Yes, it seems that even bunny rabbits must ride the train every once in a while, or at least push themselves on to one every now and then. Why this fuzzy guy or gal would need to travel such a long distance escapes us. It could be for a vet visit or a pet show; who knows?

Maybe he was going to visit his family. We assume that the human sitting next to the rabbit is the rabbit’s owner, but there’s no confirmation of that fact – maybe the rabbit is just traveling on its own. Either way, the pushy rabbit was going to have it his way, and if it meant traveling like a human, then so be it.
Stop Holding My Dinner
Going fishing with papa is always guaranteed dinner. A tasty one too. But sometimes, he enjoys showing off his catch a little too much, and that's when it starts getting annoying. We get it; you're a great fisherman, and you catch the best fish. But when am I going to get a bite?

Poor doggo can't help but get in on the shot when such glorious fish is being dangled in front of him. We genuinely know you're trying to show off your catch, but with your floppy-eared friend in the back there, a pouncing is inevitable. He probably snapped it right up in the next moment.
It's a Photo of Me Now
It was all perfect. The angle, the background, the focus, the colors, and the lighting. But then you introduce a cat, and you find out that nothing is truly perfect without a cat in it. We don't know if this lady set up the camera to take a picture automatically or if there was another person involved, but the cat became the focus immediately.

And it's not even focused on the cat! You can even see a little bit of paw. It's a nice cat to take a picture of, but that wasn't the goal here. Sorry, kitty, you get the studio next time.
Look at Me
Sometimes, pets get jealous of technology's hold on their owner’s attention. It is no different than a child or partner, and since technology has taken over the world, pets have taken over our lives. Just like this serious-looking bulldog. This photo is an example of how jealousy can drive someone to action.

Yes, it looks like not only is this dog fed up with his owner’s business with their computer, but he’s also placed himself in the appropriate line of vision so he won’t be missed. And look at that face and those pleading eyes. Who could ignore a look like that?
Selfie Time
There's nothing like making wonderful family memories while on the road. The photographs taken will remain evidence of the wonderful times you had. Car journeys are where the magic truly happens. Traveling games, family squabbles, and all the rest are always in full force in the car, and family fun comes first by all.

Of course, all of that family action extends to all members, even the furrier ones. And it's clear that doggo here knows that. Which is why he's front and center. Unfortunately, he didn't quite get the memo on the selfie, and his eyes were more on the road than the camera.
The Wait!
In most households, when you look for a few minutes of peace and quiet, the restroom would be the ideal place. Unless you have a dog. Then, your most private moments are interrupted by your four-legged companion, waiting for your to flush.

The thing is, this dog knows it is in the wrong. The look on its face clearly says, "I know you don't want me here, but I can't help it, and I am going to sit here until you are done. So, are you done?" We suggest all those money-taking dog training centers squeeze in a short course on how to teach your dog to mind its own business.
Weddings Are Boring
While the hall of full humans joyfully watches on as their loved ones exchange vows, this dog here looks less than impressed at this once-in-a-lifetime occasion. He has no time for ceremonies and vows. He still doesn't understand what went wrong and how, overnight, his beloved owner suddenly became someone else's.

Perhaps if it were witnessing a wedding between two dogs who were very much in love, it would have been different. But until then, this dog will moan and groan in the corner. He is going to make this couple's life a living misery until they rank him up to where he was before this ceremony took place.
Fitting Anywhere They Can
Dogs love to get into your space as long as they have some affection for you. They'll stick their noses where they don't belong, and that's quite literal. We've never seen a dog try to get between a foot and its shoe, but there's a first time for everything.

Maybe this person was just taking too long eating dinner, or maybe the pug really needed to use the bathroom, but one way or another, it found it necessary to plop its head in this small, infrequently-seen space. The look on this dog also had a certain kind of look: “I know it's weird, but I have to get their attention somehow.”
Send Help
This dog really looks like it could use some help. Just look at it. These happy campers took their dog with them, assuming the pooch is going to enjoy spending time in nature, but truly, the little guy looks like it was dying to run away and never come back.

Maybe next time, get a tent with a doggie door so that your dog will get to go outside for walks. On the other hand, maybe the owners told the dog that it must stay in the tent while they go for a night walk, and the poor thing was not having it.
A Long-Haul Partner
Kids love to pull down on a phantom cord to get truck drivers to blast a horn, but what if they saw this pushy pet sitting behind the wheel? It's the kind of thing that would get a parent's attention. This dog is apparently a trucker's best pal, and she keeps the seat warm while the driver is gassing up during a long day on the highways.

Sitting on the roads for hours or days on end has got to be draining, but with a friend like this one sitting in the co-pilot's seat, it has to be a lot easier.
Are You Still There?
When you get a new puppy, there's going to be some attachment. That's better than the alternative, right? You don't want a dog to NOT want to spend time with you. Sad is what that would be. If the attachment is strong enough, the dog might not even want the owner to be in the bathroom for too long before checking to make sure everything is okay.

That's what this pupper is doing by sticking her little feet under the door. She's desperate for some kind of connection, or maybe the tile just feels good. Still, it's a cute gesture.
Let Me Out!
You have been waiting for this trip all winter, just waiting for the weather to get a little warmer and camping here we come. You've arrived at your destination, you take your bag out of the car, and it feels a little heavier than what it was when you initially packed. The cat senses that you have arrived, and then you realize what made it that much heavier.

"Dear owner, if you are going, I am coming with you, and there is no way you are going to spend the weekend away from me. Now, what time is dinner served?"
Don't You Forget About Me
This is one of those photos that you don't realize what you're shooting until you see the photo itself. Here is a great photo pulled off by this sneaky cat who was hanging on that chair. This dog is finally getting his grand portrait taken so it can be added to the family albums, but the sneaky cat had other plans.

He is going to be so disappointed once he sees the prints. That cat is the real family troll. Next time we suggest the dog makes sure the cat is locked up somewhere before striking the pose, or at least make it look a bit more appealing.
Blue Eyed Trouble
This innocent blue-eyed guy just wanted to take a nice selfie of himself for his favorite dating app. But when you live with a pushy cat, there's no such thing as doing something without being interrupted. This little kitten isn't keen on the idea that his owner will have someone new to play with and is willing to do whatever it takes to get his attention.

The owner did get a cute picture out of it. They both have strikingly colored eyes, which might prove to be an advantage on dating apps, besides that, it's time to tell the cat where it belongs.
Ready for Anything
This lovely picture comes to us from a guide dog named Axel, who had just spent a week guiding his blind charge on a week-long pilgrimage. A diligent pup on duty. This picture was taken on a train, with Axel ever vigilant for things that might be dangerous to the man he was with.

He's cuddled around the guy's foot, which looks like the standard pose for the two of them based on how chill the dog is. Good job, bud; you're keeping him safe from things that he can't see. Yes, this dog is pushy, but it is wise too.
Make It Stop!
This kitty is the personification of every little kid who sees dad plant one on mom. No matter that it’s a special occasion – possibly the most special – the kid thinks, “get a room, please!” Except in this picture, the cat probably inhaled some dandelion or something and was mid-sneeze when the photographer snapped this pic.

Either that or it's ruining the photo intentionally, which wouldn't surprise us. Although this kitty may have a sour face, they should be glad he decided to photobomb them so perfectly. Sure, their pictures would have been nice without the added touch, but they wouldn’t have gone viral.
Looking Ahead
Sure, the driver has to be looking out the front at almost all times, but that doesn't mean the passengers do. They can stay comfortably in the back, but they don't. Dogs and other pets tend to look out the side windows since that is where most of the stuff is. This frazzled little pooch, however, has his or her eyes pointed straight ahead.

That's where the real action is. Or, maybe that's where a cool car or something like that is. It's just lucky that this dog is such a small little friend, or he would never be able to fit on the center console.
The Car Means Excitement
This furry friend always looks like he's ready to ride no matter where the car is headed. Just look at that outpouring of excitement! The eyes wide open to take in everything they come across, the mouth hanging open in a big, toothy smile, and the tail that would normally be wagging, but there just isn't enough space in the footwell of the vehicle.

We're sure once Rusty gets outside, he's going to be a bundle of joy and plenty of wags. All dogs know that when you get in the car, it's time for some good and exciting times.
Following You to the Bathroom
Though the kitchen might be a popular hangout place for your cat, many of them are fascinated by their owner’s bathroom. From sleeping in sinks to causing trouble with the toilet, this cat can't get enough of the commode. Talk about pushy and talk about minding your own business and giving me some peace and quiet.

Many cats feel vulnerable without you. Just try doing your business alone without being watched, it's impossible with cats! The bathroom is also full of interesting smells and cool smooth surfaces to lay on — plus, they know they’ll be the focus of your attention. You've got yourself a new bathroom buddy!
Three’s a Crowd
Dogs — they are considered by many to make the best pets with their intense loyalty, unconditional love, and fun-loving nature. But even our pets can experience almost human-like jealousy when something tries to come between them and the people they love so much. Never underestimate your pet. They are much smarter than we think and more sensitive than any other human you know.

As you can see, this little puppy isn’t ready to have anyone come between him and his favorite human (either that or he’s very protective.) And he made sure to keep himself closeby by jumping really high so as not to be ignored.
Get This Equation in Your Head
Trying to study while you have a couple of cats running around on top of the desk is a losing proposition. They just have too much energy. You'll never be able to find the right kind of focus for getting that information in your brain. They'll chew on pencils, they'll lie on top of books, they'll meow so much that you'll have to tear your attention away, and that's just the start of it.

When you finally reach the test you're prepping for, you're just going to have memories of cats running around. Generally not a bad thing, but not what you want all the time.
New Sitcom This Fall!
There are few things better than seeing a guy smiling with his dog, and this pic is right up there with the best. Big smiles, bright eyes, and that framing – perfect. This guy and his dog – the dog's name is Quaid, apparently – are all set to conquer the horizon in their set of wheels.

They could be going to the store, they could be going to the pet store, or they could be going to a distant location across state or country lines – it really doesn't matter to these two. They're always going to be ready.
Looking at Things From a New Perspective
Seeing a dog on the subway isn't the craziest thing ever. Keep your eyes open, and you will see at least one fuzzy friend during the day. Not only has this dog pushed itself on the subway, but it's a dog stuffed into a backpack, head stuck out, and taking a good, long look at everybody around it.

Dogs might not be able to pilot aircraft, but they still know up from down. That means this dog was choosing to look at everybody in this way. People look much better when they're upside-down, but don't take our word for it.
A Nosy Dog
Camping is challenging, and camping with dogs can go either way. It can be fun, but it can also be a real pain in the booty. In this case, what started out as a fun day camping ended with the dog strolling over to a nearby neighborhood and pushing its head through someone's door screen. How embarrassing! And you end up having to pay for the fix more than you paid for the entire trip.

Luckily for this canine, it's cute, so we bet it was forgiven in no time. And besides, this is the kind of thing you take into account when adopting a pushy pet.
Finding New Friends
You might have to commute daily, but that doesn't mean it can't be an exciting experience! Do what this little pup does and find a new friend during your next bus ride. Sure, you might not become bosom buddies, but you might get a nice story out of it, and you might be able to enjoy yourselves a little more.

On the other hand, you don't have puppy-dog eyes that will get everybody but the most hard-hearted commuter to want to pick you up and snuggle, so it probably won't be as easy as this cute little pup has it.
Pretty Pleased With Himself
This German Shepherd seems so happy his momma is home; he barely notices how bad his 'pawsture' is when sitting on her lap! There's no such thing as being too close for comfort when you're with the one you love. He's just glad she's back and wants to get as close to her as he can. But how could anyone be mad at him? Look at how happy he is!

Thankfully this beautiful dog is not going to get any bigger. It is at its prime. Could you imagine something double the size charging over to hug you as you walk through the door?
Sad Eyes
This puppy looks like he’s going to burst into tears at any moment. Maybe it has something to do with the fact his favorite little human is showing attention to another dog. He’s doing that thing cats do where they turn their backs on you to show you that they’re upset. “Fine, I don’t need your attention. Take this!”

Or, perhaps his most favorite human is actually the one taking the picture, and he’s perfectly fine sharing the pets with his fur sibling. After all, some dogs just have that adorable sad look on their face all of the time.
You Look Tired
When your dog yawns, it can signify that your dog feels comfortable, and we can see why. Who wouldn't feel comfortable on leather seats in the back of a car? Always teach your dog that they are not humans and that we don't do and deserve the same things, remember? On second thought, it won't help. They will always think that they are humans.

So, while your dog has pushed its way into your car, you have no choice but to take it along to wherever you are going, hoping next time, you will have space back there for your kids. The human ones.
I'm Gonna Start Climbing
We can't say we've ever had a ferret climb up our leg, but we're going to go out on a limb (just like the ferret) and guess that it isn't a comfortable experience. They have sharp claws, and let's not forget the teeth, even if they aren't a standard part of climbing.

Thus, a ferret attaching itself to your leg is a great way for it to get your attention. Let's hope that the rest of the animal kingdom doesn't pick up any ideas because things can get kinda dangerous. Cats, dogs, swordfish. You don't want everything climbing your leg.
Focus Issues
Look, every single pet belongs in the family photo. It's just not complete without it. These fluffy family members are just as much a part of the family as any mother, father, son, or daughter. This means, technically, that the rest of the family is also quite important. So it would be ideal to see them in the photograph as well, you know, along with their dog.

Guess he got over-eager or was intrigued by this little machine called the camera, which made him get up really close. Hopefully, there is another round of snaps, and everyone ends up in focus.
Have You Ever Needed Something Really Badly?
For some reason, cats are all about seafood. Whether that means watching, chasing, or chowing down, they can't get enough of the fishy animals. So, when a human goes out to the shop and comes back with what appears to be nigiri – a slice of fresh fish that is lying on top of a bed of rice – it's all that a cat can do not to lose its mind right then and there.

And if the human has the guts to start eating right in front of the cat, well, there will be quite a bit of meowing going on.
A Dog Is Always a Puppy
A dog demanding attention is nothing special, especially if it's a working dog like this one appears to be. However, it seems to our practiced eye that this dog is getting up there in the years – look at the white fur that is growing around the eyes. No matter how old a dog gets, sometimes it still just wants you to throw the ball down the hallway over and over without ever stopping.

We're told that this dog is a mature and wise sixteen years, but he can still turn on the charm, even in the last stages of doggy life.
The Head's Too Big
All cat owners know that they’ve got notoriously big heads. They’re in charge, of course, and we exist only to keep their food bowls full and their beds warm at night. This cat’s owner decided to take a picture of how she thought her little girl saw herself – which is basically human, just smaller than most.

The whiskers are reminiscent of how a barbie’s hair looks when someone decides to play hairstylist and gives the Barbies haircuts. Unfortunately, plastic hair doesn’t exactly fall into place like human hair. Oddly enough, the area with the kitty’s nose almost looks like the right size for a Barbie head. Just imagine Barbie’s nose where the cat’s little mouth is.
Let Meow-t!
Christmas is for kids, and Easter is for the parents, but there is one holiday that, with no doubt, belongs to our pets. It’s Halloween, and this cat is ready to go party with his neighborhood friends. He can hardly handle his excitement. So, when his humans decided to snap this picture by the front door, he had something to say about it. Plus, they had the audacity to try and take the photo without him, even though it was clearly his day.

Just look at the pumpkin. They created it in his image on his holiday and everything! Well, that’s what she thinks, and everyone knows the cat’s always right. Pushy and right.
Say Cheese
This cat looks like he sees something from another dimension looking back at him. The face is a combination of scared and smiling. Actually, he almost looks like the Cheshire Cat grinning at us. And on the other hand, if we could stretch this out a little to the left, we would be surprised to see some puppeteer holding the ginger feline.

Well, they are sitting outside of a bar, it seems, so maybe the cat’s been boozing it up with the patrons all night? The cat may be the establishment’s regular furry friend that has a food dish next to the building, which gets filled up by both staff and customers a few times per day. Hey, that explains why he’s so happy.
Ignore the Kitten
Getting a kitten is a big part of anyone's life, and that means lots of pictures for social media. Admit it; you like pictures of kittens, too. We all do. This person wanted to get a good one of the new kitty enjoying a meal, but the other cat in the house hadn't signed off on the plan.

Even better, it's clear that the older cat is not excited about the prospect of some other little animal cutting into its food supply. Look at that angry eye, the tilted back ear. That feline couldn't be more obviously upset if it was hissing.
Got Any Games on Your Phone?
"Hey bud, the attendant said to turn off all electronic devices. Can you hear her? It's okay; I'll just bark for her attention and point out that you aren't following the rules." We're not exactly sure what breed of dog this one is, but it's definitely one of the big ones. It has a big body and a big mouth.

That means a big bark, which is no fun in an enclosed area like a plane ride. Still, who knows if the dog will even bark? It might just be content to sit there and stare at the person who keeps kicking the back of their seat.
Really Wants to Say Hi
Maybe you want to keep to yourself, but if you're on some public transportation, there's not really much you can do about it if someone else wants to introduce themselves, and there is a limit to the time you can give the silent treatment. At least this picture has the nosy seat neighbor being a friendly dog. That's better than a lot of people get.

And the dog is being quite adamant about getting to know the person with the camera, too. The dog looks like an alright chap, so this journey was probably much more pleasant than it would have been otherwise.
Hopping Onto the Train
Yes, it seems that even bunny rabbits must ride the train every once in a while, or at least push themselves on to one every now and then. Why this fuzzy guy or gal would need to travel such a long distance escapes us. It could be for a vet visit or a pet show; who knows?

Maybe he was going to visit his family. We assume that the human sitting next to the rabbit is the rabbit's owner, but there's no confirmation of that fact – maybe the rabbit is just traveling on its own. Either way, the pushy rabbit was going to have it his way, and if it meant traveling like a human, then so be it.
I Demand Attention!
It’s never really easy on a kid, whether they have two or four legs, when their parents get married and shake up their world. After all, this doggo was used to how his world worked. He went on adventures with his dad, slept in his bed, and got basically all of the attention.

But now that dad was getting married, he knew he would have to share. He couldn’t help but throw a mini temper tantrum at the altar. He had to remind everyone that he was there first – and he did! Luckily, dogs get over things very quickly and easily. Although getting him off of the bed might not be so easy.
I’ve Got Your Back
Everyone has that one friend who can’t keep a straight face during a photoshoot. You know the one, and if you don't have a friend like that, then you are probably the one. Everyone is going to do a serious look, but this guy keeps throwing up rabbit ears and sticking out his tongue. Of course, the kitty doesn’t have opposable thumbs to make rabbit ears.

The little brown and black kitty looks at the camera like, “she’s making the face again, isn’t she?” Don’t worry, kitty; it doesn’t matter what face you make. You’re adorable no matter what. Keep on pushing.
Meet Koji
With such a tender gaze in Koji's eyes, it would be hard not to cuddle him; he is like a new kind of body pillow! Not into body pillows? Koji would make a great security blanket. Feel a bit too warm, and blankets are out of the question right now? We are sure you will find something useful to do with this thing.

Not only will Koji make you feel safe and lower your anxiety, but he will also be the right kind of clingy. Why get a body pillow when you can just get another Koji? You can never have too many.
Never a Moment of Peace
Coming home after a long day at work or returning from the gym is pleasant and relaxing, however, getting tackled by your dog when you walk through the door isn't always the most pleasant experience. They sniff you from a mile and plan the great jump longtime before you approach them. Sometimes they may unintentionally scratch you or, if they're big enough, knock you over, but this is the price to pay for having a pushy dog.

They want to be anywhere and everywhere, anytime and with anyone. Just like this adorable pushy puppy that might just knock his human off the boat.
That Sneaky Iguana
Never turn your back on someone. You never know what they'll say about you. The moment that cat turned his head, this iguana threw some shade at him. The tables clearly turned. That cat did not let that slide. If we were that iguana, we would be pretty scared. I'll show you who's pushier, meow meow.

Reptiles have such a bad reputation, however, by this image, it seems that cats are the bigger problem, and maybe we should start considering other animals to bring into our house. We don't know about you, but we have had enough of mundane cats and dogs.
Interrupt Much?
Just take a look at this cute pushy pet. It is finding it very difficult to let its owner deal with day-to-day chores that include the cell phone, so it has placed its head where it can for sure be seen. "No ignoring me now, and if want your phone, you will have to get past me first." Honestly, this might be a good excuse to spend some time away from our phones.

Just like your children, give your cat some one-on-one time as well as interactive toys to keep it stimulated. We bet you wish someone would have told you this before you adopted the cat (or before you had kids).
Can I Help?
We're not sure exactly what kind of work is being done here, but it looks like it's quite the project. Refinishing a kitchen, doing some plumbing, painting, or something like that. But that doesn't matter to the big dog that wants a little lovin'. He's waiting so patiently, leg raised off the ground in that cute way dogs do while they're looking for attention.

However, the guy he's focused on has a little more on his mind than playing ball at the moment, even if the dog doesn't really seem to understand. Just throw it once? Please? That's all I ask.
You Only Need One Hand for That, Right?
There are tons to read on your phone or e-reader, but that doesn't mean you can just sit there and read without doing anything else! You also have to pet the cat. That's not a recommendation, that's a fact. An order. If you don't pet the cat, it's just going to keep getting in your way until you find the time to make it a priority. It's not like reading is super important.

It's not like you have to actually pay attention to what you're reading nowadays. Isn't the cat, a living creature, much more important than some words on a screen? Many would say yes. Many cats, we guess, but don't their votes count?
I Need Attention, Too
So, you want to get a perfect picture with one of your dogs. We couldn't agree more. Just look at the two on the left – big smiles, happy dispositions, good light, and nice framing. It all makes for a premium pic for social media or the mantle. Of course, having another dog means that isn't going to last.

People with more than one dog will agree: there's always one dog that has to be at the center of everyone's attention. And this dog, clearly, is fully aware of both what a camera does and where it was pointed. No. Pay attention to ME.
I Thought You Were Done Eating...
It's a known fact that cats are obsessed with boxes, and to be fair, this cat's owners were probably planning on leaving him the empty pizza box once they were done eating. But this cat just couldn't wait, and judging by the look on his face, he doesn't feel one bit of remorse.

Maybe this cat's owner was telling him off when this pic was taken, which would explain this cat's careless expression, which seems to be saying, "Oh, I'm sorry, you weren't done eating?". Hey, at least this fur ball was considerate enough (surprisingly) to leave three untouched slices.
Chewing Through Books
There must be something about books that gets people to really want to sink their teeth in them. The same thing with cats, apparently, though kittens look like they want the most of it. Maybe it's a teething thing since this cat looks like he or she is just a few weeks or months old.

Cats, in general, are all about chewing on things, and they also seem to really like paper products. Even stuff like tape is something that they can barely keep themselves away from. Thankfully, they grow out of this as they age and realize they can eat stuff like food.
Ready to Pounce
Although this dog looks like he’s doing the human “I have to pee really bad” dance, that’s not exactly what’s happening in this picture. He’s just trying to make himself taller to get a better view of the barbecue. And he’s trying to get closer to it in general, of course.

Oddly enough, he almost looks the same shape as the chicken. Maybe that’s his tactic to get the grilling human to throw him a bone. Well, if it didn’t work, there’s a good chance he just stole a piece when dad turned around after he put them on a plate.
Someone Needs a Walk
It looks like Fido can't wait for his morning walk! This doggo must be having the time of his life during this camping trip — he got to be outside with his humans all day, snuggle up with them at night, and find all the sticks he could possibly want. He even gets to witness the sunrise at five am and wake up everyone around him.

Now, he's just eager to see what the next day has in store. So, next time, make sure to teach your dog that until all humans are awake, there is no going out. Understood?
No, I'm Very Comfortable
Dogs with jobs must fly around the country or the world just like humans do, but things are a little different for them. If you had a person staring at you like this the entire way, you might get a little freaked out. However, a yellow Labrador doing this is totally okay. And besides, Labradors are known to be the pushiest dogs around, so you just have to learn to live with it.

Some people might get a dose of sympathy pain in their neck if it goes on for too long, but there are also pets to be had. If you're wondering about the vest, the pooch is a police trauma dog that wants to make sure everybody is a-okay.
Always Looking for the Next Sight
Don't worry, the car wasn't moving while taking this picture. The driver didn't risk himself or the cat. And we're very glad that nobody was hurt since it would be a crying shame for anything to happen to such a cute, adventurous kitty.

It's got wide eyes as it drinks in every that is zipping past the window, and it's getting used to sitting on its owner's shoulder, which probably would not be able to continue once it puts on a little weight. So take advantage of the opportunity while you can, furry friend. Man, why are kittens so darn cute? They're just so huggable.
And here is a doggie stealing the show in family photos. It's not always the middle child in the family. We're going to let this slide one because this photobomb is just too cute. In fact, we don't need another one. That pretty much beats any future photo that this family will ever take.

Remember, if they are treated as part of your family, they will behave as part of your family forever. Even in family photos. There is always a pushy one around, and it can come in small white and cute packaging. So pushy, and yet so adorable!
Even on a Plane
Cats really will go anywhere and do anything they want if they think they can get away with it. This cat (whose name is Desmond, as we're told) can even sleep on the headrest of a plane. While the pilot is using it. Just imagine having a cat that is so comfortable flying that it can get up right next to the windows like that and then just fall asleep.

Some cats don't even like to be picked up! Desmond must have spent plenty of time logging flight hours to be able to fall asleep on a headrest. Quite the odd sleeping arrangement, as well.
I'm the Only Thing You Need to Study
Cats, a lot of the time, are perfectly fine not being noticed. They'll slink around the house, hiding behind couches and under covers until it's time to eat, at which point they'll come running. There are a few cats, however, that will want to be at the center of attention, like this tuxedo cat here.

Even if you're trying to do something like study some important school work. He won't even shy away if you try to take a picture, which can have the effect of sending cats running for cover. You'll just have to give in and quit school altogether.
A Voracious Reader
Watson, as this erudite beast is known, has gotten into what some might call a strange habit. Every time the owner opens a book to read (such as “City of Fallen Angels” by Cassandra Clare), Watson will charge over and sink his teeth into the pages. This makes reading difficult, as you might imagine.

We've all spent a weekend gobbling down a book every once in a while, but this takes that phrase to a new place. Maybe Watson is trying to tell you to switch to books with a little more meat on them. We bet he wouldn't try this with “War and Peace.”
Sitting Peacefully
If you have a big, long ride to take, it can be easy to get antsy. Even passengers who don't go running up and down the aisles will want to get up and stretch their legs – unless they're a pushy cat, of course.

Cats are well known for their ability to sit in a single place and not move for hours, which means that this cat is in the perfect spot. Having so many people, sounds, smells, and movement around it might not be the best option, but the harness it's wearing probably helps to keep it in place.
You Don't Have the Right Forms!
Did the owner forget to feed her at the right time? Is there a new animal in the house, like a big dog? Does she want to keep playing with the laser pointer? No, the reason behind this big meow is that the person who took this picture got up to go to the bathroom and had the temerity, the cheek, and the ABSOLUTE GALL not to wake the kitten up to tell her.

Could you even imagine doing such a thing? Not waking the kitten up to notify her? You know the rules. Now you're going to have to fill out a missed kitten form.
Just Where They Like to Spend Time
The bathroom has a special kind of allure. Kids and pets can agree – it's where all the fun happens. Toilet time, baths, lots of soft towels. Why these two pets seem to actually love being in the bathroom is a big question mark that we can't really answer, but there are a few options.

The one that springs to mind immediately is it's a hot day outside, and the bathroom – with all that tiling and porcelain – is nice and cool. Oh, maybe there was some cleaning going on, and they just wanted to be able to hang out. Could be either.
Always Space for a Friendly Face
Most days, the grind is the exact same thing. You get up, go to work, spend all your time there, and go home. Then there are chores to do around the house until you have a little bit of relaxation time to yourself.

But what if – now hear us out – you got to look at a dog during your commute? It might not be enough to change your entire day, but it might be able to give you a smile for a while. And a little smile might just have the opportunity to turn into a bigger one.
A New Kind of Traveler
We've never seen a ferret so comfortable on a kayak. Maybe it makes a certain amount of sense – ferrets would be familiar with lakes or ponds in the wild. We have come to learn that ferrets are as pushy as any other pet.

And while pet ferrets don't spend as much time outside, there's no reason to think that a ferret wouldn't be fine with hanging out on the boat with its owner while they're paddling around on the water. It looks pretty comfortable there, even if it does seem hesitant to get near the edge of the boat.
I’ve Heard Everything
Maybe the person behind the camera took the shot on purpose, or maybe they noticed afterward how odd the baby’s ears look. Oh wait, those aren’t the baby’s ears at all, are they? Hey, you never know with babies. We are sure you have heard the saying, “he’ll grow into them.”

The dog’s ears are perked up because he is curious about the bundle that is a mini human wrapped up in the blanket. More than likely, they were just “oohing” and “ahhing” over the new member of the family and didn’t even notice the dog’s position. Aren’t photobombs amazing?
Camping Doggie Style
Humans aren't the only ones who need to get out into nature and have an occasional vacation. Dogs, too, need to take some time out and relax. On a hammock. In the middle of the woods. There's nothing like feeling the fresh air blowing through your coat, nothing like that warm summer sun stroking your fur, and nothing like your owner taking a photo to remind them never to take you on a trip again.

Dogs on a camping trip are supposed to assist, that is why they are taken. They are not supposed to be relaxing and taking all the space between the trees.
Beautiful Views
This man took his dog out to get a slice of paradise in beautiful nature. The mountains and the gorgeous greenery look simply breathtaking. The picture really takes itself. And then the dog just pops into the frame. Nothing quite tops it off as much as the satisfied face of this wonderfully cute dog who seems to be relishing in breathing in that fresh and clean air.

It doesn't need much. A bit of green, something to chew on, and a camera in front of its face. We're still not quite sure what makes this picture so beautiful. The look on this dog's face or the serene green backdrop. Either way, this looks like paradise.
My New Domain
It's generally-accepted knowledge that cats don't like to be in the bathtub. That's where the WATER is. You might as well ask them to enter the trenches during World War One. However, there are some cats that are not only fine with water but actually enjoy spending time in it! Will wonders never cease?

This cat, dark and deadly eyes aside, is hanging out in the unfilled tub, waiting for a chance to get clean. Or watching its owner make a deposit, who's to say? Also, why are the eyes so dark? It's like the opposite of a normal cat.
Boxed In
Ever bought your cat a fancy new toy, only to discover they're more excited by the cardboard box that it came in? You're not alone. And just like kids, you can buy them the most expensive toy, but they will always be after your keyring. Cats love cardboard and pushing themselves into boxes and small spaces! They provide small and comfortable spaces for cats to climb into and dodge potential predators.

Cardboard is also a great material for heat retention. Since cats love being warm, a cardboard box is an easy DIY sauna for them. So, winter is on its way; get out there and get your pet a... cardboard box!
Just Making Sure Everything Is Going Okay
He just wants to come inside the bathroom with you. Hey, if you're getting up at three in the morning to use the can, your friendly dog is here to make sure everything is a-okay. What a haunted look that dog has. Those eyes look like they've seen some stuff. Maybe its last owner disappeared while going to the bathroom during the middle of the night.

Still, at least this dog is well-trained – it refuses to cross the threshold even while the door is wide open. That's worth our respect, even if it doesn't have to look so darned worried.
Keeping a Lookout
This is Freya, and the new owner (or a friend of the owner, it's a little unclear) traveled all the way to the mythical land of Canada to see her. And it's clear why! She's a sight to behold. Such grace. Such beauty. And she likes to hang out on car headrests, despite most cats hating having to ride in the car.

Freya has no such fear. She is the queen of the car. She has her eyes peeled for anything or anybody that might try to knock her off her perch, though, honestly, who would dare do such a thing?
A Big Fan of Traveling
Having a friend who is always willing to go traveling with you is a huge boon to someone who can't bear to stay at home for too long. We now meet Pueblo, a pooch that is all too pleased to get on the next plane and head to the next destination. According to the story, Pueblo and his owner have traveled to Los Angeles, Atlanta, Miami, and Austin.

Pueblo appears to be a Welsh Corgi, which is friendly and gets along well with others, but even some of them don't travel well. Pueblo, though? Pueblo is ready to go, and he definitely doesn't miss out on a photo.
Can Your Tongue Get Sunburned?
These two traveling companions are enjoying some sunshine while huddling together. It doesn't matter that the dog had to push itself into the front row seats of this van, where it clearly wasn't meant to sit. Everybody knows that the back seat is where you do the sprawling. But his owner doesn't seem to mind and these two look like they are having a good time.

Also, we checked our sources and found that, yes, you can get sunburned on your tongue. Anywhere in your mouth is fair game for the sun. Hopefully, it didn't take too long to snap this pic cause staying with your mouth wide open like this for long could be more painful than the piercing itself.
Hot Dog
Who doesn't feel super cool with their hood on? We sure do. While animals have fur, some pet owners go the extra mile to ensure that their puppies are warm enough. Plus, we're sure that a big incentive for the photographer is uploading this adorable picture to Instagram, and we can't blame him! So, in this case, it's not the dog's fault. It's the pushy owner.

If this dog could talk, we guarantee he would give a piece of his mind after seeing this image all over social media. How rude and inconsiderate. When payback day arrives. Maybe the dog will do the same to its owner.
What Are You Two Looking At?
These two lovebirds just wanted to have a picture of them cuddling on the couch for one reason or another, but they couldn't even have that. A cat wandered into the frame, and just like so many other cats, it decided it was going to be the focus of the picture.

For some reason, cats will ignore you until the sun is cold if you're actually trying to take a picture of them, but if you're trying to take a picture of something else, here's the cat! They're kind of like kids in that regard. It's the inverse of how much attention you want from them.
A Reading Buddy
Reading is sort of a solo thing unless you're reading out loud. Well, this kitten must not have gotten the message since it has developed the habit of popping its head right in the center crease. Sure, it might block a little bit of the page, but the real issue here is turning the page.

You can't do that when there's a kitten head in the way. Everybody knows that. Then again, how hard is it to pick the kitten up and put it in your lap, which is probably just where it wants to be in the first place? Not that hard at all.
No More Free Time
You're done with work. You have all the dishes cleaned, and the laundry is all put-away. What's left to do? How about cracking open one of those books on your shelf and getting through a few chapters? As you can see from this picture, it isn't always that easy. Guess sometimes you'll just have to read around a kitten that isn't ready to give up that nice warm lap to a book just yet.

You could easily move the cat, but then it might give a pathetic little meow, and you wouldn't be able to do anything except give it your full attention.
Vibe Check
Physical contact is a special thing. Some people can't stand it, but it's an important part of all of our lives, even if you don't get it very much. While having contact with another human is best, a friendly dog can always be a quick stand-in, like this gentleman.

To us, it looks like he's just laying a friendly paw on the owner to check in after a long day. Physical contact is a great way to get someone's attention, and this dog's friendly paw is getting the job done if the picture is any indication. By the way, the next picture in the Instagram post is of the dog placing his entire head on the human.
Who Do You Love?
How do you make someone insecure feel secure? By letting them know you have enough love and attention to go around. In this photo, the roles are reversed, and it’s a dog who is questioning his owner’s love when a cuddly kitten is present. He looks a little envious and insecure, wondering if he gets a cuddle session too.

Both he and the kitten are so tiny there’s probably more than enough room for both of them on their human’s lap, however, we have a feeling the little one at the back would prefer the kitten simply vanishes, and he gets the human TLC all to himself.
Snuggling in a Hood
Rats get a bad rap, but they're often quite pleasant to be around. In fact, mice are usually the ones that you need to get away from your home and away from your food more often. Rats are bigger, and they often look meaner, but they can be quite friendly, too, as this picture proves.

They're a couple of cute little guys who have pushed themselves against their owner's neck, taking big sniffs of the air. As long as they don't jump down and start running around on the floor, nobody should have a problem, and if this guy is okay with them, then so are we.
A Lap Dog
This could be proof that everyone likes to cuddle, even bears! He's not really a bear, but we wouldn't have known any better if it wasn't for it being on our list. As far as this great big beast is concerned, the guy underneath is his daddy, and all he wants is to snuggle up. Naturally, any baby would want this from its parent.

He's a mountain Pyrenees, but don't tell him that; he likes to think he's the perfect lap dog. For such a big dog, he still manages to be as cute as a button, and look at all that fluff!
Riley Needs Some Hard Lessons
Some dogs just like to find buried treasure, even if it isn’t out in the wild. Dogs like Riley here will dig through garbage, just to make sure the owners haven’t thrown away anything that still seems good. Like little scraps of food, or dirty socks, or pieces of plastic packaging.

Riley doesn’t discriminate when it comes to garbage, we guess. Good news for some of you out there – Riley might still love you. As long as he isn’t busy getting into any garbage can that these people buy to try and stop him. He’s like a reverse Harry Houdini – it doesn’t matter what people try to do, he can always get himself in. Though we don’t think Houdini was trying to get out of the garbage cans.
He Looks So Very Sorry
Everybody loves to chow down on a big rack of ribs, and dogs – being carnivores – are no exception. In fact, we’d go so far as to say that if a dog gets a hold of a rack of ribs, it’s even more special for the dog than for any human, who can just go out and buy more. Dogs don’t generally have the funds to do so.

A couple of other things about this picture: first off, it looks like this dog is having a great day despite a little bit of doggy shaming. The second thing is it looks like the owners of this rib-stealing dog taped the sign right to his fur. Hopefully, they didn’t press down too hard, or that dog is going to learn stealing ribs means losing some fur.