From funny signs to goofy gags to everything in between, there are lots of fun ways to make sure those forty hours a week aren’t only hard work. At the very least, you can get some chuckles from the stories related here.
Never Has One Been so Relieved to See a Picture of Slash
When you hear that one of your tires has been slashed, there's usually one specific thing that people picture. An angry passer-by, a sharp blade, and an expensive bill. Thankfully, someone took pity and did a much better version of the classic attack.

This is a perfect prank, and here's why. The best kinds of pranks require fear – thinking your tires have been cut open – and relief – finding a picture of Slash. It's like the setup and payoff structure of storytelling in movies. Well, good movies, anyway. Plus, the person got a picture of Slash. Win-win.
Yeah, Probably
As someone who has had multiple laser eye surgeries, let me tell you: It's important to get your money's worth when you step in to have a procedure. Yeah, accurate vision might be nice, but you know what's way better? Superpowers.

You'll have to get your eyes registered as deadly weapons, but that's a small price to pay for roasting birds right out of the sky. Look at them up there, with their wings and their feathers and their high-and-mighty attitudes just because they can ignore gravity. Well, no longer. Nowhere is safe, birds. Oh, by the way, this picture was put up in an eye clinic.
Come and Learn of My Struggle
For a lot of people, the ins and outs of the English language can be troublesome. Yet, after a little bit of study, they are understood. Not so for the person who typed up this message, which is rife with spelling, grammar, and sentence errors.

Go ahead and take a look at all the problems. Bad capitalization, missing commas, and words that don't even have spaces between them. According to the info we have, the manager of the workplace put up this misspelled warning, and one grammar fiend employee took out their trusty red pen. The next time you see a misplaced apostrophe, remember. It could always be worse.
IT Guys Have the Best Humor
Not everybody knows how to use a computer the way you're supposed to. There are dozens of stories about people putting butter into their disc drives, spilling coffee into their keyboards, and lots more.

If this starts to happen too much, then the IT crowd will start to make things even more embarrassing for those that have done stupid. Go ahead and click on a link in the fishy email when you're using one of these bad boys. It could probably still run “Doom,” but that's about all it can do.
Hopefully, You Should be Able to Tell
It's good to know things. Specifically, in this case, it's good to know when you should hunker down in a doorway or something like that.

This is like that thing you see at your grandparent's house, the weather rock. If the rock is wet, it's raining. If rock is gone, there's a tornado. Thanks, rock, we wouldn't have known otherwise. No, this piece of paper isn't really going to tell you anything you don't already know, but it's still good for a laugh. You can make your own earthquake detection kit with just a few items in case you want to spread humor at your workplace.
We Need a Tribute
What looks like a highly-decorated tissue box is actually a way to decide where to go to eat. Anybody who works in an office knows that it can be difficult to pick where to take their lunch break, especially if you live in a city and there are dozens if not hundreds of options.

This office came up with something they call “The Hungry Games.” Maybe not the most creative name, but it doesn't have to be. All they have to do to pick a place to eat is reach a hand in and pull out a slip of paper. The box will deliver an option.
You Were My Coworker, Anakin!
Few aren't aware of the Star Wars saga. The series has gone through some ups and downs in the past few years, and the prequel series isn't the best. Still, “Episode III” is seen as the best of those three, thanks in part to the emotional climax to the film, which has Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi battle it out on the lava planet of Mustafar.

A couple of warehouse coworkers realized they had some similarities to these Star Wars classics. No, it's not perfect – the false Skywalker needs to work on his scowl – but props to the Kenobi, whose facial hair is perfectly on point.
A Ball Pit for the President
What to get for the company president who has everything? He already runs a company. What else could there possibly be? Well, if he's a kid at heart, why not make his office into a huge ball pit, just for him? That's what has happened here, and by all accounts, it looks like the choice was a smash hit.

The story says that the president is a “giant kid,” so we doubt it took that long for the office as a whole to come up with the idea. Also, where do you get that many colorful balls? We imagine you can just find them online, but there must be THOUSANDS there!
He Must Be a Dad
Yeah, this guy is standing on the back of a dolly, but that's not all. Right before this picture was taken, this coworker said “this Segway is terrible.” It looks like this joker is just barely keeping in a gale of hearty laughter back as he leans forward, but we hope that everyone else around him lets it out loud and proud. Or, at least, groaned loud enough for everyone else in the office to hear.

Let's revise that, actually: if it's the first time he made the joke, it's funny. If it's the second time, there's no response. If it's the third or larger time, it gets a groan.
Paul Has Too Much Time on His Hands
Do you know how much time it takes to make a rubber band ball that big? No? Darn, we don't either, and we're hoping somebody does.

Those are some big rubber bands, dang. Paul even went to the effort of making the Earth and the moon at accurate sizes (we think. We don't really have a very scientific way of measuring it other than squinting and saying “yup”). The biggest question for us is whether or not it was Paul himself who added the final slip of paper, or it was his boss. Both options are all too likely.
Thankfully Not Something That Happens Often
Bars are exciting places, even if you work there. Sometimes, unfortunately, a little too exciting, like the backstory for this picture. Turns out one of the staff from the bar got the business end of a knife during a kitchen accident.

At least the guy got a cake to enjoy when he came back to work. The kind of cake that might be a little mean the first time you see it, but in a month or a year it's going to be a funny story everybody who worked there will be able to tell over and over.
Working in the Rain
There's a lot of good fun that's going on inside this list, but there isn't actually a whole lot of work. Well, that changes with this picture, which takes place not only out on the street, but also during some inclement weather.

Just in case you're having a little difficulty figuring out what's going on, the construction worker is digging something, while the crane operator is holding an umbrella above him to make his job that much easier. Did they plan for this sort of thing, or did they go out and buy an umbrella once it started sprinkling? These guys must be angling for a quick job bonus.
They're Supposed to be Good for You
Standing desks have become more popular in recent years as people realize they shouldn't be wasting all their time sitting. Sit incorrectly, and you can do a lot of damage to the muscles or bones in your back, shoulders, arms...the list goes on.

Some people have bad backs, and standing is better for them. Some just don't like to think about their weight and how sitting all day doesn't help. We don't know what camp this guy falls into, but he was ready to make a change. What is that, a drop floor? We don't know how he did this, and we wouldn't recommend it unless you really, really want a standing desk.
Every Workplace Should Have an Artist
Thrilled, we are, for this piece of fancy marker work. All the walls of this office are made of that cool new dry-erase-marker-compatible material, and one enterprising artist decided he or she had no choice – it was just begging for a little bit of Star Wars artwork.

We're all in favor of doing away with the drab beige floor-to-ceiling design that a lot of office buildings have adopted, and giving people more freedom to show off their creative sides. At the very least, every office space has to have one person who knows how to draw a little bit.
Shane Is a Fun Guy
You may think that Shane should have been fired a long time ago, but don't worry. We have the scoop behind this series of hilarious grocery store images.

“Shane” likely isn't a real person. You'll notice that the “Management” writing is all in the same handwriting. Our guess is that one employee decided to have a bit of fun and came up with the Shane persona, writing messages to this person about things that didn't happen. Even at a Walmart (where this supposedly happens) a manager would much more likely take the worker aside, not write a public message.
Who Spills Wine at Work?
A coworker spilled wine on the business carpet (read: uncomfortable and harsh), and another coworker put his or her artistic skills to work making it look like a cat that has just been flattened by an anvil, or something similar.

The spiller loves it, but we really have to ask – why was this person drinking wine at work? It doesn't look like this was part of a celebration. Maybe after everybody clocks out, they gather for a little bit of bubbly around their cubicles. Wine is one thing, but with the artistic additions, it's going to be even harder to clean it up.
What Is This? A Desk for Ants?
No, nobody is expected to work at this desk. Though it would be hilarious to see a guinea pig wander up and start hammering out emails. As you can tell from the second picture, this is a recreation of a coworker's desk that happened while that coworker was on vacation.

The man working in the second picture is an art director. The vacationing worker's coworkers also moved his actual desk, replacing it with this way shrunk down version. Whether they had those little bits lying around, or they scrambled to make a tiny Apple monitor after he left, it's pretty impressive. As long as they bring his old desk back.
Delete Cookies? NEVER!
Whether this was set up by the computer's user, or a coworker put it together while the employee had a few days off, it doesn't matter. We love it, and it's wonderful. It's like a multimedia art project – both digital art and 3D modeling.

If the person who uses the computer is a fan of cookies, all the better. We just hope that IT never asks this person to delete his or her browsing cookies – it could get ugly. We also hope that no one ever tries to give this person cookies that have raisins instead of chocolate chips.
At Least He Left a Note
We've all had to deal with work stuff when we're supposed to be relaxing, and this guy was having none of it. Good for him. That one guy Mark needs the experience telling you to clear your cache and cookies.

There's just a little postscript for if the office is in danger, though that seems like a strange ask. If the office is burning down, that would pretty much take his internet history with it. But, if he doesn't want anybody to know he's been visiting “My Little Pony” fanfiction sites at work, that's up to him.
Office Dog Defense
You're only going to see this in a dog-friendly office, but they're becoming more and more popular these days. Those kinds of places are often full of bean bag chairs and other comfy seating apparatuses, so if a cowardly little pooch is hiding inside one, it's good to have signs to warn other potential sitters.

The way that dachshund is peering out of his hidey-hole makes us think there's a very good reason someone wrote up the sign. He's already small enough, you don't need to squash him flat. Another point for bigger dogs in the ongoing battle of breeds.
I Want to Be Disappointed on My Own Time
The finale for “Game of Thrones” was one of the most-watched pieces of television in the last decade, if not the most. Even those who didn't watch it heard about the fallout since by pretty much all accounts it was an immense disaster from a character, storytelling, and plotting perspective. Of course, it was going to be the biggest topic of conversation at the office the next day.

This IT guy couldn't catch it live, and he made sure everybody he came across knew about it. He had the threats to back it up. If you don't know what a 56K modem is like, imagine each of the pictures on this list taking a good minute or so just to show up. Not one minute for all of them – one minute each. The horror.
Workers, Uh, Find a Way
As you gaze into the dreamy eyes of Jeff Goldblum, try not to get lost. Wait, come back! Forget it, he's gone. These picture frames all come from the same charity shop, and one of the workers decided they would be more attractive if they had pictures inside them, not just a bare background.

More attractive they indeed are since the worker decided to put a different picture of Goldblum inside each one. We'd love to know just how many different frames were present inside the store. We only see three, but there's a good chance there were a lot more.
Hard-Headed Bride
A wedding is almost always a wonderful celebration. What better way to celebrate someone's impending nuptials than with a handmade gift? The coworkers of this blushing bride have the right idea. She's a project manager for the office, and her coworkers went the extra mile in making a special something with a white hard hat, a hefty dose of pearls, and a short lace train.

We don't know if this is just something that she could feasibly use in her work, or if it's a statement about her. Or, maybe it's a statement about her AND the kind of person she's marrying.
We Recommend Vocal Warm-Ups
Have you ever been “in the zone?” Sometimes it's called hacking your flow, or something stupid like that. People who work in what might be called an art form love it when this happens. Time disappears, problems get solved, and distractions are costly.

Now, not many people would call programming an art form, but there are some similarities. If programmers are disrupted, they can get cranky. This sign is a warning about the best way to make your presence known. We'd like to know how many people actually do this. We absolutely would, but some people are just too busy to slow down.
“Did Ed Make That Sign for You?”
Who you sit next to is one of the biggest factors in how your work-life runs. Maybe you're sitting next to that lady who snacks constantly, or the guy who is always on the phone. This worker sits next to Ed, and lots of people want to know where Ed is.

He or she apparently got asked enough to make a simple, idiot-proof flowchart to put on the back of the monitor. Unfortunately, nothing is truly idiot-proof as we're sure you know, so it probably only helped a little bit. Might need to come up with another one.
This Place Is Wild
Keep your eyes open for the beasts of the office building, and you might be able to put together a set of pictures like this one. You'll also need to convince your coworkers to help you out, but that shouldn't be too hard, right?

From birds and dogs to primates and undersea creatures, lots of the animal kingdom gets to make an appearance. Each one can be tailored to the person's look or personality, or you could just create something wholesale. Either way, it's bound to be a blast for everyone involved.
Who Came Up With That Term, Anyway?
If you have trouble with your browser, you've probably contacted IT and been asked to delete your cookies. They're the way websites track your usage, and you've undoubtedly had to click through a couple of messages about them.

If a website or browser isn't working the way it should, step one is to clear your cookies. This is fine for most people, but not everyone. Don't worry CM, it's just an industry term. The name came from web-browser programmer Lou Montulli, who derived it from the term “magic cookie,” which is a package of data a program receives and then sends back unchanged. That term first appeared in 1979.
Like a Karate Chop From the Nose
If you're of the younger variety, you might not be familiar with the Chuck Norris jokes that were all the rage back in the late aughts. Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the entire planet down. Chuck Norris's tears can heal the world, but he's never cried once in his life. A poisonous snake once bit Chuck Norris, and after three days of agony, the snake died.

This little plaque continues the tradition in fine form. A huge chunk has been taken out of the wall, and yeah, it could have been a careless cart of some kind, but this is a better story.
At Least It's a Picture of Him
It looks like this guy is just pressing his face against the window of his office door, but there's a little more to it than that. It turns out he has actually photocopied his face and then taped the ensuing picture to the window.

It's a bit creepy if we're being honest. It kind of looks like he's a guy who drowned at sea. Then again, you press your head inside a photocopier and see how good it looks. We bet it could look a lot worse than how this picture ended up. It will still be creepy, too.
Quite the Reward for Half a Poster
Little more than a funny bit of decoration, this torn piece of a poster is a clever addition to a workspace. It's advertising that half of itself is missing (don't think too hard about it) and all of the relevant information has been ripped away.

As long as you can tear it in the right place, you too can create something that will create a little bit of laughter in your office. It might take a few tries. It certainly would for us, anyway. There are lots of ways to take this in a unique direction. You're hindered only by your creativity.
Just Enjoy It
This sleepy coworker decided that he would be at max productivity after some quick office shut-eye, and his fellow workers decided to have a little bit of fun with it. The expert Photoshoppers in the office plucked him off his couch and cast him through the sky, out of cannons, into pieces of classic art, and more.

Our favorite is the Kim Jong Il one – though to be fair, if you were in a private jet and some sleepy guy flew past your window, you would have the same look on your face. We're surprised none of them placed him in a basketball team since that was the reason he was up so late the night before.
The Prank War Escalation
Try checking your emails now, stupid. The person whose desk this is decided that he would cover a coworker's door handle with hand lotion. Not the most terrible things, as pranks go. We should all be moisturizing more.

Does that mean the coworker should move the original prankster's entire desk outside, complete with computer and phone and little nick-nacks? Many of us wouldn't think of that, but sometimes it's the only thing these people understand. Prank begets prank, so we wonder what will be the next step taken in the prank arms race.
Say Hi!
No, that isn't a real person. You might have been able to figure that out by the first picture (which we definitely did, please believe us), or it might have taken you until the last picture, but it's actually a cut-out attached to a stick.

The reason for this is that the real person with this face has what we'll call a height deficiency. She printed out a picture of her face so that coworkers could see when she's trying to get their attention. Certainly not a bad idea, but we bet it took a few days for this to not be super creepy. It still is kinda creepy, but it's probably gotten better.
We're Going to Assume This Is Very Funny
Gonna be real honest here. I don't know very much about programming. I can manage a little bit of HTML and I took an XHTML course once, but that's all I can muster. So we're relying on you to find the humor here.

Of course, there's plenty more than just the nerdy humor. This is a legitimately sweet send-off to what appears to be a well-liked coworker, complete with well wishes and thoughts about his new job. There's also a little bit of suggestion that if the new job doesn't work out, he can return to his old job to find waiting, open arms.
The Revolution Will Not be Printed
The printer is one of the big pieces of hardware in the office. In bigger companies, it can be in constant use, from small reports to hundred-page requests. Well, someone requests not printing big jobs. Big jobs might create a line of jobs in the printer, and people will have to wait extra long for their papers. It might even be an issue with the hardware, where big jobs will cause the printer to clog and jam.

All that aside, someone was clearly not too happy about this request, since they immediately went against it in both spirit and wording, printing a huge picture of Steve Jobs out of what looks like forty-two sheets of paper.
It Will Make You Better at Touch-Typing, at Least
You may be wondering what you're looking at. Check out those keys on the keyboard. No, that's not the only thing you can type, but if you rely on looking at your hands while you type you might be out of luck.

This is, according to the story, the keyboard that the IT people loan you if you spill coffee on your regular keyboard. Whether they're cleaning it out or they have to order you a new one, you'd better get used to seeing your keyboard laugh at you until the trial is over. Even worse, the O and the L are swapped from what they are on a normal keyboard.
The Rock Was Immediately Promoted to Senior Vice President
A staff member walked into the break room to find a rock. That's strange right from the get-go, but there's more. It turns out the rock had a message, and the message was a tongue-in-cheek realization of what had just transpired.

We don't know about you, but we don't often take orders from rocks. Except for that one time when a boulder very politely asked us to move our shopping cart so it could get past and pick up some macaroni salad from the deli. Remember, good manners cost nothing, even to rocks.
A Tall Halloween
Here's the backstory behind this strange image. The cheerful guy dressed in pants and a shirt is a towering six-foot-six, and the day is October thirty-first. As a fun costume, he made himself up (or, down) to be a shorter guy. Of course, this short guy is still propped up on a couple of boxes, probably so that he can see over the counters.

All it took to create this fun look is a pair of shoes with holes through them to stick his legs, a couple of boxes around his bottom legs, and some straps to make it look like the boxes are attached to the shoes. Nothing to it.
Photoshop Is Always Fun
A couple of coworkers – artists from the look of it, thanks to the drawing pads and the electronic pens – have a little bit of fun with the magic of Photoshop. Each day, one coworker takes a clandestine photo of the other, fits it into a photo-manipulation program, and gets to work.

Whether it's a superhero, a Star Trek character, or a classic outfit from what looks like the Netherlands, there's always a fun outfit he can wear. And the best part is, it looks like he's none the wiser, at least until the photo prankster reveals all of his or her hard work.
He's Just Checking for Stormtroopers
This computer farm workspace looks like a calming place thanks to the forest view that is attached to the walls, but one employee decided to make it a little bit extra. He or she added a small picture of an Ewok, which hails from the forest moon of Endor and the sixth episode of Star Wars.

Many people who are office workers nowadays have fond memories of watching the little forest denizens taking the fight to the Empire in a hilarious and exhilarating fashion. He's there cheering them all on and keeping their spirits up.
How to Win at Egg Decorating
Offices often hold little competitions to make sure there's some fun that happens every once in a while, and we bet this egg decorating contest was fun for everyone.

However, one worker just didn't have the artistic skills to make it work, so he or she did something a little tricky. Like a piece of modern art hanging in a museum your one hippy friend likes to go to too much, the egg has zero adornments whatsoever and asks the viewer to put his or her own ideas onto it. It better not have won.
Not Even One Herbivore
It's Halloween. You're dressed up as your favorite superhero (mine is Normalman) or your favorite Disney princess (mine is Aladdin), and your route to the copy machine takes you past the paleontology department. You glance in, wondering what they're all dressed up as, and you should have been able to guess.

Every single one of them is wearing an inflatable T-rex costume. Let me tell you from personal experience – those things get warm. Really warm. As funny as it would be to have all of them working like this all day long, you'd have an extinct department before long.
Fine! I'll Do It!
Not everybody likes decorating for the holidays, mostly because they're bad people. Of course, if you're at the office, there's plenty of work you need to do that isn't putting up a little tree and hanging ornaments on it. Well, that's no way to get into the holiday spirit, so one person took it upon themselves.

Of course, that person still had to get all of his or her work done, so all that happened was a little bit of tinsel, some ornaments, and a star on top of the tree's box itself. We don't have all day here. We have TPS reports to properly cover.
How Could Anyone NOT Choose a Banana?
Ah, snacks in the office. Donuts are a classic choice. They're tasty, they give you a jolt of energy (at first, anyway), and are easy to carry around. Fruit is another good choice. It's a healthier option, has vitamins, and includes healthy fiber. Though with coffee, that's not much of an issue for most office workers. But which to choose?

This employee gave the other staff a choice to make, and the only way to win was to go for the fruit right away. Next time, pick up a clementine and listen to the dismayed cries from a distance.
How to Make the Bathroom More Fun
If you ever hear yelling from the bathroom, this might just be the reason. It's a regular old paper towel dispenser, but someone created a custom sticker to add to it.

It wasn't long before people realized it was little more than a gag, but at least one person was apparently heard yelling for a little while, trying to dry his or her hands. Was it several minutes? Was it an entire half-hour? And who could have been responsible for this kind of wonderful prank? Definitely not the person who posted the picture, that's for sure.
Thanks, Dad
An employee was working away in his or her office when a coworker ran in, shouting about how there was a big leak under the water heater. This is the picture the employee took when he or she went out to check the situation.

Yes, haha, very funny. If you don't understand, that leafy vegetable is a leek. They're not the most popular everywhere, but they're related to the onion, somehow. They're quite useful in Asian dishes. Some jokers thought they were getting this person good. Well, the jokes on them. Now the picture-taker has a leek. The perfect addition to duck soup.
Office Romance
Dating coworkers is never easy. Some workplaces have strict rules about fraternization. Apparently, this workplace doesn't and is actively encouraging dates. The food cans don't seem to be interested, though. Maybe they're cans of sour grapes. Or they know they're about to be canned, so they don't want to form too many attachments.

Maybe this guy is just not dateable material. Sometimes it happens. It can be hard to realize, but some people just have issues that they need to address before they should get into a relationship. Cans of food are pretty good at sussing these sorts of things out.
New Coffee Machine = New Fun
Coffee keeps the gears of the office turning. It's one of the most important substances that are on offer in almost any workplace, so a new coffee machine is a cause for celebration.

One person who had their office right next to the break room decided to add a little sign to the front, which was an out-and-out lie. No, the coffee machine is not voice-activated, but why would you ignore such a sign right from the start? You wouldn't, but hopefully, people figured it out pretty quickly. Odds are, however, that at least one person stood there and yelled at the uncaring coffee machine for half an hour.
The Terror of the Office
Look at that terrifying beast. It looks like it's ready to gobble up reports like it hasn't eaten in weeks. We've all tried our hand at making something out of binder clips. It shouldn't be that hard, right? It can be, but not for whoever came up with this.

We're in awe at the design, and the ferocity. We're also sort of in awe at the amount of free time that someone had in a cubicle to create something like this. Let it be a warning to anyone who brings in a report that this person doesn't like – he or she will face the beast's wrath.
C'mon, Ladies, It's Rude to Stare
It doesn't really matter why someone might be staring at you as you use the urinal – it's never a fun time. Somebody's boss put up this piece of charming artwork in a very specific place, and we have to wonder what he or she was thinking. We hope it was just “people will get a kick out of this,” because anything other than that would have people calling HR.

We wonder what kind of artwork the ladies' room has hung up. If the boss has any kind of brain rattling around between the ears, there isn't any.
A Prank Long in the Planning
When someone found out that a coworker had a Harley motorcycle, it got the gears turning. However, it took a full nine months until he or she could put the plan into action because apparently, that's how long it took for the coworker to drive the Harley to work.

What was this master bit of humor that had nine months of thought put into it? Attaching some pink tassels to the ends of the handlebars. Depending on the rider, it's not even a prank. It's just a bit of color. Still, we can think of plenty of people who wouldn't like to see this kind of pink flair on their hog.
Rita Repulsa's Ten-Hour Quarterly Meeting
When all of these heroes get together, you know that some bad guys are going to get it good. But what if an insidious villain instead traps them inside a conference room and makes them all talk about their finances for hours on end?

How will our heroes get out of this one? We don't really know, and it's very possible the rangers are still inside that room even to this day, talking with Zordon because he wants to brainstorm about new product features. What's even better is we have no indication that this was a Halloween dressing-up. Though it probably was. Probably.
Get Used to the Screaming
One coworker wanted to announce the first photo of his unborn child in a new and different way, and he took inspiration from the pose the child was in. As you can see, the little one has its hands alongside its face.

It all comes together to look like a prenatal version of Edvard Munch's famous painting “The Scream,” which no doubt you have seen before. Why does the child scream? Is it looking ahead at the horrors of life? Or is it realizing his dad might not have the best sense of humor? We cannot say.
From the Annals of “Sensible Chuckle” Magazine
Oh ho. It looks like we have some classic comedians in the office today. Just make sure nobody who might be snooping around catches sight of those labels, or all the company secrets will be made public.

Thankfully, that bottom drawer has a lock, so it will take a little longer to break into it than just grabbing the handle and giving a pull. You could take the labels off, or you could leave them and hide your secrets somewhere else to make it even harder for snooping spies to get the goods.
How to Wean Yourself Off Coffee
We doubt that this picture lasted long attached to the office's Keurig, but it would still get a chuckle out of us. Whether this is a comment on a common effect caffeinated coffee has on people, or it's a comment on the color of everyone's favorite office drink, it's definitely the kind of thing that people take notice of.

If the office has more than about a score of people, we bet some humorless old biddy probably tore it down and put up a sign written in Comic Sans about how it was gross. Well, too bad. We thought it was funny.
Did He Do All of That Over Break?
Here's the backstory for this piece of what should be award-winning modern art: A person works on the thirteenth floor. He looked out his window and saw the top of the snow-covered parking garage. He had an idea. The idea would (or should) make him famous all over the city.

What craft. What vision. Not only does the pirate ship of Snowbeard look perfect, but he also had to do it while just creating the image under him. He couldn't take a step back and see what he needed to fix – he had one shot and he nailed it.
We're a Cool Department, Really
Somebody must have gotten tired of the other departments making jokes about the anthropology department. Not only did they throw up a picture of Jackie Chan and rename themselves the Department of Jackie Chanthropology, but they also introduced a little bit of physical gatekeeping.

We don't really know what forensic anthropology is, or who those good-looking people are...wait a minute, are those the main characters from “Bones?” Is forensic anthropology using bones to help solve crimes? Huh, yeah, that's what it is. Look, we've never seen the show. There's lots of stuff out there to watch.
Flexibility is Important in the Army
If we told you that this picture is of army men in yoga poses, how quickly would you go online to try and find out how much they go for? Looks like they're going to run you at least twenty bucks, but that's not too much for a little bit of office fun.

Even if you don't have the space or the time to work on your poses, these Joes will do their part to help you achieve inner peace anyway. From downward dog and the lotus pose to crazy complicated body twists, they're showing off their skills. Ironically, it doesn't look like you can change their poses. They're quite inflexible.
Like Chewing on Gasoline
Different people respond to different scents in different ways. Some people can't stand the taste of cilantro and say it tastes like soap. Some people aren't interested in ever smelling lavender ever again, as long as they live. Of course, when it gets sprayed straight into your face, there are hardly any scents that are pleasant, as the person who wrote this note has discovered.

These handy devices have been keeping bathrooms fresher and more comfortable for a few years now, but not if they spray something right into your face. Even if it's something pleasant or plain water, how often do you like to be sprayed in the face?
Hold on, Let Me Get Something
Did a coworker not submit the December expense reports on time? Is that coworker now complaining that Craig over in accounting didn't get him the right numbers, even though you just spoke to Craig, and Craig says he checked and double-checked? Bust out this bad boy and start playing a sad song.

It's exactly what the person who took this picture decided to do. Except for that Craig thing, we made that up. We don't have a report on how good it sounds, but it looks like it's perfectly functional, even if it is kinda hard to tune.
Impossible to Resist
It's pretty common for people to have their own silverware, plates, or cups at the office so that they know they're using something they're comfortable with. On the other hand, if coworkers use the dishes, it can cause tension.

Apparently, one person has had enough of other people touching his or her stuff. A sign went up, restating that people should not be using the mug with reindeer on it. Another sign went up, pointing out that...how could anyone stay away? The reindeer are so nice, and it's such a well-made mug. We just want to touch it. Please, just let us touch it.
You Can't Tell Me What to Do
It all started when one coworker innocently took the staple to the wrong floor. Well, that meant floor four had no way to staple things, and they added a label on the staple not to do such a heinous act in the future.

Right after that, of course, one person took the stapler on a number of fun adventures. It might have been a bunch of people, we aren't sure. If I put a label on myself to not remove me from floor four, do I get to go to Disneyland, too?
Randomize It Every Time for More Fun!
Ever since a certain famous Dilbert comic strip, business bingo has been a hit. With the advent of conference calls, there are even more opportunities for making those long and boring meetings a little more fun.

We're all on a lot of Zoom calls (or some other program) these days, so you might as well entertain yourself a little bit. There are probably plenty more you can add to this solid list of twenty-five, with or without the free space. So long as you don't let on. You're supposed to be paying attention, remember?
Morale Is Low, but at Least Productivity Is High
With enough people working away in their cubicles, there are plenty of birthdays to celebrate. Some places take the celebrant out for a dinner, some just deliver a card, and some do whatever this is.

They printed out a piece of paper with pre-written well-wishes for people to check. Because that's a lot quicker than thinking up a personalized greeting. A bit impersonal, maybe, but it's kind of a fun idea and at least it's unique. On the other hand, what kind of problem do Peter and Steve F. have with the birthday boy or girl?
When You Need to Do Hard Work
IT guys and gals have a lot of work to do in our modern society. Everything seems to have some kind of component in tech these days, and any cubicle worker probably depends on a lot of computers, servers, monitors, etc. There are lots of ways to work on those kinds of devices, but sometimes you have to break out old reliable.

A hammer labeled hard reset is going to be the ticket for computers that have no other options, or monitors that have been flickering for a little too long. Don't lie, we're sure that you've wanted to try it during a frustrating day.
A Cat Fu Calendar Against All Odds
All the way back in 2013 a copy manager sent out an email asking for everyone to request a specific calendar if they wanted one. Well, somebody did want a specific calendar: one of cats in the midst of karate moves.

Incredibly, the copy manager (we're not really sure what that title means) came through, delivering what appears to be a hand-made calendar that is full of pictures of cats fighting each other or dogs, or just getting in some training while a camera is present. Somebody deserves a raise. Or a thank you card at the very least.
They're One of the Most Dangerous Fruits
Why do you think the price of avocados has gone up so much recently? They're deadly, as this workplace poster relates. Okay, okay, we kid. The real backstory behind this picture is a coworker cut her hand open making avocado toast (please make your millennial jokes now) and had to get stitches. When she returned to work, she found this tongue-in-cheek picture hanging near her workspace.

Funny, yes, but if the number keeps resetting, then knife safety gloves should be given next Christmas. Or maybe let the avocados ripen a little more – it makes them softer.
Does That Make Them Taste Better or Worse?
If you enjoy gummy bears, you're familiar with the flavors they purport to have. “Strawberry,” “Blue raspberry,” “Peach.” Sure, guys, and if you lick my car it tastes like Oreos. Some ER nurses decided that the colors could be better suited as a teaching tool for patients and new health care professionals, so they got to work renaming them.

From nausea to anemic to the dark one in the bottom right, they all have much better names now. In case you're wondering, “Cyanotic” is a bluish or purplish discoloration of the skin due to deficient oxygenation of the blood.
You Just Have to Outrun Each Other
Remember, people: safety first. We're going to assume it takes place in Canada or Alaska.

One smart cookie pointed out that you need to be able to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun one of your co-workers. Why say you should go as a pair? Will the huge, unstoppable killing machine not attack if there are two of you?
Be Ashamed
People try their hardest to make jokes at the office, but some people just don't have a great sense of humor, like this cardboard person here. Still, at least he tried, which is more than a lot of people can claim.

On the other hand, he made a pun, so he has to go. Sorry, we don't make the rules. If a cardboard person gets up and starts making puns, then he gets thrown out. Everyone knows that. Then again, the artwork is pretty good, the head tilts are great emotional details, and the arms and legs speak of someone who has experience drawing small characters.
A Gift Worthy of a Last Day
This happy pet shop employee was on his way out of the store for the last time when he attached this self-made poster to the associate of the month board.

It screamed his accolades from the rooftops, including a “quote” from NASA. All of NASA, apparently, not one specific person at NASA. We gotta say, that pup he's slingin' looks like it's on cloud nine. If that's how he went about his job, he might actually deserve the award he gave himself.
The Two Types of Creativity
The background of this picture is that there was a decorating contest for the holiday season in this cubicle farm. The person on the left went all out. We're talking really, really all out. Gumdrop window shades, lollipop wall decorations, plates decorated to look like peppermint candies, and so much more. It's a sight to behold.

The person right next to her saw what was happening and decided his or her time was better spent elsewhere. But, they still made a little bit of a showing, trying to leech off the unbelievable creativity that was waiting right next door.
We've All Done It
A lot of workplaces require you to have a badge for you to enter the building or the floor where you work, but what happens if you forget your keycard? One option is to drive all the way home, pick it up off your counter, and then make the drive a third time.

Yeah, you could do that. Or, your workplace might implement this hilarious option, which is something we recommend to all businesses. Throw a picture of Doug from Disney's “Up” on there, and have a badge that people might like a little bit too much. Seriously, look at that picture. It's perfect.
Your Own Private Bathroom. Nice.
The backstory behind this one is the office where Ben works has Ben, who is a guy, and lots of women. Thus, he's the only one who uses the men's bathroom. What a treasure that must be. To be able to go into a spacious, clean work restroom and know that nobody will be able to disturb you.

If you ever want to benefit from this wonderful experience, you'll just have to join a business where you're the only guy or gal. There's no other way. Also, hopefully, your name is Ben. Even if it isn't, you could put your entire name over the plate. That would do it.
Which One Is the Dad?
It's Halloween, and you and your department are trying to come up with a great costume that everybody is okay with. In walks the picture-taker's dad, wearing his iconic red ball cap, a gray zip-up hoodie, and sporting his ever-present mustache.

Nobody could think of a good reason for all of them not to dress up as him, which gave us this near-perfect Halloween picture. We honestly don't know which one is the dad, but it's probably the one in the center... wearing a different color hoodie. The only way this could have been better is if there were some gals in the mix, too.
Impress Your Boss With This One Easy Trick
If you've ever been told that you need to start staying later at the office, first, find a new job. Another tactic is to do what this lady did, and tape an expertly-angled cutout of the top of her head to the monitor.

This does lock her into specific hair color and length unless she wants to put together another cutout, but she's going to start getting people to notice all her hard work. Just so long as nobody comes in to ask her a question. The jig would be up.
No Stand? No Problem
This office was all ready to get into the holiday spirit. They even had finance approve a budget for a tree! The thing is, the budget didn't cover a stand so the workers had to get creative.

Were they going to have blocks or boxes prop the tree up? God no. Instead, they opted for about half a roll of their sturdiest masking tape and went to town on the nearest white wall. We hope it stayed there throughout the holiday.
Happy Birthday! Here's Your Gift
This woman came to work on her birthday to find every single item on her desk, including the table itself, was gift-wrapped. We don't know if we should laugh or cry.

Like, we appreciate the effort and the miles of wrapping paper put into this, but honestly, who wants to get pranked on their birthday?
Who You Gonna Call?
The person in charge of answering this phone was having what must have been the mother of all bad days.

After the phone kept ringing nonstop, the disgruntled employee simply chucked it in the oven and ended up with this boiled mass of useless plastic. Although useless might seem like the wrong word here. This could still be used as an art installation.