“You can’t park there, sir!” is something we’d say if we ever pass by a car like this. But if you’ve ever tried finding parking while living in a city, then you’ll know what a nightmare it is. But once you travel to the country, you’ll be amazed at all the free spaces everywhere.

Well, it seems that this guy didn’t want to lose his spot, leaving his car for so long that it grew with the trees and hung on like some kind of ornament. Or maybe he just forgot where he parked it and it was too late when he found it years later.
A Dive of a Lifetime
This is exactly what happened to a group of divers from a well-known Canadian university. During one of their dives, they came across something that was going to change everyone's life forever. Things were not going to be the same. What started off as a routine expedition would soon turn into a mysterious finding.

When they came across this unique object, they knew that the first thing they had to do was to find the owner. There was no way they could hold on to this without contacting the person this belonged to; however, no one knew this was not going to be as simple as they initially thought.
Marine Mysteries
Now, when you think of mysteries that are pulled up from the bottom of the sea, the first thing most of us think about is probably old pirate possessions or treasure chests filled with golden chains and dazzling pearls. We are here to tell you that there is more to sea life than fish, sharks, and corals.

The truth is the ocean's surface is paved with thousands of personal belongings that people have lost over the years. These possessions carry magical memories that will probably never be returned to where they belong. Only a few lucky ones are fortunate enough to get their precious belongings back.
This Was Going to Change Their Lives
Our story begins on May 13, 2014. On this day, life was going to take a different path for all divers of the Marine Ecology Department of the Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada. The divers were prepping for a research dive held on the coast of Bamfield, not far from Vancouver.

They had been planning this dive for a long time and were excited about what their findings would bring. No one could imagine that this next research was going to provide something any diver could only dream of. The day started in one way and soon was going to turn into something else completely.
It Was More Than Starfish
All that the divers had in mind on that morning were starfish. They were studying the behaviors of these unique creatures in the waters of the coast of Bamfield and were hoping to return with interesting facts that could have brought their research a few steps forward. They planned to analyze the starfish's behavior both in their natural habitat and in the university's laboratories.

Something caught the eyes of two of the many student divers while exploring the deep blue. They found something on the bed of the ocean that was going to change many lives. What was this mystery that they had found?
What Did They Find?
Tella Osler and Beau Doherty were the two divers who found the mystery hiding in the ocean. Immediately, they knew that whatever it was, it wasn't part of the natural ecosystem. It was solid and was partly buried in the ocean's sand.

It had a long leather strap, waving through the current as if it was dancing to the water tunes. This was not some sort of coral, nor was it a rock covered in seaweed and algae. It was far from looking brand new, but it didn't have rust or any other sign of oxidization. It looked like it had been lying there for a while.
A Magical Mystery Moment?
Beau decided to lift whatever it was up. He noticed a round lens, and although it somewhat lost its original shape, Beau could see what they had found. It was round and old and had almost completely lost its original color due to the conditions it was under. It took them a few seconds, but then they realized what they had found. It was a camera.

A small square device that documented priceless moments that belonged to someone and irreplaceable memories that someone out there was looking for. Beau and Tella both knew that what they had found was significantly important and meaningful to someone.
What Was the Camera Hiding?
The two divers had to continue with their research. There was no way they could leave the camera behind, so Beau put it in his pocket and followed his diving partner, Tella. Throughout the rest of the dive, Beau couldn't stop wondering who the camera belonged to. He could only imagine what it must have felt like to lose such a precious device.

He assumed this camera had photos that could never ever be replaced. Many people from the Marine department at their university were waiting for the two to return, and they were eager to show them all what they had found.
They Were Taking It a Step Further
Amongst the people waiting for them to return from their dive were Professor Isabelle Côté and co-professor Siobhan Gray. Gray worked at Bamfield Marine Sciences and was conducting her own research. Beau and Tella knew Siobhan would be fascinated by the old camera they had found, and indeed she was.

She was intrigued and couldn't wait to discover what was hiding inside behind the rusty and damaged lens. Even the fauna that was growing on the outer part of the camera fascinated her, as she understood well that living species that grow out of their natural habitat were a gift for any research. She was not going to be disappointed.
It Was Live
When the camera was opened up, Siobhan was overwhelmed. A miniature ecosystem from the inside of the camera was revealed. Siobhan was thrilled. Countless varieties of algae were discovered, and she found brittle sea stars and a sea cucumber. This was much more than she could ever expect, and there was still much more to come.

This was like a researcher's heaven. The ecosystem they discovered could teach them so much about life beneath the waves and bring so much progress to their studies. There was so much more to come and so many new things to learn from this discovery. One thing was still unsolved yet. Who did the camera belong to?
They Couldn't Leave It Alone
What happened next would turn the tables upside down and get everyone involved. The camera's memory card was still perfectly intact and seemed as if it was whole and possibly useable. The entire diving team was now enthusiastic and intrigued. They were all eager to find out more about this mysterious camera. The camera's memory card was covered in black algae.

They hoped that by revealing the lost photographs on the card, they could track down the owner. Little did they know that more surprises and under-the-sea findings were about to come their way. What were they going to find? Who are these photos going to be of?
Then They Found the Card
Siobhan said in one interview; “My first thought about the camera was, are there still images on the card?” The first thing to do was to clean the card. She used an earbud and slowly and carefully removed all of the dirt and algae that were attached.

She wiped it down with alcohol and made sure that each and every piece of dirt was no longer there. She then placed the clean card into her computer and prayed for the best. No one knew how long the camera had been under the water. Well, surprisingly enough, it worked. Siobhan was in disbelief.
It Was All There
Siobhan couldn't believe her eyes. Not only did the computer recognize the card, but she could also see its content. It had many photo and video files, and she couldn't wait to see what was in them. This was somebody's personal information, and she suddenly felt uncomfortable going through it all.

How would she feel if someone found her personal photo album and decided to flip through it? Her curiosity was strong, and her morals were sometimes even stronger, but she couldn't help herself. She continued to scroll down the photos. They were all so fascinating, and she couldn't get enough. She couldn't keep her eyes away.
Frozen Time
The photos Siobhan found while scrolling down the file were of many various moments in time. They included many people in many situations and get-togethers and dated back to 2012. These photos were more than two years old. Siobhan couldn't believe what they had found.

Not long after, She began feeling slightly uncomfortable with all that was happening. The photos were exciting and unbelievably interesting; however, it didn't feel right. As the images were staring at her, she knew something had to be done. The owner of these precious gems had to be found. However, she had no clear plan of action just yet.
Let's Go Viral
Naturally, the first step they thought of was social media. Siobhan and Isabelle knew this was the best chance for their big findings to go viral and reach as many people as possible. Using the hashtag #detectives, they tweeted some of the photographs that Siobhan found on the camera.

Within no time, the photos collected hundreds of retweets and comments. The two were hoping that soon, someone would come forward and claim to be the camera's owner, however, no one did. Siobhan and Isabelle felt they had to try a different angle. Not finding the owner of the camera was no option.
Photo Mania
The next thing they thought of was printing some of the photos they found on the camera's memory card and scattering them around town, hoping someone would recognize them and come forward. And some days later, that was exactly what happened. A man claimed he knew one of the people in one of the photos.

This man was in the Navy and said he knew who the guy in the picture was. Could this Navy man going to be their lead for finally discovering the mystery behind the camera? Was this the beginning of the end, and would the story come to a happy ending?
The Mystery Man
The man in the photos was named Paul Burgoyne. In 2012, he lost his boat, which sank into the deep waters. Paul tried to save the camera that was on the boat but with no luck. The Navy man managed to track down Paul Burgoyne's phone number. He was enthusiastic to tell him that the camera was found. The Navy man was eager to find him.

Siobhan and Isabelle were relieved that their hard work had borne some fruit, however, was this really the end of the mystery? Was Paul going to be found? Was the camera going to be returned to its home? The story apparently had more to come.
A Life Changer
May 21, 2014, was the morning that everything changed for Siobhan, and nothing would ever be the same. Her phone rang, and on the other side was Paul Burgoyne. At first, Paul sounded thrilled that his camera was found. His wife, too, couldn't believe that after so long, it was finally returned to them.

He went on and thanked her and couldn't be more grateful than she was. Then, Siobhan felt something different. She could hear how Paul's voice changed and that there was more to this story than just a lost camera. Then Paul started to share with Siobhan his horrific story.
He Was Thrown in the Sea
Paul began telling what had happened to him two years earlier, in 2012. It was a beautiful summer evening on July 20th, 2012, when Paul was planning to sail to his summer house in Tahsis, British Columbia. Everything was sailing smoothly until, unpredictably, the weather began to change.

The waters became wild, and his boat was thrown against some rocks. He tried to hold on to everything he had on the boat, especially his precious camera, however, the winds and the waves were stronger than him. The camera was swept by the strong storm and thrown brutely into the deep sea.
No One Could Rescue Him
Paul himself was mercilessly swept into the water, too. His body was crushed. He found himself captured in the ice-cold water, unable to get out and reach help. He developed hypothermia, which took a long time to recover from. For more than six hours, Paul was trapped in the ocean's vicious water, waiting for someone to rescue him.

Some patrons who were staying in a nearby hotel spotted him from afar. They called the Coast Guard, who finally received him and brought him to the safe shores. Paule was grateful for being saved, however, he was heartbroken for all the possessions he had lost.
He Recognised Him
On that morning, when the navy man contacted him, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He asked the man on the other side of the line if he was sure it was his camera they had found. The Navy man obviously recognized his photo, as he was one of the men who rescued him two years earlier.

Paul couldn't believe what he was hearing, and finding the lost camera was something he never thought could happen. The precious moments were not just random family moments. They were of a very sacred time, and Paul knew he could never retake and document them again.
There Were His Witness
The photos on the camera that Siobhan found while scrolling through the file were of Paul and his wife scattering Paul's mother's ashes into the deep ocean. For him, these photos were everything. They taught him to be grateful for what you have, and they were a reminder for him always to be thankful. He couldn't forget that he almost lost his life.

They also taught him how to let go. They taught him how to say goodbye to the things he loved. He realized there was no point in being attached to objects and things. That what lies inside is what matters and how important it is to identify the right time to say goodbye.
The ocean is not the only place holding surprising secrets and lost objects — forests and wooded areas can hold them too.
In the modern world, it's easy to surround ourselves with our familiar comforts and technology. This is why it's important to retreat to the mighty woodlands and marvel at the majesty of Mother Nature. From towering trees to splendid waterfalls, forests offer more than just nature. There's improved mental health, a clearer mind, and sometimes random, mysterious, discarded items.

From abandoned trains to derelict cars, these findings are equal parts cryptic, alluring, and, let's not forget, creepy. Here are some of those strange discoveries that will either fascinate you or leave you scratching your head and wondering, "what on earth happened here?" Either way, they're all worth scrolling through.
Now That's a Strange House
How would you feel if you went walking in the woods and happened to stumble upon this strange-looking house? Well, in the woods of Wisconsin, behind a fence, lies this sinister-looking structure with geometric patterns. At first glance, it looks like a magnificent work of craftsmanship, but why is it out here in the woods?

Looks like this house has been sitting idle for a while now even if the door is open. As tempting as it might be to enter, we're not quite sure we'd go in. You never know what you might find in there, or even if it's safe to go inside.
When the Dishes Pile Up
Looks like someone forgot to do the dishes! Driving through the back roads of Pennsylvania, this guy came across a strange white mountain. When he came closer, he realized that the mountain was actually a massive pile of ceramic dishes and teacups that had been left in the middle of the woods.

Where do they come from, and why were they dumped here? Nobody knows, but it sure is a bizarre thing to find in the middle of the woods. Seems quite wasteful to dump so much out in nature. Sadly, people do this cause it's easier to sort out and sell.
Rainbow Bridge
Have you ever wanted to honor your pets that have passed on to the next life? Well, this tree serves as a memorial for all those loyal companions who crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Just look at the many good boys and girls who have had their collars tied around this tree.

It truly is heartwarming to see the sweet way some humans honor their furry friends who are no longer with them. They bring so much joy to our lives by just being in them, so be sure to cherish them, not only once they pass but also while they're still alive and well.
Maybe It's a Portal
Forests and woods are more than just scenic trees and sprawling meadows filled with butterflies, sometimes, you stumble upon this strange-looking passageway like this one. From the looks of it, it's made out of tree branches, and we think we know what you're thinking cause we're thinking the same thing.

Clearly, this footpath is not just a wooded passage; it's a portal to another dimension! Or perhaps it could just be that someone with a lot of time on their hands managed to pull this off and create this incredible walkway using only branches and trees. Either way, it's pretty incredible!
A Little Homage
Deep in the forest surrounding Hundred Acre Wood lives a good-natured little bear you might know as Winnie the Pooh. Now, many have gone searching for this little yellow-furred bear, but only a few can say they found his little den. Maybe if you're lucky enough, you will find it too!

We don't know where that is exactly but it must have been built by an avid fan to remember this honey-loving friend. We wonder if knocking on the door would mean Winnie the Pooh would come out with a jar of honey. Probably not, but we can dream, can't we?
Rainbow River
Most of the time, natural landscapes stick to a simple formula: green fields, blue oceans, that kind of thing. But sometimes, you'll go and explore your local forest and find that nature is also open to more artistic interpretations, like this milky lake surrounded by trees that looks like a melted rainbow.

Is there a place more otherworldly than the rainbow-colored lake? It's just about the most magical thing we've ever seen! We're even starting to wonder if this photo was taken on Earth or some other planet? Well if you ever needed proof that Mother Nature is an artist, this psychedelic masterpiece is it!
A Precious Pendant
We've all lost something important. Whether it's a sentimental love letter or a trivial receipt that we thought we might need but didn't, a precious locket that was passed down as an heirloom — it happens. Sometimes, the item is found by someone luckier than us and posted online.

Perhaps the rightful owner will see it online and claim, but more often than not, millions of other people will gawk at it and wonder if they'll ever find that special something that meant so much to them when they were younger. If that's you, then you better start looking!
Parking in the Woods
"You can't park there, sir!" is something we'd say if we ever pass by a car like this. But if you've ever tried finding parking while living in a city, then you'll know what a nightmare it is. But once you travel to the country, you'll be amazed at all the free spaces everywhere.

Well, it seems that this guy didn't want to lose his spot, leaving his car for so long that it grew with the trees and hung on like some kind of ornament. Or maybe he just forgot where he parked it and it was too late when he found it years later.
This lucky guy and his friend went on a little hiking trip, and while marveling at the gorgeous view, they stumbled upon the hiking shoe that Reese Witherspoon hurled over a cliff while filming the movie "Wild." Apparently, after filming, the crew went looking for the boot, but couldn't find it and noted it as "untraceable."

Now if that isn't an amazing find, we don't know what is! We've gone hiking quite a bit in our day and we've never found a prop from a movie, or at least we wouldn't know if we did. Maybe we should find out where movies are filmed so we can scout the area for lost props...
A Dragon's Hideout
If searching for dragons sounds like an appealing adventure, then there's a special place for you in this neck of the woods we'd like to call "Dragons' Den," which has no relation to the popular TV show. Instead, this rock's silhouette looks exactly like the fire-breathing monsters from our childhood stories.

Whoever came upon this one decided to add some teeth and eyes! If you ever happen to go hiking through the woods, you might come across this tranquil escape near a scenic woodland area that is also home to the ruins of this dragon head. Be sure to take a pic.
Clover Forest in a Bottle
Ever wonder what happens when an empty glass bottle becomes home to a garden of three-leaf clovers? Welcome to the resilient power of Mother Nature. It's like a mini terrarium, but one that must have been found in Ireland. According to Irish folklore, the number three is considered very lucky.

And honestly, is there a better way to garner some luck? We don't think so! Most people resort to eating black-eyed peas and pomegranate seeds in the hopes of getting lucky, while others make sure to never walk over a crack on the sidewalk. Finding a jar full of clovers seems like one massive stroke of luck!
To the Phone Booth!
Long before modern technology like cameras on our smartphones and the internet was even a thing, there existed telephone booths. We imagine that anyone who came across a stranded telephone booth like this wondered how they could tell the world about their discovery when they knew nobody would believe them.

While there are many disadvantages to our modern era, we don't have to find one of these every time we have to make a phone call. It's a good thing we can now carry mobile phones that make it easy to make a call and take a photo if we ever discover one of these in the forest.
An Eerie Sighting
Is this a film set from a "Stranger Things" episode? Or maybe it's a weird, elaborate prank? It almost looks like two photos have been manipulated and put together. All we know is that it must have felt rather eerie walking through these woods and seeing something you've never encountered before.

But like many of the strange discoveries on our list, there's a perfectly logical explanation for it. This woodland area is actually just a huge pond that gets dry for a certain period of the year. Someone just found themselves walking through it while on a trail in the woods.
Woodland Monster
Among the many trees, shrubs, and green undergrowth of this captivating forest, a scary woodland creature hides behind a tree. Clearly, he's not hiding very well, as his fearsome appearance has scared many unassuming hikers and explorers who have stumbled upon him; you can rest assured, knowing he isn't real.

He resembles every kid's nightmare, and if we were to come across him while walking through the forest, we'd probably faint at the very sight of him, and we're not sure we could recover! Apparently, this creature can be found on a trail in Charapan, Mexico, so if you ever go trekking through the woods there, be careful!
When Lightning Strikes
This Ponderosa Pine tree had been struck by lightning, making this one of the best-timed photos in our list of strange discoveries. We're not sure we'd be ready to snap a pic if we saw a lightning strike nearby. It really must be an awe-inspiring and humbling experience to see this while trekking through a forest and seeing.

We've all seen horror movies, right? Now imagine this scene flashing on the screen at the beginning of a movie Not only would it be an amazing shot, but it would also set the scene for a spooky film we'd like to watch with our friends. Now, we just need to think of the plot for the rest of the movie...
Old Dog Tags
Who knew you had to look right under your nose to find rare items like these old dog tags hiding in the woods? Regardless of its condition, buried, corroded, or damaged, a dog tag has value to its owner or their loved ones. This is why you should always try to locate the owner if you find one.

Dog tags are usually fabricated from a corrosion-resistant metal. They commonly contain two copies of the information, either in the form of a single tag that can be broken in half or as two identical tags on the same chain. From the looks of it, this pair must be quite old as they're starting to rust and deteriorate.
Stairway to Nowhere
This sweeping staircase to nowhere was found in New Hampshire, and it looks like it could be the remains of Madame Sherri's Castle Ruins in Chesterfield. According to Atlasobscura.com, the castle fell prey to vandals and was destroyed by a fire in 1962, leaving behind only the foundations and a section of the staircase.

Locals have reported hearing and seeing strange things in the ruins, which only makes this even more eerie! Eventually, this site was taken over by the Chesterfield Conservation Commission, which added trails around the structure and renamed the forest after Madame Sherri. If you're keen to see this, the castle is near the entrance to the Madame Sherri Forest on GulfRoad.
Is that Excalibur?
Walking through the woods is like a local reminder that you don’t have to travel far to witness historical artifacts like this sword found in Epping Forest, England. If we didn't know any better, we'd probably guess that this must be the legendary sword of King Arthur, Excalibur. Maybe you've heard of it?

Traditionally, the sword in the stone is the proof of Arthur's lineage and the sword given to him by a Lady of the Lake. While we can't say for sure if it is Excalibur, we do think that finding it means you can claim rights to the throne of England now.
Vibrant Mushrooms
We’ve seen a lot of weird mushrooms in our day, but these vibrant neon-like orange mushrooms really take the cake. Not only are they adorable, but they look like they could resemble the home of some small little fairies and can serve as a reminder of how beautiful nature can be if we just let it do its magic.

As humans, we could really stand to learn a little humility, and what better way than by gawking at the marvels of the natural world? As tempting as it may be to pick mushrooms, it's better to sway on the side of caution as some are not only poisonous but just by touching them, you can get a rash.
Crooked Trees
Just outside the city of Gryfino in Poland stands perhaps one of the world’s strangest tree formations. As you can see, every tree's trunk is awkwardly bent into a curvy C-shape while all facing to the north. There were many tales about how these trunks were formed. Some believe the entire forest was deliberately grown this way, while others think some natural phenomenon caused it.

The internet is peppered with theories about the unusual growth formation we see in this photo. One of those theories involves farmers who wanted the trees to grow like this because they wanted to create unique designs. Whatever the cause, the Crooked Forest is a unique and fascinating place to visit.
Moss Boots
We've seen a lot of weird shoes become trendy, from the stylish Dr. Martens boots to Loius Vuitton heels and the less-flattering-yet-rather-comfortable Uggs and Crocs. But somehow, we've never encountered shoes almost entirely encased in moss! Is this supposed to be a fashion statement or just a case of neglect?

These bad boys are probably the only naturally mossed boots out there. While hiking boots are often durable, we wouldn't expect them to last long after nature has taken over. But maybe they can serve as inspiration for the next up-and-coming shoe designer who wants to make his mark in the world of fashion...
A Strange and Rare Occurrence
Sometimes, it may seem like nature is having an identity crisis. Usually, forests are brimming with wild and awe-inspiring creatures and plants, like a scurry of squirrels or a cluster of mushrooms, but instead, at the edge of this forest, there seems to be a flock of wild toilets.

We can only imagine the people who came across this strange sight must have been scratching their heads and wondering how on earth the toilets got there, and WHY?! Could it be that some crazy artist had a bright idea to set up an exhibition of toilets to shock everyone passing by?
The Toe Memorial
What you see pictured here are the remains of the Toe monument in the Cobham Woods of Kent. While many monuments and memorials are well-known, this one seems like the oft-forgotten stepchild. We don't know much about the circumstances that led to this memorial site, but one story claims a man injured his toe at this site.

Apparently, it was the 5th Earl of Darnley who was walking on the grounds of his home, Cobham Hall. Encountering his foresters chopping wood, he insisted on taking an axe to demonstrate his own skill. He severed his toe and died four days later of lockjaw. He was only 40 when he died, and his wife set up the monument.
In the middle of a modest forest, there stands this touching memorial for a dearly departed tree that once stood in this very spot. Whether you have nurtured a sapling from its earliest days or recently formed a bond with a mature tree, there is something about trees that leaves an indelible impression.

While they grace our lives with their presence, we hold them dear, and when they depart, we keenly feel their absence. Trees beautify our environment and improve our mental health while giving us oxygen to breathe. So, with everything trees do for us, it's no wonder someone made this tribute to show their appreciation.
Magic Mushroom?
Tucked away in the woods of Pennsylvania, someone stumbled upon this striking mushroom with an intense purple color. This thistle purple mushroom kind of looks like something you’d find in Alice's Magical Wonderland. The violet mushroom can be found amongst the leaves of coniferous and deciduous woodland during late summer and autumn.

Unfortunately, eating this type of mushroom will not alter your physical stature and might even be poisonous! Mushrooms of all kinds have become incredibly popular, so caution should definitely be taken when spotting these. Differentiating between edible and poisonous mushrooms can be challenging, as some toxic varieties closely resemble safe ones.
What in the weird woods is going on here? Just the outline of this tree is enough to inspire the heebie-jeebies in us: a half-dead tree looming over in the middle of a hazy forest, never mind the sticks and stones that have been placed there to resemble a skeletal face.

Why turn to horror films to scare yourself silly when you can just take a walk in the woods and find something as ominous as this? We don't know about you guys, but if we found this while hiking in the forest, we'd probably run as fast as we could to get away.
Lincoln Log
In some places, coins are tossed into fountains by people hoping for a wish. But in other parts of the world, coins are pressed into trees for the very same reason. These wish trees have become increasingly popular, with daytrippers pressing coins into trunks as offerings before making a wish.

You don't see them often, but these kinds of “wishing trees” are a strange blend of nature and manufactured metal. They represent a tradition that dates back hundreds of years ago when people felt that making an offering would help cure an illness. Why not plant a flower or a tree instead!?
A Bottle Full of Moss
In this treasure trove of strange discoveries, someone was walking in the woods when they found this: a bottle. But this bottle isn't just any ordinary bottle; it's a bottle full of moss. This glass bottle is basically a miniature masterpiece of biology that fuses leaves with moss and dirt.

We can't help but marvel at the artistry behind this tiny terrarium. How had it come to rest here, nestled among nature? Perhaps it was the result of a whimsical creation by a fellow nature enthusiast or an accidental gift from the winds that carried it to this secluded spot.
Little Trees
Even if you're one of those people who have seen it all, we think you'll appreciate this striking visual. While these trees look nothing like Truffula trees, these strange growing roots kind of look like something we'd see in a Dr. Seuss book about an enchanted forest! But what are they exactly?

While the growth exhibited in this neck of the woods is strange, we weren't sure if this photo was real or not. Well, turns out it is! Apparently, this is rough-stalked Feather-moss, and due to their specific needs, they can be found growing tree saplings in a damp woodland area.
Grandmother Willow!
If you've seen the delightful Disney movie "Pocahontas," (and who hasn't!?), then you'll remember Grandmother Willow, the sentient weeping willow tree who served as a kind of mentor and guide to Pocahontas. In the movie, she was depicted as being an ancient and wise figure, making this tree all the more special!

Although we must say, this version of Grandmother Willow looks a little bit scary... Like if there was an alternative version of the film that was geared toward more mature audiences who were looking for a more thrilling movie. With branches that big, we certainly wouldn't want to get on her bad side.
Beware of the Zombies
If you’re undeterred by creepy signs like this, then you’re in luck! Here's one that would make most people run for the hills, but not everyone is going to let a sign like this stop them from exploring the woods, right? No, siree, we're here to make the most of our trek...

Nothing says outdoor fun like running for your life! Signs are there for a reason, so if you do decide to wander beyond this warning sign, bear in mind that there are many threats you need to watch out for; these could include both natural-occurring obstacles and those unearthly characters that look like zombies...
The Mask
Beyond the trails and hikes, there’s so much to explore if you're into foraging. Due to the merciless unpredictability of nature when combined with people and their knack for losing possessions, it’s advised that you keep a camera with you at all times so you can take photos of memorable sights.

Whether you believe them or not, there are many legends out there about forests and the weird discoveries found in them. And even if there isn't a specific story attached to this mask, just the sight of it is still creepy enough that might want to take a photo to show your friends.
How Did That Get There?!
Picture this: you're walking through a forest, then suddenly, BUMP! You walk into a bumper car and wonder if you're having that strange dream again... While many of these can be found in funfairs and amusement parks, you've just stumbled upon an abandoned bumper car that's been left in the forest.

You know what they say, "One man's pesky bumper car is another man's treasure!" But how did it get there, you may ask? We actually don't know, but we do know that the world is a mystical and strange place, and apparently, crazy sightings like this happen all the time.
All Over the Fireplace
Going on adventures in the woods is no joke. A trail might seem simple and straightforward, but wondering in unfamiliar territory can lead you to the most random and unexpected discoveries. Clearly, the rest of the house that was standing here has long since burned down and been swallowed by the forest.

Only this fireplace was left to be discovered by this traveler and her sweet kitty. From the looks of it, this fireplace has been repurposed as an outdoor grill. There's even firewood inside, which means someone must have used it in the not-so-recent past. Would you want to use it though?
An Ironic Headstone
For some nature enthusiasts, the beauty of the great outdoors is not enough; they want to discover more than just plants and animals. So if that's you, the best way would be to just get out there and explore. Take a break from the familiar streets of the city, and venture into unknown places.

If you're lucky, your adventure could result in you stumbling upon overgrown cemeteries, like this one, where you might find remains of the only headstone that's still standing. On this one, we can still manage to read "But not forgotten." Sadly, though, this cemetery has been forgotten in this forested site.
Oh Boy!
You thought you knew what a weird discovery was before this list, but have you made your way down to Tennessee? When someone makes an "odd discovery", it's usually a strange headstone or a tribute to a tree but tucked away in this neck of the woods, someone came across this massive missile.

As far as forests and expansive woodlands in America go, you probably wouldn't expect to find a missile like this when exploring nature! If you ever happen to encounter a weapon this size while walking, you should consider yourself lucky cause most sites and museums charge a hefty entrance fee!
Clootie Wells
What you see here is a clootie well that was found on the Black Isle of Scotland. Clootie wells are a part of healing rituals, according to Celtic tradition. Strips of cloth or rags have been tied to the branches of the trees near a well or spring as part of a healing ritual.

While it is a rather weird remnant of an ancient tradition, these can still be found today as many people still believe that leaving an offering will help them or their loved ones in some way. The most popular times for pilgrimages to clootie wells are on the old Gaelic festival days.
Lost Change
Since the dawn of time, we've struggled with one consistent problem: losing and misplacing important items that we're bound to look for later on. Like this pair of jeans that also contained a few dollar bills. In total, this guy found $43! So who dared to say that hiking isn't rewarding?

Not only did this guy get to spend time in the great outdoors, but he also managed to score some cash. Now that we think of it, we're also missing a shirt from a few years back; where could it be? I know I have to look for it. Otherwise, it will bother me until I do!
After hiking on a swelting hot summer's day, this guy stumbled on this oasis, or is it just a cruel mirage? Well, it's not exactly an oasis that offers fresh water. It's a vending machine for Aquafina bottled water that requires an exact amount of change. Oh, and some electricity.

Finding this in the middle of the woods doesn't make a lot of sense, but then again, neither do a lot of these discoveries. I mean, it's exactly easy to transport it here, and somehow, it still looks like it's in good condition and ready for use. Just hope you have enough change.
Big Plans
As it would appear in the photo, the shenanigans continue. If we didn't know any better, we'd say someone had big plans to bike across the globe — they even attached their own manual GPS system to their bicycle! If that was the case, it seems that they soon got lost and must've given up only to leave their bicycle.

And they forgot their map of the earth, behind! Whoever it was, they probably wouldn't have gone too far anyhow; with a globe at the back, there wouldn't be enough space for their luggage and other essential items like food, clothes, and toiletries. Nowadays, they could easily have traveled like this with the help of their smartphone.
The Beginnings of Terminator
The biggest problems AI has given us mostly involve annoying virtual assistants and disappointing answers that we could've gotten from Google. Now, this photo shows us that soon, robots could pose a real threat. Innovation in new technology can be unsettling, especially when someone finds a sleeping robot like this.

Humanity has had to struggle with implementing new technology since we picked up a stick and decided to hit things with it. But we can't fight the current, and somehow, we can only hope that this strange discovery of a robot is not another harbinger of our impending technological doom,
More Moss Please!
We all know that England is plagued with foggy weather, but we didn't know that the air is so dense with water vapor that even the trees are covered in moss! Unlike most plants, moss doesn't make flowers or seeds but instead reproduces with single-celled spores that need moisture to grow.

These moss-covered trees were once part of the ancient Dartmoor Forest, and now they are found in the foggy Bellever Woods of Devon in England. Their interesting appearance sure makes for a fantastic photo; it almost looks like a scene we'd expect to see in "The Lord of the Rings."
An Abandoned Chopper
Among its towering trees and leafy ground, this forest also boasts an abandoned helicopter that must have landed here long before the trees grew. There’s a certain kinship that many people share for abandoned items. It’s always strangely intriguing, like an unsolved mystery and we can't help but wonder how on earth this helicopter got here!

Alas, just like all the helicopters that have been found abandoned in the strangest conditions and locations, the best part is trying to figure out why they were abandoned and, in some cases, how on earth they got where they got! They aren't exactly cheap to come by, so why would someone just abandon them like this?
Spooky Island
Aside from all the trees on this uninhabited island, the focus is clearly on this old crematorium. While it seems really creepy, if not downright scary, it does make a little sense. Back in the day, uninhabited islands were often used to quarantine people with certain illnesses, in particular, leprosy.

So, while it makes a little bit more sense, it doesn't stop it from being incredibly spooky. Fortunately, we've come a long way since then, with hospitals and modern medicine making our lives much easier, and getting sick doesn't mean getting sent away as an outcast to a deserted island.
Carrots Galore
While these aren't exactly dangling carrots, they sure are strangely discarded in a large pile like this. Maybe it's Bugs Bunny's secret stash, or it could be a lure to attract animals like deer. We're not sure, but all we know is we love carrots as a snack-tastic vegetable. Even the Beagle likes them!

But you might want to be careful if find a big pile of carrots like this; it could be intended for someone else, or it could be bait for deer. If that's the case, you certainly wouldn't want to be caught in the crosshairs between a hunter and his prey.
Branch Manager
Regular homes are great and all—but in comparison, treehouses will always come out on top. We may not reside in treehouses full-time, but when we do, we have a whale of a time. This secluded treehouse looks so peaceful, we can't help but think of our memories from childhood when "room service" was your mom bringing you some cookies.

We might not be able to go back in time, but at the very least, this could inspire you to step outside in your own backyard and begin building your own treehouse. Otherwise, you can go for rustic nostalgia or rent a high-up home with ridiculous levels of amenities and style.
Oh, Dear!
If you aren't familiar with the term "car find," it's basically when someone discovers a car that's been abandoned and now still stands hidden away in some secluded area of the woods. The bright red vehicle was forgotten until some lucky fellow staggers upon it like some rare historical relic.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this one was left abandoned by accident, but rather that it crashed and could not carry on. Whoever left it here must have reasoned that it's better to leave it for now than struggle to get it back and then pay an arm and a leg to have it repaired.
A True Greenhouse
Everyone loves eerie abandoned items, from run-down train stations to dilapidated buildings that are as beautiful as they are creepy. There's something extra unsettling about this greenhouse: all the glass has been cleared from the windows, and nature has run its course. It's quite amazing to see how quickly these plants and trees have taken over.

Seriously, we can't help but wonder what happened here that compelled someone to leave an otherwise decent-condition greenhouse in the middle of nowhere. This almost looks like a scene straight out of a Hayao Miyazaki movie, which now reminds me of the animated fantasy movie "Totoro" set in the Japanese countryside.
Train Wreck
What's cooler than an abandoned train that you found in a forest? One that's covered in colorful graffiti, like this one found in New Hope Park in Pennsylvania. As gloomy as it can be, there's something so captivating about an old, abandoned train. Turns out the first train built for these tracks was first run in 1891.

The station went bankrupt for a few years but has since revamped its line and reinvested in more trains. Today, the railroad operates both steam and diesel-powered locomotives. With so much history on these abandoned trains, they could possibly be haunted, which is another reason why we find them endlessly fascinating.
Wandering through the forest during spring is bound to conjure up images of fawns sleeping near crystal-clear waters in a lush valley while butterflies rest and a harpist plays a few songs in the background. But in real life, that barely happens, which is what makes this discovery so incredible.

Even if you're a seasoned hiker and spend your weekends exploring the woods nearby, you'll still know how precious it is to find a sleeping fawn. Mothers usually leave them in a safe place while they look for food and come back a little later, so if you find one, don't disturb it; the mother should return shortly.
For some explorers, the beauty of the great outdoors is not enough. No, there has to be an element of danger, and abandoned houses are, by all scientific metrics, very spooky. If the word could be summed up in one picture, it would be this image that was taken in the woods, and the cloudy background certainly doesn't help!

Nothing makes you appreciate life more than knowing that one wrong step might mean you encounter an unexplainable and scary presence. All we need now is a creepy soundtrack, and this could be a scary trailer for another one of those controversial horror flicks that fans love to argue about.
Hey Guys. What’s Up?
Forgive us if we wouldn’t stop to take a picture of this forest family if we saw them while driving past. Maybe we’d slow down a little bit, but coming to a full stop seems like a bad choice in this situation. At BEST, someone is going to come out of the woods on the other side of your car and let all the air out of your tires.

At worst, one of your friends will get this picture in a text message, and it will be the last time anybody hears from you. If we know our horror movies, that means the person who received the text message will then start seeing these figures around town, getting closer and closer to his or her house until they’re outside the windows.
Hmm, Wonder What This Is For
We’re really glad that someone found this... Satanic forest altar. That way, we can find out where it is and then not go to that place. There are lots of low-budget horror movies (which are also usually low quality) that like to throw in stuff like this, but there’s always a chance that someone decided to go pagan and actually built a setup for a real reason. It might be a real reason, but it’s probably still a bad reason if those bones tell us anything.

Are they real bones? We hope they aren’t real bones. Still, our money is something from a movie – it’s a little too extravagant, a little too colorful, and a little too... picturesque? Also, two broken stumps, one on either side, is a little too convenient.
Get Out the Big Guns
We hate it, and we wish it was dead. We’re sure there’s some kind of good explanation about whatever in the world this is, but we don’t want to know it. We want to know the best, easiest, and fastest way to turn it into dust. Let’s load it onto a rocket and shoot it into the sun. Maybe we dig a hole to the center of the Earth and drop this thing into its molten core.

Fifty-two thousand degrees Celsius should do the trick. But what if it doesn’t? Well then, the snail can have the planet; we’ll find a new one. No, it’s only fair. If you survive that sort of thing, the planet is yours. All yours, with nothing else on it at all.
Playing the Waiting Game
Maybe you’re too young to remember, but there was a time back in the day when getting onto the internet took more than just reaching into your pocket to grab your phone. You had to sit at a computer and slowly connect to dial-up, listening to the horrible screeches and bleeps as your phone line hung up.

It took a little while to get logged in so you could check your email or your AIM account, which means that some people got to sit back and work on homework or read. Or take a nap. This guy’s been waiting around for a while, and someone needs to tell him that he could probably go for an upgrade. Then again, who are we to interrupt a nap of such high quality?
Prepare to Be Cursed by a Leprechaun
If you’ve ever grabbed a metal detector and headed to the beach or the forest, you might have had this kind of image dancing in your head. A pot full of buried doubloons was left there by some clever, clever pirates... who then forgot where they had buried all that treasure. Silly pirates. Of course, you probably didn’t come across anything like this.

Maybe you found a bottle cap or something like that, but we don’t know if anyone has ever actually found a big chest or pot full of gold like the one in this picture. Then again, even if you did, you’d probably have a little fellow dressed in a green three-piece suit chasing you until you gave it all back.
What Lies at the Top
First off, we imagine it has to be a little difficult getting rid of stairs. You might be able to break them down into their parts – wood or metal or whatever – and slowly dispose of them into a dumpster, but what if you don’t have the time, or the tools, or a dumpster? Then one thing you might be able to do is take the entire stairs, as one big unit, and plop it deep in the woods.

You don’t have to pay to have it hauled away, and it lets people find fun photos like this one. There are undoubtedly a bunch of scary stories somewhere online about creepy staircases that are randomly in the woods, but this one is probably fine. It’s fine. Go on and climb it. Go ahead.
The Doorway
A man goes hiking through the woods in a low-population area of Pennsylvania, and then he comes across this door near a lake. Suspended between a pair of trees, the door faces almost perfectly east and west, and there are small holes cut near the upper corners. One thinks, if it were to open, you would just see what is on the other side of the door. Or would you?

We can’t be certain that’s exactly what we would see...but we can’t think of many good sights that we’d get if we opened this up. It seems that almost anything set up in the woods, like this door, will make us think of scary stories, but this one is likely there for just that purpose. There's nothing like something spooky in the woods to make you enjoy civilization a little more.
Like Something From Mario
We’ve all probably gobbled a super mushroom in Nintendo’s most famous property to grow a little bigger, but we’re going to go out on a limb and say you shouldn’t try to emulate that in real life, especially with something this big. Maybe the camera is just really close to the mushroom, but this thing looks gigantic. Like it’s the size of an apple, at least, but again, that could just be where the camera is for this picture.

If there’s one thing we can be certain of, however, it’s that this mushroom isn’t going to give you an extra life. Now that we think about it, why are there so many mushrooms in the Mario games? Is it an allusion to “Alice in Wonderland”?
There Are a Lot of Bones
Most of the animals alive today have bones or a skeleton of some kind, which means, of course, that those bones are going to be found somewhere in the world – they take a little longer than normal skin and muscles to break down, and there aren’t many animals that can or will eat them. Of course, most of the time, they aren’t laid out in a worrying pattern like in this picture.

Bones like femurs are laid out in a frame, while the hips, ribs, and skull pieces are arranged in the center, and you know what? We’re just going to go now. We’re going to turn around, and we’re going to start walking, and we’re not going to stop until we see a frozen yogurt shop.
A Treat for the Big Birds
Even out in the woods, you will be able to see some bird feeders hanging from trees to make sure that our feathered friends are able to keep their bellies full during the long, cold winter. This isn’t exactly the same thing, but maybe it’s supposed to work in the same way. Maybe a buzzard or an eagle is going to swoop down and get some nutrients.

Also, a good question to ask would be, what kind of animal did that bone come from? It doesn’t look fake, but it also looks quite thick for the length. We aren’t boneologists most of the time, so it’s a little hard to figure out. Also, why is it hanging in the forest? This worries us.
Just What We Always Wanted to See
Honestly, it’s hard to come up with something that is more viscerally frightening than a baby’s head stuck on a stick. Obviously, it’s just a doll’s head (we’re pretty sure, anyway), but that’s still the kind of thing that will have someone fleeing as fast as their feet can carry them.

Apparently, this not-super-cool sight was found next to a pile of other toys in the woods, so it was clearly just put there by some dumb kids who wanted to freak people out. And look at that: they succeeded in their project. Maybe keep an eye on those kids. Just to make sure none of them start getting up to stuff that is even worse. One might call a picture like this a “red flag.”
A Little Bit of Light Witchcraft
This picture combines a couple of things. The first is a trend to just create a little shelter or a lean-to out of some big sticks in order to get a more natural camping experience, the second thing is a shirt that has a pentagram made out of sticks on it. The first is fine, while the second is...also probably fine since it didn’t accomplish anything other than occupy a little bit of time waiting for the sun to come back up so the person or people inside the structure could continue on.

Amazingly, making a little symbol out of some sticks and putting the symbol on a dirty t-shirt isn’t going to accomplish anything other than what we’ve just described. They didn’t even take the shirt with them. They littered.
Not So Magic Anymore
In the animated show “The Magic School Bus,” the wonderful Miss Frizzle took the entire grade school class on adventures – to space, inside a human body, and to many other places. This trip doesn’t seem like it went all that well if the bus is still there after all that time. This old school bus is all done schlepping kids back and forth from school, but we would like to ask why it’s currently languishing in a forest away from everything else.

Maybe it got so sick of being full of kids that it decided it would go as far away from the little troublemakers as it could, and this is where it decided to bunk down until it fell to pieces. Now, it’s probably a great hideout for a gang of kid adventurers, though.
The Age-Old Question, Finally Answered
For much of human history, this is what the deal was. If you needed to answer the call of nature, you would actually go out into nature. Just pick a bush. Thus, for some reason, an enterprising sculptor decided to make a piece of art that went back to that time. Either that or someone just outside of Oslo happened to see Medusa at an incredibly inopportune time.

Seeing as how the man depicted here is wearing flip-flops, we don’t really think it was during the time of Medusa. No, this sculpted cat was just making use of a cat hole in a random spot in the middle of a snowy forest. If the model ended up becoming the pope, then we guess all of our questions have been answered.
Who Knows What You Will Find
There’s a reason that so many creepy, scary movies tend to happen out in the wilderness. You’re away from safety, from friends, from cell service. You have to deal with shifting shadows, strange noises, and maybe even some unfriendly animals. Even if this picture isn’t creepy – it actually has an odd, otherworldly beauty – we still might hesitate when entering through this threshold.

It seems as if you can look straight into the fae realm, where the fairies dance and the magic flows from the sky like rain. The colors disappear, and so do most of the leaves on the trees. A good place to be, or a bad one? It will only take one brave explorer to find out, no matter which one it is.
Peeking for the Enemy
The magical, mystical, and whimsical land of Europe has a lot to discover if you happen to be in the right places. For instance, there’s a spot in Northern Germany that has a number of strange metal tubes poking up out of the ground. They look like they’re the kind of thing that sticks out from the side of the house to vent exhaust from a clothes dryer, but that’s not exactly why these are here.

They actually seem to be from the time of the Cold War since there is a lot of Cyrillic script all over the place inside. The curved vents are likely periscopes that allowed soldiers in the bunker to check to make sure it was safe before venturing outside. It’s quite a large area, as far as we can tell.
Everybody Liked It
Let the good times roll on. If you come across something that you enjoy, why not tell others about it? There are a lot of people who can’t wait to grouse about something they hate, but what about something that they really like? A good book, a movie, a podcast...a campsite, we guess. Then again, someone who heads into the great outdoors and samples a bit of the devil’s lettuce is going to know a whole lot about what he or she enjoys.

These two people enjoyed the hand-made campsite so much that they not only left a thank-you note, but they also left their Snapchat names in case the original builders wanted to get in touch. Man, the younger generations really have gone their own way, haven’t they?
Oh, Cool. Lunch.
Have you ever been on a walk through the woods and found a fish sitting in a tree? And it wasn’t right after you banged your head really, really hard? We bet it hasn’t happened all that often, but it’s happened at least once, according to this picture. The reason for this meet-up was clear: a bird caught a fish and was enjoying a meal when the human came around the corner and interrupted it.

This is really clear since the fish had no head. What’s not clear is exactly what kind of fish this is, even though the person who found it took a bunch of pictures to try and figure it out. Small details of the fins and scales, a close-up of a hole that was probably made by a bird’s talon, and more.
Are You Walking in Aokigahara Forest?
Even if this bit of rope was just left here as a gag, and nobody was actually intending to use it, it’s still a harrowing thing to find if you’re walking through the woods. One must assume this noose hasn’t seen any use (or at least any recent use), since it’s hard to think of a reason why the noose would be there if someone had used it.

Other than, of course, the person is now shambling around the forest with a haunted spirit. If someone did use it, then either the body would still be there, or the people who found that sad story would have taken the rope down as well. Our guess is this was left just to freak some people out, which seems mean.
The Spider Is On Your Person
We’re sorry to have to tell you this, but there are lots and lots of spiders out in the forest. Way, way more than you think there might be. It’s such a high number that it becomes uncomfortable. There are likely quadrillions of spiders in the world, which is a billion times a million. Obviously, most of them are harmless – even helpful – but we still don’t want them crawling on our legs or through our hair.

Odds are that one of them is able to make a spider web that has a little bit of beauty to it, as we can see here. The spider itself was never found. Maybe she was visiting the in-laws. The fact that the sun managed to hit it at just the right angle is also a bit of a lucky break.
Those Are Some Big Blueberries
This picture is of a snake that is covered in blueberries, and the reason there’s a picture like that is that: the person taking the picture saw the snake and decided to pile blueberries on top of it. Why the snake allowed this is beyond us, but maybe it didn’t think that blueberries would be all that dangerous.

Eventually, there were enough piled on top of it that it decided to flee, but not before someone was able to take this picture. Wild blueberries can vary in size compared to cultivated fruits, but it’s still pretty clear that this snake is a tiny little creature that might have been scared out of its wits. Do snakes eat blueberries? No, we’re told by the internet.
We Don’t See a Downside
Most people could use a hug at certain points in their lives. Maybe you’re sick and need a little bit of comfort. Maybe you’re having a tough time at work, and you need to remember that you aren’t alone. Maybe you’re just the kind of person who receives love through physical touch – there are lots of people out there.

On the other hand, make sure to think about where that hug could be coming from. If you have to go into a bunker in the forest that has a spray-painted sign, stop and think. Be critical. Is that a hug that you really want to have? We imagine that a hug that takes place in this kind of place will feel...sticky. Not the best kind of hug.
Going Back to the Old Ways
Not everything that people find while exploring the great outdoors is creepy and weird – sometimes, you’ll find something like a retro clothespin. This is a Roger’s Clean Grip clothespin that is likely from all the way back in the fifties. It’s a pretty cool find, especially if you’re interested in that sort of retro thing. There aren’t many clothespins that have a little girl’s face attached to the top, and we’re sort of glad that that trend has faded away.

Drying clothes outside might not be the most popular option anymore, but there are still plenty of people who like to give their sheets a dose of fresh air after a time in the washing machine. It’s a way to save a little cash, and it makes things smell nice.
Here’s Looking at You
The designs that are on the backs of butterfly or moth wings are a fun little detail to inspect. For instance, this image is actually of a butterfly wing that has become dislodged from the butterfly – not good news for the bug, but at least we get to take a look at it.

It looks like there is an intense eye staring at you, but it’s just a wing. Butterflies will often have designs like eyes with the single and very important job of warding off predators. There are lots of breeds that do this sort of thing, and this kind of butterfly has a version that is pretty vivid. It probably didn’t help the butterfly since the wing is detached, but it still looks nice.
It’s Like Something From Dark Souls
As we’ve seen, there are plenty of very strange things to find while exploring through the wilderness, but this very well might be the strangest. It appears to be a doll-like face and a bunch of doll or action figure limbs hanging around it, but we have no idea why someone felt like they needed to do this.

If there’s a glowing item right underneath this weird configuration, be a little wary before picking it up. It’s probably just an alluring skull, anyway. And, now that you’ve picked it up, the limbs and doll parts are going to jump down and start attacking you. And you know this thing is going to be resistant to a lot of elemental effects. Maybe go with fire. Fire will always work.
Oh, So That’s Where We Left It
It takes a strange kind of mind to see half a bent tree sticking out of the ground and want to make it into whatever this thing is. The artist in charge of this kind of crime added a second bow leg to the character while also adding a mouth, some eyes, a nose that looks sort of like a carrot, a hat, and even some cartoonish hands.

There’s also something in its hand, and the fact that it’s right in front of a toilet fills us with fear. This image would be fine – if a little strange – without the toilet. Adding a toilet to your piece of art always moves it from strange to eerie. At least there’s only one toilet.
Drying the Laundry
One of the things you’re going to find out in the wilderness with a little bit of regularity is old clothes. However, this will usually be things like socks, shoes, and maybe a shirt. Finding a bunch of women’s frilly underthings hung up on a single tree branch isn’t something that happens all that often.

Odds are, the ladies that used to be wearing this stuff are just enjoying the fresh air, but there are probably a couple of other reasons why this might be. We can’t really think of any that are particularly good reasons, but they are reasons nonetheless. At worst, this is the trophy branch of a murderer who needs to seriously have some therapy after he is captured. Or she, we guess.
Do You Mind?
Would you be surprised to know that it’s easier than you might think to find something like this in your local wooded area? All you have to do is be vigilant, ever vigilant, while you go on your daily walks. This one is a great example – that opening in the tree looks like it’s the perfect size for a family of gnomes.

We can only see one at the moment, but you can bet that there are more hiding out of view. Even better, you can be the one to create this exciting moment for others. You just have to get a little gnome figurine (there are lots of them out there) and hide it in a place that won’t see too many visitors. Around the corner from the path or something like that.
A New Addition to the Neighborhood
So a guy goes walking in the woods near his house, and he finds this. Okay. Not a great start to any story, but don’t worry, it gets worse. We are told by the person who posted this picture that he has no neighbors. This means that someone came to where he lived, went into the forest, and hung up a figure of a flying skeleton midget on a tree.

Is that better or worse than just having neighbors? Also, we hope the person who found this didn’t find it in the dark while using a flashlight, because if that was the case then this person would probably have some brown pants to deal with. Obviously, there is still something to deal with, just not as much as there could have been.
Don’t Let It Out
If your first thought when seeing something like this is to reach forward with your frail, weak human hand and open up this cage, then we hope you never end up in a horror film scenario. It kind of already is one, and you’re the doofus who let the ultimate evil out of its cage because you were just too darn curious.

Yes, amazingly, letting a clearly haunted doll out of a wrought-iron cage that is hanging in the forest doesn’t seem like a very good idea. What we’d like is a story about the kind of person that was able to get it inside the cage. That seems like quite the tale. Someone can let it out of the cage in part two, which is when the series starts to go downhill.