If you’re still feeling the drudgery of corporate life, and you’re in desperate need of inspiration, then hopefully more of these hilarious pictures of 9-5 shenanigans will brighten up your day.
Who Came Up With That Term, Anyway?
If you have trouble with your browser, you've probably contacted IT and been asked to delete your cookies. They're the way websites track your usage, and you've undoubtedly had to click through a couple of messages about them.

If a website or browser isn't working the way it should, step one is to clear your cookies. This is fine for most people, but not everyone. Don't worry CM, it's just an industry term. The name came from web-browser programmer Lou Montulli, who derived it from the term “magic cookie,” which is a package of data a program receives and then sends back unchanged. That term first appeared in 1979.
We Recommend Vocal Warm-Ups
Have you ever been “in the zone?” Sometimes it's called hacking your flow, or something stupid like that. People who work in what might be called an art form love it when this happens. Time disappears, problems get solved, and distractions are costly.

Now, not many people would call programming an art form, but there are some similarities. If programmers are disrupted, they can get cranky. This sign is a warning about the best way to make your presence known. We'd like to know how many people actually do this. We absolutely would, but some people are just too busy to slow down.
Workers, Uh, Find a Way
As you gaze into the dreamy eyes of Jeff Goldblum, try not to get lost. Wait, come back! Forget it, he's gone. These picture frames all come from the same charity shop, and one of the workers decided they would be more attractive if they had pictures inside them, not just a bare background.

More attractive they indeed are since the worker decided to put a different picture of Goldblum inside each one. We'd love to know just how many different frames were present inside the store. We only see three, but there's a good chance there were a lot more.
I Want to Be Disappointed on My Own Time
The finale for “Game of Thrones” was one of the most-watched pieces of television in the last decade, if not the most. Even those who didn't watch it heard about the fallout since by pretty much all accounts it was an immense disaster from a character, storytelling, and plotting perspective. Of course, it was going to be the biggest topic of conversation at the office the next day.

This IT guy couldn't catch it live, and he made sure everybody he came across knew about it. He had the threats to back it up. If you don't know what a 56K modem is like, imagine each of the pictures on this list taking a good minute or so just to show up. Not one minute for all of them – one minute each. The horror.
Office Dog Defense
You're only going to see this in a dog-friendly office, but they're becoming more and more popular these days. Those kinds of places are often full of bean bag chairs and other comfy seating apparatuses, so if a cowardly little pooch is hiding inside one, it's good to have signs to warn other potential sitters.

The way that dachshund is peering out of his hidey-hole makes us think there's a very good reason someone wrote up the sign. He's already small enough, you don't need to squash him flat. Another point for bigger dogs in the ongoing battle of breeds.
At Least He Left a Note
We've all had to deal with work stuff when we're supposed to be relaxing, and this guy was having none of it. Good for him. That one guy Mark needs the experience telling you to clear your cache and cookies.

There's just a little postscript for if the office is in danger, though that seems like a strange ask. If the office is burning down, that would pretty much take his internet history with it. But, if he doesn't want anybody to know he's been visiting “My Little Pony” fanfiction sites at work, that's up to him.
Delete Cookies? NEVER!
Whether this was set up by the computer's user, or a coworker put it together while the employee had a few days off, it doesn't matter. We love it, and it's wonderful. It's like a multimedia art project – both digital art and 3D modeling.

If the person who uses the computer is a fan of cookies, all the better. We just hope that IT never asks this person to delete his or her browsing cookies – it could get ugly. We also hope that no one ever tries to give this person cookies that have raisins instead of chocolate chips.
What Is This? A Desk for Ants?
No, nobody is expected to work at this desk. Though it would be hilarious to see a guinea pig wander up and start hammering out emails. As you can tell from the second picture, this is a recreation of a coworker's desk that happened while that coworker was on vacation.

The man working in the second picture is an art director. The vacationing worker's coworkers also moved his actual desk, replacing it with this way shrunk down version. Whether they had those little bits lying around, or they scrambled to make a tiny Apple monitor after he left, it's pretty impressive. As long as they bring his old desk back.
Shane Is a Fun Guy
You may think that Shane should have been fired a long time ago, but don't worry. We have the scoop behind this series of hilarious grocery store images.

“Shane” likely isn't a real person. You'll notice that the “Management” writing is all in the same handwriting. Our guess is that one employee decided to have a bit of fun and came up with the Shane persona, writing messages to this person about things that didn't happen. Even at a Walmart (where this supposedly happens) a manager would much more likely take the worker aside, not write a public message.
They're Supposed to be Good for You
Standing desks have become more popular in recent years as people realize they shouldn't be wasting all their time sitting. Sit incorrectly, and you can do a lot of damage to the muscles or bones in your back, shoulders, arms...the list goes on.

Some people have bad backs, and standing is better for them. Some just don't like to think about their weight and how sitting all day doesn't help. We don't know what camp this guy falls into, but he was ready to make a change. What is that, a drop floor? We don't know how he did this, and we wouldn't recommend it unless you really, really want a standing desk.
A Ball Pit for the President
What to get for the company president who has everything? He already runs a company. What else could there possibly be? Well, if he's a kid at heart, why not make his office into a huge ball pit, just for him? That's what has happened here, and by all accounts, it looks like the choice was a smash hit.

The story says that the president is a “giant kid,” so we doubt it took that long for the office as a whole to come up with the idea. Also, where do you get that many colorful balls? We imagine you can just find them online, but there must be THOUSANDS there!
We Need a Tribute
What looks like a highly-decorated tissue box is actually a way to decide where to go to eat. Anybody who works in an office knows that it can be difficult to pick where to take their lunch break, especially if you live in a city and there are dozens if not hundreds of options.

This office came up with something they call “The Hungry Games.” Maybe not the most creative name, but it doesn't have to be. All they have to do to pick a place to eat is reach a hand in and pull out a slip of paper. The box will deliver an option.
IT Guys Have the Best Humor
Not everybody knows how to use a computer the way you're supposed to. There are dozens of stories about people putting butter into their disc drives, spilling coffee into their keyboards, and lots more.

If this starts to happen too much, then the IT crowd will start to make things even more embarrassing for those that have done stupid. Go ahead and click on a link in the fishy email when you're using one of these bad boys. It could probably still run “Doom,” but that's about all it can do.
Come and Learn of My Struggle
For a lot of people, the ins and outs of the English language can be troublesome. Yet, after a little bit of study, they are understood. Not so for the person who typed up this message, which is rife with spelling, grammar, and sentence errors.

Go ahead and take a look at all the problems. Bad capitalization, missing commas, and words that don't even have spaces between them. According to the info we have, the manager of the workplace put up this misspelled warning, and one grammar fiend employee took out their trusty red pen. The next time you see a misplaced apostrophe, remember. It could always be worse.
Grammar nerd
All workplaces have their typecast. There is the one who stays in the office way past closing time, the one who brings the best food, the one who brings the worst food, the one who steals everyone's food, the one who thinks coffee constitutes as a snack (it doesn't), and we could go on forever but have other things to do.

One of those types is the grammar nerd. It's that same person who will make sure to correct you every time, no matter if it's in person or in a note like this one.
Don't forget your badge
When one of the employees of this company forgets their badge at home, they need to get a replacement one. But rather than using a guest badge or a temporary one, they get this.

Much like the cone of shame from the movie Up (hence the picture of the cone-wearing dog), this is a disciplinary action. Now go sit in the corner and think about what you did.
Talking to the wall
When normal people get a new coffee maker their first thought is usually 'Oh yay, now I can have fresh delicious coffee with the push of a button!' Not this guy.

When he first saw the new coffee machine in the break room he thought he might as well take the opportunity to mess around with some coworkers. He printed out a sticker saying the machine is voice-activated and watched as people spoke to the machine in vain. We're not saying he's the devil, but we're not saying he isn't.
Employee of the... wait a second
The wall with staff pictures recently got a new addition. This new employee is new in this country and seems to be very ambitious. He raises his voice a little too much, but apparently it helps him with sales.

He's also pretty formal, which the bosses seem to like. He insists on us addressing him as Supreme Leader, which sounds like a pretty cool nickname. It looks like he's about to become the most popular guy in the office!
You get what you give
The employee who works at this desk thought he was being funny when putting lotion on the door handles of his coworkers. Apparently, his coworkers didn't think so.

The next day he came to work and found his entire desk in the parking lot. We wonder if he thought this was funny too and if he is planning his next move on this prank war.
Oh, Linda...
Going back to work after a long time away is tricky. We all lie to ourselves and say that we will rest and treat ourselves and that we will come back to work super refreshed and energized. The truth is that no matter how long the vacation or holiday was, the first day back in the office hits us in the face like 200 bricks.

Lindas of the world and their peppy small talks are basically the last thing we need when trying to cope with going back to work. At least this person was honest enough to warn Linda in advance. Unless you come with a complimentary cup of coffee, just walk the other way.
Photocopying done right
This guy photocopied his face and put it in his office door window, which must have been the smartest thing he has ever done. This is a two-for-one move. He gets to make his coworkers laugh while also blocking the opening through which his boss can see what he's up to.

Now he's free to take that post-lunch-break nap he won't stop talking about.
Getting antsy
The way we see it, someone was only trying to be nice. This is the first time we see someone who had the audacity to complain about donuts. No one gets to complain about donuts. Donuts are heaven-sent sugary sweets with the power to make everyone happy. They don't need this kind of negativity in their lives.

You know what? Next time there are donuts, the people in the tech office can kindly use their legs for a change and hope there is anything left by the time they get to the kitchen.
When the company fridge broke down, someone thought they could make clever use of the situation. The first order of business was to correct the heinous crime made against the name of the beloved fridge, who was cherished by all and deeply hurt when its name was misspelled.

Next, the hierarchy needed to be addressed, hence the Important People reference. Good job, note writer! Telling it like it is!
Store food at your own risk
An office fridge is like a Bermuda Triangle for food. Things that get sucked into this black hole rarely survive to see their rightful owners again. It seems that people eating food that isn't theirs is the bane of existence for all workplace altercations.

Honestly, what's so hard to understand? If it's not yours, don't eat it! Also, shouldn't people usually be reluctant to eat food that they don't know the origin of?
Mind the milk
Milk goes in your coffee. Coffee goes in your mouth. That's how you usually make it through a day at the office. You don't need AP math to understand this calculation. That's why it is essential to always have fresh milk around.

Needless to say, people who don't get their coffee can get very angry. Good thing one of these workers knows how to lighten the mood until the milk supply can get replenished.
A Very Evil Prank
This is just plain mean. Even though, to be honest, we would have loved to have been there when that person sat on their chair. No doubt they jumped right back up. And proceeded to murder whoever did this.

Couldn't they just go for a chair fart? Those horns have to be the loudest, most obnoxious things on earth. But hey, you have to give this prankster points for creativity.
At the Mercy of the Tech Guys
Apparently, this is the temporary keyboard that the IT guys in a certain office give employees when their actual keyboard is getting fixed. Nobody but a tech nerd could've thought of this, and honestly, it's hilarious. Just imagine sitting down to finally work after waiting for a keyboard replacement, only to find every key has been relabeled with "L" and "O"!

We don't know if the other employees got together and decided to come up with an elaborate prank for themselves, but we hope they did. After all, it's not easy messing with the IT department.
Doomsday Humor
This is simply genius. Whoever came up with this idea probably has a great sense of (dark) humor, and to be fair, that is quite an efficient earthquake detection kit.

In the event of a disaster, these googly eyes will either calm you down by making you laugh, or send you over the edge screaming. Either way, for every day that an earthquake doesn't happen, this is absolutely hilarious.
There's a Leek Under the Water Heater
Apparently, someone ran into a co-worker's office shouting "there's a huge leak under the water heater!". And the only thing we can say is, this guy should be on a stage as a stand-up comedian, not in an office.

The best thing about this prank is that, even though you would probably be quite angry about rushing in panic to see the water heater didn't explode, you would surely start laughing so hard at this whole scene that you'd forget to scream at your work buddy. We know we would.
Nothing Like the Truth
Imagine walking into a new office and seeing this sign. We, for example, would be happy to know that we'd be working in such an honest working environment. On the other hand, you would want to make sure you're bringing joy to everyone in that office - and not by leaving.

Looking at it from another point of view, this is quite a positive sign. Think about it. It's a win-win situation; whether it's because you stay, or leave, this office will always be joyous!
A Busy Day at the Office
We present to you a new species of dinosaur: The Absolute Waste of Time Office T-Rex. You know things are hectic at the office when you come by something like this on a desk. And to be fair, that's quite a carefully crafted piece of art right there.

We don't know about you, but we're running out to buy an endless supply of metal clips for the office right about now.
Office Science Project
Seeing as that Earth and Moon are seemingly made entirely of rubber bands, we think it's safe to say Paul's assessment of his productivity is right on point. And we're guessing that bored-out-of-his-mind Paul aced his arts and crafts class in primary school. We just hope his boss didn't see this wonderful display of creativity.

Come on Paul, you even went through the trouble of printing and cutting up little signs for your creations? If you'd spend half that amount of time on actual work, imagine the possibilities!
A Cardboard's Day at the Office
This is a fine example of a joke that is so bad, it's funny. In fact, it's so bad that even the cardboard itself apologizes in the end! On the other hand, whoever did this would be great at drawing cartoons, or maybe just doing basic arts and crafts. Funnily, the more you look at it, the cuter that cardboard looks.

We have to admit though, this is the most creative way to tell a pun joke we've ever seen. Adding a cardboard character just makes the whole thing slightly less cringe.
Printer Philosophy
This person probably had enough of that massive printer being left on half their desk, so they decided to make lemonade with life's lemons and just add a funny little note to laugh about the whole thing. Or maybe someone just got dumped and was feeling a little bit too philosophical this morning.

Still, they do have a point. That printer should be an example to all of us.
Happy Times at the Anthropology Department
This is almost making us want to go and study anthropology just so we can work with these people. First of all, they are absolutely right, you have to be that good-looking to work in a field called 'Forensic Anthropology'. And secondly, 'Jackie Chanthropology"? Now that is just priceless.

We don't care if it's overwhelmingly cheesy, it is absolutely hilarious. Who knew that anthropologists had such a great sense of humor?
Somebody Isn't Getting Enough Attention
Something tells us that Justin hasn't been getting enough attention since his co-worker or boss's kid was born. Kudos to Justin for making sure this two-year old's picture wasn't the only piece of art on the wall. Besides, we're sure that Noelle's parent got a huge laugh out of this little shenanigan.

Just look at that color palette and those strokes. This kid has nothing on Justin.
Don't despair, friend, we hear that the cereal boxes are much more open to a relationship. And if not, may we suggest using a dating app, with actual humans on it?

Not the most elaborate joke you'll come across, but it still made us smile. And we're sure it did the same for anyone reading that note.
Lunch Box Genius
There are few things more infuriating than finally going on your lunch break, only to find out that someone has eaten your lunch, either by accident or simply because they don't care. So, this person, whom we will call lunch box genius, decided to put an end to this very common problem, and we're positive it worked.

We don't want to know where this person got the lunch box, but we certainly hope they bleached it before using it. Or, scarier yet, maybe this isn't a prank at all, and some doctors got fired the next day.
When You Really Don't Want to Pay Someone Back
Now, we realize that paying back a debt is never a fun activity, but this is just too much. Not to mention absolutely hilarious. Evidently, the co-worker with the golden watch was owed $50, but his debtor wasn't going to make it easy for him to get back his money. And really, what's the harm in a little in-office drone entertainment?

We're assuming this person got their money in the end, but the drone probably made him run around the office for a while before he dropped the bill. We give drone driver an 'A' for effort and creativity in the prank department.
Spilling the beans
Ways to give your coworkers a heart attack number 11: stick a life-sized cardboard cutout of the creepiest character you can possibly imagine in a quiet bathroom corner and wait for the magic to happen.

First of all, someone had to go through a lot of trouble to get that thing. At the very least, they dropped some money and had it delivered, which still seems like a lot of effort to pull off a prank. Then, they had to get it past multiple people while keeping a straight face until they were able to set it up in its position in the ladies’ restroom. The only thing that would make this even better is if it were ordered specifically because someone was freaked out by Mr. Bean. Hey, it could have been worse – they could have used a cardboard cutout of Pee-wee Herman.
Ben’s room
Ben wasn’t happy sharing a restroom at work because of his shy bladder, so he decided to try and pull a fast one by replacing the signage on the door. Hey, it doesn’t matter what a door says when someone has to pee badly enough.

The façade didn’t last for very long, as the other two male workers in the office eventually needed to use king Ben’s throne. Even if but just for a day, though, he had to enjoy it while it lasted. Maybe next time he should shoot for replacing the second word for some reverse psychological effects: “welcome to the men’s doom.”
On lockdown
There’s always at least one person in every office who gets a little too handsy…with their coworkers’ food. Most office workers simply choose to label their goods to keep others from getting to their lunch first – but that wasn’t enough in this situation.

Nope, they tried labeling them first, which you can see by the giant “P” on the container to the right. Unfortunately, the milk bandit wasn’t fazed, so the owner had to take the next logical step: they used a padlock, obviously. The lock couldn’t have done too much good, tactically speaking, but it sure sends a message: stay away from that milk unless you’re the one that took the time to lock it down.
Hypocritical signage
Whoever posted this sign is either not the same person that printed it up, or they hadn’t had their coffee the morning it was put up. Do you see anything wrong with the sign? Yeah, so did everyone in this office. So, they responded to it in the best way possible: with passive-aggressive sarcasm. Yay!

The first person to notice the hypocrisy simply left a sticky note showing their confusion. But everyone that came after the original sticky note was just plain old sarcastic. With each new piece that got added, the joke just became even better. Of course, there’s a good chance that thumbtack-guy didn’t even notice the responses.
Some like it hot
If you’ve worked an office job, you know that things seem to break at least every once in a while. But people need their coffee to function in the office!

At least these coworkers were able to make the best out of a chilly situation. Ted knew it was his time to shine as soon as he saw his opening to use this joke. It’s lucky for the coffee maker, too, because it was probably feeling pretty self-conscious after the first note. Maybe they’ll bring in Mr. Coffee to heat things back up around there.
Where’s Ed?
Apparently, Ed is quite the commodity in this office and people always seem to be searching for him. When they don’t automatically spot him, they ask his closest coworker, who started getting irritated about the repetitive question. So, he designed this sign to hang by his workspace.

Now, when someone comes up and asks if Ed’s at his desk (which happens at least a few times per day,) this guy can simply point to his sign without even looking up from his computer. Do you blame him for trying to make life easier? We’d make a sign, too, if it meant less human interaction around the office! Fortunately, Ed has been around the office a lot more lately, so the sign hasn’t been necessary.
Use the spoon scoop
Ah, another wonderful example of a ridiculous idea being implemented in an office because of someone’s complaints. In this case, no one was so happy about everyone’s dirty fingers reaching in and touching the eating ends of the office spoon stash. Okay, that’s understandable, but what on Earth was the person who invented this “solution” thinking?

There are about a dozen other things that come to mind solving this problem before an enormous spoon. Tongs, vertical containers that only expose the butt-end of the spoon, so as to protect the coveted eating side. But nope, their minds went straight for this giant scooper. Wonder if they came up with an actual solution after this image went viral?
Fort box
Sometimes the stress of working in an office can really take its toll on the employees. And when that happens, it’s important to get away from the madness and take a breather so you can keep your cool. This guy was having a terrible day, but he couldn’t find an area at work where he could take a moment to himself – so he made one!

Yep, he’s pretty much created a new version of the “home office” by building a mini home around his cubicle. While most people probably would have just tossed a blanket over their desk and hid underneath for a little while, he decided to go all out. Check out the attention to detail in his hideaway! He’s even got a chimney and some decorative plants.
Topping the charts
Okay, you know how we said the last joke was cruel? This one definitely takes the cake – although that doesn’t mean that it’s not hilarious. Hey, if you’re going to take something that doesn’t belong to you, you’re going to reap what you sow! Yep. This person’s coworker kept getting into their lunch, so they decided to hit back. This guy was fed up with someone in the office taking his food, so he concocted this lovely note.

Whoever it was probably had a really, really bad day that day, thinking about the consequences of their actions. It was probably a few days, actually, since they had to wait for the test results after the initial doctor’s visit that afternoon! Luckily, they discovered it was just someone’s way of saying “stay away from my food.” They did learn their lesson, though, and started to bring in their own lunch from that point on.
Nicholas Cubicle
Pretty much everyone in the world recognizes Nicholas Cage. The star has been in all kinds of films, including Face/Off, Con Air, Gone in 60 Seconds, and 8mm. The woman who works out of this cubicle is a huge Nicholas Cage fan, and she’s been in the hospital for a few days. So, her coworkers decided to do something nice for her to surprise her when she returned.

Whoever did this sure put a lot of time and effort into plastering the entire workspace in images of the Ghostrider? They printed out pictures of the actor from nearly every stage of his career, without leaving much out. Then, to top it all off, they put the bright colored banners around to streamline the whole experience. She probably kept a few of them around, afterward. Not all of them, because others may not be excited about that, but some!
Pet stains
Accidents happen, but in most cases, a cleaning crew shows up to handle it before the situation gets too…extreme. But this stain was already long past a little carpet cleaning, so this guy decided to make the most of the spot on the floor until they could replace the entire area. This is a great example of the kinds of things office workers have to do to keep themselves entertained throughout their long days in the cubicle.

Oh sure, he could have simply left it alone and kept up with his work. But why not have a little fun and turn the stain into a hilarious comic, instead? Yeesh, though, it does look like they lost the entire pot of coffee, huh? At least they were able to turn something bad into something funny until it could be fixed! We wonder if the boss approved, though…
Mug off
This person’s reindeer mug means the world to them – or it’s their only one and they don’t want to buy another. Either way, they’re obviously over everyone else trying to use it! But these office workers weren’t willing to keep their hands off. If you use a reindeer mug all year long, people probably grab it first thing when it’s nowhere near the holiday season, thinking that it’s just an extra that someone left lying around.

After all, who uses holiday gear in the springtime? Maybe it’s time to invest in a new mug, buddy. If it really means that much to you, take it home and bring a different one for the office that’s not so…attractive.
Evacuation Plan
It’s crucial for every office (and any building with workers, really) to have plans in place in case of emergencies. Things happen and building managers and employers need to make sure their employees can get to safety quickly and easily. But developing a plan of action is much easier said than done.

This is the space where an actual evacuation sign is supposed to be put up, but apparently it was forgotten about, and instead, one worker took it upon themselves to fill in the blank. Hey, it seems like a perfectly reasonable plan of escape. In case of emergency – run! Except, that’s terrible advice and would cause panic and God knows what else, so, please don’t do that.
Speak into the dispenser
Don’t you hate it when you’re waiting to get a paper towel in a public restroom, but you can’t because there’s some lunatic standing there talking to the dispenser and blocking your way? Yeah, us too. It is a pretty funny practical joke to play on your coworkers, though.

Must we reiterate how boring it can be to work in an office every day? You’re around the same people, doing the same stuff, and everyone looks for whatever it is they can do to keep themselves entertained. This is pretty good though, we must admit. So good, in fact, that it may be time to print some signs for our next visit to the restroom. Cue the evil laughter!
Introvert office space
This guy gets nervous around people, but he’s really good at his job. So, his boss agreed to let him create this safe space in the office. Now, he can get his work done without feeling the prying eyes of coworkers. Ah, the perks of having a cool office environment and a boss that won’t fire you for joking around.

People who work in offices with lots of people can implement this strategy to make it feel more like they’ve got an office of their own. If you’ve got claustrophobia though, you may want to reconsider before you decide to box yourself in like this dude. Plus, it doesn’t look very sturdy. One bump from a passerby and that thing could come crashing down in a second.
Jammed all night
Office printers are like the workhorse of the building; they’re often overworked, overused, and undervalued. But that’s not what’s going on here, “mon,” nope. They value their printer so much that they even named it after the biggest legend in reggae music. Unfortunately, it’s because it’s apt since the darn thing is always backed up with paper and rarely decides to print.

It’s great that the people in this office have a good sense of humor and are able to make light out of a bad situation. But they weren’t really worried about Bob Marley being jammed, because they have another printer down the hall named Santana, and it always runs perfectly smooth. Okay, we’re done with the musical puns, sorry!
Right meow
You know that one person in your office who has a cubicle lined with pictures of their babies – or fur babies. Yeah, well, there’s pretty much one of those people everywhere. Personalized touches do make the office feel cozier – at least, for the person they belong to.

Right now, as you’re reading this, you can probably see Anne’s desk, covered in frames full of pictures of her children. One of them on their first day of school when they were younger, one of them graduating from high school and of course a family shot, taken at the department store by a professional photographer. Well, instead of kids, this person has fur babies that they’re overly proud of. So proud, in fact, that they’ve invested in all types of customized kitty gear
Keeping tabs
It’s bound to happen once in a while that some unfortunate employee loses their beloved fur baby and posts “lost” signs up around their workplace. When this person’s gentle, sweet, non-vicious ball of fluff went missing, they panicked. Luckily, they were able to post this sign – to warn everyone he was on the loose.

No, that kitty wasn’t missing at all when this sign was put up in the office. Someone in the building just thought that this picture was hysterical and wanted to share it with the world. Hey, we need laughs around the workplace, and we say the more the merrier! Bring on the funny viral kitty pictures and memes galore. The boss may not be too happy about it, but the employees certainly appreciate the humor.
Spoiler alert
Game of Thrones is one of the most popular TV shows on the planet these days, so it makes sense that almost everyone (if not everyone) in the office watches it. And of course, after an exciting episode, you all want to talk about it and compare notes. But your coworker who missed the show last night might not be thrilled about it.

Their daughter had a ballet recital, so there was no way they could make it – but that’s all they’re thinking about today and you can bet it’s what they’ve got planned for the evening. So, it’s understandable why she put up this sign asking everyone in the office to please be wary of spoilers. And hey, she didn’t ask them not to talk about it, just not to do it around her desk. Hopefully they were mindful of her wishes that day!
Missing the point
The big fish in this office grew tired of dealing with the sarcastic environment, so he thought he’d put his foot down in a way that garnered some laughs. The sign did in fact get some giggles – but maybe not exactly in the way the boss had hoped. Someone decided to point out the error in the signage, which just makes it that much funnier.

Unfortunately, whoever made this sign wound up being the butt of the joke, rather than the comedian role they were going for. It didn’t make it much past the point of having its picture taken because they pulled the sign as soon as they realized their spelling error. Or more like, had it sarcastically presented anyways.
Arachnophobes beware
A study done by the American Psychiatric Association revealed that more than one in 10 people in the country suffers from a phobia – 40% of which is about bugs, mainly spiders. People here seem to be irrationally afraid of them, almost. Probably thanks in large part to the urban legend about the spider laying an egg sack in the sleeping woman’s cheek. Also, the movie Arachnophobia didn’t help!

This office worker decided to have a little midday fun by scaring the pants off of their coworkers. They knew that the guy right behind them was deathly afraid of spiders and that he wouldn’t stop humming that day. So, they decided to create this brilliant scheme: point, gasp and leave the rest to fate. Needless to say, that guy went home a little early that day.
Post-food-napping note
This breakroom was plagued by a food thief who kept helping themselves to everyone else’s brown bag specials. So, someone decided to take matters into their own hands and type up this note to deter them from continuing the bad habit. Except it didn’t really work. It did, however, spawn this awesome comeback note.

Hey, do you blame whoever created the note with the magazine clippings? Toaster strudels are almost impossible to resist. Especially if they just left the frosting sitting right out in the open. Hide your sweets around the office, everyone! Maybe next time try labeling it “sardine sandwich,” and see if that helps.
King of the office
This recently promoted manager has taken his new role a little too seriously. The second he got this office, he started turning it into his own castle. Or, he had someone do it for him, anyway.

The employees aren’t too excited about the new setup. Not because they don’t like the castle, but because he makes them address him as “my lord,” when they go in there to talk to him. Yeah, we can see how that may get old pretty quickly. The guy who put the whole thing together did do a pretty nice job, though!
Let’s Ketchup later
Ah, yes. Everyone who’s worked in an office is all too familiar with the terrible stenches that can linger in the break room. This person got a little frustrated with the stench of stale ketchup in a room that wasn’t even meant for eating, so they did this.

But apparently, they love their ketchup in this particular building, and the day-old condiment culprit wasn’t going down without a fight. They at least took one last shot at proving to the person who made the sign why the red sticky liquid deserved to be in the same room. Look, it can even apologize! And hey, at least it wasn’t mayonnaise, right? That would have been even smellier.
Chick of the litter
Boredom often prevails in almost any office environment. So, the only things you’ve got to keep yourself entertained throughout the eight-hour days are your phone or computer and your coworkers. Which begs the question – what does one do to make things interesting at 2:00 in the afternoon on a Tuesday?

This guy decided to take matters into his own hands and create something to give the office workers a laugh. It appears someone also went to play along with the joke. Either that or they were so hungry they were wishing that the paper strips would morph into meaty ones that they could dip in barbeque sauce. Or maybe the guy who made the sign ripped them off himself in hopes that others would keep it up.
Manger duties
There’s nothing worse than micro “mangering” right? Apparently, the employees in this building got a little too post happy and had to be taken down a peg by management. But something tells us they aren’t the ones who printed up this sign. Or maybe they were…

If the manger note isn’t enough to tell you how much rules are respected around the office, we don’t know what is. It looks like someone is going to have a very stern talking to when the manager gets their hands on them. But hey, at least the manger fully approves. That’s all that really matters in the end, isn’t it?
The human hippopotamus
This is another example of the things office workers do to stay entertained for seven or eight hours five days per week, maybe not one that happens frequently, but definitely a hilarious one. These guys decided to have some fun by playing around with their wallpaper and cell phone camera. You know that frame of time in the afternoon when it’s after lunch but you’ve still got hours to go before the clock strikes five?

The home stretch can seem almost unbearable at times, so it’s only natural to want to distract yourself from staring at the clock by doing something hilarious with your coworkers. Enter: the human hippo and his lovely photographer who snapped this epic shot. It makes it even funnier that he’s portraying the baby hippo who’s being pushed by mom. Hey, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to kill time!
Stay off of my lawn
This cubicle looks like a Florida man’s yard that’s been left to grow wildly for a few months’ time. But at least at this office, they give the workers the freedom to decorate how they like. All these workspace needs are some neighborhood kids losing a football. This actually is mild compared to what it could have been.

After all, there could be a lot more flamingos – there usually are. At least they’re taking good care of it and watering the grass with that squirt bottle. It may be long but it’s a pretty, fresh shade of green. Let’s just hope that a person can still access their keyboard under all of that flora.
Bad boy Jobs
Ink must have been running low this week at work, but it still didn’t stop the resident prankster from taking advantage of a perfectly good opening for this practical joke. Management stuck up the sign on the left to keep people from putting the printer out of commission, but this person had a hard time containing themselves!

Even though the sign asked workers to refrain from using this old printer, someone decided to rebel against authority for the sake of this hilarious picture. After all, who would be able to resist pulling this fast one? Hopefully they stocked up on more ink in this office, though!
Oh, Debbie
In this office, there’s one woman who everyone refers to as the “lunchtime bandit,” – and for good reason. You see, Debbie often forgets her lunch and is forced to rummage through the fridge to find something to eat. Unfortunately, that usually means she just grabs what she wants, no matter who’s it is.

The coworkers got together and decided that, rather than simply marking their own names on their lunches, which is what they’d been doing; they needed to try something a little more blatant. So, they decided to just label everything in the fridge that was theirs as “NOT DEBBIES.” Hopefully, she got the message and kept her hands to herself. It was delivered loud and clear, after all…
Don’t go breaking my heart
This April Fool’s joke is downright cruel. Picture this: you’re tired and grumpy going into work on a rainy Monday morning. You’re already running a bit late because nothing seems to be going your way and now, you’ve got to skip breakfast. You get to the office and make a beeline for the coffee table, only to have a momentary glimpse of hope in the form of a Krispy Kreme donut box. Your mouth starts to water as you think about biting into that sugary jelly donut. You flip the box open in anticipation and discover…that someone in your office apparently has a death wish.

Well, the boss has been trying to get everyone in the office to eat healthier, so it probably didn’t come as that much of a surprise. They filled the pastry boxes with veggies, of all things. It could have been worse, though. At least they decided to include the ranch dressing! But no matter how delicious crisp vegetables can be (especially with ranch) it doesn’t compare to the awesomeness of a fresh donut from Krispy Kreme.
No Need to Raise the Alarm
When you work in an office, there’s a time to work and a time to joke around. Unfortunately for the employees in this office, that distinction isn’t quite clear.

This person didn’t feel that writing the words “emergency exit” would be enough to properly warn fellow employees, so they decided to find a stock image of a door with a warning (in two languages!) and add that the door was equipped with an alarm. Quite frankly, the amount of free time these employees have is what’s most alarming about this situation!
Workplace Productivity Is Booming!
Let’s be honest; when it comes to receiving constructive criticism (or any criticism really), most of us could do with some improvement. This person has apparently grown so tired of complaints directed towards him and his job performance that he seems to have turned to violence.

But while most of us don’t enjoy being told how to do our jobs, we like to think we’re not at the point where we have a grenade on our desks in case someone chooses to complain!
War of the Post-Its
From lukewarm coffee in the break room to printers that never seem to work, some days at the office can just be a drag. Luckily, some employees still know how to have a bit of fun (while still on the clock, of course)!

These two neighboring offices have been creating elaborate pictures using post-its adhered to their windows. It seems, though, that this office has won the posit-it war, and so they created a photo of what looks like the world’s most epic mic-drop to let everyone know who the winner is.
It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere
If you ask most people, many would say that they would rather be on an exotic beach somewhere sipping a cocktail rather than be stuck in an office working. Unfortunately, those vacations won’t pay for themselves, and sometimes we have to hang up our flip-flops and put on our suits.

Janet, however, isn’t going to let being in the office get in the way of her adult-beverage-fueled fun. Even if it’s not noon yet. After all, Jimmy Buffet said it best when he sang, “It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere.”
Jurassic Office
Imagine if the dinosaurs from the film “Jurassic Park” decided not to wreak havoc on the ill-fated island theme park and instead turned to work in administrative positions in an office. While this notion would mean fewer exciting sequels in this film franchise, we think it would look a bit like this office full of paleontologists on Halloween.

Though we’re sure the real dinosaurs were probably a bit scarier-looking, it’s still funny to see these scientists show their humorous and light-hearted sides, even if it means being unable to type with those hilariously short t-Rex arms!
Talk About Stage Fright
When it comes to decorating a bathroom (especially a workplace restroom), we think that less is more. This employer, however, thought that their bathroom was in desperate need of some vaguely offensive artwork and so they hung this painting right above the toilet.

We’re not exactly sure why they felt the need to hang up such a strange painting. Was the goal to make their employees feel insecure and uncomfortable during what’s arguably one of the most private activities you can do? There are so many other pieces of artwork that they could have chosen!
Faking It
With times being tough, most employees are willing to do what it takes to make more money. But as tempting as putting in those extra hours of work is, some of us rather take the easy way out, like this clever employee.

She realized that she doesn't actually have to physically put in the hours — she could just fake it! All she needed was a cutout of the top of her head, and suddenly, it seemed like she was the hardest-working employee in the office. Let’s just hope no one comes in to ask her a question!
“ I Do” Not Think This Is Safe
When it comes to planning a wedding, even construction workers can get a bit carried away. These employees working on a construction site decided to surprise their bride-to-be/project manager with a wedding-inspired hard hat.

While most brides traditionally wear something old, new, borrowed, or blue, we think this bride will be wearing her bedazzled and veiled hard hat! And while we don’t think this decorated hard hat complies with most construction site safety regulations, we think it was pretty kind of her coworkers to consider her on this special day!
Saving the Day, One Spreadsheet at a Time
These days, many people are looking for additional sources of income, even Power Rangers. It seems that solving crime and saving the day just doesn't pay the way it used to — at least, that's what we think is going on with this image.

These Power Rangers haven’t hung up their costumes, but we think they’re working on developing some new skill sets that don’t include using weapons or martial arts. From using "Zords" to mastering PowerPoint, these Power Rangers are certainly “Morphin” into your run-of-the-mill office workers!
Which One Are You?
If you’ve ever wondered what happened to that kid in your class who would never do their own homework, there’s no need to wonder — they’re probably employed in an office somewhere, hoping no one catches onto their little ruse.

After all, it’s no secret that most offices are filled with people just pretending to work while just a handful of people actually do their job. And while we hope no one thinks of us as one of those “salad” people, this tweet is actually hilarious because of how true it is!
Taking a Brief Break
One of the upsides of working in a building in a major city is the views. Unfortunately, those views are often blocked by annoying billboards that also call the city home.

This person was initially excited to learn that they would be getting an office with a view of the city; little did they know that they would be stuck with this awkward view for months! We have a feeling they might be investing in some new curtains or going to their local nursery to buy some tall plants to deal with this uncomfortable view!
An Interesting Easter
This office decided that if their employees were going to have to be at work for Easter, they might as well have fun and take part in an Easter egg hunt. Unfortunately for the poor soul who ordered the plastic Easter eggs, the eggs arrived in a somewhat risque presentation.

We’re sure they must have been mortified to open this box in front of the boss! Luckily, it was only because of the way that they were stacked that they looked like something entirely different (and less appropriate for work!).
No Love for Leo
There was a time in the ‘90s when most of the world became obsessed with actor Leonardo DiCaprio. From posters to re-watching his films, many of us are embarrassed to admit just how in love we were with the star. This person’s boss, however, obviously did not take part in that “Leo-mania” and, for whatever reason, hates the actor.

Naturally, their employees decided that the best thing to do would be to cover their boss’s working area with posters of the despised actor. We just want to know why this person hates Leo so much.
Tall People Problems
While being on the shorter side can come with its fair share of problems, being tall isn’t much easier. From having to watch out for low-hanging signs or beams to having trouble sitting comfortably on planes and in cars, being tall has its challenges.

One challenge that we recently learned about from this tall Reddit user is accidentally triggering the machine that releases scents in the bathroom. Whoever installed this machine didn’t realize that the machine needed to be a bit higher, and this poor person was sprayed right in their mouth! Yuck!
Hi There!
Sometimes, when your day is passing by at a glacial pace, you have to get a bit creative in order to make your day more enjoyable. Luckily, this person came up with the perfect plan, and all it required was a pack of googly eyes and a coworker who couldn’t keep his feet near his desk!

While we can’t imagine being so bored that we glue googly eyes to our co-worker’s shoes, we have to admire their creativity and imagination! We just wonder how long it’ll take the coworker to notice their new shoes.
It may come as a surprise, but some people develop quite an attachment to their office supplies. For whatever reason, these everyday writing utensils are often overly coveted by some office workers. It’s no surprise then that when one of these beloved pens goes missing, all rational thoughts go out the window.

After an email went out asking about the whereabouts of this pen, workers returned the next day to learn about its fate. While we hope this pen makes it home safely, we think this person might be paying a visit to the supply closet soon!
Where’d You Go?
Considering how much of our lives are spent at work, it’s only natural that most people develop deep friendships with their coworkers. Unfortunately, those relationships can sometimes get a bit too intense, and people sometimes find themselves needing a break.

This person was only gone for about ten minutes when they returned to find a trail of notes asking where they had gone. While we’re sure these overly-clingy coworkers are joking, it seems like this person could use a break from their needy office mates.
They’re Not Wrong …
While some people find their jobs exciting or even rewarding, some employees spend their day simply looking at the hands of the clock and waiting for their shift to be over. And while most of these bored employees would never tell their boss just how tired they are of their job, they have no problem leaving a snarky message such as this.

We think most people would be lying if they said they never felt like this at least once in their work experience! We wonder what type of office this photo was taken in.
Bored Already
Sure, winning the lottery and never having to go to work again sounds amazing. But for many of us, this dream scenario is simply a fantasy. With the average age of retirement going up, many will be working for decades to come.

While this may be a bit harsh to think about, at least we know we’re not the only ones who wish the situation was different. This hilarious-yet-true tweet is one of the most relatable posts we’ve seen in a long time. Let’s just hope we get lucky next time we buy a lottery ticket!
A Time to Cry
From pulling all-nighters to finish papers to dealing with less-than-pleasant roommates, being in college can be an emotional moment in anyone’s life. Thankfully, this university has established a special “designated crying area” for those times when you just can’t deal with everything.

While this is a great invention, we kind of wish employers would create designated crying zones in the workplace too! We think we might need a bit more than 15 minutes to air out our emotions, but this university seems to be on the right track!
No Flu for You
One of the worst parts about working in close proximity to your coworkers is trying to stay healthy when they’re sick. While most people typically stay home when they’re not feeling well, there are times when people can’t (or won’t) stay home.

Thankfully, there are clever inventions, such as this germ-free pod, that one can use at work. We just find it hilarious that they felt the need to write a note saying “no flu for me”. As if no one noticed the giant blue plastic bubble she was sitting in!
He’s Officially a Belieber
While all employees are entitled to a day or two off, not all coworkers understand. For whatever reason, these coworkers did not appreciate being left on their own, so they got back at their coworkers in this rather creative way.

We’re sure this employee got quite the shock when they returned to their desk, only to find that it had been turned into a Justin Bieber fan club! We just want to know how (and where) they were able to acquire so much Justin Bieber memorabilia.
Working Is Ruff!
If there’s one thing that can put a smile on anyone’s face, it’s seeing an adorable dog. This English bulldog puppy was hard at work, being his most adorable self as he took a seat on the copier.

We don’t know if this office happens to be dog-friendly or if it’s “bring your dog to work day,” but we’re sure these office workers were happy to see their new fluffy coworker! Let’s hope more offices become as pet-friendly as this office is!
Good Morning to You Too!
We’ve all worked with someone who is a bit too enthusiastic in the morning. You know, the type of person who wants to engage in deep conversation way before you’ve even had your first cup of coffee.

This office must have gotten sick of that chatty early riser when they decided to come up with this not-so-friendly morning greeting. Let’s just hope their coworkers have a sense of humor; otherwise, this could be quite the rude way to start the day.
Easter at the Office
Considering how many hours most of us spend at the office, it’s only natural that some employers would try to bring a bit of holiday cheer into the workplace.

Unfortunately for this employee, their coworkers took things to new (and messy) heights when they transformed their office into the setting of an Easter egg hunt, complete with fake grass and a gigantic bunny. We’re sure many people got a laugh out of this, but we can’t imagine cleaning this mess up!
Creepy Crawly Coworkers
Arachnophobes, you may want to look away from this one. This person thought that there was no better place for his giant fake spider than his office — much to the dismay of his coworkers.

We can’t imagine the fright that they must have received when they opened the door to their office only to find a huge spider hanging on the wall. We would love to know how their coworkers plan on getting him back for this scary prank!
Rough Part of Town?
It’s unfortunate, but there are many places where leaving your car for long periods of time can result in you coming back to find your car missing its tires or even worse. People returning to find their cars in this state often find that in place of car tires, their cars are placed on bricks.

These coworkers decided to recreate this terrifying experience for their coworker when he decided to go out of town. While an office chair is certainly less expensive to replace than a car, we still don’t think he enjoyed this surprise!
A Piece of Cake
There are just some images that make us feel angry, and this is one of them. We can’t explain why, but seeing someone cut a piece of cake out of the middle of this lovely carrot cake has us fuming.

To add insult to injury, this person decided to add a note that says “I do what I want” right next to this cake carnage. While the note is a perfect addition to his reckless behavior, we can’t imagine having such an awful coworker! It seems that no birthday cake is safe around them!
Energy Drink Thief
We’re not quite sure why, but it seems that every office has a breakroom thief. These sneaky thieves often find themselves going through the office fridge, touching, eating, and drinking things that do not belong to them.

This office thief is not only talented at stealing energy drinks, but they’re quite a talented artist as well. They thought that if they simply drew a can of Red Bull, the rightful owner of the beverage wouldn’t notice. Fortunately, it seems like this creative criminal has been caught!
Depressing Dishes
When you spend enough time with your coworkers, you get an idea of how they may behave outside of the office. Surprisingly enough, some people even bring their disgusting habits to work, like those coworkers that leave the office kitchen area a mess or who expect someone to clean up after them.

These coworkers seem to have had enough of that entitled behavior, and so they’ve enlisted the help of this adorable kitten to guilt these messy employees into cleaning up. We truly hope that it works!