What will definitely brighten up your holiday season are these weird and wacky family Christmas cards. You may think that your family is nuts, but you may reconsider after checking out these hilarious, heartwarming, and sometimes just plain strange photos.
Return to Santa: The Movie
This family gets extra points, both for their creativity and the involvement of the entire family, including the baby.

This adorable hostage situation perfectly exemplifies what most older siblings feel when a new baby comes into the house.
All I Want for Christmas, Is Not to Be Alone
This woman got so sick of sending out Christmas cards of just herself, that she ended up actually stuffing her hands into shoes and faking a strange Merry Feet card.

We think this is her way of telling people to stop asking if she’s dating anyone. Don’t ask, she’ll let you know.
Take My Cat, Please
This card is all about the spirit of giving, as in, this dog is really eager to get rid of the cat in the family.

He wants it gone so bad, he is even willing to give up presents. Fingers crossed for a Christmas miracle buddy.
A Christmas Card for the Digital Age
Another family who decided that it was about time to send out cards that show what family life is really like. Which, in the past few years, means looking at your phones and not at each other.

Maybe, they should have a no phones at the table rule, at least for Christmas dinner.
Christmas is Coming
If you haven’t been living under a rock in the past few years, you are probably familiar with the TV series “Game of Thrones.”

This family must be big fans because their entire Christmas card is based on the show’s most iconic phrase. We love the outfits; we just hope they don’t let their children actually watch the show.
Ho, Ho, Who's Fault Was That?
Everything in life is about timing. From catching the bus to finding the love of your life. And yes, it applies to photography too. The cosmic timing here happened to bring together a camera click along with grade-A flatulence. Not only happened was it for a family Christmas card, but they ended up using it!

While Mom is trying to maintain a photogenic smile, Little Bro is having none of it. Big Bro better expect a counterattack. Mom better get herself a gas mask. The photographer better leave — because this is going to get ugly. We're about to have the gas war of the century!
Human Snowflakes
We can’t help but wonder if this family gets this creative every year. These human snowflakes are both amazing and ridiculous.

We salute whatever family put in so much effort to bring us this bit of Christmas cheer.
Emily is Everything
Poor Emily, everybody else has stuff going on in their lives, even her parents get to be excited, but she just gets to be Emily.

Well, we see you girl, you are awesome and don’t let anybody tell you anything different.
Maury Christmas
Talk show host Maury Povich was famous for his dramatic paternity tests, which left viewers on the edge of their seats.

In this case, we all know who the father is, but the idea of testing Joseph is hilarious.
An Extra Magical Christmas
This very big family decided to do Christmas cards the Harry Potter way. We’re impressed by how many characters they managed to fit in.

There’s Harry, Hagrid, and Dumbledore, but also some death eaters and even a few house elves. These guys really know their stuff.
Why the Goat?
Some things just need to be in a picture to make it Christmas-cardable. Surprisingly, as this article teaches us, an occasional awkward face doesn't mean scrapping the picture. The family needs to be there, the tree needs to be there, and the holiday color scheme needs to be there.

Things like ornaments or presents are nice to have but not mandatory. A toy goat does not need to be there, but it didn't stop this family from having one. And to be fair, it did capture the essence of the holiday, with Jesus being the lamb of God and all.
The Famous Tree Stand
We are not sure where this family lives, or if this is even their house, but that tree is absolutely enormous. No wonder they all felt like they had to honor it by performing this impromptu tree stand.

They even tried to kind of shape themselves like a Christmas tree. They get an 'A' for effort.
Underwater Santas
We're going to ignore the fact that the son on the right is clearly a vampire. Also, we have to ask one question: Why is Dad not wearing a hat? Did it float up to the surface? To be honest, we could ask plenty more questions about this hilarious family Christmas card photo.

But this is the mystery we really need answers to! One option is that he doesn't want the hat to block Mom from view. Another option is that he is fully aware of how stupid this all looks and that's as far as he was willing to cooperate. We're gonna go with option two.
Ho Ho Ho in the Snow
This Canadian family is committed to their holiday card. Not only did they move all of their stuff outside into the snow, but they were also sitting calmly in robes in below-zero temperatures.

The card did come out pretty cool though. And at the end of the day, isn't that all that matters when it comes to Christmas family cards?
Zoom Life Has Gone Too Far
The last few years have marked the beginning of standardizing remote work protocols. After too many people became used to attending classes and meetings via video chat, dressing their bottom half seemed useless.

Business suits — out. Button-downs with boxer shorts — in. This family took the concept a tad too far if you ask us. Nobody needs to know the horrors that Dad's camping booties have seen. Because let's face it, if we can't be casual on Christmas, then when can we? And now that people are more casual than ever before, this kind of photo should come as no surprise.
This Man and All His Wives Wish You A Merry Christmas
When people hear that someone is Mormon, all they can think about is how many wives they have.

This guy was sick of the question and decided to add some extra wives to his yearly holiday card and nip future questions in the bud.
It Runs in the Family
Some things run in the family. For example, the things that run in the Hemsworth family are acting talent and the looks of a Norse god. The things that run in the Kardashian family are money and the ability to create drama out of things as mundane as a side salad.

The things that run in this family are poor eyesight and a lack of awareness of what is or isn't awkward. Either that, or they are all fully aware of the bit they are taking part in and simply have impeccable comedic timing. Whatever the case may be, this family Christmas card photo is absolute gold!
Cool Elf Alert
This grandfather is honestly the coolest elf we’ve ever seen. Are those skis?

Our favorite part is that he is also wearing an inflatable safety vest while sitting on his recliner.
Dad Is Getting a Lump of Coal From Us
No matter how hard these kids' dad tried to get them to cooperate for that year's Christmas card, nothing worked. He tried all kinds of ways to cheer them up. He made jokes, pulled funny faces, and even promised cookies. But nothing, it seems like all it did was make them even more upset. And then he got mad.

"You kids are gonna pose whether you like it or not." Well, they did not like it. Congrats Dad, now you have the saddest Christmas card in history. Next time, if you want a Christmas card, pose for it yourself. Peace out.
Scary Santa
This awkward photo is brought to us courtesy of actress and model Amber Valletta. While this girl grew up to be very comfortable in front of the camera, the same thing cannot be said about her baby brother.

We might be a little unfair here, though. Looking at this Santa, we think sitting on his lap would have made us look even more awkward than this little boy. Truth be told, guys dressed up as Santa have gotten a bit of a bad rep over the last few years. The creepy look this dad is pulling doesn't do the bearded hero of Christmas any favors.
A Very LA Christmas
This guy’s family was nervous about the impact his move to Los Angeles would have on his lifestyle and morals.

He sent them this card to let them know that everything was A-Okay.
You Literally Had the Clicker
This family of three was just trying to take cute pictures for their Christmas cards on their own. They did all the right things: get in their matching jammies, make sure their hair was on fleek, and set up a camera timer. Somehow, this is what they ended up with.

The thing the girl in the middle is holding is the camera remote, which begs the question: how did you not sense the sneeze coming before you pressed that button? This is why you get a pro, people! There is always the chance that she just pulled that face to be cool. But next time, they should all agree on a mutual pose.
Keepers of the Baby
We all know that animals can sometimes be better judges of character than most people and it looks like that's exactly the case with the two pooches right here. They say that dogs are not just for Christmas, but they can certainly get in on the act too!

Trying to save the little innocent baby from the hands of the big red man (Satan Claws, maybe?), they will pay whatever cost to make sure their job is done. Even if that cost is ruining the family photo. And besides, it looks like the photo would have been ruined one way or another with Dad's creepy smile.
Is That What They Call a Power Pose?
The girl is still learning how to pose. She is in that awkward phase when you start being aware of the way you hold your body, which, obviously makes you hold it in the most unnatural ways. Kids can pull the most awkward faces during family photos.

So these parents shouldn't have been too surprised when this is what their youngest daughter came up with. Don't worry, kiddo, this will blow over in no time. And until it does, collect all these photos. This way you can warn your own kids about the dangers of puberty when the time is right.
Out of This Galaxy
These adorable Christmas greetings are coming at you from a galaxy far, far away.

Babies Ewok and Yoda are cute, but it is Princess Leia who is really stealing the show.
Photoshop Frenzy
It makes perfect sense that this couple wanted to include their dogs in their holiday card, but did they really mean to make them so big?

Sadly, with all the black and the positioning of the dogs, it looks like they have passed away and are watching over them. Not sure that's what they were going for.
Getting your pic taken while wearing an ugly Christmas sweater is becoming a fun little tradition for many people. A way to cast off the aspersions and forget that you have to look perfect all the time. This couple has quite the outfit prepped for their fun holiday picture, and the lens flares add another dimension.

The cat's eyes are glowing, the lights are smeared, and there are plenty of other additions like antlers, ties, and more. We have to blink and look away if we stare at it too long, no matter how fun it is. It almost looks like they're in the middle of teleporting.
Wrapped and Ready for Christmas
We all love to put on some goofy holiday sweaters for a party and take some pics, but this one is a little more awkward than normal. The two halves both have their mandatory ugly holiday attire on, and they're posing with some puckers that look a little too put-on to be real.

Yes, it's a picture for Instagram, so obviously, it's staged, but it's the kind of photo that you put online and then eventually take off because you don't want to be reminded of such an awkward moment. It's one of those pictures that are funny in the moment but soon become regrettable.
They Read the Sign Wrong
So this cute little family wanted to go get a picture taken for the holidays, but we think they might have read Santa and seen something else. Maybe got a few of those letters swapped around. It happens to the best of us. There is a whole lot of character in this picture. First off, that Santa is highly photogenic, and one hundred percent looks the part.

Big, white beard, little glasses, genial smile. This man has seen it all, and he’s going to give everyone a little bit of Christmas cheer no matter what. Everybody seems to be having a good time. Just look at those grins! There’s also something that draws the eye about the mom on the left, but we’re not sure if we can put our finger on it.
The Most Fabulous Family Ever
This hip group of four decided the best option for their Christmas card was to pick out what appeared to be four random outfits, throw them on, and get in front of the camera. But there’s even more to see. Were not entirely certain how they pulled it off, but all of their faces and noses were smashed in.

We think that they had a big pane of glass in front of them, but it seems like it would be hard for them to all do that at the same time. It’s possible they took their pictures separately and then collected all the little pieces into one picture. None of them are interacting, other than just looking at each other, and that could just be them planning where they’ll be.
We Brought the Whole Family
No doubt this entire picture is a reference to “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” one of the classic Christmas movies even if it isn’t your traditional heartfelt fare. The entire bunch of them have dressed up like Eddie, Catherine, Vicki, and Dale Johnson, the cousins that come to crash the Griswold Christmas with their disgusting RV, boorish table manners, and other antics.

Here, all four of them (five counting the dog) are recreating one of the most famous scenes from the film, in which Eddie is emptying out the RV’s septic tank while dressed up in an incredibly noticeable outfit. Robe open to the navel, beer can in one hand, stogie between his lips, and a furry hat on his head to keep his ears warm.
Pretty Much What We All Thought
Not many people (except for maybe people who work at medical supply companies) had a great 2020. Sure, we imagine that a lot of people got through it none the worse for wear, but we all had to hide inside for a while. This woman, along with her dog, decided to take a picture of what she thought would best explain her year to her friends.

She put on her best Christmas dress, got her hair nice and pink, got out a bunch of decorations, and sat everything in front of a dumpster. Then she added some post-production flames on top of the dumpster and called it good. We’re sure there are a lot of people who could agree with the sentiment, and she even got to get out of the house to take this picture!
A Proper Family Portrait
The royal family’s official christening photo for baby Archie is very prim and proper, and incredibly chic, but doesn’t exactly seem warm.

Maybe you should just focus on Harry, Meghan, and the baby; they seem to be having a good time.
Close Family Only
Even if you’ve been dating your number one gal for a few years, she probably shouldn’t go on the Christmas card. If you’ve ever wondered why, this picture is why. The family took a picture that included the girlfriend, but between taking them and sending them, the relationship ended. That’s what happens a lot of the time.

This time, at least, the family was able to make a small adjustment to the picture before sending them out to everybody. A couple of stickers (as long as you can call 200 stickers a couple) and not only is there no old girlfriend, but people who receive the card get an extra chuckle out of it. So keep it to just the close family. Wives or husbands are fine, but relationships are too fraught these days to include boyfriends or girlfriends.
Face-Off: The Christmas card
This is what happens when mom wants to send out a lovely family portrait, but dad and the kids decide to go a little crazy with Snapchat.

That dad-faced baby is going to keep us up tonight.
Things Could Have Gone Better This Year
We worry about you sometimes, Bridget. Yes, all four of your sisters might be married, and you’re sitting in the forest in your pajamas drinking out of a bottle of clear stuff, but things can also turn around. This is, apparently, something that Bridget does every year – send a goofy picture that makes fun of the fact that she’s lonely and sad and will never find love.

Once she took a picture with a mannequin that was dressed up. Sure, she might be having fun with them, but we encourage Bridget to get out of this mindset. “I’m never going to find someone” is a slippery slope, even if you think you’re just doing it jokingly.
A Cosmic Christmas Card
This picture is a tale of two redheads and one cat that would like nothing more than to turn them and the sweater it’s wearing into tiny ribbons. You might not have even noticed the matching sweaters, but yeah, the cat and dog are wearing sweaters. They might not be of the exact same make, but they’re pretty close.

Look, we know people want to try and have fun, but if you just take a normal picture with your pets in your house or on your front step or something like that, nobody will think it’s weird. You don’t have to be against a sparkling background with your pets’ heads floating around you. And yeah, that cat really looks annoyed. Don’t put them in outfits. They usually hate it.
Ready for Some Space Adventures
We guess that these are technically Star Wars characters, but we can see a couple of inaccuracies. First off, that’s a pretty rough Chewbacca mask. Kinda looks like it got put down the garbage disposal. The bandolier is looking a little plastic, too. Darth Vader seems to have gotten a bit shorter, but otherwise, it looks fine. Then there’s Han, who is holding what appears to be a real Earth pistol instead of a laser gun.

He also looks like he’s somebody trying and failing to get famous on TikTok. Luke Skywalker isn’t terrible, but it looks like the costume has been cobbled together from stuff that you would find at Savers. No shame, it just doesn’t inspire the same kind of heroism that we’re used to from the series.
Incoming Call from the CPA
If you’re a young family with a lot on your plate, it might not be worth it for you to create and send out a Christmas card to all your relatives and friends. But, all those people keep pestering you because they want to see your new baby, so you...make a picture of the baby on the stove? And the two of you drinking a bunch of Christmas beverages while doing so?

Sure, it will get those people to chill out a little bit about bothering you, but it will also get a whole lot of raised eyebrows and maybe even some calls to the social services. “But it’s just a joke!” you say. Yeah, sure it is. This time. But how long until it stops being funny? For a lot of people, right away.
Not Getting the Joke
Just in case you aren’t aware, this guy’s Christmas card is a reference to the show “Arrested Development,” which has the exact same thing happen (a sheep intrudes on his two-by-two photo set at the mall). According to him, not a lot of people got the joke. This is because it’s not a very good joke. It’s just another reminder to the family that he, too, might be going through some arrested development.

He took a Christmas picture with nobody but his cat and made a reference to a show that most people have pretty much forgotten about. Nothing else. All that effort for so little. Craig, they want you to get married and have a real child and stop carrying around the pet that you paid for in a Baby Bjorn. You’re an embarrassment.
They’re All Breaking Wind
The family that dresses up in colorful eighties fashion stays together, so the saying goes. Every single one of these goofballs are ready to take on the cold weather with all the colors that they can manage. They also have a little stuffed monkey in a fanny pack for some reason.

Maybe that’s some kind of reference to an eighties movie or maybe it’s some family thing. This group went all the way – headbands, uneven hairstyles, even some curly mullets. Yes, this picture is from ten years ago, but it’s trying to be from much longer – an era long gone, and most of us are okay with that. Still, it’s clear that they had a lot of fun getting this picture just right.
Kinda Looks Like the Same Person Twice
Ah, classic wordplay. These two guys (and yes, they are two different guys. It’s a little hard to tell, but they aren’t exactly the same) want your Christmas to be gay, but they’re using the original meaning of the word, which was “joyful,” “carefree,” and sometimes “bright and showy.”

Those meanings aren’t used all that often for obvious reasons, but we feel like these two can be allowed. Still, they could have done a little more. The poses and outfits are pretty good, but they didn’t even get a real cat! We feel like they also could have added a lot more lights to the background and around them. We give them eight Oscar Wildes out of ten.
Why Though
For some reason, there are a bunch of people who want to see if they can make the weirdest and most awkward family Christmas portrait they can. But this doesn’t accomplish anything! It’s not like they’re going to win an award! People usually just throw those things out as soon as they take the directions down, and if they get something like this in the mail, they’re probably going to throw it out even sooner.

Why is the guy dressed up like a reindeer? Is Santa part of the family or did the reindeer force him to be part of this? Where did the dog come from, and how long did it take to get it into a costume? Was this a bet? Did he have to pay the Santa extra?
Horsing Around
Here is what we think happened at the studio where this picture was taken: Photographer: "Look over here... great. Now smile... perfect." *click* "Now give me a pose... Beautiful" *click* "Now neigh like a horse." Family: "Umm... What?" Photographer: "Did I stutter?"

The brother on the right was really embracing his inner horse.
Start the Christmas Synthwave Music
Sometimes you don’t have all day to get your picture taken at a department store. You have to be in and out so you can start on your next year’s taxes. It’s never too early to start, you know! That’s what this family had in mind, since we’re told that they were in and out of the JC Penney’s in only ten minutes.

It helps that they had simple, chic outfits that kind of make them look like they’re members of Devo. They got matching glasses, strung some lights around the little one’s neck, and gave their biggest smiles to the camera. No, cameraman, no need to take a second photo, we’re going to be just fine with the first one, thanks very much. Now for a little bit of computer magic.
A Little Tied up
Look at those innocent eyes and that blonde hair. How can those angelic faces be on anyone's naughty list?

Our guess is that the twinkle lights and ducktape are all a precaution so they won't try to sneak downstairs and have some of Santa's cookies.
Ho Ho Hold Up... What's Happening?
We appreciate the seasonal backdrop, the elf costume, and the fact that this guy found proper attire for his bunny. The only thing we wish for is for the guy to not look like he just remembered his gingerbread cookies should have been out of the oven 45 minutes ago.

We know that Santa's sleigh is pulled by reindeer, but we like to think that elves have smaller ones pulled by little bunnies like the one in the picture.
Aussi Christmas
Behold the glorious wombat. This cute little beast's name is Boo. She was found by the side of the road in Australia after her mother was sadly hit by a car. She was adopted by Nick, a local who has been taking care of her ever since.

For her first Christmas, her adoptive father Nick took her to see Santa and we're pretty sure you would all love to hang this picture of their encounter as a poster in your bedrooms.
No Gifts for Me, Thanks
Santa is usually a positive figure. You know, it's a nice old man handing out presents. Who wouldn't want to spend some time with him, right? Well, apparently, not all kids are fans of Santa.

When you think about it, there is some sense to it. After all, aren't we all taught not to sit in a stranger's lap no matter what presents he has to offer?
Meet this guy and his invisible girlfriend, Stacy. Since they first on an ice-skating rink a few months ago, the two have been inseparable. They know that sending out joint Christmas cards is a big step in their relationship but they are confident that this one's going to last.

They are hoping to have some invisible children someday too, but for now, they are happy just being with each other.
Oh, John
Going through three bottles of liquor tends to knock you out and John here has had to learn it the hard way.

While his Christmas party guests are having fun in the living room, he will have to sleep it off in the bathroom. Let that be a lesson, John.
One for the Entire Year
Putting together a whole card can be kinda tough. Most people just do it for the holidays, but there are some that want to give you something for the entire year, like this family. They got everything they needed for every holiday of an entire calendar year and packed it all into one single frame.

That kid looks like he’s having a great time, honestly, and he has the kind of charisma that will last on the wall for an entire year. Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day...there’s even a basketball in the picture for some reason. Maybe it’s for March Madness. Maybe it’s also the last time Dad gets to be in charge of the Christmas card. Never should have let him in the first place.
No No No
When posing for a Christmas card you may wear an ugly sweater, you may dress up as Santa, you may even use bad special effects.

What you may not do is dress your wife and probably underage daughters in t-shirts that say Ho.
Choosing the Time to Strike
It’s always fun when the older sister discovers a new way to torment the younger children. This one has just discovered pinching, and she’s already figured out the best time to do it. We can ignore the fact that the older sister looks like a serial killer for the moment, and focus on the younger sister, who is really selling that one single pinch.

No doubt this image resulted in a hilarious Christmas card for all to see and marvel at, but it probably got the parents to give the older sister a little bit of punishment. Yes, children are supposed to be happy during the holidays, but that’s not the kind of joy that the parents are hoping for. Somebody is going to get coal in her stocking.
Is This the Real Life? Is This Just Fantasy?
Can anyone else hear "Bohemian Rhapsody" playing in the background? We can't be the only ones. Those floating heads on the black backdrop are giving us some serious Queen vibes.

Any way the wind blows, those pets will follow. That is the only explanation as to why they are all looking in different directions.
The Wiz
These guys are living their Wizard of Oz fantasy to the fullest. They got the whole floating head thing going on and we can even see the cat playing the cowardly lion in the future.

Can we please get a framed copy? Otherwise, we are going to need to recreate this awesome photo ourselves.
A Frightful Christmas
These two roommates decided they wouldn’t just do a normal Christmas card that people actually like – instead, they would pool their resources and brainpower to come up with the most awkward and weird Christmas card that anybody has ever seen. Did they succeed? We think so. Uncomfortable expressions, unexpected hand positions and shapes, unshapely clothing, and eyebrows that look like they’re going to spin cocoons and turn into butterflies.

The girl in the back is kind of out of focus and is looking a little too longingly at the girl in the front. We also kinda think the girl in the back is supposed to look like an Elf on the Shelf, which makes this even worse. We don’t know how those creepy things got so popular, and we want to put a stop to it.
The Most Important Part
In a lot of families, the dog is the one that gets the most love. And this pooch is such a big dog that he probably gets a whole lot of love. The guy in charge of the Christmas card put together a tableau of the dog in a variety of shots, including showing off just how big he is. There are also a few small postage-stamp-sized pictures of the actual humans of the family.

“Brittnie” signed off on the front of the cards, but didn’t know about the back until they had been sent out. That means that fifty households got pictures of Jake pooping as part of their holiday cheer. Well, it’s easy enough to fix – just tape them on the wall with all the good pictures facing out. Problem solved.
At Least One of Them is Happy
Not every Christmas card is brimming with cheer. For instance, these two sisters were having a fight when Mom said it was time to take a picture. But the big brother knew what to do. He stuck himself in between the squabbling sisters and got the camera to give him the attention. He’s throwing up a pair of big jazz hands even as his sisters are currently sobbing, tears rolling down their cheeks, practically unable to support themselves as they cry.

Every family that has more than one or two children has a picture like this one in their collection of holiday snapshots, and this one is going to go down in family history. The son will love it every time it comes out, but we bet the sisters won’t be too pleased to be reminded of it.
We Heard You’ve Been Naughty This Year
Make sure you stay on Santa’s nice list because otherwise, these two elves are going to do more than put coal in your stocking. If only they’d held candy canes instead of croquet mallets, then the picture probably would have been Christmas-perfect. Are these the guys that go around with Krampus to give bad children a thumping? Maybe.

Maybe they’re just really big fans of croquet and wanted to show off their new holiday vests, and also all the time they’ve been putting in at the gym (which doesn’t seem like a lot, if we’re being honest). Other than that, we’re not all that sure what to make of this picture. Other than to say we don’t really want to look directly at it.