It’s your body and you absolutely should have the final say on whether you’re going to get a tattoo of Pikachu, but this Pikachu must have been injured as he’s left with an eye patch, so we’ve decided it’s “Peekachu.” Seriously, before you get a tattoo of any kind, make sure that your tattoo artist has some experience.

There are always going to be those people who think they’re good at drawing and can give you a quick tattoo at home with a needle and some ink from a craft store. You’ll only end up with a tattoo that looks like a child’s drawing and a painful infection to boot.
One Spider That Can't Be Killed
Anyone who has ever attended school knows what it's like to doodle as your concentration slowly slips away and your teacher's words blur into one another. Sometimes we doodle on the edges of our notebooks, sometimes we let our inner vandal doodle on the table, and sometimes we doodle on ourselves. All pretty common and normal.

What's not common or normal, is getting that middle-school-level artistry permanently tattooed on your body. Nothing good ever comes out of middle school. The only good thing about this time of your life is that it inevitably ends so you can pretend it never happened. This guy, sadly, doesn't have that luxury.
Proboscis Tiger
What on earth happened to this tiger?! The more we look at it the more we think it could be a tiger combined with a Proboscis Monkey with a nose like that. It almost looks like the animal version of Pinocchio. Let this serve as a gentle reminder that one person's idea for a tattoo, could be another's nightmare.

As the saying goes, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. This saying holds true for all sorts of oddities, especially tattoos. Who needs a perfect, cookie-cutter world when you can have a treasure trove of tattoo fails instead? Just don't get carried away and intentionally get a bad tattoo.
Smiley Grenade
Seeing as this is such an unconventional choice, it's bound to invite speculation and some strange interpretations. So, if you ever come across someone sporting explosive ink that's coupled with a smiley face, remember to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to embrace the strange choices of others.

Some individuals have a strange sense of humor that delights in the absurd or ironic. Getting a tattoo of a grenade with a smiley face could be their way of embracing a dark and twisted form of comedy. It's like saying, "Life can be explosive, but let's find the humor in it!" More likely, however, it declares this person's undying love for the video game "Battlefield: Bad Company."
What Does It Mean?
Imagine stumbling upon a tattoo like this. If you're anything like us, you'll wonder what was going on inside this person's mind when they decided to get it. It's like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube while riding a unicycle and reciting Shakespeare backward. It's that mind-boggling and makes no sense.

That's not the only problem with this tattoo though. The hand on the right looks totally warped and the fingers seem way out of proportion to each other. Plus the thumb looks bent out of shape. Besides that, this could be the worst shading we've seen so far and we've seen a lot!
Mr. Smiley
Tattoos are undoubtedly evolving. They're becoming significantly more customizable, but at the same time, they're becoming sillier than ever. We're not exactly sure what this is supposed to be, but it's in desperate need of a touch-up. That is if the owner actually wants to keep it and not cover it up with another tattoo.

It's kinda cute but that placement on the wrist means it's a bit too public to look this bad. Could it be a simplified version of Mr. Potatohead? The best childhood comparison for this tattoo might just be that it's a smiley face with added arms and legs. Sorry childhood.
No Experience
If you're having a bad day and are feeling a little silly, just remember that there's someone out there who tattooed himself with no experience, with a tattoo gun they bought from Amazon. Not only is this terrible but it could get infected and that's exactly how people can get hepatitis.

On the other hand, it's not finished yet and an experienced tattoo artist could cover that up really easily. Now he just has to resist the urge to finish it himself. We just hope he's learned from his mistake and actually realizes that he should turn to a professional.
Look on the Bright Side
We have another silly mistake, this time it takes the form of a popular song in "Monty Python: The Life of Brian". The original lyrics go: "You know what they say; some things in life are bad, they can really make you mad. Other things just make you swear and curse, don't grumble, give a whistle, and always look on the bright side of life."

Instead of reading this phrase in the typical left-to-right fashion, they decided to line the words to read from top to bottom. Considering the song lyrics, this tattoo must have been intentional. Maybe it helps them look on the bright side of life but for us, it just hurts to look at.
Is That You, Nessie?
We're going to say this puzzling tattoo looks like a Brontosaurus riding a shark. Does it make sense? Absolutely not! But it could give us a few clues about the possible origins of the Loch Ness monster. Perhaps our prehistoric grandparents spotted this in the Scottish Highlands and that's how the tale of the Loch Ness monster began.

People love a mystery, but it seems we've somehow revealed another chapter to Loch Ness's mystique. And since scientists can't find any evidence of a creature that's remotely related to this, it could very well be that ol' Nessie is actually two prehistoric creatures enjoying a swim.
Wakey Wakey
Have you ever overslept for an important meeting or event and wished you had a permanent reminder? Well, fear not my forgetful friend, because now you can get a reminder tattooed right on your body, just like this guy! That's right, why rely on sticky notes or digital reminders when you can have a constant reminder right there on your skin?

Just imagine never being late again, because you now have a reminder to wake up tattooed right on your arm. But be warned, reminder tattoos come with a catch, you'll be stuck with this silly reminder for life, or at least until you shell out a fortune for laser removal.
Cringey M&M
Piping hot and cringy shame at the touch of a tattoo pen? Coming right up. So what's the difference between the best and the worst tattoo in the world? Well, for one thing, quality craftsmanship and design, which were neither factored in nor even thought of when planning this tattoo.

This is supposed to be a purple M&M standing on a wooden box with random numbers placed above. All we know is sometimes we see a silly number out of place and ruminate on it for months, while there are people out there in love with this… Isn't it a strange world we live in?
Oh My Judge
On any given website, there are bound to be plenty of silly and ridiculous posts, but posts about terrible tattoos are a special powder keg of entertainment. Whether you're scrolling through Instagram, Reddit, or any website for that matter, it always seems to be amateur hour and the tattoos always seem to get worse.

Gone are the days of serious tattoos that showed your affinity for your motorcycle club, or how much you loved your mom. Nowadays, it's all about terrible jokes and irreverent garbage inked on your skin. We're not trying to be godmental, but all we can say is that we hope to Judge this is fake.
Atomic Mistake
We can't tell if this is supposed to be a tree with a hula hoop or a mushroom cloud from a nuclear blast over the sea. But looking at it for a hot minute, we navigated through the murky waters and finally figured out it must be a mushroom cloud.

Yes, getting a tattoo seems to be everybody's favorite pastime nowadays, but what exactly makes these tattoos so bad when everybody else seems to think they're the bee's knees? All we know is that if it takes this long to decipher a tattoo, it couldn't have been done by a professional.
Oh boy, a smiling mouth on your hand tattoo? Because who needs subtlety when you can have a bold and daring tattoo that everyone will see as soon as your place your hand over your mouth? No more fussing with face masks or forgetting them at home. Just a quick, easy solution right at your fingertips.

But wait, it gets better. Not only will your "Hand Mouth" tattoo be 'functional', but it'll also be a conversation starter. Just be warned, there is a downside to the "Hand Mouth" tattoo, everyone who sees it will ask "Why would you want such a hideous tattoo, just so you can place it over your mouth?"
Sad Benjamins
So you're thinking about getting a tattoo, but you don't want anything too subtle or understated. You want something flashy, something that screams "MONEY!" Well, here's an idea for you. Imagine a giant wad of dollar bills tattooed on your arm, just waiting to catch the light and blind anyone who looks at it.

Sure, your modest parents might disapprove, and your conservative friends might give you weird looks whenever they see you, but who cares? You've got a flashy tattoo that's sure to turn heads and make a statement wherever you go. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get that tattoo.
Intervention Program
So you're tired of seeing people with terrible tattoos. You know, ones like this that make you cringe and wonder if the person has any sense of taste or judgment? Well, fear not my friend, for we have a terrific solution for you. Introducing the "Bad Tattoo Intervention" program!

That's right, you heard us. We're going to save the world from terrible tattoos, one intervention at a time. Sadly, this intervention wasn't set up in time to stop this terrible design from getting inked and this guy will have to live with this mistake for the rest of his days.
Hair Mower
If the hair on your head's becoming see-through and your hairline is starting to recede, quit clinging to those hopes of a comeback mane and get a tattoo that celebrates it. Yes, that's right, stop hiding behind baseball caps, spray-on hair, and questionable combing techniques and just embrace your shiny dome with a funny tattoo.

Sure it might be tacky, but it shows you're confident about your appearance AND that you don't mind making fun of yourself, which proves you have a great sense of humor. And if you’ve got that, you don’t need anything else. Guys, forget male pattern baldness and start living with male pattern boldness.
Sad Angel
If a ten-year-old child had a picture that looked like this, saying they just drew it, we'd be pretty impressed. But, if a grown man had this tattooed on their back, we'd be pretty horrified. Not only is it terribly done, but it's all over his back!

This is a visual representation of how one terrible decision at the tattoo parlor can impact you. But the real sad thing about this is, this playboy probably can't wait to show off his new tattoo at the beach. Fortunately, every cloud has a silver lining, and in this case, it's that the ink is on his back, which means he doesn't have to see it every day.
We sure miss the time when tattoos were reserved for sailors and serious bad boys. Back in those days, tattoos actually meant something. Tattoos have become more and more popular and with the rise of tattoo parlors, everyone is running around to get their skin inked, which means it has lost its significance.

All the tattoos on our list are proof of that, but this one really makes us think, "WHY?" What is a gravestone with the headline "finally" supposed to mean? Is this person looking forward to being buried deep into the ground or did they just think it would look cool as a tattoo?
Bob's Burgers
Let's be real, who wouldn't want to pay homage to Bob's Burger in the form of a tattoo? It's a funny show and there are burgers involved! If you love tattoos or if you just love the Burgers, then this might just be the one for you in a way.

Sure, it's a strange take on Bob being an actual burger but if anyone judges you for it, just remember that Bob himself said, "Tattoos are like wearing your heart on your sleeve, except it's on your body, and people can see it without you having to open your mouth or anything."
Toadally Strange
If, like us, you enjoy wonderfully weird designs that have been flawlessly executed, then you might appreciate this next tattoo. It's the perfect example of when awful taste meets outstanding execution. You'll often find many of these tacky yet excellently executed tattoos on Reddit, the place where bad ideas are born.

So while the strange toad that's been tattooed all around this guy's knee displays quality craftsmanship it does so in the least elegant way possible. Whether you love it or hate it, it remains a tacky and otherwise tasteless tattoo, but at least we can say it's been done well.
Turkey Sandwich
Certain words or phrases may hold different meanings in different cultures, but we're pretty sure that there's no other possible meaning for "turkey sandwich" in Chinese. While turkey sandwiches are great and definitely worth acclaim, we know with some certainty that couldn't have been the tattoo this guy wanted.

Ultimately, getting a tattoo in a foreign language is a personal decision that should be made with care and consideration. For one thing, you'll definitely want to ensure that the translation is accurate, otherwise, you'll end up with something silly like "car door" or "turkey sandwich" permanently inked on your skin.
Tattoos With Commentary
We were all 18 once and we all know what it's like to make dubious choices that you regret many years later. Like this guy, who got a terrible wrap-around tattoo around his arm. These types of tattoos were really popular in the mid-90s and were usually made up of barbed wire or tribal patterns.

Instead of getting it removed, he simply added a little comment that says "Don't hate, I was 18" with a little arrow pointing underneath it. Have you ever seen a tattoo with commentary? This is our first. While it's definitely cheaper than getting it removed, we also feel like it shows that he has matured.
Fan Fiction
Some people enjoy exploring alternative scenarios in their favorite fictional worlds and characters. Like this tattoo that's made a family portrait of animated characters, Marge Simpson with Carl Carlson and Gerald Johanssen from "Hey, Arnold!" They look like a sweet family but also seeing them together like this, is a little weird.

We all know very well that fanfiction has not always been... levelheaded. Which is why this could have just been a drawing, it really didn't need to be a tattoo. That's some serious commitment to an animated fanfiction theory. At least it's original, we could definitely say there is only one of these in the world.
Argyle Socks
Have you ever looked down at your feet and thought, "Man, my socks are so boring"? Well, fear not, because there's a new trend in town that's sure to spice up your sock game — sock tattoos. That's right, folks. You can now get tattoos on your ankles and feet that look like your socks.

This guy had a thing for Argyle socks, so that's exactly what he got. Of course, there are some downsides to sock tattoos. For one, they're not exactly practical if you're the type of person who likes to wear socks with your shoes. And if you're prone to blisters or sweaty feet, you might want to think twice about permanently decorating your ankle area.
Jesis Chrost
This tattoo was obviously inspired by Jesus Christ. They call him the savior of mankind, maybe you've heard of him? Sadly though, this was so poorly executed that it looks more like a hipster who practices hair yoga and is aspiring to become an “influencer.” Who knows, it could be Jesus's distantly related descendent.

With that in mind, if we were to imagine a hypothetical scenario where Jesus had descendants, what would they be doing? They might be helping unite all people and standing up for what's right. We're just guessing of course, but we can only imagine that they wouldn't get a tattoo like this!
Clippy, Really?
Like ants at a picnic, tattoos are everywhere, just nowadays they seem to be significantly worse. Like this Clippy tattoo. You remember Clippy, right? The paperclip assistant from Microsoft Office, he's kind of... well, he's not exactly the coolest character out there. But now he is here — forever emblazoned on their skin.

Sure, this person might get some weird looks from people who don't understand their Clippy obsession. But they must think that deep down, they're pretty brave for their bold choice and unwavering devotion to a computer character from the 90s. So go ahead and wear your Clippy tattoo with pride. Who knows, maybe one day he'll make a comeback.
Batman Cat
All art is subjective, unless, of course, it's really, really bad. Take, for example, this Batman cat tattoo. In theory, it might seem like it could have been a great tattoo, there's so much potential for an adorable design, but unfortunately, this wasn't executed well and looks more like bad art.

This Batman cat (Catman?) may not have the gadgets or martial arts skills of his human counterpart, but he's got something even better — the ability to distract everyone around. Not because he's so cute or well-designed, but because he had so much potential to be both those things and sadly failed.
Nightmare Tattoo
So this person decided to get a tattoo of Jack Skellington and Sally from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"? Well, she better be ready for some strange looks and comments from people who don't quite understand the appeal of a bony, grinning skeleton with a flair for theatrics.

At least she doesn't need to worry too much, "The Nightmare Before Christmas" is actually pretty popular among fans of the movie and so many people might recognize it. This movie seems to be the perfect mix of creepy and charming, which is probably why this person decided to place these tattoos on such a visible spot.
Baby Yoda Drinks Busch
Have you seen Baby Yoda? He's the cutest thing in the galaxy. With his big, adorable eyes and tiny little body, he's captured the hearts of Star Wars fans everywhere. But this little guy isn't as cute as we'd expect, he's holding a glass of Busch which is decidedly not so adorable.

That's not even the worst thing about this tattoo! Just look at the placement. The potential for a cute tattoo of baby Yoda has very much been ruined for us. Nothing says regret more than a tattoo of baby Yoda on your behind while he's holding a drink meant for adults.
Vanilla Ice
Remember Vanilla Ice? The king of cheesy rap in the early 90s? Yeah, he's still around. And while he may not be topping the charts anymore, he's still making us laugh with his outdated fashion sense and cringe-worthy tattoos. Who could forget his hit single "Ice Ice Baby"?

It's been over 30 years and we still can't get that "dun dun dun dun dundundun" out of our heads. But Vanilla Ice is more than just a one-hit-wonder. He's also a home renovation expert, having starred in his own show where he flips houses. That's right, Vanilla Ice is now a handyman. Who would have thought?
Loss of Dignity
The original post on said this tattoo is meant to symbolize loss. That might be the case, but let's be real here, anything can symbolize anything but if it looks like someone scratched tally markings on a bathroom stall, it is not going to get the intended meaning across.

Perhaps the funniest part of symbolic tattoos is when people try to explain them to others. "These squiggly vertical lines with one horizontal line going right through represents loss in my life." Okay, that may very well be the case, but to everyone else, it looks like a messy doodle.
Under the Sea
So, you're thinking of getting a "Little Mermaid" tattoo? That's fin-tastic! But before you go all Ariel and dive in headfirst, let's take a look at what you're getting yourself into. First things first, make sure your tattoo artist has some familiarity with the movie so their design looks at least a little convincing.

While you could go for a realistic portrait of your chosen character, this guy decided to go for a more... basic interpretation. We can tell it's from "The Little Mermaid" but it looks more like a children's drawing than anything. Hopefully, this doesn't sour anyone's memories of this beloved children's movie.
Every Rose Has Its... Piercing?
Oh, dear. You look like you could use a nice cup of tea and a good hug. But, you know, in retrospect. As in before you went and had that thing put on your forehead. The piercings and hairdo are all reversible in case this lady changes her mind. But the ink? Oh, that's a different story.

First and foremost, getting a tattoo on your forehead is incredibly risky and while tattoos in general have become more mainstream in recent years, those on the face are often still associated with deviance or a lack of professionalism. So before you get one, just remember it's important to consider the long-term effects.
The Plugs of the Middle Ages
Once upon a time, men with receding hairlines had to either accept the fact they were going bald or settle for a hat. Nowadays, we have all the technology to help them regain their hair and confidence. But, in between, there was a dark era of lawlessness, when people got this awful tattoo.

Perhaps he thought it would blend right into his hair and look like a neatly trimmed hairline. Just imagine walking down the street, turning heads with a tattooed head like this. If we're being honest, he probably did it for the attention, because there are no other explanations for why anyone would want this!
We're going to give you one chance to guess who this guy's favorite superhero is. In fact, he must have become so obsessed with finding a radioactive spider of his own that he decided to get one tattooed. Too bad he got it on his face, though, that will be difficult to cover up.

Hey, look at the bright side — at least you don't have to come up with a new Halloween costume every year! At least one day of every year he'll fit right in and look like he has an amazing spider painted on his face. The rest of the year, it won't be so cute though and he'll have to explain that it's actually a tattoo.
The Full Facial Package, Please
Are you tired of your boring, unadorned beard? Want to spice things up and show off your personality in a unique way? Look no further than tattooing your beard! That's right, you can now get your beard inked with all sorts of fun designs and patterns. But let's be real, getting your beard tattooed is not for the faint of heart.

Not only do you have to sit through hours of needle-piercing, but you also have to deal with the inevitable stares and questions from strangers who can't quite figure out what's going on with your face. But hey, if you're willing to take the plunge, you'll get a truly unique and attention-grabbing look.
Tori Spelling
This lovely tattoo of Tori Spelling belongs to Dean McDermott, her husband. Instead of getting her name tattooed, he decided to get her face tattooed. Now that's gutsy! We guess it comes with the territory as the couple has five children together and they have been married since 2006.

Let's hope their love's just as permanent as the ever-expanding ink! Will they stay together? Or will Dean head to a tattoo removal place? We guess we’ll have to wait to find out as rumors have it that these two might be getting separated. Lord knows that the tabloids like to toy with that rumor.
Oh, dear. What are we even looking at? Was this guy going for some ancient blueprints? A map of rivers full of his enemies' blood? You've got to hand it to him for the pain tolerance he must have. The sweet agony of getting a tattoo. Is there anything more insane than subjecting yourself to hours of needle-piercing your skin?

Probably, but let's pretend not. God knows getting your skull inked must be unbelievably painful. But is it really worth it? Just the thought of getting our skull inked makes us cringe. We guess some people just want everyone to know that they're tough and aren't afraid of a little pain.
Clearly, the mistake everyone fears most is a typo. The message: If you're getting a tattoo with words, proofread that design 6,422 times. Then ask everyone you know to look it over as well. It might be overkill, but you definitely don't want to wind up like this woman.

We get that English can be hard sometimes, not everyone uses the right word when writing or texting, but for a tattoo! Come on lady, that's exactly the time to stop worrying about love and instead worry about how it will look once it's done! Sadly, it seems she has to deal with the hassle of getting it fixed now...
Carl and Lenny
Here we have a tattoo that looks like a yin and yang symbol with Carl Carlson and Lenny Leonard from the animated television show, "The Simpsons". They are both depicted as close friends and co-workers of the show's main character, Homer Simpson. Carl is known for his intelligence and he often serves as the voice of reason among Homer's group of friends.

Lenny, on the other hand, is often depicted as the more laid-back of the two friends. He is known for his love of practical jokes and often serves as the instigator of Homer's misadventure. Knowing this we can see why someone would design a tattoo like this with Carl and Lenny serving as symbols of yin and yang.
The Hotdog Angel
This specific hotdog seems to have died and gone to hotdog heaven where it got its angel wings and halo. May it rest in peace. Hot dogs are undeniably great; they're delicious, and we love hotdogs as much as the next guy, but getting one permanently placed on your body is a whole other level.

To celebrate the beautiful ubiquity of the hot dog, you could instead get a pendant or maybe even start your own hotdog business. That way you spread your love for hotdogs in a way everyone can enjoy, instead of freaking people out whenever they catch a glimpse of your bare foot.
Her Eyes Are Down Here
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, the internet will somehow find a way to surprise you. This poor girl and the poor cats she has for eyebrows... Ugh, how did we even get here? This eyebrow-less look gives the term "crazy cat lady" a whole new meaning. Plus, this looks like it was drawn on with a dull pencil.

Lady, if you like cats to the point you wish to tattoo them on your eyebrows, shouldn't you at least get a better design? For this to have been even a tiny bit better, the cats would have to be symmetrical.
Alice in Tattoo-Land
We'd like to take a minute and thank this woman for ruining what used to be our favorite children's book. Nothing like a poorly executed double lower back tattoo in bad taste to make us never read "Alice in Wonderland" ever again. Whether you're a fan of the classic story or not, there's no denying the absurdity of this tattoo.

So if you happen to be looking for a tattoo that's equal parts terrible and indiscreet, an Alice in Wonderland tattoo might just be the perfect fit. Who knows, maybe it will even lead you on your own adventure down a rabbit hole where you destroy everyone's beloved children's book.
Now That's Unique
Tattoos are a personality statement — funny tattoos say "I'm easy-going, and I'm here to chill", while scary skull tattoos say "I can get seriously angry, you don't want to mess with me". This guy is clearly the former, so he got a funny tattoo of a pair of scissors heading for his webbed toes.

He could have gotten his toes fixed but why pass up on an opportunity to express your sense of humor while highlighting your unique features? It certainly is one of the better tattoos we've seen, not only is it well executed, but it's nice to see someone embrace their uniqueness.
Spell Check Strikes Again
Or maybe not. It is astounding how many people don't bother double-checking the spelling of the words they intend on having on their flesh for all eternity. Tattoos with typos have been fueling internet searches and morbidly fascinating us for years. Is this done on purpose or are people really this bad at getting inked?

As the quote on this arm says "You Only Life Once", which is true, but it's supposed to say "You Only LIVE once." It's an easy mistake to make if you're not a native English speaker but surely if your English isn't that good you'd at least check with a friend to make sure it's correct, right?
A Devil in Disguise
It seems that the devil is out of Georgia and has made his way to the internet. Or at least, his mugshot did. This dude is a devil in disguise, but maybe the disguise is not working too well. Just look, the two horns on his head are still showing.

Don't even get us started on the monstrosity right above his beard. We wonder where he might be hiding his tail and hooves. If we could hazard a guess, our money would be on hiding the tail down his jeans and disguising the hooves as a pair of drag queen high heels.
Plan Ahead...
We all daydream about quitting our day jobs and running off to join the circus and get spontaneous tattoos all over our bodies. You may think it’s far-fetched, but there are real people out there who have actually done just that: risk it all and get a bunch of crazy tattoos.

How did they muster up the guts to do it, and how did this guy prepare himself for such a great leap? Well, it seems from this list that there are plenty of people who would put it all on the line, just for a funny tattoo that might also work as an icebreaker.
He's Got a Nose for Pizza
Michelangelo is ready to jump out of the sewers and take on ninjas, except he's confined to a nose on a guy's face. We get that you like TMNT, but how about something on the arm? The forearm maybe. You could probably fit the entire turtle on there, and not just half of the head.

We all love TMNT as any rational person would, but we still wouldn't get this tattoo on our nose to prove it. Yes, it might seem like an original design, but as anyone from the internet will smugly remind you, this tattoo is a terrible idea. From the placement to the colors, you're bound to feel regret soon after you look in the mirror.
Coldstone Tattoo and Creamery
While there’s nothing sweeter than a cold scoop of vanilla ice cream, some people choose to honor their favorite dessert by getting ice-cream cone-shaped jewelry or wearing a Ben 'n Jerry's t-shirt. However, Gucci Mane took it one step further and got a tattoo to express his love for gelato.

Gucci Mane is a... rapper, we're told. And Gucci Mane loves some tasty, cold treats. Nobody loves ice cream and video games more than Gucci Mane. He's a man who keeps updating his style to higher and higher heights, and this is just one step on his way to memorable greatness.
Made in China
Beyond sneakers and smartphones, the Chinese have a long history of creating amazing stuff. The ancient Chinese contributed paper, gunpowder, the umbrella, and the compass to civilization. And when it comes to tattoos, someone was eager to jump on that bandwagon and celebrate their roots by getting a creative tattoo.

It looks exactly like someone stamped it on his wrist and while it's not well done, at least you'll have a cool story to tell when people ask you about your weird, crooked-looking ink. You can proudly say, "Oh, this? I'm a limited edition that was 'Made in China'.
You Will Regret Something
So you've decided to get a tattoo — wonderful! Perhaps you'll do a bit of research. Maybe you'll seek advice from friends who've gotten inked before you. Or ignore all of the above and make the worst mistake of your life and get a tattoo that you will eventually regret.

Sadly, some people make impulsive or terrible decisions when it comes to getting tattooed. While we do advocate that everyone takes a break every once in a while and makes some bad decisions while having fun, some decisions are still so unwise that even a Spring Break brain should avoid making them.
Warning Label
According to the post on, this guy ordered a tattoo machine from China. With so many low-quality or counterfeit products on the market, it's safe to say that this product doesn't function properly. Who knows, maybe it was a good deal and this guy felt like it could be a good buy.

Clearly, it was not. Never mind the fact that the tattoo looks like a messy drawing that's been done with a dried-out marker, it could potentially cause an infection. We can't help but wonder what this was supposed to be besides a black mess. Maybe just a black square that wasn't executed well?
She Knows What It Means
The miss loves Africa, good for her. She's even got a heart of Africa there. And the incredibly meaningful phrase lets us know she isn't what you might call entirely altruistic in her love. But we shouldn't spread rumors, maybe she just enjoys the long stretches of thrilling scenery, the wide rivers, and the throbbing hearts of the people she's met.

It's a quintessential tattoo: a popular expression that's immeasurably cliche. When white people say this, they think it's a compliment, but if you deconstruct this further, you’ll realize that nothing is flattering about it. It defines an entire group of people and pigeonholing people can rob them of the many layers of their identities.
Is That a Face?
We don't know what's going on here, but it sure makes a good case for not getting a tattoo! Honestly, we'd like to think that branding your arm permanently would make you at least a little more mindful when it comes to choosing your design or even hiring a skilled artist to do your tattoo.

Somehow this guy couldn't get either. The artist couldn't even get one feature right. From the ear to the nose, the design barely looks like a person! Plus the ink looks faded but at least that would make it easy to cover up with another tattoo, as long as he can get a decent artist to do it next time.
Calvin Should Sue
Scroll through Instagram and get a load of all the tattooing mistakes: from typos to messy lines, but we bet you've never encountered anything this unbelievably bad. We bet this guy thought he was being really original when he got this. Well, maybe he's the only one because it's such a bad idea.

Not only is this tattoo poorly executed, but it also looks like this guy was ripped off. The underwear almost looks like a hairy patch that certainly won't age well. Out of all the tattoos we've seen, this has to be one of the worst, and that's really saying something cause we've seen a lot!
Bad Cover-Up
Some people just don't learn from their mistakes. Look, we might not be tattoo artists by trade, but we're fairly certain that that's not how cover-ups are supposed to be done. First of all, the coloring is all wrong, and second, the previous tattoo is still clearly visible underneath the grey wolf.

To be honest, we're feeling so bad for this guy... He must have been so excited to get it covered up and looking a bit better and somehow he ended up with this instead. It might still be salvageable if he could find a better tattoo artist for his third attempt.
Wow, This Lady Really Likes Ducks
A drake is a word for a male duck, and this lady has gotten a huge, garish tattoo that talks about how much she likes ornitho- No, hold on, we're getting new info. What? She did this for a rapper? Oh, honey. Drake, if you're reading this article, maybe make sure this lady doesn't get too close.

We get it, Drake is an amazing musician and a former Degrassi star, plus he's recently garnered over 4.7 billion streams on Spotify. So while some fans are just naturally more, uh...dedicated, being this obsessed with anyone means she must be a little loca. Couldn't she have gotten the tattoo on her arm instead?
Not every tattoo has to be a brilliantly blended hyper-realistic grey wash art piece. Tattoos are sometimes supposed to be fun. While the first tattoo looks a little plain and not as well done, the owner decided to sparkle it up a bit and add some color and more shapes.

Some people might prefer the minimal tattoo while others will like the splash of color. This style pokes fun at the idea that tattoos have to be super meaningful. If you like a particular drawing or feel like getting tattooed on a random Tuesday, that’s enough of a reason to get some ink.
A Little Cutie
Sometimes people might get a cute tattoo on a whim, without putting too much thought into it. These tattoos aren't meant to mean anything, they're just little cute drawings to add visual appeal or add a decorative touch to the skin. It can just be a fun and impulsive decision.

Spontaneous tattoos are simple designs that often look like doodles. Like two little dinosaurs, with one holding onto balloons. They make it easy to scatter across your body because they're just a random bunch of doodles. Spontaneous tats are a purposeful step away from more standard designs, like traditional, realism, or new school.
The Star of the South
Well, we don't even know where to begin, there's lots to talk about here, even though we wish we didn't have to. Okay, so, there are stars in the shape of Australia, which look pretty new, stars recreating the Southern Cross constellation, which looks a bit faded, and a boxing kangaroo, which looks even older.

This guy's clearly proud to be from the land down under. We don't blame him, there is no place in the world like ‘Straya. As the world’s sixth-largest continent, it’s home to wonders like the Great Barrier Reef and the selfie-taking quokka. But would Australia be proud of this guy? Probably not.
We All Know Who This Is
What do people love more than getting tattoos and piercings? Getting misspelled tattoos that are highly visible and difficult to cover up. Whether they inspire us to not make the same mistakes or completely extinguish our hope in humanity, their lack of common sense always entertains us so much we can't help but feel embarrassed on their behalf.

Honey, it's not fame if a couple of guys have seen the tattoo on your chest. Ah, and we have another misspelling. Throw in the...cheekbone piercing? Two neck piercings? Whatever that painful thing is, we've got a classy gal to bring home to Mom. Don't worry Mom, she's famous. Famously something, anyway.
It Took a Lot of Coarage
“Coarage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” We can understand the sentiment – it even makes a little bit of sense – but come on, man, get a spell check. And a copy editor. And finally, for what should be the first and last time, tame that armpit hair.

As we suspected, people who have inspirational quotes like "Coarage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway" are using their "coarage" in all the wrong ways and we even have evidence to prove it. Just with one spelling mistake, we can tell this guy is not about to win a Nobel prize anytime soon.
If anything, this should serve as a reminder to all tattoo artists out there: please do the right thing and decline a face tattoo. Just spend 15 minutes looking up face tattoos on Google, and you can reasonably conclude that it's an incredibly bad idea, not only for tattoo artists' reputations but also for everyone who gets one.

To state the painfully obvious, when you're getting a tattoo, you're putting something on your skin that will be with you so long that it's basically going to outlive you. So much more so when you're getting a face tattoo! So if you want one, at least go to a decent tattoo artist.
The One That Started Them All
You've probably seen this one before, but in case you haven't, here's one of the original, legendary bad tattoos. The typeface is classy, and the idea presented isn't bad, but the typo's added irony just turns this into a (chef's kiss) masterpiece. No matter what you do in your life, have no regerts.

The phrase is intentionally misspelled as a joke, with the "regerts" spelling often accompanied by a poorly-drawn image of a misspelled regret. The tattoo gained popularity after appearing in a humorous commercial for a tattoo removal service, which portrayed a man with the misspelled tattoo regretting his decision.
The Simpsons
So, this guy decided to get a tattoo of the Simpsons on his leg. It's a risky move but with high risk comes high reward, right? At least that's what they say, but we're not sure it applies to this scenario. At least if someone questions this man's decision, he can just say that he takes his love for The Simpsons seriously.

Though, we aren't sure how seriously one can love the yellow cartoon family and still get Homer's face done backwards. And we aren't even going to talk about the rest of the tattooed characters looking like they would rather be anywhere else in the world other than on this piece of skin.
Ghost Tattoo
Ah, spooky stuff. There's just something about ghosts, witches, and haunted houses that gets our hearts racing and our imaginations running wild. But let's face it, sometimes the spookiest stuff can also be the funniest. Like this tattoo, clearly, it's meant to be a ghost but instead of looking scary, this ghost looks spooked!

The person who posted this on Reddit said they did this tattoo themself, which is quite impressive! However, if you are still considering doing your own tattoos, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a professional tattoo artist to understand the risks and potential consequences of this decision. You could end up with a terrible tattoo or even worse — an infection.
Frog Figure
Ah, the allure of getting a cute tattoo. It's small, it's adorable, and it's the perfect way to show off your playful side. But before you go under the needle, ask yourself: is it really worth it? Sure, that tiny little heart or cartoon character might look cute now, but what about in a few years?

Will you still be as enamored with it when it's faded and blurred? And let's not forget the potential for regret. That little cutie tattoo might seem like a great idea when you're 18, but what about when you're 80? Will you still want a little frog permanently etched on your skin?
If you're a fan of the Pixar classic Ratatouille, you might be tempted to get a tattoo inspired by the film. But before you go rushing off to the tattoo parlor, consider the possible consequences. Sure, a tattoo of Remy the Rat cooking up a delicious dish might seem like a cute and quirky idea at first.

But what happens when you're 80 years old and your grandkids are asking you about the strange rodent on your arm? Are you really going to want to explain the entire plot of a movie that came out decades ago? But hey, if you're willing to take the risk, more power to you.
Go Ahead and Make Fun of It
We dare you. Tell this world-famous boxer, AKA one of the greatest face-punchers, that his tattoo looks stupid. Tribal tattoos were out long ago, but you know what? Mike Tyson can pull it off. In fact, it looks so good we're going to get one just like it, please don't hurt us.

When Tyson first got his tattoo in 2003, he shocked the world. The tattoo, which consists of a tribal design that covers his left forehead and cheek, quickly became a topic of discussion and controversy. Some people saw the tattoo as a bold and rebellious move, a statement of Tyson's individuality and toughness.
David Beckham
Even celebrities aren't immune to terrible tattoos, it seems. Let's be honest, a lot of people like getting tattoos in another language because they think it looks exotic. But when you don't do your research, it might just be a jumbled mess of meaningless characters. It could be a recipe for disaster!

Lucky for David Beckham, this specific tattoo is fine in terms of proper use of language. The meaning of it, however, sounds a little condescending. Translated to "Life and death are destined by fate, wealth and status are destined by heaven," it seems to imply that Beckham's greatness was predetermined.
Hipster Lickin' Good
For some, Kentucky Fried Chicken is more than just a fast-chicken predilection, it's a lifestyle and a measuring stick for your own successes in life. Because you don't know you've hit rock bottom till you have a Colonel Sanders tattoo. Especially on your leg where almost everyone can see.

We get that people want to express their individuality and people want to show off certain parts of their personality, but the design of this tattoo is so bad, it almost looks like he has tiny arms and legs. Plus the stencil makes it look like Colonel Sanders could be on fire.
The Lumps
Those of you who watch the animated show "Adventure Time" probably understand the reference. For the sake of those of you who don't, let us explain: in this cartoon series, which takes place in various locations around the universe, "The Lumps" is a disease that can get anyone who visits the Land of Oooo if they aren't careful enough.

The way to get infected is similar to how one turns into a werewolf or a zombie — you need to get bitten by a space person who has previously been infected. The symptoms aptly include turning lumpy. We wonder if this tattoo means that this person is infected, or, in fact, immune.
Not the Brightest Star in the Sky
We're going to be asking this question a lot: what could have possessed this woman? While the star work is... okay... covering her face with them is a strange choice. Whether it was to give her kids something to do on long car rides, or just because she likes the night sky that much, it just didn't work.

While tattoos have become more mainstream in recent years, face tattoos remain a controversial and often terrible choice. Unlike other tattoos, face tattoos are nearly impossible to hide or cover. Placing permanent ink on your face tattoo is a significant commitment that can have some serious long-term consequences. Seriously, think before you ink!
In a War With Herself
This tattoo is the result of a genuine lack of foresight. Now this tattoo isn't just body art. This is a form of hieroglyphics that will tell future historians about the 21st century, more than any text ever could. Can you imagine what they would think of us and our era?

We think they'll imagine us as a strange group living through a strange time. Tattoos have a long and varied history in human culture, dating back thousands of years, but now, tattoos are more popular than ever and unfortunately, it's also a time when getting terrible tattoos is a harrowing reality.
Lizard Wizard
So, you've decided to get a lizard tattoo. Maybe you're a big fan of reptiles, or maybe you just thought it would be a cool design. Either way, you head to the tattoo parlor with visions of a sleek and majestic lizard adorning your skin. But what you end up with is... well, it's not quite what you had in mind.

The lizard is plain, the hat is basic, and it looks more like a fish with feet than an actual lizard. You can't believe you paid good money for this terrible lizard tattoo! Who knows, maybe in a few years, you'll look back on this terrible lizard tattoo and see it as a funny reminder of your younger, more impulsive self.
Haribo Bart
We need to have a serious talk about getting a cartoon character as a tattoo. Sure, it is long established by consensus that The Simpsons might just be the greatest animated TV comedy of all time. However, does that warrant getting a tattoo to honor your unending loyalty to a TV show character?

It's not even that we're anti-Simpsons devotees. We just think you'll be better off if you get a T-shirt or a cool poster. That way you still show your love for your favorite show but not be stuck with a permanent mark on your body that looks like the forbidden lovechild of Bart Simpson and a gummy bear.
Kind of Don't Know What to Say
Let's be real, what's with the sudden obsession with mermaids? Are we all secretly hoping to become part of their underwater world? Or do we just really like the idea of having a tail instead of legs? *deep breath* Okay, let's see what we have here.

It looks like a mermaid, but man, this is bad. We could probably do a better job, and we've never even tattooed anybody! Also, why is the tail faded while the torso is so painfully still there? Could this person be in the middle of getting that tattoo lasered off? God, please let that be the case!
Not Worth It
You might be wondering, what could be worse than getting a terrible tattoo? Paying $350 for a terrible tattoo! Can you believe someone charged this much for a tattoo of this quality? The lines are shaky, the colors are off, the face looks distorted and it looks like a child's drawing.

We can't believe someone would pay so much money for this terrible tattoo! He was clearly overcharged for something that looks like archangel Michael's demented cousin. Now he's stuck with this awful tattoo and has to live with the regret and embarrassment until he can save enough money for a coverup.
Your Life?
Getting a tattoo is a big decision. It's something that will be with you for the rest of your life, so it's important to choose something that you'll be happy with... Forever! Some people choose to get tattoos of meaningful symbols or quotes, while others opt for something a bit more lighthearted, like a joke tattoo.

But what exactly is a joke tattoo? Well, it's exactly what it sounds like – a tattoo that's meant to be funny. So when you see this tattoo, you might be thinking, "This is not really a joke." And you're right – it's not exactly a knee-slapper. It's more like a self-deprecating joke and we have no idea why anyone would want this.
Hakuna Matata
If Timon on your Lion King tattoo looks this bad, you might want to embrace the "Hakuna Matata" attitude. Instead of stressing about a poorly-done tattoo, embrace the carefree and easygoing attitude of Timon and Pumba. "Hakuna Matata" means no worries, after all! You might even become the talk of the Pride Lands.

Yes, it's embarrassing, but as Rafiki says in the movie, "You can either run from it or learn from it!" So what's it gonna be? It still represents a beloved childhood movie, so embrace the nostalgia and use the tattoo as a reminder of simpler times when singing "Hakuna Matata" was all we needed to feel happy.
Oh Boy
One can't help but appreciate interesting and clever tattoo designs, but we’ve also come across a few that made us cringe. Like this one below, we don't know what's worse, the fact that this looks like a Spongebob version of Ben Franklin or the unfortunate placement of it on his neck.

Getting a tattoo on your neck can be a risky decision, for one thing, the neck is an area of the body that moves constantly, which can make it difficult to ink accurately. Plus, the constant movement of the skin can cause the tattoo to blur, fade, or even become distorted.
Who Did This to Her?
Is this really a tattoo or some bad whiteboard markers? It seems more like this unlucky lady fell asleep at a party and received some new back art thanks to her friends. If it is a real tattoo, she is either paying for some bad things she did in her past life, or she deserves to get her money back.

Imagine sitting through a tattoo session with the patience of a saint and then seeing what they did to your back. She must have been incredibly upset, if not downright livid. This looks like it was done by someone who barely knows how to hold a pen, never mind a tattoo gun.
Could this guy be the king of tattoos, and now he's ready to make his move? Even his lips and eyelids are tattooed, which is not only a pretty intense time requirement but rather painful as well. This man suffered for his sense of style. And now we all have to suffer, too.

Like having a can of Red Bull on an empty stomach, we've all made some terrible decisions. And while getting a tattoo you love can be a meaningful decision, most people take it a little too far which also means ample opportunities to make some pretty poor decisions. We can't imagine this guy being happy with his choices in five years' time.
Beauty Personified
Ah, yes. Eric Stoltz from Mask. The kind of character everyone wants on their body. Everyone being this guy minus every single other person on earth. Even if you know who this character is (we do) and why he might want it on his person (we don't), this individual will still probably have plenty of explaining to do.

In the movie, Eric Stoltz plays a character called Rocky Dennis. Rocky is an intelligent, outgoing, and funny teenager who suffers from a facial deformity called "lionitis" and has now outlived his life expectancy. It could very well be that this person really is a fan of the movie and felt inspired by the character.
Too Many to Count
We all know that friend who always insists on getting a tattoo after a night of heavy drinking. They stumble into the nearest tattoo parlor, pick a random design off the wall, and end up with a tattoo that looks like it was done by a toddler. The worst part of this is, it happens so often!

Throwing caution to the wind and getting a tattoo of something that seems like a good idea at the time might be okay if it was once or twice. But this guy has so many bad tattoos, we're starting to suspect he's surrounded by terrible friends who don't even dare to stop him. At least they are all located in the same place.
Let's face it, relationships can be unpredictable, and things might not always work out. Getting your girlfriend's name tattooed on your arm could be a risky move. If you break up, you're left with a permanent reminder of an ex that might not be easy to explain to future partners.

When things inevitably don't end well with your girlfriend, you might need to get a cover-up tattoo. Instead of completely getting rid of the name Megan, this guy made it very obvious and simply inserted "Oops, I meant Hollie". You'd think he would have learned by now not to get your girlfriend's name tattooed...
What's the Tradition, Exactly?
This article has it all. From tattoos that do not age well, to easy-to-spot typos in quotes, to unfortunate choices people made when they were drunk. While there are many questionable tattoos out there, this “Family Tradition” tattoo placed on this guy's upper lip takes the cake.

Maybe all of his male family members have a big, bushy mustache, and he just can't manage more than a teen scruff. Sometimes it’s okay to uphold your family's tradition and heritage, but if it means tattooing this on your face, then maybe you should consider breaking tradition. Or pick a different family.
Still Acting Like a Monkey
People have no problem walking into a tattoo parlor and blindly picking a design that looks cool. But, for some reason, coming up with your own tattoo design seems like such an intimidating endeavor, and sadly, that kind of intimidation leads to terrible decisions. Like getting this evolutionary drawing on this arm.

Darwin may approve, but that might be all. At first glance, you don't really see the problem in this outline of "Evolution of Man", and then you realize that a silhouette may not have been the best choice for this design. Why? Because the hand of the man on the right looks less like a hand and more like a... let's cal lit a piece of bodily equipment.
Nine Attempts and Still Not Good
We can't hide the fact that we feel at least a little bit of enjoyment in the misfortune of other people. Schadenfreude has, after all, been a bona fide phenomenon since people have been embarrassing themselves (so, forever). But it's always a little bit better when people brought the hilarious misfortune upon themselves.

Like this person, the tattoo artist had nine attempts at drawing a circle and somehow failed every single time. You'd think that after one or two tries, they'd give up but no, that was not the case. This was probably meant to resemble the crescent moon as it waxes and wanes but this artwork doesn't even come close.
Like all the fine folks who — inexplicably — thought it would be a good idea to permanently brand themselves in spectacularly horrific fashion, this guy thought their idea for a math equation was pretty cool. Sadly, it was not cool and it took up so much real estate on their arm!

We assume most of you know the meaning behind the bottom number, but the top number's meaning could be lost on some. For them, we will clarify that this is a number identified with those who like to dabble with Mary Jane. Anyone with those numbers on their dating app profile will be immediately swiped left. Too bad it can't be done in real life too.
He's Finally Emerged From His Cocoon
Everyone should have the chance to look their best. This worker has done his best, channeling the power of the butterfly with a classy lower back tattoo. The iconic Mariah Carey-esque tattoo plus, the oh-so-common loose pants that contractors seem to always wear, shows us this unfortunate choice in all of its... detail. Fly, butterfly, fly.

Butterfly tattoos were super popular in the early 2000s, along with tribal tattoos and Asian letters. Everyone was getting them, but unfortunately, trends don't stay trendy. So not only does this tattoo look incredibly dated and behind the times, but it's also very telling of his age.
It's your body and you absolutely should have the final say on whether you're going to get a tattoo of Pikachu, but this Pikachu must have been injured as he's left with an eye patch, so we've decided it's "Peekachu." Seriously, before you get a tattoo of any kind, make sure that your tattoo artist has some experience.

There are always going to be those people who think they're good at drawing and can give you a quick tattoo at home with a needle and some ink from a craft store. You'll only end up with a tattoo that looks like a child's drawing and a painful infection to boot.
Pin-Up Monster?
Have you ever seen a tattoo that makes you wonder, "What were they thinking?" Well, let us tell you about a guy's tattoo. He's clearly a big fan of pin-up girls, and he thought it would be a great idea to get a tattoo of one on his arm. But unfortunately, the end result was less "sexy pin-up girl" and more "creepy monster lady."

The tattoo artist probably told him that he had plenty of experience with pin-up girl tattoos, but once the tattoo artist was done, this poor guy must have been horrified. The pin-up girl's torso seems distorted and her legs are way too short compared to the rest of her body.
One of Those Early Styles
This could be almost anywhere on the body, but hopefully, it's somewhere they can hide. It's kind of a cool design if you look at it long enough. While the execution could have been better, at least we know it's a bike. Clearly, this person wants everyone to know how much they enjoy cycling.

There is a particular mania that comes along with wearing your heart on your sleeve, i.e. your favorite thing as a tattoo. But is it really worth it if it looks sub-standard? Rather wait it out until you're 100% sure your design and tattoo artist can do a decent job.
That's a Great Drawing, Sweety
In the pantheon of terrible tattoos, this one might be the clear winner. There's been plenty of ink spilled in the name of tattooing a child's drawing on their parents' skin. And this must be one of the worst the internet has to offer.

Deciding to tattoo what your kid drew needs to be handled in one of two ways: doing it on a small, inconspicuous part of your body, or waiting for the kid to develop some better skills and only then getting one of his or her later pieces tattooed on yourself. Until their late teens, their drawings can go on the walls or the fridge.
Nothing Else Matters
Getting a tattoo is a time-honored way to immortalize a loved one lost, a seminal life experience, or a current obsession, and the latter is almost always a terrible, horrible mistake. Cruelly celebrating that fact, here's the classic "I got a tattoo of my favorite band's name" mistake and it's not even spelled correctly.

Some people are so in love with their favorite bands that they think this is a great idea, but that's rarely the case. Especially considering the fact that this wasn't even spelled correctly. When they grow up and their enthusiasm inevitably fades, they're left with a permanent reminder of their mistake.
Maybe Intentional
This is definitely cringe-worthy, but it also looks like it is planned, in a wonderful bit of tattoo irony. This is a good lesson for life, not just when getting a tattoo. We get that they might have thought this would've been funny but all it really says is that you don't care about what you put on your body.

The tattoo designer or artist could plainly see what space is required, so odds are this lady got big, Gothic letters on her eight fingers as a joke that will last forever. We bet it won't be funny in ten years when she has to meet her fiance's parents or when applying for that lucrative job.
Mom Knows Best
Some people are always on the lookout for a good idea when it comes to their next tattoo. They even ask their moms for advice, hoping to get some inspiration. That's exactly what this guy did. Sadly, he didn't quite think it through and thought he'd be incredibly original.

So he ended up choosing his mom's text message and now he has a terrible tattoo that's supposed to be a joke. Joke tattoos can be a way of telling a story or commemorating a funny memory, but that doesn't mean it will be as funny as you think it is!