When you’re at Beyonce level fame, you are no longer under obligation to remain friendly and approachable to your fans. Of course, it’s still nice that she does.

She made this fan’s day but posing and looking cool for the camera. That pic is definitely for the books.
Amy Schumer
Having Amy Schumer as an extra on "Judge Judy" is brilliant. Do you think she brought along popcorn? The funny thing is that Judge Judy never once acknowledged that one of the world’s biggest comedians was in her audience. We wonder if she even knew who Schumer was?

She had viewers excited but also very confused! And the controversy of the day? Missing Yu-Gi-Oh cards. How exciting!
Chris Hemsworth
Just your average photo featuring two guys talking about beards. But these are not just any two guys, that's Chris Hemsworth chatting to his friend, while an onlooker was snapped in the photo as well. He looks eager to join the conversation but maybe he feels hesitant cause his beard's not nearly as long or as luscious.

We're just spitballing here but could be that he might be regretting shaving his beard those few weeks ago cause now he's a little intimidated to talk to Thor, who he's been idolizing ever since he first saw the movie in 2011. Or it could be that he's just staring out into space and didn't notice someone was taking a photo.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
For the science nerds out there, getting your photo bombed by Neil deGrasse Tyson is probably as exciting as getting the at the first sight of the black hole. For those who don't know, deGrasse Tyson is the biggest TV personality in the world of science and astrophysics. This science whizz has hosted the shows "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey" and "StarTalk" where he dazzles his viewers with mindblowing space facts and discoveries.

We do hope for those two girls' sake that they know who is standing behind them. That sure is one scientific discovery to stumble upon and it gives a whole new meaning to the concept of star-struck.
Chris Hemsworth
You've just said "I do" to your new beautiful bride. Your parents tear up, your friends cheer you on and in your blissful little romantic bubble, you both jet off to your luxury resort where you soak up that sweet newlywed love. That's all fine and dandy... until things take a slight turn.

Chris Hemsworth crashes your honeymoon and you have to deal with him popping up in all your little memories. That sure is one inconvenient distraction. There's no doubt that Thor will forever be a part of this couple's love story.
Josh Gad
Elizabeth Banks, Eric McCormack, and Tom Hanks took a cute selfie at the Hand-in-Hand charity event. We all love these guys but who is that fella in the background there trying to steal their moment? Apparently, that is actor Josh Gad! Isn't odd when celebs photobomb each other?

Poor Josh looks like he would love to get in on the fun, but sometimes you just have to accept your place in the world and try to enjoy things from afar, like all of us mere mortals.
Prince Harry
Move over Bill Clinton, move over Ellen, or any other celebrity on this list for that matter. This lucky couple got photobombed by none other than Prince Harry. That must be a once in a life-time moment and is powerful enough to make anyone in the room feel like royalty.

We love how he plays with the camera. Harry has always been the mischievous black sheep of the Royal Family after all. It's safe to say that at this moment, he comes out as a king.
Shaquille O'Neal
People go to the gym for various reasons. Some of them do it because they already paid the membership and want to justify the expense. Some would do it as an excuse to get out of the house and interact with other people. And some of them would do it just because they want to put in the work and leave.

All valid reasons, no doubt. If this picture is an indication, Shaquille O'Neal belongs to the third type. The young woman who was lucky enough to see him and so ecstatic to be taking a selfie with him probably belongs to the second type.
Paul McCartney
Back when we had to pay for each individual picture to be developed and also had to pay for the film to take the pictures in the first place, photobombing was not as big as it is today.

Paul McCartney did not care about your photography costs. In fact, he recently claimed that he invented the selfie. Clearly, he invented the photobomb. In this theater group shot, the two fans posing with George Harrison don’t realize the most famous Beatle is behind them!
Jane Fonda
Melanie Griffith and Carly Simon were having a moment at the Oceana Partners Awards Gala benefit in LA when a perennial celebrity, now a septarian, Jane Fonda, decided she would not be left out.

Stepping between her two friends, she made a face and planted the requisite bunny ears over each head.
Michael Cera
Michael Cera was named photobomb king many years ago. One of his favorite photo capers has been photobombing random strangers.

Here, an unassuming young lady is arranging a selfie angle, and, lo and behold, some dude is blocking the background view. Oh, hi, it’s Michael Cera from "Arrested Development ."
George Takei
The guy on the left of this photo knew he would be attending the same event as actor George Takei. Naturally, he wore a shirt with George’s face on it. Any “Star Trek” fan worth their salt would do the exact same thing. This Trekkie got his shining moment of glory when he got to pose with the real-life Hikaru Sulu while wearing this iconic shirt.

We love a coordinated, well-thought-out outfit. So does George Takei because he looks pretty thrilled to pose with this fan. Our favorite part of this whole photo is the fact that George Takei is wearing a nametag. It’s like he doesn’t realize that he’s a huge star.
Lupita Nyong’o
Jared Leto is no novice when it comes to photobombs. This time someone got him. Lupita Nyong’o is backstage at the Dolby Theatre after the 2014 Oscars.

With both celebs clutching their statues, Nyong’o dishes some payback. Just hours earlier, you may recall, Leto executed one of the best photobombs ever.
Kevin Spacey
Conan O'Brien and "Friends" star Matthew Perry were all smiles chilling out at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner when this happened.

The photobomb coup came to O’Brian’s attention later that week, and he shared it with his late-night audience. He was impressed: “That is one of the best photobombs I have ever seen. It looks like he knows something horrible is about to happen to both of us.”
Brad Pitt
Leaping across the entire camera frame, Brad Pitt put some serious effort into this photobomb.

But "Once Upon a Time" co-star Margot Robbie looks like she is enjoying his antics.
Sean Diddy Combs
Sean Diddy Combs decided he needed to take a rest on the steps directly behind his then-girlfriend Cassie’s photoshoot.

He said he was resting, but it looks like he’s marking his territory.
Maria Menounos
Michael Strahan is enjoying himself at the 2014 Oscars.

Meanwhile, the former Extra co-host Maria Menounos planted a pair of rabbit ears behind the completely oblivious NFL Hall of Famer and media personality.
William H. Macy
According to " US Weekly," Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy are “the cutest couple ever.”

At the 66th Emmy Awards, Macy takes a sweet opportunity to photobomb his wife. That same night he helped her out of her flats to put on her heels. Too cute.
Chris Rock
Chris Rock is making some serious eyes at Rihanna’s backside.

At the 2008 UNICEF benefit gala in NYC with cameras clicking, Rock saunters behind the music legend and hams it up. Meanwhile, she is oblivious.
Sharon Stone
Many of us own t-shirts branded around our favorite TV show or movie. We wear these shirts without a second thought. But imagine if you were wearing a shirt with a picture of one of your favorite movie scenes, only to meet the actor IRL on the street. That’s exactly what happened to this guy when he met none other than Sharon Stone while wearing his favorite “Basic Instinct” shirt.

His shirt features a screenshot of THAT scene. You know the one. It’s one of Sharon Stone’s most iconic scenes. We can’t help but wonder if Sharon stopped this guy on the street or if he noticed the actress and asked for a photo. We kind of hope Sharon was the one who initiated the meeting because that would be pretty iconic of her.
Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell did everything he could to keep Cheryl Cole as a judge on " X-Factor," but Fox claimed her accent was too much.

Here he is hamming it up behind the Girls Aloud singer on the red carpet.
Bryan Cranston
"Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston is clearly set on causing some mischief here.

"Modern Family" Ty Burrell is giving a young lady and her very pampered pet a fan photo op, but Cranston is mixing it up. Perhaps she can crop him out?
Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa, in full Aquaman mode, playfully photobombed a newlywed couple he ran across in Hawaii.

Momoa is from Hawaii, and he happened to be on the island for the premiere of "Aquaman." He grabbed a toy trident from a kid at the wedding party and proceeded to poke some fun.
Will Wheaton
What's better than one Wheaton in a picture? Two Wheatons! This lady was at Comic-Con (the perfect setting for something like this to occur) and she got the priceless opportunity to take a picture with Anne Wheaton. The thing was, her husband Will got jealous and wanted in on the action - so he made it happen himself.

You don't want a picture with Will Wheaton, well that's just too bad. You don't call the shots at Comic-Con; Will Wheaton does. This is like his one time a year of pre, unlimited authority and popularity, so let him have it.
Makeup Artist Mario Dedivanovic
Kim Kardashian’s makeup guru was in the right place at the right time.

As Kim dials in the perfect selfie mien, the guy who was responsible for making her look so awesome reminds us of that fact.
Joe Jonas
While Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas pose for this frame-worthy photo moment at the Teen Choice Awards, big brother Joe Jonas is right there to mess it up.

But he wasn’t done. Later, Joe proudly posted his feat to Twitter with the message, “Just like old times #TCA.”
Jennifer Lawrence
This isn’t Jennifer Lawrence’s first red carpet photobomb caper, but we love that she is showing her playful side with bestie Emma Stone.

The actresses were attending the 2017 Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Governors Awards.
Aaron Paul
It might be hard to spot at first in the sea of sunglasses and fedoras, in what looks like a Coachella festival, but that's Aaron Paul in the back there. Yep, it should come as no surprise that the Breaking Bad star loves to party.

He doesn't seem too fazed by the shot; in fact, he's probably starring in thousands of other "selfies" from that day.
Justin Timberlake
Such a supportive husband, or perhaps hungry for the spotlight? Justin just couldn't resist getting in on a shot of his wife Jessica Biel at the Oscars.

Wait your turn, Justin. There will be plenty of camera time for you, sir.
Justin Bieber
Remember when Russel Brand and Katy Perry were an item? Their colorful relationship got a lot of coverage and created tons of buzz. And not just among us mere mortals reading the gossip mags, but also among celebs. Like the Biebs.

Here is the tiny tween Justin Bieber trying to get in the photo and make himself a part of that memory. The young singer must have felt quite torn when they ended.
Morgan Freeman
This guy got the major sweats when he got to stand next to his favorite actor. Poor Morgan is inches away from touching those pits, and by the look on that guy's face, he is battling between the feeling of sheer joy and fear of any accidental hand movement.

Let's hope that this interaction didn't end with a long and wet embrace.
Patrick Stewart
These lucky kids were clearly touring the set of "X-Men" or something because Hugh Jackman is looking real Wolverine in this picture. Then imagine their surprise when they look at the photo later, only to see a familiar bald face smiling in the background. It feels too inappropriate to say that Patrick Stewart "photobombed" them, it's more like he graced them with his presence.

We can only hope they had the good sense to get a normal picture with him too, otherwise, that tour would have been a wasted opportunity for any "X-Men" fan. We mean, come on - That's Charles Xavier for crying out loud!
Tom Hanks
Mr. Loveable can do no wrong. This exhausted young fan had the fortune of passing out beside the nicest man in Hollywood, perhaps the world. Clearly, nothing could keep him awake.

Not even pizza or Tom Hanks. I mean, what else do you really need?
Bill Clinton
Photobombs at their core are awkward. If you're a celebrity, often your sheer star power gets you out of those truly embarrassing situations. Not the case over here. Bill, hold yourself together and smile to the camera, you know, where the lens is.

We hope this didn't ruin this young lady's shot with one of her political idols.
Some Lady
Here the tables have turned, and it's not just celebrities awkwardly walking in on family shots or couples. This little old lady stumbled on the king and queen of the music industry and could not quite believe it. Her face is priceless.

Beyonce at least shoots her a gracious smile. Jay Z doesn't seem to notice, though. Who would with Beyonce on their arm?
You might have to search for this one. Don't give up, he's there, we promise. Drake is hiding in the shadows in this top-tier photobomb. If you really can't tell, he's sitting in the middle of the two couples, pulling some gang signs. You know Drake. Honestly, even when you do see him, it's a bit difficult to tell who he is, so be grateful that we did the work for you!

We have to say that for this "photobomb," Drake is pretty perfectly placed in the middle, with more than enough space between the two couples to see him, even in the crazy dim lighting. Chances are that this family did it on purpose, and Drake was a good sport and played along. This kind of stuff must happen to him all day long.
Bill Gates
After finishing up a tour of the most successful computer and software company in the world, you would have probably gotten your fair share of geeky snapshots. Computers, and um...yeah, we're not sure what sort of attractions are at the Microsoft offices, but it looks like there might be at least one lurking in the corner there.

Bill Gates appeared just in time for this man's proud moment in front of this little Microsoft plaque. While the words might be blurred, we're happy we can at least see ol' Bill there.
George Clooney
Just your everyday image of Spielberg, Seinfeld, and his wife, oh, and of course George Clooney trying to squeeze his way through this overbearingly star-studded shot.

Please, Clooney, don't bother us; this is our thing. Surely they must be thinking something like that.
Robert Pattinson
When you're famous, you might start to develop a habit where you find yourself automatically posing for selfies with screaming fans, even if those fans aren't particularly asking for one. Is this what happened here?

This guy doesn't seem to be aware of any photo being taken or hasn't been actually prepared himself for the photo that perhaps Robert is taking himself. Is he fan-fishing? Is that a thing?
Benedict Cumberbatch
Sherlock Holmes fans couldn't contain themselves when their detective hero showed up for the photos. And by the looks of it, neither could Holmes himself. Sorry, we mean Benedict Cumberbatch.

We don't quite know who is more excited, the actor or the fans.
Chris Pine
You may not recognize the guy photobombing Chris Pine immediately, but you would recognize his voice. That funny fella in the back is Patton Oswalt, the voice of Remy in Ratatouille (and a host of other hit shows), and he wanted to show Chris Pine who's boss at the 2015 Vanity Fair Oscars Party.

Chris Pine clearly didn't realize it at the time as he was in full Vanity Fair mode, but we're sure he had a good laugh. Although, we just hope that Chris knew who Patton was, or that would have gotten awkward real fast. We wonder if Chris was Patton's only victim that night...
Ken Jeong
These two lady sportscasters couldn't have been more thrilled to have their beloved Community star, Ken Jeong, butt into their photo at the Dodgers game.

Somehow, after all these years, he still looks hungover.
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson is just so loveable that you almost want her to photobomb every photo you have. And Ellen, of course, is just as adorable.

It would be great if Ellen and Portia just invited her into the photo. Seems like a win-win.
The Entire Cast of Game of Thrones
Could you get any better than this? Grabbing a selfie with at least one cast member is great, but this woman managed to catch the whole gang. Wait, who is that man peering out from the side there? Oh, only George R.R Martin himself.

She really did score big time here.
When you're at Beyonce level fame, you are no longer under obligation to remain friendly and approachable to your fans. Of course, it's still nice that she does.

She made this fan's day but posing and looking cool for the camera. That pic is definitely for the books.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
It looks like Arnie gets around. When he's not hanging around near the Eiffel Tower, he's just strolling around, cigar in hand, with his boy, Sylvester Stallone. If the pink collared guy part of the action or is he the photobomber this time?

Not much is clear, one thing for sure that is, Arnie steals the show on this one, and even Stallone somehow fades out in comparison.
Guy Fieri
Hey, when you're taking a picture with the Mayor of Flavortown, show some respect, alright? This young lady must have been dazzled right out of her Super Bowl hat when she saw Guy Fieri. She worked up the courage - not needed of course because everyone knows that Guy Fieri is a king and loves all of his fans - and asked for a photo.

And then some bozo decides to ruin this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and photobomb it. Not cool, dude! We hope that if he got the same golden opportunity that someone else ruined it for him too. Sorry! We're angry.
Nicolas Cage?
Yes. Nick just can't seem to stay out of the public eye. Unfortunately, he keeps looking hungover while doing it. This woman might be a stranger who is taking advantage of a sedated Cage to take a selfie. By the looks of his face, he doesn't seem to care too much.

This doesn't seem like a very fond memory, but she looks none the wiser.
Oscar Isaac
When Adam Driver is in the zone, he's in the zone. There is just no stopping him. Not even with sucker-punch from his on-screen nemesis Poe Cameron, played by Oscar Isaac.

Look at how he's trying to break that gaze. Impossible. Kylo Ren is something else.
Prince William
Harry isn't the only fun one. When these two kids (who sort of look like a younger version of the two princes) struck a fancy pose with the royal fellow, William didn't shy away from the camera. Though it does sort of look like he's reaching for the phone. We hope not.

This is one Instagram story that they will never forget.
Michael C. Hall
The battle of the TV stars. Mariska Hargitay, the Law and Order queen, is trying to get front and center while Tina Fey is desperately trying to outflank her. Michael C. Hall, on the other hand, star of Six Feet Under and Dexter, is caught in the back there looking like he is unclear about his place in this pecking order.

There is a lot going on in this picture, and while everyone looks a little misplaced, there's no doubt that everyone in that photo is amazing in their own right.
Adam Sandler
Is this a meeting of past and present Adam Sandler? Is present Adam Sandler trying to warn his younger self of all the terrible movies he is about to make? No, that's just a Reddit user who looks awfully like the actor.

Sandler noticed him in a crowd and pulled him out for a picture. We had our hopes.
Carrot Top
Carrot Top is no subtle guy. In fact, his whole career is built on him being the weirdest guy in the room. So if he's invited to a red carpet, you know something is going to go down. Singers Nnenna Freelon and Clint Holmes were at a launch in Vegas having a great time. They're smiling for the cameras, looking all glam, and then they get photobombed by Carrot Top.

Also, not for nothing, but Carrot Top was not dressed for the red carpet. Sure, his jeans are glittery and his shoes are a little fancy, but his whole outfit makes us wonder if he was invited in the first place - maybe he bombed the whole thing.
Ryan Gosling
Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner is living proof that celebrities get just as star-struck as the rest of us. Caught sitting near her heartthrob Ryan Gosling, Turner clearly cannot believe that she is even in the same room as him.

As for carefully taken celebrity pictures, this is definitely a winner.
Bruce Springsteen
The view at concerts is basically a sea of phones in the air, desperately trying to capture as much stage action as possible. It's certainly not the case for this woman who managed who got her lucky shot when Bruce Springsteen himself popped into the frame.

That's her new Facebook profile for sure. In fact, Bruce can use it too.
Aaron Paul, Again
These two guys had a complicated relationship on Breaking Bad, but on the red carpet, it's nothing but good vibes, even if Aaron Paul steps into Bryan Cranston's shot.

Heisenberg looks like he's seriously keeping his cool.
Jared Leto
The rockstar/actor is famous for knowing how to create a spectacle, and on that night, he was unstoppable. After his Dallas Buyers Club Oscar win, Leto let it all out and even tried to get close and personal with Anne Hathaway.

Anne was, of course, having none of it and, with that icy cold shoulder, threw some nasty shade. Oh well, at least he got an Oscar.
Steven Tyler
There is nothing more surreal than seeing rockstars out and about doing everyday shopping. It's also strange to see these two types of people in the same photo in a parking lot of what probably is a Target. This sweet-looking soccer mom couldn't believe it either.

Tyler, on the other hand, looks like he's been caught red-handed doing something bad and would probably be less ashamed if someone were to snap him trashing a hotel.
Cara Delevingne
Uh oh, it looks like Sienna Miller and Cara Delevingne were going for a similar look. While Sienna might look like she's holding it together, Cara, on the other hand, has no issue hamming it up.

Wait your turn, Cara; I promise you will get your red carpet shot too.
Lizzy Caplan
Lizzy Caplan is an elegant, beautiful vision who was just minding her business at the 2014 Critics' Choice Television Awards. A photographer strolled by and was like "Can I get a picture?" to which Caplan probably politely responded "Yeah, sure!" and then out of nowhere, boom! Sarah Silverman. Silverman jumps out from the back and strikes a silly pose.

Maybe Silverman was bleak because she wasn't asked by the photographer for a picture, so she was trying to get in on the action. Or, she's just a comedian and this is kind of her thing. Either way, Caplan had no idea what hit her.
Samuel L. Jackson
Once again, we have the unfortunately not so rare specimen, "the oblivious fan" pictured before us. These creatures pop out whenever they smell a celebrity nearby. They generally have no real intention of interacting with them. They would rather just stick a camera in their face and flash a smile, pretending like the celeb is equally enthused about the whole situation.

It doesn't look like Samuel L. Jackson is prepared to put up with this. There might be a reason that he gets typecasted as such an intimidating character.
Justin Timberlake
Once again getting lucky with the concert selfies. These three bros picked some prime location, right in front of J.T himself. While they couldn't be more pleased with the photo they scored, they're definitely playing it cool.

What they wouldn't give for him to jump in for a little more intimate group shot. That's about as close they will ever get.
It looks like this sweet old lady/life-long slash fan got her to wish. The man himself is standing right behind her as she nonchalantly looks to the horizon. No biggie.

While she might look really badass, we're not sure what this does for his image.
Francis Bean Cobain
For those unfamiliar, Francis Bean Cobain is the child of Courtney Love and the late, great Curt Cobain. She's an artist and model and given her upbringing, you just know she hangs out with the weirdest and wackiest of people. Case in point; right here. Cobain was at a book launch for Cassandra Peterson in 2016, and while she was on the carpet getting some snaps taken, she was photobombed by none other than Peterson herself.

The author is also an actress and an all-round quirky personality, so this is totally up her alley. Plus, it's her event! She can do what she wants.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
We're pretty sure that when that Asian tour group boarded the plane to Paris, they had no idea what they were in store for. Baguettes, cafes, and beautiful music, sure. Having a run-in with the ex-Governator? Probably not.

Arnie was just on a morning stroll on his bike, and he ran into a lucky tourist group hanging out by the Eiffel Tower. It's always fun meeting a celebrity, and even more so when they photobomb you and feature it on their official Instagram.
Peter Dinklage
What a sweetheart! The beloved Peter Dinklage of the hit show Game of Thrones took the liberty of throwing himself into selfies with his fans at the X-Men: Days of Future Past movie premiere in New York City.

He took this guy's phone and snapped a selfie from the otherwise of the barricaded area.
Bull Murray
Bill Murray hilariously ruins this glamor shot of the lovely Selena Gomez. He seems like an expert at this point.

Whatever he does, he can turn it into a comedic moment.
Daniel Radcliffe
Harry Potter gave this fan a night she will never forget by grabbing her phone out of her hand and snapping a selfie with her. He really does know how to make magic happen.

She certainly looks spellbound.
Matt Garza
When this girl went to the game, she probably had no idea that she'd walk out with a star-studded pic. Baseball star Matt Garza leaped into her photograph, making her the winner of this game for sure.

After that little moment, the results seem irrelevant.
Nicolas Cage Is Back
Uh oh, it looks like Nic Cage is hovering over the wine again, this time looking a little worse than he did before. Is that a hipster waiter caught off guard by the camera? No, that's the famous DJ Deadmau5. You wouldn't recognize him as he always performs with a giant mouse helmet on his head. All of this begs the question, "why is this photo?"

Still, we do hope that this photo is now framed, sitting beautifully upon someone's mantlepiece, right next to the family portraits.
Bill Murray's Back
Bill Murray seems to be a fixture at random people's events. We not sure if they seek him out or if he just sort wanders into these kinds of situations. Knowing him, it definitely seems like that latter.

Luckily for him, this girl seems only too happy to have him as a guest.
Jake Gyllenhaal
As good as these celebs look in front of the camera, they can't be camera-ready 24/7. Jake Gyllenhaal sure did give his best shot, though, when this couple tried to sneak a peak. While he did act like he was game, it's not terribly convincing.

Either way, that couple looks proud as anything.
Jack Black and Dustin Hoffman
Double trouble. This trio pictured over here is quite the sight. Funnyman Jack Black and the legendary actor Dustin Hoffman are in an interesting position. Could this be a reference to Kung Fu Panda?

Very likely. Still, it looks like this shot was an exclusively Angelina one. Sorry, boys.
Paul Rudd
A-list celebs still go awkward around certain 'colleagues,' especially if they happen to be supermodel Heidi Klum. Her presence can make any man go a little weak at the knees, and it looks like Paul Rudd is proof of that. Either that or he's trying awkwardly to approach her.

Either way, Paul, man, get it together, buddy. Straighten up and, most importantly, move!
Dude, learn how to read a room. We know how tempting it must be to take a selfie with Rihanna. She's one of the most popular singers that ever lived, and she is just about everybody's dream girl. In this situation, though, it doesn't look like she wants to be seen.

We wonder what went down after that click. By the look of her face, we don't think it was too good.
Jesse Tyler Ferguson
2016 was a big year for Jesse Tyler Ferguson - he was running his one-man show "Fully Committed" which, as the name suggests, took a lot of work out of the guy. Sure, he won a bunch of awards and the show is critically acclaimed, but he wanted something more! So, he got it, his very own caricature drawing. And boy oh boy was he pleased with it. We mean, come on, it hardly looks like a caricature, and that's a big compliment to a muse.

And then this lady Lea Delaria gets all up in his grill, photobombing him. She's pulling a stink-face at the caricature. But it seems all good, these two have been friends for decades, so Jesse probably knew she would pull something like this.
Benedict Cumberbatch
Celebs photobombing celebs. That's always fun. Here we have Benedict Cumberbatch jumping in on a U2 photoshoot. While everyone is famous here, not everyone is on the same level of star-power. And that is very clear from Benedict's "I'm not worthy pose."

Thankfully the band didn't notice the drama in the back and just continued being the rockstars they are.
Liam Neeson
Talk about an endorsement. The Big Star Sandwich Company stumbled on the perfect ad campaign. If Liam Neeson eats (for free) there, then that's where I want to go.

Business must be doing amazingly.
Wiz Khalifa
Talk about a meeting of worlds. This photobomb might differ from the ones before because, unlike this one, the photographers were likely familiar with the celeb that photobombed them. In this case, it's not so certain. These country club folks have no idea that rapper Wiz Khalifa is sitting right there.

While Wiz seems rather amused, his buddy looks like he's thinking to himself, "I'm getting out of here!"
The Queen of England
Talk about being greener on the other side. These two girls took a selfie of themselves at a hockey game in Glasgow. While trying to capture a moment, they unknowingly made history when they got the late Queen Elizabeth II in the frame.

Perfectly capturing the smiling queen definitely made this moment even more memorable.