The sign is true: no one wants a small taco. But what kind of taco? Chicken? Beef? Are there fish tacos? it doesn’t really matter as long as it isn’t small.

Maybe a proprietary mixture with just the right combo of rice, cheese, guacamole, and tomato? They are very clever at El Arroyo; this way, everyone will go for the large.
Philosophical Thoughts from El Arroyo
The Austin-based restaurant has gone from dad puns to cheeky jokes, and now they give us something to really think about as we stop in to enjoy.

El Arroyo loves these kinds of things because, before you know it, you've been staring at the sign for an hour and need something to eat.
Happy Mother's Day!
El Arroyo is back again already with a sign that brings out a nervous laugh to plenty of students, young and old. We've all done it before.

You're working hard on a math problem, and instead of calling out Mrs. Pike, or Mrs. Kirkcaldy, or Mrs. Ross, you call the woman mom. Poor her.
Cheese it; it's the Cops
Yet another clever sign, this one anthropomorphizes dogs who spot K-9 units on the street. It will make you laugh when you stop in for some of, we assume, El Arroyo's good food.

Maybe one of these days, we'll see a sign from them that tells us what they're selling or something like that.
Just Pick Already
This sign focuses on the difficulty that many people have in picking a place to eat, especially couples. But, like all of these El Arroyo signs, it gets you thinking.

If you and your beloved can find a place you both like to eat quickly, you can be sure your compatibility score is higher than most. And we have to give El Arroyo credit because at least this sign has to do with restaurants.
Please Just Tell us About the Food
So, there's this famous song called "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot, with the lyrics, "my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun."

El Arroyo decided to spin the words a bit, it's a feeble attempt, but we like that they're trying. We suggest every week, the restaurant's staff have a vote on which song should be on the sign next.
Choose Your Opponent
The choice is a classic one: one, single, solitary horse-sized duck? Or 100 duck-sized horses? Are they working as a team? Are the animals aware they're at a different size than they should be?

Do you have any idea how many people would like to have a duck-sized horse? Heck, I'd be fine with a horse-sized duck. El Arroyo has raised these questions and more.
How Do You Say Bon Appetit in French?
Like everything else, food and table manners differ from nation to nation. The French consider Coca-Cola - American Champagne, and we still don't get the whole idea behind the charcuterie. And this sign explained it all.

So, next time you're in a French restaurant, and you see the word charcuterie on the menu, remember. It's basically samples of color-coordinated cold cuts arranged neatly on a wooden board. Thank you, bring us a double!
The Title of this Sign is "Trying Too Hard"
El Arroyo has put up some zingers, but this one doesn't pass the test. Yeah, the pun is there – the mean of a set of numbers is a synonym for an average – but it's so obvious any eighth grader can see the punchline coming from a worksheet away.

It will get a laugh from kids who think they're privy to some kind of FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE about math, but most people will just roll their eyes.
How Dare They
El Arroyo is wishing us a "happy whatever doesn't offend you," which is really a way to get the passersby to notice instead of actually wishing a happy "whatever."

To get them trending. They're like...a stamped ticket. You show your friends a picture of the most recent sign, and they know you've been out on the town.
Quick, Write it Down! We have detail; I repeat, we have detail!
The sign is true: no one wants a small taco. But what kind of taco? Chicken? Beef? Are there fish tacos? it doesn't really matter as long as it isn't small.

Maybe a proprietary mixture with just the right combo of rice, cheese, guacamole, and tomato? They are very clever at El Arroyo; this way, everyone will go for the large.
It Would Have Made it Into the News
The song tells us that everyone was kung fu fighting, but as this El Arroyo sign says, there's no way it was everyone. It was only some.

There would have been mass panic – the fights would have spilled into bars, hockey arenas, and homes of male feminists – places where there is never physical violence!
Another Clue?
El Arroyo drip-feeds the masses with little scraps of knowledge about themselves. Now they're telling us that "anything unrelated to elephants is irrelephant."

Yes, it is a funny sign, but why don't you take a look inside? Look at the wastebaskets – I've heard they turn ivory into wastebaskets.
Just Throw Away the Calendar
Don't worry; everybody's favorite funny sign restaurant is here to help you figure out exactly what day it is. And between you and me, it can be any day you want.

We just got past October, which means the corn is about to grow, and the apple trees are about to drop all the apples at once.
We Promise to Be Cool!
We think this is a totally legitimate request. What if we eliminated politics altogether and promised to live in peace and just be cool to each other?

Taking into account the latest issues in politics, this idea doesn't sound so far-fetched, don't you think? It's utopic, we know. But it makes you smile for a few seconds even to consider the possibility, doesn't it?
Something to Apply Everyday
Let’s be honest; it seems that common sense isn’t all too common. Perhaps that’s because many people tend to rush into things or proceed without taking time to think about their actions.

Like the not-so-pleasant-smelling guy sitting next to you on the bus who feels like deodorant is optional during the hot summer days, many people also feel like they could go without a careful application of common sense. Think of how much better smelling and generally better our world would be if people applied deodorant and common sense daily!
Which Side Is Your Favorite?
With so much focus on the importance of great eyebrows as part of a beauty routine, it’s no surprise that many of us spend a ridiculous amount of time grooming and maintaining these two hair strips on our faces.

But despite spending tons of money on pencils, powders, and pomades, sometimes we just can’t seem to get both eyebrows to look identical. This stubborn “uniqueness” of our brows makes this sign both true and hilarious. It seems like it’s not only you who plays favorites when it comes to your brows!
Seems Oddly Specific
When it comes to navigating your way around a kitchen, people are all too happy to dole out advice. And while some of that advice can seem a bit pointless or useless, we’ll take this person’s wise words of advice.

After all, they definitely sound like they are talking from experience! We do have to ask, though, of all the things you could cook in your birthday suit, how did it ever seem like a good idea to fry something in scalding hot oil?
Feeling Fancy
Most of us have had moments where we’ve had a bit too many adult beverages resulting in some pretty funny moments. While many of us know our limits and know when we’re getting past the point of being just tipsy, apparently, some people do not.

Luckily this sign perfectly explains how to know when you're past that point. It turns out that there are just some words you can’t pronounce when you’ve had a bit too much to drink. Most people use breathalyzers; this Texas business uses sophisticated vocabulary!
Booming With Bad Ideas
It doesn’t take an expert on explosives to know that drinking and making things explode probably isn’t the best idea. In fact, it’s probably one of the worst combinations you could think of. Unfortunately, in Texas, the rules that most people follow when handling fireworks and other explosives aren’t usually followed.

Not only does this attitude result in countless accidents or worse, but it’s why most medical professionals dread holiday weekends. There are many reasons why Texans should be proud, but not following basic fire safety procedures isn’t one of them!
How to Beat the Heat
From unbearable humidity to temperatures in the triple-digits, Texas summers can be deadly. Though many of us thankfully have air conditioning, this Texan bar has some wise words to help you keep cool - basically, don’t leave your home until fall.

While the rest of the country may be raking up leaves and hitting up their local pumpkin patch, Texans are still dripping sweat and wishing that the heat would go away. You know it's hot when a bar tells you to skip the margaritas and pick up a glass of water!
So, That’s His Secret
If you follow Hollywood gossip, you’ll know that one of the most common questions gossip columnists have is, “ how does Pete Davidson land all of these amazing women?”

The question, of course, refers to the comedian and former “Saturday Night Live” host’s rather perplexing dating history. Pete has been seen with some of Hollywood’s most desirable women, from Ariana Grande to Kim Kardashian, yet few would consider him to be particularly good-looking. So take this Texan restaurant’s warning seriously, or you may just see Pete on the arm of your girl!
Trust Issues
While most of Texas-based El Arroyo’s signs are hilarious takes on pop culture or events, some of them are funny because they’re so true. Though many of us would never admit it, there have been moments when we haven’t always been able to control our bodily functions.

Sometimes we may think we know our bodies, and that type of blind self-confidence or self-assurance can sometimes result in some unpleasant situations like this sign hints at. It turns out that after a few too many El Arroyo tacos, you might end up passing more than just some gas!
Like Clockwork
When it comes to conversations about the weather, some people are never happy. For some people, as soon as the sun starts to shine, it’s a moment to get nervous because it marks the beginning of a long and hot summer.

While other people may get excited to finally get some warm and sunny days, particularly after winter, these people see the sun as something to dread. We don’t blame them, though; with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees during summer, most Texans aren’t too happy to welcome the sun!
Taco Tummies
Care Bears are one of the most beloved classic characters and toys in recent history. With their adorable looks and heartwarming stories, it's no wonder the characters are still adored even decades after they first came out.

One of the cutest features of these little bears is the “belly badges,” or pictures on their stomachs that describe the bear’s special powers or roles. While the Care Bears typically sported things like rainbows and hearts, this person would definitely have a taco as their “belly badge!”
How To Have a Good Time 101
From picking the perfect outfit to finding the perfect venue, many of us go all out when it comes time to have a great and memorable night out. While those things are important, it turns out that hard liquor is the ultimate way to make sure your night is one you won’t soon forget.

Unfortunately, as many posters pointed out, you must be careful about how much of this magical elixir you drink - everyone knows that after a certain point, all those fun moments become foggy memories the next day!
Perfect Soup Weather
Though many people associate Texas with blazing hot sun and deserts, the Lone Star State also suffers from some brutal winters and even snow in certain areas. While not every Texan has a fireplace to warm up, most have their own Texan secret to keeping warm during the cooler months - an amazing chili soup recipe.

Almost every Texan has their own way of making this hearty stew, and we’re willing to bet that the restaurant behind this sign has their own signature chili that they're ready to serve up to chilly guests!
Only In Texas
There is always something to say about people from Texas, and people from Texas have always got something to say about Italians. Take this sign, for example.

That being said, there is nothing better than a perfectly made latte, even if it is served next to a taco or a burrito. We hope the coffee is as cheap as the Mexican stuff.
We all have regrets in life, and this one is probably the one that most adults can relate to. But why publish this outside El Arroyo for everyone to see? Not everyone needs to know that you were a jerk.

All you have to do when you get home is take a nap every day until the nap feels like it's had enough, and you can each go back to doing your own thing.
Texas has something for everyone. Even science geeks with a sense of humor. We mean, what can be more fascinating than this useless information on the sign?

What makes your day? Is it the distance between planet earth and the sun, or is it the number of calories left in your burrito after you've had a half?
Look Up
Clouds are often romanticized, which is exactly why this sign is so funny. We could say the same for trees and giraffes or any other thing that is taller than us.

Now look up and find some cool shapes; we are sure that if you look really hard, you will find all kinds of shapes of fast foods up there.
A Man's Best Friend
Just like we name our four-legged companions, we are sure in their world, we all have nicknames too. Bob is turned to boxy, Tony is the 'dogland' is Toto, and Rexy.

We love it that El Arroyo comprehends that we are guests on this planet just as all animals are and that they have their own customs and ways of living just like us. So what is your name?
We don't get it. Is this someone's ex so big that they manage to spread shade on several people around them and are able to lower the temperature around them?

The more we think about this, the more we disagree, and no matter what, calling the ex is never a good idea.
Reality Check
Valentine's Day is a day of reckoning for both single people, people in loving relationships, people in relationships from hell, those who just pretend to be happy, and everyone in between.

So, what this sign is basically saying is; make sure your date is reasonable, make sure you married a decent guy, and if this sign is relevant to what you've picked this year, come in and drink on us.
Many years ago, everyone smoked cigarettes. These days, if you do smoke, it's only when you go out with friends, and you are what is called a social smoker.

Same with being vegan. It still hasn't kicked in completely, so some people can consider them served as social vegans, meaning when they are out with one, salad it is.
We love a play on words, and we love when food is related. More than that, being season-appropriate is always nice, especially when it comes with a positive twist on body image.

We wonder what they would have to say about summer, fall, or any other day that is not winter or spring.
Salad always feels like such nice, healthy food. Apparently, it wasn't hard to put a murderous twist on it. We wonder if anyone ordered a Ceasar salad that week.

RIP Caesar and remember, if you don't want any crotons, you must tell your waiter; otherwise, you'll be next in line.
If there is one thing that can beat singing in the shower, it's singing in the car with a friend. We would recommend you start with Bohemian Rhapsody and see where it takes you.

Worst case, you tell them it was a bad idea and drop them off somewhere along the way. P.S. If your friend is still with you and he is a lover of Mexican food, then you are really lucky.
Seven Dwarves
You may need to read this twice as at first glance; you may think it’s just a general statistic, where in fact, they are talking about snow white and her seven dwarves.

We believe being in a Disney classic probably made them very happy. And anyway, most of the time, we're not happy, so how can we expect them to be joyful all the time?
Cowboys Are Democrats
We hope one day, this will all be irrelevant, but for now, we still have to cope. Texas is known for being a Republican state, so to vote Democrat might be an unusual choice for some.

It shouldn’t matter where you live, though; you should vote for whoever you want and wear whatever you like unless you're in Texas, and then we have something to say about it.
Candy Crush
Requests like this are some of the most annoying on the internet, and this restaurant wants you to know exactly how annoying they find them.

We’re total with you on this one! If we had our own way, that game wouldn't be invented, and if it were invented, it wouldn't enter Texas, and if it did enter Texas, then...
Our favorite Austin restaurant does it again, this time using irony and language to make their joke. We appreciate the fact they know what they are good at.

So even though their food may be delicious, they could probably still benefit from a spellchecker. Either way, we still know what they meant.
A Sad Breakfast
If you manage to read between the lines, this sign is calling for new waiters and bartenders to join and work for them. They promise a friendly environment and a great breakfast.

In addition, they promise you have a great time, even on the early morning shift. It's true that most things are improved with the addition of a cocktail; you just need to be able to handle alcohol before 12 pm.
Who needs an apple when you have a smartphone or a camera? The question is, does this work, and will we find ourselves with hours of tranquility once we've done the selfie? Will everyone leave us alone and in peace?

Maybe it says a lot about you if you are constantly snapping selfies, so next time, instead of trying to capture the moment, just live it.
We Love Kids
It is very true that children demand a lot from their parents, and they say the older they get, the bigger the problem. We still prefer them to be smaller.

We can only hope that the tax breaks will increase as the size of the problem does. See, we can make jokes too!
Good Grammar
The art of irony is displayed on this sign. Don’t be fooled; they know they’ve made a grammatical mistake; they are just doing it to make a point.

We have to hand it to them, it is funny and also so accurate to today and the amazing education our kids are receiving at schools.
Warning: This sign may make you laugh! And will also make you pay more attention to them. The last thing you want is a new warning label with your story behind it.

It’s true that mistakes need to be made for lessons to be learned, so we hope no passers-by were hurt in the reading of this sign.
Watch The Road
This is very true, but it almost feels like it’s trying to catch us out. Maybe you’re a passenger and taking in the signs as you drive by.

If you’re a driver though, remember to “Look, watch and listen at all times.” And if you can't do so many things at once, stop the car, read the sign, go and get yourself a bite to eat, read the sign again, and get back on the road.
We're All Young At Heart
Have you ever heard it being told that you should know better? We definitely have, and it's never a nice thing to hear.

There's just one problem, we're not sure when our maturaity was spouosed to kick in, we have a feeling that at this point it might never will. This just goes to show that these signs truly get us.
Gotta Love A Clown Pun
You can always trust El Arroyo to be at the top of thier game. This sign is a prime example of that. Who doesn't love a clown pun? Show us one person.

These are the types of signs and the type pf puns that just make us want to get into the nearest El Arroyo and give them all of our money, in return to some delicouse Mexican food, of course.