And apparently, those stories don’t end there! Turns out there are so many of them we just had to compile another batch of them into this article you’re reading right now.
Hashtag, Worst Christmas Ever?
Perspective people. Perspective. This tweeter spared no words or emotion when he posted this. Capital letters were essential here. Ungrateful is the key word here.

So this is another example of one of those greedy kids we warned you about. Are these kids for real? One cannot be certain.
Hit the Road, Jack
This person's mom and his stepdad gave him some surprising news that Christmas. Surprising in a bad way. But before he got the update, he opened his present, his only present. It was wrapped in a large box and the size of it made it seem promising.

When he opened it up, he found a suitcase. A little bewildered, they told him “to be out of the house by March.” It was not a very merry day.
Not Your Run-of-the-Mill Gift
A Redditor who goes by SQUIRREL_NUTKINS shared this story of his old man who bought him a whole complete full carton of cigarettes all for himself. After getting past the shock of it all, he felt that a young squirrel would have probably preferred a toy or at the very least some new clothes.

He got a regulated substance known to cause medical conditions and a check-in pass to a hospital. Go figure.
Still Haunted
When this person was a kid, he and his brother endured the worst Christmas ever. It was simply canceled. The boys had apparently been fighting too much, so the parents took all their presents away.

Half of them went to their sister. All the others were sent to a thrift store after they were opened. It was an unforgettable Christmas. And not in a good way.
The Divorce That Ruined Christmas
Suffice to say, things were not adding up to a great holiday. They were eating takeout from the only restaurant that is open on Christmas day. But then the parents dropped the news. It really ruined their dinner.

Couldn’t they have waited until the next day? Maybe they should have just canceled Christmas that year instead.
Get Up, Get on Up. Or Don't
Do you know what the worst part of this one is? There are no refunds, no exchanges, no swapping, no replacing. Nothing to do about it. Zilch. Finito. No Christmas present for you. Brown was 73 when he passed away and not at his peak when considering his health so, in a way, this guy should have thought about this when he purchased the tickers.

It's a gambling gift. There's no guarantee the musician will make it and if he doesn't, no one will take responsibility and the tickets are gone.
A Cold Christmas
She got a lump of coal in her stocking one year when she was five. No other gifts under the tree had her name on them, yet her brother had lots of them. She said she got coal because her parents wanted to teach her a lesson.

In the end, her parents gave her the gifts that should have been under the tree because maybe they do have a heart after all. By that time, she said the joy was gone, though.
Maybe He Wanted You to Read It to Him?
At 9, a set of nonfiction books is rarely going to make kids happy. This person was given an entire encyclopedia about the Irish Republican Army. It was given to him by his “blind great uncle from Ireland.” Perhaps it was a hand-me-down gift given that he couldn’t read anymore.

But really, no one, especially a 9-year-old needs a whole set of books about the IRA and their brutal attempts to escape British rule in the name of Christianity.
A Hairy Situation
Celebrating on Christmas Eve, it was midnight and time to open gifts at his place. The youngest brother unwrapped an Xbox 360. His older brother scored an expensive watch and a bottle of cologne.

When he finally opened his gift, a small box about the size of his fist, he found a container of hair gel. He did his best to laugh it off but if you ask us, the gift-givers don't even deserve the fake laughter.
Sibling Discord
This person wanted a video camera for years. Every Christmas, this Redditor would ask for one but never received one. Finally, after spotting a used video camera at a yard sale, she was able to get one. This was in November. At Christmas, that very same year, the parents bought a brand-new video camera for her sister.

In another post, she explained that her parents don't really see her. And she didn't mean that they don't get together enough. She meant that they don't visually see her whenever her sister is around. Let's hope this has changed since.
A Self-Help Book
Turning 16, she had just gone through a breakup with her first-ever boyfriend. Her birthday is near Christmas, so her sister gave her one present for both the holiday and for her birthday, (a collective exasperation for those with holiday birthdays).

Ouch. To make matters worse, she had given her sister two gifts since her sister’s birthday happens to fall near Christmas as well. No sister symmetry here.
Just No
This post was very short. “Veggie Tales, multiple discs.” If you have heard of “Veggie Tales,” there is no explanation needed. It’s high-pitched cartoon characters who sing and animate stories with biblical themes that are specifically made for Christian children.

This person received multiple discs. Even assuming he is in the 6 to 11 age range the shows are meant for, he might not be Christian. And getting him those discs is not going to change that!
Learn Your Lesson in Life
We know exactly what happened here. The parents of this family generously asked each kid what they wanted for Christmas. One boy was pushing his luck and asked for a Lamborghini. A real Lamborgini. So they were about to teach him a lesson.

Next time, you better think carefully before asking for something you know is not going to happen and we bet your parents are kind of happy you have come to hate Lamburginies.
Mousing Around
He got a mouse. We’re not talking about a pet mouse here, this Redditor received a computer mouse. And he had been wanting a computer for years. Every year he asked for a computer from his parents and then one year they gave him a mouse. Just the mouse.

It was like a cruel joke. It was like getting a helmet and no bike. Like getting a charger cord but not an iPhone. Honestly, no gift is better than a gift you can't use.
Math Lesson
If someone owes you money, wait for next Christmas. Here's a great and creative new way of getting back what is owed. Think of the amount of money you want to spend on a Christmas gift and deduct it from the debt. As easy as that.

We must keep the thumbs up for this mother as she had kept the 'debt book' for all those years in case her son won't pay it back. No worries mother. Christmas comes back every year.
The Worst Christmas
As a 9-year-old, this is probably the worst thing that can happen on Christmas morning. This guy wrote that his pet cat was hit by a car and lost its life. Poor thing.

It’s terrible, but we hope that waking up on Christmas with holiday music playing and presents to open with chestnuts roasting on an open fire, perhaps helped soften the blow.
Don't Blow Your Nose in It
This grandfather knew exactly what was going to be the outcome. He knew how the day was going to end and he prepared his grandson for this. There was no mistake. The grandfather intended on giving him the tissue box.

Think of it. Why would the grandfather want to put money in a tissue box? He could have taken any other box and used it instead. My friend, the tissue box was your Christmas gift.
True Story
This ungrateful person is here to boast about it. She goes by “BadSister1984,” a Reddit name that should clue us in about her Christmastime complaint. And it does. Her beef is that her mother sent her a box of gourmet apples and pears, grown in Washington. Yum, right? No.

The daughter sent the fruit back to her mom. Not only that, but she also told her mom to reconsider and send her a better present. Ungrateful, rude, and proud of it.
This Doesn’t Seem Fair
A Redditor posted that the worst present she ever received was gloves. Before we pass judgment and call her ungrateful, take a look at what her sisters got. Her younger sister received a new iPod, her older sister unwrapped a brand-new laptop, meanwhile, this person got gloves.

And, get this, the gloves weren't even that good. It looks like an example of the classic Cinderella fairytale in which the greedy stepsisters and stepmom treat the princess unfairly.
I Got You a Present for Me
Get this, the hubcaps that he received were for a car that wasn’t his. It is a strange gift, to be sure, and what happened is a little confusing. He had borrowed a car temporarily. A car that was missing a hubcap, not that anyone cared. It's not like it won't go without hubcaps. But apparently, the parents did care. They cared so much they gifted themselves a new set of hubcaps under the pretense of giving them to their son.

They left the stack of hubcaps on the floor under the tree. He just left them there. We wonder if the plan B underwear would have been better.
No One Feels Sorry for this Kid
With the hashtag, “#WorstChristmasEver” and an eyes-pouring-out-tears emoji, this boy tweeted his holiday disappointment. He asked for one thing and got another. Who can't tell the difference between a Lambo and a Ferrari? Most people would agree that a Lamborghini is a cut above Ferrari, but most people don't get these kinds of gifts for Christmas anyway.

On top of that, he couldn’t even spell “Ferrari” correctly. Maybe he’s being funny. Or maybe his parents are oligarch billionaires.
Disappointing Times Ten
His parents wrapped all ten PlayStation 2 gifts in interesting shapes and sizes. It was a lot of fun unwrapping them, but in the end, he found that they were all really lousy. They were worth about $10 a piece, so it cost them $100 to buy them, but when he played them, he gradually realized each one was dumb.

He played them all once and never wanted to play them again. It was a disappointing Christmas. His parents probably thought all PS2 games are the same.
It’s a CD, It’s a CD, I Know It Must Be a CD
It’s a book. This happened many years ago when the Compact Disc (CD) was just coming into ascendancy as the highest quality way to play music. This Redditor described a package under the tree from his aunt and uncle who were believed to be wealthy.

His world fell apart when he opened it. It was a book titled, "Irish Celtic Bronzecraft" and some tears were nearly shed. Funnily, he did not even have a CD player at the time, but that's not the point.
It Was a Present He Had Bought and Ordered for Himself
This story is an example of one of those times older brothers can be mean. Sure, they found their prank hilarious, but this younger brother certainly did not. He had come home from college on break and decided to order himself some video games. Only half of them had been delivered by Christmas day.

He sat opening presents that morning and found one from his older brothers. He ripped open the wrapping paper and, instead of an actual gift, it was the video games that he had ordered. Big bro was a big disappointment.
A Foxy Present
Imagine being about 10 years old and opening a present from your uncle that is basically glorified roadkill. It smelled. Clumps of hair were falling out. His uncle had cleaned it himself, but it doesn’t seem like he did a great job. It was a pelt, but he did not hunt it.

He proudly announced that he found the ill-fated fox getting run over on the side of the road. The kid screamed when he opened it and threw it across the room. Later he felt he had to apologize, but if you ask us, it was the uncle who should have apologized.
Thanks, Mom, Now Put Some Food in It
Tupperware is highly useful, it seals food airtight. As for microwaving, there are few materials more equipped than Tupperware. But this dude was less than thrilled with his mom’s gift.

So, he gave his mom a bunch of nice stuff, but all he got were food containers. Does he even have his own place? Perhaps he’s in a dorm at college. Note to mom: Dudes don’t like Tupperware.
May the Force Live Long and Prosper
Trekkies and Star Wars fans don’t always mix, and this is a prime example. This kid wanted a Star Wars action figure. He said he specifically asked for a Star Wars dude. When he got a Star Trek dude instead, he scoffed incredulously.

This is like giving a Darth Vader to a Trekkie, who might embrace Roddenberry’s vision of optimism in the human race.
It Wasn’t What She Got, It Was What She Gave
This girl’s Christmas was ruined but the gift in question was something she gave to her big sister. It was a hand-painted block of wood. At five years old, she painted a dolphin on a wooden surface. It was for her sister who loved dolphins. But when she gave it to her, the young artist could tell it was not appreciated.

Kids can be cruel and many times say aloud things we adults don't even dare to think, let alone say. The now-adult Redditor said it was a sad Christmas that year. A very sad Christmas.
Her Big Brother Must Have Loved it
Older brothers are known for teasing younger siblings, especially their younger sisters. It’s very amusing, sure, but for this Redditor, it was borderline abuse. She shared this terrifying memory.

Until this day she doesn't really know what was going through his mind when he was rapping this gift. Worst little sister gift EVER.
15 Minutes of Fame
Christmas is the time when dreams come true. When anything is possible and everything can happen. This uncle surely took advantage of the day and brought his 15 minutes of fame to life.

It's great that this dude appreciated the funny side of this and just followed the flow. We can't imagine what he did to his uncle after everyone left the room.
Thou Shall Not Give Lame Presents
This one got framed Bible verses. And they weren’t even nice ones. Everything bothered her about this gift, not only the quality. The gift came from her mother-in-law who is publicly known to hate her. She bought that gift on purpose.

All in all, it seems like a nice Christian family she has married into. Some Redditors, in jest, suggested she return the favor with uncouth, made-up framed Bible quotes. Two wrongs do not make a right!
What to Get an Atheist for Christmas
Or maybe we should say, what not to get an atheist for Christmas. This person’s mother gave him a gold cross as a necklace. It seems like an innocuous and ubiquitous piece of jewelry, but it was not received that way.

Despite the fact that this person had declared over a decade ago that he is a “devout” atheist, his mother decided to give him the Christian symbol. One person tweeted a reply suggesting she sell the gold for cash. Now there is a god everyone believes in.
Three Strikes, You're Out
Before we dig into this to better understand what was the message the husband was trying to pass to his wife, we have one question. Since when does the price of the present matter? Since when do we measure how much our partners spend on us and only then decide how much we spend on them? Since when? Since now!

A Blender? Was this guy serious? A Walmart Blender? Even if they didn't already have three of them at home, there is no excuse for this. Divorce the guy.
Verifiable Ingrate
Be glad this one is not your kid. He “only” got a Kindle Fire and an iPhone 5. To put things in perspective, he went on to say that he asked for a new iPad. Except the perspective makes him look even more like a douche.

To punctuate his commentary found on Reddit, he added how he felt towards his parents. All we can hope for is that this guy is over the trauma and wish him a fast recovery.
Christmas Got Left Behind
This person shared that her worst Christmas present was literally nothing. Santa got her zero presents that year because she went out of town with her family to stay with relatives for the holiday and they left all the presents at home by accident.

As a kid who might not grasp the fact that the presents are at home, that perhaps Santa delivered them to the wrong place that year, it was devastating. She said that as far as she was concerned, she got that year absolutely nothing.
What Was Grandma Thinking?
This poor girl had lost her dog around Christmastime and her grandmother got her a replica of her pet as a doorstop. It didn’t just lay there, it had batteries that made it appear to be breathing while it was sleeping, making it look real like it was alive. Her grandma evidently thought it was a great doorstop idea.

Little old grannies sometimes have an odd sense of empathy. Maybe as the years kick in so does the lack of sensitivity. How on earth was a little girl supposed to be OK with this kind of present?
Husband, Know Thy Audience
It seems that Dad was incredibly insensitive that year. He got this person’s mother a stick of Clinique wrinkle concealer. At least he did not skimp on the makeup line, but according to this tweet, it didn't go down very well.

He could have gotten her a facial mask or perfume or night cream or some toner — anything would have been a better gift from the Clinique counter than wrinkle concealer. Sounds like she needs a concealer for her husband!
What a Rip-Off
In the eyes of parents, Walmart and cash are pretty much the same. This girl got a few bits and pieces for her winter outfits while her brother walked away with a royal stash. He also got five new Xbox games and a rifle for squirrel sniping.

It is impossible for siblings to disregard the fairness of presents, and generally, parents try to balance the scales. We would now start searching for an adoption certificate laying about somewhere in a hidden closet.
The Trolling Uncle
Not him, but his brother. This person’s brother had a bit of a weight problem. His uncle gave him a box of weight loss bars and he felt awkward and embarrassed. How cruel can someone be? Apparently, more than you can imagine.

The boy found a Snickers candy bar and a gift card. The uncle thought he was being funny but he clearly wasn't. This could have been worst. He could have done it the other way round and wrapped a weight loss bar in a Snickers wrapper.
A Car Calendar
In general, a car calendar is not the worst gift to receive, but in this case, it was. A high school boy had saved his money for months to buy a necklace with diamonds for his girlfriend, who is now his ex-girlfriend. She opens it up and jumps for joy.

And then he saw the gift she gave him, the calendar. To make matters worse, his friends brutally ridiculed him for months about it.
Apologetically Ungrateful
This girl got an HP laptop for Christmas. It could be a top-of-the-line machine, but she absolutely hates it. She says the touchpad is too large and it messes up the size of the page you are on. She complained that it is so difficult to use that it nearly brings her to tears every time she uses it.

She felt ungrateful at first. She was having trouble with the audio in her headphones and speakers too. On the upside, @HPSupport tweeted her some troubleshooter tips.
Grandma Got a Pair of Socks
On a normal day, socks are a great gift. But this was a deeply cringe-worthy moment. This person, who goes by datcat2, said her grandmother received a pair of socks from her aunt. But first, she said that her grandma had her legs amputated.

One can only imagine how awkward it was as the aunt gifted the socks. Luckily, her grandmother’s overall health had improved by then. Still terrible, though.
Merry Christmas. Now Leave
There is probably no good day to be evicted, but Christmas day is definitely one of the worst. This person’s landlord served him an eviction notice on Christmas eve. Therefore, he had to choose between giving presents and paying rent.

He bemoaned the fact that the landlord did not wait until the day after Christmas to give him the bad news. Looks like not everyone takes time off for the holiday!
The Kid Knows the Rules of Life
Never underestimate the youth. Six-year-old kids know how life works. They know that parents are the food providers, they know that Santa probably doesn't exist and they know that pants are in no way considered a Christmas gift.

This poor kid had his Christmas ruined all because his mother couldn't find the time to buy him new pants and took advantage of the holiday.
How About... Like... a Scented Candle?
This person was diagnosed with a severe illness. It had happened five years before posting her post. It’s Christmastime and she gets a present from her sister-in-law. What could it be? It’s a book. Then she realized it was a manual for coping with the process of passing away. Though insensitive, it was probably done with good intentions.

Luckily, she got the last laugh seeing that she was still alive five years later. Perhaps the affront triggered a determined resolve to beat that disease.
Good All Year. Got Coal.
This person got a chunk of actual coal while the sister received a Gamegear and games. And he was a textbook good boy with straight As, a true Santa's little helper. All he got was a lump of coal. Everyone laughed.

Once the laughter subsided, He asked if he could open his real presents, but, no, that was all he got that year. When asking for a reason, he was told that he didn't do anything wrong and that they just thought it was funny. Funny? How is that funny?
It’s a Sign
Some gifts have double meanings, given metaphorically showing love or beauty. This girl received a gift that didn't leave too much room for imagination. She knew the pig statuette meant to make fun of her weight because they laughed at her embarrassment when she opened it.

They got it as a sign to ridicule her appearance. She should keep it as a sign of her godparents’ callousness. and maybe thank her lucky stars that they aren't her actual parents. We love that she got them a tiny candle symbolizing the size of her affection.
Grandma Playing Favorites
When she opened the gift from her grandma, she said she was initially touched. Then, her cousins opened gifts from the same grandma too and revealed: "family heirlooms from a smelted gold dug from our village in Greece that glistened like mirrors." Gee, grandma, thanks for my obviously inferior plastic.

There is a thin borderline between feeling selfish and between feeling that what you have received is equivalent to garbage. With one cousin receiving a gold ring with a ruby embedded and other cousins with engraved golden bracelets, she could not help but feel snubbed.
A Truly Insensitive Gift
An alcoholic who is on the path to recovery deserves every ounce of support they can get. In this case, someone took advantage of the giving season to be cruel to a person who was doing their best to stay sober.

The present came from the stepmom, of all people. Not only that, but she included a note that proved just how optimistic she was and didn't have any belief in him. How about a little support, lady?
His Last Gift
This woman tweeted that the worst present she had gotten was “Cute outfits about 5 sizes too small.” Her ex-husband went shopping and apparently purchased pretty little outfits that would fit a person he wished he was married to.

Her husband had given them to her hoping it would inspire her to shed some pounds so that she might fit into the adorable threads. She said it inspired her, alright. She didn't waste time and showed him the other side of the door. Merry Christmas to you too!
A Hairbrush
Is this a case of a direct snub or a callous carelessness? This person had been wearing their hair in dreadlocks for nearly a year when their aunt decided a brush was in order. Can't handle the hair, auntie? Good thing it's not your head it's sprouting out of.

Related or not, why would anyone think it’s okay to insult anyone else like that? How is this person’s hairstyle any of her business?
Politics Has No Age
This could be a great present for the right person. Politics are a hot topic, like, all the time. Especially on Twitter. Never in kindergartens, though, which is something big bro should have known. After all, he was old enough to make such a purchase and the Redditor wasn't even allowed to cross the street without adult supervision. It happened when he was five years old, but he can never forget it.

It was his bigger brother who gave him a 500-page book about politics, a virtual brick to a person who couldn’t really read it yet. It certainly left a strong impression.
From Beyond the Grave
This person received a super cringy gift from her mother. Here is the backstory. A few months before the holiday, her cousin tragically passed away in a car accident.

On Christmas, she got a keychain breathalyzer which in itself is not completely awkward. But when she looked at the card, it said it was from her late cousin. The morbid message was not appreciated.
The Younger Brother Had a Great Christmas
The guy explained that his parents are settled down so they could afford a fancy gift. His younger brother got what he wanted so he was expecting his wish too. Well, he didn't. He got a t-shirt. Poor kid. But it gets sadder.

The poor kid really felt like the black sheep of the family. Don't the parents have any sympathy? And on Christmas out of all days?
Let's Go Vintage
Before going cheap buying a used gift, and trying to present it as vintage, there are some rules you must follow. If you buy something that is supposed to come in pairs, make sure both parts are identical with no differences whatsoever.

If one earring is moldy and has green growth and unrecognized reptiles on it, make sure the other one has them too.
It’s Beyond Insensitive
One can only guess how humiliating it must have felt opening the gifts that were only meant to be cruel. At the end of his post, the Redditor asks rhetorically a question. Here’s what happened.

It was a Secret Santa holiday party at school. Other kids were getting cool presents. When he opened his gift, he found a watermelon, some fried chicken, and a pack of Kool-Aid. Not Kool. Not Kool at all.
Recycling Ornaments
What is it with grandma? Recycling your grandchild's Christmas gift? Have you any idea how hard she worked to save up that money and buy it for you the previous year?

And no. Being old, unwell, or too lazy to ask someone to help you out with a gift is not an excuse.
A Bookshelf
This Redditor was livid when he found out his Christmas present was a bookshelf. Especially having watched his 4-year-old brother open a TV with a built-in DVD player and his sister land a computer. Then it occurred to him that she doesn’t even like computers.

He points out that the sister got a printer on another Christmas to go with the PC she didn’t want. Apparently, they needed a new printer. Maybe these gifts were really just things the parents needed around the house. I mean, does a 4-year-old really need a TV?
A Super Spoiled Kid
This kid asked for a Super Nintendo Entertainment System for Christmas. He said he told his mother he wanted it, but she got him the older system instead. Replying to the @UberFacts Twitter prompt, “what is the worst Christmas Present you’ve ever gotten,” he tweeted his thoughts.

The boy didn't leave a dry eye which turned out to be an effective (and presumably well-practiced) response. Because, in the end, his mom went out and got him the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
Did He Find Himself on the Naughty List?
All he wanted for Christmas was an AK-47. The assault rifle that was produced in 1947, is yet an industry standard but the weapon would have put his mother back about $1,000. This Twitter user did not get any presents. He posted his tweet with the hashtag, “WorstChristmasEver.”

He went on by writing that he only asked for one thing and one thing only, and still didn't have his wishes come true. Well, mate, you have to know what to wish for in life.
Surprise! You’re Adopted
This Redditor, who goes by AngryCyclops, wrote that she got a book from Santa with a bit of news. There is never going to be a good time to learn that your parents are not genetically related to you, not even if the person delivering the news is Saint Nick himself.

Isn’t it cowardly to put the burden of delivering life-shattering news on Santa? Why ruin the kid’s idea of Christmas? Even if he isn’t real, for most kids, there are at least biological parents behind Santa Claus. What a double whammy.
Insensitive or Just Plain Stupid?
This post was responding to the question, “What was the most f’d up or embarrassing Christmas gift you ever received”. This boy's mother was either unaware of her son's condition, or she wasn't in the mood for Christmas shopping.

It’s not as common in older people who have it. The Epilepsy Foundation says only 3 percent of people with the condition will be triggered. It’s a small percentage, but why test it?
A Kid Trolled by His Parents
He thought he was getting a PlayStation3 game console. Instead, someone probably should have consoled him. His parents dumped him in grand style. The first present he opened was a PS3 game cartridge. It was very promising. Christmas morning seemed to be progressing nicely.

He opened the second present which was even more promising, it was a game controller for the PS3 system. Next, he eyes a gift wrapped in a large, rectangular box, the exact dimensions of a PS3 console, he tore into that. It was a PS3 box, but inside he found socks. All his gifts are now useless.
Spoiled Kid Alert
This boy tweeted his Christmas morning disappointment with the hashtag, “#WorstChristmasEver.” All he got was a watch and a computer, the best presents ever for any other kid. But not this guy.

On Christmas day in 2014, he asked, rhetorically, “Why do my parents hate me?!” He followed it up by explaining that they got him the worst present ever. A Fossil watch and a Mac… even though they knew he wanted a BMW. Ergo, it takes a luxury car for his parents to show their love to him, right? How dare they.
The Favorite Child
Every parent and every grandparent is entitled to have their favorite child (or grandchild). This is not something to brag about, not information to share among the family, and definitely not a way to get Christmas presents by. Gifting *just* the suitcase that contained presents for all the other siblings? That is cruel.

Now that we think of it, the person receiving the suitcase was way over his college years and this was a hint for them to move out and get their own place. Yes. That's what happened. There is no other explanation.
Total Cringe
During a gift exchange with her extended family, she got a photo album. No big deal, standard gift, right? No. Leafing through the pages, expecting to find a variety of photos of her relatives, perhaps some of her with her relatives, she found a really awkward surprise.

Every single photo in the album was of her! Not flattering photos, but candid ones. We can only imagine the type of looks and reactions the photos captured.
A Christmas to Remember
But not in a good way. Sadly, the family’s pet dog passed away. This person, who was the mom of the family, tweeted that their dog has gone to live elsewhere in the north pole. Great one Santa. Absolutely f#&ki%g great.

With the kids aged 16, 18, and 20, this mother had to think of some other place for the dog to be in. The north pole? Come on. It's been a while since they believed Santa really existed. After years of spending the holiday with the dog snoozing by the fire or playing with the kids, it was a tough holiday.
Accidentally Creepy
Knowing his aspirations to become a doctor, this grandma picked out a gift that appeared to be oriented to the medical field. Unfortunately for her, as an English-language learner, the gift picked out was a T-shirt that said something very different than she thought it said.

He thought it was funny, but she didn’t. The poor thing nearly cried from embarrassment but we think the grandkid handled the situation well.
Feed the World. Or Don't
Here’s a person who did not like a gift for a very personal reason. She described the gift as supposedly being a good deed and turning you into a better person. It seems like a commendable gift, right? Not exactly.

Apparently, this girl had a pet rabbit. Imagine having to look at a pet as a barbeque item! Whether it was a gift given with cruel intentions or simply offered carelessly with no regard, it was “the worst present ever received” by this Redditor.
‘I Hate Christmas With Every Ounce of My Existence’
Does it seem melodramatic? Well, this followed a heartbreaking tweet so we assume it's not. She detailed what happened on Christmas of 2017 when she was really given a rough deal. It was understandable the worst Christmas of her life.

It’s a heart-wrenching note. Then, unbelievably, an insensitive Christian believer had the nerve to reply, "Christmas isn’t the cause, it just happened to be on that day." Guess trolls can have faith too.
An Insult
Extra sarcasm. This girl got a book from her grandmother for Christmas. It was called, “The Ultimate Weight Solution for Teens.” This girl wasn't even considered overweight, but even if she had been, a weight loss book is never going to be anything but insulting.

It seems kind of abusive, at least psychologically. Grandmas are supposed to be loving, caring, and always baking your favorite sweets. They are supposed to brag and dote over their grandchildren, not humiliate them.
Just a Cover?
It was a disappointing Christmas morning when this Reddit user opened presents. One of the first gifts she unwrapped was a cover for a Nintendo DS. After opening the rest, all she was left with was the cover—no games, no console.

She had naturally assumed that the actual DS, the handheld game that pretty much every other kid had, would be inside one of her other gifts. Instead, she was left with empty boxes she could fill with all her tears. Why would someone do that to a kid?
Santa Is Not Real
This person received some harsh news on Christmas day. With the hashtag, “WorstChristmasEver,” the Twitter user said that his parents told him that Santa isn’t real. According to the tweet, they waited 20 years to tell him, though if you ask us, by that time he should have figured things out on his own...

This dude was devastated. Gone. Shattered. On the floor. That was the worst year of his life. It’s a sad illusion to lose. We sure hope he’s over it by now.
A Disappointing Grandma
Getting a really cheap present for Christmas is one thing. Getting a really cheap present from your grandma is a whole other thing. I mean, if we expect something good it's got to be from our grandmother. Oh yes, and if that's not enough, it was bought in a dollar store.

What was this grandmother thinking? Didn't she consult with one of this kid's parents before buying this? Anyway, the toothbrush didn't even work. At least she could have invested in one that plays Justin Bieber songs while brushing.
Thumbs Down for This One
It’s a thumb war game that you play by yourself. Thumb war is an old game. Most people remember playing it as a kid with a buddy. You clasp each other’s hand, thumbs facing up, and try to wrestle the other kid’s thumb down.

His mom gave him the Thumb Thing, the by-oneself version of this game, which sounds like absolutely no fun at all and is described as the worst gift ever. Between you and us, we agree. Sometimes it's not just the thought that counts.
The Kid Wanted a Dog
This girl wanted a dog, she really wanted one. Along comes Christmas, and her mom gave her a robot dog that barks and wags. Her mom callously announced that they had gotten her a dog, laughing and laughing away.

It was a traumatic experience. As an adult, she finally got her pet dog. She sums up her story by saying just how her love priorities changed.
The Ex-Wife's Fault
A good reason why you shouldn't get a divorce. If the children's Christmas gifts rely on it, you stay together no matter what. This 12-year-old kid went through enough difficulties during his parents' separation and now he had to deal with a nose hair trimmer? Haven't the children suffered enough?

We hope the parents learned their lesson and that the following Christmas the children got something more suitable for their age and family status.
Oh, Nuts Were Cracked Alright
A chance to see a production of the holiday dance performance set to Tchaikovsky’s timeless music is a great gift. But this kid was 7. As a little boy, he was truly not interested in watching the show.

After having to sit through the show, he learns that grandma did not get him anything else. It was the worst gift he’d ever gotten. This kid didn't know what was worse — the fact that his gift was a show, or that there was nothing else to follow.
A Dishtowel?
When an eight-year-old girl receives a dishtowel for Christmas what is she supposed to think of the holiday? There is a chance that a new generation of kids will grow up losing the whole magic of Christmas all because of a dishtowel.

We can pretend that the thought behind this was to complete the little girl's kitchen set as god knows how she could have continued playing without the towel. Were the outcomes of this taken into account?