactly how many high-end designer watches do you need? One for every outfit? There is easily a million dollars worth of watches in this picture and it’s hard to imagine paying that much for an object that just tells time.

But for those with an expanded income it might become easier to pay more money for something so seemingly insignificant like a watch, especially if it’s a Rolex or two.
Fierce Ferrari
Most kids dream of driving, then they dream of having a car of their own. And probably any youngster would dream of having this luxury Ferrari. EJ Johnson, the lucky offspring of Magic Johnson, decided to casually show off his wheels to the world on Instagram.

And while we don't know if he actually drives the car or simply poses in front of it, we'll admit it...We'd love a ride!
A Ruff Life
Many of us wonder what life is really like for the incredibly wealthy. What it’s like having a six-figure car, multiple homes, and access to exclusive opportunities? But have you ever wondered what life is like for their pets? Let’s be honest, this dog probably has a better life than the average human being.

Talk about a pampered pooch! This rich kid and her furry pal look like they are certainly enjoying their lives in this private, luxury jet.
Custom Cars
While customizing your car is not that special nowadays, getting a luxury vehicle worth hundreds of thousands of dollars customized is a privilege only accessible to the ultra-wealthy.

This very lucky (wealthy) lady is the proud owner of this...wait for it...DIAMOND-ENCRUSTED LAMBORGHINI. Who knew that 3 words could carry such a hefty price tag. We're sure this sparkly car turns heads wherever it goes.
I’m Gonna Need a Bigger Jet
Have you ever run out of room for all of your shopping bags on your private jet? Yeah, we didn’t think so. Roxy Bijan, the daughter of the super-wealthy businessman Sam Sowalty, and her husband certainly went on a big shopping spree before their flight.

Lucky for them, they aren't flying commercial! There has to be plenty of room somewhere on that private jet next to the hot towels, endless gourmet food, and (probably) full-on entertainment system. Talk about “spoiled rich kid problems”.
Living Large
We are all aware that private planes or jets are exclusive to the wealthy and powerful. Other than avoiding bad plane food, a lack of legroom, and screaming babies, there are a variety of other perks and privileges that come with flying private.

Baron Hilton (son to the Hilton empire and sibling to Paris and Nicky Hilton) definitely got the private plane memo. He captioned the pic with "seamless travel." Yep, we can imagine that flying via private jets everywhere you would feel pretty seamless. If only!
My Yacht Is Bigger Than Yours
Sure, having your own yacht is cool and everything, but it's even cooler if you lounge on it in head-to-toe designer garb. How will anyone know how rich and relaxed you are? Social media of course!

For Chryseis Tan, with her father's $280 million net worth, this is just a normal Sunday in the sun. Whoever said "more money more problems" obviously isn't this wealthy heiress.
High Life Via Helicopter
Not many people can call themselves multi-millionaires before turning 30 (or...ahem after turning 30). Well Evan Luthra, an incredibly successful tech entrepreneur, certainly can.

If we had as much money as Evan has, we would also choose to travel by whirlybird over a car any day. Be it to fly to a business meeting or around a new country while on vacation, helicopters are the way to go (at least for the ultra-rich). Talk about the high life!
Like Royalty
For most of us, a vacation means heading to the nearest beach or park for a day in the sun. It's not surprising that this simple pleasure just isn't luxurious enough when you have tonnes of cash at your disposal. When the ultra-rich vacation and sight-see, it's usually only the most extravagant of places that get picked.

Clarisse Fluer visiting the gardens of the Palace of Versailles in France is the perfect example of this. The former home (which is an understatement, to say the least) to French royalty makes for the perfect place to visit for those with deep pockets.
Horse Girl
Delving into equestrian sports is not for those who are light on cash. It's an expensive hobby that makes for the perfect exclusive pastime for the ultra-wealthy. It's no wonder then that Ariana Rockefeller, heiress to the Rockefeller fortune is a horse-head.

Her horse "Captain" is one lucky guy! We guarantee that his stable is five-star rated and that he snacks on the fanciest of treats. No hay in sight for this exclusive equine.
Beach Bliss
While this photo may appear pretty simple at first, on closer inspection, the level of wealth present becomes increasingly clear. Brandon Thomas Lee is the son of some very famous...or infamous parents, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee.

Famous parents often equal a lot of financial cushioning. In this post, Brandon can be seen sporting designer sunglasses and riding a horse on a secluded beach somewhere exotic. Rich kid perks!
Mom Knows Best
Spending quality time with your mom is priceless. Well, spending time with your mom on a private yacht with designer luggage to boot certainly will have a rather exorbitant price tag.

For the ultra-rich, a bonding experience by boat is a but a drop in the ocean that is their pockets. Either way, this post has certainly raised the bar for the next Mother's Day. Thanks a lot!
A Very Merry Christmas
Christmas is often touted as being a season of family, friends, and generosity. And, as much as people enjoy giving gifts to their friends and family they also enjoy receiving gifts. And, judging by this photo it looks like Kiel James Patrick's family (and dogs) are having a VERY merry Christmas.

If the luxury mini car and speedboat for his son aren't indicators enough of an expensive shopping spree, then the gigantic inflatable Santa decoration sure is!
Golden Hour
As the daughter of billionaire, heiress Tien Nguyen knows a thing or two about luxury. Her wealth is clearly displayed in this Instagram post, she's dressed head to toe in designer garments and accessories.

And yes, you're eyes don't deceive you! She is holding a GOLD designer bag with matching GOLD designer heels. This is just yet another outfit for the billionaire heiresses out there.
Morning Cuppa
What is better than that sip of your first cup of coffee in the morning? Well perhaps having that first sip on a private yacht while traveling the world. That seems to be the reality for an heiress and socialite Clarisse Fleur

How could your day go wrong if you woke up like this? The lux-looking bathrobe and fresh pedicure just top off how wealthy Clarisse is.
Seeing Orange
One of the many things that signify a luxury car (other than the glaring label) is the often brightly colored exterior. We are positively green with envy which would be a color clash with this shade of orange.

Ferrari, Lamborghini, and of course many other high-end car brands allow their customers to customize their cars and, as you can instantly guess, they are even more pricey. It's clear from her high-end orange tracksuit to her car, that orange is this rich kid's favorite color.
Decisions, Decisions
Most of us have a lot of decisions to make on a daily basis and sometimes some pretty tough ones. But for others (oftentimes those individuals with a lot of money to spare), the tougher and more stressful decisions are hard to come by.

The tough decision here for this wealthy entrepreneur seems to be choosing between traveling by private plane or a private helicopter. We recommend flipping a coin to decide. Wait...do multimillionaires even carry coins?
Your Choice of Champagne
One bottle of champagne usually qualifies as an investment for most of us. Not for heiress Dorothy Wang! She has an entire corridor of the world's most luxurious bottles of champagne to choose from.

It's a guarantee that she was popping (multiple) bottles after this picture was taken and swiping a bunch of credit cards too! It's no wonder she posted this Instagram pic, it's an easy financial flex.
Pool Pose
This post by heiress Tien Nguyen has all the indicators of a rich kid. She's lounging by a luxurious infinity pool in a matching designer two-piece outfit, complete with a designer handbag and sunglasses. Not to mention the mysterious exotic location!

If we were as wealthy as Tien is, we would probably also strike this nonchalant pose. Why? Simply because that amount of luxury would be just another ordinary day to us!
Jet Set for the Weekend
Yet another perk for the insanely wealthy? Being able to hop on your private jet and drop into another part of the globe just “for the weekend.”

P Diddy's son, Justin Dior Combs (who certainly lives up to his designer middle name) might have decided to do just that. Because why not shop your favorite designer brands in the mystique and glamor of an international city? It could certainly liven up your Instagram feed.
What a Birthday Indeed
Birthdays are special days that give you the freedom to celebrate life big time. And, when you're pretty rich, they can give you the license to jet-set to anywhere in the world to celebrate your day. Nellie Diamond, Heiress and "Hill House" founder posted this vacation pic to Instagram with the caption "buh-bye to my twenties."

Most of us are happy with a cake and some balloons, however, the mega-wealthy expect a (private) plane ticket and an exotic location to celebrate. The sky’s really the limit on your birthday when you have nearly unlimited funds (and so do your closest family and friends).
Jet skiing on the crystal blue waters of the Maldives sounds like a great way to escape from ordinary life, doesn’t it? Well, when you’re the daughter of Spice Girl Mel B it might actually feel pretty ordinary.

Yes, while some may only ever dream of a vacation like this one, the rare, exciting, exotic, and exclusive seem a lot more accessible to those with the funds for it. But one can dream can’t they?
Kick Back, Relax
It looks like Chryseis Tan doesn't have to put up with limited legroom in commercial planes. Nope, Not only is there plenty of room for her to stretch her legs but by the looks of it, there was plenty of room for gourmet snacks too.

That’s probably the best aspect of having your own private jet: the freedom to wear your favorite pair of (designer)slippers. No economy drama, no cramped legs, no filthy, closet-sized bathrooms. Just the peace of flying private.
Would You Like Fries With That?
This Instagram post has it all: designer jewelry, a glass of champagne, a delicately placed exotic flower, and…french fries? Who knew that french fries could be included in a financial flex? Not us!

Kane Lim's mix of family wealth and his own money means he can always have a side of fries to complement any Michelin star meal or five-carat jewelry he may be wearing. Most everyone (even the super-wealthy) is ready to respond to the question “would you like fries with that?”
Resort Life
Yet another aspect of the life of the rich is that, when you travel, you often have access to all-inclusive resorts. And it looks like this rich kid wanted to tell the world via Instagram about palatial paradise.

That's not all, of course, no social media post is complete without designer clothes to pose in. We mere mortals can only dream...
Humble Abode
Home or hotel? It’s pretty hard to tell. Being wealthy is not just about having a lavish home, it can also entail multiple homes, apartments, or simply access to the best hotels on the planet.

Amanda Hearst, (socialite and heiress) looks completely settled into her swanky abode, complete with a piano and floor-to-ceiling glass walls. Her caption sums it up, there really is "no place like home."
Did We Mention Summer Homes?
A marker of a privileged lifestyle is having a specific home for summer (surprise, it’s called a summer home). Where can a summer home be? If you have the money, just about anywhere.

It looks like this socialite JiaJia Fei's summer vacation is set for the Berkshires. From stupendous scenery to heavenly hiking trials, the Berkshires is a popular relaxation spot for the rich. It seems like JiaJia is content to lounge by the rather large pool.
Everything Turns to Gold
Let’s say you’re a rich kid and you know you’re going to get to drive (at one point) a luxury car. Lamborghini, Maserati, Ferrari, the list continues. But you don’t want one that looks like everyone else's.

Simple: customize it. And why not make the finish like that of precious metal while you’re at it. Yes, this rich kid really stands out with a gold Maserati. With the red suit and fancy hat, it’s clear that these kids like to stand out from the crowd. Customizing the jet behind them might be next.
Christmas Spirit
When just one Christmas tree, decked out in the finest of decorations atop several presents, won't do, then you know you're a rich kid. Heiress Tien Nguyen certainly knows how to make this holiday as luxurious as possible.

Not only are all of her Christmas trees color coordinated and covered in sparkles, but her outfit is also a perfect match! From tree ornaments to shoes, this post answers the age-old question...Can you have too much sparkle? Never!
Snow Suit
It's safe to say that this ski trip cost heiress Feiping Chang a pretty penny. Let's tally it up, shall we? Head-to-toe designer snow gear? Check. Exclusive 5-star accommodation in the French Alps? Check. A massive bill? Double-check (or cheque).

We can't help but wonder if her snowsuit is as functional as it is fashionable. We all know fashion doesn't always equal comfort, however, in freezing temperatures, keeping warm should ideally be prioritized.
A Tropical Escape
This is perhaps one of the most inviting scenes you could picture. A luxury infinity pool against a serene sunset and sea backdrop. Judging by this image, it truly does look like a paradise. If you were looking for a sign to book a tropical vacation, this is it.

Wouldn’t you also like your own all-inclusive resort? Unfortunately, you may have to watch your money fly away before you can recreate an image like this one.
Do You Have the Time?
At first glance, this photo seems to be pretty ordinary. Just a guy in a tracksuit looking away from the camera. Well, look closer!

The young man happens to be Justin Dior Combs (yes, the son of P Diddy). He's sporting a luxury designer tracksuit, limited edition Air Jordan kicks, and to top the look off...a watch and necklace DRIPPING in diamonds.
All of the Essentials
Designer Watch? Got it. Designer sunglasses? Got it. Designer bag? Got it. When you're one of the famous Beckham offspring, you're no stranger to luxury goods.

Romeo Beckham posted this picture on his Instagram making it very clear that he only rocks designer bags. Like father like son it seems!
Having a Ball
What's a more rich-kid trait than sporting luxury brands from head to toe? It seems that heiress Feiping Chang has turned logo-mania up a notch. Not only has she decked herself out in matching designer accessories, including a bag and visor, but she's also made sure the exercise ball she's sitting on is designed to match.

We wonder what object fashion houses will brand next. Furniture? Food? The possibilities are endless! What we do know is that if you slap a designer logo onto something, a rich kid will buy it!
Diamonds Have It Rough?
“Everyone wants to be a diamond but very few are willing to get cut” the caption reads of Kane Lim's Instagram post that highlights the insanely blinged-out bracelets. No doubt these are all real diamonds on these designer pieces.

That’s one way to add some ice to an outfit. It also looks like one of the bracelets has a gemstone cabochon in the center. While these pieces of jewelry would take a few paychecks for the average person to afford, they were probably chump change for this rich kid!
Coffee Car Cliche
A girl posting a picture of her Starbucks cup may be a little bit of a snooze fest at this point. Fear not, this rich kid upped the ante. She matched her cherry red Ferrari to her Starbucks cup. Now that's sure to get some Instagram likes.

While the average price for a basic cup of Starbucks coffee is around $2, a Lamborghini like that can cost anywhere over $200,000. Yikes. That's an expensive color match right there!
Just Running Errands
If you were wealthy and had multiple modes of transportation available to you, which one would you use to “run errands”? For this rich kid (while it’s probably for the reaction on social media), he decided to simply “run some errands” in this custom neon green Brabus.

But wait! That's not enough. According to this post, you have to match your sweatshirt to your custom car. And adding a designer bag to the outfit never hurts.
The Yacht Workout
At first glance, it’s hard to tell if this tweet is an image of a home or a resort but it actually appears to be a yacht. While yachts can often look well, very boat-like, this one looks like a peaceful resort on the water. In this snap, it appears that it's being used as a...gym.

Hey, when money isn't a problem why not use your multi-million dollar mega-yacht to break a sweat? It's all a part of a normal (rich) lifestyle.
Ski Season
While you might think of a tropical island or a glamorous European city as a popular vacation destination for those with money, it's "snow" secret that they love to ski.

Visitors typically hit the slopes, take in the views and partake in local shopping to get away from the hustle and bustle of their regular lives. Clarisse Fleur looks right at home on the icy slopes decked out in designer snow duds.
Wealthy Weekends
When most bros go for an all-boys trip it’s usually pretty low-key. Dinner, drinks, or a sporting event. But how about hopping into your friend’s private plane and heading off to Las Vegas for the weekend?

That would certainly change up the routine, wouldn’t it? This post shows this group of well-to-do friends living large and lavishly in an exclusive penthouse suite on the strip!
Dressed to the Nines
This rich kid looks like he just came off of the runway. It’s rare you see a wealthy person dressed in sloppy attire (although they do exist). There is something to dressing the part and most rich kids fully embrace that with endless designer duds.

Wearing designer clothes for them might be a way to declare to the world that they have money (or at least their parents do) and that they have access to a wardrobe that most of the planet does not.
Pool Time
Mansions can come with a nearly endless list of special features and a pool is usually one of the first things on the list. P Diddy's son Justin posted a photo of him lounging by the pool in matching luxury silk set with gold accessories to complete the look.

He sure looks comfortable (both physically and financially) but we can't help but wonder if that's the best outfit to hit the pool in?
Help Me With My Bags
If you're rich enough to fly around the world on a private jet, then ordinary plain black luggage just won't do darling! We thought that posting a picture of yourself stepping into a private jet would be enough of a financial flex.

Turns out, that several pieces of top-tier designer luggage are a must to hold your top-tier designer clothes while you frolic from country to country.
Brace Yourself
Some girls really love jewelry and a few staple pieces are never enough. Yes, some girls (especially the rich ones) can have loads and loads of jewelry and keep collecting it for the rest of their lives. And this rich girl really loves Hermes bracelets.

Like, really, really loves them. Judging by the collection she posted on Instagram, she has a certain style that she can’t get enough of. Apparently, her mom thinks she has “a problem.” There certainly are worse problems to have.
Not Your Average Hottub
Socialite Feiping Chang knows a thing or two about a spa day. How would you like to kick back and relax in this hot tub in the middle of the French Alps?

Sometimes it seems like nearly every experience is an elevated one when you have the cash to spare. Oh and don't forget to pack your designer earmuffs. Necessary to protect your ears from the cold and those with the green-eyed monster on their backs.
Exclusive Access
While VIP stands for "Very Important Person" it could also stand for "Very Intriguing Perks." Sid Mallya is one of the lucky few with unlimited access to whatever he wants. While he is an actor and model in his own right, there's no doubt that his famous father has propelled him to VIP status.

Sid posted this photo to Instagram giving us a taste of one of the many perks rich kids enjoy. Here Sid has exclusive access to the South Hampton football field. For football fans, this is holy ground!
Off to the Races
Spending a day at the races is not for the light-walleted. Rich-kid Peter Brant, heir and socialite, posted this photo of him enjoying this rather expensive hobby.

He's decked out in designer duds which a pair of very fancy-looking binoculars to boot. Since betting vast amounts of money won't cause rich kids to blink an eye, we're pretty sure that whether or not the horse he bet on won isn't Peter's main focus.
Luxury Lake
Having a boat (or at least some type of fancy watercraft) seems to be a compulsory indicator of having a lot of money. Olivia Jade is no stranger to fame and fortune, especially with her celeb parents.

It looks like she's enjoying a cruise on a lake with friends. Is there a better way to catch a sunset...and possibly a cold?
Hotel Living
Spending your day by the pool in one of the most luxurious hotels in the world is just another afternoon for a rich kid. In this Instagram post, we get to see Peter Brant, heir and socialite, enjoying all the perks his wealth has to offer.

Just like his silk gown, we are green with envy! It's safe to say that if we were him, we'd be in that spot all day every day!
Jewels Equal Joy
Marylin Monroe knew a thing or two when she sang "Diamonds are a girl's best friend." Decades later, those lyrics still ring true. As we can see here from Amanda Hearst's glittering Instagram post, having diamonds on her neck is no big deal.

For most of us, the closest we'll ever get to that many diamonds is with a bedazzler. To clarify, those gems will certainly be fake. Welp!
Keeping Warm and Wealthy
One of the (few) perks of traveling by a commercial plane is the stuff! Well, maybe a pair of free headphones, a toothbrush, or a blanket.

Well, that's nothing compared to the perks of flying private. It seems that not do you get unlimited legroom, but you get to cover those stretched-out legs in a designer blanket. Now that's a comfortable flight.
Subtle Showoff
You'd think that posting a picture of your custom white Lamborghini would be a clear enough indication that you are in fact a rich kid. Apparently not! At least according to Benjamin Kicks.

Nope, you have to pair your luxury vehicle with a massive diamond-encrusted necklace (in the shape of your name of course) and expensive sneakers. Now you're ready to post!