This red van wanted to keep things spicy and interesting and did not want to choose the regular paint job. He decided that having a black car design on his existing car would make him unique. Lucky for him, no other car on the road looks like this van.

Also, his wife was sick and tired of her friends showing up in their new Corvets and Jaguars, so he decided to surprise her and give her the car of her dreams. After this, she will either have to think of something new to complain about or, alternatively, file for divorce.
It's Been a Hard Day's Night
There isn't a morning when road accidents are not reported. They're usually caused by impatient drivers, who are willing to do anything as long as they beat the rush hour traffic and get to work before everyone else finishes the best espresso capsules.

Well, my friend, sorry to be the one to tell you, but having your car hanging off an electricity cable as if it was laundry on a drying line is a little more concerning than having to drink the Melozio blend. And what about the dude behind the car? There's no point in waiting for the police. We find it hard to believe anyone will steal the vehicle.
Festive Feeling
When you pull up at a red light, and something like this is on your left, there is no other option but to look right because this woman is apparently doing something wrong. So, we can see that this lady is driving down Garden Grove Boulevard, known for its annual Strawberry festival; however, nowhere is it mentioned that the Boulevards has a Skeleton in the Closet Fair, too.

Maybe the woman got confused with the dates and was going to a Halloween party, or maybe this happened after eating too many strawberries. Who knows... One thing is for sure: this dude is going nowhere.
Riding Shotgun
To everyone, riding a shotgun is one of the best things about being in a car, especially when you are a kid and beat your siblings to it. You get to control the playlist while also having the best view. This snake was smart for grabbing the front seat, and it was looking pleased. It seems like it snuck its way in pretty stealthily.

Now the question is, how will the driver and other passengers get in the car? If we came across something like this, we would be going nowhere. And by the looks of it, this snake is going nowhere, too.
Look Both Ways
If this doesn't call for a police ticket, then what does? We thought Atlanta was a weirdo of a place, but apparently, there are states in this country that are far more daring than whatever credit we give them. In Pennsylvania, this isn't usually common. What's common is the delicious cheesesteak places and the Liberty Bell.

The driver could've easily slipped on the ladder to the top of the car and strapped it securely with cables or strong wires. Hopefully, they were careful enough to avoid any mishaps. There must have been another way to upload the ladder into the car (like perhaps vertically on the roof, duh), but when driving through Pennsylvania, expect the best, which is the best it can get.
Captain of the Road
It's not Superman, It's not Batman, it is Captain America! He makes his way all the way down from DC to a meeting. On the way, he defeated Crossbones and even cut past traffic to battle Baron Zemo. His last fight is to ride his motorcycle to his meeting. After all, traffic can be quite a villain.

So, is this another bet between friends gone wrong or another father making a promise to his little four-year-old? Either way, we presume these are sights you will find only in America, and it doesn't matter if you are a captain or not.
They’ve Found Rocket!
Isn't there a rule about traveling on a long-distance journey in a truck with a raccoon sitting on your lap? Apparently not, because if they were, we can't see this dude getting out of it. We looked for another explanation for this scenario and found a sensible one that answers what you see here.

If you're a fan of "Guardians of the Galaxy" or are familiar with the characters, you'll remember Rocket. We'd speculate that he got to spend a little too much time on planet Earth, having landed there when Groot pressed the wrong button on the ship. A man driving a truck was able to pick him up. With that cuddle, Rocket won't be saving the galaxy anytime soon.
Hungry for an Aquatic Trip
Advertising and marketing will forever change and never be the same, and by the look of it, the guys responsible for this took things a little too far (unless they had a lot of business that day and they know there is no such thing as an over-the-top advertisement). We love the burger car's attention to detail; it looks good enough to eat.

The shark car also looks pretty cool, with the fins poking out from the sides, and we can't stop wondering where Shark One is (the number plate states that this is part 2 of the act). Maybe they're a tandem promotion? Either way, that's great marketing.
Flashy But Simple
Could you imagine driving down Sunset Boulevard and being blinded by a car like this? If you look closer, you'll see the plate number and see that it says "humble." This attractive-looking car is anything but humble with its sparkling sheen. How ironic is it that his car is the opposite of what the plate number says?

Can you suggest any better number plates for this dazzling, eye-blinding car? How about "Sunny?" Or "red and gold?" Or how about "What on earth were you thinking when you chose these colors for your car?" We know it wasn't the manufacturer who picked them; it was custom-made.
Time to Rick and Roll
At first, this looks like Homer (or Bart or Lisa) Simpson in disguise trying to escape the horrors of Springfield. Only then we realized that it was no Simpson at all and that the huge figure was facing the back while the truck was going in the other direction. We received a few speculations about what was happening here and felt the following one made the most sense.

Here, we see Rick (from the popular cartoon "Rick and Morty") and his determined look to save Morty from Galaxy 55, where they've kept him prisoner, forcing him to play video games for hours without looking away from the screen. Luckily, Rick has transformed himself into a car to speed things up.
Feline World Domination
This cat decided it was done with its owner not feeding it on time and decided to take over his car. First, the owner's car, then their home, and then — world domination. The cat also decided to take its scratching post from home to bring along on his escapade.

Its plan is to reach the Mexican border and see how it goes from there. If it manages to sell the post and its content, it will have enough money to get to the Maldives as originally planned. If not, it will have to return to its owners and see if they will compromise and give it the bigger room.
Drive Carefully
This road sign thought it could capture people's attention by using a funny joke instead of a graphic PSA on why you shouldn't text and drive. It's pretty effective since it's funny, and the "Cell no" at the end was a nice touch. Having said that, there is one thing these clever creative people didn't think about.

We are talking about a long stretch of road here, and after reading the funny message, we can see the driver and passengers cracking up and laughing hysterically in the car. That could be just as dangerous as talking on the phone while driving.
Peep the Pokemon
Pokemon was an iconic video game of the early 2000s. Kids would sit in the hallways with their Gameboys pressed closely to their chests, watching their Magikarp transform into Gyarados. This driver thought to add a Pikachu tail to the back of their car to give it a Pikachu touch.

We feel this car belongs to the same sort of people who have never dressed up at Halloween, taken part in a fancy dress party, or basically never worn anything but regular clothes. Even here, asking the dude to go outrageous with the car was too much. As far as they are concerned, a tail will do.
Too Young to Drive
These are exactly the things that help us measure fatherhood. And this is probably one of the best dads in the world. Diving into a child's imagination is not easy, and some fathers tend to find it easier to do than others. This policeman was teaching the baby the first rule of driving: always wear a seatbelt and a T-shirt when driving.

This baby was doing neither and got pulled over. This kiddo was shocked when he made his merry way down the street and saw a car following him. This isn't something you see every day! We don't know if this was staged or not; however, we still find this heart-melting.
Split Personality
This sheriff thought he could go undercover by pretending to be a taxi. He should've stuck to one profession — it looks like he's trying to alternate between two positions. Even though this car looks divided, it still looks unique. It's either that or some crazy guy 'found' a wrecked taxi and a wrecked police car and put the two together.

After the lost taxi and lost police car were reported missing, he was under the impression that no one could ever find him as the car he was driving didn't answer the full description of the stolen cars. Can you find a better explanation for this?
Airing Out His Paw
Being a pampered pooch and living a life of fame is not easy. For this gentle doggo, his owner left him in the car, and he was left to fend for himself. Luckily, this guy was doing well in the front seat and didn't need any supervision. So, if you are a dog owner you probably know how hard and demanding it can be to train a dog.

To teach it to defecate outdoors and to teach them how not to jump on sofas, not to jump on beds, and not to eat the food off the table. Can you imagine how much it must have taken this dog's owner to teach him to ignore the passing cat, to pay no attention to the postman, and to stay still in that position until he returns? You are better off leaving the dog at home.
Stacking It High
In Southeast Asia, this is a common sight on highways. This is an example of one of those instances where a truck is overloaded with cargo. The car could've gotten a flat tire, but it's still going strong. We'd love to see how this car makes a U-turn because it seems impossible.

Another thing we can't stop thinking about is the dude on the right. What exactly is his role in this scenario? Is he the one responsible for making sure the cargo is evened out between both sides? Or is he the one who keeps yelling, "You can go higher, you can go higher." Either way, we can't see this car getting very far.
Driving is already confusing, and these two vans made it even harder! The truck on the left is asking the drivers not to follow, yet the truck on the right wants the drivers to keep left. It's a contradicting situation to be in, but it's still hilarious to come across. The more we think of it, the more questions we have. For the truck on the right, asking to keep left, we can somehow get our minds around.

The driver wants others to avoid overtaking from the right, aiming to keep everyone safe and alive. Great. But what about the truck on the left? Where is the driver going, asking us not to follow? Is there some mysterious truck-driver resort only the fortunate know about, and they want to keep it isolated and not crowded?
Little Guy
Seeing something smaller than its larger size can help put things into perspective and give you a better idea of how big or small things are. This driver wanted to entertain other people on the road with his setup, and we commend them for that. It was a cute idea to attach a small tractor to the large truck.

It could also be that the truck driver has a young four-year-old kid who drove him absolutely crazy and wouldn't let go until his father agreed to attach his wheeled toy to the back of the real thing. Yep. That is probably what happened.
Not Under a Rock Anymore
We love customizing personal items, and we especially appreciate people who take things a little further and give you the most unexpected. We are not talking about taking a T-shirt and giving it a personal touch. We are talking serious things here, like turning your vehicle into SpoungeBob's number one fan.

Only a Patric fanatic could come up with this. Patrick Star was tired of living under a rock in Bikini Bottom. He thought it'd be much cooler to live on a wheel since he could drive around the city and see more of the views. We can't argue with Patrick Star's logic!
Ready for the Cops
This guy has got to be a pro. He has either watched too many police television shows or been in trouble so many times that he felt it was necessary to save the cops some time. This guy was well-prepared and was two steps ahead of the policeman. Before the cop could open his mouth and say "license and registration," he already knew what was coming.

This was a smart move on his part! Now, if we were cops and happened to come across this while fulfilling our duties, we would probably find it amusing; it would have made us change our mind and NOT give the dude a speeding ticket. This young man is on to something...
Grinch on a Bike
The Grinch found that renting a motorbike is the best way to deliver presents on Christmas. It's cost-efficient, and he won't have to bug Santa Claus to borrow one of his reindeer. That would be a pretty cool story, but these two wanted to wear costumes and have fun.

It's that time of year when everything is allowed; you can wear whatever you want and look like a total freak, and no one will say anything. It's great fun for the kids to see when traveling in the car on their way to Christmas dinner, and who doesn't love making the children happy?
Two in One
This red van wanted to keep things spicy and interesting and did not want to choose the regular paint job. He decided that having a black car design on his existing car would make him unique. Lucky for him, no other car on the road looks like this van.

Also, his wife was sick and tired of her friends showing up in their new Corvets and Jaguars, so he decided to surprise her and give her the car of her dreams. After this, she will either have to think of something new to complain about or, alternatively, file for divorce.
Only Grown-Ups
These adults made their own version of "baby on board." Instead of car signs saying children or babies are on board, they wanted to highlight adults, too. After all, they're the ones driving the car! Good on them for including adults in the picture.

Yes, we understand that when a child is involved in an accident, it hurts ten times more; however, did you ever think about it seriously? If the adults pay attention to the road and drive carefully, the odds of the baby getting involved in an incident on the road will drop significantly. We need more stickers like this!
The Walking Cone
This guy left the pad for the day, styling a modern baggy-style striped ensemble with ’80s DayGlo orange shorts and an electric orange and white stripe tee. He topped it off with a sparkling white cap, and he finished it with white sneakers. In any other setting, it is a flashy fashion statement. As it is, his digs are causing drivers to confuse him with a traffic cone.

It was a funny coincidence that someone photographed this scene through the car windshield! At this intersection, he could pass for a construction worker. At the very least, he already has a construction-themed Halloween costume lined up.
The Yellow Cement Road
"The Wizard of Oz" is a well-loved classic, and one can't help but think of the yellow brick road when looking at the picture. The guy didn't notice that he spilled golden liquid all over the street. This looks like a job for the wizard! If only he could magically go back in time.

The mayor of this town should take advantage of the situation. If Halloween were just around the corner, or any other holiday that required dressing up was coming up, Oz would have to be the theme, and the guy responsible for this would get his fine canceled. The council would make enough money from traders that day.
A Game of Jenga
This truck looks like a vehicle version of Jenga. How did they manage to stack this many chairs and tables? It looks like it could topple over any minute! Luckily, the wheels are still hanging strong despite the massive load. Now, having said that, we still haven't managed to work out what was going on here.

Does this truck belong to a second-hand furniture dealer? Are these the personal belongings of some guy who was too cheap to book a professional mover to take his stuff to his new apartment instead of asking Larry from the office to give him a hand because he owed him a favor?
Just Chilling
This group of friends hangs out on a Nigerian highway instead of meeting in a local bar. Why be indoors when you can be outdoors with an amazing city view? Despite these guys looking out of place, they seem to be having the time of their lives.

All that is missing is a beer tap, a small refrigerator with a selection of beverages, and, if possible, a cabinet with a variety of snacks. This could be a great startup. Have your own local bar, with no rent expenses no council tax to pay, and you can move to a different destination, depending on the weather.
Stay Away
You know, when you walk by a restaurant or coffee shop after hours when it's closed, there is a sign that says "no cash on the premises," hoping to keep burglars away? Well, this is exactly the same with a truck involved. The only difference is, that the truck driver took the story the extra mile.

This truck made the right move to stick smart words on its backside to prevent people from breaking in. It'll ward off unwanted robbers with an almost empty wallet and lack of clothing. And not only that — who wants to see an old truck driver with no clothes on? Great strategy, Moosejaw! They must have some writers with a good sense of humor.
Driving 101
Instead of leaving mean insults on people's windshields, this clever driver decided to help other drivers. Sometimes, the important parts slip our minds after we take our driving tests. It's a good thing this guy will save the day with his driving 101 tips for all the world to see. And the more we think of it, the more we understand how important this is.

For some reason, when youngsters get their driver's license, they tend to forget the basic rules. And to be honest, it's not only the youngsters. We can name a few mature citizens who need a reminder of where the indicator is, what the purpose of the slow lane is, and what one is supposed to do with blinkers...
When in Rome
These are things that you can only see in America. The land of no boundaries, no limits, and where anything can happen. Where you can drive along the highway dressed like a complete lunatic, and the day passes by. This guy looks like he came straight out of "Mad Max" in the Roman era.

The driver is on his way to another audition for the second part of the movie "Rome" or "Gladiators" and thought arriving in full costume would be a great idea. At first glance, the horse looks real, but it's actually a horse figurine attached to a bike! This is one of the most creative vehicle ideas we've seen — he wins in life.
Can They See?
There has got to be some mistake here. There has to be a towing vehicle somewhere around, as we find it hard to believe the driver of this car is driving without seeing anything out of the front window. We've dug deep into this, and an explanation (unsatisfying, we must add) was given.

After getting out of the automobile repair shop, this driver forgot to fix his hood and latch it back to its spot. Either he doesn't mind that the hood is up and can see perfectly fine, or he has some special X-Men powers to look at the road.
Awesome Sticker
It took us a while to decide if to place this next photo on the Funny Bupper and Car Sign article or to leave it here on the most bizarre things you see on your way to work. It had such a great impact on the rest of our day we had to keep it here.

So, as it turns out, this driver is willing to do anything, including risk their own life (and others'), just to become the talk of the day and get a spot on our list. Yes, they have an awesome sticker on the car's back window, but they can't see us cracking up and laughing — so what is the point?
To the Batmobile!
If we saw this cruising down the road, we'd do a double-take. This sleek and futuristic design beats Tesla's cars by a milestone. The only downside is the lack of windows, doors, and windshields. It probably uses one of those special glass materials where you can look outside but not in.

Whoever owns this beauty has also purchased a privately owned parking space, marked in blue on the road. This way, wherever he has to pop into Walmart, he will always have somewhere to park the car when it's time to go back home. Although, it doesn't look like it could fit a lot of groceries in whatever trunk this car has.
Not Cool
Wet concrete on your car's wheels isn't something you'd want to have. But you also don't want to go through the same road with a new vat of concrete because someone entered by accident. This is a whole mess of sorts, and we sure hope they were able to work it all out!

Just like stopping people from sitting on a bench that has just been painted, it would take much to avoid something like this from happening. Haven't you guys heard of closing the road until it dries? Or at least putting up a warning sign? Who's insurance is going to cover this?
The Butt Frame
There are those who smoke cigarettes, and then we have those non-smokers. People who smoke cigarettes can sometimes litter the road with the butts of their ciggies instead of pocketing them in case they pass by a trash can. Hopefully, this driver had an ashtray in his car.

And then again, some people consider this contemporary art in an era like today. It's modern, it's creative, and it's thinking out of the box. Out of the cigarette box. We ask ourselves how many more cigarette butts this dude will put on the mirror because, sooner or later; they might interfere with his visibility. Just saying.
Escape Route
Either this is some kind of art installation, or that's an actual grandma hanging on the side of the truck. According to the internet, it's the latter, and we have so many questions about this photo. The most important one being: where's she going? What has she done that made her hang on the back of the van?

Who is she escaping from? Has she done something so terribly wrong she might find herself under investigation for it? It could simply be an old grandmother escaping her daughter-in-law who is trying again to leave the children with her during the school break.
Just Hanging With a Cheetah
Everyone loves driving along with their trusty mutt by their side. It's always cute to see a dog chilling in the passenger's seat with its head out the window. Not this time. This guy has a cheetah. Now that's a first. He's in for a bumpy ride; he better wear a seatbelt.

We would suggest, though, that the driver covers the seats with a blanket of some sort. The last thing this royal cheetah wants is short black hair all around it. We are not sure where this photo was taken; however, if this were near home, the dude would be going to only one place, which would be the police station.
Thor's Wrath
Thor was fighting with his archenemy and only brother Loki in Asgard when he threw his hammer so hard it landed on this guy's car. The driver didn't seem to mind since he was a Marvel fan, so he managed to let this accident slide just this once.

If this were a brand new convertible cabriolet, we feel the driver wouldn't be so calm about the situation, no matter which superhero it involved. The car wasn't in such a great condition to start with, so the owner is obviously delighted by the fact that his insurance company will contribute to a new car.
Bump in the Road
This truck ended up face down with its windshield crashing on the ground. Not many people say they saw a truck facepalming. All types of messes can happen on the road, and this is one of them. Hopefully, it was towed shortly after. We hope the guy has his insurance notified.

And what gets us most when looking at this photo is the man standing behind the car. It looks like he has no worries in the world and is peacefully going through his unread WhatsApp messages. Where is the panic? Where is the hysteria? How will he convince his boss that it wasn't his fault? He is not going to get far by staying calm like this.
Legends of the Hidden Temple
The designs on this car remind us of the show "Legends of the Hidden Temple." Is that a red jaguar or maybe a purple parrot? It looks like a mish-mash of sorts, but it somehow flows altogether. This guy could be heading to a music festival with that cool ride.

What surprises us is how vehicles looking like this are permitted to drive the roads. There is no class at all, the shapes are not harmonized, there is too much black, and a splash of color could do wonders for the overall design. You will surprised, but a bit of sparks on the sides can go a long way.
Snow Overload
Cleaning snow from your car is a hassle, and it's one of the downsides of winter. This driver didn't feel like cleaning his car from snow and ice at all. Instead, he got in and started driving his usual route. We wonder how he was able to see the back.

What we weren't aware of was the reason behind him not clearing the snow from the back of the car. As it turns out, he has family in Florida, where it never snows. This guy wanted to surprise his niece and nephew and took over some snow for them to play with. Now, how great of an uncle is he?
Missing Hammer
This next one is more frightening than funny, and trust us, we have all been there. When your father tells you he will bash your brand-new car if you get another speeding ticket, do not underestimate his words.

Yes, your new car is big; however, there is a big enough hammer somewhere out there, and your father will find it, even if it takes him a lifetime. So, we suggest taking your foot off the gas and trying to use the brakes more often. And when it comes to hammers, there is no such thing as too big. There is only one thing that is too stupid.
Seeing Double
Owning one convertible just wasn't enough for this guy. He needed to have another one. But he wasn't sure if he needed an entire one and figured that perhaps just half would suffice. Now we've seen it all! After all, why have one convertible when you can have one and a half?

And besides, we know convertibles are a great attracter and are all about prestige and glam, but many of them (like this one) only have two seats. So, be creative, find yourself another half of a car, and there you go. You can now give all of your best friends a ride without looking awkward in your mom's old Ford.
Extra Part
Some people are tired of the same old car design and want to stand out and be unique. We can't blame them. They want to take things to the next level. Just like this driver who strapped a big chunk of metal to his car. What was the point of this? We guess we'll never truly know.

The driver was not on his way to an automobile design competition; this was not part of a holiday parade of some sort, and it was not planned to help someone move or take a horse somewhere. There is no logical explanation behind this.
"Toeslide" Check
This car tried to do a toeside check slide and managed to nail it! He gained momentum, landed on the railing, and kept driving. It clearly landed the trick, but now the next part is getting down. Or not. Maybe this driver has decided to break the Guinness Book of Records by being the guy who managed to balance his car for the longest on a road barrier.

If you can drive while doing this, you gain more points, and if you accept therapy after, you win for sure. Do people have so much spare time in their lives that they actually think of these things?
Missing Hydrant
This hydrant seems to be strapped to the bottom side of the truck. Either he accidentally ran it over, or this was intentional. If it was intentional, we're still unsure of what the purpose was. We sure hope he was able to take it off eventually.

Maybe this was the driver's way of showing the council what he really thought of them after they prevented him from double parking the truck while unloading goods at a nearby store. Next time, council people will be more considerate and helpful, and maybe, just maybe, the truck drivers will consider leaving the hydrates where they belong.
A Mind of Its Own
To be honest, when we first came across this photo, we thought it was taken at some festival or parade. The colorful rug, which the so-called passengers are sitting on, radiates joy and happiness, and we didn't even notice that there were four people squeezed in the front and another eight (or more) on top.

The truck looks like it has a mind of its own, with its massive hay protruding from the roof (which looks as if it was specifically groomed and designed). At least the people could hop on top and make the most of it! That ride looks super comfy.
Pimp My Ride
Before we get into detail about what is going on here and what is presented in front of our eyes, we have to say that we are disappointed. The least this guy could have done is add these new details in a more professional way. The boot part looks like a sheet of plastic just taped onto the back.

We understand that the driver was tired of driving the conventional car and decided to upgrade it, but please. The purpose of the extra part was to supposedly help him gain momentum on the highway. We're unsure if it works, but we hope he found what he was looking for!
Watch Out!
When you get into your car in the morning and prepare for another day at work, prepare yourself for the fact that anything can happen and expect the worst. Many obstacles are on the way, and many things can distract your mind. It's usually advised to keep away from vehicles that have metal bars hanging from the backside.

It's best to keep your car at a healthy distance when you see one of these on the road. Maybe he should've gotten a bigger truck. Or alternatively, don't tow such an oversized object. And that cart? Can it really keep up with the car? Can this get any worse?
Can He See?
This is one way to transport a bed frame! At least it has a few cracks so the motorbike driver can peer through to the road. This isn't recommended and shouldn't even be a last resort. Luckily, they weren't moving the mattress as well.

Did this guy say to himself that morning, "I will go and see how big the bed frame is, and if it's too big, I'll get someone to help me? If it's not, I'll do it myself." Doesn't he know what a bed frame looks like? Did he think this specific order would be custom-made and not look like any other frame he had seen before?
Speed Racer
We feel that this incident happened a while before the photo was taken; the driver knew exactly what was going on and still decided to carry on with his journey and take the car to be fixed whenever he had a free moment. He couldn't fool us; we've been there, and nothing can be more annoying than changing your morning plans and having to go to the garage instead of meeting a friend for brunch.

We can hear the screeching noises from our screens. It seems like when he latched on the wheel to his car; the material wasn't sturdy enough for it to endure the road. We're hoping a cop or a driver nearby could stop him. Yikes!
Car Hybrid
This is the result of merging a car and a truck together. You get this truck-car hybrid, which would be great for road trips and transporting furniture. It's also big enough for a group of friends to ride in the back. Win-win. It has three doors on each side; there are two seats in the front and three seats in each back seat (and there are two).

The car's air conditioning system is powerful enough to cool the entire vehicle, and the speakers at the back are so loud that no matter where you sit, you can easily follow the tunes.
Time to Split
This driver must really love bananas, or maybe that's a rental? That's a sweet ride he's got, and it looks like he turned many heads that day. The only missing thing is the fake ice cream and the cherry on top! This could turn into a great attraction on any seafront.

Instead of taking rides in the water, like all sorts of watersports and water skis, why not take an adventure on a beach banana? It's fast, you get to feel the open and fresh air, it guarantees a great way of getting an even suntan, and you stay dry.
Into the Wild
We seriously hope no animals were hurt or injured while this photo was taken and that the driver was transporting them to a safe place. Okay, now that we have that out of the way, what do we see here? These deer are in for the ride of their lives. It's alike an amusement park or Disney Land in a four-wheeled vehicle.

They've never sat in a car before, which seems much quicker than walking. They're master hitchhikers, and by the looks on their faces, they'd love to ride a car again, especially on cold winter days. Riding one of these is much more attractive than pulling a sleigh.
Hands Are Full
You are on your way to work, you are stuck in traffic, and then you come across this. You think you've seen it all, but in fact you haven't. This guy's hands are full; he has one hand on his phone, but he's using the other to read a message using a magnifying glass.

The text must've been too small, so he needed it. But he's also jamming to music with those earphones. Now, if this guy were to be pulled over by a police officer, the police were the ones who would find themselves in a big problem. Where does it say, or where is it taught, that no magnifying glasses are allowed while driving?
It's a Hot Day
In the summer, it's great to have a pool in your backyard, even if it's an inflatable one. This driver decided to transport a pool deck in the back of his car. Maybe he could've called someone to ask for help. At first, it looks as if there is nothing in front of the deck, but trust us when we say there is a car in front, and there is a driver, and there is a reason we assume for all of this taking place.

We don't know if it's because this family is moving houses and decided to take everything with them, or maybe they just thought it would look good driving the highway like this. Sometimes, there is no reason.
Special Kind of Ride
This is what we call perfect fitting or perfect design. After looking carefully, what seems to be one thing suddenly turns into something completely different, and then you get a totally new perspective of whatever you are looking at. Is that a unicycle? It might seem like one, but if you look closer, it isn't.

It's a special kind of Penny-farthing bike that fits perfectly at the back of this guy's car. Luckily, he had enough space for it. Was the driver lucky to have a car in the perfect size to match the bike? Who cares? It's in this article, it looks great, and the driver is promoting sports (which we are all for).
Modern Tinder
There are two possibilities for this to happen. It's either that the parents of this son have had enough and are willing to do whatever it takes to get their 18-year-old bum of a son out of the house once and for all, or this could be the result of a really good prank (or bet) some bored dudes decided to try one Saturday night.

In exchange for taking the son out on a date, a 2004 Buik is promised with just 40K miles. One thing is unclear to us. Once we have taken the son out on a date and realized why he is still at home, do we get to keep the car if there's no second date?
Double Decker Parking
It is not clear how this car ended up balanced on the Fiat in the first place. It is like bad parking is its own special gymnastic sport. Well, this gray car certainly deserves a medal for creative bad parking. To end up like this, they must have been taking directions from someone with bad depth perception or faulty parking sensors.

Either way, they should call in the professionals at this point before more damage is done to either car. The only other reason we can find behind this is that this was taken in the UK, and we have an incident of a righthand driver trying to adapt to the country's left rules.
Build-A-Baby Factory
This poorly placed advertisement takes away from what is happening in this ad! At first glance, this bus quite obviously belongs to some kind of robot baby-making facility. Either that or the Terminator has mastered procreation. But then you realize that all this is — is a funny error. One so bad you forget what exactly it was you were looking at to begin with!

The baby's eye is fine; there is no need for donations to save the baby's vision, and her stomach (and belly button) are in a safe place, too. This is purely bad design and even worse execution. They were only given one job.
World Recession
There is nothing odd about seeing a rustic old tractor making its way to the fields. In fact, a sight like this can actually cheer us up on the way to work, changing the urban scenery with a touch of farm delights. But what doesn't quite work here is the man in the suit.

When you see a tractor like this on the road, the next thing you would expect to see is a man in mussy boots and rustic overalls. Oh well, it looks like the recession had hit the big corporates, too, and this is the best company car they could afford.
Spaceballs Jam
This drive to work will transport you back to 1987 when one of the best parodies was created. Back in the 1980s, there were no limits to what you could say on screen, and Mel Brooks took it all the way with his masterpiece. Whoever is driving this vehicle obviously thought so, too.

For those who haven't seen the movie, you might miss this gem, or find it disturbing, especially on the road (so go and watch the movie). However, to us, those who have memorized the script and can never get enough, this is one great start to the day.
The Traffic Light Guessing Game
Apparently, the traffic control center came up with a new game called "Who Can Guess the Traffic Light?" And hey, can you blame them? Imagine if you had to sit in a room staring at a screen all day, controlling a city's traffic. Wouldn't you want to spice things up a bit?

For everybody's sake, though, we hope this is just a case of an old traffic light that they forgot to take down. Otherwise, that intersection is just a disaster waiting to happen. And it's not going to be the only thing waiting. Can you imagine the drivers who would come across this and sit and wait for the lights to turn green?
Stay Out of the Bike Lane
This sign achieves something pretty amazing — it defies its own instructions! The sign reads, “Give cyclists space,” which is a great sentiment. Unfortunately, it completely undermines that statement by being positioned in the middle of the bike lane.

We have no idea what they were thinking when they put it up and dangerously blocked the bike lane, forcing bikers to swerve into the lane used by cars. Luckily, the cart has wheels, which makes this absurd situation easily rectified. Yet again, this is another great example of things you see while commuting to work that get you laughing and make your day great.
Just Throw It in the Trunk
This next photo is dangerous, harmful, and life-threatening in many ways. We'll start with the design. Where is the class? Everything is so tasteless. There is no thought about what goes where, and it seems that someone just randomly placed the skeleton heads in the trunk.

Then, we can't ignore the fact that this is hazardous. Any other commuter wouldn't be able to take their eye off, instead of paying attention to traffic. And, of course, those chains. Look how black they are. We would be scared driving behind it on a highway, let alone being in the truck with them.
An Obvious Choice
What day are you expecting in the office? Is it going to be easy, with no board meeting and a friendly lunch with Jack? Or will it be three meetings in a row and leaving after sunset? New Life Lane or Dead End? Although we guess it depends on what mood you're in at the moment, it seems fairly obvious.

Regardless, this is a very ironic and quite hilarious sign to come by. It would certainly be enough to leave a happy-go-lucky commuter pondering for a while. Going straight or turning left has never felt like such a big decision! What road would you take?
Subway Stop
Owning your own car is the best. It is a milestone in growing up and a ticket welcoming you into a life of independence. One of the best things about it is that you no longer have to use public transportation. No more standing unreasonably close to other commuters or walking to the bus stop in the rain.

But there is also a downside: the high gas price, insurance, and standing in traffic for hours at a time. It seems like the owner of this car couldn’t take it anymore and decided that they were sick of driving; they were going to take the subway instead!
Obstacle Course
Where do we start? This seems to be an old car that is still making the mile; however, it grabs more attention than any other posh vehicle on the highway. This driver promised his daughter a magic wand for her birthday, and Daddy never breaks a promise. One thing he misunderstood when the little princess gave him the instructions was the size and placement of the wand.

This is how Mr. Daddy found himself driving along the highway with a gigantic magic wand as an exhaust pipe. Anything to make his precious princess happy. Fun fact: this was taken in a suburb of Atlanta, which now explains everything we wanted to know but never dared to ask about that place.
Meet Colin
So apparently, some Reddit readers know that dude. His name is Colin, and he is a hitchhiker and not homeless like initially thought; he is a great musician, he has a great sense of humor, and apparently, he is safe (because he is Canadian).

Almost all drivers who came across him that morning believed he was begging for money; however, he wasn't. He felt so awkward that he missed the bus to wherever he was going and found himself begging for a ride. So, how do you tell the difference between someone after the dollar and someone just asking for a ride?
A Parent's Lesson
So this is another way of teaching the parents a lesson in life. Texaco gas station was so fed up with children running around the place, risking their own lives and others around them, that they decided to teach the parents a lesson once and for all.

What could be worse for a mother or father being around their children after consuming a Red Bull or two and possessing a Kazoo? How cruel can that be? We can guarantee that after experiencing this once, the next time they visit Texaco, there is no chance the kids will leave the car.
Ohio Is Everywhere
For some context — this Ohio-loving vehicle was found in Australia, of all places. Just imagine the journey this car did, from the middle of nowhere, Ohio, all the way to Australia. To see an American number plate in South America or Europe is one thing, but anything spotted Down Under always fascinates us. And then it hit us.

This car wasn't found after a long journey at all. As it turns out, there is also a place in Australia called Ohio. It is in New South Wales, and it's relatively small; however, according to this photo, some people are proud to live there. And anyway, we are sure there are many Americans down there who are proud of their motherland.
Easy Rider
We usually embrace all of the people's choices regarding what they want to wear. However, there is a time when we have to end it. Take this dude, for example, who we bumped into this morning on our way to work. You are not Prince; you will never be Prince, you might be just like your father, too bold, but we beg you to respect the purple rain.

And we do suggest you put something on to protect your head. You wouldn't want the next headlines to be; "A very unsuccessful attempt to look like Prince came to an end today, when the so-called rider thought it was more important to look cool than to stay alive."
Missing Person
Where do we begin? There are some women out there who just won't take no for an answer, and when this poor guy decided enough was enough and that divorce was the only solution, she wasn't having any of that. There was a limit to what she could handle, and not having him contribute to the family household was more than she could cope with.

By putting him in the trunk, she assured him he gets to work on time, gets paid at the end of the month, and pays his way through the Zara and Walmart bills. She picks him up from work the same way.
Modern Begging
Technology has affected us all, and not one thing hasn't changed. Even homeless people and how they ask for money to make their living is not what it used to be. If, twenty years ago, we would see a homeless person lying on a street corner, in his rags, hugging a dog (they always have a stray dog with them), then it's completely different these days.

A skunk has exchanged the dog, and the homeless man doesn't even need to be around. The skunk is there to save the spot so no other beggar takes over. Especially not at Christmas time when it gets really busy, and they can make a fortune.
Good Dog
Please note. This next photo has not been photoshopped; neither have any children been injured. This is a doll's head the pitbull is playing with. This is the most terrifying image we can come across any day. Yes, we know it's not real, but still.

The next thing we suppose will happen is the dog throwing up the rest of the doll it had already consumed. Why don't these dog owners take better care of their pets? Who are they trying to impress? And why do we have to see images like this even though they are not real, photoshopped, or interesting at all?
Caution Ahead
We love a play on words. We love and appreciate people who think out of the box and turn simple things into interesting moments full of humor. What we can't stand are laziness and people who do something for the sake of doing it. If you are going to update a road sign, the least you can do is do it properly.

Instead of using those cheap white stickers and handwritten letters, whatever happened to proper gangster graffiti spray? It would have looked much more professional, and people might have even taken notice. Next time you want to update a road sign, come to us. We'll show you how it's done.
Reality Bites
This is when reality is thrown in your face, and the true colors are revealed, all coated with a blanket of humor and a touch of sophistication. And we absolutely love it. Now, we are not sure where this sign is placed and where it was seen; however, it is so good it can be placed anywhere, and the message will make its way easily. Imagine a child seeing this hanging on his parent's door. Or, even better, at your mechanics?

What we are trying to say is that, just like politicians, you can't trust anyone. Parents are dishonest with kids when they don't want to expose them to the harsh sides of life; mechanics are dishonest with their clients because you can't really fix a 15-year-old car, and politicians, well, there is no need to explain.
Ask Me About My Wiener
First, for those who are finding it hard to identify what we are seeing here, this is a human-sized hotdog with a splash of mustard and a set of green headphones just walking down the street, singing Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy Do. This could have been taken during the world pandemic, thinking this might be a great alternative for a facial mask.

This could be a Halloween costume, which sure scares the heck out of us, and it could just be a plain old cold winter day. The dude just found this outfit very warm and cozy — what he looked like to others never crossed his mind.
Some Questions Are Better Not Asked
If you were to see this one morning on your way to work, a million questions would pop up in your head. A million and one more. What did the chicken cross the road? Before we answer that, we want to know how the chicken got there. The nearest farm is miles away!

Where is the chicken's owner? Isn't he or she concerned it might get run over? Not everyone will appreciate the joke here in front of us. Many would look at this and see dinner. So, why did it cross the road? Yep, you got it. To get to the other side.
Only in Florida
We came across this in the land where the sun never goes to sleep, where it never rains and dogs are commuted in three-seater motorcycles. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Florida. There is no doubt that the rider of this motorcycle is stuck way back in the 1960s, and the lady by his side hasn't gone far from the 1970s.

The coolest one of them all has to be Spook, the dog. And he is way up to date. The dog owners even added an orange pet coat to brighten things up. Otherwise, the three of them would be in black. We suggest a little modern-times upgrade for the rider and driver, too.
What is this supposed to mean? We read this sign ten times and still couldn't understand what lay behind it. Camels are very common in North African countries, and in the Middle East, so we suppose this is relevant only to them? And besides, this is all new to us.

We never heard of men preferring the company of camels over the company of women, no matter where you came from. And another thing — who is this one man who prefers being around animals and not around women who goes on and on about the sale Walmart had and the delicious cupcakes Karen made?
Herding Highway
There are many things one can see on the highway while traveling to work. There are people commuting with children, people with dogs in the back seat, tractors and trucks, and vehicles in all colors of the rainbow. We have seen it all. Until we saw this, and then we realized that we hadn't.

We know that sheep and lamb don't usually travel by car. If they need medical care, the vet would visit the farm, so what is happening here? Maybe the owners have sold the poor little thing, and it is off to its new habitat? Or maybe it's on its way to find clothes for Daisy's sweet sixteen party?
Shoulder Cat
There are so many things weird and interesting about this photo. We all know that cats are not dogs. They are not as loyal as dogs, they don't communicate as dogs do, and they are not as active as dogs are in any way. Having said that, there is one quality that cats have and dogs can only dream of.

Cats can balance themselves in a way that no matter what happens, they will always — always — fall on four legs. They have nine lives, and if you see a cat falling from somewhere high, don't worry. There are eight more lives where that came from.
Everyone's Business
We had to read this three times before we got the joke. It took us a while to understand the #2 business, figuring out what business is considered second. Then, when the dime dropped, it all made sense. The owner of this business presents himself as the number one professional to give service in all issues concerning blocked toilets and sewage. Admirable.

If it took us a while to understand this, we assume we are not alone, and others might take their time in comprehending this, too. Maybe it's time to change the logo and think of something more comforting. We see no comfort in this whatsoever.
Danger Danger
In the outskirts of Australia, where the land ends and the desert begins, all sorts of signs can be found. There are inviting signs; there are limiting signs, and there are warning signs. There are also signs like this, which we still haven't determined where to categorize.

Many go on outings and hikes with their dogs, and, depending on the location, they could let the dog off the leash and have it run around to release some energy. It's not like doggy walks are performed in places that also house flying predators out to snatch your pooch off the ground, right?
Freedom of Speach
People have opinions on Adam Sandler movies. Those opinions are usually pretty strong and tend to go hard (so hard) one way or another. Some will love his productions with a passion and some will hate it with a passion. Either way, there is passion involved.

For some, this passion will have them pre-ordering tickets to the movie before it's even out in theaters, and for others, the passion will drive them down the steep, treacherous road to vandalism. This is what we are assuming was captured in this picture taken by a person who was just trying to get to work.
Travel Back in Time
This looks like a scene out of "Back to the Future" or something out of 1980s space movies. The dude who thought of this believed he could make his car fly faster. Well, have we got news for him, or what? Wake up and smell the coffee, our good sir.

Everybody knows that in order to make a car fly, it's going to need a little more than just a gizmo attached to the back. You will need to either fit it with actual wings or with jets at the bottom. With the current setup, the only way you could get that thing in the air is by driving it off cliff.
Thomas and Friends
We all grew up with him. And if not, our children grow up with him. The stories of Thomas the Tank Engine and his remarkable engine friends still preserve their magic to this day. This photo reveals the truth behind the cartoon character, one that we wish our children could avoid.

If this is the real Thomas, then by the look of it, he doesn't have many friends. Thomas is a lonely tank engine that is transferred every now and then in the back of a truck, on busy highways, and not even in the UK like most of us must have thought.
Green Morning
Whatever this person is doing, they are doing something right. Hair blowing in the wind, paddling their trusty, probably custom-made bicycle — now THAT is the kind of life we would like to subscribe to. Simply magnificent.

This person is taking care of their own personal fitness as well as the planet, and wearing the boldest lime green around to get everyone's attention. Well, consider our attention got. The picture only gets better when you realize the box in the back has a plastic parrot riding a bike with wheels in all colors of the rainbow while wearing a green beret.
Happy Halloween
If you want to scare someone, show them this. This could be a great Halloween prank. Call your best friend, arrange to meet at a certain parking lot, tell them you will be late, and another friend will pick them up. Describe the car being gray and the brand and tell them the number plate.

All you have to do is hide behind a tree and watch your friend's facial reaction when they approach this car. If we were scared just by looking at it on a screen, we can't imagine what would happen when coming across this in real life.
Skeletons Are Out of the Closet
We are all for decorating the houses, especially the windows on the main street, with holiday-themed decorations. We appreciate those who go all the way and admire those who participate. They take the kids trick-or-treating and turn the evening into a great big festival.

We bet that the people who placed this handy dandy skeleton in the window are just that kind of people. Sure, we can only see one tiny piece of the whole front of the house, but we bet the street-facing part is just full of jack-o-lanterns and well-placed cobwebs. Trick or treating at their place must be a hoot.
The Messiah
Even though loads of humans out there have been turning away from religion in the past few decades (and probably even more), there are many people out there who are still great believers and manage to preserve their trust and devotion to the lord. Not only that, they use their vehicle to spread the word. What can be more promising and enlightening than waking up, getting ready for work, and seeing this?

So, we get Mary, the woman in the center, but what we find difficult to understand is the message behind the two horses on each side. What do they represent? And why are we thinking of Julie Andrew and "The Sound of Music" when we look at the background of this truck image? This needs a few alterations.
Another Way of Riding
Look at this bike rider. Does everything look normal to you? When we first had a look, we thought the rider had a severed foot. After we looked closely, we realized he just had a pair of black socks on, which merged with the black leather seat. The way this guy is riding requires a lot of physical strength, balance, and guts.

We wouldn't want to come across a police officer on a highway after pulling us over for such a prank. Keep these routines for an amateur night, circus events, or anywhere that has on-call paramedics. This is just plain dangerous.
Mario the Plumber
Here is another great example of engaging marketing, excellent design, and a promising and successful career for Mario the plumber. Mario provides 24-hour emergency plumbing services and can fix almost anything that has been broken.

If you are unaware, in the UK, a double yellow line, as shown in this photo, is a strictly forbidden parking area except for emergency vehicles, such as police cars or ambulances. By the look of it, in this area of the UK, being a plumber is essential. Having a leaking sink is considered an emergency, and with a design like this, one will tow you away.
The Boys Are Back in Town
Welcome to the 21st century. Up until two decades ago, when the year 2000 just kicked in, the only extravaganza vehicles you could spot on the road would be an outrageous Lamborghini, an eye-popping Porsche, and if you were lucky, you would come across a black Batmobile. The Batmobile was definitely the highlight of the 1990s.

Nowadays, the expectations from the rich and famous have escalated, and four-wheeled vehicles won't do. It's private Jumbo jets and fighter aircraft we see these days roving the country's highways and causing traffic jams. At least now you can say you are late due to jet lag.
Alien to Planet Earth
It's late November. The streets are getting ready for the best time of year. Soon, everything will be sparkling silver and gold, and you'll be off collecting your Christmas gifts and tree decorations. You promised yourself that this year, you are going all the way. There will be no compromising, and only the best will do.

You get into your car, and then you see this. You can't believe your eyes, and you take a second blink. The Griswolds have moved in next door and brought all of the movie's cast with them. This is going to be a very merry Christmas, indeed.
The White Knight
This one is wonderful. We admire people who can see the funny side in everything, even when your precious car is involved. Monty Python is one of the greatest comedians of all time who made fun of any situation they were in and implemented some great quotes we use until this day. This guy added this timeless quote to his car instead of getting the damage fixed.

It's more than a scratch, as anyone with an operating eye can see, but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it. He just got the right decal "Tis but a scratch," which can be relevant for every future accident the car goes through. Honestly, if the car's functionality is still intact, this is a great way of saving money.
The Imperial March
Note: Put on "The Imperial March" before reading this. This is just so funny (and wonderfully nerdy) that we had to shake things up and make it a little more interesting. It's a Nissan Cube. Probably one of the smallest cars out there. If you look carefully, there is some kind of a badge/shield in front, so unless it's Halloween, whoever is driving must be on duty.

We haven't even begun to describe this vehicle, and it's already hilarious. Now, what about this number plate? Where do we even begin? DTH, no explanations are needed here. 5T4R, for anyone who hasn't tried early '00s chatroom speech, means "star", with the 5 representing an S and the 4 representing an A.
Who Let This Dog Out?
It doesn't matter what kind of hellish meetings you are about to have today, seeing this on your way to the office is bound to make you feel at least a tiny bit better. Come on, who wouldn't be perked up by watching this sweet doggo patiently waiting on its owner's bike, decked out in a helmet and sunglasses?

We wonder where this dude is taking his dog. Probably nowhere boring like a dentist appointment, no ma'am. Wherever it is must be quite an adventure. Perhaps the two are about to go on a coast-to-coast bike journey or a desert music festival.