A bird sanctuary sounds like a stunning, serene location for a wedding. An excellent place to commence a beautiful union, right? Sadly, reality is never as good as fantasy. Beauty hurts and it usually conceals an ugly truth.
In this case, the ugly, smelly truth was goose dung that had to be removed by the poor wedding party hours before the wedding started. We are sure that no matter how perfect the event turned out to be, those who had to clean the excrement were left with a very bad taste in their mouths.
No Time But the Bride's Time
Many brides seem to think that everything should be done on their time, rather than, well... normal time. Anyone who has worked at any type of event venue knows that if you come in a minute too early, you'll see chaos. Even 30 minutes can make a huge difference.
But alas, this bride had to stop her makeup artist from doing her hair and makeup just to make sure that everything is ready hours before it should actually be. She then threw a fit that it wasn't. That's classic bridezilla for you.
Why Don't I Look Like Audrey Hepburn?!
This hairstylist confesses that he's seen too many bridezillas to count. Sadly for the stylist, he had no choice but to take this bride in, because it was an order from the big boss. We bet the boss knew this one was going to be a bridezilla.
But, luckily, the bride's mother was one of the only few people who seem to know how to handle stressed-out brides. You don't engage with the drama. You tell them they look pretty and then you drag them wherever they need to be next. Problem solved, way to go, mom!
Sister Vs Bride
There's nothing we love more than some drama between the sister of the groom and the bride herself. Who is in the right? Could it be that the sister was too drunk to understand how her drunkenness ruined the photos?
Or was this bride being a little bit too sensitive about a kiss on the cheek between two old friends? One side of us knows there is no way of knowing the truth, but another knows how brides can get on their wedding day.
Don't Tell Us What to Wear
The market for wedding blogs is more competitive than you would imagine. For many brides, merely marrying the love of their life and living happily ever after is not enough. They are also dying to get recognized for how amazing their wedding was. Sometimes the second part is more important than the first.
But, sending a PDF file telling guests which colors and fabrics they are allowed to wear? This one would have been an easy no-show for us. We hope many other guests thought the same.
Gaining Flowers, Losing Friends
We've heard that when it comes to the big day, flowers are kind of like a big deal. So big, in fact, that getting a friend to do your flowers for you for free is practically a miracle. But alas, this bride and her mother were not about to have just one miracle happen at the wedding, that's just too basic.
They wanted more, a gift! Well, we bet the only thing that happened was that the bride lost a friend. We really hope the friend charged the bride for the flowers later.
The Bride That Knows What Truly Matters
A clear simple way to know that someone has lost their mind, is to ask them what's more important, someone, anyone's health, or a wedding?
If for some reason they seem sure that the right answer is the wedding, there's a major problem. One must wonder what has led us to live in a culture where weddings are more important than fathers. At this point, we have no answers, just questions.
Getting What You Paid for
This bride found that there was nothing more humiliating and embarrassing than getting exactly what she paid for. She put in the money for a cocktail reception, but after seeing that the bride in another hall had actual food, she decide she was somehow being robbed of something she truly deserves.
As per usual with a bridezilla, chaos ensued, and the poor vendor had to find creative ways to keep her off the kitchen. We bet that working with brides is actually a lot more action-packed than you'd expect.
Don't Fly Over My Party
It was Barbara Streisand that sang "Don't rain on my parade," but this bride took the notion a step further when she decided no planes should fly in the sky during her wedding ceremony.
If this bride had an in with someone up above, we bet she would have even tried to make sure the weather is just right. If you think multiple flights, or even just one, should be delayed because you're getting married, well, we think something must be wrong.
A Crime of Pettiness
Some bridezilla can be forgiven, while others have such a line that they have reached the point of no return. Such is this bride, who wanted to make sure all her bridesmaids get back safe. But, what started out as a noble cause, ended up in petty crime. Like, literally petty.
While assaulting someone who is most likely bigger than can be called "brave," we'd just rather call it stupid, misguided, and wrong on many different levels. Don't be that bride.
The Bride That Yelped
We've all known people who will do everything it takes in order to save some money. Frugality is a trait that can be admirable, but you gotta know how to do it right, otherwise what could have been deemed praiseworthy ends up being deemed... bridezilla.
Now, writing a bad review on yelp just to get a discount is a questionable practice at best. Doing so after talking about how much you loved the food? That's just cruel.
Don't Mess With Drag Queens
If there is one type of woman that can easily defeat the bridezilla it must the drag queen. Don't believe us? Just take a look at this story! The bride thought that getting married and being drunk would grant her a pass, that she could behave any way she wanted and she'd get a pass from everyone.
Well, even if the others did give the lady a pass, there was just no way a drag queen that respects herself would.
Who Actually Ruined Everything?
There's nothing we love more than a moment in which a monstrous bride complains about someone else ruining something and then she herself proceeds to actually literally ruin the thing. Seriously, they should add a line about that to Alanis Morissette's song, "Ironic." Don't you think?
If this is how this future wife acted during her bachelorette party, we're scared to ask what happen on her actual wedding day. Honestly, we're glad we don't have any more details about what followed because we have a feeling it did not end up well.
The Groomzilla That Just Wanted a Nice Vest
When people decide to get married it's usually because they are madly in love and feel like their relationship could survive all of life's hardships. But then, funnily enough, the stress of organizing what should be a happy event seems to break many couples up.
The real question is, does the fact that these two couldn't agree on colors mean they weren't a match, or is the real problem the expectation that a couple should agree on everything in order to stay together?
A C-section? What a Lame Excuse
It seems to us that weddings are all about putting things into proportions. Only, the problem is that it seems like what most brides do is put the wrong things in the wrong proportions.
Like, when a friend of theirs has surgery, it somehow seems to them like a lame excuse not to come to a fitting! But it's ok, we have a feeling the friend who just gave birth will be too busy with her new kid to tend to toxic bride friends. And that's just the way it should be.
Too Hairy to Be a Flower Girl
Yikes. Let's just say that as a general rule, you shouldn't tell others what to wear or not wear, no, not even on your wedding day, bridezilla! But, if for some reason you have to, maybe don't comment on people's actual bodies?
We mean, at this point it sounds like it's too late for the little flower girl, but maybe she's gonna think twice before she agrees to attend another wedding ever again. We were actually almost pleasantly surprised that the bride allowed someone who isn't her to wear white!
The Ring Bear-er
If you've spent your whole life imagining your wedding day, it means you've had enough time to think about every little detail. For some, it means they know they want a beaded dress or something, but for others, it apparently means they know they want to have a panda be the ring bear-er at their wedding. Does this bride love puns?
Or is she just unreasonably obsessed with pandas? Either way, it doesn't get more insane than expecting an endangered animal to serve you at your wedding.
Fighting Over What Truly Matters
If there's one thing we do believe is worth fighting over, it must be chocolate. Let's just say that if we meet someone and they don't like chocolate, it's not only a deal breaker but an actual red flag. What kind of a psychopath does not enjoy the sweetness of chocolate?
Oh, wait, it isn't about him, it's about his allergic children? We're gonna have to take his side, then. You can't really fight with allergies, can you? Unless you're a bridezilla, of course.
Firing a Friend
There were times in which words like 'firing' were saved for specific situations. Like when you have a job that pays you and then for some reason they decide to let you go. But, alas, these days even people who aren't paid can get fired.
If a maid of honor, who is a good friend of yours, is willing to put up with you in the worst of times, maybe it's actually a sign you shouldn't let her go. We don't know what caused her to fire the friend, or what made the friend agree to come back last minute, but we do know this Bridezilla was out of control.
Unrealistic Expectations
This story is a prime example of why none of us should ever base our expectations on anything we see in the media. Even if you do want to be inspired by something you've seen in a show or movie, animes and cartoons should probably be off-limits, as everything you see in them is literally drawn and doesn't need to attend to any physical laws.
We really did not expect that we would have to explain this to anyone...
The Phone Alarm That Ruined Everything
Some things are only a big deal because you make a big deal out of them. Let's say a phone rings and then it's silenced, it's uncomfortable, right, but that should be it.
If you stop an entire ceremony to shout at your own husband-to-be, that sounds a lot more uncomfortable and awkward to us. Also, if your future wife wants to smash your phone and openly discuss it in front of your family and friends, maybe that's a red flag?
Maybe It's for the Best
Look, in this case, we think the real crisis was averted. The poor bridesmaids won't have to suffer months and months of being bridezilla's playthings, and the only people who will have to suffer this bride's behavior will be her fiance and her close family. Maybe having a smaller wedding has actually turned her into a smaller bridezilla.
There's also a lesson to be learned somewhere here, something about how sometimes people can't come on a date you picked, but it's not an attack on you?
The Bride Who Couldn't Hold It
While someone could indeed very easily hold the bride's stuff for her, sadly no one could ever take away her personality and change it for her. And judging by this story, it does seem that this bride would benefit from a whole new, kinder, sweeter disposition.
But who knows, maybe this was just a momentary freakout? Maybe this bride is usually the person holding stuff for others, never complaining about silly things? While we doubt it, we will try and give her the benefit of the doubt.
There Is Such a Thing as Too Much Happiness
Having two different blissful things happening to the same family all at once? That's just too much! At least, according to this bridezilla who lost her cool when she learned that her own sister did something horrible — she got pregnant.
How rude! But, don't worry, the bride's meltdown caused a family rift, which in turn made sure that the family won't experience too much bliss.
How many times have you had that nightmare where you trip and fall while everybody's watching? We've had it too many times to count, and you have to admit it's indeed very awkward to fall to the ground while everybody is watching.
Imagine that happening to you on your wedding day! Still, we have a feeling that if the bride hadn't started cursing, no one would have remembered that short little moment when she tripped. Now, on the other hand, she gave them all something to talk about.
Payless? Cry More
A bride should indeed be special on her own wedding day, she is the bride, after all. But, if you buy your wedding shoes from a site literally called Payless, can you really blame anyone else for having the same shoes as you?
We guess her tantrum helped her get what she wanted, which is also something to consider — what are we teaching bridezillas when we succumb to their every whim as long as they cry hard enough?
We Wonder Why Nobody Showed Up?
If you plan on being a bridezilla, we say you should pick one thing that bothers you and run with it till the end. This bridezilla had to divide her sadness and complaints between two different problems: a purple monogram that turned out a bit too blue, and the fact that not many people showed up to her bachelorette party.
Could it possibly be that not many people wanted to be around her because she's the type of person that has a meltdown over napkin colors? Guess we'll never know.
Always Have a Rain Plan
Wedding meltdowns are a dime a dozen these days, but we feel like this one could have been prevented with a better attitude on the bride's side. They were even able to have a backup plan set up quickly but the bride didn't want to walk down the aisle anyway.
Thankfully, the rain did eventually stop so the wedding could happen outside as she wanted. The poor vendors, however, had to wipe down all the chairs.
Last-Minute Doesn't Even Begin to Describe This
There's one last piece to this story: this event happened on the day of the wedding. Plenty of brides have second thoughts about the dresses they picked out, but most of them either make the change or realize that nothing can be done.
It's too late, she's about to walk down the aisle, and that's the dress she's wearing, one way or another. Dip-dying is complicated and time-intensive, and if it's done wrong, then it will undoubtedly ruin the dress. Trust us, lady, just wear the dress.
This Is Why We Have the Term “Bridezilla”
There are oodles of stories out there about brides that turn into beasts as soon as they start planning their wedding, even if they were sweeties before. As for this one, we can't be sure that she was ever sweet or will ever return to being sweet.
If the man officiating your wedding thinks you're possessed by a demon, you need to chill out. Ladies, at the very least, don't be so mean that the officiant has to be begged to marry you.
The Pimple and the Bride
If you've ever worn or helped someone slither into a wedding dress, you know that they can be pretty form-fitting and tight. Tight clothes put pressure on the skin.
This is pretty gross, but the bride had a good point. It could have messed up the dress or been a distraction for someone during the wedding. Better to deal with it before it becomes an issue. Is a wedding planner prepared for something like this? We almost hope not, but we have a feeling that this wasn't the first bridezilla they had to pop a pimple for.
A Burdensome Bride
Some things do take a lot of planning, and weddings do tend to be a big event. Yet, expecting people in your life to have 3-hour meetings twice a week for six months is insane.
We are speechless. Did she still have friends left after that? Even book clubs don't meet that often. As we already have enough useless meetings at work, we would never agree to such an atrocity.
Cover Yourselves
A running theme for bridezillas seems to be not really accepting their friends and family for who they are and expecting them to change for the special day.
Could you imagine asking someone to cover their entire body with makeup just because YOU don't want their tattoos in your photos? Sounds ludicrous, right? It's not just us. The icing on the cake is that she wanted them to pay for it.
All Year Round
Let us recite the eloquent Reddit user here, who summarized what bridezillas are all about in one simple sentence — these brides think no one else is allowed to have a life at the same time as them.
This is demonstrated clearly in this story when the bride cried when she realized she wasn't going to be the only person to marry that year. She really thought she was going to get to be THE bride for 365 days.
The Audacity
With full-time jobs, children, and a faint hope for some personal time, people nowadays are as busy as they have never been. But some bridezillas don't care if their guests have full busy lives.
This is their time to shine, and why shine only for a few hours when one can shine for fifteen? Not only that, the bride kept a list of who left when, we are not sure what for, but it must be for some evil yet-to-be-determined purpose.
Seven Dresses
We've heard of brides opting to have one dress for the ceremony and another one for dancing and having fun, and we get that.
We have also heard of three dresses, which we can also get if we try really hard. But seven? When did she have time to change? Did she wear each dress for half an hour? An hour? And if you do end up buying seven dresses, why have them all look exactly the same? We're perplexed.
All About Jeff
Have you ever watched a wedding on TV and thought "There's no way actuall life would ever be this dramatic"? We know you have.
But this story might make you reconsider everything you thought you knew about wedding day drama. This isn't about hair color or flowers, but about Jeff, the groom's best man. At least the wedding party got to watch some drama in real time.
Fly Off the Handle
There are two types of people in the world, those who enjoy weddings, and those who don't. Either way, we don't think anyone enjoyed this odd, absurd, wedding camp.
We've thought about it long and hard and we've come to realize that expecting people to spend three days of their lives on your wedding and cook for it as well, is the definition of self-absorption. If one of the guests got into a sudden fit of rage, we wouldn't blame them.
The Definition of Pettiness
If you were to look up "Pettiness" in the dictionary, or let's face it, if you were to look it up on Google, you would probably find this story. Sure, the groom's family didn't help to pay for the pictures, but we bet they helped with other things.
Heck, they created the man your daughter loves, momzilla! Could you imagine the groom's parents looking at the wedding picture album and realizing there isn't a single photo of them there? Priceless!
Turtle Tears
We have come across many bizarre stories in our lifetime, really, we thought we'd already heard it all. Till we heard this one...
This is a whole new level of bridezilla, trying to inflict her crazy demands not only on the humans who chose to be a part of her life but also on poor innocent turtles, who, in case you were wondering, would not appreciate candles being glued (!?) to their backs.
No Sinners Allowed
This one just truly baffles us. We all deserve to get to choose who will be next to us on our special day and who wouldn't be, but applying random rules is just bizarre.
What have the people born out of wedlock done to her? Not that we're supporting this type of thinking, but wouldn't it make more sense to ban the parents of children born out of wedlock? We're just saying.
Green-Eyed Monster
You would expect people to marry someone they cherish and trust. Really, trust is an important thing in relationships, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
If you find yourself in a situation where a simple compliment is enough to get the complimentee banned you should either take a closer look at your relationship or at yourself. At least she didn't cancel the wedding over it.
Cheap Is Expensive
The frugal bridezilla is the type of person who will delegate many of the customarily paid-for tasks to family members and wedding party members. That's all great and fine.
The problem is when they expect it to look professional. While the future wife in this story asked for way too much, at least her sister told it like it is — you want something better? Try paying a professional for it.
Fishing for Compliments
Some of us are carefree and like to go with the flow, but others would not give up control for anything in the world. You know these types of people, the planners, who know what they'll be doing each and every day for the next five years.
This bride is obviously the second kind. She won't leave anything up to chance, not even the compliments she's expecting to get.
Party of Five
It seems like the bridezilla phenomenon is common across different ages. Of course, it is possible this bride was a lot younger than the father who was marrying for the 5th time, but as she asked the offspring to call her "mom" it's safe to say she was not a young gal.
Could you imagine if this person had to call each and every woman their father has married 'mom'? They would have five of them!
What Happens in Vegas
We know a lot of people and we don’t know anyone who, in their right mind, would say no to a free drink. But, your wedding day isn't a time when you are in your right mind.
Usually, it is bliss that brides are filled with, but it seems like the pressures of a vegas wedding cracked this bride. Even if that stranger did not turn out to be a singer, there's still no cause to be this rude!
Joke's on Her
Rules are meant to be broken, especially if they are completely irrational. This bride imagined her entire wedding party being blonde and blue-eyed. Her reasoning was that everyone should look like family. But has she never met siblings that don't have the same hair color?
It's pretty common. The joke ended up being on her when her sister dyed her hair brown. We hope she learned her lesson, but we doubt she did.
Singles Only
Here is something we've gathered, it seems that being a wedding party member is more of a burden than a privilege. In this case, wedding party members were not allowed to have significant others, as no one other than the bride herself was allowed to be loved!
Picking only single people is kind of insane, but not letting someone's fiancé come is just nuts. We hope the engaged woman won't become a bridezilla herself.
Theater Kid
Weddings have become quite a costly endeavor in recent years and we can't blame anyone who would want to save a couple of bucks. Still, a person should always know what to save on.
Hair and makeup aren't the kind of thing you want to spontaneously ask a friend of yours who did some theater to do. We would kill to see any pictures from this wedding because we really doubt the makeup and hair looked any good.
Rose Colored Glasses
We do not understand how this person has agreed to not have their sight with them for an entire day. It's one of the most essential senses. Having one of your guests bumping into people and looking distraught is not a good look.
Asking the person who had to forgo their glasses because of you to stop squinting because it's distracting? That's the definition of ironic! We hope this person took her rose-colored glasses off and said bye-bye to this bride, for good.
We get it. It's her wedding, everyone she knows will be there, listening to everything that's being said. It only makes sense she wouldn't want her friend to come up with a toast telling about all of the adventures she had before she met the love of her life.
But rewriting a person's toast and drafting a lot of praise words about yourself? That’s a whole other level. Ghostwriting the toast is a no-go for us.
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
Well well well… This is kind of awkward, and we’re not even sure it’s funny. Having someone be your best friend and your roommate for so many years and then not being allowed to be in their wedding pictures because they think you don’t look good enough?
Is this America’s Next Top Model? Is the girl going to be eliminated next? It actually might be for the best, we hope the friend dumped this bride and never looked back.
A Sad Birthday
We are not sure what you think about weddings, but we always imagined that they are all about celebrating your union with all of your loved ones around you. A big part of friendship is being happy for each other.
It seems one thing most bridezillas have in common is that they completely forgot about that part. So much so that this bride-to-be didn't want anyone to acknowledge her friend's birthday. The friend got balloons for her birthday? That is just so inconsiderate.
Fifty Shades of Blue
Those who haven't actually read "Fifty Shades of Grey" might incorrectly assume that there is an endless amount of shades to each and every color. That might technically be true, but there's so much the human eye can see.
Exactly how many shades of blue did she think she could find in the store? Are you trying to get your bridesmaids to look like one big color swatch sample? Because honestly having a Pantone-themed wedding would actually be pretty cool!
All Ears
"What do you mean you don’t have holes? I need you to have holes in your ears so that you’ll be able to look like all of the other wedding party girls." We imagine that's what the bride said to this poor bridesmaid.
We’re just gonna have to re-pierced them. A professional? Ain't nobody got time for that. Just go to the back room and have one of the other girls do it. Very safe! Honestly, as far as Bridezillas go, this isn’t the worst one.
Last Ride Before She's the Bride
Bachelorette parties are usually all about spending your last night as a single woman with all of your girlfriends. Some brides-to-be just like to chill, while others want to go on one last crazy adventure. No matter what they choose, your last night as a bachelorette is supposed to be carefree.
Not in this case, though. This "Bachelorette party" probably had more children than bachelorettes. At least, unlike other bachelorette parties, this one prepared her for what married life might actually look like.
A Wild Goose Hunt
A bird sanctuary sounds like a stunning, serene location for a wedding. An excellent place to commence a beautiful union, right? Sadly, reality is never as good as fantasy. Beauty hurts and it usually conceals an ugly truth.
In this case, the ugly, smelly truth was goose dung that had to be removed by the poor wedding party hours before the wedding started. We are sure that no matter how perfect the event turned out to be, those who had to clean the excrement were left with a very bad taste in their mouths.
A Woman's Right to Choose
We know the times have changed but everyone will admit that weddings are a pretty girly event. It usually requires pink flowers, dresses, make-up, and hairdos.
You don’t get a lot of beer or fishing-themed weddings. It’s one thing if your wedding itself is girly but it’s a whole other to ask a friend to change their entire personality for your wedding. We really hope the madness stopped there, but we have a feeling it didn't...
Much Ink Has Been Spilled
A Halloween wedding could actually be really cool! Especially if you are, what this Reddit user identifies as a "goth bride." Do you guys think she had a black dress? But we digress.
Calligraphy is a lot trickier than it looks, guys, and asking people to master it just to write wedding invitations? Has she heard of printing shops? Are these bridesmaids or her little workers? Guess we’ll never know.
Bitterly Ever After
Nowadays wedding dates are a good enough reason for quarreling. People don’t want their wedding to be on the same week, month, and sometimes even year of someone else's because it will somehow steal their thunder.
The poor lady could not come to her friend's wedding because of her brother's wedding. Apparently, this terrible betrayal justified revenge in the form of the bride having her own wedding on the friend's birthday. With this attitude, it's very hard for us to imagine this bride living happily ever after.
Like Rain on Your Wedding Day
Now this one is just priceless. This story isn't about a big crazy request that came before the wedding, but about an insane thing that happened at the actual event. Sure, sometimes it rains, and we can’t control it. Pictures are mandatory for weddings, but why oh why would you have them taken outside in the pouring rain?
Nobody gets an umbrella? Except for the bride and groom? Honestly, they probably just look like jerks in their own wedding photos for not giving any of their relatives an umbrella.
A Red Flag
Some rules and guidelines have been known since the dawn of time, and they are there to help us not make stupid decisions in the heat of the moment. One of them is "Don’t make any dramatic changes in the week or two before your wedding."
Dying your hair red 18 hours before your wedding? That’s a bold move and a bold color. Not being happy with it is understandable, but she at least should have thought about all the pink items in our wedding before she died her hair red.
Stealing Thunder
The first rule of weddings is don’t ever wear white. The only person allowed to wear anything even remotely white, beige, very (very) light pink, or off-white is the bride. Anyone who breaks this rule is obviously a psychopath.
In this case, the bride managed to ruin at least five weddings that came after hers by wearing her actual bridal dress. This is even worse than just wearing white. What was she trying to achieve? An excommunication?
Whiter Than White
It is funny that some brides go berserk if their bridesmaids are not pretty enough, while others go to extreme lengths to make sure their bridesmaids won't be too pretty. Could anyone just decide and let us know if we should get a makeover or a makeunder before a wedding?
We’re so confused! Anyway, if you have white teeth you better start staining them, otherwise, you’re just not gonna be invited to this lovely precious bride's wedding.
High as a Kite
There’s one thing we’re learning from writing this article and that is that people seem to be obsessed with everything matching.
Despite the fact that humans come in different heights, sizes, and hair colors, it seems that on the wedding day everyone should seem as if they are exactly the same. In this case, the bride thought everyone must be the same height. Wearing heels outside? Who cares! You have to look the way the bride wants you to look.
A Pink Fit
This bride hates the color pink so much that she decided no one is going to be allowed to wear it on her wedding day. While pink isn't necessarily our favorite color, we don’t understand the disdain for it.
Has the color ever done anything to deserve being banned? Please fill us in on the details, we can totally cancel colors if it's for a justified reason!
As Camp as a Row of Tents
Wanting to spend time with your best friends on your last night as a single woman is beautiful. Having them be there early in the morning for moral support also sounds great. Some of them might even love the idea of sleeping over at your place. Housing them in a tent the night before is a recipe for bitter bridesmaids.
Why can’t they just sleep in the house? They don’t even have to have actual beds, just please let them sleep on the floor, still better than outside.
Pins and Needles
Some of these stories are about people that are so entitled and so rude that you can’t even imagine being friends with them. This girl claims her friend wasn’t a bridezilla, though. Except... wasn’t she? Let’s look at the facts.
Asking people to sew their own dresses? Most people don’t even know how to hold a needle! Does it even matter if it’s a 50s pattern or a 2000s pattern? We would’ve ended up coming to that wedding looking like a hot mess.
A Piece of Cake
Smashing your own wedding cake before your wedding because you’re unhappy with it seems counterintuitive and counterproductive to us. Like, sure, you hate the cake. But now you’re going to have no cake whatsoever!
This story gets even crazier as the bride didn’t even smash her own wedding cake, but ruined some other poor couple's cake and probably got the bakers in a lot of unnecessary trouble. Don’t be that bride. Don’t smash cakes.
I See Your True Colors
Color coordination, of course! The bridesmaids' dresses have to go with the flower arrangements, and the bride‘s hair has to match the groom's suit and shoes. This is basic stuff, you guys. How barbaric of the players to dare and play instruments in colors that don't go with the decorations.
Have they not gotten the memo specifying the event's color theme? Don’t they have special wedding instruments in neutral colors? Well, they should.
Who Doesn't Like Waffles?!
At this point, as a culture, we’ve become so obsessed with weddings that many times we see people more interested in the wedding aspect of their marriage rather than the actual living happily ever after with someone.
Many couples seem to not even like or respect each other even before they tie the knot. This poor guy couldn’t get anything he wanted, not even a waffle maker. A person who doesn't like waffles must be truly heartless.
No Hairy Legs Please!
Shaving is a very personal choice. Some of us would not be caught dead with the tiniest most unnoticeable leg hair out in public. Others, however, are lazy and they like it that way.
There's nothing ruder than being asked to bother to shave your own legs for a wedding! 10 minutes of her life for her mother's wedding. What is it going to be next? Asking her to put on a dress and get her hair and makeup done? This is just revolting.
More Is More
This list features several stories about brides asking their bridesmaids to lose weight so that they would look good at their wedding. While we feel this is terribly disgusting, there’s something even crazier about asking someone to gain weight.
Like where did she come up with this idea? What compelled her to think it made sense to ask other people to change their diet and body just so that she could look better than them on her special day?
No Beards
Whether you are for or against facial hair on men, you do have to admit that asking someone to change anything about their face situation might stir a commotion. Like in this case, where the guy admits to looking like a weird baby turtle without his beard.
The groom probably didn't want his brother's beard to overshadow him, so he had his bride take care of it. Asking others to remove their facial hair because you are insecure about yours isn't a good look.
The Groomzilla
We usually expect brides to act insane on their wedding day, but the "zilla" phenomenon does not skip men altogether. Stories about groomzillas have started surfacing in recent years.
In this example, the groom tried to steal America's thunder by having his special day be on its special day. Also, why did he need cardboard pictures of himself? We are aware of the concept of growing old and aging. If you choose to do this kind of thing, at least include pics of the bride as well.
Behind Being a Bridezilla
This confession from an actual bridezilla might help shed light on the phenomenon. This girl was so stressed from having to plan an event and make it perfect that she practically lost her mind. Everyone around her thought she was crazy, and she probably was.
But how would you behave after three days of no food and no sleep? These kinds of stories make eloping sound like a great option.
Basic Human Rights
Some people seem to think that a lavish wedding party is a basic human right that everyone (well, especially them) is entitled to. So much so that if they can afford it they expect others to fund it for them. You know, just like when you give money to charity. Same thing!
Expecting someone else to pay for your wedding is kind of insane. But hey, if it worked, then good for her.
Isn't It Ironic?
Many of us love weddings, and part of it is because we’re romantic and enjoy dancing. But, let’s face it, a lot of it is alcohol. One must be a little bit tipsy to get through such an event.
Not serving any alcohol is almost unforgivable. The wedding party under the influence while no one else is allowed to? That is genuinely hard to swallow, and we can't blame these people for walking out.
Model Bridesmaids
Putting together an event for a crowd of people can be both demanding and taxing. Many times, the small little details are the ones that make or break the day. All flower arrangements should look the same, and each and every dish should have a spectacular taste.
Unlike flowers and foods, it can be very hard to control so many people's appearance. Honestly, even attempting such a thing is almost ludicrous. Was this a wedding or was the bride starting a modeling agency? Guess we’ll never know.
A Bride or a Queen?
We get that getting married is stressful. We get that it's the couple's (but mostly the bride's) special day. All of us have imagined what it would be like to be a prince or a princess at some point, but not in our wildest dreams have we ever thought of demanding to be treated like a royal.
Asking that no one will talk directly to you? Honestly, we know nothing about the plights of being a bride, still, this seems a little excessive to us.