Keep your Shoes Fresh
Think about your favorite pair of shoes. They may be comfortable, you may love how they look. You wear them whenever you go out, but soon enough they start smelling a little funky. So why not give them a reboot, which your feet and nose will thank you for? Try this tip before spending your hard-earned cash on pricey deodorizers.

Salt is great at soaking up any odors and moisture. All you have to do is make a little pouch full of salt, leave it in your shoes at night. By the next morning, your shoes should smell much better!
Moisture Stain Remover
As humble helpers of this sacred Earth, we have all struggled with the dreaded stain left on wood after spilling our drink. Well, not anymore! Now all you need to remove these pesky marks is one part baking soda and one part white non-gel toothpaste. Wet a cloth with water, add the toothpaste solution then rub it with the grain to buff the water rings.

Take a dry cloth to wipe it off and use a different one to polish as you usually would. But whatever you do, don't use this solution on unfinished wood, antiques, or lacquered surfaces!
Last-Resort Clothing Stain Remover
Whether it's your favorite shirt, dress, or expensive suit you might as well embrace the fact that it will probably get a stain at some point. Here's another trusty tip to help get rid of those maddening stains: With 1-gallon hot water, add 1 cup regular salt, and 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent.

Soak any badly stained washable white cloth over the mixture in a plastic, enamel, or stainless steel bowl for 15-20 minutes or until the stain completely disappears. Wash as usual and you should be good to go.
Clean Build-Up on Your Iron
It's rare to find anyone who actually enjoys ironing, and that's if your iron is still in good condition! Reminders of past mistakes find a way to stick to your iron plate, making it that much harder to iron without ruining more of your wardrobe.

So how does this work exactly? Simply dust some salt on an old newspaper, turn on high, then run the hot irons over the top. This should get rid of all those bumps and dark spots left on the soleplate of your iron.
Keep Your Towels Brighter
Keeping your bathroom towels bright for your guests feels so important when you're hosting a get-together, but often their color fades, along with your hopes to impress that nosy neighbor of yours.

One surefire way to keep your towels fresh and vivid, is by adding one cup of salt to your next wash, this helps preserve those rich colors.
Salt Out Those Pesky Weeds
This goes out to all the nature nerds out there. You really love gardening, but you know how pesky weeds can be as they are forever popping up in your garden, and their persistent growing can seem overwhelming at times.

One of the best ways to deal with weeds without damaging your other plants with pesticides and harmful chemicals is to cover their leaves and roots with salt.
Fresh Flowers
The ordinary bouquet of fresh flowers lasts around seven days. That means you have one week until your gift will slowly wither away. Surely there must be something you can do to help them last longer?

This is where salt comes in, simply add some salt to your water, and your flowers should perk up a little longer.
Stop Candles Dripping
In came the rain, and out went the power. You already know the drill so you have some candles ready until you can get the light and heating back. But what are you going to do with all that dripping wax? If you want your candles to stop dripping all over, then you can use some salt water.

All you need to do is stick your candlesticks in some very salty water for a few hours, causing a layer of salt to form once you leave them out to dry.
Scented All-Purpose Cleaner
Common household ingredients for cooking like vinegar and salt can clean your house even better than store-bought cleaners. Before you start, here's an important tip: do not combine chlorine-containing products with ammonia-based cleaners because it will cause a chemical reaction that will create hazardous fumes.

All you need for this cleaner, lemon rind, rosemary sprigs, one part white vinegar, one part water, and a tablespoon of salt. This solution can remove water strains, wall smudges, clean trash cans, and the list goes on. The lemon's acidity will add extra cleaning strength that can remove even the most stubborn stains.
Kitchen Cleaner and Deodorizer
Try this DIY suggestion, and you might find yourself in awe at how effective these affordable alternatives can be. You'll need four tablespoons baking soda and 1-quart warm water.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Pour the solution on a clean sponge and wipe kitchen counters, appliances, and the insides of your refrigerator. Baking soda works great as a deodorizer that can also shine stainless steel appliances and sinks.
Glass Cleaner
To clean the windows of your cars, or even your home you'll need 2 cups of water, half a cup white or cider vinegar 1/4 cup sea salt, and a few drops of orange essential oil for a citrusy fragrance.

Pour all ingredients into a spray bottle. Spray the solution on a paper towel or cloth, and wipe your windows clean. Don't do it on a hot sunny day because the mixture could dry too fast, causing the appearance of unaesthetic streaks across the see-through glass.
Brass Cleaner
Cleaning brass doesn't have to be the chore you think it is. With some table salt and lemon juice, you're already halfway there! Now all you need is a tenacious will to clean and you're ready to get started.

Dampen a sponge using lemon juice or white vinegar with some salt sprinkled on top as you lightly rub the surface of non-lacquered cabinet pulls. Thoroughly rinse with water and dry with a clean, soft cloth immediately.
Heavy-Duty Scrub
For this heavy-duty scrub, all the ingredients you'll need are 1/2 cup sea salt and 1/2 lemon. It's that simple!

Dip the sliced lemon into the sea salt mix and scrub the surface to remove rust stains on enamel or porcelain sinks and tubs. But beware, do not use this for granite or marble as it will damage your pretty surfaces and leave you questioning everything you've ever known.
Cast Iron Skillets
Cast iron skillets are amazing for cooking as they retain their seasoning. So if you want to clean your cast iron pans without ruining the flavor they’ve acquired, just scrub them with some ordinary salt!

As much as you want things to be seasoned well, you wouldn’t want to go so far overboard that the material starts to become filthy. For example, if there are any bits of meat or other large chunks of food, you’re definitely going to want to get rid of those. However, if you have a strategically placed, thin layer of seasoning, you’re all set up for a great meal!
Whiten and Brighten Clothes
Are your clothes looking a bit dull? Adding a cup of salt to your next load of laundry will not only brighten your clothes, but they may come out cleaner too.

This is because salt is an alkali which makes it great at removing stains. This is also effective in keeping your clothes from wearing and having them last longer.
Relieve a Sore Throat
Sore throats can be really aggravating, not to mention a nightmare to get rid of. Taking too many antibiotics can start harming your body after a while, so you might want to resort to home remedies before you contact the nearest pharmacy.

To help ease the pain and irritation of a sore throat, try gargling a mix of warm water and sea salt. For an extra kick, add some lemon juice into the mix.
Melt the Ice on Your Driveway
If the place where you live often encounters cold, icy winters, you know the anxiety that comes with an ice-covered walkway or driveway. Icy slip-and-falls are never fun.

Well, if you don’t have salt on hand to melt the ice, you can try sprinkling baking soda all over the frozen area. Though it's not as strong as road salt, it will help melt the ice on a potentially hazardous walkway.
Keep Your Apples Fresh
Do your kids love apples but refuse to eat them by the time they open their lunchboxes because they are brown?

Here is a quick fix for that: after you cut them up, add a pinch of salt and then mix them up with water. The salty taste will not linger, but the chemical reaction will keep them fresh all day!
Does Salt Prevent Colors from Bleeding in Wash?
There's nothing more adult than enjoying a freshly washed load of laundry, especially when your clothes happen to stay brightly colored. Back in the day, we might've used salt or vinegar to prevent the colors from bleeding during washes; that method remains more of a myth and hasn't been proven to be effective.

So save your salt for cooking delicious meals that give you the energy for finishing up your house chores, and safely use a commercial dye fixative product to prevent color bleeding instead.
Frost-Free Windows
Some people may already know that the greatest enemy of ice is salt — this is why roads get salted whenever it gets too cold and icy. But you can also use salt as a preventative measure before everything gets frozen over.

When temperatures start to drop below zero, wash your windows with a sponge that has been soaked in saltwater. Alternatively, fill a small bag made of soft fabric full of salt and wipe over your windows and windshield when they're still wet. This will help prevent them from freezing over when it gets too cold.
Save Your Morning Coffee
Serious coffee boffins are meticulous with their cup of joe. They know that nothing's worse than getting distracted and forgetting your pot while it's brewing until it burns. The taste becomes awful, leaving you with that horrible bitter sensation.

But now you don't have to throw it all out — just a pinch of salt can help! Just add some salt into your percolator to keep your coffee from turning bitter, and enjoy!
Relief from Stings and Bites
Is there anything as bad as being stung by a bee? If you do find yourself in the awful predicament of an insect bite then it's best to cover the area in extra salty water and then rub with olive oil for relief.

The same solution can help if you've brushed up against an unfriendly plant, like oak tree pollen or poison ivy that's left your skin vulnerable to a rash. Warm salt water will help with the inflammation,
Grimy Sponges
Keeping your kitchen sponges looking clean is not that easy, but at least there is a way you can sanitize them.

Simply let them soak in a cup of hot water with a generous helping of two tablespoons of sea salt. You'll find it loses that grime that you haven't been able to get rid of before.
Remove Lipstick Smudges
Keeping your lipstick off your glass is easier said than done, but once you need to clean your cup, you'll find that same lipstick won't budge.

Your best bet is to add salt to the edges and there you are! Your lipstick stain is gone and you have one less thing to worry about.
Keep Ants Away
Finding yourself in the depths of an ant trail can be as unsettling as it is annoying. But no need to fear, just grab some salt and sprinkle a liberal amount to divert them and cause them to rethink their path.

Dusting your skirting boards and door frames will also help keep them at bay, just don't overdo it, or you'll end up with too much salt on the floor.
Keep Your Salad Crisp
They’re green, full of leaves, and our kids hate to eat them. But luckily we have a simple solution to help spruce up your salads! One of our top tips for taking your salad to the next level and keeping it fresh is to add a dash of salt, helping the lettuce stay crisp and garden-fresh.

Adding just that little pinch will also give you more time to enjoy your greens before the leaves start to wilt and become soggy.
Salt Hacks to Chill Your Drinks
All drinks in summer have a Mission: Impossible — staying icy cold in the heat of summer. But all it actually takes is this magic ingredient, salt!

Make sure to fill a bowl with ice cubes and pour in as much salt as you can and stir around. This will get your drinks icy cold and help them stay chilled for that extra bit longer.
Get Rid of Grease
Nobody likes cleaning, except salt, salt loves soaking up grease! If you happen to have any greasy pans waiting in your sink at home, powder them with sea salt to dry up those stubborn oils.

Once they've soaked up that salt, your can wash your pots and pans as usual. Adding salt to your pan while frying with oil can also help keep spatters from getting out of control by releasing more liquid from your foods.
Remove Carpet Stains
Few things ruin a party like finding a stain on your carpet after your guests have left. The good news is that salt can salvage any hope that you may have had of returning your carpet to its former glory.

Simply sprinkle a lavish amount of salt over the area and allow it to soak up before vacuuming.
Remove Mildew from Your Walls
Besides just making you feel overwhelmed, getting mildew on your walls or in your clothes is tricky to get rid of. One of the best home remedies you can use to get rid of mold is this solution made of water, sea salt, and white vinegar.

Soak your clothes or scrub your walls with a brush and this mixture to thoroughly disinfect and soak up any moldy residue.
Speed up Your Cooking
For anyone without patience, here's an easy tip for you to speed up your cooking — adding a smidgen of salt to boiling water can quicken the heating process.

This all happens through a chemical process that causes the water to boil faster.
Perfectly Poached Eggs
Adding too much salt or not using any salt at all can equally spoil your eggs. But poaching them can be extra tricky. Here's a secret that restaurants use to keep their eggs intact while poaching them.

Sprinkle half a teaspoon over the boiling water along with some vinegar, right before gently dropping in your eggs.
Dandruff Treatment
Using salt as a treatment for dandruff might sound very unconventional, but hear us out! If you've tried out all those expensive lotions and shampoos with little success, you might just need an abrasive to scrub off all those pesky flakes that are still in your hair.

Mix sea or coarse salt with some olive oil and scrub your hair before washing with shampoo.
DIY Dishwasher Soap
With dishwashing tablets being so expensive, why not make your own? Just pour out some salt, baking soda, and a little dishwashing soap in an ice cube tray to set.

The dishwashing soap will work as glue and help bind all the ingredients together. Once the mixture has set you can pop them out and drop them in your dishwasher or even in your sink whenever you wash your dishes again. It'll work like a charm without breaking your budget!
Keep your Shoes Fresh
Think about your favorite pair of shoes. They may be comfortable, you may love how they look. You wear them whenever you go out, but soon enough they start smelling a little funky. So why not give them a reboot, which your feet and nose will thank you for? Try this tip before spending your hard-earned cash on pricey deodorizers.

Salt is great at soaking up any odors and moisture. All you have to do is make a little pouch full of salt, leave it in your shoes at night. By the next morning, your shoes should smell much better!
Freshen Your Dairy
For centuries salt has been used as a preservative to help store food for longer. Adding a pinch to your milk and yogurt will help them stay fresher for longer and won't spoil their taste.

You can even do this with cheese by dipping napkins in salty water and swaddling your cheese in them. It will keep the mold at bay and can do wonders for your fridge.
Get Rid of Snails
If left unattended, snails and slugs can wreak havoc on your precious greenery so it's best to deal with them before it's too late!

Keep them away from your plants by scattering salt around the edges to stave off any unwanted pests.
Clean the Drain
This DIY drain cleaner won't cost you a fortune and you'll definitely have the ingredients stored away in your pantry. To make this household cleaner, all you need to do is put one cup of salt with one cup of baking soda mixed in a big bowl, and add half a cup of vinegar.

Best to be careful as these ingredients will bubble up when mixed. Then pour right down the drain, followed by a cup of hot water. The mixture will unclog any problems you have down your drains and won't cost a pretty penny.
Easily Clean Egg Spills
Whenever you drop an egg on the floor, it spatters all over. You're left with one less egg and a sticky mess that's difficult to clean. While we all know this feeling, we didn't know how easy salt could make cleaning up.

Simply dust salt over the mess to help soak up any moisture from the yolk, which will also stop further spreading while you wipe up the egg.
DIY Fireplace Extinguisher
Fireplaces bring to mind a cozy evening spent with family and friends, but extinguishing them when you're ready for bed is another story.

One way to get your fire to stop blazing is to throw loads of salt over the wood. This will stop the flames and help with cleaning up the embers afterward as you won't have much soot or residue left behind.
Make Your Own Salt Bath
This remedy has existed for eons. Many of our ancestors would make these to help during tough winter months. It's just as easy as it sounds: just add one cup of sea salt to your water and a few drops of lavender essential oil for your next soak.

You'll feel renewed, relaxed, and you will save yourself a dime on those pricey bath salts mixtures that are filled with other unnecessary chemicals.
DIY Toothpaste
Making your won toothpaste sounds way harder than it is. Plus this is way cheaper than those commercialized brands, without those pesky chemicals.

Prepare your own toothpaste mix at home with these three ingredients to achieve fresh breath and pearly whites: mix salt, baking soda, and two or three drops of peppermint oil.
DIY Foot and Body Scrub
Of course, taking care of yourself means something different to everyone, but if you’re eagerly seeking an easy way to unwind while taking care of your physical well-being, we have another tip to help you.

Gentle scrubs are a great way to soften your skin and they're incredibly easy to make at home! Mix half a cup of sea salt in coconut oil. You can always add your preferred essential oil for a refreshing fragrance.
DIY Mouthwash
This is one of our favorite salt hacks for a quick solution to keep your breath fresh. All you need is half a cup of water mixed with a teaspoon of sea salt and baking soda.

All you need to do is gargle as you would with regular mouthwash, before spitting it out and rinsing your mouth out with water. This has the added benefit of preventing plaque buildup which causes other dental infections.
Get Rid of Puffiness
Do you ever wake up feeling puffy around your eyes? Sometimes a particularly hard look in the mirror calls for an easy fix.

All you'll need is some warm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt and some cotton pads to soak and apply the mixture. Press them gently under your eyelids and relax for a few moments.
Better Nails and Soften Cuticles
Revive your manicure and bring out your best nails with just these three ingredients. Mix two teaspoons of salt, baking soda, and a splash of lemon juice in half a cup of hot water.

Soak your fingernails in this solution for a few days to see a difference. This helps soften your cuticles while building up our nail beds with just ten minutes of soaking time. Rinse away the solution to show off your shiny new nails!
Easily Peel Your Eggs
If you haven't peeled your eggs after boiling them in salted water, you should now! Just add a generous serving of salt to your boiling water and you'll find your eggs will peel with ease.

Once they're done and cooled down, roll them gently to break the shells, making them easier to peel and better for eating!
Refresh Your Old Chopping Boards
A clean chopping board can say a lot about someone's kitchen, so if you find yourself frustrated by your wooden cutting board while chopping your fruits and vegetables, it might be time to revive it with an old faithful... salt!

Once you've washed your board, grate some coarse salt and sprinkle lavishly over the board, now use a little elbow grease and scrub for a fresher look.
Deep Clean Your Fridge
You know that awful feeling you have to throw away food, just because your fridge is starting to smell a little off? Well, instead of wasting food, you can clean your fridge with a solution that's strong enough without being full of harsh chemicals.

Make this solution with a cup of sea salt dissolved in four cups of hot water and sponge it over all the surfaces in your fridge. Being careful about where we store our food is just as important as the longevity of our food products, so start scrubbing!
DIY Lens Solution
If you happen to run out of lens solution for your contacts, you can always create your own with a saline mix of water and salt.

It's important to boil your water first, before letting it cool. For a mix of two cups of water, you'll need one teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of baking soda. Stir in to dissolve all the ingredients and leave to cool before using.